The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 17, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Saleta, Qretroa. Scnday Morning, I lay 17, 1931
pagu r::vi:::
Orchard Heights
Club Honors
Mothers "
young mothers of the com
. munity received special rec
ognition Thursday afternoon at a
meeting of the Orchard , Heights
Woman's club, held at the home
of Mrs. Philip Bonffler In Salem,
Mrs. Boutfler and Mrs. . M. A.
Schneller were joint hostesses for
the affair with the Misses Bessie
Gross' and Lorraine Bonffler as
sisting at the tea hour. , ; ' ; ;
In the absence of. the president,
Mrs. W. EL .Knower,? presided at
the business session. - Plans -were
discussed -for the annual clnb pic
nic, which will be Jieldt this year
at the home of Mrs. Harley Moon
near Jefferson.' ''....- .' ' '
The prorram was In charge of
'Mrs. Cash Roberts and Mrs. Bonf
fler and consisted, of a guessing
game, clerer short stories, a read
ing by Miss Beth DeLap and sev
eral musical numbers by Misses
Vivian and Helen Benner. -,
Honor guests with their child
ren were Mrs Roy ! McDowell and
eons. Arm on and James Herman;
Mrs. Albert Bouffler and daugh
ter Dorothy and son Billy; Mrs.
Ralph Wilson and son, Ralph Al
fred; Mrs. William Schwarts and
children, Rita Jane and John Cyr
il; Mrs. William Cox and daugh
ters, Barbara "Jean and Virginia
Lee, .. .-...- .: '
" The following additional mem
bers and guests, were present:
- Mesdames Roscoe Clarke, Grace
- Bliss, Frank . Wilson, - John Sim-
- mons. Prudence Bouffler,- J. W.
DeLap, J. B. Ashby, C. S. Mat
thews, Gwj -McDowell.. James
Smart. William ' Xnower, B.
Sonthwick. Isobel' Fawk; Edward
Reed, J. B. Best, Ammon Grice;
Misses Bessie Gross,: Lorraine
Bouffler, Helen Blissvfary Waite,
Helen Bennerrlvlan Benner, Mil
dred SImmons, Dorothy . South
wick, " Ruth Farmer, Theodora
Bouffler and the hostesses,. Mrs.
Bouffler and Mrs. Schneller.- .
Pre-Nuptial .Shower
For Praturri Maid :
Pratum Mrs. William deVrJes
and Mrs. Lorena Thompson were
Joint hostesses at the Thompson
home recently honoring Miss
Grace Kleen whose marriage to
Newton Allen will : take"-place
May 19, at 'the Pratum Methodist
church. Eighty persons were" pres
ent. " -
Fitting games were played un
til late in the evening, when the
- bride elect was seated beneath a
beautiful bower of greenery and
roses. She was then presented
many beautiful gifts atfer which
lunch was served by the hostesses.
Silrerton Mrs. W. C. Larson
was hostess at two tables of cards
"at her home Tuesday night. High
core went to Mrs. A. W. Kleeb
and Mrs. Arthur Heater was giT
ea the consolation prize. k Playing
were Mrs. Kleeb, Mrs. Heater,
Mrs. Larson, Mrs. Alrln Legard,
Mrs. Lowell Davenport, .W. rs. Ed
Xlemmick, Mrs. Robert GoeU and
Jfra.' 8teUa Forger.-" P.,-
ii - ur x
.--JJ-ll -B 'J', J i
l News, an
OLIVE M. Doak.
i '
. .,.. torn'. . , : , .'.::;! ..
, Mrs. Wayne D. Henry, president of the Federation of
Rural Woman's clubs of Polk county t and a prominent mem,
her in the activities of her community Photo KenneVL-EUis.
W. G. T. U. Plans
Membership Program
A- membership" , program has
been arranged byhe W C. T, TJ.
for Tuesday afternoon in compli
ment to those members who have
become affiliated with the organ
ization within the past year.
Mrs. Sarah OUrer, yeteran W.
C. T. U! worker in the county and
local organization will be present
to give a short talk on "The Past
Work of the W. C. T. TJ." 'Mrs.
G. N. Thompson will talk on "The
Future Work of the W. C. T. XT."
and Mrs. Herbert Rahe will speak
on W. C T. TT. work of the East
ern UnitS" Mrs. A. B. Evans will
be soloist. Publicity will be dis
cussed by Mrs. John Robins.
New members . are especially
urged to be present, as well as
friends oj the Union. . .
Mrs.- Ida" Parr Heads z
Wobdburn Club
' Woodbum Mrs. Ida Parr was
elected ! president of the Wood
burn Garden club when the club
held Its annual meeting In the library-Tuesday
A fine display - of Iris blooms
was greatly -enjoyed by the club
members and guests.
: ' Jlrs. ! II, JDverton. presfdent of
the club, spoke on the many Im
;,vi2iM jit
. ... . -r- - iti a-Ttr mum ii ii i i i" HM i 1 1
. j t:. - -v i . i e a r
c ' i m sr w J
i - . w - r " n l
Club Aff
Society Editor
provements : noted in the yards
and gardens of Woodbnm resi
dents since the Garden, club -was
organized. Mrs.7 Overton has been
a resident of Woodburn 33 years.
- Officers elected were: presi
dent, Mrs. Ida Parr; vice i presi
dent, Mrs. Richard Yates; -secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Guy Engle;
director, Mrs. H. Overton. ;
.Refreshments were serf cd at
the close'of the meeting by Mrs.
Overton. " '-
. .
Merry Minglers Guest
At Mitchell Home
Miss Orlle Mitchell was hostess
to members of tbe Merry Minglers
clnb Thursday afternoon, r Mrs.
Boyd L. Wilkinson assisted . the
hostess at the refreshment hour.
7 Members present were: Mrs. J.
J. Ackerman. Mrsi A. W. Fletcher,
Mrs. E. L. McMahiU, Mrs. E. S.
Barker, Mrs. Ted Leonhardt, Mrs J
J. II. Dannan, Mrs. C. C. coiweil,
Mrs. Boyd L. Wilkinson, Mrs. H.
LJones, Mrs. Lippe. and Miss Mai-
die Lappe. Mrs. H. Davidson was
a special guest. ; . t
. The next meeting of the club
will be held at tbe home of Mrs.
H. Jones.
Additional Society
. on Page 10 -
1" iQir
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l s i
1 1
Book and Thimble
Have Splendid '
KINGWOOD The outstand
ing program , of the year
, was enjoyed Thursday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. L. F.
Brown by her fellow-members of
the Book and Thimble club, Mrs.
Charles Schwarts - and Mrs. Ella
St. Pierre were in charge of the
program, which included reading
by different . members, featuring
Mother's day; a talk by Mrs. St.
Pierre, zoiiowed by discussion on
woman' . place and responsibility
in . the . peace movement; group
snlging, UtUe Mother of Mine,
and "Oregon Song; piano solo,
"Twilight Reverie." Mrg. Ray
Lacey, .who responded to an en
core; a group of piano numbers,
Mrs. Ray Ferguson; the mother.
pledge and daughter's pledge of
the .Girl Reserves were given , by
Mrs. A; L. Applewhite; "Miy. Oren
Stratton .and Mrs. L. F. Brown
gave an exceptionally beautiful
number,: a piano and vocal duet,
JThe Bird 45ong . -
' The hostess was assisted at the
tea - hour by - Mrs, Oren - Stratton
and Miss Catherine Applewhite,
Mrs. Schwarts and Mrs, Conrad
Fox, Jr., will be hostesses Thurs
day, May X8, at the Schwarts
home. Mrs. Hettle Slmpklns and
Mrs.' Charles Hathaway were -appointed'
as a committee on en
tertainment. - " -
Present Thursday afternoon
were Mesdames Edward Farrel.,
Ray Lacey. Charles Adams. D. A.
Williams. Hettle Slmpklns, Elmer
Cook, Ray Ferguson, A. L. Apple
white, E. W. St. Pierre, George
Trott, Charles Schwarts, Edward
Dingman, Conrad Fox, Jr., Oren
Stratton, G. H. Templeton, A. J.
Kreuger, Misses Catherine Appier
white and Beverly, Fox, Del
Schwarts and the hostess,- Mrs.
L. F. Brown. . . . ' -
-' .-
Brides-Elect are
Complimented j
An attractive dinner followed
with a shower was a pre-nuptlal
compliment : to Miss' Catherine
Patton of Salem, ahd Miss Helen
Stary of Oregon City, Thursday
night at the home of Mrs. H. C
Hanson.- Conversation and pre
sentation of gifts concluded a
pleasant evening.
Miss Patton will become the
bride of Roy Fikert of Corrallls
and Mlas Stary .will wed 'Henry
Peterson of Hugo, Ore., within
the near future.
Guests -In compliment to Miss
Patton and Miss Stary were Mrs.
Virgil . Fuel, Mrs. Harrington of
Gladbrook, Ore., Frank Welch,
Ed Stary and Mrs. Patton. p
Scio The Westoics club met
with Mrs. E. S. McCrae Thursday
afternoon, Mrs. John Roner was
a ruest. Six members were pres
ent, Mrs. O. A. Hall; Mrs.: J. L
Shelton, Mrs. Kenneth Purdy,
Mrs. Thomas Qulgley,Mra. Em
ma Brown and Mrs. XL-, S.. Mc
Crae. Refreshments' were served
by the hostess. The club will meet
June 4 with Mrs. O. A. Hall. -
Va. - ;
- ' ' - '
. ' ' - ' - ; -. . . ;'. . . .. ..
The world-f amQhe
" ' Ardebll IdoaQne Hag design )
tus now been re-created InGulIstan! :
Since 1340 this rug has been ac-, -
knowledge u THE woda't masr
terpiece of Odentalrugaxt, Gulisraa -r
reproduces h In many color combf- ; i
natiooj with lorerf grounds of i
; Ivory, Old Gold, Persian Blue and :
Peach. Ask for'GuIisttn 25101.
' i
Miss Nancy Thielsen
A program whlch will be of
great Interest to many people In
Salem is that in which Miss Nan
cy Thielsen, daughter of Mr. and1'
Mrs. ,Fred Thielsen, will be pre
sented by the University, et Ore
gon school et music , Tuesday
night In the musle auditorium at
t:l o'clock, - . v
MfBB Thielsen will be assisted
by Victor Bryant, flutist, and
Harold Ayers, accompanist.' In
addition to this . program Miss
Thielsen will appear . as - soloist
with, the . unlyersity orchestra In
"Casta , Diva' aria from Norma,
May 23. She will again appear
May 31, as soloist : in a. univer
sity production of , yerdl'a "Re
quiem", -. ;.- i . -. .; ,., r :
f Miss Thielsen has been a stu
dent of Arthur Board man In the
school of music In the university
where she la now a senlon
- Among the people from 'Salem
S bo will motor to Eugene to
ear the Tuesday night' program
will be Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Thiel
sen. Mrs. H. B. Thielsen and Miss
Nell Thielsen. i r ; ; i -
The program to be sung : Is
given;.;- . ,.,- i- ,,.
Donaudy iThrM airs far Antique Style
- O dl jnk amato ban -
r s, Quudo U rlredro , i 4 ''
Ah, nal j non caats
' Rubk 8ussllbhen
Brahms , - ' 1 Uinnelied
-O wuaat Ich eoch den Wcg suruck
Alabteft Th Ruaslan NlsrhMnral
David Cbarmant Olseau
; Flute bugau by Mr. Bryant
mndy I
JUd Marltim
-Bon Jour, Suzoa
Bacbelet .
Watts ,
.Cher Kult
. ..SrenaJe
-.Tb Poet Btngs
JL. Bhaapfold Bona
, .Pierrot
Miss Van Winkle to ; -:
Give Recital -
- One of the interesting recitals
of the weeJc wille that to be
given Monday night at 1 1 o'clock
in Waller hall by Miss - Rosalind
Tan Winkle, student of Frances
Vlrginle' Melton, assisted 'by Miss
Josephine Albert, contralto. Miss
Elizabeth Clement will be the ac
companist; ' The program - to be given In
cludes: -
Bach Fantaala -croraatlca Fi'ga
BoMtllnd Van Wlnkl
Saint Sans . Vlens Aides
(S&maon and Delilah).
Josphln Albert
Chopin Etude, Op. 10 Ko. T2
Debussy Jardina tout la Plula
Bergh .Channl Winds, Op. 2C. No. 4
Sequira - :: ; jr. El BoTon
, Rosalind Van WLnklo
, " IV - '
Kramer .. ,- - Tbe Laat Hour
QtiMter 1 -
I Will Go With My Father a Ploughlng-
. Josephine Albert '
t ' -: V - - - . - '
MacDowell Sonata Eroica, Op.
Rosalind Van Wtnklo - -
; Cervais -Miss Edythe , Moore
and Marvel Blanton. were quietly
married at - the - borne ' of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles R. Moore, south o'f town
Ratnrda-r affaraaon. Pot- Tin Yd of
fsalem officiating. TJief will make
their homo near the Moor home.
Mrs. Blanton is the only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Moore. She at
tended the Geryaia high - eehoof
where she vu a popular member
of her classes and took an active
part in all school activities. -
to a
Persian art
room tur
125 now
-that's why
- and every
f - : .hr-,'-v--r;: :
Gerva! Sixty were servld at
the Community elub dmner' held
at the parish.- ball. Wednesday
evening. After the dinner I 24
hand of ?SW were played tyrith
prlxes for high scores goinf to
Mrs. C. W. Cutsforta and jFred
Manning; for second high to Mrs.
W. W. Allsup- and Otto Schwab
and the boobys to Mrs. S, i D.
Manning and 'Harold Tumbleson.
Mrs. Otto Schwab drew the lucky
number for the door prize. ' This
doses the- season for the I elub
parties. They will be resumed in
October. "An hour of dancing;' .with
music : by Manning, Dr. , BoisI and
McCormick of .Woodburn brought
to i close very enjoyable ;j eve
ning. - :,- - v. ; i
. ' . ' . - . v r
Miss Jeanette Scotfc - .1
Will Play-i Iv 1
. . . . -. . j-
, Miss Jeanette Scott, young vio
linist of Salem and' studen of
Prot William Wallace Grahm,
will be presented In recital Tues
day .night in WaUer hall at 3: SO
o'clock. -Miss Scott will bi as
sisted by Lucille Cummings,! con
tralto, and Miss Elizabeth BOylan
and -Miss Lois Plummer accom
panist. . .j-
;. Her program Includes;
OeaecirU K. I hS "minor L.
: .Kiss' 8cot
i- i w XX
Bark, - Hrtha Lark"
Hiss. - Cwnsungt
Ronsats '
-Up rata
klir 8eott i
-IV .
Moon Markattas ,., , .... , . WTtr
TH Aifktiacal Has a X.jt l ?ol4
. WbslpUy
- MtM. unmmincs
Oariea Melodla , ;..,.'
Hjra Kati
Via Scott
a a ...
Girl Reserves Elect
Officers ; ;v
Miss Theresa TJlrlch was elected
president of the high school Girl
Reserves . at the election fori an
nual officers held Tuesday. Tlce
presldent Is Gwenn Gallaher; sec
retary, Lucile . Rollow, treasurer,
Dorothy Tucker. - . -. i . i
'AH Reserve groups, nigh school,
junior higft and. grade, will tneet
according to regular schedule; AH
are making plans for the firfal
meetings' of the year and picnics
which will - conclude - the spring
meetings. As school closes! the
Reserves will cease to meet' ex
cept for camp this summer.!
... ' i-:if
Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. E. TJ.
Anderson, whose beautiful coun
try home was recently destroyed
by fire, were honored with a
shower and dinner Mother' day
by their sons and daughters; ahd
their families of Portland, liThe
table was spread under the: big
shade tree near the Anderson
tent, and a : happy dinner Party
was enjoyed. Present were u'Mr.
and Mrs.' K. TJ. Anderson, j j Mr.
and. Mrs. Frank Anderson. I f Mr,
and Mrs. W. Whitley, an; Mr,
and Mrs. L. E. Black and j chil
dren, Margaret and Edwin, ji
4 OS Oregon BuUdlag
!' ' 111
1 t
special Ixbibifhm
new US) Sin
i .
' "':.: I'! -V.
if . - i .
m. jum.
Tew Colors! Priceless Museum Designs
Never before, have you' teen rags as , beautiful as these ! Such
- colodng Such illky luxury. Such magnificent Oriental designs I
; One brings you the ; most famous Oriental rug pattern in the
; ;v world ! the AK.DEBIL--woven for mighty Shah over 400
, years igo and the star piece in the' great Loncton exhibttion of
this Spring 1 ,-.-. I 'f
Just, imagine how such a gorgeous rug
intiti torn I And just
nd just read the
for the 9 x 12 size! j b H -
what Gulistan means' by , lUng
only Kafagheusian, largest maker
can produce vruustan i - .,; : f j , ' . , r
Ccjme in today ! We have all ; the newi designs In every color
size! - . ' , !- -
- t ur.: ; ;v jConYenleni
.siBBSBBa -sier. w . jm - m m m t w
Brush Collefre Helpers
Plan for Fall
Brusn College Tbo Brush Col
lege helpers were, entertained at
the Brush College home of Mrs;
Oliver Whitney Thursday after
noon. At ' the business meeting
Mrs. A. R, Ewlng, president ap
pointed committees for the an
nual . homecoming: picnic a t
Brush College at . which time
Brush College nelpera will hare
full charge of the basket dinner.
Those appointed were: soliciting
Mrs. , o. .1. Blodgett, Mrs.
Charles McCarter and, Mrs. Harry
Bonney, table Mrs. Paul., Wal
lace, Mrs. Ferdinand Singer' and
Mrs. O E. Rogen, coffee Mrs.
Mike Foch,, Mrs. U. J, Lehman
and Mrs. George Meier.
After general discussion mem
bers decided to ask Mrs. Hum
phreys" demonstrator to hold a
cooking school at Brush College
In the fall.
Mrs. Fred Ewlng conducted d-
votlonals, Mrs. A. R. Ewlng read
a patriotic article on world peace
and led flag salute, Mrs. W. F.
v -
:-'-' -' -i i .- - " " " H - -- - - -- -
modem motif at its lovcltcst is presented in thU exquisite 'die
ioni engagement ring, with itt sparlmg solitaire brillKintly enhanced
by six side'didmmis.JAiBiow have seen it advertised in the SdturdH
Evening Post have admired its rich beauty. A superb ring wkkk )
pManeloauent tale of devotion to "the only gtri." j "
Pomeroy & Keehe j
S79 State Street t v 5 . 'TelepKon
- - i
' ' ess. "
; LkiutaCisf-. -
could transform your . . r
new price ta only cl I I
- I
Revolution-! And
of costly Orientals,
'douiiT street v! : r
Payment Terms If Deslrett ? ! ,-
McCall and Mrs. Mike'roch, jro
gram committee put on stunts
learned at Rickreall . recreation
school they attended last month.
As a special feature of the meet
ing the president Mrs., Ewlng was
presented with a new gavel made
of holly wood by Mrs. TJ. J. Leh-
man whose husband Mr. Lehman
did the carving. Mrs. Oliver Whit
ney served delicious refreshments
assisted by Mrs. Grace Lehman
and Mrs. TJ. J. Lehman of SaJem.
. ' t
Hiawatha Council
Will Initiate
. . - i
- A large class of candidates will
be presented at the .Hiawatha
council meeting schedule for
Tuesday night at 8 o'clock In the
I. O. O. F. halL At this time it is
expected that the degree team
from Wabkeena council. Portland,
will give the initiatory work.
Following the initiation and
business meeting a social hour
will be enjoyed.
tcATiosiiutT Awianras
i rt'
neiv brico
4 -i-
fTy try.
For 9 x 12 size f !
j. ..