Satisfied Statesman Classified Ads , .Call 9101; Classified Advertising Single Insertion per lLne.lO. Three Insertion per line ...............20 feix Insertions per tlne-TSOe One montU per line.. f 1.00. Minimum chargfe . ....2Se Copy for this page ac cepted until 8:39 the even lng before publication tor classification. C p y-. ro ceived alter this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. t The Statesman assumes HELP WANTED "LruirLAiri nji - - j Six berry picker for Mar-hens 4 Etteberga. Rob, f. Stuart, R- 4. Bx. 7 ft. Solo. H4 miles wt of Crsbtrge. HELP WANTED -FE&1ALE Teacher, colleae student, or woman of positive personalia for Interest!- umntr work. Ui.M tor fare or $11 for SO days of work and. beans guaranteed. Also permanent peattion for one qualify ins. Boa State- SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesmen to handle one of tbe fastest sellta article on fce market today. iLfke I.e a day eas ily. Exp. not necessary. Can at Hatel BlitH between, the hours et J to 11 a. nx. 1 to 4 p. aw ask for Mr. Butler. FOR SALEMXscellaneous FOR 8ALJ5 : anaXUos. ollTi. bane era, Stauanucn Pnbltables Ce. FOR SALE Old peters. tc a bun dle. Statesman- office. nn.i"u' u'i.'-i'iii"". " ---. . Typewriters, all makes, eew and used. Aiidra and typewriters for rent. Typewriter Excheaaa. 411 Coart 1 aU. The wreckage from 9 hoeses. Door a, windows, built-ins. Nice nreplaee. Lumber, brick. See me at Sit N. Cora'L S. V. HalL - . Frame era rase for sale cheap; has lean-to for extra ear. Went to dear lot. C A. Sprague at Statesman. Old lumber: 2Ss; S-4S. w. tmxea lot. will seU cheap to clear lot. C A. gpragw, at Stattfnnan. - TRADED Miscellaneous Lots cared for St Barbara's ceme tery, fl year. A. Ward. Sexton J4IT Maple. - - . WANTED Miscellaneous ; WANTED Used pis-os. - In ex change on radios, phonographs, or fur altera. H L. Stiff Furnrrurs Company WtVTKI) SOO r-orda of wood to haul, prices right. Phone 49 or can at 105 N. Captt-1. Apt. . ROOM and BOARD - Tl 'I . "I l 1. 1 " 1 1 II' , l l l llll - . Rooms, pleasant and cool, board if desired. - Una diock - srom capitm grounds. 1B1 N. 11th. .?.. Room board. Block and half south of P. a on Cottage. TeL 9412. Room wit!) board. Reduced Price. 41 Marlon. Tel. S3 17 FOR RENT APARTMENTS Nice amaU for. apt. IIS. (0 Union. -jj-,nri"sTer-aOr'V"l'll"l l - ---- Ambassador ' Reantlfnl modern acta. 'else, refrig. and range $-. and up, completely furnished. WELL furnished rooms aad arts. for rent at t.Sl Hasei are. r. tei. T464. - wri.i i"i it r n b i " PaMnn nrtmmll with tWtTat Bath, nlcelr furniabed. located in business district. Call Patton's Book Store. AttracUre furn. aptrUJi State. S rooms, lumlsh close In. Wsitw. XiKbU pnoii tift.vv. jwoiiii iuu. Fur. apts. 1S84 Center. TeL Sf. Mrrsftnn ' anartinents: B7 N. Wbl' ter. -Vacancies. 2 and I rm. modern apartments. ' t,ixni-ii-innni"r - - FOR RENT Furnished mot modern apts, McAlplne Apts. TeL 7722. WWWVWWWWV Front spt- with fireplace. s Center. lAnnnrwiri-'ri' - Furnished bungalow apt- 917 Mill St. Adult 9iS. FOR- RENT HOUSES MWWMWA FOR RENT Flats for adults, ft to f rooma 919 to $48. Also houses, etc 189 North High Street A house in good repair with garage. $18. Geo. W. Stoddard. 1429 N. 4th. Partly furnished house. 220.99. 22S & 15th. Tel. 8670. , T room plastered house at 991 Mill street. 16. ersgeatnv-eTstns RENTALS F. L WOOD 241 State Street Seven rm. house at 6 ft B. 16th. Four bedrooms, bath, $12.89 me. G. Morgan, 145 N. 14th or Statesman office. 8 room houae 11M Marion Street. Move in anytime, rent begins June firat. ' WWWAWWWMWWW Furnished 5 room modern bungalow. 938 Madison, phone 2637. . FOR RENT New 8 room home with double garage. Completely fur nished including friaidalre. Very reas onable to right party. Call 2789 or see at 2427 South Cottage, TILL1E THE TOILER HEfil-'S. VOLMS. LETTEfl AU. I Typero amo the EMVELOPE I'M 1 T001-' - -. a no financial responsibility for error which , may ap-. pear' la advertisement, pub llshed la Its columns, and In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In .which the - typographical 'mistake occurs.- The Statesman reserres the right to reject objec tion advertising. It fur ther : reserres the right tp classify all advertising nn der the proper classifica tion. . i jr PDR RENT 1 R. bovk. L. 1 mad 1 B. ants. tor. A bargain. Will S year contract. AXao good d K. tto-se, partly fnr,. gar ca. Close in. Tel. (127 for tnlorma- tten. t - and aleeping porch. Kltctaea prtvlkagea. earaare. 112 Un- iee St. i 1 FOR RBNT Houses flats apts.. furnished and naftrrnlahed, lJ-llt.f 0-IU-120 to t(0. For sale, bouses, bungalows, with no- down jpaywant. P"T jnst like rent lnciudlnc interest, lis tolls month. ' LaOUIS BEXJHTEI. OR OKORGH THOMASON fll State .Room 4. They know tralues and are reliable. Pleittwnt funi rraa.. apts. US Union. WANTED TO RENT Wantedv to rent, apartment bouse: have client who desires te lease small, well located apartment house either furnisbed or unfurnished. SES 8HIELDS BLAKE Oregon Mdjr. Tet 8905. FOR: SALE -Real Estate GOOD BUTS AND EXCHANGES T5 A. fares t-X in cutt.. no bldn. Lots wood timber. Price $1500. take e A. ' good cut erer bottom land near Salem, no hldgs. Snap 1000. uooa s room uwc iv. com. St.. Urge lot. garage; sacrifice - 1190. dawn. Six room Mm a. Salem- large lot. paved st. i50. terms. rKKRINB MARSTER3 212 Justice Court Bldg. EXTRA SPECIAL fCSOO. ENGLISH TTTPE HOUSE FOR S57S0 Immediate tMssessioii. C large airy rooms. Nu-dwood tioors. - gum ! wood xinian. tile kitrnen ana oatn, z sets or olumblng. double garage, larre corner lot witn DOtn streets paved and paid. Above price ror few days only. 1300 down, balance 950 per month includ ing interest. SEK Mrs. FJHs with j LEO N. CUILDS CO, Realtors 220 State Street Phone (70S. estejStsjetJaeaeT t TODAY'S BEST BUT Neat. 6 room stucco bungalowl basement, - furnace, fireplace, lots of built tna. nice, lot : with large fruit rreeth Price 1 Will accept good lot-ss-etBst naytnem. LRU N.t:H!LDS CO.. Realtors 220 State- Street Phone 6708. WWWUWWWWWWI We Jtave a solendld strictly modern room Salem home worth $50e.00 to trade for smaller heme or would con sider nnlmtroTd acreage. A eoieadJd z( acre farm near Sa lem with modern house worth 2800 and will ' take Salem borne or small farm farther out 160 acres of fine timber near Sa lem will trade for Income or for small acreage. 1 ve nave a easn buyer ror a modern s room nome near .State nouse. 11 good close in acres and a close in residence for sale at a sacrifice. McOILCHRrST PENNINGTON 209-10 U. a Bank Bldg. Phone 4838. SPECIAL. Nice f room home nicely furnished, basement, furnace, double garage, some fruit, on bus line, close to school and paving pd. 9(00. down. Price 13500. Money to loan on acreage. MBLTIN JOHNSON 320 tT. a Bank Bldg. Phone 6798 6. rraa. and floored attic' new and strictly modern. Kay's addition. 84500. attractive grounds, will, take cheap bouse as part pmt- I rm. new home fat West Salem, furnace, fireplace. $3500.. will take some timber land In tratM. 2 good " ,! WINNIE PETTYJOHN", Realtor ITS South High Street FOR SALE Fairnmunt Rill resi dence with s weaderful view. Built for home by owner. A. J. RAHN. 1810 Fairmount Street. Phone 1917. 22 State Street Tel. T 655. - BUT TOUR HOME NOW ' $190 deem, feel, easy, buys a good J R. house in North Salem, price fl, $58.08. ! $100 down, new plastered 6 R. house B. aaiem, oaaemeoc. iireptace, lurnace, price $2500.00, corner lot, both streets paved. , - $500. down buys modern home in North aim, price $27800. We have a nice large rotxnins; house by the university at Eugene to trade for home in Salem. . For to buy or aefl. PEE ' SEARS aV TUCKER. Realtors 184 South Commercial Street HOME AND INVESTMENT 7 room semi -modern home, fireplace, basement and six desirable building lots In rapidly improving district. All lota have large choice fruit and nut trees, cherries, peers and apples, grape arbor, two garages, garden, poultry house. On paved street near three schools. - Nice view. Will sell all or part, term a - See owner, 765 Rural avenue. Phone 8854. Priced to sell mlok " EXCHANGE Real Estate FARM EXCHANGE Owner- of 72 acres near Hubbard wants Salem property. His price $10, 000. What have you T LEO N. CHILD3 CO, Realtors 220 State Street Phone 6708 Want valley ranch, prefer near Sa lem ; have good irrigated ranch near Baker. Oro. Value $15,000. Federal loan $4500, to exchange. O. A. Pearce, Broker, 1522 Vincent Ave., Portland. "THANKS, e LOTYKTua t HOPE -THE- fioS.-. DOMT TAfcSf IT TOO ICMOVAI HARD V1HSMHC FlMCOi TETR-Rt NOT VAX. Si K IMC HERE EXCHANGE Real Estate Ta trmda a five room house ta North 8lem for mull acreace doe In with gooa Milam. . eee x-aroia White, Statesman. GOOD TRADE PGR TOO It acres fine Douglas fir timber. cruised 19 to IS million ft worth. 110.009. Will take 14500 for a ouick deal or trade for a home In Salem. - Beautiful Stt A, Tract 1IS00. front on highway, best SOIL trade for house is Salem. 110 A. Near Marshfiehr- iltoo Trade for sxall acreage near se letn. . , - . - - . fins farm: zie acres Beat of soil, fair buUdinxa. Trade for houae ta Bakm. . - , : Sandy loam- soil. 1101 : trade for house In Salem. - ' Dandy 1 Acre Tract uum wis. uiusj mvw a u. A . w far out. Price lSee. Trade for hotwe in town. If you reave any kind of property to exchange. It will pay you to see , BECHTEX. or THOilASOX 141 State Street . - Boom 4 TO TRADE WH faceted lota - in Salem for beach cottaga. Write ars. K. Ll KtesjLtun. MrMfamvllle. Ore- Route 2. 1 . Spanish type stucco duplex located In Loe Angeles, K rooms a ad S rooma. racco n aaria wftlx rooene and btith. epsilnmst overhead: income lo par nro.. price H2. or will trade for dstiry farm near Salem or equal value. - . SHIELDS BLAKE ' " 288 Orea-on Bide. Tel. 8902 ACREAGE 80 acres. 11 rat. S. of Sllverton. SS a. in cult- f a. strawberries, house ana bam, gooa spnnc ana well, met I3J50. wiu trade. 78 acres. S ml. K. of Albany. 101 A. In culU all river bottom, old build ings, very good buy at 2999. . r Best buy in cejem. s room modern house, 100xl tot. all kinds of fruit. mil take sm&ucr nouse. price 91100. A. T. rfbmyer with W. O. KRUEOER 141 N. Com'L PRICE-CUT TO fill 0.00 - 21 acres of clover land. 4 miles east of Salem, suited for berries, fruit and poultry, acres la ramuy orchard ana grapea, 14 acres In grain, balance pee turn and Umber, ail year creek, price includes stock ana eauipment. A REAL PLACE FOR 2J000.0O 19 acres ell under cultivation, full set of buildings, family orchard, elec' trlcitr. S raiiee out. close to Pacific highway, iieoo.ot cash, balance easy terms, possession at once. 711 -ACRES STOCK RANCH All basin land, low altitude, excel lent pasture, feaced and cross fenced witn woven wire, 4 lakes and creek. za minutes .xrora KAiem, nouse and stock barns, Price 9iz,ooo.0s ' GROCERY STORE Stock, about 8400.00. will sell at in voice, rent of store and living 'Quar ters per montn. ' STOCK AND FIXTURES At 11250.00. dally average sales 135.00. rent for living Quarters and store 925.00 per month. Excellent lo cation. . . SEE Oeiser with ANDERSON A RUPERT i 169 Souts High Street GOOD PARK BUT 8-acres. new - & R. plastered house with fireplace. T-A. strawberries, price: l jvvu.uv ; wtu give Terms. - s-ackks s&z&o.oe REAL SUBURBAN HOME 6-R. bouse, electric light and water system, barn, garage and a large hen house, capacity .09 bens, beautiful lawn and flowera 59 bearing cherry trees and family orchard. r Joins city limits en the eeav- terms given. 400 ind gooe? cew goes witn place. 8-R. hoviso with bath. barn, garage. Very large ap-te-date ben house. Ca pacity l00 hens, 4ft miles of Salem, easy terms. 2 ACRES 98000.00 STOCKED sc EQUIPPED . River bottom land, good improve ments, S Horses, 4 cows, I belters, full line macpinery. Traae zor good city residence. 60 ACRES f S000.09 STOCKED AND EQUIPPED S-R. house with electric lights and water system, jarge barn, milk house and etc. Most all cultivated land. Trout stream ' along the south tine on paved road. Fine location ' and cheap xor tne price, win take a good auto or a bouse in tsaietn as pert. A SACRIFICED SALE - tt-acre on Silvertoa road by fair ground. Modern f-R. home, plenty rruit ana berries. Mice place fzs&e.oo terms. SEARS Ss TUCKER 1 84 South Commercial Street WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED - We have buyer for S to It acres Of beaver dam land. Cash proposition. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 2S0 State Street Phone 6708 MONEY TO LOAN i6BjtaisBjSsa PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries er other rood security. Repayable monthly. When in financial Deed see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT ' CORPORATION First National Bank Bldgv Phone 2552 WANTED to loan on live stock and personal property Terms to suit your convenience. National Loan and Finance Co. 419 Bank of Com, Bldg. Licensed by state. CITT AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service In all tinea HAWKINS S3 ROBERTS Inc TeL 4109 20i Oregon Bldg. SALART AND FURNITURE LOANS $5.09 to $390.001 to 29 months te pay. Quick service. , ?alr Treatment STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Bldg. 2nd Floor Off. hrs. 10 a. m. to :20 p. m. Telephone 7788 -Licensed by State MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your pay men ta Ton keep tne car. , t ; P. A. EIKER ; ' ' 1 ; 1 . Car. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone -4732 Salem. Ore. Sparing the I CAli'V help it- cm I-SPEMDIMQ- ajuu NY TIME ON My CAK - tT'3 GONMA BE THH TALK. OP THE TOVMAJ NA1HEXJ err it fwiSHEO MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harniony Heard "over KOIN danr ' ring out a loan service thag is really, really. - different. NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST HTRirrr phtvact QUICK AND COURTEOUS ERTICK ON LOANS 1 to Jt , Beneficial Loan ; ; -Society Room 119 New Bllgfe Bldg. 2nd Floor instates.- iw. m-m. LICENSED BT STATE ' " - Federal Farm Loans. " iter F. L. WOOD. 841 State -Sires. LOANS WANTED W. H. GRABENHORST it CO. REALTORS 124 & Liberty fit. TsL 6468. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY Baferr chicks custom hatching. Ac Started. chicks, young pullets, dressed Douitrv xor aeua.-aaarxsc poultry wani- ee let. ista. lis. cau wii. FOR SALE W00tf: ir aad II" wood, also p woad. .85.50 . oer cord load deU irom yara. jooos at autcheu oa hi a. 11 in. .tis. wwwwvvwnawwwm Mill run sawdust and all Varieties OT wooer priced reasonable. TeL fe2S ti ri Rl PTTETcr DRT Wood coal. TeL 8000 Baleen Fuel Co. 758 Trado, 4 ft. 2nd growth fir. $4.75. 16 In. old fir. $- delivered. TeL 49F4. rtri.'i iui il ii iir i . It In. old fir" Ind gre-sth 4 ft 4.7. Tel. S74 eveninee LIVE STOCK and POULTRY DRT r and . oak wood, coal and fuel -oiL CaU. on u for prices. We give geoa measure, gooa Quality ana rood mi 1 h a. LARMER TRANSFER eV STORAGE Telesene 8131 Best weed for the money at Tracy's Fuel Yard. TeL- I9IS. Dry fir. Saggle's Fuel Yard. TeL 17 17. 16 in. old fir. No knots. 85.50 cord. Dial 7672. Frrers 4 for $1 delivered. . Call S0F12. Babr chicks and started chick. 1800 Leghorns. Reduced prices. Wilt take wood for part. 2160 North. Fifth. mono ssti. LOST and FOUND .MWMWA LOST Some davs ago. new um brella. crook handle, agate tipped. JPhone 1523. LOST Brown leather purse, cellu loid handle. Tel. 8687. Miss Day. FOR SALE USED CARS Notice. for Berry and Cherry Plckerk 1929 Model AA truck, tandem trailer, 11 ft bed. dual hlrh transmission, ready to ge to work . ... . $400.00 1929 Model AA truck, stake body, extra transmission. good tires .. ; , 409.00 1929 Chevrolet 1 ton truck, 6 rvL. overhauled. arood tires, good body 425.00 1929 Chevrolet ltt ton truck, C err. a S'ood wood hodv at - J 875.09 1927 Ford truck, transmission 1928 Ford truck. with- extra 85.90 long wheel base. 12 ft. flat bedj in fair condition 109.99 1926 Ford truck, . ruckstelL closed body, good tires 110.00 1926 Ford Delivery. closed body 115.99 1924 Dodge 2-4 ton truck 1922 Dodge Pickup 100.00 25.00 15.00 A Ford Pickup Late 1928 Model A. Panel, over hauled 875.B9 Early 1930 closed pickup 400.00 TERMS TRADES VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Phone 8158 Center at Liberty Salem. Ore. Valley Motor Company Used Fords I? -'I.''. i1 1980 Tudor sedan, like new . 8495.0 1920 Standard coupe, new 5 ' ply tires 495.04 1929 Fordor sedan, recondi tioned V 1 . 450.09 1929 Standard coupe, body re . finished, valves ground, good tires .. . .,,, 850.09 1929 Sport roadster, A-l , 850.09 1928 Business coupe, overhaul . ed, new type, brakes, lets of extras ,, - .. 800.00 1928 Fordor, reconditioned. good tires " 159.e 1928 Tudor, new seat covers, ruckstell. good tires 125.90 1928 Coupe, lair condition, gray . paint .. 1925 Fordor, balloon tires 1924 Coupe . 1924 Roadster . 65.00 49.00 25.00 1924 Touring 25.00 Other makes we can ret for fou 1929 Old-mobile coupe , 559.00 One S4A Wilrye-Knlght sedan, owned privately, run only ' 27.000 miles, an excellent -: buy in a family car, prices at Northwest Used Car h Manual list ., See us tor bargain In 1H ton truck. TERMS TRADES VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Phone 8158 Center at Liberty. Boss" Feelings" AlHaE'S MAC Mac. t WANT HIM COMSX COMB IM OM TO COMFertEUCEr - O TT TO I I THE 1 1 1 y . v- : 1 FOR SALE USED CARS Salem Used Car Center 1918 Butck Spt. Coupe 1917 Buick Coach . 1928 Buick. T P, Sedaa -1568: 859 859 .128 - 269 zlll - 190 lit Z 60 498 819 810 -.450 Z 276 150 135 25 46 6 86 95 1924 Mulck Touring 1934 Buick Sedan 922 Buick .4 Rda. Couoe 9X8 Chevrolet Touring 1926 Chevrolet Sedan 1926 Dodn Sedan 1938 Esses Coach . 192e Ford" Coupe 1929 Ford - Coupe 129 Ford Btt- Roadster iszs jrore Heaan- ... 1928 Ford. Closed -deli very. 192T Ford Sedan 1926 For- Coach 1925 Ford Sedan 1928 Ford Conoe 1998" Ford -Touring. 1924 Ford. Roadster . 1924 Star 4 Coupe . 1994 Star 4 Touring 59 1924 Sudebaker, light 6 touring "69 1925- Wlirys Knight, touring 96 1925 OldsmobUe touring . , ' 19 T92S MsaweU Coupe 4eUvery -- 199 1924 Hudson- Coupe- - 4 XfS tiMM , . 195 Trucks 1929 Ford-with trailer wheels 400 rsse oro, ciosea booy ,L lie 929 Chevrolet overhauled . , 46 1929 Chevrolet " . ' 275 1929 Chevrolet , ' . n. , 409 1917 Chevrolet, screen aide 125 :. Marion aad. Liberty Open Evenings and 8undays PbOM f9ie . i NOTICfi TO CREDITORS Notice is Hereby Glren. Tbat the naderslgaed. br an order of the Couaty Court of the State of r Business Al-tUSEItlENTS Hut Am Coif Course t miles - south on- River Drive. 18 hole watered fair ways, large greens, xees tec, ounaays ad hoHdays. AUCTIONEERS P. N. WOODRY It Tears Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture ueaier -Residence and Store 1619 North Summer Street Telephone 6110 BATHS Tub. or shower baths 8 So. Turkish bathe and massage. Basement 1st Na tional . Bank, t-iay esse Tel. !SS. ' BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R rt Barton- National Batteries Starter and generator, work. Texaco station, corner Court and Church. BICYCLE REPAIRING IOTT E. HAMSDEN Columbia Bicycles and repairing. 887 Court, The beet in bicycles and repairing. H. W. 8cott. 147 8. Cowl TeL 4519. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4460. R. 13. Nortbness CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Gilbert. Ore, Bids. TeL 8452. Dr. O I SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. 856 N. High. Tel. Kes. -. DRS. SCO FIELD. Palmer Chiroprac tors. X-ray nnd N. C M. New Bank Bldg. CLEANING SERVICE Center St, Valeteria. Tel. 9482. ELECTRICIANS HALIK ELECTRIC I COt New loca tion. 22T Court St, i Tel. 4054. E. L Welch electrla shop. Wiring; fixtures and supplies. Get our prices. 1018 a. com I. TeL 1 33. FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occaslone Olson's, Court and High St. TeL 1144. ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Flor ist. Kth A Market. TeL 2572. ' , CUT i Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral vrrsatha, decorations. C V. Breithaupt.. florist. (12 8 tate Street, TeL 604. - GARBAGE S.tlem 8-averwrer; Tel. 42 or. T 440. HEMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK. Margaret's j Shop, 41 Court. - - INSURANCE BECKS HENDRICKS 129 N. High TeL 494f INSURANCE I WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCY . We Bllven, Mgr. i Exclusive ButtsvIUe Agent 212 Msaonlo Bldg. TeL' T0 LAUNDRIES THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 242 S. High TeL , 2129 CAPITAL CITY, LAUNDRY We ' Wash Everything in Lug Telephone 2111 1244 Broadway Ott-MT HE3Z AIOtAC me ST DKOPPED IN TO MB 4TTL ScocOWL) JSSIa I NNHV OtOMCT HQ I AMO THEN Vt8 il - . - - FOR SALE USED CAR3 wwwwwwwwywwvi I tm T ., t J f.lCKay for Used Cars wruu. r ir 1 TTivu uii Vi Va k I Thilt Counts - t 1 I 1928 Dodge Victory 9 Sedan 586.e9 t 1919 Dnraat Coupe' 296.09 1 vara -fuaor new , - -.. ' . . C . A 191t Chsvrolet Coup like new 2is!09 I 1927 Chevrolet coupe, pertect - i snap . , - , ,, ,. ite'oal 1996 Packard Sedan 1928 Whippet Cabriolet 625,00 1 . 2,o I Douglas McKay I Chev. Co. i' Used Cam, 128 Center TeL 8119. Oregoft, for tae County of Mar Ion, duly made and entered on the 2Zd.4ay of April, X91U appointed AdmlaUtrator. of tbe Estate of Brantson B. Miles, Be- ceased, .and that lie taa. duly auaiiiiea as aucn aamauirM. All perso . having claims acamsti said estate are hereby notnied ?to present tne same, " aa required by law. to him in tbe cuy 01 Bwn, w -uanon wwt. Oregon, within alz months of the date of thia neuce. Dated thU 14 th day of April, 1131. , .. - IAS. O. HELTZEU Administrator of the Estate of Brantson P. Miles, Deceased. Date of - First Publication April 24. lll. Date-of Last Publication: May riuiwnuvu k j A24-M-1-S-1S-2Z 21, 19S1... 7 Directory SUITRESSES it Mattresses from factory to home. Ask about our wool mattresses. Kenevat ers and fumlgarora. Capital City Bed- cVtte of ftreron been dnlv en ding Co. TeL 4049. S0S9 North Cap. I ?l. i!:T , , . ...if.. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL Pianos, Phono - graphs, sewing machines, heet music, and piano studies. Kpairing photie - arranhs and aawine machines. 42 State Street. Salem. OFFICE SUPPLIES Everrthing la office supplies. Com- merciai tsook store, its jx. uoffl.i Tel. 4584. ' PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBINQ and general renalr woric. Graoer Bros- its SO. UDerty. TeL 6594. - I PAPER HANGING Wallpaper cleaned like now work guaranteed. Call 1754. J. R. Johnson. Paper hanging - and painting. Neu- man's Paint Store. 1BZ N, Com! PHONK GLENN ADAMS for house dectoratlng, paper hanging, tinting, etc. KeiiaDie worgman. Paperbanglng and painting. Stlpllng PRINTING FOR 8TATIONERT. carda oampta- lets, program books or any Kind of printing, can Tne utatasman tTint- ing Department. 2lh a. Commtrcuu, RADIO FOR every purpose, for every purse -All standard sixes of Radio Tubes. EOFP ELECTRICAL SHOP. 241 Court St. TeL 11. , ) I RADIO SERVICE LABORATORY Guaranteed service ' on all 1 12$ N. 18th. Dial 2865. 1 STOVES STOVES and- stove repairing. Stoves I for sale, rebuilt and re paired. All j kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, nop oas-eca, rooks, iogan nooaa Salem Fence and Stove Work 222 Chemeltetg. TeL 4TT4. R. B. Fleming. TAILORS Dl h, , MOSHER Tailor for men and women. 474 Court St. TRANSFER CAPITAL. CITY Transfer Ce. -229 Bute St. TeL TIT 2. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. FOR local or distant transfer stor age, call 212L Larmer Transfer Cov Trucks to Portland daily. BECKBt ft . 139 N. High HENDRICKS j Te 44f; - S. M. EARLH 224 N. High St. ' - TeL 9(79 J. LINCOLN ELLIS 42 Stau Tel 2IT1 - 8OCOLOFSKY A 8ON . 294-C First Nat, Bk. Bldg. TeL T9ST J. F. ULRICH F. U WOOD 441 State St. TeL T134 HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. X1tik State St. TeL T222 - W. H. GRABENHORST ACO. 434 8L Uberty St, - . TeL C4IS. By RUSS WESTOVER O- ; -O Real Estate . Directory j t - ' '" .? 3PROPOSAL FOR. 8UPFLtES J PEALED tSllJti WUI DS rOCelTOU nj: to 1 P. M., Jane K, 1931, at the office of the tinderslsned for larnuainr to tne venous siata irfstitntions and denartmenti avti- pum consistm of arjooai, cuauioi, tumismnss, groceries. aoeB -Mroware. orooms, station ery, crockery, plumbing; etc., foi 1e? 1 ! Jl. Specification aaa scneauies win do tarnu nea BiKtaed, also from the trade and commercial bureau of the Port Und Chamber of Commerce. Multnomah Hotel, or from the Oregon , Manufacturers Assoc! tiort, Oregon - Building, both lo cated In Portland, Oregon. j Each bid shall be accompanied btjja certified check representing text oer cent of the whole amount bW. made -payable to Carle Abraxas. Secretary- Oregon State Board of Control, or where the 4A jier cent amounts to I500.0 ott more, a surety bond from dme company authorised to do 1 busine&s In , Oregon .wtU be ae- . ntaca nr th. rwv The I garo held M a guaranty oi ti faithful performance) of f contract. I LTh board reeerrea the right to reject any or all bids, or any portion of a bid. , ' CARLE ABRAMS. Secretary Oregon. State Board of 1 Control. Capitol Building. Salem. Oregon. 1 Mav2 2-2 6-29 jj V 722S : j - I FTBST NOTICE TO CREDITOIIS in probate. Ilfthe County Court of the State I of Oregon for Marlon County. ial the Matter of the Estate of i M. F. STEGNER, Deceased. police Is hereby given that the undersigned, M. B. Stegner, has this .day by an order of the County . Court of Marlon County, tate of M. F. Stegner, deceased. All1 persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified 1 : . v jt f I w -'rBcu- lu "mB uuiy vert- i nea, 10 tne unaersignea, at tne 1 effjee of his attorney, Henry J Millie. 601 First National Bank Building, Salem, Marlon County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. .Dated at saiem, Marion Coun- I ty.j Oregon, this 21st day of May, 1B31. I ii . xr rt CTPr.Vpn ' Administrator of the Estate of ) M. F. Stegner, Deceased. I; JENRY J. MILLIE. 1 Attorney tor Administrator, ' 601 First National Bank Build- .lng, Salem, Oregon. M22-J9J5-12-15. Gross -Word Puzzle ' liy 1UUJNE SI1EFFER ' li 1 13 IV 20 21 J 21 ?7 3- 32 33 38 t2 HI Vi I HORlZONTAUs .14 wkat BrHisk dosalado ere I I' tit eitiee el Qt-et asul I I OtUwa lecated? , . -Wka possessUa ef tke Ualtei . '.States teas ershsise1 f ress f - Russia la 1887 r ' 11 Wk. U the "All- Seelag" t- ' 1 ! the None? t2i-ErudiUon. : 1 irU-Half aa em. , ' X l5-Complete. -". .Wkat BikUeal elaracter Wag I I tie aepkew ef Ab-r-!---? lTf-Iike. . IS-jOcean. - " ; 20Do(na. 224-Steep or soak. 23-Brrei, . ' 254-Japanese coin. 26U Persian fairy. 27 Over wkat people dd Mare Antajr aad JaUas wesar rnUr 294- Whe was eae f tlie erlgiaa tors ef tke fa-seas line which faraserlr iviiej tk North aad Seat.? SO Wedded. . 31 Guide. ' 35 lrornace, 394 Venomous serpent, tl What was the pea-aaie ef Mi CZharlee LasahT . 11 Loitr. ' !J Genus of fltsrs harinf Tan- j us colored rays about a' yeJ i ; low center. . " . Iji-Sea carlo. 18-i-Indefimto articlo. . 17-.Enuztet. tS4-Kemoro. OM-Short for Edward. -Lowest female slnrlng voice. 2-f-Image of worslip. ; Mercoant, - V-i-Plant of the pea tamfly. VERTICAL. What faaeens Rensaa geasral ! ceaoaered th Caals7 Has aay Preside! of the Uatted States eccnpied hi effiee fer asoro the two tersss? 4-What Aa-erleaa.heaaerUl Is the anther of -fables a Slant T- --Force or power. -4-What leaf sseaatara raage rest saeac the westera eeast w 28 mi No. 780 IN TUB COUNTT COURT OT THE STATE iOF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTT. In Probate z' la the Matter of the Estate of HARRY M. EVAN?,! Deceased. FINAL 'NOTICE. : Notice is hereby given that the final account of Leora jr. Evans, executrix of the estate of Harry M. Evans, deceased, has been, filed in the County Court of Marion County, Oregon and that the fif teenth day of June, 1931 at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day has . been appointed by said Court for hearing; objections to said final account,! at which time any person Interested In said estate may appear and file ob jections thereto la writing and contest the same. -1 . LEORA J. EVAN'S. Executrix of the estate of Harry m. -.vans, deceased. , HENRY J. MILLIE. . Attorney for executrix.! Publish M 15, ttr 2. J g. J it NOTICK OF APPOINTMENT OF jaK-VTOR Notice to hereby! siren that the undersigned was -been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion s Executor of estate of Gertrude Brown Huddleston. Deceased, and that he has duly qualified as . such I Executor: all persona bavin claims against the estate of aald decedent are hereby notified to present the same duly rertned. Co me, a the office of K. O... Thorn pon, pay attorney at Salem, Marlon Couaty, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Marion County Ore., tula 14th day of May. 1931. M. CLIFFORD Executor. , . ' MOTNIHAN, K. O. Thompson. Attorney for Estate. 210 Oregon Building. Sa lem, Ore. M-15-2j2-2f-J-5-12. p - NOTICK OF SPECIAL 5IEETIXQ OF STOCKHOLDERS - Notlco is Hereby Girea, That a' special meeting of i the stockhold ers of First National Rank la Salem has been called and will be held at the Banking Rooma of said Bank on the 25th day of May, 1931. at 3:30 P. M. for the purpose of electing one director to 8erre until the next annual meeting of the stockholders and until the electioij and qualifica tion 01 nis successor. Dated and first I published thig 21th day of April 1921. " E. F. SLADE, President. ATTEST C. Vv. PAULUS, Cashier. ' A-24-M-1-8-15-2I & 10 77 16 22 26 35 36 '7 HI -3- i, HQ SO 52 Whe Ud the Creea Meaataia Bars' la the catare ef Feti Ticoaderera dariag the Amers lsaa ReveItieT T Plunder 1 I. - S SklU. ; 9 Symbol for selenium. 10 What Is the capital ef Texail 14 Renae was barned daring the 'refga of what eaaperer? ; ! " IT -Any air-rehicle. - j 19 Endeavor. j 21 Of shortest distance. . j ; 22 A thing In law. 24 Who was the friend ef Pythias? I 28 Spanish and Italian title foi a priest or monk. ; 28 Short for Nathan. 29 Encountered. 1 31 Of what eeaatry Is Igaaee Paderewskl aaUvs? 31 What Rassiaa cxar was sailed Th. Terrible?- j SS Lower limb. 1 35 Central American rubber tree, 36 Become f aligned. 1 37 What Germaa ceaspeser wrote "The Messiah T' 39 After what greet American fiaaacter aad saerchaat ls 1 Astoria. L L aassed? ; 40 Danger. ' 1 43 Stake, In card playing. , ' 44 Trarerse on horseback, i 47 Every., , , . - ; 49 Pat 011. 61 River La Latvia. 53 Lieutenant (abbr.). ! Herewith Is the solution to ret terday's puxxle. j 1 mm IUL, OiFlT A P PI AlKl i -r 1 1 H t m! r I E . A WT l b T ACIAJC I A! .POPiL A1 If il ii$jh' l iSltltlTlHjtf - iLlE N lric,f iAlAr ; TnT-Thrl A T IMP A G O Nr R I 1 1 ira 1 1 I Sheath AsMrieaT 1