I. VAC.:: TwELVB T.. OHCGOri STATESMAN, Sales. Orc-cn."TIisrsijT 7':rr'- . I'.zv 11. 1231 ocie ty ews andi Cliib A ii.diLs: LIrs. F. K. Power Complimented ' : Today lira. Doa Prltchett and - Mrs. iobn Caughell, Jr. will bo host eziea today at the Prltchett home la compliment to Mrs. Kenneth Power who will leay about May It for Appletoa.WlaeoB fla, trhero the will spend two months with ber-parents; afr. and" Mr. 7i B. RIehL '' ' I,-taacheon.' with corers . for 18 wHL be at one o'clock and' this will be followed.by bridjo. V -u TJuests in' compjiment to .Mrs. Ijwr will b Mrs. "Wolcott Bar en; MrsJ Hex Adolph, Mrs. George TTeiler, - Mrs. Kenneth "W'o-. Mrs. Wallace Carson," Mm. Frank Chapman, Mrs. Wells Brown. Mrs. . ft- 4 rl as rtohertson. Mrs.' Jerald Backitrand. Mrs. Milton Steinerd Mrs. Wiliard Marshall, Mrs. cor don Hartley, Mrs. Frank Decke oita of Portland. Miss Charlotte Zelber and Miss Rorena Eyre. . ' m ' Unitarian Alliance . To Have Luncheon -The luncheon meeting of - the Woman's Alliance of the Unltarr lan church will be held Friday afternoon in the Emerson room Of the . chureh, beginning at 1 o'clock. - T .Mrs. J. M, Derers, Mrs. Miles JlcKey and Mrs. Fred Alban Well are the hostess committee. Mrs. Myra Shank will address the social meeting which has been planned to follow, the luncheon hour. Olive M. Doak. Society Editor SOCIAL CALENDAR j; - Thursday, May U w . Mrs. U R. Springer, hostess to memoers of the 3oIden Hour club for a one o'clock luncheon. ; - - - -: . Norm Salem W: C T. U. Z:3 9 -o'clock, Jason Leo Church, t .....-.-,-...-.:;.; V... ; , . r Brush College Helpers, Mrs. OllTer Whitney, Brush Collr , afternoon meeting. , : - , ; . Kensington club with. Mrs, Herbert. Haoser, :7f0 Stewart etreet, J:3 o'clock. v - ; ' - ' ., Annual homecoming of auxiliary to Capitol No. 11. Patriarchs Militant, IV O- O. Fhall. Banquet at : o'clock. Program and roll call. .7 . - ' - - ; - " Special "Mother's . day" - program for Orchard . Heights 'club'at home of Mrs. P. T. Bouffleur, 341 North Capitol street. " : ' , ' : :- ., V , Ladies and Knights "of Maccabees, 8 oicTork, at Fra ternal temple. - ' , , Deaf School Program Is Success '- V - ' : ; . -- l - , The program rtren .under di rection of Mrs. Tom Wolyamott assisted by Mrs. Virlan Barthol omew by about 70 of Salem high school students in which they presented much of the "Jim Jam boree" numbers v glTen recently In the high school was enthusias tically received by the students at the school for the deaf Tues day night. The program 3. was sponsored by the Institutions de partment of the Salem Woman's club of which department Mrs. S. M. Endicott Is general chairman. A. f roup of parents and Wom an's club members offered trans portation for the group. These were. Mrs. Gene Alexander, Mrs. John Van Lydegraf, Mrs. S. D. Johnson, Mrs. Hyday, Mrs. Yo- kum, aad Mr. Albee. Those from the Woman's - club were. Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs. U. S. Page, Mrs. C E. Stricklin, Mrs. W. JL Needham and Mrs. O. I, , Forge who was - accompanied -by her young son, Billy. - -' - The: program, will be repeated at. the boy's training school in Woodburn Friday evening. . ' . ' A quiet marriage of Saturday was that which united Miss Edith Graves and . Kenneth' D. Sho maker. Rev. W. Blddle read the, simple ceremony la the United Brethem church at 1:30 o'clock. Mr. nd Mrsv-V.'I. Seam ster were the only attendants Mr. and Mrs. Shomaker will make their home at 2084 Center street, Salem, : Subscription ? Club Supper Dance For l 1 Saturday ; The' Subscription, club .will giro the last of its series' of four dancing parties for the . season Saturday : night at Haul Green. With the coming of the fan an other eerie will b started. The date " fori the ' dance has teeat set for May ? 2 but ' la order to get the hll " at Hazel Green, it was necessary- to change the date- to Saturday sight. Thla last affair wm be a pic nic supper, at 7; 3 0 o'clock and then dancing will follow. . There will ho a number of out-of-town guest for the aifalr. ' - - Church Women to ' : Hear Frederick Libby The' Council of Church women of Salem and ricinlty will hold an all-day session at the Evan gelical church Friday. Music a jioon luncheon at the church, and a business meeting In the after noon will .be a' part of the pro gram. , , The two outstanding' parts of the program are the reports of Rer. Nlwa which will - be given concerning the Japanese work in the Lake Lablsh district and will be given at 11:45 o'clock and In the afternoon following the bus! ness meeting an address by Fred' rick J. Libby, general secretary for. the National Council for the Prevention of war. . 1 . - V-'A 14 TODAY!. BEGINS PAJAMA WEEK! OUL Hundreds of Smartest, Newest Pajamas Arrived at Miller's For! This Big Showing! ; laving Models Thursday and Friday 12 to 1 arid 3:30 to 4:30 Fashion's newest acquisition to the mode will ,- - ' nave iuii sway beginning today I For PA JAMA WEEK Is proclaimed! Miller's have spent weeks arranging the new -styles for this event V . . and now they invite you to come to the main floor lingerie section and see this living model 'display which takes place at 12 to 1 and 3:30 to 4:30 today and' Friday. ' .. . " .. . ; - , ' - - ; , See the new Algerian and Roman stripes . ; . the scenic and wonderland prints . . , see Dain tee Wear "Jumper-alls," the hottest pajama of all. The new "flop" hats and the pajama san dals. Prices are extremely moderate. . i .r - " i , ...-: t , I ..-.-. . I- ! . . j PA JAMAS FOR EVEBY - OCCASI02T HOUSE, AND GARDEN ' : BRIDGE AND TEA 1 ' . : BEACH AND PICNIC - - ; AFTERNOON AND DANCING Choose now! While the Esiartest Things are in Stock! - - i, - - - : . . . --- MCMCAMTIU CQMMNV IMCT- There's Every Indication of a Great Pajama . Season! . . Mis3 ,CreIghton Announces Plans - m vawAuVA aim Mrs. W. Al. Jones wlO bo fiost- esse-ior" eauers - at Joneemere farm Eaturdar and Sunday after noon between tho hours . of S and t o'clock for tho annual "opea sarden stren each year by them. . . .This la an rent anticipated by all tho flower lorors of tho alley and- with rood weather largo numbers of peoplo will call during tho two afternoons. Assisting daring Saturday aft ernoon will b Mrs. W. K. Dan cy. Mrs. Romeo Goalet. and Mrs. Homer- Gonlet. Master Arnold Thronsted will recelTo tho guest at tho gate. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ralph Klnxer will preside at the punch bowl for both afternoons'.- - . ; Sunday Mrs. Daney, Crefghtoa Jones and' ; Iran Martin from Oregon State college will assist In recelring tho guestst " ' Mrs." Elbert Bradford Club Hostess' . Mrs. . Elbert Bradford nd- Mrs. MerTln. ridler entertained the Wednesday afternoon club at bridge' at th Fldler home. The guest rooms were attractively ar ranged with : roses in shades of red. and yellow. Mrs. Ralph Mase and- Mrs. Alrin Marr held win njng scores. Following cards tea was served and a social hour' en Joyed. : , - J Members present were Mrs. alpfe Mase, - Mrs. Alrln Marr, Mrs. ; Carl . AUport, ; Mrs. Harry Kroner. Mrs. Reed Carter, Mrs. Tyler Brown,1- Mrs. 1 Edwin Eby, Mrs. Forrest Fulton, Mrst Jud eon Bressler, Mrs.' Carroll Robin son, and Mrs. Fidler and Mrs. Bradford- l j - - - - i t -i i - - - .-v : -,- r I - i- t' . - i. K 5 - - I -.;---- -- -v -,r-- t - 1 - ..... , . j - - i ' A dollcr cllovcnc for your old iron Now ; E i ;v DErHRlFTYk A Dollar. SAVED is a DolUr EARNED; ' .. Brlifa tt In . rtoarjles of what kind r In what-condition It : . ;- : r. y b er let ua aext f or It, and w will allow you ons dollar. " " . . ; Pay only t5c. dwn.anf; tho balance In convenient payment " -' - -.-r ; : ' with your light bill,' far-this sptendltf.. Improved .r . v-t- . .. .til .ir-r . ' -ri. -rn.."- r . Ti .: - ' . i - ,.X'- wV; adjustable automatic electric iron V y 'i 'i -; ' Tb9it jron made : . NW before auch aot 1 Ironing. " No time. lost waiting for a THIS Iron to got hotter er cooler. Always Just right. - Never too , '-:'.C ;.: .hot.; Never too cool. f.-ji;jl - .:J A ' Just set tho control for ny kind of work and tho Iron will be : AUTOMATICALLY kept: at exactly the desired temperature. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY .5 i 11 If.: tie iro n 0 - 51 SIS h Offo'Jo-ws . : s .-.v.-.-.v.-. 3f It I E ' II 'fc. II m,ry 1 - 06 c- ' ' V 1 . r-1 O O '! 1 :.l !:l 15 J' "Reach ''Cor -a LUCCY inGfroad" - w. t i TUNB IN Zmoo Ordica. NJBXUcewoiW Including iho uso of UIrayio!el, Rays i Sunshine Mellows Heat Purifies Your Throcf Protection cgalnst lrTl?Gtlon cnalnsl ccurui j Now I Ploaso! Actually put your 1 finger on your Adam's Apple. Touch ; it your Adam's Applo Do you knowyouaroactucilytouchingyour contains your vocal chords. Vhcn you consider your Adam's Applo ij you are-considering your throat 4 your voce! chords Don't rasp your throat with harsh Irritants Reach ( for a LUC ICY instead Remember, f LUCICY STRIKE is tho only "cigarofto In America that through Its oxclu-. sivb'j TOASTING' process oxpcls certain harsh irritants present . In all raw tobaccos These expelled Irritants are sold to manufacturers of chemical compounds. Thby cro not present in your LU CIVf STRIKE, and so wo sav Considor your Tk , r 1 I i i, il " 5 1