The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 24, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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    The OREGON STATESMAN Saksi. Ore?on, Sunday Mornlnsr, May 2i; 1931
Be Delightful
Mrs. George Arbncklo- will
.ntW&in with a 10-tablO-
bridge luncheon at the 5jJ
Monday t 1 o'clock. Thto wltt
t one ot the smartest affairs or
nrtr. Snapdragons .. and
roses will be used to make-the
Gtw nrill room of the Gray
Bello a delightful background lor
, the affair. ' . ,
The guest llt will inclmde Mrs.
George Alexander, Mrs. . C. E.
Bates, Mrs. Max Buren. Mrs. F. G.
Bowersox, Mrs. F. O. Brock. Mrs.
Ralph Cooler, Mrs. Harry N.
Craln. Mrs. 6. P. ChambenuMrs.
Wilson Darby, Mrs." Rex Darla,
Mrs. I. M. Doughton, Mrs. George
I Forgo, Mrs. Ray Hartmaa. Mrs.
Guy : Irwin. Mrs. Paul Johnson.
Mrs. ' K. B. Kuget. Mrs. Percy
Kelly. .Mrs. T. I Kulros, Mrs,
George) King. Mrs. E. Ling. Mra.
J. E. Law, Mrs. frank Myers. Mrs.
Douglas McKay. Mrs. WilUamMe
Gllehrlst, Jr.. Mrs, O. B. McCol
lough. Mrs. Roger Mythlng. Mrs.
Roy Mill.- Mrs. James Nicholson.
Mrs. Phillip Newmyer. Mrs. Wal
ter M. Pennington. Mrs. Max Pago,
Mrs. W. L. Phillips, Mrs. H. L.
Stiff. Mrs. W. I. Staler, Mrs. U. a.
Shipley, Mrs. Claude Steusloff.
Mrs. K. M. Simons. Mrs. Walter
Spaulding. Mrs. Erwln Smith. Miss
Zoo Stockton, Mrs. George R.
Vehrs, Mrs. J. H. Willett.) Mrs.
A. L. Wallace and Mrs. Harry J.
Miss Tartar to
Present Pupil
Lena Belle Tartar will present
Miss Marjory 0DelL soprano. In
Tolce recital Tuesday night In
Waller hall. Miss Luetic Cum
minus will accompany and Miss
Hortense Taylor, riolinlst will as-
ist. ; r ,
Miss O'Dell is a sophomore In
Willamette unlrerslty and Is the
Amnrhter of ReT.-and Mrs. Fred
Taylor who were forraerlr of thet
The program Incudes;
Aria from "ThooT" .
(el. Ever Brh 4 Fir
Iter Kuibiu
Concert U A Minor (last hU)
Art from So ot , ' .
HM eooar 'outr U Tots Soint-SM
Ovtto tei Te Wen Mmrt
Ho Bweto U Bhoo lltk Ceatarr Air
r'bm Kim I. i i -flora
Whem Loto ! Kimi
Old laglibh
6oaU la 9 Minor
AdjivProto . -
Ta Mooa Oo Driftinf w.. --.flmi
la Laxmboarf Gardens -.Jtamung
A Birthdar Woodmsaa
Aurora Club Will f
Install Officers j
. Aurora Mrs. A. M. Kraua and
Miss Georgia Kraus entertained
the Aurora Woman's club at the
home of Mts. Kraus, Wednesday.
President Lena -Ehlen disposed Of
the business in a speedy manner
to make time for two splendid
papers on county government by
Natalie Strickland and public
health and safety by .Florence
CriselL Mrs. Lor In Giesy read a
short poem. Pictures reviewed
were "Boy with Rahbit" by Rae
burn and "The Storage Room" by
De Hooch which were glren by
Eleanor Reed. "The Artist's
Mother" by -Whistler glren by
Leta Giesy and "Behind the
Plow, Kemp Welch, was given
by Arda Kraus. A group of songs
was led by Madge Stoner.
A social time and refreshments
followed. This meeting conclud
ed the year's program. The next
meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. Ida Tergen June 3. at
which time officers for the com
Ing year will be elected. Refresh
' ments "will be served... . . ! ,
Ankeny Woman's i
Glub at Watts Home
Sidney The Ankeny Woman's
club met at the country' home of
Mrs. Ben Watts recently. ' The
spacious living Yooma were made
attractive with large bowls ot
roses. An interesting program
was given and a socral afternoon
was enjoyed.
Dainty refreshments were serv
ed at the tea hour by the hostess
to the following club members:
Mrs.E. L. Finley, Mrs. A. H.
Thompson, Mrs. Sidney Howard
and daughter Margaret. Mrs. Wil
liam' Wlederkehr, Mrs. R. H.
Fair. Mrs. L. B.- Smith. Mrs.
Charles Meier, Mrs. J. O. Fair,
Mrs. C. F. Johnston and the host
ess, Mrs. Ben Watts.
The auxiliary to the Veterans
ot Foreign Wars will, hold a pep
rally for the sale of poppies Mon
day night at the Woman's e!ub-
house beginning at S o'clock. The
poppy sale will take place' Thurs
day end Friday ot this week. An
nouncement will be made at this
. meeting of those members of the
. auxiliary who will speak la the
schools as a part ot the pre-me
monai services.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dancr.
Mrs. W. Al Jones and Miss Mabel
Creighton motored to Corvallla
Thursday night and surprised
Cretghton Jones with birthday
dinner served at the Benton ho
tel, f Ivan Martin of Portland
was an additional guest. Mr.
Jones Is a Junior In Oregon State
college and is a member ot the
Sigma Cht fraternity.
Mrs. jr. W. Covalt entertained
her thimble club at her home on
South 18th street Saturday after
noon. Mrs. Ira Covalt was a
guest of honor. Club members
present were Mrs. Bertha Love
land. Mrs, George Strang,' Mrs.
.Anna Caisse, Mrs. Ed Budlong,
Mrs. T. H. Seder, Mrs. W. E.
Adelhart, Mrs. Katherlne Lewis,
Miss Margaret Bernldlni.
of Interest
MRS. Ji E. LAW who vnth Mrs. V. G. Shipley has been
a popular hostess of the recent weeks. A series of bril
liant social affairs were given by Mrs. Law and Mrs. Ship
ley at the Shipley home. Photo
Small M aid
entertained in compliment
to the ninth birthday of her
daughter, Leone Spaulding. Sat
urday morning with a charming
SO o'clock breakfast.
The long breakfast table was a
study In pastel shades. Flowers
centered the table and at the place
ot each small guest was a place
card arranged' with tapers and a
tiny bud vase; holding a bud.
Mrs: Spaulding was assisted by
Mrs. C. A. Spaulding,' Mrs. D. X.
Beechler, Mrs. Roy Scott, Miss
Caroyl- Brad en- and .Miss Beryl
Marsters. Following ; the break
fast the Young guests enjoyed a
line party.
Guests in compliment to Miss
Leone were Wilda, Jerman. Car
olyn Brady, ; Nancy Strickland,
Jean Strickland.. Elizabeth .Ann
Herrick, Beverley Boydston," Car-,
men Jean Vehrs, Alice Ann Wirtz,
Margaret - Upjohn, Rowena Up
john, Florence' Upjohn, Frances
Baseman, Margery Roseman, Sybil
Spears, FanCea Lilburn, Florence
LHburn, Ruth Ranger, Jean Ran
ger, Mary Laughlin, Marjorle
Pickens. Beth Jo Schott, Ila Mills,
Vera Beechler.' Harriett Crawford,
Lorah Kate Griffith. Ella' Collier,
Doris McDonald and Jean Marie
Spaulding ot Newberg.
Teachers Have
Picnic 1 v
-The annual plcnle for the Sa
lem Teacners' association was
held In Kays park Wednesday
with about 95 teachers presenL
The committees in charge
were: entertainment, Martha
Jean Dixon, and Mrs. Lyle Bar
thoiomew; refreshment commit
tee. Ruth Draper, Grace Fallin,
Edith Starrest, Grace- Diebel,
Gladys -" Humphreys, Florence-
Steward, Esther Wilcox, Mildred
Severson, and Mrs, Shields. --- -
MRS. DORA B. MORLEY, newly elected stats vice-presi-.
de Degree of Honor lodge, and also president
of the local lodge, Salem Lodge No. 19. She was elected at
n9 icvcM, cunveTOKmv r;ioto
. -
by Kennell-Ellis.
Miss Helen Price to
Give Recital r
Miss Helen Price, graduate stu
dent In the music department ot
Willamette university, and who
has been studying ; this year on
the pressor scholarship prise. wUl
give her post-graduate recital
Monday night in Waller hall at 8
o'clock. -Frances Virginia Melton
is presenting Miss Price. Miss
Edith Findley wil assist' Miss
The program will include: :
Scaumaaa , C-tti
' II
Ohopia . ...Scherxo Opac 19
Chopin Etade (BirtUrfly) Op, 35 Ho. 9
Oriftea Wait Peaeeek
Oriffea ,, ,- , , ' MirfcTfi'l
Grier ..
Miceor Concerto
8eoBd piano Irdlth Fiodley.
Oregon Girl Wins '
Honor in blast
Mlsa Carmen Siewert. daughter
t Rer. and Mrs. S. A. Siewert of
Warsaw, " Ind. and -who is Well
remembered ' In ''Salem, has just
been awarded a gold, medal from
American Conseryatory of Music
In Chicago by a board of critics
before whom she sang May 15.
Miss Siewert, niece of A." A.
Siewert of Salem, will graduate
from the conservatory In June.
She will then have a bachelor's
degree in piano and composition.
Both Rer. and Mrs. Siewert grad
uated trpm Willamette university.
Mrs.1 Siewert will be remembered
as Frances Cornelius.
. . .
The sketch class of the Salem
Arts league, directed by Mrs.
Ella Hathaway will go to Hazel
Green for an . out-door sketch
class today. They will leave the
home of Mrs. Hathaway. 1140
Market street, at 12:30 o'clock.
It is expected that Ralph Gilbert
will accompany the group. All
members ot - the league are in
vited 'to go with the group and
especially the ; photographie sec
tion of the league.
in S
Olivb XL Do ah.
Events as They Gome ;
rpHE week comes to a close with several hours short for
A the number of things that there are to be done, for the
State Business and Professional women are concluding their
session of three days convention and the last minutes are
mostly social. -i'. ' -y- -'.
' This group has mixed pleasure and business In a de
lightful manner. A brilliant reception Friday night set the
social tone for the convention. Colorful and beautifully
appointed this reception made a delightful memory for the
club members. j i
Saturday night a "birthday banquet marking the thir
teenth birthday-of the club was observed and this morning
the impressive "emblem" breakfast will bring to a close
the social -events of the weekend. i ; i
Hostesses this week have been numerous. Mrs. Palmer
MacDonald and Mrs. Wayne Loder were hostesses-for one
of the most beautiful parties of the season at the Marion
hotel. Mrs. A. C F. Perry was hostess in compliment to
her mother, v : : ';-' :'-".Vu--
Mrs. Dan J. Fry. Jr.. and Mrs. Harry Hawkins ware
informal tea hostesses Friday
was hostess for six tables of
a a
cnarming event ciosea a serjes oi parties lor which she has
been hostess. :. ; -. . i
Other hostesses for the week have been Mrs. 5 A. E.
Wickert, Mrs. Saul Janz, Mrs. Curtis Cole, and Mrs.' Edward
Heenan. ,:' -y .. -...-
Pre-Nuptial Fete
Bride of June
wiU be married In Boston
was the inspiration xor a pre
nuptlal shower for which Misses
Louvera - and Wil ma Morn were 1
hostesses at the Pro home Friday
The affair was a surprise to .
Miss Pro, who returned from a
dinner party in the country to find :
the guests assembled in the living
rooms. After games and musical
numbers, the gifts were delivered
in a clever "missionary barrel."
Late in the evening dainty re
freshments were served. The host
esses were assisted by Mrs. G. I
The guests invited for the show
er, were: Mesdamea ferie Burn-
ham, I M. Dewey, Evelyn McKln,
ley, -H. C. Hummel, Rollin Bear
er, Lena Hockett, Sophia Wheeler,
George Rhodes, Mlna Saunders,
Jack Bates, R. A. Horn. S. E.
Keith, George White, Harry Wat
son, Grace' Lawless. Everett
Brown, S. M. Wright, Fay Sher
man, Leda Nichols, Gordon
Black, Hazel Shepherd, E. O.
Rinderman, Ethel Gilstrap', Claude
Bennett, O. P. Driggs, Paul Trom
lits, Charles D. HuUngs, Daisy
Collar, Isabella Overby, Christine
Daniels and C. L. Collar, and the
Misses Frances L. Welch. Edith
Fanning, Lela Belle Sanders,
Kathryn Toung, Dorothy Franks,
Helen Prang, Vlrglnlalee Brown,
Loretta Pro, Dorothy Pro and the
very young Betty Jean White and
Marlon Horn. ;
. ,
Past Matrons
Will Meet
Mrs. James Godfrey will open
her home to members of . the Past
Matrons club Friday evening.
Mrs. W. B. Johnson, Mrs. Alice
CooUdge, and Miss LeUa Johnson
will be hostesses for this busi
ness and social meeting.
Pratum Wedding
Pretty Event
Pratum Beneath a beautiful
arch of cedar boughs and white
roses, Grace Kleea of Pratum and
Newton Allen of Denolr. Califor
nia, were united -in marriage at
Pratum Methodist church Tues
day evening at & o'clock
: The bridal party entered the
beautifully decorated church to
the strains of Mendelssohn's wed
ding' march played by- Miss Mir
iam Keating of Vancouver, Wn.
i The bride was beautiful In a
heavy white crepe drees with
close fitted . bodice and a full
length yell caught : with mock
orange blossoms. She carried a
shower bouquet of Cecil Bruner
rosea and sweet peas.
Her only attendant was NeUie
Kleen who wore a nne green
crepe de chine dress and carried
a bouquet of pink sweet peas and
white roses. - " -;
t Ralph Kleen served - as best
man.' Just preceding the cere
mony Roscoe Plowman of Salem
nr... XT w P.IIS" a n
eavuS) iivio yuvm m
etfmDanied by Miss Keating. .
? Rer. Aletba Allen Dumas, sla
ter of the groom, performed the
impressive ceremony. James Ray
mond and Herman Smith ot Port
land served as ushers.
i The bride is daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George , Kleen from Pra
tum and Is a graduate of saiem
high school and attended' Port
land Rihls) Institute.
The rroom Is a graduate of
Seotta Mills high school and Tort
land Bible Institute.
After a wedding trip through
Redwood highway and Oregon
Carea they wiU be at home to
their maay friends at Delhi. Cal
ifornia, where Mr. Alien is em-
nlored. -!-t,;r
During the reception glrw U
the basement of the church. Mir
iam Keating and Ralph Kleen
sang -l Lore Ton Truly" accom
s an led . by Miss Oener Beckett,
Mrs. William do Tries, Mrs. Lor
ena Thomoson. Helen Mao
Thomnson. Anna Blschoff and
Ida Mitsner served.
Many beautiful gifts rere re-
eetred by tho couplo
: Student' nurses" of Salem Gen
eral hospital spent Wednesday at
tho coast. The affair was pianneo
in compliment . to tho graduates
this year. Miss Virginia Pair,
Mis Etta Wells, and Mlas Doris
Thompson. -. - - . " ..
- Mrs. Charles Thompson of Se
attle has been a guest of . her
mother, Mra, Effle Ireton for the
past weak, . ' .
Society Editor E
afternoon; Mrs. W. H. Darby
cards Friday afternoon which
. ' . . . .
Salem Students
Appear in Portland
A number " of students from
Miss i Elisabeth Levy's studio
motored to Portland to partici
pate in a Joint recital with her
Portland students. They were as
sisted by students of Fereas
Stelner. Tho first half of the pro
gram was given by beginners.
while the second nart waa nlavad
by the artist pupils. This part of
the program was made up of
numbers in which chamber music
had an important place.
The auditorium was filled to
capacity and each number was
received with enthusiasm.
miss Mary Schoettle. rlolist of
the Salem Junior Symphony or
chestra, assisted in the strlag
quartet numbers.
Students taking part In the
program were Alcyon Logan, Dor
sey( Reed, Virginia Lou Harkins,
Jean. Lewis, Tommy Settlemler,
BUly Looker, Marjorle Wallace.
Kaipn Branch, John Marr, Hor
tense Taylor, Berie Jean Allen,
Beryl Atwood, Beryl Ottaway,
June Director. Cleone Votaw.
Jessle Melvln, Nathan Steinbock,
and Mary .Schoettle. 1
Grand Lodge Session
Draws Attention I
The Grand lodre of Ormn
meeting in Corrallis for a five
day session beclnninr last vmV.
end, drew the attention of many
peopie irom saiem. Delea-ata
from the Rebekah lodge ot Sa
iem were Mrs. Carl O. Engstrem,
Miss Eugenia Slecmund. Mlaa
Wilda Slegmund, Mrs. Coral Mc
Neil, Mrs. Elsie Townsend. and
Mrs. Edith McElroy.
Mrs. Engstrom was annointed
state chairman of good - ot the
order committee by the new pres-
iaeni, airs. Ktnei Meldrum iof
Milwaukee. : Mrs. Engstrom lis
making plans for visits to tho va
rious , Rebekah groups ot the
state. t
Carl O. Engstrom was elected
brigadier chaplain ot the Patri
archs Militant. Mrs. Alma Hen-
aerson, wno tor two years was
associate president of tho Patri
archs, was present for tho Grand
lodge. : Mrs. Henderson is now
past associate president and Mrs.
Gertrude Rooney of Marshfleld
was elected associate president.
. i
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Schulti, 914 No. Summer street.
started Friday by auto to drive to
Detroit, Mich., their former home
where they will remain for aa
Indefinite stay Idoklng! after busi
ness matters. They have closed
their : home, and plan to return
when they conclude their mission
in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Schults
hare resided fin - Salem tho past
fire years and haro been promt
nent workers In the First Pres-
bTterian. church. . . i
They were accompanied by
Mrs. Ralph Winn who will sum
mer in tho east. " v
are Offering Their
Stock at a r
Genuine Discount?
It will i pay to
SHOP There!
MISS ESTHER ERICKSON who was elected president of
the Ecclesia club, popular young btlsiness woman's
club of the city, at the annual election of officers Tuesday of
the past week. Photo by Kennell-Ellis j
Barbara Barnes WiU
Present Dance Revue ;
One of the interestinsrevents
for the public is the annual spring
dance revues presented by Salem
groups. Miss Barbara Barnes will
present students from the Bar
bara Barnes School ot the Dance,
June 4 and 5 at Warner Bros.
Elsinore theater.
Of unusual Interest Is the "In
dian Dance" drama which will
conclude the program. Miss
Barnes arranged the steps and in
terpretation for the drama and
Ralph Schomp arranged the
music. The drama is based on the
Indian legend ot the Willamette
ralley, "The Bridge of the Gods".
Mrs. Otto Paulus, who designed
the costumes and sets for the
Egyptian ballet of last year will
design the costumes and stage
sets for the 'Indian, drama.
The entire program will , in
clude six numbers. The first will
be the tiny -people .between the
ages of three to 14 years old and
will be called "The Little Cir
cus", with Pauline Zoo Chambers
as the "ring leader".
Other numbers will be "Adagio
Classloue", Josie - Acklln and
Elmer Lowell Grlepentrog; "Scarf
Dance" by a group ot adranced
students with Miss Barnes doing
tho solo dance: a "Dutch Lore"
dance, comedy: and a group of
speciality numbers by advanced
students. .
Chi Delta Delphians
Will Meet Tuesday
Mrs. J. T. Delaney will be
hostess to members of the Chi
Delta chapter of tho Delphian so
ciety at her home 760 North
Summer street, Tuesday morning
at 9:30 o'clock.
Tho topic for discussion is
"Jlottb and his Age". . Topics
will be taken by Mrs. E. B. Mil
lard, Mrs. W. J. Nelson, Mrs,
Karl Heinleln, Mrs. J. T. De
laney,! Mrs. E. A. Collier, - Mrs:
Charles Hudklns, and Mrs. Carl
Mrs. W. M. Persons will be
hostess to members of the Past
Grand Matrons club at her home
960 Gaines street, Tuesday with
Mrs. F. L. Waters and Mrs. J. E.
Kirkpatrick. ' .
- ,1
395 N. High
'I !
Melovidoff Will -
Give Program
1 j I"
A program of Unusual Interest
is that which will be given before
thelRebekahs and the Odd Fel
lowf Monday night following a
regular meeting- in the Odd Fel
lows' haiu At ! o'clock Alexan
der ' S. Meldvidbf f, known to the
concert stage as Chief Mlnlwa
cato, win play ia group ot num
bers for the combined meeting of
the lodges
Mr. Melovlddff is a violinist of
national fame ;ln musical circles.
For; the past three summers he
has i played m the Hollywood
bowl, and 1 he has played with the
Lost Angeles symphony orchestra
as 4 gnest artist. In the East he
has appeared In many of the
largo programs and In Europe he
has ! played fori crown heads.
The program for the lodges
Monday night sis a courtesy pro-
gram .from Mr,
members, ji
Melovldoff to the
Eastern Star Club Will
Meet Tuesday
Members of the Eastern Star
Y ! ' . I
social ciuo are punning a pro
gram for Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock in jthe Social room of the
Masonie temple. A special invi
tation is being extended to any
visltinr Star! Who mar b In th
city Tuesday, i
The committee in charge is
Mrs.; Burnlce Blodgett. Mrs. Jen
nie UtlerJ Mts. Stella Henry.
Mrs. i Georgia Cook, Mrs:" Minnie
Jirak, Mr. Alice Frlszel, . Mrs.
Daisy Mclntlrej Miss Eva Sereo.
- .
L. L j ... -
pytnun sisters win sponsor a
Jitney" siippe at Fraternal tem
ple Tuesday night. There will be
a special program followed by
dancing. ! The committee ' in
charge is Mrs. jW. Lansln, Lillian
Marshall, Mrs. ,Azile Hiison, Mrs.
Lellle Hanson; and Mrs. Mary
Pngh. j : ;
379 SUtt
Orchestra Member
Will be Honored ,1
Donald Poujado will haye con
ferred upon him May- J g the De
Molay Legion of Honor, highest
degree which may be won by a
DeMoiay, and which was voted toJ
him at (he last meeting of th
grand council at Washington,
D. C, at which time President
Hoover also received the degree.
As a token of admiration from
the Salem Symphony orchestra, of
wmcn Mr. poujade is a member,
it will play as part ot the services
of tho evening according to a vote
taken by the organization at the
last rehearsal Tuesday night.
Prof. E. W. Beattr 'of Corral
lis and members of the Corrallis
chapter will confer the decree.
This Is the third time such a de
gree has been given a DeMoiay in
Oregon. ! t
The DUbllo is invited to 'attend
the ceremony, which will begin at
8 o'clock Thursday night and
which will bo held In tho lodge
rooms of the Masonie temple.
Choose a Stitched Crepe
"My Own"
HI All
In Exquisite Tints to
Contrast Your Summer-
We suggest yon sret thisl flat
tering "Mjr Own" Hat; im
mediately! It's as pretty: as a
picture ... and just the hat
you'll want to wear with sum
mery chiffons and silks) In
the coolest shade of pale
green "with the new water
melon crown, and pale pink
facing and box-stitched brim!
And . . , it's only one of the
many adorable styles included
in the latest shipment of
"My Own- Hatst J
A New Shipment Evert Wttkl
...A Bmt Bos free With
Evert Ilstl
Ward & Cp.
& Keene
; " Telephone 74C3
V' I