The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 27, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Saleny Oregon, Wednesday Morning; May 27, 1931
' in ii rnwnnrn
: u. u. riiyuntu
Methodist Survey Mentions
Heed, of Library and
" 1 Science Building ,.
T AMAmmAfiif t !t tftT ssT ftO-
. . . m. a. TT i 1
lameue aainniix. are iacieu,xu
the areJloilnary report of tbe or
rfry rnd by the board' of-eduea-t
ion . of the Methodist .- Episcopal
church, lust, .released. .Here., ji
mention, that jm pew -library and
a nw science bulKUBC are neeaau.
- More attention vvoeaUaaJ
' i. nsiAi nil orpMmin-
rV rounei to deetistiT. engineer-.
ins and theolofy.are recommend-,
!Tbe vomett of rwuiamette are
treated better, than'itbe
'report states. ,; . .
; Total education expense per
student at Willamette Is s?39.98
mm eomnared to S273.45 for the 33
leading Methodist colleges and
1M4.10 tor the 17 Teeoenlxed by
the American Association of uni-
verslMes.'' - - - - ' ' i '
"Willamette university, Is well
advised In- the expenditure of its
money.' say the report. Willam
ette Tanks third la the amount or
'endowment for each student In
the entire list with $125. The me
dian for. the leading 33 institu
tions is 356.33 while the' median
for the 17 recognized colleges Is
$36.33. ... . ,. "
fttadent Feee at " 1".'
Willamette Lw .. V -
- Arerage. student fees for nal-'
Tersity students of the 33 leading
colleges Js $3164.64 and for the
17 recognised pnes, $187.71. Wil
lamette is 24th on the former list
and J2tl on the Utter list with
$123.11.. . - - ..- - :'t
.Willamette university has a me
dian of 15.1 students in- each e!ass
hllii ttt loarflnar taatllntlnna
has 15.1, the same, and the 17
recognized by the A. A. U. has
16.8. The ratio for students per
faculty member is 14.7 in each
group for a median.
"Good. . judgment has been
shown in picking the faculty" In
Willamette; the median salary per
faeulty member here is $2,588 per
year while the leading 3 3 . hare a
median of $50 less and the 17
recognized Methodist unirerslties
hare medians of $250 more.
Of Willamette's faculty 37 per
cent hare doctor of philosophy
degrees while the 33 hare 33 pen.
cent and the 17 have- 40 per cent.
Instructional salary for each
student is $162.01 at Willamette
university, while the leading 33
haTe $172.90 and the recognized
17 hare $174. The highest Is
Hamllne university with $228 tad
the lowest. Oklahoma City univer
sity with $94..
i,uuiuy rays on
Land . at Silver
Falls Park Site
Pur has by the county of 200
acres of land in the Sllrer Creek
l alls area from the federal gov
ernment was virtually completed
yesterday, with the county court
directing an order appropriating
$500 for payment on the lands.
By a recent agreement, the county
1 to pay $2.50 per acre for the
lands. The land lsJn two tracts.
160 and 40 acres.
This land will be redeeded to the
state, which will set It aside as
part of the perpetual park to be
maintained in tha falls area. The
vstate la purchasing 600 acres of
land In that section.
Undei? the
Occurrences and Gossip
at the center of Oregon's
state gvvernraent "
mHE flax aituatloa. Is stlU'wlth
I awl a - a . ... - .
AU. ilia Vtt VA. - Wit"
aaael Kaef ftlft Af
hours yesterday . la" considering
different phases of the industry,
ranging from insurance rates oa
the product to selling flax pulling
machinery. And wherever flax Is
discussed thera Is a round of ques
tions and . arguments thus . the
two hours. t t- ,.;YU- -7
; - Putting the industry on Vm
t paying baris. la the goal which i
Governor Meier says be hopes
; to attain. He declared thla was
'. the one protalce he made ha hie r
pre-election campaign, and the
one thiag la which be was deep
j ly. enga,red. t WUlians Elaxig. ;
I among other. things, is likewise"
J devoting . considerable of - the ;
special JnvestigaUoa work to '
Uhi4 phase of the -state pewitea-
Clary.' .... f4 ' i '" ' '' '
When the governor made his
declaration that the flax ladustry
was one job which he was under
taking, Hal E. Hoss. seereUry of
state, and the lone self-confessed
"battle scarred" - member of the
board of control, reminded the ex
ecutive hie had a mighty big Job.
Meier replied by stating that was
the kiad of work he liked big
Jobs. j-x ;
.-.The state supreme coart, fa
ita dealings with the state board
of rontrol, will have to operate
without the vote of the gover-,
nor, who yesterday stated be
wae natarally , prrjadiced'
agaiast that body. The remark
was provoked, by the matter of -Improvements
in the supreme
coart bonding; for which 5000
was provided by the state. ha ,
isiatnre, The matter waa de
layed antil rUtfos C. Holman, -
Waconda Girls
: Are Entertained
WACONDA. May 26. The
-Happy Hour" club was entertain
ed Saturday afternoon at the
home of Miss Evelyn Hall. ; Fol
lowing a bnsr HP- Inn with n 1
and thimble refreshments were
served by the hostess, assisted by
Miss Leila Runcorn.
The Happy Hour club, which in
cludes girls from the ages of 5 to
13. was organized this spring.
Mrs. E. J.-Sharff-aad Mrs. P. R.
Nusom are the leaders. These
gins are learning to sow at the
meetings,' which are held every
Saturdav afternoon dnrlnr .
bcuuui year. , , . ;
' At the last meetlnr It waa A.
dded to dlahand tnr th inmm..
months.' During the business ses-
eion ii was oecidea to have a pic
nic in the near future.
Officers elected to serve next
year are iiia Runcorn, presi
dent: Evelvn Hall. Tlt-nrLtint-
Rosemary Kusom, secretary. Oth
er members are Cora Marie and
Arley Park. Dorothy Sbarff, IJel-
n ana Aiane nannegan and
ATanees Wood.
STAYTONV May - 26. The
uieaners of the Christian Sunday
school held a party -at the Floyd
Crabtree home Friday night, with
about 25 present. Games., cake
and, coffee were enjoyed. Mr. and
Mrs. Crabtree received many eon-
irtiauuoni on me recent remod
eling of their home. .. A kitchen
aad two bedrooms hv.
ed and other improvements made.
STATTOX. Mar 2. Wnr ha.
been received here that Guy Mau-
nery, a tormer teacher in the
Staytoa school, will be married at
CoquUIe June 10 to Miss Maxlne
Paulson. Mr. Minnrr. vVin T,a
been teaching the past two years
i Laaeview, was athletic coach
nere two yeears ago and has many
inenas wno win do interested in
me coming marriage.
s OUT op MnspiTtr
hie Sherman, who has been con
fined to tha StaTton hosnltal tnr
e.veral weeks, was removed to her
nome at snaw Sunday, greatly im
proved. The young ladr was snf-
ferinr from a nu!!r maiarf
which baffled attending physicians
or a ume. Her many friends wilt
be happy to learn of her Improved
state treasurer and new member
of the board, haa bad Ume to
inveaUgate. ? '
' " r" t "! " ' "
Ben Wlag "of Portland was ap
pointed asw clerkof the state
board of control, the title attach
ed to the office of Investigator of
families and estates of inmatee of
the feeble-minded and insane ' In
stitutions The investigator, as
provided by the last legislature,
will ascertain to what' extent fam
ilies and 'estates can pay to the
support of inmates. '
. . - . -
- The ; appolatmeBt of Wiaff
1 was snado over the objection of:'
' Hal ! . Hoss, . who stated he.
coald see ao reaeon why that
task 'coald' aot be ably handled '
by the aecretary- of the board of
control with possibly the addl
' tion of a stenegTapher. la this
connection the governor ; an
. Bouaced he - would preaeat . m
plaa .to the board withla the
next week on the reorgaaiEatioa '
' of the state parchasing board,
and the offices under the secre
tary of the control board. Carle
Abrams. ; .' ' ; ': ' -
" Senator Joe' Dunne of -Portland
was among: the visitors at the state
capltol yesterday, and called upon
the governor. Other -visitors" la-;
eluded: Prank Osmond,' formerly
deputy sheriff of Coos county, who-
called Upon state officers. G: a.
Taber, former banker of Marsh-
field, was also among the visitors
to the governor's office. - ,; f '
. Two important meetings are
scheduled for . today having to
do with state business. One is '
the state board of higher edu
cation, la Portlaad, while the
second is the hearing before
commissioner Charles &L Thorn-
Tlth Girl Reserve iriangies la
the varlams schools cf " the city
winAlnsr vn their work this week.
Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher. In gener
al charge oi ineir acuviues, win
meet with etch group sometime
dnriirv the week to outline Plans
rr the summer. recreational per
iod at . Camn Santaly the latter
part of July and early August.
' WTS fJallahar will talk to the
seventh, eifhth and ninth rrades
at Parruh this anernpon, ana wui
also meet with the Leslie croup to
nntlfnk nIana.-Khe will - be "at
O ra n t weanesaay; . uanieia
ThnrsdaT . and - En rl wood Fri
day. - - i
Vn' aAiiiHon tri talklnr earnn.
she will also give a resume of the
Girl Reserve work or the past year
and will-tell -something of the
plans tor next year.
WA.CODA.May"2 6.The last
seasonal meeting. of. the .Waconda will be held Wed
nesday, May 37, at the home of
Mrs. Robert . Cole.".: All members
are "urged to attend as. plans' for
the annual picnic will be complet
ed at this Ume. . ; ;.: . . ,
This -will be an all-day meeting
with a pot-luck lunch at noon.-- . -
y MBa ... ' -J ' . k
I MONMOUTH; May !. -Mon-'
mouth's 4-H Purebred Sheep club
met Saturday, May 2$, at the
James Rlddell farm. - The day's
activities included studv of the ti.
rious. breeds. of sheep,- an(T work;
on sheep Judging, after receiving
help from Mr. Rlddell.
V Jilss Kathleen McCrae, a Mon
mouth -girl who la attending the
Normal" school.' Is , leader.- Mem
bers, are Jimmy Rlddell,'. Donald
McCaleb, Kermit- Roth; Theo Mc-Caleb.-Raymond
Adams, Cleo Mc
Caleb, ; Anthol ' - Rlney and Elmer
Bork. 'Two of the boys, Jimmy
Rlddell and Donald McCaleb, have
won scholarships to the two weefts
summer session -at Oregon State
college, and are looking-forward
to this, opportunity far advan-ce
' pa c v.a?;t . r i vr,zr,r. iyn .
AMITY, l!ay 26. "CLillengo
of the Cross", a pageant iven:
at tLa H;.C. church Euniay eren--ing.-wai
beautiful and, aUo car
ried a lesson for. every
one. As each, episode was given
the choir sang a song making the
act' Quite impressive. Other
numbers were solos by Helen
Maasey.-Miss Cannel and Shirley
Umphlette. ;
as, on 'rates, aad ' service ef the
Eastera Orego' ;Power - and
XJght company. The hearing la
expected to be termlaated at
noon; while the educatioa board
- meeting may last several days.
- v '. , '. -. - r " "v" ; f a ' - - ' : . ji, , .:
y,s : . l m . .
'') J-fCl'
' N '. r "j1'1 . t " '
r ' i
.TTi.TTilIB. MS V- fi
IF. yoa .have . freeaent .HEAT
i; ACHES. - .
IF yea cannot read fine priftt et
tttrA a BMdla.
CF yea are NERVOUS aad trrb
e. consult as boh,
Charres Reasonable
Cone Hn Not- Gcz '&hczQ
LMqUq o Happy ETolidoy ;j
Pure Zephyr
Clip over
ATJ-over, neat Jacquard patterns,
sisortcd styles and color combinations.
Pastel Poplin ;
The season's newest shades of btoa,
tan and green. White, also, ia this .
increasingly popular shirting . . r
fashioned here into pre-shrank gar-
mests that fit . . that hold thdr '
colors . . . that provide wanted style
at substantial savings !
JJ y
New Strings in
Jibbed and flat knit shirts ...
colorful broadcloth and madras
shorts. Surprise values I :
Savings in
Slipover and frog-fronts im
newest, wear-defying materials.
Plains and fancies. -. .
Pure Wool
GolO EIoc3
l for Men
Medium weight English rfli
, hose with reinforced foot for.
extra wear. Ask for Style 89a :
Heavy Weight
Pure Worsted
, Ribbed suits of two-ply yarn. The
Style is the favorite speed model :
ma selection of good looking solid
colors. -
rV smasnmg iow price for a bag
that's strong and good locking.
Blown fibre leather. ' J.' -;'
Others from
98c to $9.90
Uens CallOslordt
Remarkable value at this low
price I Semi-soit box toe. leather
welt sole. -; . -.
Doyo OxZctCq
Tot Sports Wear .
Just like Dad's
Sizes 12i2 to 2, $2.79
Sizes 2y2 to 5 $23
cS.QO !
especially designed for young
.men. With leather welt soles
and rubber heels.
-i i r w u ; i wa a
pep An v u c n o o ts o n-c
. - 160 N. liberty St, Saleia
7 ttXS "Y0 AN . WMtha
: JV3t4.4321 $4J1 I $ 7JD5 v
- 50X4J021 7 Mf : 75
28x47519 U9 " US - .
27x5.031? : IX wy.1S ,
80x5X020 ; 9.43 r
' 23xS2S1S 13 1035
81xSS2J US " 11.40
29x5J01t tS 1100 -
"80x5020 t M 12J0
Mtoh Speed'
Nmvy Duty
vaavt sssitss
ttzs trmsiOflS Ail Weather
Heavy Pvty
t-sD e..drica
J , C-PT)
29x4.4021 $ 7.H I $10.10 .
50x4021 IM 100 ;
2Sx4J519 $M . 11.15
29x5.0019 . 9J$ 1125
50x54X120 9.11 120
28x5J51S -91 1150
51x5J521 1121 14JS -
29x5.5019 -Htfl- 1520
50x5.5020 11.1 14.10
52x6.0020 . 11JS 17X0
52x5020 1S.1I 20.40
55x7X021 IWt 22J5
it ltirfC
Trail Blazers
! aTAavs ..
SOT fcaS Sisist PtttMnOmt
29x4.4021 $45 $4.9S
50X4JQ21 S.1S 5-69
2Sx4JS19 MJl US
29x5.0019 M 6.98
No( all sbes have been Uatedbot
i to mjrrm ma idea ml how pcicas
Aad by the way, ward's
i im LESS when roa btr
Ward Tiros ai
I ana etwrld't larftagt
. tlra camtanlcal
. Free tlonntinc at
Ercry Vard'a Qtcro
;It If rriade by one of ;the largest tire compxrtlrt ia tlxsVcrla. It.;
is buil to one of the most stringent sets of speci&cstioss in the i
"toe mxutry; It b one of the best known tires in America It ; -;
has beoosold by Ward's for nmeteen cbnsectttrve yesrs. M3- "
- Hons of RivenUes are in use today. It is backed by a guarantee L
without lixait as. to time or mileage
Other fine tiret equal in quality to our lUrersides are Frrestone - -
Qat$ak btit these txrei arelinueh fug" priced th IVeT t
sidVs.Tle table at the left gives you a cize-for-clrc price
comparison." ,; '
Having studied that price comparison there remains only one!
: question for you to ask . . . "Are Riverside tires really as good
as these other tires with which they are compared? Well,!
Montgomery Ward Co, has been m business for sixty years
It is one of the largest and oldest merchandise institutions ia
esthe worldi It is the originator of the "Satisfaction Guaranteed!
or Your Money Back' guarantee. It depends for its business
not only on tires, but also on some 40,000 other items of mer
chandise which it wishes to sell to you. Isn't it reasonable to
believe therefore that Ward's MUST he telling the truth when
it makes these direct statements to you? . .
It is of the quality similar to such other nationally known "second-line"
tires as Firestone Oldneld, Goodyear Pathfinder and
Goodrich Cavalier. And tt, too, seas for LESS than "other tec
ondA'tne tares as the table at the lower left indicates.
This combination of quality-with-lowcst-price which is offered
by Ward's seems to have made some of our competitors very
envious (specially Firestone dealers) so they are making; and
publishing misleading and inaccurate statements about "Mail
Order' tires. But they do NOT compare their first quality
tires with jour Riversides ... and their second-line tires with
our Trail Blazers for they know that to do so would im
mediately indicate how very much lower Ward's tires are
priced. So these alarmed competitors have, cunningly enough,
priced their "second-line" tires at exactly our first quality
Riverside prices . . . and then they print incomplete com
parison tables which are intended to make people believe that
their prices, quality for quality, are the same as ours. Well
they are NOT! (See tables at the left.) And the chart directly
below, shows how Ward's Trail Blazers compare in quality as
well as m price with other nationally known second-line tires.
Will you please compare the Sperifirafiona and the prices?
Tfctf Table lists the oght ampmrisous Oat acre madef Six HRSTS for Wcrft Trmil UnenAmd TnJ CLvrrt r ml- tie hvest priced.
Noa-Skid Depth
Trea4 TUcknesa
Thickness of Tire ' .
Strength of Careaas
Strength ef Tread Stock
Outside Diameter --Sojiieegeca
(1714 1U.V
t I V
TV. U-A-4
; 43 In.
XS5 Dm.
34t9 Dm.
S97S In.
S3 In.
' .SS3 In.-4-7Mln.
SlaO ths.
S97e la.
'f(UfVa - -
57 In.
.as In.
4.74S la.
MIS tha.
415 Its, -Sa4ln.
(Ut Mat VmaOf)
' 0e0 -
I have perseaaSf
cxaaiasd the speoacataeas of the four tares
described above sad herdry ctalifyjthet I kaow these spedaca
-y 3aiJr riti i trrrooszjar waxo a ca
SiaWribcd and swora to before sae, this
9th 47 Apnt, 1931 at Chkase. EL
A Notary PwLCc
mt the
asCryef rabbet sad
fabric aaad, tathc thea the
reicht afW briaa
with ether aafWiwirt k the
facta. Bertaiitd a
cea bead rabbc weighs saers
haa aw rabbcr. Tires coatalniwf
a Jar ptreratags ef stcoad htm 1
rubber, there tara, wttgh saete thaa
tkeaa mmdm eatirtfy el aaw tabbat
1 usa thosh the twea are eaaaly
sbs ia tin -Wciewt as a
4 by wfcadi aa aaaaaaare trt
If you want a tif st quality tire , r buy RIVERSIDES . and save money.
IT you want a second cpialiiy: tTO ; and save money.
1 1 Montgomery Ward Q Company stands tnxdt cf erery clatm made in this
j - " " adrerHsemenU And remember: That Ward's Always Sells for Less.
. '
Tl 8774 , , SALK.I, ORE.
. -