The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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I i
AIMmportant Final Game
Set f
Today; may
Star' Again
jLA, Wash., May
ti, f AP)- Behind the one-hit
i.i.i Doonrt " Whitman
piltU-Jlg, w ,
evened the Northwest conference
championship baseball series with
Willamette here today, 4 to 0.
The only bit for Willamette was
a triple In the second by Peterson.
Whitman scored In the second and
bT bunching six of their nine hits.
Whitman ". J
Willamette .0 13
Records and Dorathy; Wood
and Messenger.
-Willamette fans had anticipat
id i tight battle whenever Rec
ords took the mound for Whit
man, as he was the hurler who
held the Bearcats to six bits here
a year ago In the game which Wil
lamette won 8 to 2, largely
through Walt Erickson's surprise
feat of scoring from second on a
bunt sacrifice. However, Records
apparently has Improved, as the
Willamette team Is a little heav
ier with the stick this year than
last. :
The final game today is expect
ed to be a tough one. It Is not
certain whether Oretsch will take
up the mound task today or Andy
Peterson be assigned again. The
latter prospect was reported by
Salem men who made an airplane
trip to see the first game.
Clow is likely to be Nig Bor
leske's mound choice for Whit
man, though Soper may try again
or Carlson, nsed as a relief pitch
er largely this season, get the call
over Clow, who was touched for
nine hits in the first game here
last year. . -
Starts Friday; Only Half
Crop due to Ravages
Of Bugs, Weather-
STAYTON, May 22 The Stay
ton cannery commenced barreling
strawberries today. At a meeting
of the growers held earlier in the
week it wa sdeclded to pay 1U
cents per hallock to. pickers with
an additional U cent to those who
stayed throughout the season. The
spittle bug and unfavorable spring
weather played havoc with the
crop and only 60 per cent crop is
The Stayton cannery opens the
season under a new system of
marketing, according to word re
ceived from the ' federal farm
board at Washington. D. C Six
canning organizations In Oregon
and Washington have unified
their sales efforts ' through a
grower owhed and controlled re
gional 1 cooperative known as
North Pacific Canners & Packers,
Inc., Portland, Oregon. This new
sales organisation was establish
ed last March, with the assistance
of O. S. C and the federal farm
board. The other five assocla
tlon members of the new organ!
sation are: Washington Canners
Cooperative, Vancouver, Wash.;
Greaham Berry growers, Gresham,
Oregon; Springbrook Packing Co.,
ovuugDiDui, uregQD: stuverion
1 s- nil .
Food Products inc., Sllverton,
Oregon; and Puyallup and Sum
mers Fruit Growers Assn.. Pual-
lup. Wash. -
The members of the regional
organization are old established
cooperatives, having been organis
ed in It 62 as a bargaining asso
ciation. It began its canning op
erations in 1S24. The newest of
the six was organised in 1323.
Officers of the new regional, elect
ed April last are: Pres. J. J,
Fisher, Gresham; vice president,
C. E- Newhouse, Springfield and
secretary-treasurer I M. Jones
Vancouver, Wash.
Large Business
Done .Last Season
The six members of the associa
tion handled a business axzresrat-
. Ing approximately 23 06,0 00 dur
ig tae 1930-31 season. Sixteen
oucerent fruits and vegetables
were delivered to these organisa
.' tlons during that season. In addi
tion to canning 327.241 case of
fruits and vegetables these organi
sations packed under the eold
pack method, mere than 800,000
, gallons of berries last year. Ninety
: per cent of the cold pack berries
produced In the United State are
pacxea in Oregon and Washing
While the Stayton Cooperative
cannery expects ultimately to han
dle all of Its sales through the
new regional, it will be necessary
iw conunue xnis season at least.
einng as an individual organisa
tion a part of its nrodneta.
It is estimated that only 25 per
v mciuucrs products
have been sold under their own
- omna during me past few - years
The North Pacific Cannera and
racaers pun to increase their
sales under their own brands
establish a trade demand for their
own product throughout the prin
eipai marxets or. te world.
Red Cross Seen
As Peace Factor
A Red Cross spreading the spir
it of peace was visloned by Judxe
Max Jlcber. president, of the In-
.ernalioaal committee of the Red
Cross, la congratulating i the
American society at a; dinner last
night ; celebrating the 80th anal
Tersary of its organisation. -
Findley Sisters to Play ' . -'
Each Other for College
I . Tennis Title at Tacoma
. TACOMA, May 12 (AP)
Worth Oswald today paced Whit
man college to the finals In the
northwest conference tennis tour
nament in session here on the Col
lege of Paget Sound courts. Os
wald reached the finals in the
singles -and paired with Meanser
to advance Whitman to the cham
pionship round in the doubles. ,
The Findley ! sisters, Pauline
and Edith, of Willamette univer
sity, featured the women's play of
the conference' tourney and the
two will dash Saturday afternoon
in the finals. i
Saturday's program will find
Oswald opposing Jensen, College
of Idaho star, In the men's singles
finals, and Whitman will t clash
with the winner of the Pacific
College of Idaho mix in the dou
bles. , i .
Results today were:
Jensen. College of Idaho defeat
ed McKenney, Puget Sound, 6-4,
nteresting Climax put on
Art Exhibit of Local
Schools on Friday"
The unique program given by
pupils from the art departments
of the Salem schools met with
enthusiasm from the audience
which gathered in the auditorium
of theenior high school Friday
night. i- i '
The numbers given ; represent
ed In clever fashion classic pic
tures reproduced by children In
poses. Orchestra numbers from
Leslie junior high school orches
tra directed by Miss Gretchen
Kreamer - furnished .the music
and Miss Edith Starret have ex
planatory talks on the pictures
reproduced. i
Pictures and students taking
part Include: . j -
Englewood The Angelus by
Millet, with Dorothy i Jays and
Junior Von Ausdell.
Washington The Gleaners by
Millet, with Elaine Fortune, Ruth
Range rand Esther Riedesel.
Englewood Dancing in a Ring
by Thoma, with Irene .Ramson,
Mable McGuire, Phyllis McPher-
son, Loren Kernes, Dorothy Wil
liams, Elsie Kook, Lorraine Bell
and Mabel Lord.
Grant - Solemn Pledge by
TJfer, with Max LIphart, Elmer
Scheelar, Ernie Beech and ! Clay
ton Williams. ! " ;
McKlnley Feeding Her Birds
by MrHet, with I Marjorie Hoereth,
Shirley McKay, " Warren Downs
and Yvonne Moffett.
Garfield The Jester by Frans
Hals, with Andrew Paris. ,
Highland Hearing by Jessie
Wilcox Smith, with Evelyn Wiley.
Lincoln Age of Innocence by
Reynolds, with . Emma Louise
East. , I i
McKlnley Madonna of the
Chair . by Raphael, with Betty
Van Santen, Mary Lou McKay
and Warren Downs.
Park Madam Le Brun and
Daughter by La Brun, with Juan
lta Weaver and Wanda Bock
Richmond Children of
Charles I by Van Dyck. with
Elizabeth Ann Herrlck. Beverly
Boyston and Jeanne Nyswander.
Washington Infanta Marruer-
ita Theresa by 'Valesauez. with
Gloria Allgood.
Garfield Song of the Lark by
Breton, with Helen Kestley.
Highland Boy with Rabbit by
Raeburn, with Russell Fisher and
a lire rabbit.! nronertr of Dale
-ratt . ; i . ;.. . .
Lincoln Blue Boy ; by Gains
borough, with J Malcolm Page.
park Miss Bowles of Rey
nolds, with Edith Tanner.
; Richmond With Grandma by
MacEwen, with Sally McClellan
and Daisy Wertman.
Grant -Carnation. Lily. Lily.
Rose by Sargent, with Rosemary
Bell and Margaret Canoy.
The art exhibit, of which this
program was a part, will be open
to the. public ,all day today In the
auditorium of the senior high
senool. . "
Young People
Showing Film
" mm m t in ".-v.,,. :
Thursday "evening. May 23, at
7: 5 o'clock,' the spectacular
moving picture The Birth of a
Race" will be shown at the Jason
Lee Memorial church. Winter
and Jefferson. - -
There are seven reels, showing
the progress of : human clvilica.
tlon from the earliest times and
graphically picturing the devel
oping moral and spiritual climb
or tne race.-; ; ,
North Howell Berrymen to
Pay Cent for Picking and
Half -Cent Season's Bonus
The North Howell Berry Growers
association-held Its first business
meeting of the season in the
school house t Wednesday night,
with the president. Frank Hynes
In charge. Forty-five growers
were present Including members
of the association and visitors In
terested in cooperating with the
- Advertising methods for help In
harvesting , the crop were : fully
discussed and while several of-the
growers have all -the pickers ne
4-6, 6-2: Oswald. Whitman, de
feated Roeder, Willamette, S-0,
6-0; Jensen, College of Idaho, de
feated Trenholm, - Pacific, 6-3t
Trenholm and Norton, Pacific,
defeated Boeder and Goode, Wil
lamette, 6-0. -7; Oswald and
Meanser, Whitman, defeated Mc
Kenney and Sinclair, ; Puget
Sound, 6-1, 7-5. ,
Results of women's play were;
Pauline Findley, Willamette, de
feated Marjorie Nelson, Whit
man, 4-6, 6-4, 6-4; Margaret Alle
man, Puget Sound, defeated Lois
Schroeder, Linfield, 6-3. 6-2; Bet
ty Martin, Puget. Sound, defeated
Helen McGillidiay, Linfield, 6-4,
3-6, 11-9; Edith Findley, Willam
ette, defeated Edna Lawrence,
Whitman, 6-4, 1-6, 6-3; Pauline
Findley, Willamette, : defeated
Margaret AHeman, Puget Bound,
6-3, 6-3; Edith Findley, Willam
ette defeated Betty Martin, Pnget'
Sound, 4-6, 6-3, 6-0.
Judge and Commissioner of
Polk Criticize . Grand
1 Jury's Findings
Politics lurked back of ihe
grand Jury's recent; unfavorable
report on the conduct of the Folk
county court, declared County
Judge G. L. Hawkins and Com-
missroner Frank Farmer in an
extended statement issued yester
day concerning s charges against
the court made early In the week
by the grand Jury, f
"It appears that i the grand
jury must have , lent too willing
an ear to statements made before
it, that were inspired by venom
and malice by a certain county
official who is disgruntled be
cause the county CJUrt refused to
allow him to usurp its authority
In making appointments that
come directly under the province
of the court," declares the state
ment made by Hawkins and
Farmer.-; ; '-( -t. .
While no names are mentioned
in the statement, it is assumed
that County Clerk Hugh Black is
referred to Inasmuch as . bad
blood has existed between the
county court and the clerk for an
extended period.
Same Source As
Before, Belief
In concluding their statement.
the two men declare:
We feel that the representations
and generalities presented to the
grand Jury- concerning the con
duct of business by the court
were manufactured in the samer
political mill and actuated for
the same political reasons, . put
out by the same political persons
who spread Insinuating political
propaganda over the county pre
vious to the last election.'
The county Judge and the com
missioner in their reply go Into
the matter of road bids exten
sively. They aver that a certain
lob for which the grand Jury took
mem to task, was let in a regu
lar fashion and that the bids
against which a protest was made
were those of sub-contractors.
Roseburg Pair
Here; Discuss
Hospital Issue
W. CJHarding, secretary of the
Roseburg commercial club, and
Henry Booth, prominent Rose
burg banker, were in Salem Fri
day t conferring with Representa
tive Hawley, in connection with
the proposed new national sol
diers home.
Recent reports from Washing
ton Indicated that Eugene Is mak
ing a strong bid for the hospital.
Both Mr. Harding and Mr. Booth
said they had been assured that
Roseburg would be selected as the
site for the new Institution. f
The initial , expenditure on the
home will exceed 11,009,000.
Fouke Will Give
Sermon For Class
. Rev. Hugh B. Fouket Jri will
deliver . the baccaleaureate ser
mon for the graduating class of
Stayton high, school Sunday, May
24, at 8 o'clock. Friday night Mr.
Fouke gave the Rickreall
meneement address. ' !
The picture is shown under the
auspices of the Young. Peoples'
council, and all proceeds will go
toward the institute fund. There
will be no admission charge but
a silver offering will be taken.
eessary now, many did not have,
and conservative advertising was
decided upon. ... . . '
The price to be-oaid nerjaound
for berry picking was: discussed.
ana a vote was taken.. The ma
jority voted In favor of paying one
cent a pound with one-half cent
bonus, and the nreeting adjouxn-
ea. Anot&er meeting will be held
the evening of June 1, at which
ume the advertlsinr committee.
consisting of Walter Rutherford;
noiver Jtiaaieson ana . . K. v.
Cooinler will Te-port. '
Sacs Haven't Seen Platter
For two Days; Third ;
Straight Victory
' W. L. Pet. W. L." Pet.
Holly. J 90 .564 IfiMioas 32 23 .48
Lo A. -S4 19 ,558 0kL 21 12 -.488
Portr S4 SO .545Sfteto .31 34 .4 ST
8ti W. S2 33 ,4898m1 .IS 27 .400
- Portland scored a second suc
cessive shutout over Sacramento
here tonight behind the tight
pitching of Joe Bowman and won
by the score of 7 to 0. It wis the
third straight Tictory for the
Ducks. Vinci was touched for all
of the runs and was driven out of
tha game with . three run
splurge in the ninth.
- " Seals Ape Bashers
(AP) The San' Francisco Seals
put un an exhibition of Bush lea-
'gue baseball tonight and Holly
wood took, the third straight
game of the series 11 to 4.
The Stars collected 20 hits on
three Seals pitchers while the
Seals contributed seven errors.
Zinn was sent to the showers aft
er allowing six runs In the first
three Innings. Score:
Hollywood 1 20 J
San- Francisco 4 7 7
Yde, Anderson and Bassler;
Zinn, McDougal, Henderson and
4 Mlsslona Slipping
(AP) The Missions lost their
third straight game to the An
gels here tonight 4 to S. The lo
cal tean did its heaviest, work In
the sixth Inning when they scored
three runs. It was a lits strategy
on the part of Skipper Burns of
the Missions that failed and sent
in three runs. With two down he
gave Instructions to walk Barton.
Then it was that Jacobs singled
scoring Statz and putting Barton
on third. Dittmar doubled scor
ing Barton and Jacobs.
Missions .2 .3 7 1
Los Angeles 4 7 1
Lieber and Brenzel; Nelson
and Schulte.
Ortman Wins Dad
i OAKLAND, May 22 (AP)
cart zamioch's Oaks caught a 3
to 1 win over the Seattle Indians
here tonight when Fred Ortman
won a Southpaw pitching battle
from the veteran Walter Ruether.
Seattle ,...18 S
Oakland . S 8 1
Ruether and Gaston; Ortman
and Read.
I Portland Box Score
PortUnd AB B H PO A K
Monroe, 2. ..6 1 $ 21
Fenton, 1 ... 5 2 2 10 0 0
Rhiel, 1 6 0 2 0 0
Hale, 3 ..... 5 0 2 1 2 0
Johnson, m.4 11 2 0 0
Coleman, r .. 4 10,000
Wuestling, s. 5 0 1 0 3 1
Fitzpatrick, e 4 0 2 2 0 0
Bowman, p ,. 4 a 1 o 4 0
.41 7 14 27 11 2
Sacramento AB R
Hack, 3 .... 4 0
" 0
Camllll, 1 ...
Rohwer, r . .
Mellana, 2 . .
Steinbacker, 1
Demaree, m .
French, s ...
Wirts, c
XJ1 p
Dwyer, s
Totals ....38 0 7 27 12 0
Batted for French in 8th.
Portland .. .0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 3 7
Hits ....1 0 4 0 0 3 1 0 5--J.4
Sacramento. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hits . . . . 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 1 7
Innings pitched by Vinci t.
Charge . defeat to "Vlnel. At bat
off Vinci 38. Hits batted oft Vinci
12. Runs scored off Vinci C. Runs
responsible for. Vine! 7. Struck
out by Vinci 2. Bowman 2, Gillick
1. Bases on balls oft Bowman z.
Vinci 1, Gillick 1. Hit by pitehed
balL Mellana. Three-base r hit.
Monroe. Two-base hits. Bowman,
Fenton, Johnson, Fitzpatrick,
Hack. Runs batted in. Fenton. 2,
Rhiel 2. Wuestling Fitzpaf rtek.
Hale. Time, 2:00. Umpires, Can
dy and Genshlea. ,
lakh en
J. H. Lauterman, proprietor of
the Hotel' Argo, returned Thurs-.
day night from attending the Joint
convention of the Washington and
Oregon hotelmen's associations.
which was held this week In Se
attle and In "Victoria,-B. C. 4 He
reports' a Tery fine convention.
the members en joying greatly the
hospitality -at the host dues.
K Hotelmen. he ; reported, are
looking- for a good season this
summer, because there t are so
many conventions In the north
west this year. The largest will be
the Elks convention in Seattle in
July. Tourist reservations indi
cate an excellent patronage from
this source also. '
Business seemed unlet in Vic
toria and Vancouver, but Seattle
showed good spirit, with consider
able building in progress, .were
observations -made by Mr. Laater-
man; - - ..'--
How's that for dragging oat
the easpense? Looks to as as
though BUI Phillips, et a bad .
better charter that plane again
- All that excitement up at Wal
la Walla Is lost' to us ordinary
fans who ean't afford to go
scooping around the skies, 'ex
cept for getting the reports here.
By the way, we received a call
from as far away as Newport on
that second game; from the bi
ology class from Willamette that
Is down there digging clams or
Bat If we can't see the bis '
eolleffiate eerlee. at' least ' we '
can go - out to OlingeV Held
Sunday and see , four of , the
ume ' boys perform with the
Senators. Zeke and Loa Girod,
Messenger and Andy himself
are going to be In Solon nl
forms Sunday, with the opposi
tion furnished by Ever Ready,
present leaguer leaders.
The Senators will have three
GIrods, but the Ever Ready boys
can tie that with three Pecclas;
A. Peccla bn first base, F. Peccia
on second and T. Peccla on short,
right around the Infield.
The pitcher., who has been
holding other Portland valley
league teams to a few hits
Compton'si to two recently Is
J. Rogers; Seems we know that
name but can't trace It Just this
moment. Sounds a bit like an
Italian team with the Pecclas,
Luclana, Rlgotti- and Morella Jn
the lineup, i
Listen to that little Dan Mc
Carthy hitting a triple off col
lege pitching. He's sure to be
elected student body president
Jones Wires
Kickoff for
Golf Events
"Warner Bros, golf tournament
in Salem has been brought to my
attention and I take this mode of
wishing all contestants the best
of luck." .
This was the message received
yesterday afternoon by the man
agement of the Warner Bros, the
atres here, which today and to
morrow is to see the first round
of its golf tournament begun at
the Illahee and Salem clubs here.'
The trophy for the contest Is to
be a Robert Jones cup, which Is
now on display at the Elsincore
theatre. The cup bears an en
graved facsimile of Jones' signa
ture. Graham "Pat" Sharkey of the
Salem club is ehairman of the
committee on arrangements, while
Dr. J. H. Garnjobst, Walter Cline,
Curtis Cross and F. C. Rlner are
the other members.
Contestants who have not yet
entered are urged to do so, as the
theatre management wants as
large an entry list as possible.
Handicaps for the players will
be set by the committee on ar
rangements. M -
Members of the American Le
gion auxiliary unit here who
hra been designated as official
unit visitors to the various Me
morial day programs to be given
in the Salem schools, nubile and
private, were announced last
night by Mrs. w. r. waiains,
auxiliary president.
All the school programs, ex
cept those at Willamette univer
sity and SL Vincent de - Paul
ehAAl. will he held at 2 o'clock
Friday afternoon. May S. The
Willamette program win oe as
11:30 o'clock that day. and the
St. Vincent program will; be at
10:30 so'ciock.
. viattaUona will be made as fol
lows: McKlnley school, Mrs. M.
i xf olihotr Leslie lunior high.
Mrs. KlngBartlett: Lincoln, Mrs.
Christopher Butte; parav Airs.
Frank Jirak; Ricnmona, Mrs.
nienn Porters Willamette univer
sity," Mrs. R.: D. Barton; Salem
hiah school. . Mrs. H. R. White;
Grant school," Mrs. Charles Du
val; Garfield, Mrs.! Henry M
Washington, Mrs. C. V. Rlch
irdnott Parrish. J. T. Delanev:
Highland, Mrs. W. D. Edwards -r
Englewood, Mrs. Kaipn mason;
SA.trA Heart academr. Mrs. Rob
ert Budrow; St. Vincent de Paul,'
Mrs. William Blevln; . Salem
HAirhts. Mrs. Rar- McGuire:
girls' industrial school, Mrs. Harr
ry Wechter; state tuberculosis
hospital, Mrs. Willis Vincent.
County Health
Association to
Gather Tuesday
DrM. P. Isaminger of Corval-He-wlQ
speak on !PubUe Health
In Prospect" at the annual meet
ing of the Marion county public
health association, , to be held
Tuesday, May 26, at the Marion
hotel at 12:30 o'clock..
In addition 'to election of offi
cers, - reports from the health
centers - will be presented. :
Mrs John Ballantyne of 'Sll
verton Is president and Mrs. John
Currie of Sllverton is secretary Of
the associatloB. -
Dallas Team Green but Is
-Hoping for Victory .
: - Again This Year
T1AT.T.AS . Mi C. n a m i
Shreeve U planning on entering
15 men in the Polk, county track
meet at Monmflnfh Inmnirnw:
This meet will be the last athletic
event of this school year tor Dal
las. ' .
Dallas won the track cup last
year by a decisive victory after
Independence had retained it sev
en years straight. The Dallas out
look is rather gloomy for this
year but the boys hope to bring
the cup home again.
There are only three lettermen
back from the 1930 squad and all
of these graduate this year. These
lettermen are Webb, Morrison.
and MeCann. The others making
the trip tomorrow are Pemberton,
Buhler, D. Cadle, H. Peters,
Shroeder, McFarland, MacMillan,
Forrette, W. Cadle. Elliott, Tes
ter and Watson. i i
All dashes this rear seem - to
be open tor new men with no
men back who placed In either
the 60 or the 100 last year and
only one back In .the 220. i
All three men will probably be
back in the 440 with Morrison
and Webb running for Dallas and
Plant for Independence. 1
Webb will also try to defend his
title in the 880 yard run while
McCann will heave the discus
again this year.
Dallas has lost all the county
championships so far this year
and must win in track to prevent
a complete shutout. Independence
won in football, Monmouth in
basketball and Airlle in baseball.
Only nine men will renresent
Willamette In the five-way meet
at Pacific today, according to Act
ing Coach "Hiram" French. Pa
cific university, Albany college.
College of Puget Sound, Linfield
and Willamette wiU participate In
the meet at Forest Grove. !
The Bearcats hardly anticipate
a win, but hope to avoid the cel
lar position in spite of the fact
that three of the entrants have
won from Willamette this season
in dual meets. College of Puget
Sonnd has not been in a previous
meet with Willamette this season,
but Is rated -as one of the best
teams entered. i
Today Faber will run the 100,
Armstrong the 440. Lange and
Stone the mile, Cook and Keudell
the two-mile. Nelson and Faber
will pole vault. Nelson is one of
the Willamette hopes for a first
place. Cook In the two-mile is an
other. Smith will throw the Jav
elin and put the shot. Fantx will
hurl the discus and put the shot.
In the other events, no Willamette
men will be entered.
Americans Get
Good Start in
Singles Event
AUTETJIL, France, May 22.7
(AP) John Van Ryn and
George Lott, America's two
youthful contenders for the
French hard court tennis' cham
pionship, sailed through their
opening singles matches today
without being seriously extended
Lott, an avowed contender tor
the title, relinquished by the ail
ing Henri Cochet, romped to a
victory over . Andrew Plel of
France 8-2, 9-7, while Van
Ryn was disposing of another
Frenchman, Rene Villard, 8-6,
6-3, 6-3.
Salem Netmen
Beat Columbia
Salem hlrh school, tennis team
defeated Columbia university
high of Portland four matches to
one Friday afternoon here,. Good
rich of Columbia beat Hagemann
6-1. 6-1; Hobson of Salem beat
Drlscoll 4-2, 4-6. 6-4 ; Corey of
Salem beat Van Patten 6-4, 6-3;
Sodeman of Salem ' beat Patrick
6-0, 6-2." In doubles Hageman
and Sodeman beat Goodrich and
Patrick 4-6, 6-3, 6-1.
Portland to be
Host to Credit
Jtlen Next Year
The annual meeting of the
Northwest Credit association will
be held in Portland next year, ac-
(ordlng to the message from 8a-em-
delegates who have Just re
turned from the Spokane meet
ing. ;
Roy Wassam and Everett Dot
son, members of the Salem as
sociation; have returned from
Spokane where ; they report a
most enthusiastic meeting. , More
than 300 credit executives from
Oregon. Washington, Idaho;! Mon
tana and British Columbia were
In attendance and Spokane prov
ed a remarkably fine host.
Mr. -Wassam and Mr. Dotson
will report the convention at the
next meeting of the Salem Cre
dit association which held
in the Silver Grille of the Gray
Belle at noon Wednesday. - -
. BETHEL, May. 22 (Special).
The meeting of . Bethel , Com
munity, club scheduled for Satur
day baa been postponed one week,
because of the death of Mrs. Me
llnda Creech, mother of one of the
members. - . ..
Ta(ngle With
Pete Monday
Wildcat Pete is anxious to meet
tough ones and Matchmaker Har
ry Plant Is obliging him by bring
ing faiJimmle Anderson of Salt
Lake City to meet the Wildcat at
the armory Monday night In a
best two out of three falls wres
tling Imatch. :-;
I Very; seldom does Fete lose a
wrestling match,' and those who
take J fills from him can count
themselves lucky. However, In
meeting a new man there Is al
ways; the possibility, that he may
steal laj march In the opening few
minutes and get the match.
Anderson is a nice appearing
fellow by his picture, but his face
may fhave been changed by this
time Incidentally, If It is not It
may be slightly altered by Wild
cat claws Monday night. His pic
ture Indicates that he has strength
and Itl will remain to be seen
whether he is as clever as Pete or
not. jHe claims to have beaten
Kallio and Yaqui Joe. -
Junior Team
i W - '
practice to
J jBeJPut Off
Because of the use of Olinger
field i by the circus today and
StaytoU's Inability to come for
the 'proposed practice game, to
yay nothing of the absence of
Coach I "Frisco Edwards, the
American Legion Junior baseball
squad's initial practice, scheduled
for today, has been postponed un
til next Wednesday.
It is out that late In the week
so that it will not Interfere with
Junior thigh teams' practice Mon
day tor the second game of tne
Junldrjhlgh series Tuesday.
3 Wednesday's practice will be at
4 o'clock on Olinger field.1 The
boys! chosen for the squad are all
asked to report at that time. They
are ViVette. Perrine, Faist, Wad
dell, SMaerx, Vern De Jardln, Kat-
chia jCelly, Bahlburg, . McCarty,
Fllsipger, Mason, Herberger, Jen
skow, Ramp, Vic DeJardin, Nich
olson, Spencer, Coleman, Ray,
pickens and Salestrom. .
DVis Cup Team
Of U. S. Takes
j Doubles Match
I MONTREAL, Quebec, May 22
iTAPi--The United States took a
commanding lead in the Davis cup
seriea with Canada today as
Frank jX. Shields and Sidney B.
Wood. (Jr., of New York, swept
to a I straight set victory over Dr.
Jack Wright and Marcel Rainvllle
in the doubles competition. The
score was s-e, 6-4, e-z.
i The victory gave the i United
States k lead of two matches to
one.!, A victory in one of the two
singles', matches tomorrow will
earn f Or. the Americans the right
to meet Argentina at Washington,
jy. CI, June 28. 29 and 30. Shields
will 1 mfeet Rainvllle In the open
ing match while wood win ciasn
frith! Wright.
, I j 1
Bobby Grayson
Sets One Mark
frnd-Ties Other
I PORTLAND, Ore., May 22
APj)4-Robert Grayson, Jefferson
high school, equalled the state
high school record' for the 100
yard dash here today, steplng the
distance In 10 seconds flat In a
Portland high school track and
field nieet.
Grant high school won the
meet with 4 6 points. It was their
second! consecutive , Portland
championship. ' r
Fifteen minutes after his 100-
yard dash Grayson set a new
state high school record for the
220-yard low hurdles; The time
was? 2S.2 seconds.. The former
record! was said to he 2S.8 sec
Jimmy Emmett.
Ties Record in
1440 For Rooks
CORVALLIS, Ore., May 22 -
(AP)-l-Tbe Oregon State, college
Rooks 1 romped away to an easy
78 l-6to 43 5-6. victory "over the
Oregon Frosh here today.
The! state yearling won ten
first place sas compared to three
for the visitors.
: Jimmy Emmett, Salem high
graduate, won the 440 yard dash
in 81 Seconds flat, tying the meet
record! and also took second place
a. . l. .uaa - ...... v
LtX IjUC jlV 3n UUU
Bat Battalino
Retains Title
New iTork, May 22 (AP)
Christopher "Bat" Battalino,
featherweight champion, success
fully defended his title tonight In
a disappointing 15 round match
with Fidel La Barba of Los An
geles, frhere were no knockdowns
and; the crowd of 9100 booed the, tne way.
Sacked Heart's
; : Team is Winner
Sacred Heart academy baseball
team, poached by. Denny Heenan,
defeated - Gurnee Flesbers - Leslie
Junior ; high outfit 13 to t Friday
afternoon, coming from- behind
when Leslie's defense faltered fa
the; seventh inning.'-- . -" .
"i r .
J-'l - ,
..Si - -
Salem Puts up Better Game;
This Time; wee Dan
Bangs a Triple j
CORVALLIS, Ore., May 22.
(AP) The Oregon State college
Rooks defeated Salem high team.
8 to 7, in a baseball game here
today. 1
The visitors had the count tied
in the sixth and nearly overtook
the Rooks In the eighth, i
Erlckson, Burroughs and! Mize
hit homers for the freshmenl Mc
Carthy: ' mldged Salem second
baseman, hit a single and a three
bagger. i
. R II D
Salem ............ T f
Rooks . .. 3 10 S
R. Van Cleave and McCaffery;
Narver, Bault and Williams Bur
roughs. i
W. U. - Pet. W. lil TtU
St. X. 1S 7 .80S
K. T. 18 8 .692
Boitoa 1 11 .593
BrooVL .14 IT .4VJ
Pittsb. .1S 1 .4dt
Phlla4. US IT .43:1
Cincia. S SI .22 J
Chicago IS IS .5201
(AP) Brooklyn's Robins struck
their winning stride today, win
ning both ; games of a double
header from' the Phillies and ris
ing ' from seventh place to the
top of the National league a sec
ond division. The scores were S
to 2 and 5 to 2. The double vic
tory enabled Brooklyn to pass
the Phils and the Idle Pittsburgh
Pirates.:-. :. ," r ,
Dazzy Vance turned in some
Ml - .It.LI : A 1 l
null . yiicaiug !, iv wm iuo iiisb
game, but was forced out in the
ninth inning when he was struck
on the cheek by a batted (ball.
He received a cut aboet, two Inch
es long and some bruises, but it
is not believed be will be kept .
out. oi action. . jack wuinn caoie
in fter Pinky Whitney's drive
stopped Vance and checked a
threatened rally. !, . !
In the second clash Joe Shaute
did even better, holding the Phils
to six hits while Babe .Herman,
gave him a good start by clout
ing his sixth home run of ! tbe
season with two mates on base
In the third ' inning. Johnny
X..j mw,a lift. .... .1.. Vlt
homers. It was Shaute s fourth
victory of the season over the
Phillies. .
Brooklyn ..001 002 0003 7 1
Philadelphia 100 010 0002 7 1
Vance, Quinn and Lopez;
Benge, Watt and Davis.
Brooklyn . .003 001 0015 10 1
Philadelphia 000 010 100 2 6 2
r Shaute and Lombard!; Collins
and Davis.
No other,' National game
scheduled. ; i
American league:
Detroit at St. Louis, wtt
grounds. - . ' t
Chicago at Cleveland, rain.
Only games scheduled. t
Washington Now
Assured of Tie
1 Or Championship
SEATTLE. May 22 (AP)
The Unirersity ot Washington,
was assured of at least a tie for
its third successive northern divi
sion Pacific Coast conference
baseball championship when the
Huskies defeated Oregon State
college 6 to S here today.
It was their second straight
win over the Beavers. .
Washington f won the game In
the seventh inning with a four
run rally after, O. S. C. had held a
one run lead. The Beaver filled
the bases In the ninth but netted
only one tally.
Oregon State K It 1
Washington ........6 3
Mack and Emigh; Hopper, Ar
thur and Harnett. i-
Mill City Boys
On Ball Squad
MILL CITY, May 22 Seven
Mill City beys have been selected
to play on the American Legion
Junior League baseball team,
sponsored by the-Stayton Post.
They ' are Benton Kirby, Rex
Wallace, George GUlenwater, Ed
die Rada. "Speck" Fitzgerald and
Eddie Carter. Practices have been
held regularly and tbe boys are
enthused over the prospects.
Floyd W. Fleetwood has been
taking the boys to Stayton for
practice. The first game will
probably be played Sunday with
either Salem or Dallas opponents.
Huskies? Track
Team Stronger
Wash.. May 22 (AP) The Uni
versity ot . Washington . defeated
Washington state college, 78 to
S3 here today In a thrilling dual
track meet which saw four new
northern - division Pacific Coast
conference records set. ,
4 HUBBARD. May 22 Rev.
Glenn S. Hartong, pastor of tbe
Federated churches of Hubbard,
will deliver the baccalaureate ser
mon for the - graduating elas of
the Hubbard high school at the
Federated, church Sunday .night
at 8 o'clock.