The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 24, 1931, Page 16, Image 16

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t iror
Andy, Zeke, Lou and Don all
Slated to Play Today
With Solon Club .
Portland Valley league
Games Today
Erer Ready at Salem OHnger
field, 2:30 p. m.
Compton's at Newherg.
Vancourer Barrack at : Gres
ham. " ' -
HHIsboro at VancouTer.
With the league all bunched
up, the- strengthened Salem" Sen
ators will meet the leading Ever
Ready Druggists on dinger field
this afternoon facing the pros
ux.f t?it f thov win it means a
'tie for top place. Just three weeks
agv the Senators were elbowing
for room In the basement.
Tt. nrohable that the fans who
didn't sret to see the Northwest
conference playoff at Walla Wal
la, will be out to gire Andy Pet
erson, here of that triumphant
series tor Willamette, a welcome
home and back to the Senator
lineup, as well as to greeC Man
ager Zeke GIrod in his first game
" with the team this season. Lou
Girod and Messenger will also
Join the Sorons today. -
Zeke and Lou will play around
second base as they did last year
and Messenger will be behind
the bat: Peterson win be in right
field today but later will ba cal
led on for mound duty. Johnny
Beck will nitch todav with Jim
my Rogers apposing him for Evert
Ready. - I
Vancouyer also has a chance to
tie for top place tofiay: the oth
er fire clubs are tied for fourth
place' and all will . be fighting to
stay out of the cellar. ,
Oregon Wins
Track Meet;
Records Fall
EUGENE. Ore , May 23. (AP)
-One northwest .Intercollegiate
record ' and four meet records
were toppled overboard In a dual
track and field meet between the
University of Oregon and Oregon
State college here today. Oregon
won, 78 to ltV.
Oregon won 11 first places.
Bobby Robinson, negro pole
vaulter, hung up a new north
west Intercollegiate record, clear
ing the bar at 13 feet. 4 inches.
The former record of 13 feet, 14
Inches was set by Ralph Sparrow,
of Oregon, in 1929., Robinson's
previous best mark was 13 "feet,
1 Inches.
Art Holman, Oregon hurdler,
broke a meet record which has
been standing since 1912 when he
topped the low sticks In 24.4. The
old mark of 25 flat was nlade by
Martin Hawkins, now a Portland
attorney, who ran for Oregon and
was a member of the Olympic
. team.
The Webfoot relay team of Roll
wage, Dollof, Marrs and Holman
established a new meet mark of
3:22.4. The prevoius "record of
3:26 was set by a Beaver quartet
In 1927. -
'Allen, Oregon, leaped 23 feet,
S Inches to smash the meet rec
ord in the broad jump.. This was
the beet mark.' meet officials
said, since the coast conference
was organized. Allen also broke
," the meet record of 15.2 seconds
j tor the high hurdles by skimming
i. the bars In 15 flat. The former
record- was set by Baker,. Oregon,
In 1925. v.
Legion Members !
To Shoot Clay'
Pigeons Today
American Legion members who
know which end of a
put against their shoulders will
engage in a legion trapshoot ; at
the Salem Trapshooters club
grounds 'this morning beginning
at 10 o'clock, ..
Events will be two strings of
z ctay pigeons at II yards and
. 25 birds handican. the handln
25 hird scratch score. There will
a incee irppnies lor tie 50 birds
It II Yards and thr fr . h.
handicap shoot, but" bo marks-
, u uiuis tor a iropny un
less he completes the entire pro
gram. . ' . ; - -. - , -t. - ,-
Illahee Country club golf team
WiU re to AlHanv tn4.-
the Albany club In a 29-man
eing on at o'clock in
Turner and Lebanon
In Feature Cascade Game;
Salem Teams
South Section .
Hill's at AamsTillew
Stayton at Mill City.
Turner at Lebanon.
Tuckers at Jefferson.
North Section
Mt. Angel at St. Paul.
Amity at Brooks. -Yamhill
at Dayton.
x The game of most Interest to
day In the south section of the
Cascade league, is the. game be
tween Turner aad Lebanon, as Le
banon has notf been' beaten yet
this season and Turner has lost
but one game, j
This game will be played at
Lebanon and although the Tur
ner outfit is good on defense, It
does not hare the heavy stickers
that are found' on the Lebanon
squad. : :
Hill's Candy! Shop team will
play at Aumsrille and have a good
chance of winning , that game.
Hill's has dropped two games, but
both hare been by small margins
W. Pet, W. 1. Pet.
PhiUi ..21 7 .750 CT.Tel. 1 18 .419
X. Y. 19 10 .655fchicao -13 18 .400
Wash. -19 13 .594!St. L. 11 IT .893
Detroit -18 SO .444Botoa .11 11 .307
ST. LOUIS. May 23. (AP)
Making the first triple play of
the major league season, the- St.
Louis Browns today trounced the
Detroit Tigers fa a double header
and pulled themselves out of the
American league cellar to within
one game of fourth place.
The Browns made their three-
ply killing In the fifth Inning of
the second game, and McManns,
Doljack and Owen of the Tigers
were the victims. Owen hit to
Levey and McManus was run
down off third ) base, Levey to
Ferrell to Kress. Owen was out
on Kress throw to Burns and
Doljack who had rushed to third
was out' on Burns' throw to
Kress. . - ;
; R H E
Detroit ........... 2 8 3
St. Louis 7 11 2
Hoyt, Sullivan and Schang;
Gray, and Ferrell.
! R II E
Detroit 5 14 1
St. Louis ...... C 10 2
Whltehlll, Stiles, Kimsy and
Hayworth; Blieholder and Fer
rell.. .: i . -
A's SUU Winning
(AP) Home again after a tri
umphant trip through the west.
the Athletics won their four-
fourteenth straight victory today
by defeating Boston Red Sox, 7
to 1. Earnshaw i allowed the vis
itors four hits.
Boston ; . . ;000 000 100 1 4 0
Philadelphia.420 100 OOx 7 10 1
Durham. Lisenbee. Brill heart
and Berry; Earnshaw and Coch
rane. . ' -, :'?.....-...-.-
NEW YORK, 'May 2S (AP)
- Thk ..Yankees eolltA fltr
runs in the fifth inninr todav.
then stood off I a ninth Inning
Senator rally of equal propor
tions to take1 the game from
Washington. 7 to . Herb Pen
nock was blasted from the
mound after eight good Innings.
'- 1 R HE
Washington 060 001 005 0 14 0
New York .010 051 OOx 7 11 1
Brown, . Fischer and Spencer,
Har grave; Pennock, Wells and
Dickey. ' "'"'I
Indians Finally win
CLEVELAND, ! May 23. (AP)
Pounding four White Sox
pitchers for 15 i hits, the Cleve
land Indians today broke their
12 game losing streak by defeat
ing the Sox 10. to. 5. -
Chicago 201 001 100 511 0
Cleveland .001 213 03x 10 15 5
t rrasier. ' Faber, Braxter, Mc
Kaia and Tate; s Ferrell and Se
welL y - ... -
this annual event which "has "de
veloped a strong rivalry. The Al
bany course, 1 rugged but novel
and enjoyable and is said to be In
good ahap now..Those going from
lllahee are expected to be: -
James McClelland, Gordon Wil
son. C. van Patten. O. L. Fisher.
Charles Hudklns, D. Adolph. Al
bert Hunter, O. A. Chase, Dr. R.
Lee Wood, Dr. a C. Gilbert, J.
Sears, Don Roberts, M. Doaghtoa,
r L. Wleder, M. Ohling. Harry
Collins. V..E. Kuhn. T. Eggleston,
Joe DeSonsa, Rube Saunders,
U C. Jackson. Roy Stewart, Jack
Nash and Ralph Southwlck? , -
The next match will tit.i.
with Oregon City at Oregon City
Dunaaj, june 7.
i..SJJ Play Golf
Both on Road
and the Salem outfit Is getting
better organised. . Moreover
Saueekr Wilson Is getting Into
better condition and pitches cham
pionship balL AumsTille has not
gone so well this year, but has de
feated Mill City. -
- Tucker's Realtors, the other
Salem nine In the league, will play
at Jefferson today. The Realtors
hare a hard bitting crew which
is getting better all the time. Mutt
Deets and Denny Heenas have
been playing, good baU for Tuck
ers. -
Stayton and Mill City will play
around on the lower rungs of tne
ladder in a game at Mill City. The
field there last Sunday was rough
and Mill City was a bit shaky In
the field. However If Meyers Is
there to pitch today. It will be a
different story. :-. il
Yamhill Is going strong In the
north section as Is St. Paul. To
day's games are the last In ', the
first round except for the ones
which, were postponed on account
oz ram in tne south section on tne
opening day. .
W. It. Pet. W. U Pet.
St U 17 7 .708
K. Y 18 S .92
Boiton 16 11 .593
Chicago IS 13 .500
PhiLd. 15 17 .489
Pi ttsb. .14 18 .487
BrookL .14 19 .424
Cincin. M 22 .214
After giving the Robins a day In
fifth place, the Phillies dropped
Brooklyn back to seventh today,
by winning both games of their
second straight double-header, 8
to 5 and 7 to 1. The Phils went
to fifth. '
' R HE
Philadelphia .r.8 15 1
Brooklyn 5 9 1
- J. Elliott. Shields, . H. Elliott
and Davis, Rensa; Clark, Hel
mach, Quinn. Mattingly, Moore,
Shaute and Lopes.
. R H E
Philadelphia 7 12 1
Brooklyn .......... .IT 5 2
Bolen and Rensa; Day, Hel
mach nd Lombard!.
Croes Tea Innings
St. Louis defeated the Reds to
day. 2 to 1 In ten v Innings, the
champions scoring both or their
runs on errors after Red Lucas
held them to four hits. ,
St. L. .. .000000 010 12 4 0
Cincin. ..000 001 000 01 3 2
Rehm, Derringer and Wilson,
Maneuso; Lucas and Sukeforth.
Sevnth Big Inning j
CHICAGO, May 23 (AP)
One big Inning, the seventh, in
which they made three of - their
four hits, gave the Pittsburgh Pi
rates a 4 to 3 victory over the
Chicago Cubs today In the open
ing game of -the series. :
' R H E
Pittsburgh .000 000 400 4 4 0
Chicago ...003 -000 0003 C C
' Neine, Spencer ' and Phillips;
Malone, Baecht and Hartnett. i
New York at Boston, rain.
Play Indians
County Final
Prospect of a haid-fought final
ball game for th Marlon county
high school championship was
seen here following Gervals vic
tory over Aumsville, S to 4, Fri
day, Gervais thus - winning - the
eounty "B" league title and quali
fying for a championship game or
series with Chemawa : Indian
school, "A" league champion, for
t .e title. . .
Gervais, which had previously
beaten at least one A" league
team, had . a tough time winning
from Aumsville.. It was scorelsss
until -the fourth when ' Manning
got around on a walk, a stolen
base, a wild, threw; and , Charles
Naf tiger's perfect, sacrifice..
- Seely scored for Gervais again.
In Uker'sfxthrValso. without aid ot
real hits, and Gervais scored four
in the seventh. on a series of wild
playrand 'LJaland DJardlns hit.
Anmsvlllex'eaine back : ta ' the
eighth and ninth' and drove Nafts
ger .from -the mound but Susee
stopped tne rally before It proved
fatal to Gervais' chances.
The lineups were: Gervais, Te
Jardin, 3: L. Susee, r; Seely, m;
Manning, 1; E. Susee. 1; a Nafts
er, vi Pete Lelack, c; Lester De
Jardin. s; Bow ley, I. Aumsville.
Lebeid and Ditter. r; W., Johnson,
1 : Znbers. 2 i GetcheC
e; Sulsbar, 1; E. Johnson, p; Lee.
m; Crane. L ,
umpires, Mason and Deetx,
Blanks Sacs Last 5 After
Poor Start and Ducks
Win by 7 to 4
"W. I Pet. W. 1a. Pet
PorU'4 15 SO .5
Bollr. U .658
Ln A. .34 SO .545
Kluion 23 t .500;
S T. 8J 2S .500
0kU -Sl JS .477
lM't Jl 95 .457
8tt! 1 S7 .418
(AP) Portland clinched the
Sacramento . .series : ln straight
heats here tonight, winning its
fourth game by the score of 7 to
4. Walters settled down after a
bad start and blanked the Sacs
after the fourth frame. Rhlel hit
five for five Including a homer.
two doubles and two - singles.
Flynn was pounded out In the
seventh. '
.i - i R H E
Portland , , , ., ,7 14 .2
Sacramento . 4 10 . 0
Walters and Weodall; Flynn,
Hubbell and Koehler.
Missions Take One -
The . Missions finally won a
game from the Angels .tonight
but it took them an extra Inning
to prove : their superiority. They
scored two runs in the tenth
frame to break up a 3-3 tie.
Missions . .. . 5 1
Los Angeles ;: ... .3 10 1
Jiiggs, Zahnlser and Brenzel;
Shealy, Yerkes and Schulte.
Seals Halt Slump
(AP) The San Francisco Seals
snapped out of. their three-game
losing streak tonight and beat the
Hollywood baseball team, to 2,
Gibson, the Seals', right hander,
chalked up bis ninth win of the
season, keeping the Stars to 14
hits well scattered. Four errors
by the Stars aided ln the down
fall ot Turner.
2 14 4
12 0
San Francisco
Turner and
and E aid win.
BasBler; Gibson
'Almost Had 'Era
OAKLAND, May 23 (AP)
An error by Anton who had a
chance to complete a double play
for tne third out In the ninth In
ning allowed Cox to score from
third, base to give the Seattle
baseball learn a 5 to 4 win over
the Oaks here tonight. House,
former Seattle pitcher, was on
the mound for the Oaks and lost
a pitching duel to Page. A dou
ble header will be played tomor
row afternoon.
- R. H E
Seattle S 14 2
Oakland . 4.11 3
Page and Cox; Hojise and
Dallas Takes
County Meet;
3 Marks Set
t MONMOUTH, May 23 Dallas
high school won the Polk county
track meet ' here - today. Other
schools participating, were -Monmouth,
Independence, Bethel ana
Valsets. Summary: i
50 yard dash Pemberton D,
Morrison D, Pribbenow V," 6.8
(tied Polk county record.) -
100 yard - dash Morrison D,
Pemberton D, Plant 1, 10.4. .
; 220 yard dash Plant I. Morri
son D. Pemberton D. 24.4.
440 yard dash Webb D, Mor
rison D, Eddy I, 88.6.'
: 880 yard run Webb D, Han
na I, Peters D, 2:22.
-120 high hurdles Buehler D,
Cadle D, McMillan D, 16.2.
220 low hurdles Buehler D,
Johnson M, 29. : -
High Jump Santee M, Mixer V
and Plant I tied for second, 6 ft.,
in. (new county record).
Broad jump Johnson M, Mc
Millan D, Eddy I, 17 ft., 11H in.
Pole -vault Johnson -M,1 Mixer
V and Ramey I alltied for first,
9 ft, . In. .... , -. . . .
- Shot put Kelley .1, Hockema
M. Tester. D, 39 St? 2 In. T r
... Dlacus-rCadle.D,' McCann D,
Ramey I, 100 ' JtT'v (new ' county
record). -. :- 'c
Javelin Beckley y, Henkle M,
Eddy UtltUli. l' C
f Halt mile relay-won by; Dal
las ( Pemberton;- Cadle,' Buehler
and Morrison), Independence eec-
ond (Plant, Mattison. " Ramey
and Kelley), 1:42. '
Bobby Jones to '
Present Third
I 'Lesson' Today
Bobby Jones will "present his
third golf lesson at the Elslnore
today, featuring the use . of the
niblick. Golfers -were much Inter
ested In his lesson two weeks ago
which dealt with short approach
shots. His style on these was ra
ther at odds with that chiefly fol
lowed here, ln that he stood more
erect and played the shots much
like nutts. . -
It also was unusual. Insofar ar
local practice was concerned. In
that he varied' his stance when
changing from the mashle Iron to
the mashle niblick. He made no
effort for topspln. Two important
points were getting enough pitch
to reach the green, to avoid fair
way Irregularities, and - varying
the back: swing to determine dis
tance, as in stuttlng.
MISSOULA, Mont., May 23.
(AP University of Idaho de
feated - Montana- State university
today 71 to 60 ln a dual track
and field meet.
The ether : day, strange to
relate, we were readinjr, book.
""Once in a while a fellow sets
aa idea eat of book. One of
. the chapter la this one start
ed with a rather broad state-
neat, The universe is
; tially abswrd.
The author made that state
ment to start his explanation of
what philosophy Is about In his
mind, so attempt to reduce the
mass of absurdity,;, though we
suspect, philosophy rather in
creases the ' mass ot visible ab
surdity. . i - :
All of which has little to do
with the sport page except that
we discern what appears to be
a greater proportion of absurd- .
Ity In sport than elsewhere. A
whole lot of it is like the Duke
of York and the king's horses
and the king's men.
A whole lot of sport Is based
on chasing a little ball or a big
ball here and , there, and when
you get it through the little hole
or the hoop or past the goal
posts you pick' It up and-start
all . over again. And sometimes
you don't even get any fun out
of It.' neither do yon appreciate
the exercise.
And if that isn't ft you go :
out to kill flying things and
mustn't kill tbem until they're
on the wing, or to catch swim
ming things and mast catch
them the hard way, not the
easy way. That's sportsman
ship,v whatever it means. And
in the ball-chasing sports you
mast want to win and do your
best to Win bat sportsmanship
decrees la , certain self control
and limitation of the desire
and of the methods of win
ning. - j
Perhaps the height of all sport
absurdity , is the much maligned
sport of golf, which causes de
vout men! to cuss and mild men
to rave. They build traps and
bunkers and water hazards and
then fuss and fume at them.
Now comes Life, a magazine
devoted to absurdity, to launch
a campaign against the new,
larger golf ball because it's
harder to play, the' editors al
lege, than' the old one. Wasn't
that the purpose of . making it
That's a live Question, anyway.
Is It harder - for duffers to play
the new ball, and should it be?
What do you think of . the new
ball anyway? We'll be glad to
hear your opinions, golfers, and
pass them pn.
. Whoopee! Absurd or not,
nine rahs for the Bearcats!
Several opportunities face the
wrestling fans . when they attend
Monday night's show at the armory.-
First, they will be privil
eged to theorise on how accurate
is the artist's conception of Pete's
physiognomy;' 'second, they may
decide whether ' Jimmy Anderson,
newcomer who is Pete s adver
sary, measures up to the middle-
weights in these parts. ! I
Thirdly, as the old rasnionea
minister would say. it's likely to
be a rip-roaring bout and will be
If It lsn t over suddenly, because
that's the only kind ot bout Pete
engages ln.
And fourthly, to quote the same
venerable source, the preliminary
brings together . Jack Brentano
and Pete Aim an and those boys
hare disappointed the . fans . no
more frequently than has Pete. .
Fact is, ; Brentano . practically
saved a show, here not so long
ago and .the only reason be Isn't
llsted-among the. main eventers
is that he I has been, in and out
heretofore and was generally out
when the breaks might have come
his way. , j ? j - i : - . i
Anderson comes from Salt Lake
City : with" a' good i. record - and Ta
hu8kyjhyslaue, and Harry-Plajnt
promises that he will makVH. a
scrap.'.- ' t . , -.
23 (AP) la an unexpected re
versal' of predictions College of
Paget Sound spread-eagled ' the
field , here today to win the west
ern division track and field cham
pionship of the northwest confer
ence. ; .;- i - -
The Puget Sound athletes won
10 of the IS events and placed in
five others for a total of 77Vi
points. Pacific, pre-meet favor
ites, scored on. 39 points while
Llnfleld finished third with
If Albany was fourth with 1
points. Willamette was at the
bottom of the ! list with. 10 H
points. ' . . ' , . ..... ..
Kelson was the only Willam
ette man figuring in a first place.
tying with Conner of Pacific at 11
feet in the pole , vault. Cook was
second in the two mile, Lang
fourth in the mile. Stone fourth
ltt the 880, Armstrong fourth In
the .440 . and Faber 1 tied for third
ln the pole vault. Cook, Lang and
Stone won their letters, according
to riliram" French, acting coach.
So-so Season Ended, Good
Outlook for Coming
- Year on Cinders
: The track shoes and field ap
paratus have been set aside for
the summer at Salem high fol
lowing.' a successful though not
spectacular season, leaving only
the. problem of awards to be set'
tied. - '
Salem won third place In the
Willamette; valley meet held at
Willamette university and. fourth
in the Invitational meet at Pad f
lf university In Forest Grove. No.
easy meet were booked during
the season and all were Joint
meets with three or more teams
entered. - -.. ' - ?
1 Four of this year's team will
be lost by graduation.- Graber,
Morley, Siegmund and James are
the ones who will finish, tiraber
turned out for track for the first
time this spring after protesta
tions to Coach Gilmore that he
thought - he had little chance of
getting anywhere. Far from that,
he took second in the 440 at .the
state meet and missed first place
only by inches. Some papers car
ried the story that Graber exerted
so hard In that race that he faint
ed at the finish. What happened
Is that in trying to lurch forward
ta reach the tape first, he stum
bled, but was up instantly and
in better condition than his op
ponent. James is a hurdler whose
points will be missed next year.
He is one of the veterans of the
squad and a year ago placed In
the low hurdles at the state meet.
He has also been valuable in the
sprints. Morley and Siegmund
both proved: to be valuable men
this season and will leave a big
gap in the sprints and relay.
In spite of the loss of these four
stars, Gilmore Is not too gloomy
over the prospects of the 1932
squad. ' Walts- Is going to take
Graber's place in the quarter
mile and promises to be almost as
good. He had a strained leg dur
ing a large part of the season, bat
blossomed at the last and won
one ot the quarter mile events at
Forest Grove.
Dave Shepard will probably be
available next year to run the
mile with his brother Jim. San
ford Is another 440 man who may
develop more speed next year.
Bishop and Dyer are two sprint
men who could make themselves
valuable with a little more men
tal drive. Reltis another miler
. ' ' : v'' Guaranteed hotk
yowl hiaif:::ilaih y :
t Glfr : THESE
TlHUE tires are built and
gnarrateecf by Kelly!
Springfidd. for 57 years' th
quality manufacturer of
robber Industry. 'When -you
can bay Kelly mileage and
Kelly safety that price, yoa
certainly can't go wrong. Kellyj
Lorta Miles tires are stronger,
afcr and longer-wearing than!
any others we know of at or!
pear these prices. . j
; Triangle Service Station
! Fairgrounds Road
-. : : ; ' Salem, Ore. : ' l-
21t at Market
i , . Salem, Ore.
who will help make Salem strong I
ln that event, I
, Goodfellow should - develop In
to a good hurdler with a little
monitrt and exnArlenea. ' Muhs
and West have made a good start
la th1 pole vault and high jump
and should be up in the money
next jj spring.. Thomas worked
steadily on the shot 'and Javelin
this year, but It takes longer to
develop in those events and by
next year he should be able to
get thbse projectiles oft for good
distances. .Moody .is . another
weight .man who may come
through next year.
j ' A large number of other men
have gained a great deal of ex-
. 'T ... . .
penence mis year ana win 00 uu
the tctb list when the new season
starts! Filslnger may - prove . his
worthf in the 100. But the big
worry! at present is over the
awarding of letters to the track
men. I - - "
; Under the . existing system a
man: must make 10 points in the
season and the constitution 01
Salem!- high makes no allowance
for J)int meets. This would al
low only four of this year's team
to receive letters. " ,
Poulin, Sam,
iayne, Elks
Tiri Tourney
The: city bowling tournament,
staged s.t Winter Garden ; Friday
find Saturday, settled three ten
pin titles for another year. Elks
club -fowlers captured the team
event, fKantola and Steinbock the
doubles match, and Don Poulin
the singles.
i ThelElks. rolling 2838. repeat
ed their northwest bowling con
gress ff orm. In which they won
Championship for out-of-Portland
teams! Pacific Telephone ran
them a close second with 2835,
4nd McKay. Chevrolet plnmen
came In third with 2824.
In the doubles match, Kantola
and Steinbock rolled the above
average score, of 1313. Don Poul
in and Don Young Med for sec
ond with 1237 each; Husseyand
Welder for third with 1189.
Competition ln singles . was
close, Poulin winning with a 41,
while JltfcMulIen close behind with
937 and Doc Hussey, S35. Hus-
sey won the all events honor with
total tcores of 1870. Steinbock
was hosed out by Just three
With the city tournament put
away, (the local bowling season Is
officially wound up. Many of the
alley ifans have stored their
equipment until next fall. In the
meantime, says Manager Hall,
the Winter Garden alleys
given a thorough overhauling,
four at a time. In nrenaration f or
next winter's season.
Winsl- ' .
G AC3 Wa0Qlul3I?G IT I
A ,(29 x4 AO)
. . . (30x4.50)
r .: (29x5.00)
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8 ply Truck Itr e
10 ply Truck Tire
-ui a biaxe eireec
I I Salem, Ore.
- Commercial at Center
Salem, Ore.
SlLVERTOrT, May 23. Show
ing continued - Improvement un
der the coaching of R. G. Downie
of Chemawa, the Silverton Amer
ican Legion Junior baseball nine
will play Its firet out-of-town
game Sunday when the regional
champs Journey to Scotts Mills.
A return game will bo played
here May tl. . j
In a practice game here Thurs
day night the locals swamped' the
Silverton Hills grangers 7 to 1
ln four innings. . j .
- The fast breaking slants of Or
vllle Schwab, - southpaw ace of .
last year, and Don Bureh,' high
school ehucker, held little .terror
for the Junior batsmen 'at last
Sunday's practice. Many safe
hits were registered, many of the
blows going for two and three
bases. ..-.! ' .
At the conclusion of last Sun
day's practice Downie declared
that in all his coaching experi
ence he had never worked with
such a promising group of base
ball players. It Is his belief, he
said, that the local team! will go
Just as far. If not farther, than
last year.'.- 7 j
Henry Lefflex, southpaw j of .
Molalla, will be on the mound ,
for the champions Sunday, with
Alphle Rudihauser behind the
plate. "
TACOMA. May 23 (A pj
Worth Oswald, Whitman, (retain
ed the northwest conference sin
gles tennis title here today and
also helped Whitman win the
doubles . in the annual tourna
ment. ' i
Oswald defeated Jensen, Col
lege of Idaho, in the singles i ln
short order -by scores of 6-0, -0,
6-0. He later paired off with
Manser to take the doubles title,
6-2, -1, 6-1, from Trenholm and
Norton of Pacific. - ?
The Flndley sisters, Pauline
and Edith of Willamette featured
the women's play by taking both
the singles and doubles title.
They defeated Marjorie !Nelsoa
and Edna Lawrence, Whitman, tr
straight sets. 6-4, 6-1. The v
Willamette co-eds were schedule
to clash this afternoon In the
singles finals, but as Willamette
was already assured ot the title,
they did not play their 'match.
, 663
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f 19.95
. fjcmrt at Church St.
. . Salem, Ore.
430 N. Commercial
Salem, Ore. .
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