The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 24, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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    - ALL LIKE HIM. '
- . Effective Jane wlrflhe'
Statesman announces t its"!
monthly subscription rate,
at 45 cents. This Includes
Sunday paper with 4-page
comic, - ,..- -
- FOUKD.DP 1831
! Salein, Oregon, Sunday Morning:, May 24, 1931
A lyj(lw-yl v y f4 v V v - temperature;
.O ' VWyVVSys VVZNyVN.A I Temp. Satartav 81. Min. I
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President of .. Business arid
Professional.. Women's
Clubs Once More
Salem Woman Named Sec-;
; bnd ;Vice Presldent;;CorH;
! Mention Closing .
Hiss Martha XJasch iras reelect
ed president ct the Oregon Fed
eration; of Business and Profess
atonal Women's Clubs at the-meeting
held . In the Salem chamber
ot commerce Saturday afternoon.
Other officers chosen were: Mrs.
Edith Falbe ot Roseburgi first
-vice-president; Mrs. Madalene I
Callin of Salem, second rice-presi
dent; 'Mrs. Leda E. Parker of
Klamath Falls, corresponding sec
retary; . Miss Luella B. -Callln of
Corvallls, recording secretary;
Miss Clara McNeiof Salem; treas
urer. 1 :.t. i.ri .
A board of six directors was
elected as follows: " p
Mrs. Alice , Coppln. Medford;
Mrs. Emma Broderick. Bend; Miss
Adah Albert, Portland; Mrs. Har
riett Underwood. Eugene;! Mrs.
Alice Crabtree, McMinnTilIe;;Mrs.
Belle Gould, Coquille. "
Both Klamath Falls and Co
quille extended invitations for the
1932 conrention; It will be left
to the Incoming ezecutire council
to decide where the conrention
will be held. .--. - . r i
Transfer Problem
Tabled for President
After a debate of nearly two
hours the? matter of membership
transfer cards between clubs In
the state was tabled. It is expect
ed that this will be one of the
major problems to be worked out
during the coming year. f
The funds of the state organ
ization were in a bank that was
recently closed and the organisa
tion was faced with the problem
. of nearly $500 in outstanding bills
unpaid. More than this amount
was lost in the bank closing. With
in the minutes 9450 of this
amount was raised by loans and
gifts from members. . i
Mrs. Jane Ogle Is
Principal Sneaker v..'
The highlight of the renlng
was the appearance of Mrs. Jane
Ogle of New York city, national
field secretary, who was the speak
er at the annual banquet held last
Following the banquet mem
bers of the organization made
merry until an early hour this
morning at a "midnight frolic"
held in the Elslnore theatre. This
was featured by cutting of a huge
birthday cake in celebration of
the 10th birthday of the organ
ization. The three-day conrention will
close today wtih a breakfast in
Hazel Green park, after which the
new ezecutire council will meet.
It was announced Saturday that
O'Neill Brothers and Callahan, an
Oregon corporation with ; head
quarters in San Francisco, has
filed with the state hydro-electric
commission here application to ap
propriate water for power pur
poses from the north fork" ot the
Santiam rlrer and Marlon lake.
The preliminary : application
proposes the development of 7758
horsepower. The power; house
would be located near Niagara. -
City Attorney Trindle said the
proposed derelopment : would in
terfere with Salem's proposal to
obtain water from the North San
tiam rlrer for municipal purposes.
He Indicated that .the city would
oppose the granting of the appli
cation. " -
BEND, Ore., May 23 AP)
Robert D. Rennie, Portland, was
elected president of the Oregon
state association of Master Plum
bers at the close ot their 30th an
nual conrention here today,
v E. O. Pratt,Salem, was chosen
rice-president and Walter Wid
mer, Portland, was named secre
tary. T. J. Rowe, Portland, was
re-elected treasurer. t !5 I .
The 193 1 convention city will
be named later by the new offi
cers. It was considered probable
that Salem would be selected.
MEDFORD, Ore, May 23
AP) Twenty-fire men now
re engaged In work prelimin- .
stry to the construcuon of trie ;
California-Oregon power com
pany's f 4,000,000 dam, to be
v built on the Klamath rlrer In
northern California, . .
GRANTS PASS. Ore.. May 23.
(AP) Charles Webster, pub
licity bureau commissioner of
Vantourer. B. C. was named
.who are news
(CopyrtjhV X9l; 'by Associated
'" V ;3 PteM)'- y 'W
DETROIT, -i May . z3 ( A?)
Henry Ford Is often regarded
- as a force, rather than a per
sonality. i : .. v v. , -
But to those who . know him
he is a maa ef many human and
homely attri
butes; ; ' whose
lack of .'affec
tion w 1 b
friends", easily;
who has an ob
session for me
, chanlcs and - a
,llkiag for old
't a a h lo ned
'things. - v
... He is happi
est in his home,
Falrlane, a rast
A .
semafisa-. -v-wwy-
f V 1
y :;!
f rt
estate n e a r
.here, surround
ed by high wire
fences " and
Heavy for
guarded against nnlnrlted ' intru
sion. . Here he is safe from an
army of nnwelconle interriewers.
, 'I was misquoted all orer Eur
ope," he remarked upon returning
from a recent trip abroad.
IT is one of the many paradoxes
about the wealthy motor mag
nate that although he is one
of the most inaccessible of world
figures In his own home or offices,
he is one ot the easiest to inter
view if the would-be Interviewer
has been inrited to talk with him.
"You harent been out here lor
some time."!. he will say; "you
should come oftener." Probably
he will be sharpening a pocket
knife on a; small whetstone, or
paring a raw carrot' with the
knife as he enters the room. He
has a taste for raw carrots.
He will answer any question the
interviewer i chooses to ask; but
not infrequently he will qualify
the answer with the stipulation
that it is not for publication." .
rriHE interriew, - which' seldom
I ends before the interviewer
' has exhausted his store of
(Turn to page 12, col. 5)
Organized Labor and Game
People ;LeadingFight;
Petitions now out
While General Smedley D. But
ler has been raising political
whoopee for the goTernor ana
drinking backets of careman's
blood, union .labor and organ
ized sportsmen of Oregon bare
launched a: direct attack on the
state constabulary, an attack
which learea the establishment
ef this new branch of service de
cidedly a matter of conjecture.
" Opponents of the bill started
a referendum sereral weeks ago,
bnt henchmen of Governor Meier,
Lpersonified .by J. J. McDonald of
saiem, saw iw ii iaai me iun i
the bill was held up by injunc
tion. . .
Not to be denied, Ed Averiil.
former state game warden, and
Fred G. Gif ford saw to It that
a new referendum : petition was
filed which met the objections
made In the first injunction suit.
Then to give this second referen
dum to page 12, col. 3)
County Health
Annual Session
To be Tuesday
. The annual meeting - of the
Marion County Public Health as
sociation will be held May 11 at
12:30 p. m. sharp at the Mar
ion hotel In Salem. In addition
to the election of officers and re
ports from ' health centers there
has been arranged a very inter
esting program. Dr. M. P. Isam
inger of Corrallis will speak -on
"Publle Health In Prospect".
Salem man Gets Office
, Cope dam Work Starts '
Publicity Plan Talked
Oswego Crash Is Fatal
chairman of a committee appoint
ed here today to call a Pacific
coast conference to study, meth
ods of attracting more eztensire
tourist trarel. v
Other members named to the
committee Included a Mr. Mc
Clelland, ' director of 'Paget
Sounders, and British . Columbia
association; Otto Mielke. Port
land, president of On-to-Oregon;
and Edward R. Morris, San Fran
cisco, 'president of the Redwood
Empire association. ; ! ' :
PORTLAND, Ore., May 23.
(AP) William E. ; Baggs.28.
Martinsburg, W. Va., was injured
fatally in r an automobile-train
collision at Oswego, near here,
today. He didjn a hospital here
sereral hours later.
The automobile in which Baggs
was riding .was struck by a slowly-moving
I Southern : Pacific
freight train, reports here 1 said.
A brother, A. IL Baggs, Wenat
chee. Wash., was In the automo
bile but escaped uninjured.; They
are sons of W. H. Baggs, Yakima,
ill! ii ii ii n i navT.ii ' w. i
t UK LU Hi
PLfii! FRiED;
Prfimiriary G. A R- Event
At Unitarian Church;
: Program Saturday . f;
"... ;v. " i V i :
Parader Armdr Addresses
and- CemeteryrObserv ;
' ance pit; Slated v ! :
. .r cT...- . , . i"t
. Plana lor Memorial day observ
ances in- Salem, are." fast helnr
shaped; with the most outstanding
event to be . the. big parade. Pre-,
llmlnary observances will be held
today, " with members .; of . the
G. A. R. to gather this morning
in a body at the Unitarian church
for a special service In this hon
or, and public services to be held
this afternoon at Lee - Mission
cemetery .with ladies of the G.
A. R. and other orders In eharge.
Programs hono'ring the patriot
Ic dead will be held In the schools
ot the city and surrounding terri
tory Friday morning and. after
noon, and Saturday all business
houses will be closed In commem
oration of the day
The usual Memorial morning
services will be held around the
Grand Army circle In a local ceme
tery Saturday morning. In the af
ternoon the huge parade will be
staged, and the public observance
III end with gathering at the
armory following the parade.
Col. Abrams Will
Be Grand Marshal -
Col. Carle Abrams has been des
ignated grand marshal for the day.
with u, P. Campbell his executive
officer. Major Elmer V. Wooton
of O. N. G. headquarters is chief
of staff for the parade, which will
form at Marion square at 2 o'clock
Saturday afternoon. The line ot
march will include: South on Com
mercial to Court; east on Court to
High; south on High to State;
west on State to Liberty;' south
on Liberty to Ferry and dlsbaodj
at iub armory. .
The reviewing stand will be lo
cated on Liberty street at the end
of the First National bank build
ing. The reviewing party will In
elude Major-General George A.
White, Brigadier-General Thomas
E. Rilea. "Mayor P. M. Gregory and
members of the local G. A. R.
post. -:': - f
The parade," , which already
promises, to be the biggest and
best in the list of successful events
in recent years, will be divided
into four sections, with the follow
ing units:
First section Grand marshal
and staff; colors, reviewing party
(Turn to, page 12, col. 1) ,
POF iT niPITfll
R. A. Power of Sheridan drew
automobile license No. 1, for the
period July 1, 131, to June 30,
1932, at the annual drawing held
in the state motor vehicle depart
ment. Saturday. The drawing was
held under the direction of Hal E.
Hoss. secretary -of state. License
No. 2 went to Beatrice Murphy ot
St. Paul, while G. Q. Wright of
Portland drew license No. 3.
License No. 5 was drawn by W.
D. Gilliam of Dallas, while license
No. 10 went to the Koster Prod
ucts company of Portland. Guy
Hifner of Carlton dreWlicense No.
13, .which Is ' one of the most
sought plates at each drawing.
Kathryn Didtel of Riddle re
ceived license No. 15, whilj Mary
B. Daly of Portland drew license
No. 20. Licence No. 23 was drawn
by Elta M. Smith of Molalla. Li
cense No. 25 went to George D.
Snyder of Chiioquln, license No.
50 to P. C. Vickers of Woodburn,
license No. 75 to the Miller Lum
ber company of Bend, and license
No. 100 to K. Hans n of Eugene.
Luke S. May, Seattle crimin
ologist. Is expected here tomor
row to resume work on the Iver
son murder case at Silrerton ac
cording to John Carson, district
attorney. May made a desultory
Investigation a week ago but de
ferred further work ! during the
visit here of General Smedley
Butler. May was a member of
the advisory committee appoint
ed by the gorernor to work
out plans for the new state con
stabulary.' V : ;'
May took back with him to Se
attle certain bits of evidence con
nected with the Iverson ease and
will work on these in his labor
atory. -
He confessed this week to Car
son that evidence In the ease was
exceedingly maagre:
Marion county and Silrerton
will Jointly fehare May's charges
which are said to hare been
placed at $1,000.
INDI. Cal'.r May 23(AP
The condition of At G. Barnes, 18-year-old
former circus magnate,
while still critical was much Im
proved today. Dr. R. M. Gray an
nounced, r !
Thousands See Grants
J". "5'.,'
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r-, "
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One of the largest' crowds ever gathered in Grants Pass attended the formal dedication of the new bridge cros the Rogue River, Satur
day. Delegations from many parte of Oregon and Washington were present. One of the more noted visitors was Major General Smedley
mj, iuurr.t mo muihb rorpg,
Falls 70 Feet, Then Goes
Oyer dam and Finally
Thrown Upon Rocks
TTENVER, Colo , ' May .13
(AP) Early tonight Miss Helen
Toppled from a cliff at Eldor
ado Springs and fell 70 feet Into
Boulder creek.
Was carried over a 20 foot
Unconscious, she was sucked
into the whirlpool below the
dam; was carried 75 feet down
stream by the current, and.
Was tossed, by a freak of fate
onto rocks In mid stream.
But doctors who treated her at
a hospital here tonight said she
would lire. She is suffering from
concussion of the brain.
Miss Stone fell orer the' cliff
from an observation platform
when she lost her balance as she
peered over into the gorge.
Rushed To Denver
For Treatment ''
She was rushed to Denver by
ambulance for f treatment. She
and Gladys Ramsey, accompanied
by two men companions, bad
climbed to. the observation plat
form to witness the sunset. Dark
ness shrouded the chasm, and
her associates were- panic strick
en as she plunged downward. 1
Head gates ' were opened to
drain the water back of the dam,
but the ' search proved f utile.
Hope of finding her almost had
been abandoned when a chance
look at the rocks with a flash
light disclosed the . unconscious
woman. -J-y-- ;-
Sheriff Robert' Blum of Bould
er said her escape from Instant
death was miraculous. -.
SEATTLE. May 23 (AP)
Seventy-fire young men and boys
were thrown into the Lake Wash
ington canal ' and- at least two
were beliered drowned today la
the collapse ot a diving platform
at the (University of Washington
Junior day carnival. - -
First reports were that all had
been rescued. Later A. Hender
son, city diver. In charge of a pa
trol boat, declared his belief that
two or three. had been lost.
He made the statement after
dragging with grappling hooks
orer a spot where spectators had
seen two victims go down but not
come up. He worked slowly back
and forth for half an nour and aft
er giving It up said he would
search the canal bottom in a div
ing suit tomorrow. . ; ; , Jr'
Y Tonight university, officials
said they would open an Imme
diate Investigation - into the col
lapse of the -platform.
TULSA, Okla.. May 23. (AP)
High school bands from Joliet.
I1L, -iobard, Ind., and West . De
pere. Wis., were awarded nation
al championships here late to
night after three days of compe
tition. '
r - - ' -
- -
wno w niaDCKa wio ine u rants rasa order or Care Men as an honorary member.
e River Bridge
Dedicated Formally
General Smedley .Butler Chief Speaker, Lauds
rJ:-'Imanadon That; Produces Progress;
T '"Centner Presented Trophy
GRANTS PASS, Ore., May 23.-(AP) Five thousand
persons, including delegations from British Columbia, Wash
ington, California and manyi points in Oregon, gathered here
today, for the dedication of! the new $125,000 Rogue River
bridge. ; . .
Major-General Smedley; D. Butler, United States Marine
Salem will get. the next North
Pacific district Nazarene assem
bly, was the message Rer. Fletch
er,' pastor of the Salem ' Nazarene
church, brought with him upon
his return last night from the
1931 district sessions held at
Portland May 20 to 24. This
will bring some 300 , ministers
and lay delegates for the four
day gathering here next May. j
The Salem ehnrch and rlrBt
Nazarene ot Portland both sought
the 1932 assembly, Rer. Gallo
way reported,, but, with the as
sistance ot Salem chamber of
commerce, be was able to bring
the honor to this city. There
are- now 2500 members ot the
northwest district, a 10 per cent
fTncrease. :sl... -;. : !'
' ! Officers elected at rortiana
are:' district superintendent, Rer.
j. E. Bates of Portland, reelect
ed; secretary, Rer. E." Rand
Pierce, ' Vancourer, B. C.; treas
urer, Rer.: L. E. Channel!, New
berg. " . .- '
.-The annual ' reunion for the
blind was held . at the home! of
Mr. May Moores 868 South Lib
erty street -Saturday. This, reun
ion means much to r the -blind,
many of whom' hare orercome
an overwhelming handicap and
are successful in' their chosen
work. . . ' : " I
Among those present were Mr.
and " Mrs. Raymond i Leheay,
Frank Sanders, Mrs. C. E. San
ders, . Teddie Howe, Herman
Moore, Alexander Krell, Jake.
Weinstein. Delmer Casteel, Low
ell Caateel, Stephen Holts, Jlm
mie Casedy, ljuell Field. Mr. ana
Mrs. Leonard Zlelky, Kr. and
Mrs. Elrln Cram. V !
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stripling.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith, .Mrs.
F. A. Wilson. Mr. and . Mrs. Wil
liam F. Hoi brook and son; Roy.
Wendell Helm, Jessup Mosher,
Velma Romlnger, Lawrence
Shutt, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Morley and daughter, JnaalU
Mae, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Spring
er, Walter Thrasher, Walter Nor
by, Harold B. Demlns and Prof.,
and Jdrs. T. S. Roberts. ..
Pass Bridge Dedication
O corps, waB the guest of honor
and the principal speaker. George
W. Joseph, Jr., represented Gov
ernor Julius L. Meier, who was
detained by state business. ; I
Second only to the bridge ded
ication ceremony was the presen
tation of the Wimbledon trophy
to Sergeant Larry Gentner,
Grants Pass National guardsman,
who won it In national competi
tion at Camp Perry, Ohio, last
summer. The trophy, a huge su
rer eup, was first presented to
Major Henry Fulton by her royal
highness Princess Louise In 187.5
as a gesture of recognition from
the British .Rifle -association- to
American riflemen. Brigadier
General Thomas Rflea, Oregon
National - guard,' ' presented the
trophy. . '-. - j :."',' :
The new bridge Is a concrete
structure : of hinged ' atch .type
and is located near the Junction
of the Redwood highway andthe
Pacific highway. . It consists of
three 150-foot through arch
spans and two 51-foot concrete
approach spans. . . . . I.
"No nation Is at peace with
roads," said General Butler in
his dedication address. 'Te
more we get around and travel
the more likely we are to get
(Turn to page 12, coL 3) j;
Seven Thousand Gaze on
rwiw p rr
inriiis unaer aiy i up
And all streets lead, to the cir
cus! : Like hound dogs on a scent
about 7000 people in automobiles,
bicycles, , motorcycles, and pedil
extremities rushed their way to
the "big top" on Oliner . field
Saturday. The afternoon crowd
totaled 4000 and the evening
slumped to 2,800 with only about
300 people staying to see the after
show with its hard, riding Cos
sacks and Wildcat McCann bat
tling to the end the prize wrestler
of the Al G. Barnes circus.' 1 !
But it was a grand circus. Old
and young, rich and poor sat in
perfect harmony, of spirit and
gazed with fascinated eyes at the
grand lady In pink. Miss. Stark,
-demount" from her shiny auto
mobile and with silver boots
twinkling and brilliants sparkling,
make her way to the cage where
15 tigers went through ' their
tricks. A snarl now and then
and a "rushing" tfger made the
act a bit more fun. 1
Then there were the fire short
people who without net or any
protection walked a taut wire far
np in the top of the tent. The
crowd leaned forward, some with
a pleased expression . on thetr
faces at the spectacle of daring,
others, fearful, still others chew
ing gum with determination.
And there were the horses.
Iorely beasts, polished like the
r.';r.; . ...;.', .?;'.'
. . ' '
Salem Group Asks the State
Body to Take Action;;
Other Matters up 1
three resolutions asking vthe
state grange to take action rela
tive to i matters on the Initiative
and referendum. Including one to
do; away with paid circulators of
either type of petition, were ad
opted by. Salem Grange No. 17,
in session in McCornack hall here
One (.resolution calls attention
to fact that the court, may take
its time In deciding appeals on
ballot titles furnished by the at
torney general, and asks that the
law be amended as to have the
decision given In a reasonable
time. The second resolution sets
10 1 days as a reasonable . time
The Urd resolution on the In
itiative! and referendum, to do
away with paid circulators, de
clares (hat under the present ar
rangement Interest of the people
Is imadf subservient to will of the
power with money.
Revolution Honors
Late F A. Myers
A memorial resolution for the
late FJ A. Myers, for many years
active grange worker here, was
also adopted. It declared In part
that Myers had "endeared him
self to all by long years of service
and faithful efforts" and " . . .
In I his death all lost a good pa
tron, useful citizen ana xma
neighbor". Further tribute was
paid t4 Myers In draping of the
charter:.'" - - :' ' -: i . "
r Mrs. Frank McFarland was ob-
ligfited in the first and second
degrees by.S. H. Edwards of Cor-
( Turn to page iz, cou ;
.1 i-Na- m r
show Worses that they are. There
were the seals with their amusing
balancing acts? and the clowns,
sad facied fellows, whose job it is
to jmaks tne puouc jaugn.
Jrhejjpubllo is getting a bit so
sticated and the foolishness and
dating jiand perfection of acts do
not rate the applause which went
with tljte acts ot "yesteryears."
Howferer the circus folk seem
content to keep up the deadly
grind ef one day stands and for
the past two years st least, small
er igaU . receipts. One of the
personnel of the show remarked
that the depression had certainly
been felt this year in the circus
business. And he added that
Oregon) was one of the hardest
places to make and that all the
small towns were slow in re
sponse. ( In the cities however,
thrie and four day stands are
made, j
- But t-egardless ot hard times
theire Is! a glamour that holds cir
cus1 people to the rings and there
Is the name glamour that makes
& tired i or poor publle so miles
with cheery smiles to ee the
wonder of the tinsel ladles, the
white faced clowns and the ani
mals and their trick.
Another year must wait for one
more circus day. In the mean
time save yoar pennies, boys and
- - : - A. - :,j -
Peterson Goes Back ca
Mound With Day's :
. . ReU, Fan 17
.'- .-JT- ' ..
l- - -:
Willamette Takes tvo
Championships to
- Whitman's one
Willamette university . noseo
out ahead of Whitman college In;
major, athletic accomplishment in ' "
the Northwest conference for the!
school year Saturday when its
baseball .team defeated the Mis
sionaries 4 to 1 in the final
game of the playoff series and
thereby won-Willamette's second
major sport elumn'onblp of the
year. f"
In contrast to a year ago when
Willamette' was undefeated in
football, basketball and ; baseball.
It lost one game in each of these
sports to Whitman, this year and
Whitman won the football cham- ;
plonshlp. Willamette lost to no
other conference school 'and took
the basketball and baseball titles.
It was Andy Peterson, whose
prowess as a moundsman' and
also as a hitter hss gained wide
prominence this year and set ma
jor league scouts on his trail,
who came through in the pinch
again Saturday at Walla Walla.
After hurling tight j ball and
pounding but a home run for the
deciding tally in the first game,
Peterson was called upon to toe
the rubber again in the third
game with only a day's rest. He
came through in a manner befit- -ting
a champion, striking out 17
batsmen and allowing .but seven
-hits. ; ,-..!
Peterson held the visitors
scoreless for seven Innings, with
good ' suppdrt from his Infield
and outfield aides among whom
Walt Erickson shone brightly by
cutting off a run In the fifth,
throwing Breum of Whitman out
at the plate after catching a fly
ball In deep left field.
Clow, who last year was rated
as Whitman's best pitcher, alao
showed up well in this deciding
game, striking out .12 WHlam-.
ette batsmen, but they clouted
the ball - safely 10 times and .
drove In four runs. An inter
esting sidelight .on the series is
that each team scored six, runs,
but Willamette scored them
when they1 meant' two victories.
Willamette won the first game
2 to 1, Whitman the second 4
to 0. j
Willamette . ....... 4 10 3
Whitman ......... 1 T 1
, Peterson and Messenger; Clow,
and Dorathy.
Claims against the Insolvent
Aurora State bank aggregates
$303,078.64. according to a re
port filed Saturday by A. A.
Schramm, state superintendent of
banks. Ot these $38,146.00 are
secured claims and hare been i
paid. The secured claims includ
ed $906, due the state ot Oregon.
The total deposit claims ap
proved in the commercial 'de
partment amount to $174,558.89.
and deposit claims approved la
the savings department aggregate"
$90,285. .. i. ; - ; .
Prince ana Bride
Leave For Japan
(AP) Marking their final offi
cial appearance on their honey
moon tour of the United States.
Prince Nobuhito Takamatsu, bro
ther of the emperor of Japan and ,
his bride. Princess Kikuko, re
viewed the 30th infantry at the
ninth army corps area headqua
ters here today. .
Colored Comics
Will be Feature
Ot Statesman
.. I nonnces with much plea
sure that a 1 oar-page,
two - colored comic section
win be added to Its features
beginning nest Somlay, May
81.' ' . I '
This addition to ; The
Statesman will be stereo
typed and printed on tlx?
paper's own two-color press.
The comics chosen are the
best in the United State.
Popcye and his Thimble The
atre, Polly and Her Palm
Toots and Casper and Elmer
win be regular Sunday visi
tors in every reader's home.
As the only Sunday paper
printed In Salem, The States
man feels It can well afford
to give Its readers thU popu
lar addition to the service
they already receive.
Watch for the first comic
section next Sunday!
I :