The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 16, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon; Saturday Morning, May 16, 1931
PAGE tiike:
Pacts TOlCl St Interesting
SeSStOn PI Spnn9 ;Viiey I
li;..;nn CnrtPtVf ' - I
ZENA, May 15 An iniereawn5
history ot the oldest Protestant
church In Polk county,' the Spring
Valley Presbyterian church, lo
cated at Zena wai read by Mrs.
W&rn D- Henry at the recent
xneeUnf of the Spring Valley misr
slonary society held at the home
ot Mrs. Roy EL Barker at Zena.
Brief excerpts from the history
follow: "Services of the Cumber-.
TWahvtarlan church .were
first held In a small school house
which stood at Zena corners near I
the spot where now sianua wtc i
building once occupied oy j. iv. i
qhenard as a store. A subscription
was raised among the congrega
tion for a building tuna, some
itomtlnz lumber, others money
and some - labor for the new
church building which was com
pleted June 1859. ;
Rev: Robert Hill. D. D. and
Rev. Anthony Simpson organized
th enuren. cnarter memoers
were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Waller.
Mr and Mrs. Bolivar Walker, Mr,
and Mrs. Jackson Purvine, Mr.
and Mrs. John Toner. Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Emmett, Mrs. William
Fletcher and .. Mrs. Harriett
Crancle. 1
Ministers who held services t
that time were Rer. J. A. Corn
wall. Rev. Neil ' Johnson. Rev,
Thomas Small. Rev. Keen - and
Rev, William Jolly. Elders of the
rhnrch were C. - C.- Walker, or
dalned and Installed July 23.
1881: John P. Emmett, July 23,
1881: James H. Shepard, Febru
ary 10, 1888; John White, March
25, 1888; William B. Duncan.
June 24, 1884; Robert Reid, May
10. 1898: A. H. Wyatt, January
28. 1907.
Assisting Mrs. Henry In com
Dllinr this history were C. M.
Purrine and Mrs. R. H. Scott.
Mrs. Wayne D. Henry will have
as her topic at a later meeting.
"Earlv Pioneer Life" and Mrs. U
Frank Matthews will have a mis
cellaneous line in keeping with
current, events.
- List of hostesses . for each
Miss Irene Windsor. . secretary;
jars, uaanei Mcurvtr, sure, rr. i
N. Crawford and Mrs. A. U Kin-
vine. Mrs. Mysta Hendricks and
Mrs. ' P. Neiswander. September;
Mrs. R. C. Shepard. Mrs. Jesse
Worthlnston and Mrs. T. J. Mer
rick, October; "Mrs. S. Wilson,
Mrs. . Mary Jennings and Mrs.
Hurh Craig. November: Mrs. W
W. Henrys Mrs. Ralph Scott and
Mrs.;.W T. Scott. December; Mrs.
Warne D. Henry. Mrs. w. Ken
neth Henry and Mrs. V.-I. Gib
son.' January: Mrs. -Alvin Mad-
sen. Mrs. Jesse Walling and Mrs.
John Childers. February. March
is an open meeting.
Car in Crash
Dodges Into
Gas Station
One of the most novel accidents
of the season, according to police
officers, occurred Friday after
noon when two machines collided,
Hne turned over and-the other's
driver lost control of -fits car and
drove into a gas station knock
ing over a man and not coming
to a stop till nearly, through the
The "crash happened early Fri
day afternoon at the corner of
12th and Mission streets between
ears driven, by Dr. J. W. Ransom
ot Turner and J. W.'Lehraln of
Salem. . The latter's machine was
the one that was turned over.
Pat Burns, 995 South 14th
street, was standing on the corner
near a gasoline service station
and following the crash he seemed
to lose all power of mobility, ac
cording to the reporting police of-
-i fleer. . When Ransom lost control
of his car, he must have put his
foot on the accelerator instead of
the brake and drove toward the
gas station knocking Mr. Burns
down "en passant."
; Mr. Burns injuries were, not
serious, according to the police
reports. ; He was attended imme
diately by a physician.
Bishop James Cannon, Jr.. noted Southern Methodist prelate, on thi
stand before the Nye Committee, - which is investigating campaigi
funds and delving into the Bishop's activities during the Presidential
election of 1923. Miss Ada L. Burroughs, ef Richmond Va., treas
urer of the churchman's anti-Smith orgnization,defied the Senati
SKdv d urine the inaurrv at Washington, D. (X- ' v
1 - ' - - - . ' - ' ; :
urcli !:vS'itein5.
Knights of Coliimbus Will t
oueei nere may l- lor
Annual State Convention
Tnf rV as frl rs mltti a m avm V a sees-
more . Uaa -a thousand strong
Monday, May 24 and 25. for the
annual Btate conyenUoa of the
order. The four Marion conntv
f.ounellaJ Knlem. Mt . ln1 RnH.
Umlty and St. Paul. will be hosts
to Knights from the rest of the
state, j ,
Final i details for ' the conven-
tlon will he completed at a com
mlttee meeting to be field in Sa
lem the evening of May 21 at 8
o'clock In the office of. Charles
Zerxan. grand knight of the Sa
lem council. .,. . -
A busy two-day program will
be completed within a short time.
and will include some Interesting
speakers, and features. ,
aiaiu sessiuus wm us
mcvoitiks t
store, and other meetings will be
neia ai iua niriua uui, aiwih
will be held at the Marlon each
afternoon for the women who at
tend. The women's auxiliary will
Mrs; Norton
Will Tell of
Ghandi Visit
Sunday night at the Jason Lee
Methodist church. Winter and
Jefferson streets, Mrs. W. B.
Norton will speak on "Gandhi's
Debt to Christianity". She Is
the wife of W. B. Norton of
Portland, who for 30 years was
religious editor of the Chicago
Tribune.- Mrs. Norton having
taught for years in the Chicago
schools. "
Mr. . and Mrs. Norton spent
some- time vismng in jnoia
where their son lives and there
met Gandhi ' in ; his ashram. It
is of peculiar interest, therefore,
that she is to bring this first
hana impression of a ..figure
that has , successfully . defied the
entire British Empire during the
past months. - -'
The public is invited to hear
Mrs. Norton.
BusyWeek Ahead
, - f-n f - j
t hjUgleWOOd
, Church Members
4-' - ' . . " " -
The week's schedule for the
Enrlewood t United Brethren
church is announced by Rev. L.
W. Biddle. as follows:
Woman's Aid" meeting all day
Wednesday prayer and personal
work study Thursday at 7:39
p. in.; finance committee meet
ing at 8:80 p. m., Thursday. The
annual every member canvass xor
local expenses and general be
nevolences will be begun during
the coming week.
May community night win oe
on Friday, May 22-with potluck
supper and. musical program, me
general public is invited to - this
supper and program, :
Members ot the camp cookery
4-H boys and girls' club of the
Evans Villev school have com
pleted a big piece of work in con-
stractlon of a log eaoin at one
edge of the school grounds, re
ports Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson.
county school superintendent who
visited that school. ;
The cams cookery stuaents are
already making use of their log
house.' and have neia some meet
ings there, in front of which they
have a camp fire from which they
prepare their camp cookery les
sons in true camp styie.
Lors for the house were, se
cured from the woods near, by and
hauled la by horses loaned by the
fathers. The children have taini-
ed up the logs and shortly will
add a window. Next year they
hope to build a -rock fireplace.
Victor Bovllle. until recently of
California.: has accepted a posl
; tioa as engineer for - the hydro
electric commission here. He as
sumed his new duties Friday.
( of "::IritiCTest"": "to;
not , be ' In convention nesslon,
however a large number of wives
are expected to be here during
the two 'days. . " .,'
- Chief officers of the four Mar
ion county councils, each one of
which is responsible ". for certain
phase of the convention, are: Mt.
Angel Lawrence ; J. Thomas,
grand knight, 'and Charles Per
yn. secretary; Salem Charles
Zerzan, grand knight, and T. J.
Brebac, secretary; St, . Paul -Frank
Bernard, grand knight
and C. L Van.'DeWellie, secre
tary; SubUmltyChrls Neitllng.
grand 1 knight, and Edward ; J.
Bell, secretary. . : . - i
The Salem ; council will ' have
entire charge of the decorations,
the committee responsible ' con
sisting of E. N. Simon, P. S. KU
ian, Cyril Suing and Joe Dom
agalla. - :
Frank Lonergan of Portland is
state deputy and Ross Coleman
of St. Paul Is district deputy for
Marion county area. .; .
Endeavor Society
Has May Meeting
At Bartruif Home
The May business meeting and so
cial 'for the intermediate Christian
Endeavor society, was held at the
home of Cecil and Roberta Bar
trnff. The business session was
followed by a social hour after
which refreshments were served.-
Thoso present were Rev. H.' B
Scheuerman, Lola, Esther and
Earl Hammer, Blanche ; and
Charles Stelnke, Orville Malm.
Mildred Wacken, Katherine
Sch&rf. Norman McAllister, Cecil
and Roberta Bartruff. Mr.: and
Mrs. Laurence Hammer, Leo 'and
Geneva Hammer, David : and
George Bartruff, Ms. : Lena Bar
truff and Mrs. W. H. Sharf. ; -
Baptists Will
The Calvary Baptist church
will furnish the program Sunday
evening - for the Japanese com
munity church at Hayesville. The
service wlU open at 7:30 o'clock,
with the following numbers to be
given: ; .,,. .
Sonr. I Belong to the King."
by Quartet, Milton JJirlcs, A. Ol
son, .Joe Schlrman and Dan Schlr-
man; song. Jesus Satisfies Me,"
by quartet: address, "Partnership
wun uoa." by Mist zelda HarUu:
song. "Good Morning to Heaven.-:
oy. quartet ; solo, "Teach Me to
Pray." by R. W. Dirks j address
by A. Olson; song. . "Jesus Re
members Me, by quartet; duet
"Closer to Jesus." by Dirks broth
ers; address. "Partnership With
jesus, oy. iois Cochran: song.
"wnen i Get Home." by auartet.
Pastors; Choir
Exchange Places
Sunday Evening
A musical service will be pre
sented in the First Congregation
al church Sunday evening by the
Knight, Memorial : church choir.
The services will be in charge of
Rev. H. C. Stow er.. pastor, of the
Knight Memorial church.
Dr. W. C Kantner will con
duct the service at the. Knight
Memorial church and the choir
of the First church will be heard
in several special numbers. Dr.
Kantner will deliver a brief ad
dress ' at the conclusion of the
College Student
To Speak Sunday
At Pratum Church
PRATUM, May 15.Bahgwant
Bahgwat, a native of India who
is a student at O. S. C. preparing
himself for more efficient work
In agriculture in his native coun
try, will speak here Sunday
morning and - probably Sunday
evening also on - conditions ! in
India. ,. ; ': i , ! A -
The Mennonlte congregation
will go to Dallas next Sunday
where th Mennonlte convention
will be held. I 1 r
District Meeting
Sunday Afternoon
The Silvertdn ' district Sunday
sehool convention will be held at
the. Sllverton Hills community
hall Sunday. A basket dinner will
be " held at noon and ' the main
program of the day will be open
ed at 2:30 o'clock. The program
appeared in this paper, earlier in
the week. . - s ' - i ?v- j. .:
All Day Meeting i
Ot Group Planned
SCIO May 15. - The Baptist
church will have an all day service
Mav -2 4. : Special music A bas
ket dinner wilt be served at noon
and roll call in the afternoon with
several speakers fort he occasion.
Women's Society
Will Meet Friday
The Women society ot the
Calvary Baptist church will meet
Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Dale Taylor.
280 South 19th street. :
Give Prog
CLEAR LAKE, May 18. Hon
oring Rev. H. R. Scheuerman on
his! return to Clear Lake for an
other' year, members and friends
of the Clear Lake church served
dinner in the ehnrch dining room
Sunday. This being . the first
morning service since conference.
Covers were- placed -for the
honor guest, ' Rer Scheurman,
Opal and Melton ' Scheuerman,
Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Boyd. Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Smith; Loretta and
Estellne Smith, -Mrs. .David
Schlag and daughter Flora, Mrs.
R. : Ector. Mr, and Mrs. Gay
Smith. Orall and. Betty Jean
Smith, Mrs. John MeCleod, Mr.
Bosten, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Har
old, Mr. and , Mrs. Eck Dntoit,
Mrs. L. J. Massey, Miss' AUce
Massey. Mise Neva Smith. . Ada
Mae Smith, Miss Marie Harold.
Mr; and Mrs. Ralph Dutolt, Rex.
Dutolt,. Mrs. Milo Barnett. Miss
Thelma . Barnett, Hen e, . Carson
and Johnnie Trultt. Harry and
Jack Robertson. , ,. '
A bible study class has been
organized and held its first meet
ing at the church Tuesday even
ing.; Meetings to be held every
Tuesday night. .
Gideon Day
Here Sunday
National Gideon day will be
observed in Salem . tomorrow,
with appropriate exercises to be
held in many ' churches of the
city during the morning hour.
Arrangements to this end have
been made by L. Van Dellnder of
Salem, state president ot the
order. "
The Portland . Gideon camp
will meet with 'the Salem camp,
at the Young Men's., Christian
association Sunday morning at
10:30 o'clock. and from there
the group will go to the various
churches to give short talks. The
Gideons will relate particularly
thelt experiences in' placing the
bible in various hotels and other
places over the county and state.
A ' number of Gideon quartets
and two orchestras will supply
music in the different churches.
The Gideons will have charge
of the morning service in the
following churches: First Church
of the Naxarene, Ford Memorial
M. E. community church, Knight
Memorial Congregational, First
Presbyterian, Reformed and First
Congregational. .
. They will conduct the evening
worship at the First M. E. church
and the First German Baptist
McMinnville and
Woodburh Pastors
Exchange Pulpits
WOODBURN. May 15 Rev.
Roy W. Nelson, pastor of N the
First Presbyterian church at Mc
Minnville. will take the place of
Rer. - Elmer W. Blew, regular
pastor of the Woodburn Presby
terian church Sunday. At the
same time. Rer. Blew -will go. to
the McMinnville church. . where
he will conduct a stewardship
program. Rev. Blew is steward
ship director for the Willamette
Presbytery. .
Besides his - services at the
Woodburn Presbyterian church
Sunday morning, Rev. Nelson
will conduct services- In the
church at Bethel Sunday evening-
- ' ' V ,.
Oiler Program
In Bible Class
A special program In connec
tion , with Memorial day will be
presented . by the men's Bible
class of the First Christian church
at 9:45 o'clock Sunday morning.
it has, been announced. The pro
gram will include a talk by E. E.
Buckles, solos by Victor Wolfe
and other special music.
To Give Address
JEFFERSON, May 15 There
111 be no - evening , preaching
services at- the Methodist . or
Eranrelical churches Sunday, ow
ing to the Baccalaureate service
held at the Christian church, at
8 o'clock. Dr. M. A.. Marcy of
Salem will deliver, the address.
Three B.
10:SO A.
Tia P.
Aathem by
. -4 .
"Ghandi's Debt to Cliratf amty"
An address by Mrs. W. B. Norton
Wiater and Jefferson Sts.
ll:0p A: MMaking Knowledge Fruitfur
- Rer. Hugh B. Fouke, Jr pastor -T
"Evolk: ;of .
f7 7
bxorxjuts rxxesss : '
Bias, ptttr. Blbls msaoI lO M.,
X. M. Bckctt Smpt. CImsm for sll
area. VrmiaK3Wnai9 1 - XTMkisf
a 1A.
A. Hadlay C
perttaaA, Sitpt.-( Orerom Try Mt- i
iac TriMS wiU k praM, sad
rk t th (Ttllir Nrflel. Jniuor v.
v.m. 8aior sad ImterasdUts O. K.
1 ba. Mid-vk ryr Mtiaf Taurs-
msr- caoacH or tbdb wacAaarB
, Oa Wk Boata f Cntar ta
tract. : Sr. riekv alUway, pastor.
Botiaeaea 4T5 H. . 24th sttt. '"
SSSO. II sjbu Ths Gideoa arrai0a
will feats c&ars. SpMial WW., 7:4
t.- Serstsa by ta pastar, :-eaa
ctwa." Saadar sckoi-S:4S a-. IV
M. UtwiBar. Sapt. if. , T. F. aV. aa
Janior aoctaty :44 pja. i
jasoh zxs laKoaiAi. m. . . .
Wlatar sad Jaflartaa strMt. Baca B.
rfuka, Ja. aSaUar. Moraiaf oj.p
11 a.m. I cww --
TaUudga i aad Mrs. Bartaa . &.therkm.
Er.aiBj worthip at S p.Bu- Addr tss by
Mrs. W. B. Hartaa aa "GaadM's DeVt
t Chrirtiaaity." Mrs. Rartoa w
ia Iadia aa TWIlea aa www "
Uadar. Churca school at :45 a-au H.
B UmsMr. Snpt. Tfcrea Imim to
yoans paopla at f P-ai. .
lata .aad SUt street. IUV. kma S.
ii..... t M naator. Garmaa V:45
Prayer. ' ' Kaguaa ii a..
eiul's Hew AetiTlty.' Special arati
.1 aata aerriees. Banday school ,:40
s at. Mrs. stinaemaa, Bupt. BaU f aata
v.... Tjithar Uarao S VJa. LeUO
ft .Id. .lUrport wth"U, i '
BMtisr held a Oresoa CUr t S p.ta.
with ceporu by Chrnt Frabia aad the
n..tir. After the reporti s social hoar
rxxaz cHtraoH or chmst,
n. .v.. LdhartT ctreets. Snaday
' jAOrtaia an
k-iTl .11:11 aad 11. TettaaoaUl
...t, WidiMlir sveaias at S.
Baadiax room s uo -i-,
a from 11 to :30 except Snadayf .sad
ULBisa sneaiow BxjroEX-icAX.4-
w inlQU PEKTEB J'JlBMk BChOOl 10
b. W. A. Starky. Snpt. Worship at
. . . o-v,t "GoA'a Sae." O. J6. at
i a. Bnbieet. 'Wr. the Enemy at
ra.S..:.. r-i.,nut!. , Pre-Brayer ser-
rice :50. Mid-week j erries Thnrsday
I.KA 1AKB -Chorea school 10 ss.
W. v CaUard. Sapt. Jr. E. I. C.
t 7:15 p.m. Ereaiag worship at s.
Bin. .taJ. Twalir areaiaa. W. St. B.
Thnrsday p.m. with Mrs. . C. MePsr-
af'mt.a OROVI " Chnrelt sehool 10
.m. T. P. Walker. Sapt. Jr. I. U V. c.
thehemo Mrs. Prd .8hrf. Prayer
service Wedaessay aronias
n Behaaanasa. pastor. 1161 TJslso
street. Salem.
rosD itxnoaiAX. mc a. oommotxtt
Garth sreano aad Third etreet. Mere
Jlth A. Grores. pastor. . Snnday .achool
9:45 sjl Momlag worship 11 elocs,
Z,: . n i will conduct - ser-
uluBO orr'T, ".i7 It Mis. Trnta
Grant nYd Jumo7 sholr. 'als. by Gi-Uoa
i.'rni E."Bhaswett. a stadent
f n a C. will soesk. Special awile.
Xpworth leagues 7 p-m.
- 1 " niT.risr mAVTIST
Rod (era SaUduiK. High -and .rerry
streets, liraded enure a scuooi -""---
W. T. Jenks, Sapt dnwor eoarco
r.m. Morniag worship 10:50 sji. Ser-
Bpeeial mosie. selected. Ereaing -aerrles
HIi s.m. Sermon: "Tm Cross" by the
swshat.msairsi dw turn lvn
pastor. Anthem by ve or-
song nerrice. .w - rr r ,
w.dnaada-r erenins T:45 Pellowship aad
nrt.n aarriea followed by the meeting
ef the Deacons and Deacoaesses.
rehearsal Thnrsday erening 7:S0.
itrrrftTRAW ' X.TJTEEXAJi'
Church street between Chemekets sad
CenUr. Ker. f. W. crissea, pwr.
According to the, Krerlasting
Spirit."- Special mnsio. - 7 :s p-m.
play by the Tousg People f ths
church. epecja , . . " i' .
-1 aehaal at :45. MSI
Uehlhar. Sapt. lther loagaes lTOtioaal
at S:SO. uosursuusa ivin w
vrwsrw xiAwoUEaATIOa'AXt
Sunday aehoot at :45 a.m. T. B.
Kar. Hunt. At 11 a.m. a "tiieo per-
Tica.'" At S p.m. -the ehoir ef Knight
Memorial ehnrch nnaer sue k.i .
k. ...i.r R.r. H. C. Storer will give
s ssered concert In this church. At the
seme hour. Rer. W. C. Kantner of the
First chorea win cobquci m c..vw
Knight Memorial ehnrch and the ouer
Ut ot the Pirst ehnrch will present seT
ersl masical aumbers. There will be s
hriar address. Sobiect: "The Prsfriaee
of s Chrietiaa Life." I
rraterasl Temple C"t",'r"1.
ll. .t. os. H. T. Cade. Supt.
Classes for aU ages ender ,coPe'"'
teachers. Ber. U. Anderson of Portland
will preach both ssrriees tll .m. and
I pa. Ber. Anderson of Portland will
preach hoth serrieeo at 11 a.m. ttil
p.m. Bar. Anderson is aa able andln
teresting speaker and wiU brine; etjrring ,
.i -,arta to alL Junior and
Senior BYPU meeting at 7 p.m. r j
erntwr.a mrn.IRTIAJI
. XUmore J. Gila trap, V""-t.t-
Bible school Smit Bibls sehool
begins at 10 a.m. "0'
.t 11 a.m. There will be
i lv Mr. r easier. Christian
Endearor swcletiee at 7 p.m. Krening
. . a St thia time there will
ho a short, enjoyable program presented
by the Tarn er Beys' heme. Choir prae
tiae Tuesday erening p m. Dr. Iplcy,
director of musie. .
e-rnLCT rmajSTlAlC
High and Center streets. ,D. J. Howe,
paator.. Morning aerrlee 11 -'eloek;
snbiect "Our Heroic1 Dead." The Span-l.wn.rli-i,
war rretarans will attend the
morning serriee. Appropriate mnsla br
the ehoir nnder "ths direction . of Prof.
Building High' Ferry Sts.
Graded Church School : 4.0 a. m. W. T.
imVi finnr. JnniOr Chnrch 10:50 a. m.
T.'s 1:45 p. in. j .
M. 8nnoe: "Investments" Pastor
Special music, selected
M. Sermon: ?Tb.e Cross Pastor
the choir. Popular Song Service.
., . ' - .
- 8 P. M.
- iSalem
M Kl Id)
the - Churches
I X. - W. Eobaoa. Erasing serrloa S 1
e'eleckt- enbjaett "1 Conara 8U11
Kimitnl" ftaader school S;4S a a.
OreiUs J, Hott. Sapl Mid-week aerrieea:
7 3 wesneeaay. U. js. (roape aoaat
I la. respactlTe rooau at f fa, ,
- oxs TZDoroe icssioir ",
858 Coart atraat. O. 8. Jeaaaoa. pas
tor. Aaadar achoal at 3 am. Bervieei
at 8 aad S pja., KeetUft Taetdsy,
Tharsdsy aad fiatsxday STeaiags. -w -
O. OL PoQasv D. IX, pastor. Bible school
at t:5 s.bu' U L Thoratoa, Snpt.
Classes for all scs sad trades. . Mors lbs
worship at Jl is.; 8ob;ect: Riches
i vanst.rT STsaias werahia S a.m.
Sa&Jeet! - Oaaaehiaai- . tk. Rnlnit '
Christian 'KadaaTor 1 - Pjbu ' - Subject:
Oar Bhara LsXakias; the World
fVieadly." Lee Boy Badia, leader. Mid
week, terries Thandsy erening at 8 pja.
elal aaaatiaa- all tkim ..v zSl
welcoBM recardleee of beUef. .
Back, vaagelist. Bar. Hatch, pastor.
nasi bpzsittaxzst chttbch -
fiaiaiaa aft 1 -tA m . -. .v. :
hall. Located oa Chamcketa street, bo
tweaa OoiDjBoreial mad Uborty atreota.
The circle which waa held at 6I30 u
tU T p-m. will bo oauted aatil farther
noUee. Mrs. Sehwedef oa Portland will
be the speaker. Messages will be girsa
4kA ... . i . .
mwa nina ioervy straei, room one.
Unity elssses held Monday sight at f :4S
e ciocs , ana xnortaay slternooa at S
'dock. Mrs. Ids Toder Miller, teach
er. FIRST at. E. .
Chureh and Stata streets. H Tai-U
Parker, pastor. Sunday school 0:45 s.m.
Morning worship 11:00 o'clock; subject:
"The Mighty Mite." Erening worship
7:30 o'clock; subject; Serrieo by the
1 Gidesna Throe Young People's meetings
6:30 a 'clock. Special musie at both ssr
riees. ..; I - ; v.
H. C. Storer. minister. Morniar wor
saip at 11. Morning address aad music
by the Gideons. Breaiag serriee at S.
Address by r. W. O. Kantner and special
mama by the Pirst Congregational ehnrch
auartet. : The Church school meete at 10
a.m. O. C. Harris, Supt. Christina la-
a surer meetiag at 7 us pja.
)Tortk Cottage sad D streets. G. W.
Butsch, minister. 8 on day sehool S:45
Ssm Bchirasa. Bust. Serriee 11
a.m. , Sermon topio "The Incomparable
Christ." Women's Missionary society at
S:SO p.m. Erening serriee at S e clock
will be ia ths hands sf "Ths Gidions.'
Toang Psopls's snooting at S p.m.. Tues
day. Keg. mid-week prayer serrieo st S
pjnu Wednesday.
Corner . W Wiater aad Chemeketa
streets. Orerer C Birtehet, D. D- pas
tor. - Chureh school st S:30 a.m. 1. M.
' Ramsge, Supt. Meraiag worship nt 11
o'clock. The Gideons will be.ia charge
of the serriee. . Christina Endearor so-
eWtiee meet at S:S0 a.m. . Ereniar
ship 7:SO o clock. Bermoa by the pas
tor. Aathem by the choir. Mid-week
prayer serrics Tharsdsy st 7:30 s clock.
Corner of Hanoi and Academy streets.
Sunday school at 19 s cloeK. iiessoa
Deut. IS. Preachinr st 11 s.m. sad 7:sg
p.m. Mid-week prayer and testimony
meeting Tharsdsy erening -st 7:45.
Thirteenth and Perry i streets. C. O
T . - . C3 J . V I f ..K
num. B C. Fergason,- Sapt. Church ser
rieo at s. Ersnreustte semes st i :eo.
Speeisl music. Tuesday erening 7:43,
Eranralist Ethel Gatekaast ia charge.
Great mid-week young people's prayer
meeting will no held at tae noma ox air.
and Mrs. B, O. Ferguson. 773 South 18th.
St 7:45 p.m. Wednesday.- Church Fel
lowship aad Prsyer-serriee Thursday er-
0 -
you know
I I ""' S A SBSS' '
. a; i
terests you.
can gather
vou never
thing you
euiag at T :4S. Teaaf People's' Sraage-
ustis semes eataraay sight at i:4. -
i, , , ..... y
-Coart aad 17th streets. B. T. bkMu-
kar, pastor. Phoao 4704. - Bandar school
t4S a.av. Mrs. dw. Waller. Sept. Morn
ing worsaip ii o ciocs; sabjeet: btate
Missions" by 0. P. Bwaader, sUU ae
cretsry. Xreaiaf worship S o'clock : sab
ject: fiermos by See. Bwaader. Tsaag
People's mootiag T o'clock; MId-woeh
meetiag Wedaeeday 7:4S p.m.
SOUTH ' BAXEtt paxxirDS -Boath
Commercial at Washiastoa
streets. Chaa. C. Hsworth, pastor. 10:04
B4nday. school, Nathan Cook. gust. lltOS
Meraiag worship. Oerpel sermon by the
paster. Special- araeie. StOO pjav Vea
per aerrlee. - Cheater A. Hadley, yearly
Leneeting Sapt. will preach. , Thnrsday
9 p.m. prayer meetiaa nibte staay.
f V EroMXD CHtraca :
kJoraer Canilol aad Marian a tracts. W.
Gi IJenkaemper. pastor. - Saaday school
0 Uaraaa worship lo clock;
suhjeet: "The Adraatage of Christ's
Aieension Into Hearea." English" wor
ship 11 e clock; subject: A repreaentatirs
ef. ths Christisa Trarelors' assooiatioa
will speak oa ths ministry of the Gideons.
Bpeeial musie. -
Narth 17th and Nebraska straeta. . L.
W Biddle, pastor.- Sunday school t:45
ait. Morning worship 11 o'clock; sub
ject: "What Am I Worth?" Krenieg
worship 7:30 o clock; subject: "The rei
lewship of Prayer." Junior and Inter-
mtdisVa O. ; XL 6:30 s'clocs; inDiect:
"Our Share in Making the World
Friendly." Maxlns Hill, leader. Com
munity night supper and program oa
Friday the 22nd. . ,
1 rrasT tthttabiai
. Korth Cottara and Chemeketa streets.
Bey. Prod Albaa Weil, minister. Church
school , at 10 sjn. Miles H. McKay.
irtit. Chnrch serrioe at II s.m. 8er
mdn: "Walk To in the Flame of Tour
Fire." Soloist, Mrs. Trunin Huston. Or
ganist, Mrs. Wsiter a. uenton.
Keizer Women v
I Meet Thursday
! To do Quilting
1 KEIZER. May 15 The Kelxer
T.adiM' Aid waa entertained at
the home of Mrs. O. N. Thomp-
uAn Thnmdsr 1 afternoon. The
tii ii neot In aniltlnar. Mrs,
LW. E. Savage will be hostess in
7ne. ':- -
i ?Tho nresent were Mrs. Clar
ence Poole, Mrs. Llndgren. Miss
Mae Kinkaid. Miss Iis Keefer,
Mrs. W. E. Savage, ' Mrs. Ben
rii -tt- Mrs. Robert McClay.
Mrs. Fred McCall and children
Edwin and Rnth, Mrs. J. C. Rey
nolds, and Mrs. Joe Bartruff.
01d-Fashioned Evangcliitic Tent Meeting
At Corner of South Winter and Bellevue Sts.
2 Blocks South of Willamette University
Services begin Sunday afternoon at 2:30 May 17
, and each evening following at 7:45 : :!
Christian woraers wanted Work for all ;
i -aa-a--a-a aa-a-.
IF EVERYBODY with something to interest
yon should come and ring your bell, what a
nuisance it ilould be! Think of Uie swarming,
jostling crowtl, the stamping of feet on your
porch and carpets! ' " u"
' !! -' ': j ' . . ' . " '- ' -;
Every day, we knftw of many callers who
come to seelyou. They never jangle the bell
they don t tate up your whole day trying to
get your attention. Instead, they do it in a way
that is most considerate of your privacy and
yoiir convenience. They advertise in your
newspaper ! I 1 . ,
- j '"'Mi 1 ' : ' - , .-
In thistwajl you have only to listen to, those
t a glance have something that in-
"they make it short, too, so you
quickly just what you want to
know.' You can receive and hear them all with
out noise or pbnfusioh in comparatively few
. j -5 ( v "'
In fairness to yourself look over all the ad-
vdrtisements.iThe smallest and
cdrkbe sure which one
really want to know.
Delegates! to Portland
Invite Group Here
'1932 Convention
A nnmlur rf Rslem folk Tlan
to attend the annaal district as
sembly for the North Pacific dis
trict ef the Church of tht Nai-
arene which meets la Portland,
in the Brentwood Nssarene church -next
Wednesday morning- and will
continue through the following
Sunday. ; . .
Dr. R. T.: Williams of Kansas
City, general superintendent of
the church, will preside. Other
district officers are - Dr. J. Er
Bates of Portland, district super
intendent; Rev. L. E. Channel ert
Kawberr district treasurer: Rev.
D. Rand Pierce of Vancouver. B.
C, district secretary. Tne assem
bly will be preceded by th con
vention of the Woman's Foreign
Missionary society which will
open on Monday nignt. i - ,
Thais who nlan to alien d ino
convention from Salem are Rev.
and Mrs. Fletcher Gallowan Mr.
and Mrs. L. VanDellnder, Clyde
Iloffer, Frank LltwIHer. t Miss
Thea Sampson. Rev. Aaron Wells
nil Mr a V.ltr.abetlt Baxter. Also a
number of others will attend part
of the sessions as visitors.
An effort! Is being Imarte
trimiie-h the 1 local congregation
and the chamber of commerce of
Salem to bring the next annual
gathering here. The annual meet
ing, has been held in Salem only
once in the 20 years since the or
ganization of tae local Nazarene
congregation. That was in 1123.
May Silver Tea
To be Wednesday
The Ladles Aid of-, the - Ford
Memorial M. E. Community
chureh will hold its silver tea for
May in the Community hall Wed
nesday. May 20, t o'clock. jTbis
is expected to be the banner tea
for the year and a splendid I pro
gram is being arranged. The re
freshment committee is Mrs. A.
L. Applewhite, Mrs. J." A. Tantls
and Mrs. Eugene Krebs. j
0 99
the largest
will tell some-
i y.