. i. ,1 mmMiMJMWm '37" AUTOMOTIVE SECTION ;-i OUTDOOR &EWS MUNOM - If.- The OREGON STATESMAN, galea, Oreron. Sgday Moraier. May 21. 1931 1 P PAGE NINE i f I i : i i. i F11I1ES Plans fcr -Annua! Training Period Completed at Headquarters Here Treasury checks amounting to 105. 0(J0 were received "Saturday at Natipnal Gsard headquarters aere for payment of the annual field training camps of the Ore gon 'National . Guard a -Camp qiatsop and Fort Stevens.. Jfottf 1 catlori. -was also received t .coni ptetloB of 20sw. building- at Camp ClaUov, mesa balls and bath houses for use of the SO 00 Oregon men who' will go under canvas at the coast early next month. n Final arrangements far ' conveying- the troop ta amp are Rearing completion. It was said by Major General Goorge A. White, commander of the Oregon troops end of the National Onard In the northwest. He predicted the largest camps in point of at tendance In Oregon. Waahlngton, Idaho and Montana, baaed on t survey of attendance" estimates 'from these states. Afore to Coast Start Jue S - Movement ef the Oregon Na tional Gnard - to the coast will commence Jane ; S when guards men will entrain from eastern and southern Oregon. The entire force from 21 Oregon .counties will be under eanvaa or in bar- ratks at Clatsop and Stevens by early . afternoon ' of Jae 9. In tensive training will be taken up e 10 and continue until June al. : Similar cam pa of Division troope will be held at Bbise Bar racks.. Idaho. . Camp Murray. Washington, and Fort William H. Harrison, Montana. General White will establish headquart ers at Camp Clatsop and Tislt the other camps by airplane dur ing the period. Troops at . the- Oregon- camp will be made up for the most part of the-Elgty-Second Brigade, commanded by Brigadier General Thomas E. - Riles, who also will be camp commander at Camp Clatsop. The brigade includes thef lCXnd and lsith Infantry regi ments. Other Oregon troops are the KTtb. .hospital company, which will be at Clatsop, and the 118th field artillery and 249th coast artillery, which will be la barracks at fort Sterens. The field artillery has been convert ed during the year from smalt cannon to 155 howltsers and will fire for the flrst time with Its new tractor artillery, uslar. shrap nel and -high explosives. Comb, Kvt :-T:: : ' j to- be JTme SO . ' f The annual combat demonstra tion at 'Camp Clatsop, staged for the public on visitors Jlay, ' will be held this year on Saturday afternoon, June 20. This dramat is and realistic event Is attract ing ever increasing thousands each year, the attendance from Oregon ' and the northwest ex ceeding 38,000 last year.' The rolling .ground at Camp Clatsop provides a , natural the atre of almost unlimited seating capacity, which may be taxed this year, according to surreys made by the, chambers " of commerce throughout the northwests Con certed action on the part of vari ous civie organizations has been in progress for the past month, urging the public . to accept the Invitation of General ..White- and his command to J be present for the occasion.' ' i:r . : Officials of all railroads in Oregon are said to be planning special rates to Camp Clatsop for the week-end of June 20. The battle-demonstration . which will be preceded by a review of all components of the . Oregon Na tional Guard and which will probably- be -augmented by Gen eral White's air squadron of 14 planes which will fly down from Fort Lewis ' and Lieut. Bond's squadron from Pearson Field, is ROYAL GYRO ; , -o 111 i-1 An arvtAnt -nriatian tm3L. Kins' A.1- bert -of BeJsimn tr shown seated ta the cockpit f tie new antcgjro VindmiU" plane la which be fiew tar thu first time at the In rl evert airoort Bear Bnusels. Albert is ' - The first European ruler to renture en a Cightin this type of plane. He hi a qualified pilot, ' - - ; v ' DODGE MARATHON HAS "VOICE TEST?' WW i'liir W i: Hew Hsach boIm AnM be pemtktea la a ear tlJDOO mOt eUT Dedge thle qwMOen mtUr thsody the eovrnd la ntade by Metre Celdwya llfr amd tha lWg Eight Wsralhoa car the ether imj. Raj Priest, oflr Ul heerrsr af the AjLAIs at the salxng peaet Jeha Araeld, chief ef the enaeera elrpartsneBl af M. G. M. Is at the camera wfea aa assistant, tm4 A. L. Peters, ariver af tha tterathaa Car, is peeking ever the scheduled for two la the after noon.! Orders were placed this week ; by General White for tons of food stuffs for his troops. All con tracts were , with Oregon . mer chants and the colossal order in cludes quantities of the staple articles which would last the av erage family several ordinary lite times. Some of the major Items are: Beef, 25,000, pannds; bac on, 10,000 pounds; ham, 10.000 pounds; potatoes. 20 tons; bread, 20,000 loaves; eggs, 7,000 dos en; onions, 2.000 pounds; butter, 4.000' pounds; sugar, . tons; Oregon prunes, 2.S00 pounds; coffee, 4,000 pounds; 20 tons of canned goods -and 10,000 pounds of ftoeh vegetables. Twenty-six tons of straw will be required for filling lied ticks and ten thousand gallons of gas oline have teen ordered for use in trucks, tractors and other ve hlcles. - '. Every-penny of the expense is borne by the federal government. The camp this year marks the seventh year that the field train ing ef the . National Guard has been entirely centered in Oregon, In accordance with .Gen. White's policy to- 'keep- the Oregon Na tional' Guard within the- borders of its own state to the end that the state would receive full ben efit of federal money allotments and eitisens of Oregon afforded aa opportunity to "visit the troops la camp. -. " . - Oregon "cities which ' will be represented at Camp Clatsop and Fort Stevens are: Klamath Falls, Ashland. Medf ord. - Grants Pass, Roseburg, Cottage Grove, Spring field, Eugene, Marshfield. Junc tion City, Corrallis, Albany. Leb anon, Silverton, Salem, Wood burn, ! Oregon City. Dallas; Till amook. : McMinnville, Hillsboro, Forest Grove, St. Helens, Port land, Gresham. The Dalles, Pend leton, j La Grande, 4Jnion and Ba kerr - ' WILL ROGERS SEEKS APPLESAUCE DEGREE OKLAHOMA CITY, (AP If Will Rogers, Oklahoma-born jest er, tacks any- honorary -degree on to his ' name , he wants if to be D.A. -Doctor of Applesauce. Advised that Oklahoma City University was considering be stowal upon him of ad honorary degree of doctor of humanity and fetters, Rogers replied to the Daily Oklahoman, which asked if he would accept: , "What are too trying to do. make a Joke out of college de grees? They are in bad enough repute as It is, without handing 'em around to " comedians. The whole! honorary degree thing iW the 'hooey.' I saw some college giving afellon one and he is a million bucks short I got too much respect tor people . that work and earn 'em to see 'em handed around to every notorious character. v. I will let 'Ooloagah kinder garden give me one. D. A. (Doe tor of , Applesauce)". . i. PLSfiETS CREATED WASHINGTON (AP) Evolu tion of the stars and planets from a huge hot gas cloud filling all space, somewhat as drops of wat er are condensed from steest, fe pictured by Sir James Jeae. ant ed British astronomer. " Sir ;james said the fcm?H had been Worked out b matae mattes : and "satisfactorily rheck ed" by actual observations with tha giant 100 inch telescope at Mount ' Wilson. California. - He presented his conclssions la a lecture sponsored -by tha Carne gie Institution of Washington, ot which he la research -associate. Sir James said known laws of the behavior of gases-show tha gas clottJ would condense Into smaller clouds and then cooling.' wouid 'begin whirling and -throw off gas steamers as a whirling plnwheel throws oft sparks. . The gas in the streamers would again condense into globules, he continued, forming the stars and sun, and planets like th. -earth would ! be formed by the same process from gas clouds ' cast loose from the sun. FROM CLAM . .. HUD MIES TO TEACII SAFETY "-- I " w ' -s ! " . . . . i 1 - Other States sec Effort to Use Motor Revenues to Lighten tax In an effort to encourage sate driving on Oregon highways, the State 'Traffic Department, with tne cooperation of the Gilmore Oil ; Company, Ltd.. Is now making a mo tion picture ' which depicts the-, services rendered by the state officers to motorists and the constant vi gU mainUIned by. that organl sation to elim inate . highway accidents. . . , The picture. i: i 8tt WlUr Laasinr with a synchronised .- explan atory talk, will , shew for : a week at one of the - principal Portland theatres and will then be taken by Sergeant Walter Lan sing, in charge of accident pre vention, to the State Traffic De partment, for a showing la vari ous other theatres throughout Oregon.- - - ' f ;.- An important feature of the film is the activity of the School i-Boy patrol which Is said to have been exceptionally eiiect,ive In the reduction of the number of acci dents that occur f near schools. Sergeant Lansing, who personally directed the moving picture, orig inated the first Juvenile- officer system in Oregon several years ago. He avers that the, duties of a school boy patrolman is to pro tect the safety of other school children and keep them from crossing highways - and streets over which heavy traffic is operat ing, father than being a director ot trarric ULTRA MET W PEPS UP REPTILES WASHINGTON (AP) If the king cobra sulks In a corner all day, and the spiny-tailed iguana refuses to eat they may need a dose of ultra-violet rays. , Dr. William Mann, director of the National soo. Is going to find oat. A whole section of the zoo's newly-opened reptile house has WHAT A DIFFERENCE YOUR - car will have that , jmw rw appearaaca if ' jtm lceev it' poUsbed. with oar polish. Polish 3c to 31.CD : ChamoU 75c to $2.50 Wax 60c Sponges 25c to $1.00 ; Polishing: Cloth 10c WE, BURNS DAN BURNS .Not Brataeia tha Same Maaw Ferry at IllghSalexa, Ore. M 1 eagfaeere aaer U able ta i been specially built to' discover if altra-violet rays are. a goad for ailing snakes and llsards as for childrea wtthVricketa. ' "r- '. Roofs and parts of walla of the cages la this section, are of special glass that, transmits the health giving ultra-violet - rays. Some cages, "also - have electrie "lamp epeclally designed to tarnish ul tra-violet light ' - This la the first American too to b so equipped, says Dr. Mann, whose .experiments may open a whale new ehapter pn the health and care of reptiles -v Por:. a :year the ultra-violet light that falls on tha shiny scales. and gay-colored spines-ot tha snakes and lixarda will - be measured. Meanwhile other rep tiles are living witnout ultra-violet, so that difference .in the health: ot tha two groups may be watched. . -." . TROT, N. T. TAP) A mona- ment. has been nnvetled over the grave of Samuel Wilson, who. Troiaaa say. was the .inspiration for . the ; term "TJada Sam, so- briqttet for the United, States government , During the war of 1811, Wil son, then operating a slaughter house, was given a sub-contract to supply meat for the . armies stationed" at Greenbush, a few miles, from Troy, and at New- burgh, N. Y. . Wilson was tall, spare and of kindly visage, like the "Uncle Sam" of the cartoon. He was known as "Uncle Sam" in his own neighborhood. Tory soldiers who saw the initials "D. S." on his boxes and casks at the army posts made it known that "'Uncle Sam" was feeding the army. Soon everything belonging to the gov ernment came to be known as "Uncle Sam's." " -, ! .'lit newspaper stories written the following; year there 'was ref erence to "Uncle Sam s , men" 2H6urs 10c sir,i era no DBS i . 1 Flllli lw Rate by lie Month. .Cheapel than the little yellow tickets . . . : ...... '...,1 . , For the Lady Who Drives Just leave your car with the attendant Your wind- : shield win be cleanedyour tires and Battery check ed If you wish, or you may want your car washed,, greased or an oil change.. It will be ready when you return from shopping. " ' . ;-.. 'V'---.;;'vf .'r-vv-.;-1 --. 4 - ' ; FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 240 N. Liberty St flfJTA THEORY rifflPiiiD Universe Started 1 in Single Atom Says XeHfaitre, A : Belgian Scientist " ; ; JBy HOWARD BLAKESLEB ' -NEW YORK (API A daring Idea that, creation .began in one single, vast, atom- is advanced by AbheeO. LeMaitre ' ef . .Lonvaih, Belgium. .:- ' 'X ; -; v LeMaitre .-Is. the jJastren'omer whose cosmology , or : theorr .af creation, recently has supplanted those . of Efhsteln and De Sitter In. the favor of many scientists. He explains the slnrle atom origin In nature, the Journal of imtua Science under the tltli "Tha Beginning . of ; the World from the Point ef View ot Quan tum Theory , i The Quantum theorr holds that all energy Is made up' ot separ ate aaakacea called Quanta. Thus a atave radiating heat dees not give ofX a continuous flow, de spite; tha impression of human SBQsaa to that effect. It has been demonstrated that tha. heat flows ant la jerks, made up of separate irnaaca naaaies. The stove cools U a series of steps, i Qaaata Packagea , tcneasa Steadily , ZieMaltra-points oat that these quanta .packages J are constantly increasing in numoeiy although tha total amount of energy in the universe ; remains constant This means that the energy is ' being transferred from larger bins into the tiny, separate bundles. .The stars are one kind of bin; their raiwn a iiow oijuania. Tracing the process , backward toward its . beginnings; LeMaitre finds there were less Quanta a long time agb and that It may ee reasonable to suppose that the beginning was onesjngle -quantum, v . "Ws could conceive the begin ning of the universe,' he says, "In the form of a unique atom, the atomic weight of which Is the total mass of the universe. This highly- unstable atom . would di vide la smaller and smaller atoms by . a kind . of super-radioactive process." . .;. :. If this suggestion Is correct LeMaitre says it is conceivable that tlma and space did not - be gin until after the original atom had divided into a sufficient number of Quanta. Gandhi Refuses To Leave India For Conference SIMLA. . India, May 23 (AP) - Arrangements for the federal structures committee meeting In London June 29 preceding the Indian round table . conference were upset Friday by Mahatma Gandhi, ; the nationalist leader, who said he could not attend on that date. t . - , . v t , Gandhi notified Viceroy Lord Willingdon he had not receded from his original intention to re main in India, until the Hindu Moslem cTm mu nal : problem Is solved and -all the government's obligations under the Delhi pact are fulfilled. 12Hourg20c Phone 6192 0 Through The Sea Intercstinff Loop a rip In Its "Trail 'Em to Salem" tourist folder, the chamber : of commerce recommends that tour ists stay over a day or so in Sa lem and .'make side trips, There are very lew, one day's trips Wherein the tournlst cross- as a range of mountains two times aad then travels along ths seashdre for 40 miles or more. A most " interesting trio i is through tha heart of the Willam ette river, valley, over the Coast range mountains and to the Pa cific ocean. vs i Cross Willanjstte river bridge at, Salem. Thence almost to Dal las and oa through fine farming country. At the 'Wallace covered bridge, you . come . to the Tilla mook highway. , Paved roads bring you. to the seaside -resort of Neskowin with Its tine beach. Good - plaee ( to Stop and walk a little. Also good plaee to eat. . Going south, you are now ion the .Oregon Coast highway, one of the greatest scenic . highways In the world. , Pacific ocean I to tha right evergreen : mountains to the left. ; At Delake and Taft you are again right oa tha seashore. Keep One eye on the ocean and the oth er on mountain scenery. i GOODRICH o H o o o o o H o o o o s o S Q O O O X p 5 a o o ?ut ' TTSv ; ' . cAlem G I I -a . :. .' : i ' F h , t- . . - a. TI - - ' ' . . LIT 1 I . sfr a . . " V i i v .' Goodric presents 26 sensational THAT'S vvhat it itthe! Thrift Tire. 1931 in value. First quality yet lower in price. Built for sharp, tiard buyers. Frankly designed to end; "shopping around." And just exactly! 26 better by actual count 26 motp tire to meet any performance standard. A buy! In short, a Goodirjch Tie at popular prices made to Goodrich 'specifications. Gome in. See these Cavaliers, today! GbbdricItSilvertowBi Mc. .;! I, " . . 5 . v . 198 SOUTH COMMERCIAL s Salem Automobile a Q O O a "435 N. Commercial Street -r, ' Ted Purvirie 2590 Pacific ! ''B&AyB:H: Q O O thelMountains to j? or uregon Tourists Stop et Cape Foul weather and Otter .Rock and Inhale Pacific ocean air and enjoy tha grandest scenery. ' - A Agate beach, walk along the oeacn ana look lor agates. New port j is famous summer resort. WTtMMOH coavauja Plenty to see there. Stroll along thej beaeh. Return 'now Into the moun tains. At . Toledo, largest soruce mills In the world. Corrallis homo of Oregon State college. UTrom Corrallis to Albany one of the beautiful river drives in the state. Note rushing Santlam river at Jefferson and thence north 17 miles through fruit and berry dis trict to Salem; ' 1 1 '- : 1 Japanese Sending Out Lettuce Now ' . ' v - HAZEL GREEN, May 21 Farmers are busy. The Japanese are Shipping lettuce. The berry growers are making sheds and getting crews to begin picking for the canneries on Monday. The clover where seed Is to be grown. has ibeen clipped. This brings the seed-earlier than to make hay. The;i clippings make good feed for eowl. - . ; GOODRICH GOODRICH usBaBaBauassa more for your money lur thrift tire 29x4.4021 29x4.50-20 30-14.50-21 28x4.7519 29x5.0019 33x6.0021 Other - 540 - i! HieHway Barney Itropp j (560 N. Capitol POPPY SALE TO BEET: IK Legion Auxiliary Planning Annual Disabled war Veterans' Benefit Annual - poppy sale conducted for disabled World War veterans by CapltaJ Unl No. 9, American Legion Auxiliary, will be held here Thursday and Friday; May zs and 29, announces Mrs. W. P. Watkins. president of the am. fllary. r , : . i A.eomplete organisation 'which wUI give everyone In the city an opportunity to buy and weaf a Poppy in memory of the J World War dead is being developed br the unit under the leadership of Mrs.- Cyril Nadon. chairman of the ponny committee. A! larger sale of the flower than ever be fore Is anticipated by the unit this year. I The purpose of the poppy sale Is two-fold: first, to honor the war dead by wearing the poppy which grows on the fields of France and Flanders where they fell; and second, to aid the Urine victims of the war, the disabled veterans, their families and fam ilies ot the dead. Every penny ot the -money collected from the sale here will be used for veter ans' relief. lOasnpalgn is oa All Over Natioa Poppy sales conducted by 7200 auzUiary units will cover practi cally every city and town In the County. The poppy to be sold June 2 1 and 29 by the loeal auxiliary members is a bud cut out of crepe paper, work being dene by hand by men in the Veterans' hospital in Portland. One veteran. It is said, wanted, so badly to aid with the making of the popples that he begged to be allowed to do something, al though he was too ill to cut the paper. He was allowed to count" the stems Into lots ot a hundred. This veteran died about three weeks ago. , GOODRICH o o a a 2 o e -"unnn 1 Six Full Flics Plut-26 more milesie t 26 more traction 26 more aiaewslt protection 100 better, lookieg Super I Caralier Cavalier! 6 Ply. $4.98 i $8.60 $8.75 $9.75 $10.93 $15.65 $5.60 $5.69 $6.65 $6.93 $11.75 Sizes . in Proportion STREET - BUI o O O O n B ak- n o a u f o Newcomb's Tire Shop Ferry Street Earl R. Aflanis 2121 Fairgroijxitli Road : :. f.