I V . The OREGON STATESMAN. Saleia. OregonSunday Morning,1 May 24, 1931 ' V I , PAGE TlllKTt,E.rt VALLEY FLORAL SHOW LOOiilC Salem Garden Club Sponsor of Event June 6 and 7 -I at Bush Court : The announcement that the Sa lem Garden dub will sponsor the second annaal. Willamette valley flower show as an outdoor event on the tennis court In the car dens of Miss Bally Bash. Jane C and 7 stirs an unusual amount of Interest.. An outdoor flower show is to be desired at all times and most of the cities of tho United States and many European countries bold their shows in each at man ner. The problem of finding a place to hold such a show has been a handicap for the Salem Garden club, but with the -offer nt Miss Bush it win possible to cover the court with a canvas that will protect s from hot sun and rain and the result should be a splendid success.. , . Mrs. Walter H. Smith Is In general charge of the show. The classifications for entries this year are very similar to those of last year. : . ? . , "" . Individuals, garden clubs and community clubs in the whole Willamette valley are invited to send exhibits. -The displays will be divided Into horticultural, dec orative and commercial displays. In section A horticultural points for Judging roses in class A are: color 25 per cent: form 15 nor nt: iln 15 Per cent; f ol- iage 25 per cent; stem zv per Points for judging delphinium, peonies and cut r perennials In class IV Are: color 25 per cent; form 15 per cent; size 15 per cent; variety 10 per cent; cultur al perfection 20 per cent. Points covering sweetpeas and snapdragons: "color 20 per cent; farm, size and number of bloom. on stem 40 per cent; length of tun IB rer -cent: strength of stem 20 ner cent. Wildllowers and 1 flowering shrubs will be Judged on variety, arrangement, quality of bloom. kewneai or rarity.' Violas, p amies and other low floweret-form and sixe of bloom 40 per cent;" color 25 per cent; length of stem - 20 per cent; bloom on stem 15 per .cent."? 8ection B decorative: In Judg ing all flower arrangements the following points will be- consid ered: color harmony 20 per cent; proportion ; 20 per cent; distinc tion and i combination 20 per cent; relation and appropriate ness of flowers to container 20 per cent; perfection of arrange-1 mem zv per cent. Commercial displays entering will also be . Judged under the horticultural and! decoratire scoring given above. .. ! Ribbons .of award In first and second prise will be given In ev ery class. A special sweepstake prise of $5 will be given for the most outstanding amateur - dis play, most outstanding commer cial display and most distinctive garden or community club dls- nlar. . All flowers and plants exhib ited In horticultural unit must be crown in the exhibitor's own gar den. Flowers for the decorative nnit in classes IV. V, VII and vni may be obtained from several wardens. Onlv one entry allowed an exhibitor in each class. Exhib its ot amateur growers entered for comoetition must not be stated or prepared by trade growers or their assistants. 1 Ifenorable mention may be awarded to exhibits not entered for competition if. they have merit. If In any class , there are no entries of sufficient merit, . the Judges may withhold awards. All entries must be carefully labeled with the section and class In whieh they are to be shown before they are brought to the show where they must be regist ered before being placed In the exhibit. ; Entries must not be placed or moved except with the help of the staging committee. All ex hibitors shall furnish their own containers. All exhibits must be in and registered: : by 10:30 o'clock on the morning ot the first -day ot the show. All prizes and ribbons must be called for, and flowers and containers re moved by " o'clock on the sec ond night of the show, which will close at 8 o'clock. ; . The following classifications will be followed: " SECTION AHORTICULTURAL Class I Cut Roses'.'. a. Best one rose in single con tainer. b. Best display of six different varieties (teas . or hybrid teas) each in separate container, clear ly labeled with name. . c. Best exhibit of new or rare roses. d. Best display of climbing or rambling roses, regardless ot va riety and color. . ; a. Best display of single,. semW double, or polyantha roses. f. Best display ot 12 roses or mora single variety and color, or mixed. In one container. - Class II Cut Delphiniums a. Best single stalk In one con tainer. b. Best display of six stalks, at least three different shades,- la eparafa' containers, e. Best display of twelve or more stalks, one container. Class III Cat Peonies a. Best specimen bloom la one container. b. Best display at new or rare varieties. V e. Best display of three varie ties, three ot each in container. -, d. Best collection of peonies from one garden. Class IV Cut Perennials . a. Best display of perennials la a loom from one garden, la one container or several. . Best display ot one variety of perennial, other than those classed separately above, such as earn pan u las. iris,, anemones, ate. c Html display of newer and HOW - :By L.ILLJE U MADSEN . X am afraid this week's article will be a hodge podge- ot odds and ends for the most replies to questions that I have re ceived from time to time and . which X have not had time of late to answer. . As scon as they have fin ished bloom ing, prune lightly, Japan guince, lilac, flowerlnr Miss Madsen plum, early spires, w'elgelia, forsythla, enow ball.' deutxia and other similar early flowering shrubs. If all ot the seed heads are remored from lilacs as soon as they have btoomed your bush will gain In strength and bloom for next sea son You should now also watch tor sucker growth en grafted roses to prevent such suckers from sapping the- strength of your fine varieties. Suckers should be cut-back as close to the ground as possible. ' I Watch For Rust Strong, rank - growing plants, like golden glow, phlox and sim ilar sorts will be greatly bene fitted by having some wort of plant food worked Into the soil near the roots or applied la liquid form at this time of the year: Also continue to watch your; hollyhocks for rust. Leaves that show the rust spores should be followed with a spraying of a solution ot sulphide of potassium at the rate of one ounce to two gallons of water. This seldom discolors the foliage. A diluted Bordeaux mixture Is also very ef fective. 1 Poet Mom la Bales You must not cultivate your rosea very deeply at thU season of the year. The bushes send feeder roots up toward the sur face to get all the food and mois unusual perennials such as named hybrid varieties of hemerocal lis, campanulas, scablosa, dian thus,! etc. Class V Rare Flowers a. Best siag-ie specimen. b. BesC exhibit, several ot one variety, or several varieties. Class VI Rare, Unusual Plants A.. Best foliage plant. . b. Best flowering plant ' C. BMt display i -of several of either. ; .- Class. VII -Cut Sweet Peas a. Best 25 blooms or more. one color and variety. b. Best 2S blooms or more. mixed f ariety and color. Class VIII Snapdragons a. Best single flower stalk, in one container. b. Best display, 12 stalks, one color -and variety. c. Best display, mixed variety and color. 12 or more stalks, s Class IX Lilies a. Best display of lilies In sea son. I Class X Wild Flowers a. Best display of one -variety. b. Best display of several va rieties. - i ; c Beet collection of wild na tive Oregon wildllowers in bloom, as many rarleties as possible. Class XI Flowering Shrubs a. Best display of shrubs in bloom. b. Best display of new or rare shrubs. Class. XII Low Growing Flowers a. Best display of pansies. . b. Best display of violas. c. Best display of any other short-stemmed flower, one : va riety.: .- 8BCTION B DECORATIVE - t Class I Cut Roses a. Best basket or bowl arrange meat. one color only, ot teas or nynria teas. b. Best basket or bowl ar rangement, mixed colors, or teas or nynria teas. c. Best basket - or bowl ar rangement, other than teas, such as Caroline Testout. etc. d. Best basket arrangement ot climbing or rambling roses, e. Best basket or bowl ar rangement, any type, varieties and colors included, in artistic arrangement. Class II Cut Delphiniums . a. Best basket or bowl ar rangement in combination with other i flowers. Not less than 12 delphinium stalks. Class .III Columbines a. tsesi oastet or bowl ar rangement, artistic, ot colum bines only. o. Most artistic arrangement of columbines in ' combination with other flowers. Class IV Flower Arrangement . a. Best arrangement of flow. ers. container and . flowers to gether to be under twelve (12) ,-)..,. ., I AIDS JOBLESS f Besntual Fraa Lrna Von Hart mHJonalre Austrian Industrialist, n cornea over ene ez ner best paying factories ta a thousand uw f mnievec mu bands. Sha has ( Specified that the riant mn h tun oa co-eperatlve Uaea. - -t . - . , . - i ' ":' - : t : ' - ! j VV .SY DOES YOUR i GARDEN GROW? ture posible and these must not be cut off by , cultivation. . A trowelful of bonemeal to two of wood ashes worked around each bush is very beneficial ; wow. A covering of an inch or two ot peat moss will' do much to retain the moisture and make cultivating unnecessary. Peat moss comes in large bales and you can purchase it anywhere where corrraerclal fertilizer Is carried, r.- 'x bale should be sufficient i:r a 23 bush rose bed. In the sum m you can work this lntd the soil. As soon as the leaves oa your narcissuses turn yellow they can be lifted and divided. If some of your clumps did not btoom as much as they should have this spring, try dividing them. Like ly their . roots have . become crowded. ' Grosind Egg Shell Good Ground egg shell is said to be very beneficiar if mixed with the dirt about - your plants. Egg shells are said to be a much quicker acting fertiliser than 1s the well-ktfown bonemeal. Primulas should be divided as soon as they hare finished bloom ing. It they have increased to several crowns these can be sep arated and planted in loose soil and watered until t growth has started. Nearly an of your prim roses sfafould be divided at least once in three years to do their best. If they are not divided un til autumn you are apt not to have so very many;: blooms on them next spring. , The perennial pea is coming into considerable use again I no tice in various gardens. Once es tablished, three or four plants may be depended on to give all the bloom one needs for cut flowers and the perennial pea is a very lasting cut flower. This pea needs little or no cultivation, no irrigation and very little fer tilization to do exceptionally well. The Lathyrua latifolius, the hardy pea ot the catalogues, comes In white, red and rose. Inches high. 1 , ; c. Most artistic arrangement tt flowering vines, or flowering tree and shrub branches. . Class V Table- Decoration a. Best flower decorated luncheon table, for tour people. D. nest flower decorated breakfast table, for two people. c. Best flower decorated tea table. r . i , Class VI Pan or Dish Garden Class VII Garden or Community Club Exhibits a. Best cut flower disnlav b. Beat garden feature display. S&UTlUr C COMMERCIAL ' DISPLAYS Class I Cut Flowers a. Best display of roses. b. Best display of sweetpeas. c. Best display of carnations. d. Best display of any ; other one variety of flower, e. Best display of mixed flow. ers In one arrangement. Class II Potted Plants a. Best single flowering plant in pot. s b. Best collection ot flowering plants in pots. c. Best foliage plant in pot. . dr. Best collection of foliage plants In pots. Class III Nursery Display a. Best rock garden display. b. Best flower display of" per ennials,, annuals or bulbous plants. Class IV Aquatic Plants a. Best display. H ere and There in Back Y ard Gardens By OLIVE M. DOAK The day Is lazy and overhead floats a few dark faced, cumu lus clouds. Silences broken only by the bleat ot nearby sheep or the call of birds flitting from one charming houe to another, spreads over a spick and span garden heavy with scent Vs from round-faced pansies 'and roses In a riot ot colors. Along the west side of the garden backed by a fence hung deep with green fol iage of rambler roses, are five long rows of columbine in pastel shades which sway lightly in the wind, their fragile heads bending and bowing to the slightest stir ring of air. . - You are In the back garden o Mabel Creighfon't home at Jones- mere farm. This garden corneal nearer being a "side yard garden with trimmings in , front", . and thus forms a perfect setting for a cream colored cottage house. A trim fence separates it from the road in . front and tall fir trees rising out of the swept and spot less backyard makes cool, green and Impressive background for both the house and compact far- den beneath. Mission Bottom Is Scene " Understand at the very begin ning that this garden is on a tsrm 10 miles north of Salem, just off the Wheatland Ferry road, la Mission Bottom, the country home of Mrs. W. Al Jones - and Miss Crefghton. Rolling acres of cher ry orchard, and pasture for the sheep are oa either side of the garden and home. It is a glorious example of what farm , peopla could have la the way of well kept homes and gardens if they would, v Back H the garden. An at tractive arrangement ot ; shrubs forms a dainty "ruff about the front base ot the house. Inter spersed with the shrubs are flowers mostly tall, columbine in delicate colors. Among the east side ot the house it a bank of columbine- to a aide porch and from the porch on is an arrange ment of low growing flowers with a choice variety of pink forget-me-nots . lately obtained -from England forming a border. : The fence to the left ot the front yard gate is covered with rambler roses, gorgeous yellow ones, tiny pink Cecil B runners, and ia a row beside the fence are clumps. ot tall Delphinium and SlS Less Watering Heeded to 1 Keep Flowers in Bloom ThroughoutSummer The season of the year is at hand when window boxes will be a source of unfailing Joy to those who appreciate a bit of beautiful ly kept green Interspersed with the beauty ot colorful flowers. The season points to the fact that there will not be an abundance of water this year and that will mean either much watering for lawns and gardens to keep them in con dition, or the dry, unappealing yards that result from no water. A way to overcome the total lack of flowers where sufficient watering for a large garden is out ot the- question is to equip your house with window boxes and fill these boxes with .well chosen plants. Window boxes are attrac tive even though the yard is tuU of flowers, and surely there Is no reason why they could not Be used to accentuate, surrounding beauty. A window box is an Inspiring and Intimate thing. Small by ne cessity one is lead to appreciate each thing which grows within it because of the selective. Individ uality of the plant A pansy grow ing in jl . window box makes a greater individual impression man bed or boraer or pansies eaca plant becomes an Individual loved for its owji peculiar traits -which It the plant were growing in a large group, would be lost entire ly Boxes Hare Varied Yalae Window boxes then are valu able tor many things. They fur nish color when, all the garden flowers hare died. They have the same decorative effect against the house that cut flowers have la living rooms of the house and they give many a person an op portunity to do a bit of "garden ing" who would not have time nor space to have a Teal garden. So pull out the window boxes; if you have none make some or hare them made. Fill them with choice plants that will be decora- tire, or plants which are favorites. Keep them green and "well- groomed" and place tnem in ef fective spots. Some of the pret tiest window boxes of last sum mer were those which had been placed in upstairs windows or on porches. Long trailing vines, with brilliant flowers against the house made most effective spots of artistic beauty. Suggested Grouping Given V A suggested grouping ot plants for a window box has been found in a flower magazine. The list in cluded pink begonias, forsythla. liliee-of-the-valley, Chinese forget-me-not, baby's tears, honesty, ivy. and African violets. It was suggested In this same article that if the plants are placed in pots sunk in deep pans of peat moss and kept moist bet ter results will be obtained. Plant the window boxes and keep Salem dotted with , color all summer. Also relieve the drab outside of many a house by boxes or growing piant lire. Iris, low bush roses, and low growing plants like the bright coral bells and pansies. Pansies Carefully .Guarded A soft sweep of lawn, well- clipped and very green connects all the flower beds. To the right of the front gate is the main part of the garden. Nearest the house is a strip of choice roses, then a stretch of grass and another bed of columbine, interspersed with great round-faced pansies. One may find these, pansies peeping out-in most any of the' beds Many ot the varieties ore from stock Imported and carefully guarded by Miss Creighton. She has saved the seed of many , and thus ir enlarging and developing her supply. - - And from this bed over a small strip of soft lawn one comes to the columbine. Glorious spidery like blossoms adorn .the plants some of which measure .two and one-halt Inches in ' length : ot spike and r- -over " four inchet across. Many of these varieties are ot Miss Creighton's own pro duction for ene hat produced her own teed for the past " seven years. The bees and the humming birds have assisted her -with po- unation and the result is several new and very beautiful varieties. Along the tide of the column bine beds is a relative ot the flagstone walk it It made of ce ment pieces formed into hearts, diamonds, crescents and - tuck like figures and placet flat in the ground. This walk leads te aa iris and columbine bed against a tiny garden house and then on around to the back yard where there it a grape arbor and magni ficent iris . blooming here and there along. the back fence. And la this back yard is a grand bpea fireplace piled with rocks brought from eastern Oregon. ' Bird House Novel t In speaking ot the garden there it one thing you must be shown the bird bouses parched at the end of long poles waicn rise oat ot th Crimson rambler roses which cover the west fence of the yard. Rose tendrils reach up to several of the bird houses, each house built to model of a real dwelling and each on different They are painted and trimmed with delightful result and It is said that there are- no unhappy family afatlra la this charming bird colony. DidTou Know Tulip Trees? Your Tour Ia driving; about this week soma excellent' examples in porch boxes were noted. At ill and 44S Front- street. are excellent boxes with geranium - and fasls as the plant lite; a delightful; effect la an "up-stalrs porch box is to be found at 1140 South High street, and at 1815 South Commercial street is another pretty box. '.- Another particularly Interest ing thing to . observe today are the tulip trees in bloom. Two magnlflclent ones are in front of the Stockton home, 2T4 North Summer street and two more may J be found at the Court! street cor ner of tha state bouse grounds facing the supreme court library. These trees are rare ia Oregon. Two placet to commend art the Catholic and Odd FeUows cemetery. . They are being cared for and really make a spot of oeauty thit spring last summer they were unkempt In appear ance. . i Azalea la Attractive Rhododendrons are still lovely and perhaps the most beautiful example of a native white azalea is Just now in its prime at SIT Front street In the yard of the old M cores home. It is estimated that the bush hat stood there for perhaps 25 or more year and it s worth seeing. .1 Beautiful Drive Sketched Today for a drive we suggest South Commercial street and at you go observe tome; unusually lovely rhododendrons,: cllntblng roses over . the - former Hofer homes on the south slope Of the Commercial street hill, and a tow of tweet peat on the south side of the house Just beyond the D. Craig home near Liberty. Follow South Commercial street to Liberty, torn right and right again at Salem Height ave nue. Follow this to the top ot the hill and observe the many beau tiful effect developed la the sub urban home yards along this ave nue. i . One place along thit avenue you are invited to stop and vis it, it is tne homo of xean ana Mrs. Frank Erlckson and you will recognize It as a white house from which slopes a half acre of peonies - and iris in a delightful DoerSer Gardens Open to Visitors All This Sunday One of the- Interesting things to do today by way . of garden interest will be a visit to the Frank. Doerflet gardens east of Salem. Mr. Doerfter is inviting the public to call anytime Sun day. . '.. .-.. -...' It Is an Inspiring garden. To visit . it is. to iDbserv planning and self-executed landscaping and planting. There are Taany varie ties of flowers and the rock gar den, which Is a beautiful one for either the country or the city will offer no end of material tor Investigation. I To reach the farm one goes straight out ot town ! past the penitentiary, the Four Corners, across the Silverton-Stayton high way end continues east one mile and a half to the gardens. The rv. 2 garden faces the visitor as he approaches the turn of tne road which lies Just ia front of the Doerfler home. Program Planned For St. Mary sat Stay ton This Eve . r STAYTON, May 23 Closing exercises of St Mary's 1 parochial school here will be held at the school at 8 p.m. Sunday night. At this time the music pupils will be presented in recital and the fol lowing program will be given: For God and Country chorus; Troubles of Little folks, interme diate pupils; The Whistling Boy, cantata: Rose of the Riley's, A two-act playlet: Charity Con science, a three-act play; Crown ing of the Queen of May; Our Friend i Across the Way, Gradu ates. Address and awarding of di plomas to 8th -grade graduates, Rev. Father F. Scherbrlng. The eighth . grade -graduates sre: Zelpha Smith," Henry Sllber nagle, Cecelia Sllbernagle, Violet Schumacher, Herman Linderman. Mildred Kerber, Louise Gassner, Delia Fery, Katherine : Boyer, Ralph Rels and Ralph , Sanders. OAK DALE SCHOOL ENDS MEHAMA, May IS The Oak Dale tchool closed school May IS with a nrogram exhibit and as a climax a community plcnie din ner. Marion Taylor helped enter tain with his accordion aided by Mrs. Ed Taylor at the piano, Verla Carter took three Prises: highest average, neatest desk and fourth price in Marion county 4-H club, fair, Edward Rogers. ' PEfXS RECOMMENDED " A. .type of rock" plant is recom mended by one writer is the pinx. Of these several varieties of es pecial value are named, among them Dlanthus tries baehi. 8a non- aria ocymoldes, D. freyni, D. sub acaulla, and D. tternbergl. , SOAK STOCK tSt WATEIt It stock received for planting It too shriveled and dried from being packed,' It may be restored by soaking it la water tor sever al hours before watting for proper planting. . - j - ' BHODOS FROM SEED Joseph B. Gable ot Stewarts town, Pa., hat tor several years been experimenting with growing rhododendront from teed. Several hundred varieties have been planted i and many . ot them are growing. There Were See Them on About Salem display of color. j ' ; . SO Varieties of Iris Had Eight years age Deaa and Mrs. Erieksoa started this hobby rand today they hare about SO varie ties of iris and the tame number of peonies aad scattered in rows over the red soil of the half acre there are la an about 450 plants most of which are in bloom.! The irU have passed their prime bat the peonies are just coming into full glory. These peonies make a serfect flower for the ' country, accord ing to Dean Erickson. for they do much better without water and water in the country is a prooiem. I Another thing you will want to observe at the. Erlckson home is the tiny wire trao in which birds are- caught and "banded" and released again. Thit band it marked with figures from the biological - department of f the United States, government. A re port is made by the Erlcksons each time a bird it trapped! and oanaed. These reports containing the numbers placed on the birds' legs and the- kind of bird Is sent to the Washington, D. C. head quarters twice each year. Other people over the country art'do- ng tne tame thing and when one bird is found at a 1 point away irom tne point where banded the uepanment notifies the person who placed the band upon: the oirot leg. Data Kept oa Birds - -This is done as a matter of in terest to determine how often tne birds come back to the same home and how far they travel. Many unusual varieties ot i birds have been found by the Erlck sons and they have observed that these birds do not stay over ' a day or so and then travel ' on. Bird houses are a part of the isnckson garden and they are oc cupied by families of happy birds which the Erlcksons claim as among their most Interesting friends. .1 This hobby seems a delightful one quite In keeping with the hobby of gardening. To complete your drive With a splash of gorgeous beau tyV drive to 14 th street and enter the gar- dent or Dr. h. J. Clements: from the court street tide, drive through the yard slowly and see tne handsome lino - of varlgated colors ot the many 1 varieties ot iris now in full glory. I Look across to the Creek and observe the tall, regal, yellow water Iris which reflect their handsome beauty in the quiet water. Dr. Clement Is not holding f'open garden." but he will not mind your driving through this! Sun day. , ; jtar or Great Comic Here Every Day in LOW OF BLOSSOMS TOLD tlrsv Cronemifler Obtains flationwide Story in ( Garden Magazine Salem and blossom day is Sir en good publicity In an article published in the June issue of "Better . Homes and Gardens" written by Mrs. Christine Orford Cronemlller. wife . ot Lynn F', Cronemiller, state .forester. ! The article gives special credit to the Cherrlans for the activities and programs , for the annual ;blossom day. - i Readers are told of the glor ies of blossom time with 20,000 acres ot prunes and cherries in blossom at the same time. Also of the acres -. ot tulips in ' full bloom during the blossom time. The story It illustrated, thowinf the famous Lone Tree prune or chard in the Rosedale district. . And the editor ot the magazine remarks: "Encouraged and in spired by the vision of what beau ty can do for them, scores of ci ties throughout the nation have begun beautifJcation projects or are planning them. And this the story ot Salem, Oregon, illustrates how one community it thowlag its consciousness that beauty pays large dividends of content ment to its citizens. , Mrs. Cronemlller, in telling her of 20,000 acres ot Cherry and prune trees and her. visits to fields of tulips, comments "When It is estimated that-10,000 peo ple annually enjoy the beauty ot Salem's vast garden spot on blos som day, surely it seems a most Vnrfhwh 11a nrnMf whfoh .nr.. A m the creed of friendliness beyond the limits ot one't own garden door." IB IE EFFECT I Strawberry jars, an heritage from the old Romans who loved luxury and easy riches to an in brdlnate extent and who produced nany things that their tenses might be pleased, are as delight ful to the eye of the modern as to the Roman. i! These jars are now seen many times as cactus containers. . The average one stands about two and one-half or three feet tall and is msde ot pottery. It is something like an old fashioned churn in size and shape, -only small openings hare been, made jped up in these openings in order f? U' IHMISSSSBSWSNHlHWM 1 SHY ON alias "THE SAILOR -me to allow for small plants to b placed with their roots in the soil and their leaves and blos soms growing outside and alons the side ot the jar. No end ot attractive erects can be obtained from the proper use ot these jars. An interesting description of s home-made "barrell" - strawberry jar Is given in the June issue ol Better Homes and Gardens." It gives a real Incentive tor build ing one ia its description of the luscious fruits born and the beau ty aad curiosity of the "barrel" itself. I GIOEflTIl HE BriimLi'offli Yards and Gardens of Mem bers. Found Beautiful; Many Features Seen NORTH HOWELL. May 21 Tuesday afternoon,) the women of the Home Economics club ox North ..Howell grange enjoyed garden tour" and, spent the af ternoon visiting yards and gar dens of members and getting new Ideas and promises ' of future cuttings" from each other. The Journey, begun at Gladys Waltman's, who besides an array of flowers of many kinds, showed a beautiful display of quilts late ly pieced and quilted. Then the group I went to Mrs. J. E. Waltman's home and Helen Wlesner't. Mrs. Mi A. Dunn's. Mrs. Frank Hynes'j Mrs. William Od die's, and Daisy Bump's. , From there the cars were driv en 'over to Lula Wleaner't and Dlmma Cline's gardens, which are very beautiful at all times but especially so now that so many lovely roses are in) bloom. , 1 At the home ot I Daisy Bump was , found a lovely rock garden and lily pool as well as many beautiful plantings and -nicely arranged corners. Mrs. Oddle has some fine varieties of iris and' these were much I admired as were Anna Hynes'j firs vaiietis. Others who were members ot the party were Mrs. - Ellis Stev ens, Amanda and I Mabel Drake. Mrs. J. S. Coomler and Mrs. F. B. Kurre. I i I Visits such as this,! stimulate interest in , landscaping effects and acquaint the members with ' plants and flowers as an aid to beautifying homes, j The beautlfication of homes is one of the major interests of the Home Economics club and 1 the members feel that the 'afternoon was well spent. DIVIDE PHLOX BIENNIALLY Authority baa it that phlox clumps ought to be divided every two years. Without division blos soms grow smaller and produce less freely, j i ?Q2 CAUSING LAUGHTER Ct;i :; :jS::::-:::--:::H;:-::-:::::::- 9 ' Color of hiir---rccL Color of eye red. Color he flees often- red. Arms tea pin shaped Leg Sailorrnxn't. Las- widgtr-POPEYE. Resembles -POP-EYE cnljr. Lest seen Knocking a gay out. ' . "