The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 27, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OHE G ON STATES!,IAN. Saleia. Oreron. YTeinesday Mornin?. May 27, 1S31
pagi: nv;:
Local News Briefs
nY Big Picnic Thirty mem-j
bers of the Rock Point School
Joined -with the Shaw pupils yes
tarda? for an all-day picnic in
observance ot the end of the
school year. Mr. Mary I. Ful
kerson, county school superlnten
dent,Tepent part of the day with
the pupils. At npon parents gath
ered with the children, and pro
vided baskets for a big picnic
luncheon. A program, featuring
considerable health i work, vraa
held In the morning and rn the
afternoon sports and a baseball
game were the main order. Sub
limity publie school has Invited
Shaw and Rock .Point to attend
an eighth grade graduation pro-
grammar school graduates of all
three schools will be presented by
Mrs. Fulkerson.
Short time investments, 6, 9, or
12 months to yield .3 per cent.
Hawkins & Roberts. ; s
- license Received. Private air
plane pilot licenses jiave been
granted this week to Dr. J. H.
Garnjobst, Robert?- Ramsden.
Douglas Heather, of Salem, and
n.n rtnloV nf nulla William A.
Winston, department of commerce
Inspectorgranted tne licenses ai
th airnort here. Litm tenant W
A. Haxelwood at the airport in
strncted the new pilot.
When yon think of life insur
ance, think of Charlie McElhlnny.
the widow's friend. -. t ;
Ooeretta Tonlrfit The McKIn
ley school fifth grade operetta,
inadvertently announced for
Tn4ir nlrht. will be held at
the school this evening at 8:00
o'clock. The operetta mark the
end of the school year and also
eulmination of an Interesting pro
gram project which the students
have carried on for norae weeks.
Willi IUV UOltf vk ICV'""
Bedding plants, cut flowers and
sotted olants of all kinds for
Memorial day? Greenhouses open
evenings.. Capitol Florists. 15th
and Market street. Phone 4819.
Back From Conference O. P.
West, scout executive, returned
lata Monday night from a one-day
. cams conference held in Rose-
burr and attended by scout exec
ntives from all over western Ore
gon. The conference was held at
Wolf Creek camp, summer recre
. ational site of the Douglas coun
ty scouts.
A cooked food and apron sale
trill be held Thursday, May 28th,
tt Keuman's Paint Shop, 152 N.
Com!. St.
' Incorporated The Speedmore
Manufacturing - eomp any, which
will manufacture and sell articles
In wood, metal and Iron work,
was Incorporated here yesterday,
those signing the articles being:
W. J.' Braun. Winona Rice Braun.
J A. Bartoas and Frances H.
Bartosz. The capital stock is $5,'
000, divided Into. 50.0. shares..
Director Here B. H. Cham
berlain, member of the school
board at West Stavtoq,was a bus
iness visitor In Salem yesterday
He reports that he. school .board
;is shaping final plans 'for con-
structios of the new. school .build
ing at that place,- voted f some
weeks ago. .' .. .".j .. .
Short time Investments, 6, 9, or
12 months to yield 6.3 per cent.
Hawkins Roberts. y
Petition . For Guard inn Peti
,tion of George R. Duncan for his
appointment as guaraian or
tate and person of H. A. Shar
' pies, incompetent, will bo given
hearing in probate court Monday,
June 8 at 1 o'clock. Estate is val
ued at $2150. r y,.
New Guardian Nina A.t Magee
" has been named guardian or the
estate of Arthur H. and Francis
. R. Moon. 'minors. The new guar
dian succeeds Effie G. Moon, de
ceased. Appraisers of the estate
Y have been appointed: ; Alfred G
Moon, Esther Moon and - Earl
Hecker.. ; ,
J Dr. B. Fr Pound' practice limit
ed to removal of teeth, gas or lo-
t A Jk 1 W . ' A Ti A.
est iiiu uiraiii x-rj, va r inn.
' National Bank. Tel. 9530.
Emmons - Called East- O. W.
'-Emmons left 'Monday night ' by
train for Omaha, Nebr.j where he
was summoned by telegram that
. his only brother, Clarence M. Em
mons, had been fatally Injured
while at work.' He will be gone
at least a week.-
V Wiper Visitor -Charles Wiper,
former resident of Salem and now
a citizen at Eugene, was a wel
corned visitor Tuesday noon at
the Kiwanls club luncheon. Wi
per is a past-president of the dab
here. ;
Dollar dinner every night, 6:45
to s at me Marion hotel.
Released on Bail Carl Wylle,
cnargea with reckless driving,
was released on ball of 3250
Tuesday. " ,
O , ,
Canaiagfaam To Mr. and "Mrs.
M. M. Cunningham, - 710 Breys
Ave., a 10 pound girl, Kather
ine Anne, born May 24 at Hen
derson Maternity home.
Dr. Chan Lam
I Chinese -Medicine
180 N. Commercial
SL.- Salim - .
Office ftitrrs
Toeaday and 8atnr
day a to 8:30
Call 0610, Used Farmitare
v ; Departmeat
151 N. High
Sale Confirmed Order con
firming sale of property to plain
tiff for $5,227.49 has been en
tered by Circuit Judge Hill in
the case of Earl Loney vs. Ik HeJ
berg and others. The order also
overrules objection to the con
firmation made by I Heiberg.
Lalah : Ames Loney yesterday
filed accoutlng as receiver of the
property involved in - the suit,
showing that ' neither persons
first pat la charge of the grocery
business nor herself were able
to make the business shew a
prom, j - ; ' -.
Konrad Estate Estate of John
Konrad.' who died Monday, .was
admitted to probate yesterday,
with J, W. Konrad named admin
istrator and Earl Dane, Roy Nel
son and Betty Renne appraisers.
By terms or tne win, unartes a
Johnson and Grace Williams, for
mer proteges, yreri left one dol
lar each; and J. W. Konrad,
adopted, son was left two thirds
of the -remainder of the estate.
and his wife. Margie Konrad, is
to -receive the other third. The
estate- Is valued at $3,900. all in
personal property. " -r
All building, Irades crafts', mem
bers be at Union hall Wednesday
evening May 27, important bus
Iness. ; . ; ; .
Petition Cora M. Kay, admin
istratrix of the estate of Thomas
B. . Kay, : has filed petition in
probata . court seeking order au
thorixing her to withdraw trust
money held in a Portland bank
by Kay as trustee of the Gorday
Garment company and deliver it
to tnastee o the bankrupt estate.
Maidon on way Home- Captain
H. G. Malson of the Oregon Na
tional Guard is on his way home
from Fort Benning. Ga., where
he has been taking special mil
itary courses for the last three
months, i according to word re
ceived here. i
' ; -
Cacwi Another Day The cae ot
R. F. Polanskl vs. Dr. H. G. Hum
mel, on trial in, circuit court since
Monday j morning, will occupy all
of today and possibly run Into to
morrow.! Testimony was not com
pleted yesterday. The action, for
$55,000 ! damages, is based on al
leged malpractice charges.
Fireman Benefit dance Sliver
ton armory Thursday nite. May
28. Music by Bert Clark's nine
Rhythm Kings. The event of the
season. ' ! Sensible prices. Gents
50c, ladies 25c' v
Serves Out Time Frits Horn,
in jail to serve out a $30 fine Im
posed when he was found guilty
of appropriating the suitcase of a
transient whom he picked. up to
give a tide in his car, wa yester
day released from the county Jail.
He served out the ful) fine
Hayward Here W. L. lay-
ward. deonty regional scout ex
ecutive, is here from seaiue to
spend a "short time at Boy Scout
headquarters In Salem. He will
visit a number of troop over the
eonntr I v- company with Q. P.
West, executive here.
See Ross Smith, Center
Churchfor tire bargain.
- ,
Hearing' Jaae SO Hearing on
final account of John Noren, as
administrator of the estate ot
Ella Noren, has been set for
Tuesday, June 30. The estate
was appraised at $7,412.50. and
the account ' show disbursements
of $50. i: ; :
Authorized In circuit court
order Ai A. Schramm, Ute su
nerintendent of banks, is author
ised; to sell to the . city of Ver
nnnia for 3475 a Vernonia bond
ii valne 3500. The sale is in
onttnoctian with liauidatlon - of
the -Aarora State bat-k.
For Immediate delivery:
loads 12- by IS" inside mill
wood. 317.50: 6 loads old xrowth
cordwood eut 13". $20.00; planer
trims $4.00 per load, order now.
SnaaAdinjE LoKKin Co. Phone
411I.' .-j - , i - N;,
Tulor Ktatfl Leona E. Tay
inp as been asoolnted adminis
tratrix of the estate of Alfred X.
Taylor, estimated value of which
is $2,500. AppraUer are H. K
rrtwfari). F. L. Wood and H.
Gearhart. -l , .
roaalns Cncets -E. M. Cous
ins, railroad rate expert, wa
Kiwanls i club visitor Tuesday
a Ann aceemDanvlnr William P
Ellis of thl city. v
Capital Beauty" Shop closed"
Sat. - -H
Inventory BwUto ' of Rachel
S. Flesher has been appraised at
13.135 by Mildred Jadson. wait
erFuhrer "and Bessie M. Elofson.
Everyone welcome at the
Corner i of . So. Winter and
Bellevue Sts. A large heater
makes' the tent very comforta
ble...... i . ;'. t ';: r.:
Schaef er's .
Corn Remover 7
. , . i-'
We believe that Schae
fers Corn Remover is an
improvement on any other
corrf remover on the max
ketvj.;:;-:vV-,ih- -;;
It relieves the pain in
stantly and removes the
corn safely and comforta
bly. Also for warts, and
just as effective for cal
louses,! too. ' "
Drug Store
' 153 .Conunerclal St.
-j.-Dial BI9T
The Oristnal Yellow Front and
Candy fepecial Store of imu
Penslar Agency
Qnallty Fins Courtesy
Demurrer Sustained Ruling
that complaint on whlca ease of
A. E.' Crosby against A. A,
Schramm a state banking head
was .based does not r snow that
claim oa which It was based was
even filed by the superintendent
of bank or was approved by the
circuit court in which' th- bank
was liquidated, the circuit i jndge
yesterday sustained demurrer tiled
by defendant and dismissed the
ease. " : . r ;- -: -.-
Mrs. Board ma a on Trip Mrs.
Robert Boardman and sons, Tbm-
my and Bobby, left Portland Tues
day evening over tha Great North-
era route for , the middle - west.
She will visit her husband's moth
er at Delaware, O., and her own
mother and sister at Burlington,
la. Stops wllr be made at Chi
cago and Aurora, 111. , , -i
Short time Investments, , 9, or
12 months to yield 6.3 per cent.
Hawkins & Robert. i (
T Receipts Drop T. M. C A.
board members held a special
meeting Tuesday noon to consid
er ways to Improve the associa
tion's financial condition as of the
present month. - The first seven
months of the fiscal year were
successful financially, it .is said.
bntr there has been a decided slump
during May. :
Receive Pins Silver ' pin
showing that the wearer is one of
the living one hundred of origin
al members of Al Kader temple of
the Shrine have been Tecelved this
week by" local members Including
Hal D. Patton, M. L. .Meyers,
George Dunsford and R. E. Lee
Drum Corps dance Kent! Hall
Thursday. Music by Thomas.
Bros. , .; . .... ' '
Funds Turned Over- Tha state
board for vocational education
Tuesday received from the feder
al government $13,638, represent
ing the last quarterly allotment of
government funds for i the year
ending June 30. This money is
used In promoting vocational ed
ucation within the state.
Foreclosure Execution - sale
in connection with suit of Milo
Matthews vs. James W.: Mott and
wife were reported to the county !
clerk yesterday, the high bidder
at sheriff's sale being the plain
tiff.' .r;-.:f,;nl. " r
Short time investments, 6, 9. or
12" months to yield 6.3. per cent.
H&wlrlna Xr Rnharts. ' ,-
Cole Drawn Thomas E. Cole
-of this city was drawn Monday as
additional trial juror In the fed
eral district court In Portland on
order of Judge John McNary. The
March term ot court on which Cole
is serving will end June 30. ' '
Drove Into Ditch Wfien the
car driven4 by a Mr. Labbe cut In
ahead of him W. V. Turnbull,
Portland, was forced to take to
the ditch, according to accident
report filed with the sheriff yes
All building, trades, crafts.
members be at Union hall Wed
nesday evening at 8 o'clock. Im
portant business. ' ' . i t ' .
license Suspended Driver
license of Thornton Coffey, ar
rested ' on charges of : speeding
and not carrying license, was
suspended for 10 days, in munic
ipal court yesterday. ; i i
Host to Claas Mr. and Mrs.
Claude A. Kells were dinner hosts
Tuesday evening to the 10 mem
bers of Mr. Kells' Willamette uni
versity class in T. M. C. A. meth
- Drum . Corps dance Kentl Hall
Thursday. Music by Thomas
Bros. "- - ; ' " ; . ;
Return Filed Report on sher
iffs sale of real estate on execu
tion in connection with case of
J. F. Conrad vs. S. A. Ness shows !
nlalntlff to have purchased : the
property involved for $428.11.
- .V- Hall
Funeral services for . John A.
Hall, late of Brook. Oregon, will
be held today at 2 p. m. at Salem
Mortuary, 545 North Capitol
street; Friends Invited. Inter
ment Belcrest Memorial park."
' " Jackson ; P
Died, at a local hospital. May
2f, George M. Jackson of 520
North 18th street. Funeral an
nouncements later by the Clough-
Barrlck company. ,
Established 1803' XeL 8432
Conveniently Accessible :
Perpetnal care provided tor
Prices ' Reasonable
Oa Intta la rmul
Oar MeN ar Bfosase
on H
UosaH tady ywiHiBsr
Pelmet mortol
i Priced
A Park Cemetery
With Perpetual Care
Just' ten minutes from the
heart of tows?, ; - !
Clongh-Barrick Co.
Phone 5151 r ,
Church at Ferry St. ;
7JL Clough
Dr. I. E. Barrlck . . ?
V. T. Golden
A few persons ' are, apparently
misconstruing action of the Sa
lem school district la asking stu
dents and parents to cooperate la
placing the new free textbook act
on a saving basis net fall by do
nating to the dlstrlet book now
owned by the student and which
will be in use next year. ,-
Reports to that effect were giv
en Supt. George : Hug yesterday
morning when he met with prin
cipals of the various schools . to
determine , with what response
the request is being met.
"The move to ask district pa
tron to turn books into the dis
trict at the , end of the present
ehool year is not local, but state
wide, and was first suggested by
the state superintendent' office
Supt. Hug said yesterday in em
phasizing that the district Is not
seeking: to "put anything over the
PUblic", : TV. , j- Iy
Contribution of the textbook
now used and to be In use next
year wli; simply lessen the bur
den on ' the school district, and
consequently on the taxpayer, the-
superintendent pointed out. 'A it
Portlander Forfeits Ball Wil
liam Aplamaln - ot Portland for
feited $10 ball yesterday. . after
being arrested by city police on
charge of speeding.
Account Approved Final ac
count of Llxsie J. Brown as ad
ministratrix of the estate of Da
vid B. Brown has been approved
by the probate court. 4
Appraiser Report C. W. Pau-
lus, A. W. Smither and A. B.
Bates hare appraised estate of
Walter Spruance, insane, at $4.
U3Z.ZS, au cash.
ISO Finest
For men and younjf men. We hart added many suits from
Bishop's regular stock to raakt this tht blggeaV value of the
sale. Many of these formally sold up to $40.00. Extra special
for this close out
Kvmrv Ana ika
ajl the new weaves and sluUIes are here 1st this
auyw uii Auuiy
doss out sale
SlMTdeM-Eesnkr v- AU wool, an colors. A real Regular SOe mud 75c 1, CORDS AU wool, odd ixe$-w
J&tmSlM AJMl SaoK- nf .ut $1.95
TIES ..,.,:,. , 1 Ciowt-e4.g0 GARTERS
T-Kl GOLF HOSE rm. Sot? ood h HATS . Salti. 17c
1.50Talu .ODC Cotton, plain colors patterns Q1 AfT Best styles and stades ; .
:i tU0 " HM QQ- Toclooat.i3)l.0! Vteste $.95 H'DKFS
SUSPENDERS yC 8 tor '6.oo P.
TOc-andK : . - . i ' : JI'V. . ' 3 for 3&C
n,oo gada tuu P0S1TTVELY the greatest values ever offered anywhere ; 7
PAJAIAS - on such high grade Suits and FurnisKingrs. Se- CAPS
SJ..95 I ; ; lections stillconplete In all departments 1,950
for the lowest prices ever
offered '
Is, the Salem district ha budget
ed lllghtly more than $5,000 to
ears for the purchase of sew
textbooks in accordance with the
textbook law.- which provide
that $1.50 per pupils per year
mutt be spent - until all elemen
tary boy and girls are equipped
with free textbook, i : r; , i ;
mum viL
Good new for the kiddles!
'- And a chance to do a good
turn for the needy. , ,;
' Here' why and how:;
v Out , on State street, at Tay
lor's beach, he Browning amuse
ment carnival 1 holding forth
this week. That means: ferrls
wheel, merry-go-ronnd, sideshows
and .whatnot., rv t..
Here in town, and out In the
country, plenty of people are go
ing hungry; "B1H" Browning,
of the amusement' company, man
ages every year to help along the
poor folk , through ' . contribution
to the Associated Charities, i: .
. This- yearfc a new. : method of
aiding the needy has been announced,.-,
::; :r- : ; .
Browning ha offered to throw
the carnival open to all children
Wednesday afternoon and night.
They may ride on the ferrls
wheel, merry-go-round or other
attraction with monetary cost
provided they bring along a Jar
ot . fruit, some vegetables or old
clothing. , v ,""-.-.
Anything that may. be used to
aid the. less fortunate- of the city
will be accepted from youngsters
as money for that afternoon and
night, i '
, The articles so collected will
be turned over to - Mrs. Mae
Young Carson of the Associated
Charities, who will distribute
them to the poor. .
What a Sale - Jammed to the
Six Days and Far Surp assing
1 -----
sale ' , -
nawMsi. finaaf fahrlt and fin
ivrjnau swu vw fM.vw- iww lur iku
m.,,,'',..',.., ' ,,....
r Word from parties . officially
connected with the reorganisa
tion of the Oregon Linen Mill
company yesterday indicated that
the plans for getting the new; Sa
lem Linen Mills organized were
almost completed and that formal
announcement could be looked
for very soon. ; .' -
Sale of $53,000 worth of bonds
to fund outstanding Indebtedness
against the original-mill has held
up the proposed transfer of assets
from the old company to the one
which is to be organized. -''. "
It is known that Goverhor Jul
ius L." Meier has pledged himself
to do everything in his power to
put . the reorganization through
but Governor Meier would- issue
no statement' yesterday when
questioned on the progress of the
deal, v .- J
Some orders for the new. com
pany, hare been received and a
tentative order for H 50 tons of
flax fibre has' been placed; trlth
the state, board ot control, but
fulfillment of these orders awaits
the outcome of the bond sale4 -
i : 1
Politics Warm
At Leslie; to
Elect in-
Nominations for student body
officers of Leslie junior high
school have resulted in placing
in the field 16 candidates for the
seven elective offices. Elections
will be held June 1. The nomin
ees are': -
For president, Tom Earle and
William White; vice-president.
-. . '. . - f
Still GomStroi
Newest 150
tailored '
exceptional ft '
'T7-T7T7 ' Y?ro)9C
A Complete Close Out by Bishop's
Jaa Host and Charlotte mil;
secretary, Virginia Mason and
Margery Knox; treasurer, Emlyn
Griggs and Laneta Bellinger;
yf 11 leader. Dick Nile and Del-
All coats which sold nu
to $14.93, Extra special
All' coats which sold to
tra special low price.
I Ex
Dress iSale is still going.
All Silk Dresses up to $8.98 at.
Special Sale of
Ladies' Spring Shoes.
Doors the First
all expectations
Men! Get wise to these. The
frreatest values of all times of
f ered at this Bankrupt Sale.
for these great crashing
value? !
bert Anderson; sergeaat-at-sms,
Coburn Grabenhorst, r.o'crl.k
Livesly, Forest Epley and Merle
Waltz; song leader, Priscjlla
Slmpkln and Dorothy Williams.
All coats' which sold to
$21.48, Extra special
X $14.48
I -