The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 24, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salera, Oregon, Sunday Mornlnr, May 24, 193!
Local News iBriefs
Qnyder Better A. q. "Jim"
Cnyder, district road patrolman
at Aurora, Is Improving following
accident early in', the week In
-which he suffered several broken
Tibs, however he .will not be able
to resume work for some time.
Repcrt to that effect was brought
back yesterday . by Frank John
son, county roadmaster, and Jim
Smith, commissioner, who were in
that end. of the county on bus
iness matters Saturday morning
Special prices -wood-all kinds.
Summer rdelivery: Tel.' 5000. Sa
lem Fuel Co. -
Tnrrease-Enrollment. in ' the
Salem schools for the period end
ing May IS reached 5.343 pupils,
an Increase of lust' 2S-students
oyer the- same period a year ago.
Registration in the grade has
not been quite as large this year
a last, but an increase of 10 J
students in senior high school has
kept the figures up. This year so
far 1.398 boys and girls have reg
istered' In the high school; as
compared to 1,295 last year.
Short time investments, t, f , or.
1 months ta yield 6.3 per cent.
Hawkins 4fc Roberts. f
Examinations S e m I-annual
teaehera' examinations for Mar
' inn 'muntv.will be conducted - at
the couat house . here four - days.
beidnttlnr June 10 and ending
June 13. Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson,
county school superintendent, an
nounced yesterday. ? Tnese - are
- given, concurrently In every coun
ty seat in the state. As a rule,
com narativelr few teachers write
on these questions.
riandft nn Vault, formerly of
the Cant. Beauty shop, now at the
Mitxl Gray. Tel. 5033. -
: Mnnsell Coming W. O. Mun-
sell, president of the Mitchell
Lewis and ' Staver company of
Portland, Is .to address the Salem
Rotary club next Wednesday. Hia
subject will be: "What is a Ro
tariaa"? Munsell has a reputa
tion In Portland for being a con
vincing, able speaker.
: Short time Investments, ,.S. or
.12 months to yield -3 per cent.
Hawkins & Roberts.
' In Portland Mrs. Cora E.
Held, of the county school super
intendent's office, left last even
ing for Portland, where she will
; esend ' today visiting with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. John BagleyJr., and her
son, Evan A. Reld, who Is visiting
there from eastern" Oregon.
12 and l-!n wood, also planer
wood, $5 per cord load delivered
from car. 35.50 delivered from
yard. Cobbs and Mitchell Co.
34S S. 12th. phone 7443.
Objects Objections to cost
bill have been filed by defendant
In ease of W. H. Lots vs. Armour
and "company. The Item to which
! exception is taken Is a $7 witness
: fee. which defendant holds was
- not necessary as there- was : no
reason to call the witness ' in
question, a physician. -
Tobie Visitor Stayton high
- school will graduate the largest
class In Its history May 29, H. E.
Tobie. principal, reported while
on a visit In Salem yesterday.
""-'Judging from present indications
the 1932 class will even better
than number, he said. .
See Ross Smith. Center and
Church, for tire bargains.
Hayward to Speak W. li.
Hayward of Spokane, regional
executive of the Boy Scouts, Is to
be the speaker at Kiwanls meet
ing Tuesday noon; - -Hayward
comes to Salem to make plans for
' the annual financial campaign.
.Swift Back East Word . re
ceived by Willard Wlrts, secre
tary of the Salem Kiwanls club.
bears news that Rev. George
Swift attend -.the Minto, North
Dakota club on Monday,- May 18.
Rev. Swift Is on a trip east.
From Sidney Miss Oma Em
mons, who has. taught at the Sid
ney ehool the past year, was a
caller. In Salem yesterday. Her
school Is out for this year.' She
will teach at Sidney again next
year. f. :" -
Dollar dinner every night, 5:45
: Attachment Property of Mil
lie B. Kenyon, known also as Mil-
- lie B. Hartwell, has been attach
ed to satisfy demand of; D. D.
Socolofsky. according to return
on writ filed yesterday with-the
county clerk. -.
Speeding Charges LaVerne
Bennett ofSilverton Road was ar
rested Friday on charges of
speeding and having no driver's
license. Ralph Herr, route 2, Sil-
verton, was arrested on at speed
ing charge. ""- :..4
Stolen Car A Ford coupe
owned by Swift and company of
Albany, driven by H." J. Bowie,
was stolen from Salem, Saturday.
The license was a temporary one
pasted on the r wind shield
223-050. " ', .
Jacobs To Mr. and Mrs. M. F.
Jacobs, a girl, Dorene Frances,
born May 19 at Bungalow ma
ternity home. -. .,
Barman To Mr. arid 'Mrs.
George Barman, Salem route 6, a
girl. Ardlth Irene, born May 23
at Bungalow maternity home. - -
Call 0010, Used : Furnltare
Department v
isi n. ni
Reports Accident - Dwight L.
Seely of Wllsonville yesterday re
ported to the sheriff an accident
which had occurred threemlles
east of Woodburn.'when an elder-
lr lady walked out from behind
; another 'car and Into the path of
Seely's machine. She was knocked
to the pavement, but not seriously
hurt, the report states. Her name
! was not learned.
Short time investments. 6, 9, or
12 months to yield 8.3 per cent.
Hawkins & Roberts. ; .
Cases Set Case Of Hutchason
vs. Tanson, damage action: ana
suit of Eisenhardt vs. Ostrin, also
damage case, will be heard July
6 and 8. respectively. Judge I. H.
MeMaban of circuit court depart-
ment one' yesterday set the cases
for trial, i -
j '. Special communication
Salem Lod ge No. 4 , A.
a-. A. XT. at the
7 Lodge Hall Monday.'
.May 25th at 1:30 p.m.
for the purpose of con
ducting- the funeral of our late
Brother Geo. Behrens. -
H. W. Swafford, W. M.
Appraised Appraisal of 11000
has been placed on estate of
Frederick Wallace Harm er, Jr., by
Mildred Judson, Bessie M. Elof-
Bon and Walter Fuhrer. An order
in probate court authorizes the
guardian to mortgage the real
property. I r . -. .: 1
list of Claims List of all
claims against .ihe Aurora -State
bank, insolvent, has : been filed
with the county clerk. An order
in circuit court in the liquidation
matter authorizes the state bank
superintendent to : sell certain
Short time Investments, t, 9, or
12 months to yield 6.3 per cent.
Hawkins & Roberts.
Denies Complaint General de
nial of allegations made In com
plaint filed has been entered by
defendant in suit of Clara A. How
ell vs. state industrial accident
Wolf in Fred Wolf, high
scMWol principal, was suffering
Saturday from an attack of ton-
silitis. It was not known wheth
er he would be able to return to
his work Monday.
Sale And Possession Charged
Otto Schlese of 450 North Front
street was released from the city
jail Friday on $50 bail after be
ing arrested for sale ; and pos
session ol beer. ,.
Folks who have graduation and
wedding gifts to buy will do well
to visit Pomeroy & Keene's Big
ale. . j ;
i -
Appraisal C. H. Coyle, L. P.
Gooding and James F. Davidson
have appraised estate of Charles
O. Pelland at $10,009, according
to Inventory filed with the pro
bate court yesterday. '
Hearing Bet Hearing on final
account of Mary Schukey as ad
ministratrix ef the estate of Hen
ry Elghmey has been set for June
30. The account shows assets of
$10,271.77. '
: I
Dr, B. F." Pound practice lim
ited to removal of teeth, gas or
local and dental x-ray, 303 First
National bank. Tel. 9530.
Flies Report .Repcrt on sale
of real property belonging to
Ralph L. t Betzer and Lyle W.
Betzer, minors, has been filed by
the guardian. Era M. Betzer.
Marriage License Marriage
license was Issued here yesterday
to Melvln Lander, 21, route 1, and
Grace Memchlck, 19, both of In
dependence, j
Cross Complaint Amanda M.
Wise has filed answer and cross
complaint In the foreclosure "suit
broughrby C. E. Endieott against
F. W. Osborne and others.
Annual Account First Nation
al Bank Trust company has filed
annual accounting as guardian of
Theodore j and Annie Tuleja,
minors, j .!-..-
Pays Fine Virgil Dixon of Cor-
vallls paid a. fine of $5 in police
court Saturday for speeding.
Where to
Hotel Arjro Dining Root
Special Chicken Dinner; noon
. -nd Jiight 50c. i
the Spa' -
Chicken i dinner toaay 75c, -11.
Special dinner 50c
Gray Belle Dinner Tie.
Dollar Dinner ' DeLuxe roast
: turkey, steak or grilled half
' f spring chicken, y.
For Dinner This Evening
Special Sunday dinner $1.00 at
The Marion Hotel today.
Lest We Forget ..;
the advantages of home-
owned business- ;
Home Owned Business
keeps your money at home
Builds Home Industry
furnishes local employment
helps pay , taxes sup
ports local civic enterprises
preserves the human
touch in business.
. The ; Independent Drug
gist deserves your support.
- Drug Store " v
The original, yiliow front
; candy store of Salem
' 135 N. Commercial St.
TensUr Agency Phone S107
Dine Today
23rd Annua! Convention of
K. of C. Will : Open
In - Afternoon" ' :
Knights of Columbus represent
ing various sections of Oregon
will gather In Salem today, May
24, for the opening of the 23rd
annual convention of the state
council. C P. A. Lonergan, state
deputy, will open the convention
with the Initiation at 1 p. m. In
McCormlek hall. ; -
During ' the afternoon session
visiting women will be given a
drive to visit the various state In
stitutions in Salem. The motor
drive will carry the guests to Mt.
Angel academy, and college at Mt.
Angel. " " ' " "' '
V. W. Tremalne will act as
toastmaster at the banquet held
this evening at 7:30 at the Mar
lon hotel. Three hundred guests
plan on attending the program
given this evening. ' ;
Noted Speakers ,
Are on Program
F ... . . . i-i
Tne program win jnciuuo u. r.
A. . Lonergan, state deputy, with
an address on "Oregon State
Council":' "Loyalty," by Rev.
Francis Dalton, C. SS.R-. chaplain
of the Portland council; Why
Coin mbianlsm Merita Your Sup
port," by Jerry Mason, secretary
of the Portland council. Rev.
Francis P, Leipzig, Eugene, will
deliver a talk on "Friendship,"
while the Hon. Frank J. Loner
gan, Portland, past state deputy,
will speak on "Citizenship." Mu
sical numbers will be given by the
Sacred Heart academy orchestra,
Miss Clara Keber. Mt. Angel, and
Leonard Brady. Salem. ;
Monday morning at 9 a. m. High
Mass will be celebrated In St. Jo
seph's Catholic church by Rev.
Francis P. Leipzig, state chaplain
A sermon on "Columbus'! will be
given at the High Mass. Follow
ing the High Mass the delegates
and visiting members of the 23
councils, will open the business
meeting at the Marion hotel at
10:15 a. m.
Principal speakers on the Mon
day s session will Include Most
Rev. P. D. Howard, archbishop of
the Portland archdiocese, and
Salem Visitor Miss Lena Gee
of Siout Home, visited her sister,
Doris Gee. in Salem, during tne
cast wek. She j returns home to
her employment today, r
Sues for Money Paul Tagllo
has filed suit against J. A. Kap
pahn to collect balance alleged
due on purchase of goods.
Teacher Caller Mrs. Sylvia
Flo Young, teacher at the Jeffer
son school, was a business caller
In Salem Saturday. ' '
Reckless Driving Charge D. O
Dunlap, Portland, was arrested
Friday on , reckless driving
charges. : , :
Behrens . ;
At a local hospital, Paul Hen
ry Behrens, of 391 North Cottage
street, age 46; husband of cora
L.: son of H. J. of Iowa; brother
of Fred L. of San Antonio, Tex.
Member of Salem lodge No. 4, A.
F. and A. M. Funeral services
Monday. May 25, at 2 p. m., from
the Terwilliger funeral home. In
terment City View cemetery.
In this city. May 23, John A.
Hall, age 62, late of Brooks, Ore.
Survived by his wife, Mrs. Louise
Hall; three daughters and two
sons: . Mrs. Laura L. Monch of
Tumwater, Wash.,. ; Mrs. Lola
Christie of Grand Junction, Colo.,
Lila of Brooks, 'i John ; W. : . of
Brooks, Gustus A., of Dubuque,
la. Remains at Salem Mortuary,
545 North Capitol street, . Notice
of funeral later. -
Balsh' ; 5.
In Seattle, May 22, James' M.
Baish,,age 68; brother of Mrs. C.
E. Hamilton of Seattle, Mrs. H.
L. Baish of Wadsworth, Ohio.
and Charley and Harry Baish of
Wadsworth. Funeral services
Monday, May 25, at 10:30 a. m.
from the shape) of W. T. Rlgdon
and Son. Interment In City View
cemetery, i - .'-,.".;...-
Established 1803 Tel. 852
; Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided f or -;
Prices Reasonable
JL ruTBaai. sxacoToms .
Oar bntti Is rmeaat
Ost Frka At ImmmM(
Ou Rm to M4ra -
A Park Cemetery
With Peipetual Care
Just - tea , mlaates from the '
- " heart of town ?
CIough-Barrick Co.
- Phone 5151
Church at Ferry St.
M. Cloagh
Dr. L.
V.T.; Golden-
Father F. P. Leipzig, Eugene,
who will celebrate. High Mass
Monday in St. Josepbfsi church,
part of the Knighte of Colum
' bus convention.: - J.-
Mayor P. M. Gregory of Salem,
who will welcome the visitors to
Salem. . -
"The various state officers will
give their annual reports Monday
afternoon. The election of offi
cers for the coming year will be
held towards the close of the busi
ness meeting Monday. Present of
ficers of the Oregon state council
include Pat Lonergan, state dep
uty; John F. Dooley, Albany,
state secretary; Rev. Francis P.
Leipzig. Eugene, state chaplain ;
J J. Burke, Portland, past state
deputy; Alois Keber, Mt. Angel,
state -treasurer; Frank DeSouza,
Medford, state advocate, and A. P.
Meechan, Payette, Idaho, state
warden. .;.- ? -' - J '
Monday noon 'the visiting ladles
will be entertained at the Marion
hotel with a luncheon, followed
by a card social. The convention
will close with a ball Monday eve
ning at 8:30.
Salem council was organized
and Installed Sunday, May '24,
1914, under the direction of Wil
liam Barrett, district deputy, Al
bany. A banquet was held In the
evening, at the Marlon hotel, with
Joseph J. Keber acting as toast
master. Following ' are the offi
cers of -the first year: Grand
knight, W. C. Phillips; deputy
grand knight, Herman W. Barr;
financial secretary, Dennis. Dono
van; recording secretary, , Cyril
Nadon ; treasurer, Joseph Lebold ;
chancellor, Francis V. McCarthy;
warden, J. L.-Bernard!; advocate,
Thomas W. Brown; Inner guard,
Royal Nadon; outer guard, Ru
dolph Poppe; trustees. Albert
O'Brien, Stephen Breitenstein and
Valentine Nadstunek. Sixty-seven
candidates comprised the charter
roll. . - v..:..:..,-:- .
Mt. Angel council opened Jan
uary 9, 1921, with P. H.-Smith
the grand knight. On -.Novemxer
26, 1922, a council was started at
St. Paul with S. J. Smith as grand
knight, while the baby council of
the state is Sublimity, opened
February 4, 1923, with Henry
Fangman as grand knight.
Ercel Kay Will
Manage Woolen
Mills, Planned
Ercel Kay will jbe active man
ager 01 the Kay wooien xuuis
here according to : a decision
reached this week by the stock
holders. He will succeed his
father, the late Thomas B. Kay.
Ercel plans to spend half of his
time daily at the mill, devoting
the rest of his time to the Salem
Golf and Country club of which
he Is part owner. - '
A.:N, Bush: was this week
elected president of the mill, auc
ceedlng the late ' Mr. Kay. Along
with J. K. Weatherford of Albany
he is one of the principal stock
holders. i- . 4.
Let Us Introduce You
to the New Patterns
V . .. ... 1
If you have a room whose furnishings
you wish to improve, then by all means
let us introduce
rived delightful new patterns in Bla
, bonis Linoleum.
' - -: Because of. their individtlality of de
sign and charming color harmonies you
can add beauty to almost any room by
letting us cover; its floor with an appro-
. priate pattern it ' ' r.
-1 - - - ".
At Special Prices'
- 467 Court Street ; .
WiEKs ra
mie r.TT. sira
Invited; by Ashland Group
To Join Jn Ascent on
' June 5 and 6 j
Chemeketan club members
have been invited to climb Mt
Shasta on Jnne 5 and 6. with Ash
land people, The - Invitation was
received here at the Y." M. C. A.
from Mat Thompson, secretary of
the Ashland 17 M. C. "A." and; An
experienced guide. The Invita
tion Is extended to "husky folk
of either sex over 16.!. ". ? ' .1
Mt. I Shasta City at 2 p. " m.,
June 5, are th place and' ithe
time for the starts- Antomohlles
will be used for four miles to the
end of the road and a tour mile
hike will be made with' blankets
and food to Horse camp, ' eleva
tion 8,000 feet where the night
will be spent. : : . ' r
, Three o'clock In the morning is
the hour set for start up the five
mile slope to the summit.' It is
booed that the- party will cover
this distance in 9 hours The re
turn trip may take -three hours.
If all goes well, the party may
return to Ashland by the night
of June .-- .
Only $2 will be charged aside
from transportation to Mt. Shasta
City.. Blankets, alpenstocks and
snow glasses are to be included
in the equipment to be taken.
The guide, Mr. Thompson, was
for three years a guide in -Rain
ier park. Two wseks ago he and
a party of eight boys successful
ly made the Mt. Shasta climbj .
Mt. Shasta Is over 14,000 feet
high and is the highest single
peak In California. I; is not a
part of a range as so many of the
mountains In that state are Mt,
Whitney, the highest In the coun
try, la in the heart of the Sier
ra Nevadas. -' '
" The' only danger on the climb,
Thompson says, is. from rolling
rock. Persons lntere3ted In the
climb will please call C. A. Kells
of the local Y. M. C. A.
The will of L. J. Adams, ex-
mayor of Silyerton who died this
month, was j entered In ' probate
yesterday, with his son and
daughter. Alfred L. Adams and
Frances Adams Reynolds named
executor t and executrix. The
estate is valued at 158,500.
- According to terms of the will.
his three brothers,' Edward, Frank
and Thomas will receive $300
each; his sister, Emma Mathlas,
S500; his sister-in-law, Alice Ad
ams. 6500. '
- The bulk of the estate is left to
his children, with a $9,000 fund.
to be administered by Frances
Reynolds,: left for his daughter,
Mabel Patterson. The amount Is
to be paid her at the rate of-$70.
a month until the total Is paid-
. Frances Reynolds is left real
property' In Silverton. and consid
erable stock, and-also nearly i 50
shares of capital stock , In . the
Coolldge and MeClaln bank at Sll-
verton. ' . !
Louise Adams will receive $15,
000 and certain property by terms
of the will: and Alfred L. Adams
wll lrecelre certain property. '
Appraisers of the estate will be
J. A. Campbell, C. A. Reynolds
and Carl Anderson.
Wttbrat OMrattoa r Wm ef
29 OrtCos Bldg. Pkeos 8309
. Dr. Chan- Lamt
Chinese. Medicine
U0 N. Commercial
SW8aim.. -i
: Office sors'!
Tuesday and Satur
day 2 to B:SO
you to the recently ar
.' i -
T W . W : ; ,:
Under the Owxrreiicei and Gt sfo
Y at
MEIER did not attend the;
Grants Pass bridge dedica
tion yesterday, nor did ha attend
the circus In Salem; It Is presum
ed ha spent most of his time with
his two grandchildren at . his
home on the Columbia River;
highway. The children are favor
ites with the governor and are
spending their summer with their
grandparents, ; i
Major-General Smedley D.
Butler's visit 'to Oregon Is now
history, although much will be
heard of his visit for some time
both fn the state and In the
east. The general left Portland
last night on the Portland
Rose for Chicago, where he
was scheduled to make a pub
lic address next Tuesday night.
Now that Butler has goeV it
is expected - that superintendent
of the new state police will be ap
pointed Soon. There la anotner
phase which may delay the ap
pointment' for some 'time, and
that Is the referendum on the
act. The supreme court has set
for hearing Tuesday morning, ar
guments on two suits against the'
title, one friendly, and the other
unfriendly, which Is expected to
be filed Monday. i . '
Wednesday the state board
of higher education will again
hear Presidents Hall and Kerr
of the university and state col
lege. But .this tune their re
port. Instead of being of a ri
val nature, will be a Joint one
and will contain recommenda
tions on policy for financial
retrenchment. The board ex
pects to start work on Its con
solidation program at once.
anouier meeting scueauiea lor
. 1, At , ,'1-. , t
I the coming week Is the rate hear-;
ing of the Eastern Oregon Light'
and Power company of. Baker.
The .hearing will be held before
Charles M.' Thomas, public util
ities commissioner. Thomas is
now preparing his order on the
Portland street ear case which Is
nearlng completion.
W. C. Keck was the only au
tomobile owner in Salem to re
ceive- one of the numbers under
25 In the drawing for the first
group of new automobile li
cense numbers. His number
will be 22. W. D. Gilliam of
Dallas was more fortunate and
received number 5. R .A. Pow
er of Sheridan received toe
first number. No other special
numbers' will be Issued even
upon request, Hal E. Hoss said.
The capital city Is a popular
one for state . conventions, at
First Class Auto
of all kinds. Why pay $1.50
per hour when we. only Charge
Simper Hour
? "15 . So 12th St.
TeL 032, " - Salem
1 , , 'l;1 , i . .... .,. .
II 12
.. im ! ' i 'mm m' . 1 1 .11 A T-
jL'nejr wear twicje as long ana iook so mucn Deiier. jib
- roiir lriendB fibiiit iheni as they are the talk of the town.
tht center of OregonY
least judging from the number
being held here this summer and
fall, n The second one this week.
the Business and Professional
Women's, club will be just finish
ing its session today when the
third one opens, that of Knights
of Columbus. The women's mis
sionary convention was held ear
lier In the week.
record in handling the May
eighth grade . examinations has
been,! established by Mrs. Mary L
Fulkerson, county school super
intendent; and her examining
board. x Every paper had been
graded, and the grades placed in
the mail before the of rice was
closed' yesterday, - Examinations
were held last Thursday and Fri
day. Mays 14 and 15, and papers
did not start coming Into the of
fice bre; until Friday afternoon.
The ! examining board "went to
work Saturday. :
Heretofore it has taken fully
two weeks to complete the grad
ing of the papers written by ap
proximately COO boys and girls
attending!; the county schools, not
Including! Salem pupils who do not
take the tests. 1
The saying m time was brougni
about largely by a new system us
ed in handling the. paper. ' This
Watch; for their Story
Book ra twrnae
If FT" WZfl
li v
1 ! IIILK TOAST is a tasty bite,
I OUR MILK makes it a delight.. ?
You will ask for more of it
1 If you try litUe bit
1 i 1 j,sjmsssssssssi J
Salem Sanitary Milk Coi
Telephone 57741851 State St.
i - i
' ' ' I
pairs $5.50
1. - ..-
... - . ..
1 V cvTfi 7
i xyiikJiff i
year papers were graded by lis
trlcts, all the ' papers from one
district being handled, thus allow
ing complete recording at one
time. - Before, the grading has
been handled by subjects.
Two schools, Woodburn and
Monitor, did hot write at all on
the May questions, but will take
the June examinations, to be giv
en Thursday and Friday, June 4
and 6"' ; - .,i ; ' '
Independence. May 2$.
Mr. and Mrs. George Groven pre
sented . the - city library 24 vol
umes of the History of the Na
tions, which were nicely bound
and In good condition.
In takes two hands to pry
my plates loose. .
Let Mo save Yea
y2 Your DentEl Bill
The highest quality of
materials and ;
workmanship are
features of my work :
When you think of i
Think of
303 State
Watch for Kiddles
from Dairy land -