i f W:lliMS an v "The OXlEGOtf SlATESUAliJ&azzU Ort?cif. Wcdaesiay llornfofr. Hay 27; 1931 i I t 1 ' V Statesman Classified Ads Call 910.! Classified Advertising: Single Insertion per ILds.IOo Three Insertion per - line ...... ....... ,.20e 'Six insertions per line.. 80c One- month per line. .31.00 Minimum charge .....15o Copy for this page ac cepted until 0:30 th even ing before- publication tar classification. , Copy re ceived after this time wIU : be mn -under the headin Too. Late to Claatifr. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear la advertisement? pub lished In its columns, and ' in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which ! the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tion! advertlstnc It tur ther reserves the right to class! f j all atTerilsiag un 4er the proper -danlSca tie. ; : S rm and floored attic, new and strictly modern. Kay's addition, $4600, ttracttve irrounaa. win : taaa cneap house aa part pmi, , i : I -TBI.' new home In Wast Salem. furnace. fireplace, IJiOO. win take aoma timber laud in trade, 8 . good WTXNTE FKTTTJOHK. Realtor " 17 S South Hurt Street --. FOR HALE rail-mount RU danca witn a wonderful view. Built for bom T owner. A. J- vkilz. . ltie Fairmount Street. ' Phone it 17, - S2 State Street TeL Tl 5. HELP WANTED Maa and women II to 45 years 81748 to 82S40 a year.' Common, edu cation aufncirrt United States- aav eminent portion. Write today for full particular a Box 419, care Statesman. UTRATTOT APTS. Beautiful, com pact, aeaveaient. first floor t na ant. Ti alcsa see toe axncienc nowwu mmv nS nfi tm Also nicety for. S m basement ap. 874 K. Wta tar street. o4rrr tt Tat 15F1L HELP WANTO3MALS Three roam aorta apartment, clean. rait taaaJshea: enrage 83. Adults. m a, capi tot . . r. C. A. Institute Inc. division af Radio Coeperatioa at A saarira, bow selecting men ' .J.! ployed. Veebr.Kllr or mecaaniaUr Inclined, for training- i everr racfc of radio. Tor appotatateut pbeoe H. W. Ca tjta, Marion Hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE Teachare wanted, at nea for high, school and grade, positions, alee sa perintendeat principal and special u4xni Intarmooartatir Teii Assn. 411-411 Atlas Bid. 8alt OUT. TJteh." - ' SITUATIONS WANTED HjlitI r til aialo eaok ; and cood driver or ear kind. Oood retaraBcea, FUlptno. TeL StTS. Girl wanU houaework. Neat. Caat worker, alala to take caartrol at Wtch n. State mint. Bend letter loB.fi Reachka. DaUaa. Ore. ; Touna boy deslrea to gt into seed home oa tarm wiu roiigioua pm. WDUns to work for email ee.Iary.TeL 444S or write P. Ot Box . . Lady with IS year experience la bookkeeplnc enoaraphy, aaleantaa elilp and moetfne- the vublie, deatrea FOR SALE Mlscellaneoaa saegaaeMSwaaaMawaajeeasaa mn SALE: ahafttnK. DriTtw utiff ra. SUtesman Publiahtus Ccv ynjirij'rrefa hwiii i FOR 6AL.E: Old papers. tSe a Won- die. gtateeman office. all raakea. new and Aiidera and trsewrltera far rent. Typewriter Exchange. 421 Court St Tj-injxrxj-Lrruiriririii-i - i TypewTltera eaed A Frame rarajre for sale cheap; .has leaa-t for estra.car. Want "to clear lot. C A. Spraa-uo at Stateamaa. Old lumber: Jx8; Xx4a, etc. mixed lot, will eel! cheap to clear lot. j a. Sprague, at Statesman. Bargain new StS Hamilton man' watcn. II jeweia oeii lor fiw owu. 13S1 State St. TeL 351S. Lin-n.Lri.rui.ni " Vn rlmnr hir 1 4. 80 er ton cash tn field. TeL noon or evenlnga, 14FI. FOR fiALEJ Childa. drop aide. white Iron bed and spring Price It. 00. Box 75S. Hta - Practically new No. IS X C Smith tvnewrlter. I45.0' Can JUL . ChnrrH n WANTEb Mlscellaneoaa WANTrn nwd Mun ta aa change oa radios, phoeograph or far riltwm. H L. Stiff Campaay wintkd SOS cords of wood to haul prices right. Fhone w or cau at ! M. t-apitai. ape l i i .ii itli i.ri.r. ' . " ' i r. '" i r i .i i rn 'i 1 1 r i" ii "i Lots cared for St. Barbara's ceme tery. X year. A. Ward, Sexton ziii Iaple. Having moved back to Salem X am . (a neJntine. tinting and ; (um grahHng. Contract or day work reaaonaoie rates, urvp rru or pw at im Tew St. wm. vaaoy. ' MISCELLANEOUS TO THE FARMER Improved harvesting drapers made to order; also all makee thoroughly reoalred. Barton Mfg. Co- ! South Wtwter. FOR RENT ROOMS in. ijx ulh n nr rir iii iii " 1 room Mrtly furalahed. s.e. i ind Falrerwtr Roed. ROOM and BOARD XruLrLiLmji'wni-ii"ii"i"ii"i"i Room board. Block and half south af on cottage, -rei. ei lit. Room with board. Reduced price. tli Marion. TeL siit. tnj-LAAi-j'u-iir - . rvvnt nleaaant room, and excelleut board . la modern hom Near state fcoaae. Box Btawwian. r.. -m -,-itn-r tw real home cook' ing well balanced meala, also e4 airy alecplng rooms. Close in. 151 I. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Ambassador Renirt-l nuiAm aota. alee, refrfg. and range IS0.SS and UP. completely furnished. Klce fur. apt 690 Union. FOR CENT- -APARTMENTS HOME WITH A CRKEK UQT S4SO0. A homo comoietolv furoiahed with an incomat house. 1 K. 4 R. don L s K. tip wtth aleepmsr porch.- S hatha, 3 toilets. Income HS.Sft an. uaa large corner lot. back ' lot on creek. " -' - ' SALE OR TRADE ItSOO. House a R- Carlton. Ore. for acreage near 8osm. ' 20S. 4 R. House Iot t0 Trade equity for a car and -aoma cash, what hwas reuT . Bungalow oo Ktisslon Street- -Trada far lot. smne cash, tint on baianoa. Price 11900. Home in 2 Salem I3&SS Trade for I to S acre tract. ... . Two Rouses far Fiatia Located In Lonjr Beach. CattfarnlaJ ainea u interewea jiss--. BECHTEI- Or THOilASON I4X 8tate Street . Boom 4. Apartawtit hews fvmlehed. fSS.M. sa. nvwaiM. -uu. ax . it ou. Fr. ata ISO Ceater. Tel. t24. FiwS act. with fireplace. CM Center. ! s Furalahed bungalow apt, til Mill St. AdoUs 1X5. Apta. SIX. 114. IIS. lit N. ComX OOD BUTS EICHANGE8 A. farm Nortfe of Salem. ZT A. la cult; Fair bldga sawtt wear school, lata timber. IXSOO. rood tenna. sr A. larnr aear toaa, -cs la CU1L.J gooa soil, piogi , seme iiatoer. snap yvftvu, taae smauu ats'nasfa xo pare. For rent R. fumiahed house SXf. t room furnished house 111. PERRIIf B ft MARSTER8 i XIX Justice Court Bid. Fura. apt. XII N. 14th. 7. mo. F02 RENT HOUSES p-OW RKftT V-iats tor a&slta. -S to DM. in n . Aiao Aounei BfiCICB A- HKMORKiiCa tSS ISorth sugar licraaa ! RCNTAXS r U WOOD S41 State Street na. oouse at 7 8. Kth. (i-m-u AMtth. ttX.SS as O. Mnrgaa. i Hi U. 14th or Statesman otrtca. FOR RENT I modern furnished bfKLVIK JOIIMSOX Uy beautiful borne far. X5 Madison. modern house, practically down town, three bedrooms, one fur nished, gas range, beaatixm yard. hetaeMka artiatk Comfortable, WU1 lease. Phooe IHI. 4. New four room bouse. CaU 7J2. Close in. Bargain for Renter I XXX.lt a month secures a furnish ed, t-tooth house, well located. com- fortabla. SZs M. summer, roone 71. J FOR RENT room modern house and garage. SXt.ee. isso sot cmunch. TeL 42. t R. house. lf N. W later. .V . i TL 112 K. 6th. J2.6tt. T R. lt Broadway. 20.00. R. tt For! Ilt.te. S R. X3t R 18th. I1S.0O. R. 149s Norway. $15.40. T R. ST R 14th. I12.S0. S R. U. High. 142.64. t a ui a xxad. is.t. "'. - - W. O. KRtTEOER 147 North Commercial I R. bouse. 1441 Broadway. 115. Strictly modern 4 room house, close in. 8 Mocks of state house at 1524 State St. ; Nice lawn, shrubs, base ment. aragt furnace fireplace, cau Br XL. ! FOR RENT T room plastered house at til Mill street, fis. - lArxe worn and aleeolmr perch. Kltchea privilege garage. 112 Un ion St- , i - - Pleasant fura. rma. apt 144 Union. - ' FOR RENT Choice Jiouae flat attaL. Imme diate possession, lit to 4t. Houses for sale Just like rent, no down pay meat, a modern home tor 10t down. oai. i e ntontn. BKCHTK1V-THOMASON 41 8tate Street - Room 4. Rentals ft Homes our Specialty WANTED REAL ESTATE - WaNtkd to RKNT 4 or s no. hsuee. fura. fireplace. In nice district, rent not toe high. Will lease. Box SU Statesman. FOR SALE Real Estate CTTT BA RGA INS T-Bays of Big Bargains filt.tt down, pries 11(54.14: nice corner lot. street pawd. X blocks front State street, is Ice fruit tree S R. houe Lann double xanca. 1144.44 Down. Fine lot 71x12$. nice M. nous ail nicety reflnished in skle; price ll4.0t; 4 blocks north of State street. Sltt.44 dowa. Price 12544.40. modern s-K. plastered bouse, almost new. Basement, furaaoe, fireplace, cor- : tier lot. Botn streets paved. Bet' ter look this ever. $544.44. modern 6-R-house, basement, furnace. This is a dandv triaee and fine location, price reduced to I3ie.wv. .- - ... -This is a good time to- bur. make more money on property than in bonds or stocK ' SEARS A TUCKER, Realtors 114 SL Commercial Street. Patton apartments with private hath, nicely fumiahed. - Iocated in business district-. Call Patton'S Book L-. ... WELL furnished rooms and arts. 2241 7444. HOME AND INVESTMENT room . semi-modern home, fireplace, basement and six desirable building lets In rapidly improving district. All Intm have Iflree choice fruit and nut tree, cherries, pears and apples, grape arbor, two garage garden, poultry hnii. On naved street near three Nice View. WW sen ait or Seo owner, its Kurai part, term arena Quick. r . n i a i avenu suone m FOR SALE Real EstaU WANTED REAL ESTATjS FOR SALE USED CARS Looktm for 14 to 204 acre tl to trade for clear ettr residence ta Bouthem Oregon, .ot to exceed . (Salem Used Car Center afvfnff-r mA.W MifXjilMA f-. aatm4 I V to sell at a sacrifice : easy term Why 1 1 lf Sufck BpL ' Coupe rvufc wuen jwir iauviii are . SBXBLD3 A KI.AKH Oreron Rlflr. lWiMN-i(WWWMMI PBRSANAI. UOANS If asa . fiimrtuaa rv Mlavlfla ' ether road aacurrtvL. imatli 1 1" Fard pC Roadster monthly. . wnea la financial need seel J"; f 'T" i,m krrm riMina a- u ' 419X1 Ford Sedan First National Bank Bids; Phone X55X1 11 Maxwen CoupodeUvery iwtm uueanioouv iinruf WlJITSn fa Inae in 1m evnlr nJt i ltXS f)iiSnA Cftanh personal property Terns . ta- suit j 124 Stud baker light touring m ' 41 1 said f oeda ra held and S orJack Hamlin, do vour eMvenianca. KxtXaaal taa and 11124 Star 4- Couaa fnnanoa ca 1 0 Bank ec Com, Bids.ix tar- a Toaring fcjeaaaea ' by atata. CITT AND FAR3T loaae at loi Best terms ofttainau our Insurance depertment of face roo ex pert aavice ana sei ic m an line uwmn m HflHiiwa i inc. 4isa . . xe orecaa atom. and apartment 255 DlvtsUm. 11 A. 1 ail east ot Salem, a room ban- gajow, oatn, eaeemant. electric lights and water: sytrtsm, a. orchard, flna eoQ and en paved road. Price SfStft. It A. 4 room, plastered hooML. bath. electric llgiM a A. Iwaakur wal nut S R. Anne cherry tzae fine soil. 244 uU. freaa Salem. Will . trade for bouse la Saiem. Price 15154. , VLELVIN JOHNSON ; j- 224 XJ. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 4794. 11854. A real aargala. s R. -cottage. wui tcada, aaiance uce rent. Aise IH A. dose la. Rmm 4471. MA KB TOUR CHOICH OF A HOME NOW THESE ARB PRICEO VERT LOW FOR QUICK &ALXT - Neat S room ahlnxlod cottage, bard- wood floors In nart. built in . fire place, pest ot plumbing, garage, paved street. Price only 195ft. easy 'term - jmmeeiate pesaesstoa os a neat 4 room cottage with nook, hardwood floors la part, good plumbing, garage and. woodshed, nice lawn, naved street, frice sizse. raving extra. New 4 room Mastered . cottage. rplumbing and -electric light Priced very low at ile. cash 951, baL lis per moeths Including interest. s roorare-MMnfortaMe aeuae witn gar agw andwoodahecL. Price 909. Easy terms. - H acre tract with 4 room bouse. chicken coop rahblt hutches and garage. Price 11100. cash t&t. baL montniy. - -.. LKO N. cmLDS CO- Realtors 120 State. Street Phone 4788. MR. AND MRS. NEWLTWKD8 Dear - Bride and . Oreom :- Tou are cordially Invited to inspect a neat 5 room bungalow wttn oak noor fire place, full cement basement, furnace. garage, paved street. X large fruit tree Immediate possession and priced for fsw -day only at 13150. Easy term At your convenience, Z will be pleased to meet ywu at my . office. KKH. KLoas witn LEO N. CHILD- CO- Realtors S!0 Rt-t Street Phrme T4t tXLHANGfc Real Estate To trade a flee room house - ta North Salem for small acreage dose in witn good ouuoing Bee jiaroia wnue, statesman. We have a beautiful uahnsroved t acre tract close ta and win take a car or a good lot in exchange. A' good I room house in good loca tion worth 11X44 and want ear. X4t wall Improved acre worth 150.- 400 and will take aoarUaent house. - 20 flno acres vuh araail Improve ment on pavement worth 14544 and want improved acre near Salem. is good acres, well improved, worth 14040 and want smalt acreage near tiaietn with rood nous. McaiLCHRIST A PENNTNOTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Fhone 48XS. TRADE FARMS TRADE T 1-4 Acre Itt A. cuitivation, 1-A. . timber, good 4 R. house, aase ; ment, electric light barn, garage. poultry nous s mites or Bales Trade for bouse la Salem. 14 -Acres, all la crop. Family orch ard. a-K. nous, electricity, barn. XOxSX. It miles of Salem on good road.- Trade for city property. 217-Acrea 27-A1 cultivation. 1.S44.- 404 ft. good timber estimate. No , lmproremeat Price 5644.40 . . trade for cltr nroDertv. .. lit-Acres Howell praiH adodera im provement, faces Silverton road. This Is a swell -place and imtr 1158 per ace This la a place you will be brood to own. Will take city property for part. : SEARS It TUCKER 14 South Coremerriaf ACREAGE - - -- ------i-i-i-i- -i-i-i -ii-,-ii-iinLOjxMrumjxrui ACREAGE One acre H mile out on paved high way, race ttve.ve. One acre mOe out en paved high way, fruit and grapes, good well, gar- ag Jrnce va.vu. ; One acre on new 12 th street high way cut-oir, gooa creek, price fist. Five acres bearing logans and strawberries, close in.- price 11104.00, au easy term . r- .- t - . ,- ' - 17 Acres Diversified Farm' 4 Some timber, creek and pasture, and H acres strawberrie 1 acre peache 1 acre filbert 1 acre lo- ran all bearinsr. rood set of bund ing .electricity, 7 mllea from Salem, close to saiem-suvertoa tuxnwav. Price of $5300.00; includes stock jsnd -1 ' " "it ACRES ' r ' s- An under cultivation, old set of buildings, 8 miles out .and close : to paved highway and store, fine chance for dairy, fruit or berrie Price 1 cut to 3260, any reasonable term ul ser witn ANDERSON te RUPERT NOTIC2 OF 8ALB OP PEKSOX-1 AXt PROFKBTT fJNDKB A WARKUOC&JU LIK2T. ) NOTICE! IS -HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue ot a warehouse lien the hereinafter described l goods. TeX 9941. MONEY TO eLO AN COMIMISSIONERS CpURT The folio wing is the official I45t I imJrvmmTf Vk-iffwJ HnMlMttA-i o lk A PUIlnl A ' its I named persona, on whose accounts 1 rbiimo hfnrm im -' nlarfnn 1928 Boick Master-1 P. Bed a a . 85t I aaid goods are beid as hereinafter JMrm w Mi.iHiooU.r-i 191? Cbevrol.t Roadster , , 154 I at... w, k ,aM v. tbalrinda-wlOnty CmmiSSlOnera COUTl II I tlmad. Canital fMtv Tranafer lfor the May terra, 1931, it 1 company on" tbe 16 th day eft with the amount allowed, bills 'fljirne, mi. at the hour of ll: 081 continued; etc, accordias to ? I J.v a U r M iImiI iUln . .T ... . . it: I "rnJZ"m:r rC:?- Ve.recorcs u me ouice or tne 1" I Transfer Company at tit tiCnttr clertc .Slawtet-ktaU'h W ') 1921 Chevrolet. Coup 1117 Dodge 4 Sedan 1928 Essex Coach . 19S Ford Spt. Coupe lsxs s or eeoaa 1919 Fortt Coupe Iff 1 -ab Tha nasnea of the owners lii--r nMrMtmn I A: a-- am. a -a, ww -b " W Saakt a J VMI Matlf UV 4) S) f 0 4f I ana pemnu b wuwm wcwuuaift. u UOtHI, O0 I9IT Ruonahn, a adaja . 19X4 liudsoa- Coupe-:. ...j. 88 X4S ,t or Tracks Kt ibuvu vi vv--.a fc Areata atarK, oo ,..., follows":- - . i i. ilC W. hlarka. .do Dr. A. H. Andrews, f 5 boxes 1 Edwin Richards, do. canned, trait. - I ; i 1 J. v Bewlef. MtroL. . . . 107.71 -ssh. A al ."VI W ' - ' - liaorie uentiey, . x vox ouser hold' goods 50 91 7.17 S.48 21.41 11.42 1J Road District Xo. ST 8ALARX AND FURNITURE: ts.oo to noo.fio i to tt tnoaebs -re par- Quick aervloe, XTalr Tresanrewt -STATS LOAN XXejCKT tlX Orerew Bids, gad near Oft, hrsi 14- a. m. to 4:14 p. ss. Tstetmoue-7TU -i by Btau ; rTVer. Ceheer.: roU beddtatJ. 1 buffet. 1 reckar, 1 W. .'JiZil l Road District No. 83 lttl Ford tandem, wheels - 444 a sb-a - t"i iMS.ra. swat . est r w, sprms, finw ka J.K.e I; T Iron bed ends. 1 rrwa bed rails, ' 4V..V saaa AAnfaatrg- t avli4.- s, mtai lb, m n tg .vx asa e, ea vwn a lSSI Wiauja vw6, .f" ' .... I Voaanh rlnnV 1W printed matter, 1 amaiL printinf i -'v ltlt Chevrolet, wood body ivrv- jrora panel oenvery 19X8 Ford -panel aaUvery 19X8 Dodge screen aide 1.1 C 24t M02SBT LOANECy TIM ATJTOS 43ontsacts sssnnaa Arranxe ta reduce rour . Tou keep the car. P. A THKXM. . - ' Cor. TJhart-p fet. and- FssT-r Phoos 4tlX SaJeaa. Ore. I Msrloa and Liberty -Opea Eveirtaga and Sundays . , Phone, tilt ... , wMMMeMiwwyMww I XTrager Prait Co., 7T Bundle O. D. Needham. patrolman Road District No. 80 15.47 rranlc Crane, do ...... 14. S7 H. C. Waeken. do...... 14.57 Road District No. 40 Salem Used Car Center 1 machtne. . E. R. Chandler wife, 1 wash Ub and contents, IP. B. Carter t Hammond Ltr Co shov X roU bedding, I rocker. 1 trunkt H"non4 Ltr.- Co 8nOT" a uwa a.. mwm. . - . ..,1:1' Tt TTomsr salkaa. ate OS ll i im uaiagn, vnt FederaT Farm Leeurs. rs per- ant , eW WOOB. aI &LB 'Bells of Harmotiy - Beard - ever XCOIN daflr ring- aat a 4oan service that la really, really. diXferent. NO DEDUCTrONS . -NO FE NO OTHER CHARGES ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY - QUICK AND COTRTBOajS S72BVICB OX UJanS glS U Beneficial Loan v Society OF OREOON Room lit New Bitch Bldg. tnd Floer 618 State St. - - rrei. . X-7-4-4. a - LICT5N8TTD BT STATE McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 1 111! Ford Tudor, new at a dis count. . txi.ot Cartons, lifr bundles Caxtsma. e. k. fiUder. l sewing Macotne. , Art ruta. 2 steel , range, X range- closet. J Wllford Cross. 1 toei caest. v n r, K. A. f a -MtM fill I KU-sa-,-issJii Edwin. A. Richards, do. . ' uw ....... i SV A. Ball, labor .Geo. Barrett, do . . .Raymond . Case, do : Kd. tt, Collins, do tM9 Ford 4Bert Roadster . IU4.4el .PAA nm l earton lacks. !H! ?v Buataaae eewpe 446.44 1 T,mM , TTatl. 1 Oral.' 1 In illSSxSSC'LSS. ST """Unbator. 1 meubator atond. 1 Urea, new jnotor trunk f tl.tt 1 piaea cream separator, 1 old cup- aa vmiivia wni pletelr reoondltioaed 1927 Chevrolet Coach, 4.05 2.00 1.4 15.99 2J9 4.41 J4 8.98 8.97 4.41 i-ta 13.10 LOANS WANTED trunk. eomoletely reconditioned If S.44 1925 Dodge Bedaa ' - - 15 .44 1 Douglas McKay i Chev. Co. Cher, berrr truck, good condition. good- tires, has license Will sacrTfice tor 155.00, terms if necessary. 147 S. commercial. . - - . - Paul A. 8mith. do Lancet Stewart, do. ..... ' EL J. Richards, patrolman Road District No. 43 O. L. Brabaker, labor., 11.96 8w.K. Dam do. 8.97 M. H. Utter, patrolman, 29.92 1 Road District No. 4 & ..... 2.99 WANTED Private money to loan on real estate. W. H. URABEN HO It ST m CO, - REALTORS 1S4 & Liberty St. ' Tel. 8418. 19'4-Oakland Sedan; Good-Will Used Cars board. 2 boxes and contents F. A. Ja-eobs, 9 boxes and con tents. ." - l.j.' i Kra. J. E- KeUey. 1 trunk ana contents. f A Sa-sr 1 M - 41 . a SK ji.eltAetta: ',t u", "v,inr.E. Beoeh, labor a uux btoiwu w i tn -c. cL-fcAK-. res a. e 1 v -v-w---.. UV. . . . v.vo SrVWlf ... A sa-aawv- -sewwe--. Mrs. nnrnhr. 6 boxes ana con a a. A a AaveaS-M V imu. x trnns. ua- wisicuui. . - child', speeder. 1 sack toot., and gj. r ; ; ; ; ; C. B. MUler, 1 bed aprinc z bed ends. 1 boxes XL H. Goodai 2 small trunks. 2 hop baskets, s trolman 27.97 Road District No. 5 W. HY Fair, do E. Knnke, do L. E. Hennies, patrolman iiii-uwana oeuan n.wi j. , -,tf.-,. i I w !l--k8-1-' 4!f.oo U ntog table. 1 kitchen taWe. J Hugh Boyle, do tra jm tu.4-j v. si a JoinU .tore pipe. 1 cros. cut aaw H Boneylabor 1 bbU jars, 1 bbL Ublo leaTes. 1 ' ' ' iara.Wyji. n. . .. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY 1 192S--Cherrolet Coach - i-is-uiaanaDut Booaa -.- in,!.. . I lUf-Chevreie Coudo Starts chick rwmg purtet dressed U" Ford -Roadster poultry far sate. Market poultry want- I ltX7-Star 8 Coupe . , ., ed. TeL-Dial 118. call IXXFX. Leesl Hatchery. . I SS UOWfi Baby chicks and started chick 1 And as long as Xt months to pay lltt leghorn Reduced price Will ion any of the following cars: take wood for part. 2160 North Fifth. 1 1923-Hudaon Touring . Phone 9TL FOR SALE WOOD 12" and 14 weed, also olaaer wood. 15.60 per cord load delivered I trom car. J.tw rrom yarn, uooos MltcheU Co. X4t a. lzth. ills. 1924-Ford Touring i ivn-icsaex coachi - 1924-Overiand Sedan 1 1924-Ford Delivery l2-Ford 1-ton truck. overdrive - . with First ctasa slab weed. Delivered to prune and hop driers t bar gam price TeL 49F4. i--eeww-we--a mil run sawdust and alt varieties of wood priced reasonable. TeL 74 ZS. 95 00 75.49 T5.00 95.90 85.00 1X5.40 WOOD - WH EATON MdTOR CO. Oakland ' Phone till PontUc USED CAR DEPARTMENT 845 Cnemeketa 425.to bicyele. 1 couch, 1 leather file. I J altcll wain, do rucaer. . i m Pfaffln-rar An I C. H. Post, 1 leather rocker, l i ' : - :"-Z " round dining- table. 1 leaf. ; J a Lw J. Tost, 4 chairs, 1 stgnd. 1 table. 1 rug, 1 piece carpet, l box books. 1 boiler ft contents, l small box. 1 mattress. 4 bed ends, 4 bed rails, 2 bed springs, XfcS.tO 676.00 285.04 155.04 235.40 Alt-la Roth, do Kathen Roth, do. . P. "W.1 Owre, patrolman . . Road District No. 63 James O. Darby, labor.. 8.17 11.98 9.98 11.96 21.94 1.41 1.49 1.49 6.98 2.49 1.49 S.98 5.98 11.96 9.98 pieces stove pipe. Mr. Peetx, 2 bxs. frames.' George Ridgeway. 1 tied in burlap. i Picture;! I NOTICE i 1 Notice Is hereby given that package; I have Impounded tbe following tl described flog in compliance witn Helen Shea. 1 box Jars, 2 box41the provisions of Ordinance No. as. l small hex. i neater, asi i44. to-wii: una DiacK spaniel chairs, 1 small box, 1 box, 1 tubil and Hound dog, male. The above ecu. GUARANTEED DRT Wood coal TeL e0 Salem Fuel Co. 752 Trade. 14 la. old fir 11.00. 2nd growth 4 ft. 14.75. TeL 8174 evening DRT Cr and aak wood, coal and NOTICE OF FINAL 8ETTLE ; IENT ae.l.A la -I- .1... .v. . l, a. v u ucicui Kav-.u--.uaL lu. 1 . . . . . . . , undersigned baa filed la the I rn.-e: z rocaeiai aiicneB.auM,, O. B. Evans, 1 box, 1 boxed. J. L. Davis, 1 range, 1 rang closet. - 1 W. K. Shinn, 1 trunk. IT. H. Tlce. 2 bbla. truit. n h Thaver. 1 baby bnery. K. Tinsley, 1 range top and I described dog wUl be killed It stove j not redeemed by owner on or be fore Hay 29, 1921. as provided la said ordinance. $ Dated May 25. 1921 W. 8. LOW, Street Commissioner, Salem. Oregon. M-2 8-27-2 8-2 9-20 7.48 4.48 7.48 24.94 4.99 3.99 . l.C 7.47 12.21 27.18 - Andrew. Fisher, do . ... George Gilham, do .... James W. Glibam, do,.. Theo. Fisher, patrolman. Road District No. S3 Delbert Weathers, labor. . Karl B. Wipper, patroL. Road District No. C8 Starr Hdw. Co., shovel, etc , ... 2.09 Art Broaden, labor. .... a 7.47 Lewi do Pelrio, do..,, v 8.97 W. E. Fuller, do ...... 16. C) A. M. Hougen, do 4.99 Oscar Johnson, do ..., 9.98 Harold MeaL do ...... 12.47 Herbert Ness, do ...... 14.95 James Rue, do . ..... j. 14.95 E. Z. Kaufman, patrolman 2 7.9 0 Road District No. 68 W. H. Haynes. patrolman 4.98 Salem Brick ft Tile Co..? tile, etc '..;.,.,,! O. natfleld. labor. R. T. Judson, do ...... Lewis K. Judson. patroL Rossi District Nov. 6 4 Darid Da BoU, tabor. . .'. 4.99 Earl Maanlng. do . .... .4 J 9 Iran Ifanning, do ' , 2.99 AI Vanderbeck. do ,,.;.) 9.92 John F. Vanning, patrol.) 23.95 Road District Nov 65 Pearl Patterson, i labor . . 1 Ray Patterson, do Richard Patterson, patrol 1 XUad District No. 458 Freree Lbr. Co., Ibc... E. C. Laa, pipe . L Turner Rdw. ft - Black.. rep. scythe, etc. ...... Elton Bond, labor ...... H. M. Cran-s, do Pat Harvey, do George Howard, do A. F. Kalthlsy, do .... WTlis Katthley, do ..... O. w. McCoy, do ...... George Miller, do Lewis Scofleld. do ..... , W. H. Scofleld. do C D. Shenenberger, do . . L. P. Spier, do ......... Roy Tyler, do Leonard Walker, patrol. Road District No. 87 McVey Sand ft Gravel Co.. gravel ......... Malcolm Cooke.- labor.. Emlle Van Damme, do . . J. L. Cook, patrolman. . . Road District No. 438 ' Jno. Lambrecbt, labor..; 2.24 Jno. W. EtzeU patrolman 3.99 Read District No. 458 John A. Gillies, labor. ... 14.9 6 Chas. Gilles. patrolman.. ' 2.9S Road District No. 70 Ditters Gen. Store, nails 1.00 Murphy Gardner Lbr. Co., lumber i.... Frank Anderson, labor,-. Leonard Doerfler, do ... I Chas. Stalger, patrolman Road District No. 83 Stay ton Hdw. Co., bolts. Clarence Forrette, labor. John Vandendriencbe. do George Keech, patrolman - Road District No., 88 W. ' H. Card, labor . . . . . 4.99 2.99 3.99 49.92 22.10 1C.75 14JT ll.ii 8.37 11.96 8.97 14.97 14.97 14.97 14.97 8.97 (.92 20.93 J9.94 1S.96 C.25 11.96 8J7 1S.96 25.29 2.99 4.99 10.95 .20 4.99 2.9 8 5.98 Geo. Baker, do 2.49 3.99 Mrram Baker, do ...... 2.99 G.-H. Marlatt, do 4.48 Ray Reeves, patrolman.. 12.96 ' Road Dist. Nos. 20, and 30 Dan Fsndrlcb, lsbor. . . . 20.55 Market Road No. 0 Ted Dobacan, labbr . . ,. Market Road Wensel Eder. labor. . . . Joe Hecker. do .. . . . . . P. E. Jensen, foreman. (Te be continued) No. , 7 5.98 2.99 2.99 8.99 rAni.f. rnn- t,m o.- , I b dinina cnaira. a laoie leaves. . a fuel oil. CaU on us for prices, W; .v. r.nT.t w, I table, 2 bed. end. , size. 2 bed give good measure, good Quality and I Oregon, ror tQO frot Mit-i" ' w , bed good serrlce. I ion, her duly verified Final Ac-1 ena"- 4 . f1 LARMER TRANSFER ft . STORAGE I count, as the administratrix of I spring, 1 dresser, 1 bed spring. - TeieaaeneH Astate of Henrv Eikhmer. da- Wilcox. 1 trunk. r a-sswa-sSssasassaat-aSsasss-asl Cross - Word Puzzle Best wood for the money at Tracy's I ceased, and that said Court haa Feel Tard. TeL 8988. I fixed Tuesday, tba 80th dav of - - - . Drr fir. Saarale'a Fuel Tard. TeL I June, 1931. at thO' hour Ot 10 X789. o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court R. E. WUHams, 2 boxes ! H. H. Goods. P. D. WlUg, 2 boxes per et- fects. Horace A. Willis, 1 box H. IL Bj EUUKNU S1IEFFER LOST and FOUND j Room In tho County Court House J Goods, LOST Small siivar change ru Reward. Leave at Htatesmsn offire. FOR SALE USED CARS Model A Ford truck. Sale or trade for Cletrao or cattle, o. M. Scbnett, k. a, box iss. aiaiem.' at Salem. In Marlon County. Ore gon, as the place) for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at -Salent,' Oregon, this 26th day ot May, 1921. - i j. MART 5CHUKEY, formerly MART EIGHMET. Administratrix of tho EsUte ot Henry Elghmey, Deceased. fTerl Cnra nrirl TriirV- I RONALD C. GLOVER. auwuar xor Aanuninnunxi Valley Motor Company Saltm, Oregon. v .M27-J1-10-17-24 W. Wendell, 1 box ft content. Mrs. E. M. Rttter. 1 Victrola. j Mrs. Ethel Walker, 1 box. trunk. i ' F. E. Jennings. 1 trunk, 2 small boxes and contents. . W. H. Walton. 1 roll ft con? tents. y " '. E. D. Brundldge, 1 box of per sonal effects. CAPITAL' CITY TRANBFE COMPANY. S . Br FRANK B. LOOSE. M27-iJ-2-l 1920, Tudor, like new 19XS stanuara ; coupe s tires piy .3485.44 19Xt Staadard Coupe 19X9 Fordor Sedan recondl- 495.44 854.44 NOTICE OF FINAL ? SETTLEMENT i Notice Is hereby given that thej NOTICE OF FINAL- SETTLE MENT Notice Is-hereby given -that the 1 nnif-nlrtiM tiaa Tiled la tha 1980 Roadster-Tumwe setZ 418.99 County Court of the State ot nndersigned haa filed ia the Coua-I izi .rioaastar rumble seat ..S36.es i uregon, xor mo sjouniy . or mar-1 1 court Ot tho btate ot uregonj III Standard Coupe 285.0t I ion, aut Te rifled Final Ac-1 for the County ot Marion, her duly mi roraor ceo an tutii. I ik .dmiiiiaiHt., . th. ..m.j . .j.mu I around good tires 15S.4S ""-"- w tcuucu ""- ----, w 1928 Tudor rucksteU. seat -. estate of Ella Noren, deceased, trix of the last will and testament ,. Z?Ilxrrt. nnhn,.t ' V1 and that said Court has fixed and esUte of Jame. W. Taylor, lltt cpe-ieatner pphoistar- Tuesday, the 10th day ot June, deceased, and that said Court haa 1128 , i . ' ' 75.04 .1931, at the hour of ten o'clock fixed Tuesday, the 2nd day of We have X5 1 others under 100.04 A. M. ot said dF, aa tho time, June. 1931, at tbo hour of ten- 1929 Model AA- truck B speed -... Cnnr Trnnm In n.in.v a a of saM dir. Aa tha erana. trailer 11 rnn - I -w-- w - i m wv-.m. n. ; rwxjy 4! 5.00 I the County Court House at Sa-1 time, and the County CourtjRoom J!!?"!1 "XV truck Zf -25 1 lexx. la Marlon County, Oregon, j in tho County Court House at Sa-H vh "kuxUUry -V0-: Aill 1 as tho placcfor Shearing aald lem. in Marlon County, Oregon,! 1929 A Panel 875.04 I final account, and all objections I as tba place for bearing saia xinai, 1925 1-4 ton Dodge, screen - I thereto. " -. I account and all oblOCtiooa thereto.; . bod ...... no.ot I , Dated at Salemi Oregon. thUl Dated at Salem. Oregon.! this i-s nYT3rZl- - I 27th dav of Mar.. 1921. I 59th dav of Anril. 1921. I 1 150.4(1 tinder northwest r I s . '; - JOHN. NOREN, EVA E. TAYLOR, Executrix of !"? 7 7?-? I Administrator of tha Estate of I tho last will and testament ana terKtM - Ella Noren, Deceased, estate of James W. Tay deceas-i '. I RONALD C. GLOVER. led. Valley Motor Com nan V I Attorney for Administrator. . I RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney . . " I Salem. Oregon. ... lfor Executrix, Salem, OregQn. Phone X156 Center at Liberty a ' M27J2-l-I7-24 I A29-M6-12-20-27. 1 a . I2 3 H I6 I7 feB l'1 rtt ir in- WTTfc 1 Pp dA mA 1 &m 1 HORIZONTAL. 40 circle 1 the sun 41 slow 4-froth jogging 8 abyss - pace tl suffix used .. 42 anarchLit la chemical 43 corer I term. 12 to the inside of : 15 -Imrae- k- diaUly t- (poet) 15 sting 17 thine In law POLLY AND HER PALS - - v " ' IWELCOMH BLOCK, BROTHER I HAS A HUNCH WE'REGONMA BEDERN NEIGHBORS By CLIFF STERRETT roit 21 chum 22 vehicle 28 wild plant , 25 sick 26 flat inner 1 lunac oi I the hand 27 mistake 28 seventh letter of . the Greek ".alphabet 29 cookinf utensil SO half an em 81 store 44 enemy. 45 altema - five 46 nothing 47 pretty 50 extreme 52 very black 54-rdigit ot the foot 65 consume - 66 lease 67 mineral rpring VERTICAL. 1 transgress 2 lyric poeta 8 epistle 4 hard steel tool used for abrad ing 6 Individual . 6 nearby 7 ethical 8 foot-like 23 tiny . 24 sea-eagle 25 Jbpanese statesman in 1909 26 reimburse appendage 28 enoch 9 within 29 prefix 10 complete 14 email slender creeping" limbless animal 16 spread for crying 18 Hebrew 'name for " - God tl-aign t 22 container Herewith Is the solution to yes- 40 ,hiD nse(j . ' ' ' -' " ' r" '" - - hi, , aa aa in 1 -. . J0 . .' I 1 ? OUR )Sfw-" ' I (SO VOUVE i. My HUSBAJvJD'S VOLmB' W kSZ U, wUv J& PRINCE, MAW 7 VQJ.TO OUS , NEVER fiPTSSTell i W! i I v it- jt-3r h-a i wr Jtvi cxrxi i rMfcicr-it3t-Cr-iij. rvit.i yti JrV . i vrss m ft.. GOOD) yT.:SM EHrWOT'S LJvvyi r-oy lJcTh WZ k a a a m I a a. .. w as m a a.'. m a a s i - a i . m ub p rttmi. a r a. . i r. 1 1 i v i at sr . BBBBaasa--av ap-wsaSBBr i m aai - meaninx beiore 21 precious stone 82 recede 88 Chinese - csrd gam. . 81-Lawyer (abbr.) 85 melan i choly 87 welcome. 88 walked upon 39 uncanny for trans . portatinar . oil 41 male of the cat 45 Chinese weight 44 vessel use4 to hold holy wate 46 trap 47 read with. , care 48 cut the top off 49 affirma- tive 61 Egyptian deity ' 65 exist where food : t ataplea are ; I . sold , -83 note of the - scale - 88 body of water 86 ahort for Abraham 87 procured 88 croup of pLsyera