The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 24, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 24, 1931"
Hubbard Maid is
Honorect With
: Shower
HUBBARD. Miat A niU Bt
ens, a popular member of
th younger Bet- and also
prominent . In Hubbard's mnatcal
circle, .was honored with a kitch
en shower Friday evening at the
homo of Mr. and Mra. George
Knisht. -
Large bowl of sweet peas and
maiden-hair fern were arranged
about the. lovely living room In
one corner of which was placed
a largearmchair and over It was
raised a big umbrella from which
Tarious kitchen utensils, lncludng
the- rolling pin, were suspended.
Open umbrellas wsire placed
orer other chairs in the room so
that each guest was seated be
neath an umbrella.
Miss Boreas wearing a red
raincoat and galoshes and carry
ing a small pink parasol was re
: attested to gather packages from
the guests using an inverted um
brella for a basket, after which
he unwrapped ' the many lorely
gifts showered upon bar.
Each guest tbn wrote a mes
sage to -Miss Berens and put
them all into an envelope -which
was sealed to be opened on her
first wedding anniversary.
'Miss Berens announced Satur
day evening as the date set for
her wedding a 'Melrin Mitts of
Rural Del. at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bev
ens, , . - r - '.-t .
. Refreshments were i served" by
Mrs. Knight assisted by her
daughter. Miss Helen Knight, and
Present were Mrs. Irene Blink
horm and her sister. Miss Talet
taa Yoget of Salem. Miss Mar
lon and Miss Geraldine Carlson,
Miss Ruby Berens, Miss Marjorle
Wolfer, Miss Leah Kromllng.
1 Miss Lenore Scholl, Miss Elsie
Jungnlckle, Miss Orra Barrett,
Miss Frances Hatch. Miss Doro
thy Scholl, Miss -Carmen Sc holl,
Mrs. A. R. Berens, Mrs. Richard
Fields, Mrs. Louise Grimpsy Miss
Gungadene Bid good. Miss Helen
and Miss Anna Knight, the guest
of honor. Miss Anita Berens and
the hostess, Mrs. Knight and Mr.
Aumsville Woman's
Club Meets
Aumsville. Mrs. Charles Hein
delightful! yentertained 1 the
Aumsrille 'Women's club at ' her
home Thursday afternoon.! Mrs.
J. E. Towle,-vice president, pre
sided orer - the business session.
" Roll .call was-responded to with
memory verses and readings, i
At the closing honr Mrs. Hein;
assisted .by Mrs. Bland Speer,
served a delicious lunch.
Special - guests, for the after
noon were Mrs. Rosaltha John
son and Mrs. Murkgrore. i Club
members . present were the host
ess, Mrs. Charles Hein, Mrs. J.
E. Towle.'Mrs. Bland Speer, Mrs.
Margaret- Strayer, Mrs. ! John
! Ransom, Mrs. Millie Martin, Mrs.
Charles Martin, Mrs. Roy Fuson
and Mrs. George Claxton.
- .
Mrs. Karl Kugel is
Club Hostess -
Wallace R0ad " The Sweet
Briar club was pleasantly enter
talned with a-1 o'clock pot luck
luncheon at the home of Mrs.
-Karl Kugel on the Wallace road
Wednesday afternoon.
A profusion of vari-colored Iris
and pansies arranged in bowls
. and rases were used' about the
. guest rooms.
Assisting Mrs. Kugel in serving
were Mrs. James Omlah. Mrs. Ed
. Pratt and Mrs. Charles Glaze. The
short business session, conducted
by Mrs. Ed Pratt in the absence
of the- president, Mrs. Ray Bine-
gar, was followed-by a social af
- ternoon. -
Special guests Wednesday were
Mrs. s. P. Kimbal. Mrs. C. C
Page, Mrs. C. Franklin and Mrs.
Jennie Ferguson.
- ., ' l - . :.'
; Mill City -Miss Mary HM was
a hostess Mondav eveniiir -
home In the Hill apartments when
sne entertained -with a surprise
party In honor of the birthday an
niversary of Charles Kelly. The
erenlng was spent playing V500,"
; with Miss lone Bertram and Rog
er Harris . wlnnlnr -htrh icna
Cards were followed by a waffle
supper, which was enjoyed by Miss
flone Bertram, Miss Sylvia Keen-
. on, miss Jerrine Gordon. Miss Hill,
-the hostess. and Roger 'Harris,
-Robert Faust, Hans Plain beck and
: ; Cbales Kelly. - :J. -
. D -
ftS9 tXfiygj.
- r curat: .
1 y s ail
Oltve M. Doak.
Sunday, May 2
- F. A. Doerfler, open gardens to which public Is in
vited. To reach farm, drive straight east past Four Cor
ners on th penitentiary road, past Gear station, eros
" Stayton-Silverton road to'polnt about one 'mile and a
-half east. .. : .-. : : '..--v- ;- i -- v - I -;Y
Sketch class of Salem Arts league, Mrs. Ella Hath
away, director, leave 12:30 o'clock 1140 Market street,
for Hazel Green for out-door sketch class.',
. ' . . - . . - .: i r '
I . Mmday May 25 ' ' '
I Auxiliary to Foreign Wars,-S 'o'clock. In Womtn'g
clubhouse' pep. rally, for poppy day; sale. -
Rebekah. lodge will elect officers;, program will
follow in which Alexander Melovldoff will give several
numbers. Rebekahs and Odd Fellows are Invited and
special guests Invited by thenv .
.., ;Lincoln P. T. A., 7:30 o'docki installaUon of offi
cers; last meeting of year; program planned.- .
i Chapter A. B. of P. E. O. Sisterhood, with Grace
Elizabeth Smith, 18 5 ChemekeU street, 7T4 5 o'clock. ?
. ? . Tuesday, May 26 j-
Social afternoon club of Eastern Star, 2 o'clock In
Masonie temple; program; any visiting members of Star
In city lnrited. - - . ; ... -
. I Auxiliary of Sons of Union ' Veterans, 7:30 o'clock
at Salem Woman's club. . - . . -
; Chi Delta chapter of Delphlans, with Mrs. J. T. De
laney, 710 Summer street, 5 136 o'clock. t , 4
'Past Grand Matron's club, at home of Mrs. W. M.
Persons, 060 Gaines street.- - - - .............
Englewood - community club at United Brethern
church, 7:30 o'clock; program. - . - 1
Mrs. Wayne Pettlt will he hostess to the Salem
Press club at her home in the Court apartments. j
Wednesday, May 27. ; ;
l American Lutheran Missionary Guild, parlors of
church; tea meeting. '.
) ' Thursday, May 28 I ' L
Tpwn and Gown club, 2:30 o'clock, Lausanne hall.
j Friday May 29
i Past Matrons club, Mrs. Jam? s Godfrey,
Prof. William Wallace Graham will present pupils
in recital at Waller hall Friday at 8 o'clock. -
Mrs. George Pearce, hostess to . members of Mis
- slonary society of First Presbyterian church, at her
home 2C7 North Winter street; 2:30 o'clock.
Pythian Sisters
Are Hostesses -
Silverton.- Most successful
and enjoyable was the Tuesday
night meeting of Pythian Sisters
Homo Temple 21 when they had
as : their guests their mothers.
Centralia Temple No. 11 irom
Salem, and the Knights of Pyth
ias. Around 200 wero present.
Before the evenlne's program
and - entertainment for the visit
ors, the local gToup held a ses
sion orer which the most : excel
lent chief,! Anna Hadley, presid
ed. Reports of the two member
ship committees' : showed . that
Wanda Anderson's aide won over
Norma Storaasli's. The losing
side will treat the winners some
time at a ! later date. Probably
a dinner in the form of a picnic
wifi be given at the city park.
A birthday celebration was announced-
for the next meeting,
June 2, at which time all of
those having' birthdays, in April,
May and , June . will be honored.'
Grand honors were conferred
upon two grand officers who
were present Tuesday- night.
These were Esther Hogan of Sa
lem, who', is also supreme repre
sentative ' and attended supreme
sessions in Chicago and Florida
the past : two years: and Helen
Wrlghtman - of Silverton, past
grand chief of Oregon. ;
i Talks were given by Salem
members who expressed their ap
preciation of the Silverton invita
tion. At the dose of the session
a special musical program honor
ing mothers was given consisting
of the following numbers: - Re
marks ' on Mother's ' Day, Ruth
McPlke; piano solo, : Donna Stor-
aasll; - - two readings. Ruby
Downs; musical number by Har-
bo Thompson s string trio; vocal
solo,"- Myrtle Gifford ; reading.
Wanda' Anderson; i selection by
women's quartet . composed of
Myrtle Gifford, Essie Specht. Ola
Bentson and Mrs. A. W. Kleeb.
Mrs. Helen" Wrlghtman was the
accompanist for the vocal nnm
bers and Mrs. Ruth -McPlke, who
was largely responsible for the
success of the affair, was chair
man of the program. : ; '
Following the program u grand
march was held led by the grand
officers- and followed, by Centra
lia Temple, the mothers and chil
dren. - - -f '," 'a;
The. dining room In which the
supper was served was beautiful
ly decorated.' Supper arrange
ments were supervised by Veneta
Meyers, Olive Morley, Marie Mc
attU Creek SsMttMni feaJs, asvt aelped tbMu.ds
H aaia Utter kcalth by studying f tkm dim ch wi.
arfat Ho4tmmtM, n Urn, iroa. litvmm ,mi
..rMgfage. - TVs Fm4 Enperff im csarge f tU
stratwa wffl nplaki rhe Adareat roods far specific
r?" wixr foods, reigiit-esiMg foods,
J1"4'1" ,m4 bsatfce foods. i
S3f ti'W d ear lew tbs
lt'e? Wf '9 f ""is rood fcaarn.tan,
wert Sad skysicaar fir. .ii ! '
May 25 to 30
275 N. High V ; ; ; Phone 4111
Society Editor
Neil, Carrie McDonald, ; Lottie
Loo mis. Stella Hicks. Leta Olsen
and Alma Larson. At the close
of supper dancing was enjoyed
until a late hour.
The home temple was lnrited
to attend a jitney dance and din
ner at Salem Tuesday night at
which Centralia temple ts host
ess. Several are planning to at
tend ffCm here.
Aurora Matron is
Luncheon Hostess
Aurora Mrs. - Chester Gil-
breath was hostess for a very
pretty 12:30 o'clock luncheon
Fridar. ' OarMnm anrinv hlna-
soms were used in, decorating the
rooms and tames. Luncheon was
followed by four fables of bridge.
Mrs. saaier won high score and
Mrs. Schwab won second. tl ,
Guests of Mrs. GUbreath were
Mesdames E. E. Bradrt, George
Ehlen, U. Eiters, Lorin Giesy, B.
F. Giesy, Walter Grim, A. W.
Kraus, Frank Miller, Frank Mc
Allester, James Ogle, p. O. Ot
toway, J. W. Sadler, Ben S toner.
A. L. Strickland, Zeno . 'Schwab
and Norman Yergen.
Lyons Mrs. Alice Huber - of
Lyons and, Miss Clara Edna Mul-
key of Mehama were elected as
delegates for the Rebekah grand
lodge as representatives of the
Mehama lodge No. 163. The an
nual grand lodge session . con
vened In Corvallls this week. Wil
liam Mulkey of Mehama was also
elected as delegate for the I. O.
O. -F. lodge and left for Corval
lls Monday.
Hayesville Community club
picnic will be held at Hazel
Green park June 21. There will
be a ball game in the morning
and other games and stunts In
the afternoon. :! Basket lunch at
noon with coffee served by the
club. ' :
. Grdation yedc is the great occasion in
the life of that daughter sister, or friend
' irhen you especially desire ta remember her
In a fitting iray. i r
Makea a most appropriate gift for this
happy occasion '
They are made in a style for her erery
need and are most moderately priced.
-'. . . - - -- - - -i
. . " :: .. -., - : '..
S Stocked in ufhitm and all of
. tha wantad summer shades -
: " -W JOHNSON'S . .
44 State -The Store for Ladiea' -
Mrs. JRoftin Day
Elected . Club
; "President
;rille Woman's eluhr held
the last meeting of the year
at the home of Mrs. McAfee and
Mrs. Robin Day Thursday. A pot
luck s luncheon was served at
noon i on - tables placed on the
lawn.T After , .luncheon James
Russell Patterson of New York
City who at present ,1s giving, a
short course on interior decorat
ing at O. A. C, gave an Inter
esting talk on house furnishings.
Immediately following this a
business . meeting was called by
the president,. Mrs. Reed, at
which time officers were elected
tor, the . ensuing year. Officers
elected are Mrs. Robin Day, pres
ident; Mrs. David . Grelg, rice
president; Mrs. Claude Talmage,
secretary-treasurer. The program
committee appointed by the new
president Includes . Mrs. E. M.
Bailey, Mrs. E. L. Moor and Mrs.
Claude Talmage. . T
Members present for the meet
ing were Mrs. E. M. Bailey, Mrs.
Robin Day, . Mrs. Charles Andre
sen. Mrs. Wm. Fitts. Mrs. Clark
Rltchier Mrs. E. L. Moor. Mrs. J.
L. Morrison, Mrs. E. R. Bed well,
Joy Grelg, Mrs Darid Greig, Mrs.
Halbert, Mrs. Charles Heed, Mrs.
Albert Stettler, Mrs. , Kenneth
Talmage, Mrs. W. H. Kay, Mrs.
McAfee and Mrs. Claude Tal
J. R. Bidgood is
Hubbard.- The faculty mem
bers o the - Hubbard school hon
ored J. R. Bidgood, principal, at
a surprise .party at his home
Tuesday erenlng. ' .
' A gift was given in recognition
of Mr. BIdgood's five years of
successful supervision of the
school and the presentation was
made by Mrs. Lorena . Duncan,
primary teacher who has been a
member of the faculty duslng the
time that Mr. Bidgood has been
in charge of the school.- -
A" delightful evening was spent
at games after which refresh
ments, compliments of the guests,
were served.
Present were Mr. Bidgood,
guest of honor, Mr. and Mrs. C.
R. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Earl E.
Rienhart, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Painter, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo F.
Brown, Mrs. Nellie Cornell, Mrs.
Richard Fields, Miss Frances
Hatch, and Mrs. Bidgood and
family. f - . .
Mrs. S. M. Green
Jefferson! The Woman's For
eign Missionary society of the
Methodist Episcopal church . met
with Mrs. 8. M. Green, at the
home on Main street, Wednesday
afternoon. (Miss Addle Libby pre
sided. Mrs. George C. Mason led
the devotionals and Mrs. .J. G.
Fontaine and Mrs. Chas. McKee
gave readings. - The program clos
ed with the mystery box questions
conducted by Mrs. Fontaine dur
ing the social hour. Mrs. Green
assisted by Mrs. Earl Phelps,
serred refreshments.
Present were Mrs. Earl Lynes,
Mrs. R. C. Thomas, Mrs. Chas. Mc
Kee. Mrs. Earl . Phelps, - Mrs.
George C. Mason,' Mrs. D. George
Cole, Mrs. J. G. Fontaine, Miss
Addle Libby and the hostess, Mrs.
S. M. Green .
Central Howell Mrs. Milo Wil
cox and her daughter, Mrs. Hoad
ley, entertained at the Wilcox
home Monday afternoon in honor
of little Barbara Houdley's fourth
birthday. "The little guests "In"
compliment to Barbara were Ger
aldine Olsen, Grace Marie Leighty,
Irma ' Cowden and Erma KnenzL
Present also were Mrs. Ben Shep
ard, Mrs. A. E. Kuenzi, Mrs. Les
ter Leighty and Mrs. Al Cowden.
Advertising is
Club Topic
the theme for tha stady hour of
the Hubbard -Woman's elub at the
meeting ot the J. C Smith borne
Wednesday afternoon. ',.
Mrs. Sadie Scholl read an In
teresting account of tha Ufa of
Minna Hall Carothers, on of
America's : foremost business
women.- -
Miss Mildred Smith and i Miss
Esther1 Dlrkseaang two pleasing
selections to the nkelel accom
paniment. , "
The club voted to assist finan
cially with the Memorial day; pro
gram sponsored by the Woman's
Relief corps. 1 i
Mrs. Ella Stauffer, the club
president, assisted Mrs. Smith as
hostess and Mrs.. Maud Bidgood,
vice-president, presided at; the
meeting, -r . ' I -
The next meeting will he at
the home of Mrs. L. A. Braden,
June 3 at which time officers for
the new elub year will be elected.
Guests present 'were Miss Mil
dred Smith and Miss Esther Dirk-sen.;-:
' '!
i Members present Included Mrs.
Margaret Anderson. . Mrs. t Vera
Boje, Mrs. -Maud Bidgood,' Mrs.
Mattie Crocker. . Elizabeth
Fobert, Mrs, Louise Grlmps, Mrs.
Neva McKenzie, Mrs. Sadie
Scholl, Mrs. - Sadie Rich, Mrs.
Cora Smith, Mrs. Anna Stauffer,
Mrs. Ella Stauffer and f Mrs.
Merle Stewart. I -
West Stayton Club
Closes Season i
West Stayton The women's
birthday club met at the home of
Mrs. Elsie Wallace Wednesday
y It was decided not to hold any
more meetings until some time
in the falL J- . , -
Mrs.- Deliah Chamberlin was
the only -one to celebrate a birth
day at this meeting. Refresh
ments concluded a pleasant after
noon, i
. Present were Lottie Comitoek,
Peggy Comstock, Mabel - Royse.
verna Asehe, Helen Gilbert,
Mary Haakel. Minnie Allen, Sally
Goss, Ada Stewart, Elsie Bone.
Jennie McClellan, Iris White. De
liah Chamberlin, Minnie Dick
man, Chrlstinia Forrette, t Bell
Wcosley Martha Beldon, Anna
Johnson; Genevieve Williams,
visitor; and Mrs. Wallace, host
ess. - !
Turner ; Mr., and Mrs. D. S.
Riches entertained informally
Thursday evening for the pleas
ure of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ward
Empey of Aumsville. Prof. and
Mrs. J. R.' Cox, and Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Bear were guests for the
occasion. After a pleasant j eve
ning refreshments were served by
the hostess.
. .
Mill City Mrs. C. T. Haseman
was hostess at a four-table bridge
party, in her home Monday) eve
ning. High score was won by Mrs.
H. M. Ladd, low score going to
Mrs. Clara Ellsworth. The guests
were Mesdames C. M. Cline, ! Rob
ert Schroeder, A. D. Scott ot
Gates, Richard Saucier, E. C.
ss, Richard Saucier, E. . C.
The Ever
-E Gruen's. Elirhi.
r-... :
r .nois and
t t t t It 1 1 1H 1 1
Gordon, Wilbur Chesnut, T. Wi
Allen, A, L. Raines, A, L. Bar
ker, A. A. Holthonse, R. I Coop
er, Lafe Potter, Mis Sylvia
Gooch, Miss Daisy Uendricson.
Mrs. H. M Ladd and Mrs. Clara
Ellsworth. Refreshments : were
s TriHiAii (Bfflirm Tran
The Kelrlnator line includes
models priced from $179.50
upwards. Completely install
ed in yonr home. Any model .
may be purchased on a con
Tenient budget plan.
So we pass on a share of the
v - v 1 the prices on all our
- Welcome Graduation d
; Gift' ;
A Wrist Watch -
Waltham. Hamfltons, Illi-
other; stanaarmzea maitea j
- . .... . - j
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 T t T T T T T T 1 1 1 1
You are aJwayawelcome to visit
-We ate Salem agents lor
t . , -. , . - White Rose
On the corner State
- ,! .. - .. - -
1 .
serred siteir the card playing and
score had been collected.
MONMOUTH, May 13. F. M.
Roth, principal of Monmouth high
school, was honored Tuesday, his
birthday by a luncheon arranged
e'I the refrigerator manufactured by
a reiiabU oompany with proper ex
gtfunce Injthe electric refrigeratka
e Umm M plenty al food and akelf
space? j j .
e Is the cabinet iUelf well designed,
sturidily bui)t and properly insulated?
; e 1 there provision for the freezing
of an adequate supply of ice cubes?
(Quantity of ice rather than number
of cubes, which may be of large or
small size, should be taken into con
sideration.)) '
e Will th refrigerator constantly
maintain j af proper temperature for
the preservation of foods?
Can tb freezing of ice cubes and
deoserta be speeded op vhen the
need arises! .
Can Uua'extra freezing speed for
Ice cubes ; be bad without afTecting
the temperstura on the food shehres?
(Too low a temperature on the thehrea
will, of eourae, injure food.)
Is there oj place to keep toe cream,
meai, fisfi.1 game, qtdck frosted
foods or extra ice cubes indefinitely
at a' Mom tree7ing temperature?
Are these! various temperatures (a.
extra fasts freezing; . 6. fast freezing;
e. below freezing for storage; and d.
normal Tood preservation terapera
tore auiomaltealty maintained uith
out any attention from th owner? ;
Does the refrigerating unit operate
often or uifreqOantlY? . (The fewer
"tops' and "starta' the longer the
unit , wifl 'last and tha less it costs
to run.) J j
How long will the cooling unit
continue to cool the refrigerator,
even though the current is shut off?
(Refrigeration should continue for
10 or 12 hours.)'
a Can the back parts, of all shelves,
even! the lowest, be reached without
kneeling or sitting down?
a Has provision been made for keep
ing vegetables fresh and crisp?
Can the refrigerator top be used to
"set things down for a moment" while
the contents of the cabinet are being
Will the S refrigerator add to the
attractiveness of the kitchen?
Has the! experience of users over a
long Lperiod; of years proved the re
frigerator kinc-bved and dependable?
. I ' for ZUctrle RefHgmnuUm I
llion Furniture Co.
Silverware, Etc.,
profits to eui patrons by-"reducing
large and selected stocK
. Mn:nnniniiiinMUi.M.j
B : ;Irge Array of
K Pewter ware, Silverware,
Graduation Guts to, piease we gin ur
Z I j boy gradnate- , Vi ;
us and lookq over our gifts and
Genuine, urange uiossom ana
Wedding Rings - , '
& Libertyr-5alem, Ore.
.: - . - ! J-!
for his pleasure through the ef
forts of .the senior class, assisted '
by H. K. Slckafoose. A huge
birthday cake was featured among
tha good things to eat Additional
guests were Mrs. V. M. Roth, Miss
Edith Clark and A. B. patchin.
with this new
method cf Judging
" j . ' 1 i - '! -
Now with the Standard
Rating ' Scale you ' can
choose electric refrigeration
like an expert. You can go
straight through single uu-
Important 'features to
those essential advantage
that mean lasting satisfae
tion. You weigh oZ the facts.
Come in and measure Ket
vinator by the Scale find
out why Kelvinator, the old
eat domestic electric refrlg-
. eratton, is recognized as the
greatest value as well. '
Wedding 1 q
GIms ware, Etc. H
ife M M