pach ELCvn:: Want Mm 'Satisfied sere The OREGON STATESMAN, Salen, Oregon Tuesday 'Morning. May 25, 1931 TTTT 7 77 Meets Demand- and . - Statesman Classified Ads Call Classified Advertising ; Single Insertion per llne.le ' Three insertions per line ..20c i 8lx Insertions per line.. 30c One month per line.. 1.00 i Minimum charge- . ,25e . Copy for this page r eepted until 6:20 the even ing before publication tor classification. C o p y re- , ,, ceived after this time will ' be run under the heading ' Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assume " HELP WANTED Men and women It to 45 rears $1708 to $1108 a year. Common edu cation sufficient Unite States gow rnmnt positions. Writ todar full particular. Box 8, car States man. Strawbenr pickers. TeL 1QSF11. HELP WANTED FEMALE . Teacher wanted at one for la ! echoot and grads position, also -.-! perinUndenta, principal, and special tachra Intermountain : Teacher i Asm. 411-412 Atlas td. Salt Xka i city, utan. i i ri i"i ii i i inn " in iii'i " "" "i" - Experienced lady bookkeapar wit tiod sale ability, state age. ' xpr ne and references. Box .91, ! Statesman. SITUATIONS WANTED Kxorlened nlain cook an J river or any kind. Good reftrencea, niiplno. Tel. $878. Girl wants housework. Neat, fast worker, abl to take control of kftch- a. Stat ifikm. Mna letter w m. Iteachke. .Dallas, Ore. Younsr boy desires to set krto aod fcrtrne on (arm with rellslous people. Wllltna to work for small salary. Tsi. 4411 or write P..O. Boa Mi. leads' with 10 years experience SB Bookkeeping -stenography, aleamn- nlp and meating th public, desires position. Boa.21, Statesman. FOR SALE Mt3Haneou3 . FOR 8 ALE: shafting, pulleys, hang era. Statesman Publishing Co. FOR SALE Old papers. 10c a bun da. Statesman office. Typewriters, all make, new and esed. Adders and typeartters for rent Typewriter Exchange. 421 Court St. Frame garage for sale cheap ; has lean-to for extra car. Want to dear lot- C A. Sprague at Statesman Old lumber: 2x8s; 2x4a, etc. mixed lot., will sell cheap to clear lot. C A. Spragu. at Statesman. Almost new electric White sewing WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Used pianos. In ex change en radios, phonograph, or far altar, li- L Stiff Fumltur Company WANTED 60S cords f wood to haul, prices right , Phone 4C9C or call t 2054 N. Capital. Apt. 4. Lota cared for Ht Barbara caw' tery. $2 year. A, Ward. Sexton 2187 Staple. Having moved back to Salem X am equipped to do painting, tinting and gum e-ralnlng. Contract or day work reasonable ratea Drop card or call t 14T5 Tew Sf, Wm. Vhv. FOR RENT ROOMS 2 room partly furnished, 181$ W"iirrTmn Riwfl. ROOM and BOARD Room board. Block and half sooth f P. O. en Cottage. TeL 6482. Room with board. Reduced prices. Ill Marlon. Tel. 31T. Cool, pleasant room, snd excellent board In modern home. Near - state boas. Box 118, Statesman. You will enjoy the real home cook tnz well - balanced meals, also cool stry sleeping rooms. Close la. Ill N.. FOR RENT APARTMENTS , Klce fur. apt. Union. 8TRATTON APTH. Beautiful, cotn- Kct. esnnaient, first floor t rm. apt. ialgned for th efficient housewife. Elec rang arnfrefrig. Also nicely for. S rm. basemefa apt. 67 N. Win ter street. 0 WWMWMWMWMMWWWWMMMMMM Throe room nortli apartment, clean- well furnished; garage; 13. Adults. 411 N. CaoitoL - Inartmaal how. furnlshL 130 60. !os la, five. apt. Call at 144 Oak. Nice small U fur. apt. SIS. t0 Union. Ambassador IFWautlful modern a pta. eleel refrlg. and ranges. SSO.Of and up, completely furutsaed. WELL fnmhrtMd room and sw for rent at 2241 Has! At. ' Tel. 1414. - mji rLfi rnro" , i i - - - Patton "arrtment with .private bath, nicely fvirplahed. Located In business , district. Call Patton s Book tor. . For. apts. 1S80 Center. TeL 24. Front apt. with fireplace. (St ler, Furnished bungalow apt. 47 Mill St. Adults 82i. Apt. $12. $14. 115. N. ComX Furn. apt 235 K. 14th. $7.00 mo. POLLY AND HER PALS I bUR NEW N&CT'lHB ARE NCJTd lMELAN il" 1 I WCHT SORT OF jfMAV KJ I 'tJ 3 I I - . 4 . ... , v .r T I I- . . . t. , j i I T 1 lr M II TT-i CTI A-2Lr'I I -r.fY -tr i - 4 v (MUST BE e-?ARE E3tn" TME vj iTKAT fc7Pf I IS HE? RSEt SlR. lri nr TTI-'4VVi J kcsk,, w7 11- IXrcru-r-? ttV ttunKT I L l5 I i ml ill!, : "SiT terda. rZ '1 mil . jjr - as 1 ik r m 1 -sa 1 aia w w ixii r- m vr- t i v ' ' iswi e inis i m s i i H ir m . mM i aiii.. -. 8; Bin -iri a is. - - 9101 no financial - responsibility tor errors which may ap pear la advertisements pub lished la its columns and ta cases where this paper is at fault will' reprint that part of aa advertisement la which i the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserres the right to reject ob ac tional adrertislng. It ' fur ther reeerres the tight to classify all adrertislng un der the proper class ifica- ; tiOtt. ' ;; FOR 1 BENT HOUSES FOR RENT Flats for adults. I to f rooma ss to $44. Also bo, eta . BECKB a HENDRICKS 1 North High 6cret A. nous In good repair with garage. 11V. Oeo. W. Stoddard, 14 N. 4 th. i RENTALS ' r. i wood 141 Srat Street aeven rm. house at (07 3 ICth. Fear bedroom, bath. $12.50 mo. O. Morgan. 14$ N. 14th or Statesman fflc. I FOR RENT 2 modem furnUhed houses. MKLVTK JOHNSON . My bMtlful hosa far. Si Madison. room modern bowse, cractlcairjr 4a town, tare bedrooeoa. one fur nlabed. gas range, beaatiful yard, hometika, artlaclfi. comfortable, $40. Wa leas. Phone T12. Sew four, room house. Clos In. Cal TS2. i Bargain for Renter! $22.5e a month oecures a furnlah ed. S-room bouse. vU sseated. com fortable. 225 ti. Summer. Phn S710. . FOR RENT 5 room modern house and garage, ftaOS. 1S Bo. Church. Tel. 4824. FOR RENT T room plastered nous at tl Mill street. $15. i Largo room and sleepinff porch. Kitchen privileges, garage. 112 Un ion St. i Pleasant furn. rmiH apt a ltOJnlon. FOR RENT CUofc houses, flats, spta. Imme diate poaseasioft. $10 to $40. Houses for aal Just like rent, no down pay ment, a modern home for $100 down, baL $40 month. BECHTEL-THOMASON 24! State Street ; Room 4. Rentals A Homes our Specialty WANTED REAL ESTATE I WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5 rm. house, tank, fireplace. In nice district, rent not too high. Will lease. Box SL Statesman. FOR SALE Real Estate NEW, HOMES. -.JUST COMPLETED $4500. New modern .five nice rooms, two finished In gumwood. hard wood floors throughout, nice -basement, large lot. paved st tile dram board, located In east part of town. Terms $5100. New modern five rooms with nook, gttoiwood in two rooms, hardwoad floors throughout, pav ed street, tile dram board and bath, located In 8. Salem. Terms. DOfTT , NEGLECT TO SEE TUESB BARGAINS. W. H. GRABENHORST COL, R&SLTORS 224 3. Liberty Be Phone CftS. BUILDING SITE: Beautiful corner 100 feet square both ts., paved, several niee oak trees. Price tor QUICK BALE $2100. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 114 Sou Liberty Street f CITT BARGAINS T-Dys of Big Bargains $150.00 down, prtce $1550.00; ntc corner lot. street paved. S block from Stat street. Nice fruit tree. S R. boMse. Large double garage. $100.00 Down. FTtot 71x125. nice R. bouse, alfnicely reflnlshed ln .stde; price $1500.00; 4 blocks ' north of Stat street. $100.0 down. Price $1500.00. modern C-R. plastered house, almost new. i Basement, furnace, fireplace, cor ner lot Both streets paved. Bet ter look this over. $500.00, modem t-R. house, basement, furnace. This 1 a dsiKly pUtc nod fine location, price reduced to $2700.0. This is a good time ta buy, make more money on property than In bonds r stocks. SEARS A TUCKER, Realtors 154 . i Commercial Street HOME WITH A CREEK LOT $4000. A horn completely furnished with an income, house, T R. 4 R. down aad 2 R. p with sleeping porch, 2 bathn,' 2 toilets. Income $45.00 mo. Has largo corner lot, back lot on creek. sale or trade: $1500. House R. Carlton, Ore. for acreage, near Salens. , $2000. 4 R. House Lot $2000 " Trade equity for a car and some cash. What have you? Bungalow on Miss inn Street " Trade, for lot. some cash, time on balance. Price $1000. t Homo In N. Salem $2500 Trade for 2 to 5 acre tract. Two House for Farm Located in , Long Beach. California. Valued $3500. If Interested SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON -$41 Stat Street Room 4. TILE BATH Tir-K DRAIN BOARD ONLY $2$00 Well located beautiful 5 room strict ly modern home with all latest con venience a Mahogany finish in living room, hardwood floors. Wisteria wall paper. Ax tec i tile fireplace, beautiful lawn and shrubbery. Corner lot with both streets paved and paid. Must b sold within ten day a. ABSOLUTELY NO BETTER VALUE IN SALEM. ; fiOCOfvOFSKT SON First National Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Real Estate ONE ACRE HOMS: With new three room plastered hous with com bination garage and woodshed, lo cated do In. on gravel st elec tricity, drilled well, fin land for any kind of fruit or berries. Price $2250. $100. cash, balance $15. ger mo. : IMMEDIATE , POSSES ION. - NOW IS THE TTMEJ TO BUT. W. IT. GRABENHORST A CO. -124 South liberty Street rm. amd floored attic, new and strictly modern, Kay's addition. $4500, attractive grounds, will take cheap hous as part pint. I rm. new home In West Salem, furnace, fireplace, $2500, will take some timber land in trad. 2 good lOtS. r- ' - - WTNNTE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 17 soutb High Street FOR SALE Fan-mount Hill resi dence with a wonderful view. Bunt for horn by owner. A. J. RA.HN. 1510 Fairmount Street. Phone II2T. ' 220 Stat Street TeL TUS. HOME AND INVESTMENT 7 room -. semi-modem bom. flrepJac, basement and six desirable bulldmg lota in -rapidly tmproving- district. All lots have large choic fruit and nut tress, cherries, pears and apples, grape arbor, two garages, garden, poultry honse. On paved street near teree schoolsL Nic view. Will sell all or part, terms. - See owner, 105 Rural avenue. Phone $154. Priced to sll Quick. ' 20 A. well Improved, rm. house. nam. - s a. strawoemes, A. fruit. $$500. Will consider . dty property. !; 5 A. fonr miles from Salem, fruit and , grain. 4 rm. hous, barn, etc, $2t 000. 200 A. stocked and equipped, 16- Un der cultivation, baL pasture and timber. Fair buildings, Prtco 150 per A. Will consider small acr a or city property. 1.25 A. choli place, good home.- Wni trad for Salem or Corralils property. . Have Portland houses to trad for homes in Salem. -x New strictly modern home, good lo cation. No. Salem. $4600. S rat strictly modern boo. Very tmod location, close, In. $4000, terms. J. F. TJLRZCH COMPANY $25 8taU Street Phone $(72. GOOD BUYS EXCHANGES $5 A. farm North of Salem, 2T A. In cult. Fair bide., fruit near school, lots timber, $2500. good terms. (7 A. farm near town, 45 tn cult, good soil, bldga. some timber, snap $4500. tak small acreage for part. For rent 5 R. furnished hous $20. 2 room furnished hous $15. PERRINK c MARSTER3 . ' 212 Justic Court Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE $5 acre farm located 5 miles from Salem. 20 acres under cultivation, balance stump pasta re and some tim ber, old house and barn, spring water. What have you to offer in exchange for this property? Price $6000. . W. H. GRABENHORST CO, REALTORS 184 South Liberty St. - Phone 0448. EXCHANGE Real Estate - Modern T room house In Portland close in, $5500 clear. Want small Im proved farm same value. New brick store bldg. Portland, $15, 000 and $14,000. Caah for extra good equipped valley farm. $10,000 valley farm for home and grocery and filling station, any town in valley clear for rleir. 10 A. apples, cherries, strawberries. Modern house, $5500. Want hous clear for clear. Write C L. Squire, 1015 Main St, Milwaukie. Ora, Realtor. ... , - .-;.!' To trad a fir room hous tn North Salem for small acreage close In with good huUdlnga See Harold White, Statesman. Wo have a beautiful unimproved t acre tract close In and will take a car or a good lot in exchange. A good 5 room bouse in good loca tion worth $1800 aad want car. 240 well Improved acres, worth $20, 000 and will tak apartment house. 20 fin acres with small Improve ment on pavement worth $(500 and want Improved acre near Salem. SO good acres, well Improved, worth $4000 and want small acreage near Salem with good bouse. MeGILCHRIST PENNINGTON 209-10 U. & Bank Bldg. Phone 4130. TRADE FARMS TRADE 7 2-4 Acres. A. cultivation, 1-A. timber, good $ R.' house, base ment, electric lights, barn, garage, poultry house. S mile of Salem. -Trade for house In Salem. 1(3& -Acres, all tn crop. Family orch ard. t-R. hous. electricity, bam. 20x32. 12 miles of Salem on good road. Trad for city property. 217-Acrea , 27-A. cultivation. 1.(00, 000 ft. good timber estimate. No Improvement. Price $5500.00; trad for city property. 1 It-Acres Howell prairie, modern Im provement, faces Sllverton road. 'This Is a swell place and only $148 per acre. This Is a place you will b proud to own. Will tak city property for part. SEARS TUCKER ? ; -184 South Commercial ACREAGE $0 acres, 11 mi. 8. of Suvertoa, 25 a. in eulu. 0 a. strawberries, hous and barn, good spring and well., Price s38d. wm trade. , -- 7t acres. I'mL N. of Albany. (0 A. tn cult, all river bottom, old build ings, very- good buy at $(000. ? Best buy in Salem. room modem house, 100x135 lot, all kinds of fruit. Will tak smaller house.. Price 4$0. A- F. Homyer with l i ' W. a. KRUEGER i J 147 N. Com'L I INSTALLMENT- ACREAGES 1 $2$. down and $10. per month will handle i acres of first class berry , soil, located t mile from Salem on good road, on power line and clos to school. Prio $$50. In terest $. . . $2.00.. down, and balance - terms - will buy 10 acres, all under cultiva tion, 4 acres of first class Italian prune -orchard' carrying good crop, 1 acre of filberts, about 2 acre of cherries, located, on good road, power line and do to school. Price $2000. Int. (. : $25. down and $10. per month will buy S acres, located on paved " road, best of dark prairie soil. Price $1250. Int . , t ; W. H. GRABENHORST CO, I REALTORS - 124 & Vtrty 8L Phone (($. "Not Hard ACREAGE SOUS SPECIALS. Five acres of choice peaches, big money maker; no buildings: beat ex soil, above frost. Price $2500. Clear, water and tax $80.00. Wa'want a good service station -what fcav youT -acres rood son, .torn fruit and harries, alcaUa between trees, bare, hog houses ; new mix room cottage, modem with fireplace. Water and taxes $114. SO. Price $6500.00 clear. Wm exchange. 101 acres, ISO under' etflttvatloa.' I room house, bungalow style, two springs, good well, dear, water and taxes $250. Price $4O.00; will ex change. . 0 acres land, cloae to town 1$ acre alfalfa ; Irrigated ; no bldga Water and taxes very reasonable. $ $00.00. -Price $140. will exchange. LAKLAR a MYERS . Ladd a Bush Bank Bidg. TIMBERED TRACT SO acres $H miles out on pared highway. Hundreds of cords of choice first and second growth timber. 1 room cabin. Price $2750. part tertnst LEO N. CH1LDS CO. Realtors 220 Stat Street - Phoo (708 HERE IS TOUR OPPORTUNITT To trade your vacant let on a neat I room modern house, not far out la good residential district, north, nic lot with S larg fruit trees. Place, welt worth $4000. la offered for $$540. Mtg. of $2500. Be sure to se this before you pay next months rent. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILD3 CO, Realtors 220 Stat Street Phono 0701 : FOR SALE FARMS 0 ACRE DAIRY OR FRUIT FARM Located 4 miles from lit AngaL 25 acres undv cultivation. If, acre good second growth timber, a fine barn. 2 room house, springs and run ning water, best of ooO. 9 cows, S horse, farm machlnary. .a. bargain at $70e. W. H. GRASENTT0R8T A CO. REALTORS 124 3. Liberty St. Phono Utt. WANTED REAL ESTATtS Looking lor 80 to 200 aer farm to trad for clear city residenc in Southern Oregon, not to exceed $$500. Strictly modern residence In Salem, to sell at a sacrifice ; easy term a Why rent when your payment are loss, SHIELDS BLAKE Oregon Bid. Tel. 8001 Business Opportunities Weyas1Tenrfsao WELL EQUIPPED WOOD BUS INESS FOR SALE OR LEASH If hurested w have a money mak ing proposition for right party. LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors -870 St te Street Phone (70t. MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOAMS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries er other good security. Repayable monthly, .when in financial need see as before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. -Phone 2552 WANTED to loan on live stock and personal property Terms to 'suit yur convenience. National Loan and Finance Co. 410 Bank of Com, Bldg. Licensed by stat -1 -, -1-- .w-inorArrioriru-Lr-LA CITY AND FARM loan at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers yon ex pert advice and aervlc In all lines, HAWKINS a ROBERTS. (Ine. TeL 4100 305 Oregon Bldg. SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS $(.00 to $300.00 1 to t0 : months to pay. Quick service, 1 Fair Treatment STATE LOAN COMPANY ! 212 Oregon Bldg. 2nd Floor Off. hrs, 10 a. m. to 0:20 p. m, Telephone 7782 Licensed by State MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contract Refinanced Arracge to reduce your payments. You keep the car. P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone 4722 Salem, Or. Federal Farm Loans. S H per cent F. L. WOOD, 241 State 8tree 'Belts of Harmony Heard over KOIN daily ting out a loan aervlc that Is really, really, different. ' NO DEDTJCTIONl NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY - QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS 10 to tSOO Beneficial Loan Society OF OREGON Room 119 New Bligh. Bldg. 2nd Floor 61$ State St. TeL $-7-4-0. LICENSED" BY ' STATE LOANS WANTED V""WANTED Prlvat money to loan on - real estate. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. ' REALTORS 111 S. Liberty St. ' Tel. (488. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY Baby chicks custom hatching. 8c. Started chicks, young pullets, dressed poultry for sate. Market poultry want ed. TeL Dial lit, call 122F2. , Lee's Hatcnery. Fryers 4 for $1 delivered. Call 80F12. t - Baby chicks and started chlcka 1500 Leghorna Reduced prices. Will take wood for part. 21(0 North Fifth. Phone 0S71. FOR SALE WOOD 12" .and 1C wood, also planer wood, $5.50 per cord load delivered from car. $5.50 from "yard. Cobbs a Mitchell Co. 249 & 12th. 7442. -First class slab wood. Delivered to prune snd hop. driers . at bargain prices. Tel. 48F4. to Look at FOR SALE WOOD Milt run sawdust and all varieties of wood priced reasonable. TeL 7415. GUARANTEED DRY Wood coal. TL 5000 Salem Fuel Co. 752 Trad. 10 -4n- old fir $(.; 2nd growth d ft. $4.7. TeL 0(74 venlnga. - DRY Or and oak wood, coal end fuel otL Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality aad good service. ' LARMER TRANSFER STORAGE . - Tsleohon $121 - Best wood for the money at Tracy's Fuel Yard. . TeL 28 . Dry fir. Baggie's .Fuel , Yard.. TeL LOST and FOUND ; ' LOST Small stiver change purs. Reward. Leave at Statesman office. FOR SALE USED CARS - Model A Ford trucg. Sale or trad for Cletrae or cattle. Q. M. Schnett, Km s, uox . xss. uaiem. Salem Used Car Center 192T Bulck Spt Coup , 1027'Bulek Standard Coach 1(20 Bulck Standard Coach 1925 Bulck Master 7 P- Sedan - $50 1927 Chevrolet Roadster ISO 192S Chevrolet Coup , 810 1927 Dodge 4 Sedan , 245 192$ Essex Coach (0 1180 Ford fit. Afeup , , OS 1920 Ford ; Sedan 425 1929 Ford Coup - - , 250 1929 Ford Sot. Roadster 225 192$ Ford Coupe ,- - 125 1921 Ford Sedan 'Z!. M 1924 Ford Touring; . 25 1924 Ford Coupe . -,. , 40 19ZS Maxwell Coupe delivery 100 10Z5 Oldemobue Touring . 50 1075 Overland Coach . ' 40 1924 Studebaker tight touring 45 1924 Star COO ., , , (5 1925 Star 4 Touring 20 1927 Haptnobti ( .Sedan 8(6 19 2 Hudson Coupe 40 Trucks 1929 Ford tandem, wheels 192e Ford . dual traasnUssion 1929 Ford dual - j 1929 Chevrolet, wood vody 1920 Ford panel deMvery . 192$ Ford panel delivery 1814 Dodge screen eld Salem Used Car Center Msrlon and Liberty "Open Evenings aad Sundays i Phono .7910 ' FORD TRUCK FOR SALT Llks new. driven only 2500 inllea Has well built body equipped for tour ing. Cost over , $2500. Will aacrific for quick sale. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 120 State Street Phone (70S McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 192$ Dodge Vrtory ( Sedan- $525.00 . 895.00 . 590.00 1999 1921 192$ 1S8 1827 i rant coupe Ford Tudor new Chevrolet Coach 225.00 Chevrolet Coup like new (3.0 Chevrolet Coune. Derfect 192T 1925 192$ 192$ Chevrolet Coach, .- trunk 2$ 5.00 Dodge Sedan - t . 150.00 Packard Sedan . , , . 25.00 Whippet Cabriolet 75.00 Douglas McKay Chev. Co. Cher, berry truck, good condition, good tire, has license. Will sacrifice for $55.00, terms if necessary. 147 S. CommerciaL Used Cars and Trucks Valley Motor Company 1910 Tudor. Ilk nw. $4 $5.00 1910 Standard Coupe ( . ply tires i ,,.f. ... 495.M 1929 Standard Coupe , , , $50.00 1929 Fordor Sedan recondi tioned new paint 425.00 1920 Roadster rumble seat 485.00 120 Roadster rumble seat 235.00 1928 Standard Coup 2&5.00 192$ Fordor Sedan valves ground good tires 150.00 1921 Tudor rucksteU, seat covers , 1920 Coupe leather Ine upholster- 95.00 76.00 100.90 192t Roadster . , , . , . W have 25 others under 1929 Model AA truck ( speed trans., trailer 11 foot noy 425.00 1920 Chevrolet 1027-T truck 1930 Pickup . 1929 A ' Panel 1921 $-4 ton d cyL truck 875.0O auxiliary trans. 85.00 , 400.00 $75.01 Dodge, screen V body 110.00 OTHER MAKES 1929 Graham-Pal g Sedan $60.00 . under northwest f manual , 675.00 1929 Chevrolet Coach 800.00 1927 Type Hupmoblle Sedan $26.00 TERMS TRADES Valley Motor Company Phone $15$ Center at liberty V NOTICE : ' . ,; . . ..- - ; - Notice Is hereby given that 1 hare - Impounded the following described dojr la compliance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 1404, to-wlt: One 'black Spaniel tod Hound dog, male. The- above described dor will be killed if not redeemed by owner on or be fore May 29, 1931, as provided la said ordinance.'.' ' Dated May 25.T9S1. W. 8. LOW, Street CommlBsloner, Salem, Oregon. I M-2 6-27-2 8"-: 9-10 IX Tint CTBCUIT (JOITIST OV THH STATE OF OREGON 'FOR Tim cotjjrrr of tL&Rioir - Department No, J . HERMAN HASSLEO, ) - Plaintiff,) SUMMONS .. , rs SOLOMON ALBKRSON. WIL-) LARD MILLER end WILLIS) MILLER, nephews of the ' said) SOLOMON ALBERSON, and all) unknown heirs of the said SOL-) OMON . ALBERSON, also all) persons .or parties unknown,) claiming any right, title. Inter-) est. Ilea or estate la or to the) property described la . the . Com-) plaint, - " " - ' Defendant.) IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are. hereby required to? appear and answer, the Com plaint tiled as&lnst you In the abors entitled Court had eause on or before the 1st day of July, 1931, and If you fall to appear and answer said Complaint upon said date for want thereof, the Plaintiff above named will apply to the Court tor the relief prayed for la his Complaint, to-wlt : A de cree lecreefang that Plaintiff be the owner In fee simple and bar ring you, and each of you, from' all claim, right, title, interest ilea or estate whatsoever In or to the following described real prom isee located In Marloa County,: Oregon. Lots numbered three (3) four (4). fire (B).six ), seven (T), eight 4S), nine (), ten (10). eleven (11), and the South one half (H) of Lets numbered twelve 111) thirteen (11) and foarteen (14) in Block numbered fourteen (14)' in the town of Sublimity, Marion County, Ore gon, according to the- duly record ed plat thereof, on file and of rec ord In the office of the County Recorder of Marlon County, State of Oregon, i- - . Also, lots numbered one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4). five (6), six (6) seven (?) and eight (8) fa Block numbered fifteen (15), In the town of Sublimity, Marion County, Oregon, accord ing to the duly recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Record er of Marlon County, State of Oregon. " ' Also, . the South one-half ( ) of lots numbered two (2) three (3), four (4) and five (5). in Block numbered sixteen (16), in the town of Sublimity Marion County, Oregon, according to the duly recorded plat thereof, on tile and of record in the office of the County Recorder o f Marion County, State of Oregon. You are further notified, that this summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In the Ore gon Statesman, a newspaper of general daily circulation, print ed and published in Salem, Mar ion County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Honorable Gale S. Hill, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 18th day of May, 1831. You are further notified, thai the date of the first publication thereof is made on the 19 th day of May. 1831. and the last publi cation thereof will bo made on the 30th day of June, 1931. MOYNIHAN THOMPSON, Attorneys for Plaintiff. M19-26- J. 2-9-16-23-30. NOTICE OF APTOIXTSITEXT OF EXECUTRIX Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned ha been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, as executrix of the last will and testament and estate of Rachel S. Flesher, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such executrix; all persona, having: claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby ' notified v to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon Building, Salem. Marloa County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice.' Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 28th day of April, 1931. MINNIE R. FISHWOOD. Executrix ot the last will and testament and estate of Rachel . . 8. Flesher, deceased. -RONALD ' C GLOVER, Attorney for Executrix, - Salem, Oregon. - " A28M5-1 2-19-2 8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice hereby Is given that the undersigned has been, by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County ot Marion, ap pointed Administratrix of the es tate ot THOMAS B. KAT, deceas ed, and has' qualified a such. All persona having claims against said estate hereby are required to -present -same, with proper vouchers, to ? the undersigned at Salem, in said county, within six months from the date "hereof. Dated May 12, 1931. CORA M. KAT. As such Administratrix. CARSON CARSON -Salem, Oregon . Attorneys for Administratrix. 5 t. 7 2-19-26 May 2 ft 9 J.. 1931. By CLIFF STERRETT - ; i - - t j PRESIDENT I i- ' -.-..-.)Ki oseSBBSBSBssnKsvjaaaBBsnssBBB) - aol Do tuner t above), white- bearded president of the French Senate; has fceen elected thirteenth President Of the Republic, defeat ing Aristide Briand, Foreign Min ister, pre-election favorite. Dou--tner won office on the second bal lot taken at historic Versailles with f 04 votes. ; His victory was assured en thei tat bauot, wnea ae re ceived 442 te Briand's 401 rotes. teived f 42j te Bciand'a 401 vote SCIO li!!8 PUBLIC SCIO4 May 25 A nubile speaking, contest given by mem bers ofjj the pubjle speaking ,club ot the ihl$h school was. held In the school I auditorium Friday aft emoon.ij Ventta McClain won first, Lor4na Thursten, second, and Marjory Hoppe, third. - I The program was as follows: Alma Phlllippl.. "Betty at the Ball Game"; Veneta McClain, "The Amateur Gum Chewer," Helen Roder, "Lady Shopper and Salesman ;f Marjory Hoppe. "The Telephone f Call," Lorena Thurs ton, "Minnie at the Skating Rink." Veloris Crenshaw "Willie, the Angel phild." l!i - -TEACHERS EXAMINATION'S Notice! i hereby given that the County Superintendent of Marion County, Oregon, will bold the regular examination ot applicants for state certificates at the County Court House, as follows: Com mencing 1 Wednesday, June 10, 1931, at 9 o'clock a.m., and con tinning until Saturday, June 13, 1931. at 4 o'clock p.m. All appli cants should notify me -not later than Juno 8, 1931, so- that provi sion may be made for them, jj MARY1 L- FULKERSON, Coun ty School Super int endent. M.26. P 9BK 16 HIST Gross - Word Puzzle By EUtiKNK I HORIZONTAL 42 adult male of the red deer 44 flavor ' 45 night be fore a - - hoUday 47 Arabian . chieftain 49 pouches for- hold- ing some thing . 50 costly , .. 52 lure for' j catching ! fish 54 near (abbr.) 55 beverage 67 midday. 59 one 61 imitate 11 heap J 6-tube With A . . small i ' j bowl for j a smokihr ft-l-discharge j a debt, 12 stump! ot - a brahch I "1oppe4 off Pl one lot the continents 4V-organof sight 15 provided i "thati 16 defraUd IS rodent 20 inside 22 shut vi olently 24 impedes CS unit of fl ice lnijin . rower zona ei crys- tsls 11 1 55 military assisUnt 87 male child 9 one ouiy cea eemed . with so- cial Class 21 permit! $2 contract ed for the labor: ef 3i makes 16 chemical ; symbol for tellurium 17 kettle- s4vnM 4 ' 1 : 1 1; 2 j3 j5 16 17 b 10 !!l Wl4l:il411- 17. ji. s. mm GUISS IS 1,'iDGE WOODBURN. May i 25 The largest graduating class ever to leave Woodburn high school will be graduated Thursday evening. May 26. The commencement ex ercises will be held in the high school gymnasium, starting at 8:15 p. m. . I A program of Interest has been arranged. It is as follows: : Prelude, Lore Song (Cad man) ....Elisabeth Miller Processional. Priests March violin solo Carmen Scholl Invocation Rev. Glenn S. Ilartong Presentation ot graduating class .... Virgil Dlrfcsen, (class president) ' Vocal solo, A Birthday I . .Jessie 61ms Saletatory Jane Yergen Violin solo. Ave Maria (Schu- bert) , Carmen Scholl Address ,C. A. Howard (Supt. of public Instruction) Valedictory -Kenneth GIHanders Announcement ot honors .Patrick Courtney Benediction Reeesatonal, March of Noble, Keats Zona Schwab and - - Edith Shrock Ushering' and decorations . are In charge of members ot the jun ior ctasa. The head usher for the affair is Peggy Shorey. Assistants are: Dorothy Austin, Opal Dick ey, Roma Xellak. Elisabeth Mil ler, Edtthe Shrock, Helen Stowe, Donnl Conyne, Hate! Hastie. Ken neth Evans, Delmar Ramsdell, Perry Landsem, Ralph Nibler, Charlea Tresidder, Chester Berg and Eugene -Cole. ; Award of the Fagea cup. pre sented to the school by a former superintendent, F. E. Fagen, will be made. Although the cup is the permanent possession . off the. school, the name of the outstand ing boy and .girl in every gradu ating class is engraved on It. The selection is made by considera tion of the service rendered the school, leadership snd scholar ship, Various scholarships will probably also be given. HawleyBillto Bar Much Good WASHINGTON. May 25. i(AP) The. probability that imports valued at millions of dolors might be affected by the Smoot Hawley tariff act provision ex- -eluding convict, forced and in dentured labor products ! was forecast here In a tariff ' com- " mission report to the state de partment. ANKENY BOTTOM. Maq 25 J. O. Farr left .Wednesday for Portland to be at the bedside ot his aged mother, Mrs. N. II. Farr, who is quite 11L He expects to re turn home Sundsy. SHKKFER 58 young -month girl 69 becomes - - taller - VERTICAL 1 Creak 'letter .t-r-form of ' a verb . y 8 -note ofhs musical j- scale . 4 rge on 5 becomes , tasteless 6 land sur rounded - by water 7 jumbled type 8 organ of hearing 9 leaf ' 10 exclama tion 11 Biblical pronoun 17 pronoun of the Jewish i -.. calendar 21 Ibsen" .1 t heroine ; 28 native of .Morocco t '25 recede . 26 guides i 27 humili- i a ted 28 textures , spun by spiders 80 stinging insects S3 fruit of thl palm tree 85 pierce - ; with a ' dagger 88 young sheep 40 Russian 19 tyrant 48 persons of extraor- s . dinary sixe 46 consumed 48 uproars ' 51 note of ths ' musical ; ' scale j ! 58 towards 5 6 pointed , Instrument! - for s l piercing ; holes S3 annoy witi 60 - el - : 61 like 62 Itoliaa river 64 lava flow 66 prefix, 110 va wus sj SO withdraw ; from, bus! ness v r f I- . X ,' 1 .-.. ' .r .. S , '"li" '