The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 29, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oreron. Frliay Hornln ?. Hay 29. 1931
l ' " - - I, ' . ;: i
I 1 ( 1 1 Q . ii .i i . 1 1 ' V
I. . . , II I . TV R
"No Favor Sways Us; No Fear Shall Avsj9
, t From First Statesman. March 23. 1851 , , v
Charles A. Spracub, Sheldon F. Sacxxtt. PullUkirt
Cracles A. SntAcra fditarfEZ
Shexjxjn F. Saocett - - - Bf sagging Editor
The Associated Press ta acluaivejy wuuw n- 5T3 T.
tlon ot anaewa diarrhea credited t It or w otherwise creoiUO w
this papi
Pacific Ccast Advertising Representatives:
Arthur W. 8tTT. r-, Und. B-urlM' Bid.
Baa Fraiwliwo.. Sharon Bids.: Us Angles, w. t-c xua.
Eastern AdTertlslag EpTaenUUTttr
, OMoairo. N. Miohlioiw -, ,
UatUr. Published tvery morg tcept Mondajf. Buwm
ffic0, tlS S. Commercial StretL
Man 8ub.erlpt.on Rat., s Advmn Within .Cwt : ioeST
Biadari 1 Ma 6 centa: Ma 11-14 Me. tt 4-""- -T
wtort I rents per Ma. r i-8 Cor I rear l eavaeee. ' . '
Br at, Carrier- SS cent. j P"
Copy " " tr-tns ad New eeata. , ; - -
More Fool Legislation
fTlHE Albany Democrat-Herald is discovering the difficul
1 ties the creamery operators of the state going to be
i trtrh Fryman Danas
birtter grading law. Dana,: against the advice of the cream
err oneratorTof the stat? jammed through this butter bffl
J7partof a sUsna of newliiper f -pUff, and now the prob
lem is to make the law work. v r.
This law requires the creamery man to grade or score
his butter in the plant where rthurned, although this js a
wry pTScular job for which few in the state are qualified.
As thSmocrat-Herald remarks: rper wiU differ con-
MmMv in tMtinff the same chunung . a no Aiunny
goes on to discuss the subject, as follows: j
1 . v.. v nn-ctw rrtdn. li a rrw cry to
nweasary J 2 points lor the top rad aad therefore secure
' the Jorernmera Imitor when shrpped the Portland mar
ket nthat caae the creamery la tlable ta Heavy penalties for
mls-braadlas 1U product. i
"This la the reason way many creamery operators at a . meet
lar receatly held at Corralll. expressed dissatisfaction with the
law It is rumored that their opposition may be expressed in a
test case to throw the Uw Into the court tar a decision as to
Its eonstltationality. ! '
"Back of the opposition of the creamery nen Is a feeling
that they wera double-erossed and Unored to their attempts to
" helo formulate, the measure when It was under onslderatlon In
tha legislature. It is only fair to the creamery orators to say
that they would be glad to cooperate in aUadardixta their
products aa It faciUtate.the sale-of oed butUr at hlsher
, i prices. But they object to being made goat and being
"' , pUced "at the mercy of olflciala. . 1
"To niaka 91 score gutter, sweet, clean -cream is needed.
? Most country creameries cannot obtain enough sweet cream to
churn la segregated lots without extra manufacturing expense.'
f To encourage dairymen to proride sweet cream, they could
pay a bonus for Its production. ut the fact stressed by
i creamery operators is that the Portland market does not at the
present time absorb all of the 12 score butter produced at tho
' higher price it should bring. j
"The Portland market Is reputed to ie a low-grade butter
market where large purchasers can obtain a Terr good quality
of butter to merchandise at comparatively low prices. If there
were a dependable market In Portland for top-notch butter of
the 2 score grade, it would ba possible for creamery operators
to pay the premium for sweet cream to make it worth while
for farmera to produce it, s It is much ot this kind of butter
goes to San Francisco or Los Angeles where there is a more
dependable market for high-class tatter. - ' .
This seems to be Just another case of trying to cure by law
..something that has developed as the results of, wrong prac
tices in merchandising." ' : ; " 1
Wages and Prices
i ' :
i -
'Thus increased wages, or shorter hours, or both, are, need-.
'Cuts In prices should bo welcomed, not only with- an open
hand, but with an open pocket book.
- Such is "the economic philosophy of the Portland News
Telegram: higher wages and lower prices.
Yet what is a price but the sum of all the labor costs
which have been frozen into the article T And ihow may you
put deeply into prices without soon cutting Into wages?
True, modern machinery has through increased production
both lowered costs and given increased wages but there are
limits to this process. We cannot indefinitely keep our cake
t and eat it too. j
The price cuts which we are "enjoying bow represent
reduced money returns to some or all of the factors engaged
in producing the goods. Cheaper flour means less money for
the wheat grower. Cheaper tires mean lowered profits for
the tire maker. Where fluctuations are temporary no change
is made in the general level of wages ;"but where price move
ments are extreme .sooner or 'later they are reflected in
reduced wages. j:n
The great lack of economic balance at present is the
disparity between producers of raw materials and the fab
ricators thereof. The difference is ue solely to the in
creased labor costs which hold over from war times. Crude
. commodities are low, in price while finished articles are high
in price due to the persistence of wages, rents, services on
high plateaus. There can be no genuine prosperity until this
disparity ia wiped out either through a general lowering the
wage structure or an increase in the conimodities prices, or
both. . : - - - .;-.
. The News-Telegram is talkinsr talk whicli it thinks win
please its circulation when it decries wage cuts yet praises
.cuts in prices. It can no more hold wae levels hicrh and
price levels low than King Canute could succeed in staying
, vue nun ui ui6 iuwuuuk blue. '
From Portland We Do
THE triumphal tour of American mayors seems coming to
the brink of a somewhat similar catastrophe to that
which wrecked Queen Marie's "visit to this countrv unmo
. years ago. At that time the rivalries of the. American snon-
ouia wuerwur put me party quite on tne rocks by the time
ft reached Portland. In France the traveling troune of Amer
ican mayors are falling out because-Our George'' has
stolen the show. Portland's mayor did the talking to Jimmy
VValker at New York city, did the talking on landing in
tYance, broke the rule of silence by a half -hour talk at the
tomb of the unknown soldier, presented a bust of the late
American A mnn aviHny fn T rn t- , , . .
v 1 m 7. , rrr r kV c, iuu A. tiemcK, ana in
stuie uie snow , ' t
That of course wViaf j' t? ,
v Sfl6!1 thfir wouM Pedily concentrate the
nif0,11 f15!?' nd t reflection wod illuminate the
mVhT? vpjtet sent him forth. So Baker is not to be
criticized . He is doing his part as-it was assigned hSn. And
tlJ3JA far better than moTof CoS
TllZ::;" ll111?1 Wlth Jealousy.
The spectacle of our American mayors praeedirip;
T;Y uuwKuuy euriia among tnemseires for rhpin
notriety nauseates the folk at We andnukes this coi
try the laughing stock of Europe. The trnttT r tS tS.
t UCjl t eoodwQl gesture to Amcrioi but a baSncS
for the French exposition which Is. under wS Ms ThS
h-te-iin!ttt. Amerhodshean
publicity nltoor l....ilot tetSct S
it W alxow. More Banruni atoff, bat lww we
By C C DUER, JD. -
Usrioa County HealUa Dept.
Ono frequently encounters child
tea who are in the hWt of
breathing through their mouths
through tho
nose as nature
Intended. There
are , a - .number
of causes for
such abnormal
Tow most fre
quent e a n a
naturally la tho
presence of d la
eased or enlarg
ed adenolla,
Not oncommon
ty colds occur
and often these
solds are com-
Dr. o. O. m plicated by ab-
ceased or Inflamed ears. These
children also snore a great deal
at night. There is a characteris
tic appearance of enlarged ade
noids in some children who hare
had no treatment, they appear
and act stupid because their hear
ing is impaired and consequently
pay little attention to tneir sur
roundings. Practically .all chil
dren with diseased adenoids are
benefited greatly by haying them
removed. Occasionally startling
results are obtained following
their removal, through tho im
provement in general health and
their ability to hear better.
Not Always Adenoid
There is a typo ; ot mouts
breather in whom one falls to
find enlarged adenoid growths as
tho cause. Xh these wo find ob
struction of the nasal passages
from a high, narrow palate, or in
others, aiju abnormality of tho
structures .of the nose as . crook
ed septum or enlarged turbinate
bones may be causing the obstruc
tion, in the former the palate
has a very high arch and the up
per Jaw Is narrow, causing a con
striction ot the breathing spacea
in the nose.
Frequently these children nave
had their tonsils and adenolda re-
pnoved without any relief ; from
month breathing, a more ration
al treatment would be to have
braces placed on. the teeth to
spread tho Jaw' thus creating more
space in the nose. . Those children
with abnormal structural -defects
of tne nasal passages cannot as a
rule be relieved to any extent un
til later in life, operations being
resorted to in early adult 'life.;
- Old. Argument ' .
Bow much influence thumb
sucking has in ' producing month
breathing is often open to argu
ment Such a habit should always
be avoided or corrected when pres
ent in order to prevent as much
as possible an abnormality of the
roof of the month. Thumb sock
ing does-not cause adenoids. Its
harm comes-through altering the
shape of the roof of the mouth.
No matter what tho oause may
be, any child which habitually
breathes-through its mouth should
have medical attention in. order to
determine the cause and to insti
tute treatment when indicated. ;
What liMltk problems ksre youl If
the abara article raises ur onestioa is
yem mini, write that ejvestioa eat ea4
aead it either te The Statesman or the
Marios county department ef health. The
answer will appear ia this column. Kama
shoold be signed, bnt will net be esed ia
the paper. : 4
. . Of Old Salem
Town Talks from The Statee :
mas f Earlier Days
cm xowc
MS rotiKD Ai
9BU9 tLtl
IS HMt to
Y"nvv rsrfy
Vx r.
Tomorrow: The Pressure of a French Heel?
BITS for
Slay 29, lOOe
Rev. W. H. Selleck delivered the
Sunday sermon at the First M. E.
church at which Grand Army men
were in attendance in a body.
Pohle and Bishop, wagon mak
ers, now have tneir s nop com
pletely connected with water mo
tor. .:
Rev. Clarence True Wilson pas
tor of Qrace M. E. church, Port
land, will preach hero next Sun
day. :.' I
Staff for the Willamette sum
mer school comprises: C. O. B oy
er, principal; J. T. Matthews, sec
retary; E. T. Marlatte, principal
of the high school; and Mary E.
Reynolds, Superintendent ot the
training department, tuition Is
lio. '- . ; i
May 20, 1021
Fire protection of Salem is poor,
fire ordinances are not susflclent
ly enforced and a more adequate
fire department is needed. That
Is substance of report of A. C.
Barber,' state fire marshal,'- and
his committee.' . ?
More markers:
, - , .
The writer on Wednesday even
ing revisited the, site of the Jo
seph Gervais homo and found a
lot of changes from conditions on '
bis last prior visit.
- , - V V -
The field where the historic
house stood has been recently re
plowed, and the cellar hole has,
been made smooth with the sur
face. Fortunately, some of the
stones that made up the founda
tion of the old house are still
there and some bricks, pieces of
broken glass, dishes, etc, show
ing later occupancy by those who
followed Gerrals, are yet la evi
dence. - i '.
. H
-Another thing. Two other
things. The path that was the In
dian slave trail 100 years ago is
Still plainly to be aeon, by -one
who knows how to find It,
And tho famous spring to which
the trail led, near the then river
bank, is there yet though a
large alter - tree stands over it,
with its roots spreading out on
both sides, almost covering jthe
crystal clear pooL
- V
Joseph Gervais, who came with
the Astor land party led by Wil
son Price Hunt in 1812, transfer
red bis allegiance to tho Nor
westers when John Jacob As tor's
unfaithful partners sold him out,
and thence to the Hudson's Bay
company when in IS 21 that an
cient fur concern took-over the
properties of its vigorous rival,
and, with his Indian wife, settled
on the claim -.where .lie built his
log house, perhaps as early as
1825; possibly a year or two'
. That was the last bouse on the
river to the south in the "French
Prairie" : (Canadian , French) set
tlement.' Jason e, -when he
came and located his mission and
commenced building the first log
house Oct. , .1834, chose a site
on the Willamette two miles fur
ther south. .3.
,5 i W ,
Joseph Gervais helped him' lo
cate it. Lee and his companions
were entertained by their neigh
bor, ; Gervais. They pitched their
tent in the GervSla melon patch,
and the Indian wife and slaves of
that pioneer settler gave them ev
ery hospitable attention.
The spring was 300 to 400 feet
west of the house: The water was
carried by the slaves over, the old
trail; up the steep bank from near
the river's edge. Their bare or
moccasined feet wore a trail so
deep and plain that lOO years of
time, with their annually falling
and decaying forest leaves, have
not obliterated It.
In a later period, when Joseph
Gervais and' his wife and chil
dren and the Indian slaves , and
their children had been gathered
to the company of their fathers in
the happy hunting grounds, those
who, followed and occupied the
historic house,' all forms of slave
ry in Oregon having been abol
ished, contrived a better- way to
convey the water from the spring
Rev. C. E. Cline of Portland will
deliver the formal Memorial dav
address at the gathering at the! to the fop of tho hill where tho
Supt. T. O. Albert of the muni
cipal camp ground completed in
stallation of a complete washroom
Daily Thought
Half the Joy of life is in little
things taken on the run. Let us
Eel ? mu8,t T tho sands
do that but let us keep our
hearts younj and our eyes open
that nothing worth our whUe
shall escape ns. And everything
worth its while if we only grasj
IVevv Views
The Uuestlon asked yesterdayJ
m aw rnn . tmi ihe DaU a.
lam. depressed bnsinese condition?
Why or why ttotf
Gardner Knapp, printW ahoo
operate, -Salem is suffering leas
than other places in the present
mi0tt Th reasOB Us di
versified Interests I think.' ;
attorney Sa-
habitatlon stood.
lem Is recovering from its depres
sion, much or most of which was
in the mind rather than the pocket-book.
If people would know
their resources and live within
them, keep away from too much
credit and live economically there
would be no depression."
C A. Kells, r. M. C. A.: "Our
membership roll has kept up to
our expectations until May 1;
however, several of our members
have 'sacrificed other personal
pleasures for their T" member
ship." - t y
Fred A. Erlxon, contractor:
"Building in Salem is quiet but
not alarmingly quiet. I think Sa
lem as well off or better than
many cities la the country. The
conditions are prevalent all over.
; Mrs. W. M. McMorria. h
wife. w7 North lStnt There-is
some depression, but conditions
seem to be improving. Judging
from trend in the neighborhood
grocery weondart." '
"Du-G. Drajger, county treasurer:'
"I don't know; a good meay peo
ple are out of work, and when
there n work there is no
money. , .
They fashioned a rone fastened
to the forest trees and arranged a
wire on some kind of a windlass
te pull a bucket hung under the
rope thus they secured their
apply ot pure water without
tramping up and . down the old
trail. - , - .
Commencing the second Sun
day, after his arrival at the old
mission site, Jason Lee preached
the first Christian sermon ever
delivered in what is now Oregon.
He continued to -preach there
each Sunday (five weeks) until
the first log mission house was
completed. So the Gervais house
was tho first church within the
confines of present day Oregon.
- V .-j ;w i
The famous ; "wolf meeting"
was held there, and the commit
tee of It chosen that called tht
Champoeg convention for May 2,
1843, where the provisional gov
ernment was voted. Gervais was
a member of the committee. He
voted In tho affirmative, though
his name does not appear on the
monument. It should be there.
The town of Gervais was named
for lilm, though' his claim was
four miles or so from Its site. He
was a good neighbor to the early
missionaries; he was kind to the
early settlers; helpful to them in
many ways. .
"Is -V. "
Sir George- Simpson, - governor
of the Hudson's Bay company,
visited the Gervais house , in the
fall of 1841, and spent the aight
there, camped in the yard. Ev
ery early missionary, trapper.
trader . . and settler knew Xbat
house. It was like an oasis in the
desert. Its latch string, was al
ways OUt, . ! ;
, The location was beautiful; on
high ground above the river; on
an eminence sloping away In ev
ery direction. The Willamette
then flowed by at the foot of the
hill where ' the famous spring
bubbled forth. The river is near
ly a mile to the west now. There
are cultivated fields where the
main stream then was. The flood
of 1881-82 caused the Willamette
to break through and make for
Itself a new channel. The same at
the mission site two miles above,
excepting that a slough was left
there. It is Bearer slough, with
the main flow nearly a mile to
the west, and Beaver island be
tween. : r. V I
A good deal has been done in
Trarers Lorrlmar, shell-shocked
war veteran and son ot weal
thy Margaret' Lorrtmer, mistakes
pretty Uary Lou Thurston for De
light Harford, whom he ia sup
posed to have married ia Eng
land. Mrs. Lorrlmer Induces Mary
Lou to assume the role of De
light, of whom no trace can be
found. Travers is told he must
begin again with friendship. His
interest la life Is renewed. . No
mention is made of his marriage
until the visit of Larry Mitchell,
Mary Lou's friend. Then Travers,
believing Larry Is in Ipve with
Mary Lou, reminds her-she is his
wife. At Christmas, Mary Lou, Ir
ritated by Travers' lack of holi
day spirit, calls him . selfish and
ingrown. Brought to his senses,
ho Joins his .. mother and Mary
Lou In delivering - gifts to the
needy. At the Veterans' hospital.
Travers' meets his old baddy, Jim
my Mc wan . and plans to help
him. Travers gives Mary Lou a
sapphire ring and speaks ot the
seal ring he gave her. Mary Lou
believes then that he really mar
ried Delight, using a seal ring.
That night he. kisses Mary Lou.
Realising she loves him and can
not go on pretending, Mary Lou
plans ' to leave. . Next morning,
skating with Travers, she won
ders how she can leave him.
"Once I could waits," he told
her; and put his arms about her.
Whistling, he danced her, muffle-
and laughing, about the lake.
Then one foot slipped, he made a
wild grasp to recover-bis balance
and they both fell lgnominlously.
"Golly, are yon hurt!" he de
manded and ruefully arose to
help her to her feet.
"Only my pride." she told him.
"Suppose we don't try anything
quite as fancy as that for
while." -
They skated up to the bank and
back again in long, graceful,
sweeping glides. It was nearly
lunch time before they returned
to . the house. On the way up,
their skates alung over his arm.
he said:
VWe have such good times.
I haven't lived for so. long. If
you knew what laughter meant to
me. Delight"
She thought she did know. Aft
er all., his happiness came first
As long as he . was happy, what
right nad she to. run awayr
Facing Facts
Going up to her room to get
ready f or, luncheod, she went to
the desk, took out the letter and
weighed It in her hand; After a
moment she walked resolutely to
tho fireplace, dropped it in, bent
to set a match ta it and watched
it burn.
No, ahe owed it to him to stay,
And she owed it to Mrs. Lorrlmer
and so,' calling 'upon herself for
some unexpected depth of cour
age, Mary Lou went forward into
the new year.
' And this was the knowledge
that Mary Lou took into the new
year with her the explicit under
standing of her love for Travers
Lorrlmer. She had faced it with,
at first, a blind, black panic
which urged her to escape, to run
away to the very ends of the
earth. But that she could not do:
she had committed herself to stay
on until such time as her employ-
the past two years toward locat
ing and marking historic spots In
the Salem district. Much is yet to
be done. The site of the Gervais
house should be marked, now,
while it can be done without mis
taking the exact spot, ;
i - r
The fencing is being .finished
enclosing j and leading to the old
mission site; the big rock is on
the spot, and the tablet is beinr
made; and the road will be im
proved before the day of its ded
ication, June 15.
. Is Is
.In time, much more will be
done, and the world will troop to
that shrine, of history; tho most
important one west ot the Rock
ies. '
a. . Is
Hundreds of thousands who
come will want to visit the site
of the Gervais house. The matter
of marking the site and making a 1
road to it should have Immediate
attention. -
When you feet a headache coming
on. it's time to take Bayer Aspirin.
Two tablets will head it off. and
you can finish your shopping
in comfort, ; ' u -
Any over-exertion is pt to"
bring pain in some form. Head
pains from crowds or noise. limbs
that ache from sheer weariness.
Joints sore from the beginnings of
cold. Systemic pain. The remedy
i rest. But immediate relief is
yours for tho taking: a pocket tin
of Bayer Aspirin is i protection
from pain j wherever you go.
You never know when these
tablets may save the day, avoid
breaking an engagement, spare
you from a miserable evening or '
sleepless night. j ,
. . Get real aspirin. Look for Bayer
on the box. Read the proven
directions' - found inside every
genuine Bayer package. They
cover headaches. colds, sore throat,
toothache, : neuralgia, neuritis,
sciatica, lumbagov rheumatism,
muscular pains and other suffer
ing which need not be endured.
These tablets do not depress the heart.
Nor do they upset the stomach.
They do nothing but stop the pain.
Every druggist has Bayer Aspirid
in the pocket s e and in bottles. If
you wvJ to save money, buy tho
1 genuine tablets by the hand red. It
doesn't pay to -experiment with
imitations at' any price I - -
ef-for after hU, Margaret Lorrl
mer was Just that, a miraculously
kind, a beloved and admired em
nlover. but still an employer-
should discharge her from her
carious, bat nevertheless, defin
ite dutiei. p'j
Mary Lou, la her voracious
reading, had Often read of "love
unrequited.'" She thought, sow,
that she could have borne that
with some 1 measure of fortitude.
Loving never hurt anyone, really,
she told herself, ' and she could
have faced with a certain gallant
ry Lorrlmer8 unadorned liking
or, even . his I complete indiffer
ence. But her love was not unre
quited, for Lorrlmer told her that
he loved her hundred times a
day,1 by a word, a gesture, a deep,
long; look f rom the brown eyes
which wereT beginning to look oat
on life again with a normal inter
est a,nd curiosity.
That wai the. hardest thing to
bear; that he loved . not her but
her masquerade; not Mary Lou
Thurston, but the girl he thought
she Was. an unknown girl named
Delight Harford who might or
might not, at the present moment
exist; loved, not even Delight her
self but bis memory of her, incar
nate in Manr j Lou's own person.
translated Into flesh and blood
st $300 a month. In love, in short
with a living girl who had taken
upon herself a role. Who daily
practiced a- deception.
It; was worse than difficult. It
was almost i unendurable. . For
Mary Lou, in 'her new gained and
bitter wisdomi realised that for
the price of a i look or a word, at
the least lifting ot her hand, she
could be la hie arms, she could
hear r the broken words ot lore,
she could kndlr - again.' the soar
ing ecstasy! of his embrace.
What it would come to, if she
surrendered to this dally increas
ing temptation, she did not know.
To marriage T But he was al
ready married to Delight, or so he
said.; And it she snatched at rap
ture, 'secretly, lived for a while in
a paradise of fools and dreamers,
it would sit come to an end, soon
er or later.! For that, once learn
ing that she loved him, he would
become Importunate, she' knew.
And so the deception could not
go on, sh Would have to tell him
the truth. Margaret would hare
to know. And it was ot part of
her bargaia with Mrs. Lorrlmer
that Mary Lott should fall in love
with Delight Harford's hus
bnLi : jj
. Controlled Emotions
So t she poke no. word and
made no gesture. She schooled
herself to an even, rather chilling
friendliness; toward Lorrlmer.
She concentrated all her efforts
on his physical and mental wel
fare and gave his heart cold com
fort. . i ; j .;. .i : . ,,
Mrs. Lorrlmer always quick on
the uptake,! noticed something
something so. slight that it was
hard to formulate into words, or
even into thoughts. But there
seemed a certain lack of spon
taneity In Maryji Lou's attitude to
ward Lorrlmerj; She seemed vigi
lant, always a little on her guard.
Puxxled, Margaret spoke to Dr.
Mathews about. 'it one day.'
"She's different." Margaret
said, fl can't explain even with
me, she's altered. Oh; so slightly
there's no. name for It." :.
"It's possible, Isn't it, that she
has fallen In love with him?"
asked Mathews, almost casually.
jdargaret arew a long breath.
"I've hoped she would," she
announced, shamelessly.
. Mathews laughed and then sob
ered to deep gravity.
. Any. Sacrifice
"Oh, women!? he began . . . .
"Margaret, of course I know why
you'd wish thatj but can't you see
how fit would complicate things T
In the first place, Travers will
hate to know the truth sooner or
later. I have been hoping he'd
stumble on it himself. Perhsps he
will. The shock Will be severe. He
may. turn against Mary Lou, may
react against her ia anger and in
dignation. We thought ot that
before, you know. But as long as
she does care tor him, as I believe
and as you hope, it will be very
hard for her. Wo hare to think of
her, you see." - i
Mrs. Lorrlmer raised steady
brown eyes to her friend's:
"I love Mary Loo," she admit
ted, simply. "I wouldn't ask for a
dearer daughter. Bat of coarse, I
haven't , thought , of her. I've
thought of Travers. I'm always
thinking of him. Ills happiness.
I'd sacrifice anyone and anything
for him. Ton know that, r Where
Travers Is concerned, I'm an ut
terly unscrupulous woman, Dan."
"You're a mother," he answer
ed, and sighed. He loved her very
much. He'd loved her for years.
But there hadnt been a chance
tor him. She'd been Intensely i ln
love with her husband and after
his death all that passion of ten
derness had been transferred ' to
the boy, a passion which - had
deepened and a tenderness which
had increased since, disaster had
come upon her son.
This the! doctor knew. And
contented himself as beet he could
with her confidence and unfalter
ing friendship.
That she was fond of him ho
was also aware. And was perfect
ly convinced, as well, that her af
fection for -Mary Lou was sincer
ity itself. But he knew, and she
knew, that she would throw them
both overboard without much
more than a passing qualm If it
would help Travers to regaln
(To be continued tomorrow)!
The Safety
Valve - -
Letters from
Statesman Readers
Editor Statesman: .-
It is evident to the writer that
a large proportion of the tax pay
ing public are making returns of
Income on the new state income
tax blanks that is not taxable,
due to Incomplete information
contained in Form 40 and the in
struction sheet accompanying
that form. Item 3 ot instructions
reads "Enter as Item 3 all Inter
est received, etc.", when as a mat
ter of law. no interest received In
1930 is taxable unless it was also
earned in 1930, and no Income of
any .kind accrued and earned pre
vious to 1930 should be included
in the return tor this or future
years unless the taxpayer keeps
his books on an ' accrual basis.
For Instance, It actual interest of
3120 was due - and received - on
February 1, 1930, the taxpayer
shout dreturn only 1-12 or 10 of
that sum, since only one month's
(January) Interest was earned in
1930, and If the ' payment was
made March 1, 1930,. only 2-12 or
320 should be returned. I ,
Similarly, if semi-annual ; inter
est was paid on February 1, 1930
only 1-8 of the ' amount received
should be . returned and if paid
March 1, only- 2-8 should be re
turned, i
Dividends received in 1930 are
not taxable and should not be re
turned unless they were also de
clared In 1930. i
I will ask you to kindly giro
the above facts te the public to
prevent the payment ot taxes in!
excess ot the amount legally due.
, ; JAS. II. ALBERT. !
Tew Park Dance Hall
Cor. Leslie and 12th 8ts. i
Thar.. Sat. S: 15 P. M.
Costa bat trifle
Estate administration
is beyond capacity of ; I
average individual
In all particulars the corporate '
Trust organization such as tht
United States National Trust De
partment is more competent to
serve than any Individual because
It is impartial, tireless, strictly
supervised and has great collective
ability and experience to draw
' upon.
Administration of an estate It a
" serious responsibility requirinjr
experience and an accurate knowl
edge of many, legal and financial
points Involved.
Let our Trust executives explain
how aa arrangement can be made
to fit your individual needs and
circumstances. Consultations bcuy
no obligation,
United Statco
National BanLr
jr. t