the OREGON STATESMAN. Salon, Oregon. Sunday Morning, May 24, 19Sf PACE TWELVE no nnnDim . nnv UlllilL Ufll LV PLftHS FRAMED Preliminary G. A. R. Event At Unitarian Church; Program Saturday , : (Continued from pas 1) in automobiles: Salem band. Second flection Major Edward D. Hamilton, commanding; com nanr B. l2nd Infantry. O. N. O.; headquarters battery, 249th coast artillery and medical detachment. , Third section ' Captain Benja min F. Ponnd. commanding.: G. A. R. members in automobiles; La dies of the G. A. R.: W. R. C. War Mothers: Spanish American War .Veterans and auxiliary; Vet erans of Foreign Wars and auxil iary; American Legion and aux iliary: Sons of . Veterans and a ax illary; Daughters of .Veterans, and other - Teterans' -organisations. Fourth section O. p. West, Boy Scout executive, commanding; Salem high school band; Boy ; Scouts; Salvation Army and other patriotic and fraternal organlza tions. Jin Innovation will be introduc ed this year, when the four sec tions of the parade will march and stand abreast each other on High street, between Court and State, for the ceremonies to be held at the monument in front of the . courthouse. - Final plans for the meeting at the armory hare not been com pleted.' "Know Oregon Brings Variety of Gifts to v Convention Guests Here 'The cleverest thing that ever been stagod in - aiem the Terdlct Tegirding the Your Oregon" luncheon the Masonic temple on BUNKS SENT OUT FOR STATE TAXES Combined forms for making Intangibles and personal income tax returns have been mailed out by the state tax commission, but failure to receive a blank will not excuse any taxpayer from fil ing a return. Returns are due on or before June 15. The forms are to be used for reporting Individual Incomes from all sources, including in terest, dividends, salaries wages, rents, earnings from business or profession, or profit on the sale of property. Individuals who receive no in terest or dividends must file a return if their net Income ex ceeds 11600, If single, or J2500 It married. Individuals who re ceive their entire Income from Interest and dividends, must file a return If their gross Income exceeds $500, If single, or $800, If married. has was Know held In Saturday ii m. nart of the annual convention of the Oregon Federation of Busi ness and Profusion al Women's clubs, r ? :-; " -r- Miss Dora Sexton of The Dalles, state forward chair tn an, presided and each .club , presented a stunt depicting the ' products and re- 1 sources of the' community repre sented. ; '. l ' - Klamath Falls presented glass ine bags of potato chips made of the famous KUmath Fall pota toes. Portland presented each guest with a rosebud and showed the crown of Itosaria which was purchased by t be I Portland B. P. W. C club. j ! . ! ' - f Coos Bay presented small pack ets of aeed-ot Its famous Port Or ford cedar and slices of its "Mel lowest" cheese. Oregon City ad vertised their paper and woolen mills with a elever stunt giTen by girls in paper costumes. Eugene presented each guest with a, packet of the famous Eu gene filberts. Gresham advertis ed raspberries. 1 Hlllsboro re sponded with "Raspberry, you raise 'em and we? Can 'em" and elaborated on the fruit and milk canneries at HMsboro, then pre sented small cans of thetnilk. Roseburg's prune were pre sented to the guests In neat pack ets and a tiny girl In a purple and green costume gave a short dance number. Grants Pass presented "Glad" bulbs of the Virginia rari ety. . - . The Dalles lauded the merits of the flour made there and girls In costumes made of flour sacks pre sented small bags of flour to each guest. , McMInnville claimed the honor of being the "Walnut City of Ore gon and presented salted walnuts to the guests. Girls In Indian costume advertised the pageant "Red Pioneers" which this club Is sponsoring and Miss Dora Ward sang two Indian songs, accompan ied by Miss Esther Smith. : Heppner advertised the - wool and lambs which are an important crop in that district. Bend pre sented small trays of Juniper wood and Mrs. Florence Silvia did a clever musical chalk talk Inviting the guests to enjoy the scenic at tractions of the Bend district. Corvallls members in beach pa Jamas and wide straw hats invit ed all to Corvallls "The Gateway to the Sea." Coquille presented twigs of the famous myrtle wood. Albany advertised her strawber ries and agricultural resources. Astoria presented : Jars of a mayonnaise dressing manufactur ed there and told of the wonders of Columbia river salmon. Pendleton invited all : to the Roundup and resented a gift of a small leather case to the holder of the lucky, number. Salem ap peared as the "Cherry City' and Miss Rosalie Nusmbaum as the Human Cherry sang "Dream Boy of Salem High" and gave a short tap dance. Single persons who receive in terest and dividends and income from other sources must file a return it the net Income from all sources exceeds xiooo, or tney must , file if the j gross Interest and dividends exceed $500. Married persons who receive interest and dividends and in come from other sources are require- to file a return if their combined net income . from all sources exceeds $1700,, or they must file if their; gross' Interest and dividends exceeds $800. Children Crowd Capitol to See . Mickey Program from Salem and vicinity crowded Into the Capitol theatre yesterday morning to see Mickey Mouse and to hear plans announced by War ner Bros, for making the Mickey Mouse club betters than ever be fore. The youngsters were told Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFEK - i flfiiZZfll55" " 35 H 36 Www 3 3? y HI H2 H3 HH HT r Hi, hT HQ hT : m" 1 .1 1 mAm ' HORIZONTAL. . 1 Exclamation. -4 Exclamation.' What Aairiui poKtieiaa w hot of Bolorioaa "ring" iu Nw YWrlf atil bia arrt la . 18737 t-.- - 11 Wko wr.U the "FUgAm Prea-reaV white In prUa? I 18 Tool with- sv cutting- tdf. .-! 15- Half an em..v - 16 Funeral 'songs." . -It -Egyptian sun god. t ; "T .19 Towards. . tl Seise with the teeth.' ." 12 Man's nam. '. , M . t Only this and nothing more. ZTm what lty dU h Cmkm Wrif a famwJ be! tt AccMdiag t the B'thU, wk VH crMte4 freas the rib f '.. Aasr ' - a stn .a m was u r ry self7 r.. ; tl Talk Idly. v: V- 83 Man's nickname. 84 Ardent affection. 38 WV wm the fvaaiaW t'rr 88 By. - 40 Nominate. 42 Wear away. ' " ' . ' 4S Extinct flightless bird. 47 Wk. u the MOthar f HtUm ! Tryl . 49 Regrets. " J 'v. 80 Girl's name. 62 Frees from something obnoxi ous. 64 Royal Navy (abbr.). 65 New Testament. (abbr.Y ' f Who i eai4Urd the father f sadra htriIofy? 69 Six in Roman numerals. 1 What SpaatUh city en the : ; Hirer Tagws U fasMs for lU ' Uather ' geecb mmd swerd l.ladr 2 Rated highly." 65 Person of arrested mental growth." - , 1 tt Symbol for tellurium. 7 Anglo-Saxon money of account.-- . - ' VERT1CAU 1 Man's nickname. 2 Whe becaaMraUMal 13. 8. Udor tMBk siagUe hi. - - U lat 1930?- ; ,8 One; - ; 4 Wh. UawhiW the f tmrnim t the thtUh scheet of sjear .- palirtere? ConcernSnjf. . V - What U aaother mmmm for Libya? r. , . ; 7 Very smalL ! 8 Comfort. - 9 Printer's measure. 10 Receive from a source.- - : 12 Biblical pronoun.' - - 14 Entered . a - competition of speed.' . . . - 17 Clothe. i 20 Verbal. . j ' V; ' 23 Note f the musieal seal. ' Z 4 Myself. , 25 Famous English public school. 27 la what ! AaMriua Uamnity U L the Sbf fWM SUri(U Sbal7 .. ... 80 ErT-ehaped. ' 32 What ' AaMrlcaa VWrrak t fawght a f aaaaaa with Alaaaaalar Hnilt.T 35 Wka waa tb "Sag: f Caa. - cw 87 Bitt to the tast. - 88 Catkin. t 89 Kind f drum. ' . 41 Prepare for publication. " 43 Waas U tba capital af Calo - rai7 i . . 44 Plural suffix. ' 46 Part f the verb "te be." 48 Expert. i ; 51 Imitator. - . 68 Certain. 67 Fuss.-' - 88 Whkky U tka aaaallaat Stt. la tba U. S.7 rl.k. nn s;t.i' ' 62 Behold 1 64 Make. Herewith is the aorntion in urdays puxxle. . j , S about new membership buttons each one will receive next week. New officers for the club will be chosen soon including a song leader, a cheer leader and Chief Mickey Mouse, Chief Minnie Mouse. Yesterday the youngsters sang the national song and gave the flag salute, two features of the program to be given each week at the club's meeting. BATTLE ON POLICE M H CLIMAX Continued from page 1) dum court approval, friends of the game group, launched a friendly suit through Chris Kowlts who yesterday filed his suit papers with the supreme court. Thursday Morning Date For Hearing Countering, Custer - Ross, at torney for McDonald, f said he would' raise more points against the ballot title than Kowltz pro poses, when his "own client's Pe tition is filed i tomorrow. Ross wanted to hold off a hearing be forethe supreme ''court until late in the week but Kowitx demurred and the court set Tuesday morn ing as the time for hearing the arguments pro and con on the referendum ballot title prepared by Attorney General Van Winkle. It is understood that the su preme court will hurry its deci sion in the . matter, probably handing down a opinion Wednes day: This will leave the referen dum petitioned nine days to get 10,600 signatures provided the Supreme court holds the ballot title valid. - AVerill has stated in Portland that he thinks only . three days will be' necessary to get the need ed signatures. This will . provide adequate time for checking the signers since only names of prop erty owners are acceptable. The Multnomah county . clerk allows the referendum seekers to provide their own deputies to check the names against records in his of fice. Kowitz said yesterday that some petitions were already cir culated in Portland although these may not be of anr avail If the ballot title being used is de- ciarea invalid. A number of peo ple have asked him , to -be- al lowed to circulate petitions against the state constabulary, Kowitx declared. - : BOGU E DIVER'S H BRIDGE RED CITED away a v v-oimnuea rrom page from war, and war 1) is helL" Ha referred . to bridges .as a product of a great imagination, and "without imagination great things cannot be done". - Earlier in the day the general drank from the "bucket of blood" and gnawed Taw meat to qualify for membership in the Grants Pass Cavemen. The Cavemen men, - clad in crudely 'made fur garments and followed by their Cave women, similarly attired. met me train that brought the marine leader hero and eseerted ' iw me cuamoer ,r or, com merce Duiiamg for; the initiation. 2-7 MUMiEtSrT TUP 1 SA rsaar-w i.a,' i W EE mi63 rida. mi. Kaat GRANGE TO FIGHT 0 CIRCULATORS . (Continued from pas t) t rallis, state deputy. ' Mr. Edwards gave a talk on general grange conditions during the- lecturer's program. The state grange has added; 34 new units since last year, he reported. Mrs. Edith Toiler Wetherred of Oswe go grange gave an Interesting talk on Oregon history, including comments on th first state fair ana the early Indian fairs held In tha state.. -. ; - A number of outside fuests. be- Too Late to Classify WiKTED Tfl ai S rm bouae. furo, fireplace, in nice district, rnt Mt too'blfh. WIS Imk. Box SnfflTOSPEAIf AT HUH m 11 II IMS.' Senator Is Native of This County; National ; Outlook is Topic Marloa county's own senator. tha" Hon. rrederick Bteiwer, will be guest of ' honor and speaker Monday noon at tha Salem cham ber of commerce. ' Senator Btei wer's topic will be HJreon's Bit nation at the National Capitol." The senator has. baen horn for nearly a month since congress ad journed and has mad numerous appearances throughout the state. Stelwer was horn in Marlon county on the Stelwer farm 16 miles SOUth of Salem - ant naar Jefferson. He attended tha Ivinn- ey Butte school and -later studied at tne university of Oregon where he received a degree in law as well as in liberal arts. He was ad mitted to the bar in 1908. Sen ator Stelwer also atndied for a part of his undergraduate: per iod at Oregon Stat college. ' Stelwer later practiced law at Pendleton and while there was elected state senator and ae.rred one term. During the war he serv ed in the army one and one-half years. . . .... ,. He was elected TJnltMl Rtatoa senator In November, 1926, de feating Bert Haney of Portland in me general election and a large field of contestants In tha nri. maries Including Colonel Alfred uiart and Senator Robert N. Stanfield. sides the two speakers, were pres ent: sirs. Edwards of Corvallls; Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Lambert of Stay ton; Mr. and Mrs. George Farria of Turner; Mrs. Daisy Bump, master of North Howell grange; and Mrs. Harland of RIckreall grange. BACK HOME o o FREDERICK STEIWER PEOPLE. . Ay .wh o are news f (Continued from pas 1) questions, usually closes with an Invitation to stay for lunch with one of the. executive staff and to be sure to eome again." Sometimes it is an invitation to inspect th early American Til lage, his real hobby. He has spent many millions on this "village," and many more are to be expend ed before the collection of histori cal buildings and objects of early American life is completed. Of slender, wiry physique. Ford, nearing his 68 th birthday, frequently demonstrates his agil ity and yisor by "chinning" him self to a tree limb or by snapping a leg two or three times over the back of a high chairT His keen eyes twinkle as he remarks: "I feel pretty good.'' He never worries. KSOLIDITE ;: priuig -runs State Shops at r Corvallis and Eugene Possibly To Come to Salem ' Feasibility of oonsolidation of printing plants now operated by th University , of Oregon and Oregon fitate college with th state printing department in Sa lem, lg to be investigated by Ru fus H. Holman,- state treasurer, and member of the state board of control, according to announce ment made Saturday. ! Mr. Holman aald he already had discussed the proposal, with persons connected with the col lege and the state printing de partment. Although the investiga tion has not proceeded beyond the preliminary stage, Mr. Hol man declared that such a consoli dation might save the taxpayers of Oregon . a large ' amount of money. .-.;. ; , ' .; I In event tha consolidation should be approved by the state board of control, sufficient print ing equipment probably would be left at the university - for the printing of the student news paper. The publication - of this newspaper is a part of the prac tical instruction received by stu dents in the department of Jour nalism. Arthur Brock, foreman of the state printing plant, is assemb ling a large amount of data deal ing with printing costs, which will be placed in the hands of Mr. Holman early . next week. State ments showing the costs of oper ating the university and state col lege printing plants also will be filed with. Mr. Holman, according to present plans. In case the consolidation is found to be feasible, Holman said he would ask approval of the proposal by the board of control. Most of the equipment in the Corvallls and Eugene plants would be moved to - Salem and merged with that in the state printing office. Off H 'I Hours Personalities and Events at Convention of Oregon B. & R W. Clubs " -She U Che doable of Mr. Herbert Hoover" was the opin ion of. those" who saw Mrs. Jane Ogle, Rational field sec retary. ;Hea quiet smile, calm grey eyes and poise of man . ner were todeedt suggestive of -the first lady of the land. i -It these women told all they knew It would start a riot and a revolution," declared Hal Hoss. At any rate delegates to the state B. P. W. C. convention were wel comed toT the, capital city in a cordial manner by the secretary of state Tend! the welcome was couched in such a manner as to bring many a hearty laugh. - y,i .-'.: -r "Call aV tlray to move oar present; to the hotel" was the plea of j those i delegates who attended th'Know Tour Ore gon luncheon on Saturday. At least one -souvenir and - often several were; presented by each . of the 22 dabs in the state. Everyone represented a pro duct of the town from which the club presenting It came. , fifrlctly. according to Roberta was the rule of the business ses sions of the annual convention, of the B. P. W. C. The effi cient work of Miss Grace Eliza beth Smith, of Salem, state par liamentarian, received much praise, as did the work of Miss Martha Gasch, state president. : The matter of a national . headquarters building was dis- posed of in short order when It was unanimously votedj to favor a club house somewhere . In the middle west at some fu ture time but not immediately. A note of sadness crept Into,' the meeting when It 'was voted ; to send a message of condolence to Mrs. Alice , Maloney formerly of Marshfleld whose husband re cently passed away. . ( j Silverton High NeiTamWins : Over Corvallis SILVERTON, May 23.-rSllver-ton high school's tennis team de feated CorvalSs high four match es! to three here today. ' The lo cal -tennis and golf teams will wind up ibeiifj season next Satur day in matches against Albany high at Albany. : . Staynor, Siiverton, beat Law rence 6-4, t't: Moe, Corvallis, heat Coffey V1, f-2; John son of Silveribn beat Batcbeller C-2, C-2 .:. Brandt of Corvallis beat Almquisi 108, -4; Rycraft of Corrallis beat Tate 2-C, t-3, 7-5. . i J StaynoS and Coffey beat Brandt and (Rycraft 8-0, 6-2 ; Johnson and flAlmquIst heat Moe and Batchellor -4. 3-6, 6-2. '.VAV.V.V.V.V.'.V.VAV rrzsa a MM Popeye is the principal character in Thimble Thea tre, Is the funniest yet! He's seen here with Olive Oyl, his sweetie, and with Castor. NOTICE OF POM PROJECT IS FILED A notice of intention to erect : a project for the generation ofT 7,755.68 horse pwwer of electric-, al power on the north fork of the Santiam river was filed with the city recorder, Saturday. O'Neill ! Brothers and the Callaghan com pany, San Francisco, who propose . the project, say they will use 650 ' cubic feet of water, per second; this will be returned to the river, j The purpose of the application for the preliminary permit Is to give a chance for protest or re monstrance on. behalf of the pub He or district organisations f n -public purposes of private per sons. f Two colors! This sei'lfice in the Sunday comics ! jjis af forded Statesman . Readers by the modern lties in The plant. presfl facil- iStattman's nnouncement . . . . . . , ! ii i Toots and Casper, their dog and their baby, all bring a dally laugh. You'll want to see them Sunday, too, look in the new comic section of The Statesman. great- e last ection. Extraordinary! - ! V I 'HE STATESMAN is pleased today to announce the I est single improvement to its feature service lri th ; three years a tour-page, two-color Sunday comic s The first release will begin next Sunday, May 1 1 ! '. , ! Tfiia tibmilar addition! to the oaoer is in line with The States man's policy of a consistently better newspaper. In producing the Sunday comic, those characters who have become Jnown to Statesman readers through years of acquaintance will be car ried along, with two additions which are sure to prove popular. Polly and Her Pals will go on with their ever-interestjhg ad ventures, as will Toots and Casper, their baby and thei- dog. Then the redoubtable Popeye, who has risen to national attention faster than Bobby Jones or Will Rogers, .will be seen ach Sun day as well as each publication day of .the week. As a splendid - . r . r .1 i. ' n a ci 1,; . comic reature ror tne Kiaaies, tiiiicr is iu uc duueu un uuuojr to the family of The Statesman. . "r- V '0 01 i .11 aBl. the stere- n and These comics, prepared irt otvpe rooms t'"of TheStateSm printed on the paper's owr largfe? two color press, mark : the very finest work of America s best artists ; I he same, characters afforded to millions ir$f read ers of large metropolitan aers on -Sunday will be brought" to Salem through The Statesman. i C, '-.''-:-' : -. ::. . '!; '.'y' i- This service is available without ex tra charge to Statesman readefs. Re member, The Statesman is Salem's only Sunday paper. If you don't take it regularly you'll be-wise td subscribe now. ' ':yy.- ''y:-A :" '.'-- ELMER is the boy you used to know full of life, mischief vous, impatient of school, gifted in boy craft. He'll be a tonic for you as you follow his antics in The Statesman. ' . ' His dad- is the sort you - know, a village merchant,- set' in his ways, dignified in his business' and in' his home:'. How he some times 'shows . a sense 6tr hunior but 'usually lie . rules with the old "rod;""'' - ". - - , - . ...... , i . . - ' 'Ma,'too,has a slipper, and; sometimes Elmer reeei ves it but she's a character to watch. I AH; in v ail this new. comic . will " be one Statesman readers will welcome to the funnies already print ed by this paper. , What a riot is the Perkins family 1 There's tashlonanie Polly. - comfortable old Pa, skeptical Ma, Ashur, tne n-. nanclal wizard ?) and De licto and , Aunt Maggie. What a family. ' r tin fOUNDEJO ttU -' 1