The .OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, -"Oregon. Wednesday Morning; May 27, 1931 PAGE SEVEN A s 4. t . - 1 ...I '; 1 'COY SC1ID0L CLOSED FRIDAY 4 McCOY. May 26 The McCoy i grade school closed Friday after ascessnu year. Tbe teacher. I LoulsevScroggins of Ashland ,il some excellent work in the hoeL There were only six mi- Lils In the entire scheol. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drools And daughter Mona and Ml- -.a pe Pries attended the baccalau reate sermon for the Dallas high fechool seniors , Sunday erenlng. ilUs De Pries and Miss Brooks jrlli graduate from Dallas" high Thursday eTenlng. . Mrs. Mary Garfield of Portland Jrho has been risittng her-daughter, Mrs. Waldo Finn returned to fcr home Saturday. Her small Jrsnddaughter, Patty Jane Finn ccompanled her and will make jrislt, of several weeks with her grandmother and other relatirea la Portland. Miss Loalse Scrogglns, teach er ot the McCoy school left Sat urday for her home In Ashland. We will see Miss Scrogglns again la the fall as she has been re tired for next year. Mrs. Waldo Finn and daughter Betty, and Mrs. Mary Miller spent Saturday shopping in Portland. Mrs. J. W. De Pries was a Port- land visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sergeant nd children Russell and Barbara were Sunday erenlng callers at he home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo fin. , " - Roberts Class Is Graduated ROBERTS, May 26.-A' Urge crowd attended the eighth grade graduating; exercises here Satur day eTenlng. The following program was rendered: Invocation, Rer. A. Pogue; piano . solo, Mrs. Berts Barker; violin solo. Delbert Jep on; reading, Mrs. Addle Curtis; vocal solo. Mrs. Nellie Ramp; address, Rev. A. Pogue. H. B. Carpenter, chairman of the school board, presented di plomas to Dorothy Salehenberg. Sawakl Usui, Marlon Shorey, Floyd Bowman and Wesley Good rich. Many lovely bouquets were re ceived by the graduates. The teachers. Mrs. Mlnlne Beckett and Mrs. Helen Larson were each given a beautiful bouquet of flowers and were-, congratulated on their successful work here during the past three years. Berry Crop is Being Harvested 'ROSEDALE. May 26. E. W. Caunoy is harvesting his crop of gooseberries. ': Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith - and two boys are moving back from Rosehurg where they have spent the winter, The Trick family visited Sun day with Ormal Trick who Is pastor ' ot the Methodist church at Scholls. - r Helen and Albert Cammack pent the week end in Portland. Miss Laura Cammack; closed her school at MiddletonJ on Friday and returned with them Monday morning. Miss Helen Wlnslow, a student t Monmouth Normal school, pent the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs. B. B. Stroud. CALLED; TO THE DALLES " WALDO HILLS, May 2 While getting ready to go to the meeting ot the Willard - Women's luh Thursday, Mrs. Ted Finley received word that "her uncle, Wm. McFarland of Condon, had been rushed to the hospital at The Dalles. - She left by motor, at once for her uncle's bedside, ac companied by her small daughter. Norma and Mr. McFarland's sis ter. Mrs. F. A. Moore of Sllrerton. , The ladles returned Friday night reporting Mr. McFarland as yestlng easily following; a seriossi operation for ruptured appendix. GUESTS FROM MONMOUTH WALDO HILLS, May - 26 Miss Edna May Goodknecht of Monmouth spent the weekend at her home. She was accompanied ty a frlendrMIss Allda Beaure gaard whor signed her contract for a school near' Stsyton while here. Both young ladies are seniors at Monmouth Normal. Ed na May's parents and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. John Goodknecht. Mar tha and Helen Goodknecht took the girls back to school, visiting 4be F. A. Doerfler gardens on the way. -. - TO MOVE TO ALBANY " STATTON. May 26. Mrs. W. H. Trass: Is preparing to move to Albany and her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Roxy Trssk. of Lyons is here assisting her. Mrs. Trask traded her home here tor a residence in Albany and the Albany parties in turn traded the Trask property to Edwin Forrette ot this place for his farm in Linn county. The For rettes will move soon to the Trask house. '- -....;...!. . W J V Radio raius Prog Wednesday, Hay ST A?A -c-Corranu 11:00 Fans mr. 2 :30 Homeaaaker hour. : 3:80 Book co pentose, r - ? :--sr tow. 7:30 .etiuaal researe euneLL S:f2 P"oileel aerriaea. 1 I!12 J?0'" sppetiiers. - X" ltm, NBQ. ,:0O Cookiar echk !2:15iJ" tls. VEO. 10:80 atacssiae ( taeAir. jsfBOL JJ: " Hon coax, IS er..tra. 1:20 iMdom knUoit ? 1 :40 School of Air, KB& ' ; 1:15 Seimc uik, T.'C Amos A4y. T:r5-Camel pleasure hoar, KB0. 8:30 ftjr Praaeea Drake erettestra. 10:20 Trafrte lk, CpUl Errl. . XJJ'-99eTX-: . STRAWBERRY GRlINS SOAR IS' - . Prices Drop as low as $1 S Crate for alL Of Varieties ' . PORTLAND, May 26. (AP) -More strawberries were offered on the Est Side Farmers' mar ket today than during any pre vious ses-fn. ' Supplies were from all directions and general good citsaf'ty- was noted. Priees slumped i h tiew low tor the eason with Gold Dollars down to 1 crate for load lots although some of t' ."se sold early at $1.25. " MarsT.l's nd Oresons sold et a spread nf $t.00-1.65 crate with the lower ' price tor some small fruit which a disgusted grower wanted to get rid of without de lay. . Most of the top quality trait snM tl.35-l.f0 crate with a few $1.60-1.85. : Charles ; Walker, county in spector, was on duty and; made It plain tfrat hereafter berries brought 1 to market without the name and rddress of the grower, would encounter difficulties. I have warned them too many times already : he says. "Now the hard luck . ts going to start for those that refuse to obey the law.- J V First of the season local rasp berries came to the market and aid at s.$t crate. Two crates later brought in by a Japanese sold for $3.59, not being so good. Paaa wsre tinner and sold gen erally Ce Xb. A. few higher. - Lettuce sold well 75c crate for the best. Extra fancy hothouse tomatoes were $4.5 crate. Spinach found a good call $1.94-1.2 orange box. Potatoes sooted fairly steady at f 6e tor .test old stock. Cabbage moved slowly; mostly frOc crate. Root vegetables were In fair call at unchanged prices. Gooseberries were mostly 5c lb. - POBSmAXD. Ore, Mr 28 (AP) Prwdne rckr. et price : batter, ex tTM 34; staalr4s it; pritM firftts 23; tints SI. Ecs. tn&k extras 16; freak aa 1. Portland Grain POnxaV. Ore. Mar 26 (AP) Wkaat (atarea t - . . t Opes ; Hirk , Law Cloae May ; : 6S 63 63 JmX. 5S 654 65 55 Sea. 55 65 55 55 M Caak aaarkvta: WTteat: big Bend blue itew T1; ao winter, western whit .70; hard wiaAer. northern aprinf, wertara reS Jf . t . Oata: Ko. S S3 Ik. waits 22.00 Millr: aURUrd 15.00. Con: He. . T. akipmeat 26.23. 1 Portland Livestock' POBTLAKB, Ore, Mr 28 (AP) CeHtU X5 .alow, dnm- Staera 600-0S Iba ood $707.85; teeiaaa .91.60; coanaom 5.8546.85. iSIre Se-ll0 tba.. Coel 7.50feT.85; meaimja 6.657.50: ecmmon 6.85 a 6.65. Steers 110e-1800 11a, 6.8; 7.50; me aiam S.5S.86. HaUera 650 850 lb., aW t . J5ti 7.25; medium .75 6.7; naiii .75fe.7$. Cewa, good 6.25 S.7; aaaiaaoai ead aaediaa 4.25 fe 5.2 5; low eattar aad eattar 1.75ya.5. Bolla. TcarliBta cKchaded. -4. 609 00; enttar aad aaadiwat Vcalera, milk te4. T0fe50; Btediam 6.007.50; CBil-tiMiiw 4.006J0. Calvea 350-500 nh. coed aad eh4ee 6.25 7.75; aaaa aaaa aad aBedtaaa S.7Sf 6.S5. oa S09, lawvr ranfea. Lih-li1t 140-160 Iba.. roo'-ckoiea $6XT.2S; tirhr-uifkt 160-160 lba.. rood-ckaioa 7(f7.2S; do 180-200 Iba.. raad-eaaiee ' T.tH7.6J; mediaa weight 0-20 tea- caod-eboiea 6.25 7.3 ; aa StO-SSO iVa cad-ekoie 6.75 8.15; da tw-Sfv lto., -eed-caiea 4.76.25. Paekiar aewi 275-600 Iba.. medium-food 4.TSaee. . raeder and atoekar piga 70 lfl iba caad-eltoie 7.50 & 8.50. - 8haea W ataadr. t .fc-g 6 laa. dawn, ttxxl-elioiee $7.00 gIMi aaediaia S.&067.00; aU weithta. cuaam aO0.OO. Tearlinf wethera e-tie taa, aaadiaiB-eaoiea S.005.00. Kwea wS-iee aaedhim-ehoice S.O SS; 4m 120-150 IV nad-ehoiea 1.60 2.25; da aU wetfhta an 11 -com 1.00 1.60. rruit8. Vegetables POBTUUTD. Ore, May 2 (AP) Freak fraie ecaage. prked. Taleacia, f 3.400 C.&0; cTapaCrait. norida, 94.2S ; OaJiferwia. 6 1. 505; limes. 6-dos. carte. I.0; baiaaaaa. 6 lb. InnoBB California 5.05.75 esse. Clark - aead liar, SS erate. Cakbara local, saw. 60Q75 kaU erata. retaUea Ore r an. Desehntes, tl.41.60; Bakers t, ioeal 75el; Takiaia. 85feLt5. Kew poUtoei Cahrorata fsrneta. SH24e; whites. SH aa. UaiM aelliac price to re teilers: Oreraa, 88 tc ewt.; CaL. new eroo Bemmdaa, SS.60. Seed patatoea laeat i&it lb. Rhabarb. local, balk. S2a lb.' ArtI rfcetaa 607S dot. Hpraath local. 630T5 ara(ra bo. Celery California, l.oa 1.75 per das.: fcearta. Sl.40 dea. bwsHkea. Masarooma hothoeee, 5 40. reppera belt. reea, 40a IK. patataea eatera. ' SS.75 ham per. " Oaaliilawer California, f2.25. Baas (U(wK $S hamper: 12o lb. Pea California, 234c; Orajron. 68a tb. Tomateee Califaraia, S.2 Inc. re, pr4; Texas, SJ.15 (88-25; ,oUone. rT"Attlt lb. Lettaca local, 85(91 rU. S-spsrtsss BOrtbwast, 0g$l das. - baaehaa. Portland Produce POBTULKD, Ore, May 26 (AP) Lire poaltrr aet kajinf prices : kemrj keas, colored 4tt lbs, ap, 18oi U ta 4 lb,- X5; da wader t Iba, J8e; bretlera. lSe; aid roeeters, 7e; docks, eld pekiaa. S22e; spring docks, 80Q32c; 1.60; Eakers 9 local. 75cl; Yakima. fee. ISe; tarkara. 2j22e. . poUtees . Oregon. Deecantea. fl.40Q SScl.ft&. Kaw poUtaes California gamete, SS4; wkitea.-SHa lb. Hay baying priaaa tor producers: 61 faUe. fl4rtS; clover, S10&12; oat and atch, 610411 tan. Milk baying price: grado B Sl.SOffJ 1.S0 a CtntaU with "anrpln" lQ-0 PortUad deitverr ad inspection. ts, 13o lb.; Brasils, 18a20e; almonds. lU16)s; luoena, usKj arccaoa, lOe. - l. Hops. nominal. 1929 crop, 10 Q lie; 190. If Q17e. . DrMsad poaltry seUiaff prteo to ro tatteas: turkays, poor to good, 253Se; (racks. 25c; geese, 18c; capons, 22fciS5 lb. - - - LITTLE CIKL. TJOXORED BETHEU May 26 Friends front th Bethany- Reformed chnreh of salem drore ont after serrlces na SnnrTav ta th home Of Mr. and Mrs. Arno Springer and had a. picaie dinner mere. : u ne occa sion was the birthday annlTersary tit XTln.lA V Hftla tnrhtAr of Mr. and Mrs. pranger. One of tne laaie troagnc o outnaay cake with four canCat on it for the oleasnro of the assail honor General Ularkets ! " i Salem Llarliets 1 Grade B raw 4 snflk, delivered in Salem, 91JSQ cwt, . " ' . - '' Bntterfat at farm lde. Salem aOc. : i ;; rSTJTT A5I VSOBTAJsXES i Price paid to grower by daloia bvysn. May 1. 18fl teoetamjui . ': Radiabc. dos. a Onions, dos. ZOOS Saylas Frloos Extras - , , Standarda Madinm . .11 POaLTXV Baying Prices Roostara. o'd OS -22-36 , 10 Broiler. HsaTiee, bens Medina besa . Ldght hena GBAXR M3TU HA1 Bajlng Prlcaa Wheat western red -65 Wkita. bo. -SS Barley, tea Oata, gray. ba. -23.00 (O St-OO 13 2S waite, na. , Ray: baying pricea OaU and, Tetcb, ton .8.06-9.00 S.00-B.00 Clever Alfalfa, valley, and cutting U.0O-15.M Baaters Oregon ' Common , 1 3.06 HOP Top grado -Old stock -IS -0S-.19 StXAT aTtytnc Prlose tiassba, top- -04 H .05 .OT naga Hega, S00 Iba, p Btoorg Cows ' .07 .SSH to J7 0 to .04 Heifers -04-.05H Dressed Teal .09 Droned bogs . Coarse ' Mediant M l WOOX, -IS as H0H-ZS Old Kid JS -IS GOING TO KAX8AS STATTON, May 26. After a week's visit at the home ot his brother, Sim F. Etsel, here, and with other relatives, George Et zel left Sunday for his home in Topeka, Kan. Mr. Etxel has a rood position -with a railroad there, so is privileged each year to visit his Oregon relatives oa a pass. He was at "one time on Ore gon resident and looks forward each year to being hero again. MICKEY MOUSE ERE tTtS' M1CICCVT FAN PWOTC AMP READV Ta 50 Mr 1$ SCMOiMO Grn&AUHI?. PftlEMOC VMO ASK FOR IT- JUST SEND A ' STAMPED, AOOQCVffD CMVCLOPT TO riocrsrv; ? . v4 Carjt or nrnfj- PAPsrn IB VtXJ WAMT ONI THIMBLE THEATREtamng Popeye S OJORRV- 0OHT tOO ) ( ojrto. - jr TV Wa4rtA rteat, mrt n jff vL an int. xmt ritw. iniaWjifegjfesJ UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY . ; 1 'vA5m-WS FAULT VWD4lrOOCKn CPv swau. 'I " ySIfAeC- - tEMOnape "oCv J .rH" TOOTS AND CASPER SWEETIE. STOPPED VSlTJUir TO HIM, BUT 1T& noH t CAMPER! - !fTOTAUNr J4KATUR, i woND-ci Dust Storms Reported In CZanacia; Kansas r E-stimatea cut CHICAGO. May a.(AP) Canadian drought developments that bordered on tho sensational, together with a big slash la es timates of Kansas' 19 SI wheat harvest flgnres. seat grain values soaring 'today. , Oust storms were reported over the Canadian prairie pro vinces, with almost half the wheat acreage urgently in need of immediate rains. Drought complaints were also received from domestic wheat territory. A leading crop expert expressed be lief that Kansas - wheat yield would bo only abont 161.000,000 bushels, the same as last year. Instead of 200.000,000, a recent popular unofficial forecast. Wheat 'closed; nervous, un changed to 1 7-g cents higher, corn H-1T& advanced, oats U- up. . ; . . r -, ScioHighWill Graduate Twelve SCIO. May J I The higk school baccalaureate service was held at the Christian church Sun day evening. The program con sisted of a choir selection, a vocal solo by Mrs. Asa Eastburn, violin trio by pupils of Mr. Olds, vocal duet by Mory Lois Coar and Mrs. Glen Thurston, and the bassa laureate sermon by Rev. M. M. Stocker -of the first Presbyterian churbh. ot Albany. Rev. Stocker spoke on "The Measure of Life. Twelve students will be gradu- ated from Sdo high school, this year. Commencement '. exercises will be May 2 1 at the high school auditorium.- ? 1AWCK POSTPONED MACLEAT. May 20 The dance and strawberry festival J which was being sponsored by the Economie club for May 21 has been Indefinitely postponed - but the club ill meet Thursday af ternoon as scheduled at the hall for quilting. OJORrW? BVXHU ME f oBSTot' pops op l KEMQVES it. ths v ' i , ; : ! - ' i , s i : : ntl Z .. 1 1 trr ui saJ tsM? "'i l : V. nrrV carcu AaB : ICS. fr'W bi'-3 l; II - WDI1W IbVQU II MCLP ll niVViXI I III -4A-MT 1l 7 BUTLSTR. H iii I ur.Till ' II mmm . jv&xstziisr 'afew kaz sr"' jv vm i gj ''y M -3 MY PROTEGE, LARKY CHOC, WEKT BAOl HOM5.-TDWM F1NC OUT WHV HI5 TIME HE WA3 RETURNJNrr .I'M HOLDING UP CONTRACTS 42oaOOO.? AMArTlH, HY3 . AMP HALF OF IT rOE3TO WE. r ,Pp5TAMCE ANI 1 nvaouT,, C0L0NEU COmilSSlONERS COURT The following is the official publication cf tht record of claims bef or - tht Ilarioa comity - commissioners court for tht May term. 1951, with the amount allowed, bills continued, etc- aeecrdin? to the records fa the office of the countr clerk. . RO AM AND HIGHWAY TUXDS May Term, 1081 Saverto- Paving Plant Acet, Southern. Pacific Co : const, of spur........ $ II 8.00 .. - ! . i-..- . ' Road Dist, Nov 1. Henry Ollbertson, labor.. 2.0 Henry Welch, do....... 2.11 A. C 8nyder. patrolman, 24.14 Boad District Nov 8 -: Earl Hecker, 4abor . . . . , . S.tT Clyde Jones, do. M t.97 riorence Mlgnot, do... 897 Franlt Myers, do..... 8.98 C. JT. Newton, do. ....... 6.08 Geo. Teek. do...,....'.. 8.97 Grant Jones, patrolman. 19.98 - . Boad Distidet No. 8 Victor Hnnktag, labor. . . 48.00 C. D. ErS. do ... ...... 25,41 Louis Klrkwood, do,... 2.49 Vernon Miller, do...... Mike Smith, do ...... 10.48 J. H. Miller, patrolman.. 1&.44 I Road District No. '4 Malcolm Cooke, labor ... 2 1.94 Emtio Van Damme. do 8.9T J. Lw Cook, patrolman... 22.94 Road Distxiet No. 5 i Malcolm Cooke, labor. - 48.89 Gus Crate, do ......... 20.98 Tom Graham, do ...... 44.91 Vie Hansen, do ........ i" Wm. Smith, do U.U Emlle Van Damme, do.. Zu.j J. Lw Cook, patrolman.. 43. 89 Read District Nov O L. A. Hall., labor...... ' 2.99 Henry' Lelec, do. ....... 7.47 J. W. Pahey, patrolman.. 6.98 Road District No. T Wm. Allsnp, grind axes. .78 P. A. Mangold, powder, ete 26.8S Ross Cutsforth, labor... 9.98 Ted Dobacan, do 19.48 Wenxel Eder, do........ 28.90 Joe Hecker. do ........ 11.96 Joe Kepplnger, do...... 14.94 a Noble, do .......... 22.41 Frank Nosack. do ''. 12.44 W. W. Pope, do : 11.96 William G. Rodger, do .. i 4.99 Cabe Vanderbeck, do.-, . ! 26.90 P. B. Jensen, patrolman . 67.86 W iRfc fVi) I VAM ll HAKT I VAM. 1 "A Fleecer Wow Sliowino; "An unumltexl vocabulary" j HE ACTED UKE ACEGOLAKtGO -GfE US A HALP-DOLLARTO R8 PDemE.IAMAGe. SO WEXt-SOOrA "Ending the THAT& AjOOl. IPEA, CAPESi.1. I'LL PUT IN A - I CALL FOR HIM RIT AWAY YOU PONT Mtf4lA.v2 IF I U3E tDUR k PHONE, PO C lt.sUariilT tsiiisls.IaaCwaV Road District No. Si H. Brock, labor 26.90 M. 12.4 T A. Haulter. do ..,r.... - 8.97 F. Kahut, do .t, 12.47 M. A. Miller, do..... e..M2.47 J. Streavens, do. ....... 12.47 B. N. Miller, patrolman. . 48.90 oad District No. 8)4 ! Prank Bello. labor.. ... 18.66 John Goldade, do 14.95 A. B. Howard, do , J 6.97 Bartol Kusel, do. J 6.9 8 Wm. Reasoner, do 14.96 Chat. Vincent, do...... j 2.99 Walter Vincent, do...... j 2.99 Orval Wilson, do. 1 2.99 Wm. Wolfe, do 8.97 Jas. MeCormick. patrol. . .79.79 ! Road District No.- 0 A. K. Nelson. Ibr. . . . . . I 2.60 C L. Willlg, labor...... 62.95 Jos. A. Van Cleave, pat- i - rolman l.9S Theo. Bender, labor. .... 6.98 Rex Ross, do . i 7.48 C. L. Willlg, do ....... 23.98 Jos. A. Van Cleave, pa- " trolman i 7.98 Road District No. lO Bernard Dnda, labor.... 2.99 Ed Hotter, do - 2.99 Pr. .... 24.89 Arthur Schaef or, do . . . ! , N. Schmaltz. So., do... 81.S9 Emll Zach. do ........ 10.44 W. B. Ann en. patrolman : 47.43 Road District No. 12 ) Jake Blersack, labor. ... f 6.98 Maurice Dorgan. do J4.95 Herman Landwig. do ... 1 2.9 9 Bernard Plass, do. .... 1 8.98 Carl Shepherd, do . 1 6.98 Floyd Shephard, do . . . ' 1 6.98 Otis Shephard, do...... 10.46 Herbert Weibal, do...,. 2.99 Nat Weibal. do ., U.49 Henry Welman. de. 14.99 Jas. Cully, patrolman... 29.95 Road District No. IS I Fred Womack, patrolman if. 9 8 Road District No. 14 ' T. A. Olsen, picks, etc... 5.0 Roy Brown, labor. ..... 19.96 Wm. Brown, do ....... 11.96 Hubert Elliott, do ..... 28.41 Ray Hayes, do ......... 29.89 Witti Mires, do ....... r 14.96 Prank Slater, do...... 18.45 Lou Vearrier, do....... $2-19 Wm. R. King, patrolman. 11.97 Road District No. 15 ! O. O. Shockley, sledge . handle ............. Starr Hdw. Co., shovel etc. ................ Floyd Kaser, labor.,,,-. Arthur Kuensi, do...... f60 12.00 T.84 47.84 '7.48 Paul Stadelt, do ....... . Road District No. 15 W Elmer Lorenee, labor.... 4.99 Tom Valek, do......... 4.48 rM COWf 1H fNN HKve t TrVLK U)VTH MlSTEA Fleeced - 3 f HecozENB r aus-rsor im ECEM SlULMG-ld SUCKIXS vjeuu res popup Suspense' PONT MJMP PPOV)DlNr ' ; Lickedr .' ' . . ; - i . . YOU PAY ME WHAT THE CALL COOT3 1 MY COUStM TO BEANIE HOOKED ME FOR. SEVERAL lXV-Dl,3TACEj rAt i c pci'tuTiv rut. r 1 1 .ww . I AJMT ciONMA L-T10U OR n Irishes i St. aa. I Road District No. 17 C A. Hoover, patrolman 81.91 Road District No. 18 A. P. Jerman, labor 85.00 (cont) J. P. Coonse, do.. ...... 26.91 B. P. Pelton. do........ 12.47 Ted Jeldricks, do. ...... 31.39 Fred Vlesko, do... 36.90 Robt, Cole, patrolman... . 49.86 j1- - Road District No. 10 l A. L. Bennett, labor.... 14.56 p. A. White A Sons, seed 2.25 Roy Campbell, labor.... 1.49 Norman de Jarden, do.. 7.48 Bert Foote, do ........ 1.49 F. O. Mnekrldge, do.... 11 A. T. Prickett. do.....: 7" W. G- Pearmlne, patroL 88.44 I . Road District Na. 20 John Knmm, labor. .... 2.99 Max Ratsch, do. 2.99 W. A. Stabenow. d0... 8.74 Wm. F. Kepllnger. patrol. 2.99 ! , - ' " M. Road District No. 20 Frank Crane, labor...,. 2.99 lYlrgil Porrtne. do...... 4.99 L. M. Van Cleave, patrol. 3.98 Road District No. 21 Botts, labor ........ 2.24 M. M. Magee. patrolman 16.83 : I Read District No. 23 Peter G. BIschof. labor.. 1.49 Fred Herseh, patrolman. ' 7.48 Road District Nq. S3 Elmer Rabins, labor .7; . 4.99 ! Road District No. 21 Edd Benedict, labor 2.99 Nick Kremer Jr., do.... 2.99 Henry Strtnkamp, patroL 7.98 !i No. 25 ' C. B. Bemis. labor. ..... 1.49 ;P 1 ' 1 ". ....... e. jChas. Parson, do ...... . 9. 35 !Jari Prtrnk, de-. ....... .S5 J. H. Prunk. do..,..V.. 3.25 Tony Steinkamp. do.... 6.60 Henry Steinkamp,' patrol. , 10.96 Road District No. SO farner Hdw. ft Black, nails ....r... 8.60 JW. Jat Denhem, patroL. 18.96 U Road District No. 27 i John Fabry.- SrJ patrol. 11.97 1 Road District No. 27 H G. T. Heckart, labor.... 4.99 Hi Road District No. 28 H E. U. Pearce, labor.... 8.10 H. F. i SawaUky. do . . . . 4.4 8 H, J. Bettencourt, patroL 7.97 Road District No. 20 N. M. Simpson, labor. . . 6.98 Martin Stevenson, do.... 8.97 Lee Wells, patrolman... 8.97 ;i Road District No. SO A. B. Hins. mattocks, etc , 2.761 Dan Bruncho, labor.... 9.98 J. L. Calavan, do -9.98 Clarence Clodfelter, do.. 9.98 Melvin Clodfelter, do.... 6.98 A. C. Epperly, do...... 8.96 A. E. Jerauld, do...... 10.46 Clarence Miller, eee 7.47 Forest Miller, do 6.98 - town to ts F0fS.Vs7ARf BUT VOO Rt KOT , TfSkK TO yr- ' - f. a ia i ma ii ii i i . . Vr 1 1 mmuN xxi. its pdomoeve ccch m J r i, iTAf VPS EVEGVTHiNG WE USEOTD Ji JU it IV TrTLLTU 6VCES IT WAG WrCC I cr... .1 Lii ija -t ejctf.rUL racu r r ai v sr aaj mm m m - m m hello! LomZt TKTrANCE. 9 I VJAMT fn MAY BE THAT Cometh jNf ha? HAPPENED TO lacry CHiy. rp TALU TO LARWY CHOC AT CrOPHER CENTER ALABAMA 1 NO, 1 PONT A BETTER cET THE. JNOW Hl5 "PHONE NUMB1 5MELUN4( aTREET ADDRESS: REACT BVRYOODY THERE KNOWi CASE wjm: hucryths call: COUJrJEL Rubin Paholke, do...... 2 CP. Pratt, do . .4...... 14 N. M. Simpson, do.... 2 Amos Smith, do........ 8 Road District No. 81 O. L. Bailiff." labor..... L. P. Bailiff, do... Royal ' Barber, do Ben Bechter, de ...... Ben Becker, do ....... W. H. Davidson, do.... 4 14 8 14. 7. 14. 2. 8. 2. 14. 7. 8. 37. A. E. Jerauld, do Sherman Koker, do. F. Pratt, do . A. M. Schmidt, do. John Schmidt, do. T a V . 0l,V J Marshall . Snyder, do. ... . Paul Bailiff. -patrolman. Road District No. 83 Stayton Hdw. Co., shovel . handle, etc. ......... Jno. W. EtxeL labor.... W. L. Freres, do..!.... John Lambrecht, do..., F.l A. Stegmund. doi.... J. M. Tletze. do....... Jno. W. Etsel. patrolman 6. 16. 1. 4. 7. 7. 15. Road District No. 83 i Norval Carter, labor.... 2 Roy Carter, do ....... L 2 Rosul District No. 84 Austin Western Road 1 ' Mach. Co., blade bit.. Frank I. Bevier.. labor. . Cllf ord Case, do , Glen E. Shelton, do.;.... Claude Smith, - do. .. ... Bales Case, patrolman... 10. 6. 88. 4. 4. 105. Road District No. 83 S. A. Ball, labor.. . .. .. 1 Albert Decker, do ..... 4 Everett LeIghton, do... 4 Eteyle Myers, do ..... . 4 Victor Myers, do 11 Edwin A. Rfchsrdi. do.. S Paul A. Smith, do ... , 4 Geo. A. Spencer, do ... . 1. Lancet Stewart, do. .... . 5 E. J. Richards, patrol... 21 Road District No. 83 Evans Bros., Ibr. 244. 6. 20. 31. 8. 5. 8. 17. 31. 20. 23. 81. 14. 13. v 8. 43. 15. 10. 67 S. A. Ban, labor. Al Carey, do .......... Ed. L. Collins, do .- Albert Decker, do - Ray Decker, do ....... J Harold Heath, do m Chas. Koib. do Hugh Matthews, do .... Etoyle Myers, do ...... Victor Myers, do Edwin A. Richards, do.. Gwyn Scott, do Paul A. Smith, do Lancet Stewart, do...... E. J. Richards, patrolman Geo. Barrett, labor .... Hill Top Garage, labor and parts ........ J . Wm. Baughn, labor. . M. M. Booker, do ...... 89. (Continued on page 9) By WALT DISNEY By SEGAH f I K1H TfSLK U3VTH T By BRANDON WALSH By JIMMY MURPHY T There eOME REAOKl WHY LARRY HA0N-T RETUQNEt WWE1L Find cut WHAT ctrrnNur 5-7. r H THE - ! HALTS' J 99 96 99 .96 .99 .95 97 95 47 95 99 97 98 99 ! 95 47 97 41 90 63 49 48 48 47 95 99 99 10 98 77 48 48 77 49 48 48 48 95 97 48 49 97 93 i 11 97 93 92 97 98 97 .94 93 93 92 92 95 45 97 89 00 00 .27 73 rL' itt vii.xcix to; tevn