The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 29, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    'The OHEGON STATESMAN. Salera, Oregon, Friday' Mornin?, f.!ay 23t 1931'
i'age tii:::
Entertainment Features to
Be Enjoyed Today,
Reported ?;:.V: "
SCIO. May 28 Interest in the
festivities to be staged by Scio
merchants In this city Friday of
this week is approaching - ferer
stage. The program starts at 10
in the morning with a walking
. contest In which entrants will as
semble at - the - Arnold school
house and walk againt time to
Scio. Contestants are. to cross the
bridge in this city, proceeding
north on Main street to the P. II.
MacDonald place, thence west to
the W. A- Ewlng residence,
thence south to Mill street,
thence to Main street and south
to the W. H-Denniaon store. This
is the tentative plan announced
by the committee In charge which
consists of W. B. Dennlson,
George Patrny a a d P. W.
. Schrunk. - .., . - ' ... ...
As the name of the contest im
plies, it Is to be a walking test,
and not a toot race, professional
walkers will be barred, as the
regulations now-' exist, It; is em
phasized. . -,V-
. Prizes are to be -given for the
beet time made In the dash, which
will be approximately. 2V4 miles.
It is understood some good foot
men are gauntlng themselves for
the contest, and It would not be
surprising if a number of ladles
enter the .test, which will be one
'of endurance as well-as walking
' speed. ' Seasoned baseball : girls,
who also- have had practice in
fooball and basketball, are being
Importuned to try their endur
ance on this occasion. - .
.Following' the walkathon, the
program will swing to the climb
ing of a : greased pole near the
eorner or Main ana jam streets.
- on the site occupied by the chop
. ping contest May If. A prize will
be given in this connection and it
is expected many will compete.- ,
It is proposed to have a pro
gram In this city each .week-end
daring the summer in order that
ru rails ts may enjoy a diversion
and for the purpose of cultivating
cordial, co-operation and good
feeling between the' city and the
surrounding community.
cniB'j i.s
inly - the pupils- of ' Centerrlew
ichool but many varents Jnotored
to ths Sllverton park for the plc
aie which marked the last day ft
schooL Wading, swimming and
sliding on the chutes made the day
pass all too quickly for the young
ster. At soon a bountirtl dinner
was spread on the tables under
the trees. . ': V" ' '
Present were Mrs. Helen -Paget,
teacher, Mr, and Mrs. Casper Lar
son, Helen, Donald and Dorothy
Larson. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. -Gear.
Vesper and Reba- Geer, Mr. and"
Mrs. Kdsea Comstock. Jatet Corn
stock, Mi, and Mrs. J. J. Doerfler,
Delora Doerfler, Mrs. Karl Hab
erly, - George and Phyllis Jean
Haberly, Frank Bowers. Sam Wil
on, Mrs. K. -o: Hue, Norman Rao,
Harland Nerlson, Mr. L. B. Ray.
Fern Ray, Helen Goodknecht.
Mrs. Paget will again take up
the work' in this school next falL
SCIO, May 28. The annual
commencement of the Scio grade
school was held in the auditorium
Tuesday evening. . .
Members of the class are: Gor
don ' Asp. " Margar-1 Davenport,
Rose Hetxendorf. Virgil Kinney.
Helen Myers, Irene Polon, Bruce
Quarry. Gladys Scott, Howard
. Shelton and Edris Thayer.
, Those from outside districts
who shared honors with the Scio
pupils were Doris and Carl Bur
ton. Norbert Krants, Doris Hors
burgh. Rose Holiday, Keith Mil
ler. TLelma Karaish, and Don
ald Merritt.
Ko. 153 " " .
Fyaopais ef Aaaa) SUtemeat .of tk
Tltia and Trast Caaapaay ot Portland,
In taa State of Oraroa, an tba thirty
fir day i December. 1030, aad to taa
laiaraaeo Coaiauasioncr of taa Stat ef
Orrroa, porsaaa tff-hwt
Ajaovat of capital stovk paid op. S500,
000 .00!,
Ket vrmiaatt received tartar tie year,
$96.07.e. - ' - -
J a tares t, divides J and rests received
4 arias taa year, 1,67.7S. '
J aeon a from .other aoarees ' received
darias the aa, S42.71S.64.
Total Income, $200,655. 2.
Net loss paid dariaf the year laclnd
' Uf adjastataas tipeaMl, $2,670.41.
Aeivideada paid aa capital, stock dariaf
the year. $30,000.00.
- CoanBisaieaa aad salaries paid daring
the year, S4o.5. , . .
Taxes, lieenaea aad fees paid daring
the year. SJ7.aoO.00. . -'
Aaooat of aU other expenditures, $59,
351.46. - - .: I -
Total sxpeaditarei. f 19S.347.41, 1
Vela of real esuto ovaed .(aaarket
value). $150,000.00. -
Value of storks and toads awaed .(aax
f Set value). - .
o Leans on nrtgace sad collateral; etc.,
aa iaaaakl aad ea aasd, $117,346.00.
Plate Gearaaiae Fand. $100,000.00.
Title riaat. 2.0S.1.
Interest aad Teats dae aad" secraed
sad ether assets, $32,595.85.
Total admitted assets, $682,432.74.
Grass claims for leasee anpaid. None.'
Amoaat of - anearaed ' premiams ox all
oativtaadiat risks. None.
Lflse (or . commissioa sad hrokerase,
Koee. - . . ,
All other liabUities. 107,779.99, $274,
442 75.
. TeUi liabilities, exclosiTO of. capital
Stock, $32.423.74.
Set premiums receired daring the-year,
Loesea paid daring the year, $2.7.
41. Losses Ucarred darisg (ho I ear, $2,
7 41.
Nsme ef Compsoy, Title sad Trsst
Compaay. . :
Name of President. Walter M. Daly.
. Name of Secretary. Charlaa K. Konltoa.
. Statutory resident attorney for serrice.
n. Tillamook
Is Visited
t -
ZENA. May J7Mr. and Mrs.
Roy E. Barker and son, Sammy,
accompanied by S. H. Barker,
all of Zena. made a trip to Tilla
mook Sunday and were dinner
guests at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Fred Gould, brother and
sister-in-law of Mrs. Barker.'
J The trip rwas made for the
purpose i of risking the grare of
Mrs. Barker's mother, Mrs. Mar
tha Walling Gould, who was bnr
led in a cemetery located four
miles out of Tillamook on prop
erty owned by Mrs.. Barker's ma
ternal grandfather. This. was the
only cemetery in that part of the
country for .-many years. It is
practically inaccessible to motor
ists and; those desiring to Tisit it
hare to walk almost a mile to
reach ItJ At the time Mrs. Gould
was burled her remains had. to
be carried for half a mile. :
; v Mrs. Barker said in speaking
of it that for a beauty spot it
could not be- rlyaled as it is lo
cated In dense wild wood but that
It is so hard to reach that most
of the graTes hare been sadly
neglected. '
SIliVERTON, 1 Mar' 28 Mem
orial day will be obserred at Sll
verton Saturday beginning with
a program at 10 o'clock . in . the
morhing at the armory. The pro
gram will, include music by the
communltyi and hlsjh, school or
chestra directed " by Hai Camp
bell, prayer by Rer. E. L. Reisem,
rocal solo, Ethyl Smith r reading,
"General Logan's Memorial Day
Orders", ; Steele Temple; rocal
solo, Diana Moore; Memorial day
addrees. Rer. W. O. Liringstone:
rocal doet Misses - Smith- and
Moore; music by the orchestra. -
' Following the program at the
armory will be the usual march
to the cemetery with the custom
ary services there. Dr. A. J. Mc
Cannel is in charge of the pro
gram and Henry Hutton, Captain
of the guard, is in charge of the
cemetery services.
Only one member of the G. A.
R. will be able to follow the ser
vices this, year M. L. Latham.
Sllverton's other two . CItII war
veterans will likely not be able
to be present. - These are-Briee
McKinley and. J. Karstetter.
DALLAS, May 28 The, annu
al junior-senior banquet was held
at th Ugh school Tuesday even
ing. May 2. ;v The .banquet was
held in! the domestic science
rooms which were decorated in
the senior class colors. - ' .
The banquet was well attend
ed with a early, all the members
of both classes ' and ' the school
board and faculty attending. The
sophomore girls -served' the lunch
which was 'followed by a " short
programJ . . . -
Otto Fischer acted as toastmas
ter for the evening and introdu
ced the speakers. Miss Irene Guy
gave a- speech ef welcome on- be
half of the Junior class and Miss
Betty Hawkins responded for the
seniors. Miss . Rachel Uglow play
ed a violin solo and Naomi Hayes
gave an acrobatic dance.' The re
mainder of the program was made
up ef an Oriental playlet, "The
Turtle Dove," by members of the
Junior class. '
, - ...
Scio Berry Men
, :'Are - Organized
SCIO, I May 28 Fourteen ber
ry growers signed the marketings
agreement of the proposed asso
ciation at a, meeting a few days
ago. L. E. . Shlmanek was elected
president of the board ef direct
ors, with t Joe Schwindt, vice
president: and G. L. Arnold secretary-treasurer.
' , Other members elected on the
board are F. A. Dickman and J.
A. Gardner. L. G. Fox presided at
the meeting, which was held in
Z. C. B, J. ball. Mrs. Norma Wells
officiated as secretary. Subse
quent meetings have been held
and efforts made to effect sales
of berries- now being .harvested.
Adoption! of the Lebanon by-laws
and .the '-I Wodburn marketing
agreement Iwere effected.
SILVERTQN. .May 27 Miss
Helen Ellenson, who has been
teaching the sixth B at Sllverton
for the past two years received: a
telegram ; Tuesday night that her
mother was critically ill at her
home at;. Milton, North . Dakota.
Miss Ellenson left at once for the
east. Mrs. Harry Wells will Uke
Miss' Ell enson's ' place until the
close of i school. Miss Ellenson
will not return , to Sllverton to
teach next year but will teach at
Bend. While at Sllverton she has
been making her home with Mrs
Marie Goplerud.:
-TURNER. May 28 Mrs. D. S.
Riches, who is closing her third
year as commercial teacher in
the Anmsville high schoor is
leaving the last of the week for a
visit at the home of her mother.
Mrs. J. M. Stover at Weiser, Ida
ho. Mrs. Riches plans to return in
TL C. A. Institutes, Inc.
. I . Division of
Radio Corporation
Of America
Now selecting men in this vi
cinity f or v training, in every
branch of radio. No experience
required, but mast be of good
character and record, technic
ally Inclined, preferably over
21 and now employed.
v Phone) It. Yr. CAJRS3
Marion Hotel ror appointment
spoas mm
10 Pupils - Graduate From
Eighth Grade m
H Thursday - ; '
LIBERTY, May 28 -Thursday
evening. May 28. the eighth
grade of Liberty school received
their diplomas at a - very lovely
and impressive exercise at Liber
ty balL The graduates were seat
ed on the stage 'which had been
transformed . into a. rose flower
garden. The class motto- "Don't
put things, off, put them over-
was displayed on the stage. Oth
ers on the platform were , Mrs.
Bruce Cunningham, chairman of
the school board. Professor Wil
liam Jones of Willamette univer
sity, and A. V. Meyers, principal
of the schooL I'. "
The following program was an
nounced by Mr. Myers:- -; v'
- Presentation of - health buttons
and mention of attendance cer
tificates. ; and ' presentation of O.
S. C. summer's school awards to
Catherine Dallas.- Helen Dasch
and Jerry Jo Patterson, r ? .
Salutation Paulina Pursley.
Class history Frank Houser.
Class Will Jerry Jo Patter
son. -.r- i - ' - . i ,
Violin solo Iva Claire Love.'
Class - prophecy Mary Cole-'
man. . , v-.- .- ' -
Class address Professor Wil
liam Jones of Willamette univer
sity. :. -,. r', -.:
Vocal solo Orpha May- Dasch.
Valedictory Helen Dasch.
Presentation of -diplomas Mrs.
Bruce Cunningham. : j i -
Presentation of flowers. ;
.Those in the class are- Helen
Dasch, Pauline Pursley, - Cather
ine Dallas, Jerry Jo - Patterson,
Josephine Pruitt, Mary Coleman.
Hasel Leek, Donald Polk. Frank
Houser and Frank Hickman.
j Enjor picnic
AURORA, May 28 So many
groups in the Aurora Grammar
school were promised s picnic that
tbey all combined to have a pic
nic for the entire school. Friday,
May 29. They will spend the day
at Colvin'e park-on the Pudding
river.. The eighth grade are furn
ishing, the-ice cream. .
Groups represented are: Red
Cross First Aid class. Woodwork
ing class. Sewing, Class Number 1.
Sewing . Class Number 3, "Civic
Club'. of the Third and Fourth
grades. -Civic Club" of the Fifth
and Sixth grades, and members of
the Junior Red Cross of the First
and Second grades. - :
Many parents are attending the
picnic to help the children enjoy
tnemaeivesv s . ,
Lebanon Plans ; "
? Berry Festival
The Scio Sokol society is on the
program for an afternoon, and an
evening -performance at the Leb
anon strawberry fair Saturday, of
Send Your ' Ordfer io
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Phone 9626 :
'WCOpBURr- ' '
A. H. Lewis t
Robert Adams,'
Phone Green. 1651 ;
Louis LeDoux .
Ray Johsufon, Dallas .
. Ray Johnston, Dallas ; "
Ray Johnston, Dallas '
STAYTON ' , . :
'i Lew's McRae - "
Ritchie's & McKinney
CHEMAWA Glynn Ferris
904 outh 20th -
Salem .-T
Today ;
The world's finest newsatherlng services AmerIcaTs foremost
features and feature writers -complete hews of the days finan
cial doings thorough sp'osts newsall the news is yours tcTread
In The Journal ; . complete . . accurate timely w..
HOURS AHEAD! . :! , .
next week. The exercises consist
of drills and folk dancing and are
new and oalaue in many respects.
The society . . participated -la , the
Lebanon program last year and
received ' much favorable com
ment. - - ' .... -
. The- 22 annuar observance of
strawberry festivities will open
Friday, June 5, -and dose the fol
lowing -day. The ' program ' - in
cludes baseball, concerts by Leb
anon, Albany, Corvallis, Portland
and other bands, iadustrial and
commercial - parades and- floats,
crowning of the queen, Oregon
Electric special trains , to Sweet,
Home, minstrels, dancing, air
carnivals, fireworks, gymnastics
by Maltnomah athletic dub of
Portland, bus 1 trips th ro u g h
strawberry fields. - . - .
: At noon ' Friday ' the largest
strawberry t short : cake In , the
world will , be served to visitors
at the fair.
AUBURN. May 28 The . fol-.
lowing . eighth graders are. wear
ing a. smile now, as they, now
have ' their eighth - grade diplo
mas: Marlon Witte, Claire Auer,
Andrew Etzel, LaVern Cain and
and Gertrude Perlich
Ten .' seventh . graders' success
fully, passed the -state tast in ge
ography, they are: Alvin4 Arm
strong, Floyd Baum partner. ; Ma
rie - Banmgartner, David John
ston, -Jean Rodgers. June Scout
en, Doris Kearns, Hillary . Etzel,
Helen Jusa. , Dale Smith Vend
Anna - Benson. - - , . , -
Notices have r been . posted for.
the annual school meeting which
will be held at-the school house
at 8 o'clock in hte evening 'on
June 15. One director and one
clerk-Is to be elected, also the
annual budget Is to be approved.
Mrs. Murray Johnston has re
turned from Montana where she'
was called by the death of . her
father. She reports snow there,
while planting potatoes . last
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adams of
Oakland, California, .' have been
guests at the Ben H. Hawkins
home, : ' r
PIANO pupils in
Mrs. Zena Thomas- presented her
piano pupils in recital Tuesday,
evening. May 26, at the Mennon
ite church near Pratum. ' ;
North Howell pupils who' have
faithfully practiced their music
during the past, school year, un
der Mrs. Thomas direction include
Margaret and Flora Woelke, Ev
elyn Coomler, Mary Lou Wieaner
and Lois. Coomler. -
TURNER, May. IS The Tur
ner, high school class ot ls3d left
as their gift to the school bronse
busts, of George. Washington and
Abraham -.Lincoln: which waited
for pome time to be placed for the
completion of a new trophy ease,
which is now ia place la-the au
ditorium."' - .
For the Daily and
G re a IL
e r
45r a Mootth
STf GEDJ i;:eb
Seniors Present. History;
Will. : Song ' and Other;
. -; Conciuding numbers .
TURNER May 2$. The sen
iors, of j the Turner high school
put oh" ! their class- day program
Tuesday afternoon at o'clock;
The. seniors were seated 'oa the
stage .with their, class, advisor,
Kenneth Hickok, who announced
th" numbers, .first ' stating that
this' would- be the7 final senior
class meeting.. . - - ,
L, - AfterU'all' present Joned lit
singing "America", the class his
tory was 'klven by - Russel Den
yer" It ' was dedicated to : the
memory of Miss Ailene Robert
son, deceased, who was elected
president of, the class a year ago.
Piano -, solo "Maiden's Blush?
by Gotcho played by Mrs. . Mae
Hadley, who. also gave an encore.
The class will was read.. by- Har
old Smith. The class song. "We'll
Miss 5 Ton Turner Hi", was sung
by ail with. Miss Josephine Gll
strap, ."piano accompanist; Class
poem by Kenneth. Fowler. C
Retail PresesUed . V ;
. The ' presentation . of a group
picture ot the , 1 9 3 1 ' class was
made by the class president. Miss
Sheila Delzell. to Miss , Margaret
Robertson, president of the stu
dent . body, who will see that it
is placed In" the auditorium with
other ' lass pictures . and ' pennants.-
.The' class . prophesy was
given' by Miss Lela Wllkening,
after, which all students joined In
singing a" high" school;" song
"Turner Hi". .- ,
. W LDO HILLS, May 28 A. A.
Geer met Mrs. C. C Geer and
daughter. Ruth, of 3alen? in Sll
verton Monday, where they made
further plans for the Geer family
reunion vhich will be held June
If. . ; - . , ...
' The meeting will be held 'at the
A. A. Geer farm, which Is the old
family home. Mr. Geer is. presi
dent of the association. Mrs. C C
Geer,' who Is chairma . of the com
mittee on invitations, was in Sll
verton toget a cut of the picture
of Homer Davenport, a cousin of
the Geer. to whom the invita
tions are to be dedicated.
England Goal !
0 Travelers
Mrs. E.- O. Moil of Wallace road
started on a four months trip to
England and Germany - May 2 2.
She accompanied a party of Salem
friends, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sanfy and
their daughter, Mrs. Floyd Rey
nolds and her small son, . 'John.
They planned to take passage on
the steamship Melita. -
. The party intends to make Lon
don her first stop where she will
visit her brother; - Franau Handel
, and family. From' London "Mrs.
w p a
1 0c a
, DeYivered to Your Door Every
the big Sunday Journal 15c
Mojl and Mr. and ilrs. Handel will
ga to Germany where they will re-;
sum sour or nit weeas. iirs.
Moll who was bora' near Dresden,
Germany wishes to visit her old
home while there. The party will
return by way ef New .York, f
: , To be aided to the many inter
esting trees now growing on the
lawn of the state eapltol building
of Oregon is a seedling walnut
treera direct scion from one ot the:
walnnt trees' planted by George
Washington on. the Mount estate.;
Whether- the -walnut trees were"
planted to . take the place of the
beheaded "cheery tree" - is ' : not
stated. r : .- fi .-" ,r
'.The' planting of this tree, will
take place Saturday morning. The
idea, was Inspired In the celebra-
tloo of the two hnndredth annl-;
versary of the national hero. and.
one such tree' will be planted on
each, state earltol site. -;v- x-
The ceremony will take place at
11:20 o'clock." A troop of Boy
Scouts will be., in attendance aad
the services will be under the di
rection of Chemeketa chapter ot
the Daughters of the .American:
Revelation. -Mrs. John. W.' Orr
regent, has designated Mrs. I. LJ
Patterson to represent the - chapr
ter on the occasion. A . secoed
dedication and more formal one
Will, take -place according to pres
ent plans, February 22, 1932. ... j
JUNE 6-7
.Members of Capitol Post Amerj
lean Legion are looking forward
to the distjet convention of legion
district number '2 which will be
held in Tillamook June 6 and 7.
Capital Post Drum corps will have
a part in the program and many
members of the local nnit will be
on band. j
An elaborate program of enter-j
talxfraent Is being planned by the,
buddies of the coast city. Posts in"
district two are Amity, Banks J
Dallas. . Forest Grove, HillsboroJ
Independence. MeMlnnvlHe, Mon
mouth, Newberg, salem, Sheridan;
Sherwood, Sllverton, Stayton, Tll-
lamook. Woodburn. -
Dwight Adams was recently
elected to the presidency of . the
Blue Key fraternity, Willamette
university's chapter of the na
tional , Intercollegiate service
group. He will be assisted by
Erie Andersos, vice president;
Glen Huston, secretary;' Ber
nard Newby, treasurer. .
The following ; newly elected
members to the organization took
their oath' of membership in cha
pel, Tuesday noon: ; . .
- G ns -, Moore, Harold . ; Rose,
Ralph r Foster, Cecil Harmon,
Walter Erickson, Andy Peterson,
G axles Gill.-Melvin Crowe, Floyd
Albin and Keith Jones. -- -
9 f
o o on
'We - ek
Week - Day
a- Week. 65c a Month
Associated Press Afternoon
- '.Service
United Press
(Day end Night Reports)
International News Service
Consolidated Press
Universal Service
Special News Bureaus fn
Washington. D. C, end
Salem, Oregorr
200 Correspondents in the
. Pacific NorthwesT.
Will Roger .
' 0. O. Mclntyre
Dorothy Dix '
'Amos' Pa rrish .
, Orphan Annie . 1
; Toonerviile Folks -Mutt
& Jeff .
- The Market Basket
.1 "
!.. Etsmlnations for WlUsmette
smiTerslty students this year will
be 100 mlhntef in. lentth. The
rekistrmr announces the following
chednla to take effect on June t
for thef jadement."
' Uon4ay, June t fourth peiv
iod, Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
7:45 ai m.; second period, Mon
day, t Wednesday. Friday, . 9: 3S
a. m.j third periodMonday, Wed
nesday! Friday, l:li n.
-Tuesday June l Fifth period.
Monday. Wednesday, Friday, 7:45
a. m. f second period, Tuesday,
Thursday. 9:35 a. in.; fourth per
iod. Tuesday Thursday, 1:15 p. m.
: Wednesday, June 1;; 6th "per
lod, Monday, Wednesday, Friday
74451 a. m.; 7 th period, Tues
day, Thursday 9:35 a. m.; 1st
period,; Monday, Wednesday, Fri
day -1:15 p. m. . ;
Thursday, June II: th . per
iod, Tuesday, Thursday -7:45 a.
m.i jsf period,' Tuesday; -Thurs-day
i-9r35 "a. m.;. 3rd . period,
Tuesday, . Thursday 1 : 1 5 p. m.
Friday, June 12:, 5th period
Tuesday; Thursday 7:45 a, m.;
7th period, Monday, Wednesday,
Frlday4-t:35 a." m.
Dally classes will hare their ex
amination's the same hour As is
mentioned for Monday. Wednes
day, Friday classes.
Recitation and 1 a b o r tCt ory
classes will take their examina
tions at the frame time the reel t a-,
tlon hour is shown aboye.
The 'sixth . annnal reunion of
Veteran! steamboatmen's associa
tion of jthe west will be held at
Champoeg Sunday, June 28. - The
association gathers each year to
commemorate the beginning of
transportation in the Oregon terri
tory. I
The ifirst publics water craft
landed at Champoeg 35 years ago,
the first steamboat, the Hoosier,
pulled the gang: plank at the old
Champoeg landing SO years; ago.
The picnic will be an all day
affair, and all old rlrer men and
their families are urged to attend,
announces the president. Captain
Arthur! Riggs. Sara Rlggs Is se
cretary, i
; ZENA, May 23 Dr. W." C.
Kanthef of Salem will be the prin
ciple i speaker at the memorial
services to be held at the Zena
church Saturday. , The business
Modem ttiea
Touch the lever . .
flip I i i ; a single sheet of Alrex
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JLfXrC CpXPOBATION: J J Foordt Su Pocdaad. Ortsoa, . .' .
Picas aca4 as withoat cost oa Air DUpcasar. vslaa of tUO, "which I asxc (a as
Srkh Ailex Tiiaaa. Mr drrnggiM Is: , '
My aa....,............,.....i,..........
staWmrL...M......M.M M
meetinr will be at 2. o'clock fol
lowed by a program. Mrs. Vayne
D. Henry, descendant of a pioneer.
Reverent 1W. J. ' Crawford " and
wife, will read the-" history of
Spring "Valley church nt Zena.
Memorial serrices were held, for
the first time In 1J25 and It was
Toted at that time to make It an
annual affair. Guy O. Smith of
Salem who was born and raised at
Zena was speakerfor three ser
rices. Judge O. P. Coshow, form
erly of Salem, but now of Port
land ll th inniitar fnr'ltfi
The annual spring show of 4he
Marion county Jersey Cattle club
will be held at the state fair
grounds Tuesdsy, June 2. Judg
ing wil start promptly at 11:00
o'clock and a lunch will be serr
ed at noon. ,
Indications are that there will
be many entries of fine cattle and
the show promises to be one of
the largest in the history of the
dub. As last year the show, will
be abortion free. Jersey breed
ers of the county are Tery proud
of the showing made by Marlon
county Jerseys and are Displaying
much enthusiasm in regard to the
show. Many Jersey breeders from
other portions ot the state are ex
pected to attend. j
Victor Madsen of Sllverton is
president of the club and Mrs. F.
O. Kuenstlng of Woodburn is secretary-treasurer.
,i 1 ;
The 4-II clubs of Brush College
held a jolly picnic supper at the
community, picnic grounds Wed
nesday erenlng. May 20. f -Nearly
all of the 23 members were pres
ent beside the leader , of the
poultry clug. U. J. I Lehman, of
Salem and the teachers of the
Brush College school, Mrs.' Mary
Sehon and Miss Ruth l Bennett
and a number of visitors. Games
ot all kinds and contests were
the diversion of the evening.
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