The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Ore goo, Toesday Morning. May -12, 1931 PAGE SEVEN FIVE"! PUPILS BIT FJI Unique Pronram Features Jiistorical Scopes of Civil War Pays FAIRVIEW. May "11- Friday Ivealna; at toe school house, the SchooL children R-ve. an , hlstorl . cal pageant of the Mtitb daring the Civil war period. The atory was told by Helen Dent who Impersonated an old Union aoldler telling the story to hit grandchildren. Scenes of the elantatlon darkles at their work tnd at their play we-e enacted y a croup of 15 children who wers realistically co3 turned. The kits, songs, spirituals. . mono ogues and tap dances were- clev erly performed. War aongs of the period were sung by a group iof Union soldiers around their evening camp. Dillon Jones in frock coat and with his silk hat gave Lincoln's Gettysburg speech. In the final scene the north and south were reunited under one flag; the flag aalute given - and "Columbia the Gent of the Ocean sung. - : Pupils Flay Parts Characters in the pageant -Were: grandfather. Helen Dent; grandchildren. Claldle Rose. Francis Benson; Amos, Laurence Pack; Lightenln. Howard Sehon; Six. Johnslng. Dixie Hose; Andy, lily Sehon: Madame Queen. Clara Benson; Ol Black Joe. James Rose: violinist, Fred Morse; dancers. Vivian Benson. Josephine Jones. Bessie Benson. Clara Benson. Rowena Jones; soldiers. Dorothy Benson, Sylvia Hose, Sarah Horse. Thelma Rosa. Gladys Pack. Eugene Carrer; Lincoln, Dillon Jones; Columbia, Vina Turner. The scenery for the pageant was painted by the school chil dren. . . Band Enjoyed The Salem Heights school band played several nnmbe.-s which were enjoyed rery much. The band was accompanied by their principal. Mrs. Cecils Wlegand. Special ruests were Mr. and pir. Fulkerson. Miss Mamie Bos nrack. Mlas Margaret McAlpln and Mrs. Lillian Shaner whc was accompanied by her pupils from - McKee school in the north end of the county. Club to Meet May 15 The next meeting of the Com munity dab will be held Fridsje evening. May IS. A program is being arranged. A special fea ture will be the talks by Ross "Wright. Jim Sehon. Geo. Palmer and Ralph Dent. j Picnic Planned Thai annual school picnic will be held on the school grounds Saturday, Bay If. All former pupils i and residents are , urged to attend. An Invitation to other schools has also been extended. .The 4-H club will hold an ex hibit at this time. Mrs. J. IL Crawford enter tained a group of ladies of her "church circle" , at luncheon Fri day. The time was spent in nuilting. ?- ay fob Fin Reports that the federal tariff commission would grant another hearing on Italy has aroused lo - cal growers to fighting; pitch. It Is apparent that the proposed hearing . will be for the purpose t trimming the schedule on cher ries for 'maraschino manafactnr- This. coming in' the face of Pre sident Hoorer's refusal to grant a lower tariff rate and his state ment that the present tariff should be glren a chance, has caused growers to launch a storm " of protest.' I Many growers hare wired their protests to Washington. D. C, and Max Gehlhar, recently named ag- ricultural commissioner Of Ore - SOn has wired for definite inf or-1 mation. Eastern maraschino manufac turers bars mads a determined effort to reduce the rates oa brin ed cherries since they can be pro duced much more cheaply in Italy than la America. Growers claim that a redaction In the tariff will cripple one of the west's great horticultural Industries. LOil IV. WALLER CALLED HEMIC ! MONMOUTH, May 11. Loria W. Waller. TJ, died Sunday at his home In Monmouth from heart trouble. He was born October 11, 1651 at Kola, the aoa of George T. aad Jane Waller, early pio neers. He attended school at Mon mouth, and except for a brief per iod spent In Tacoma, lived here all his life, where ha was engaged In the lumber and fuel business until 111 health necessitated his re tirement a tew years ago. He was married December 10. 18t0. to Miss Sallie McGee, at Eu gene, who survives. Also surviv ing are one daughter, Mrs IT C. Olds of Lebanon: four sisters, Mrs. Marshall Fell of San Fran cisco. Mrs. A. C Rice and Mrs. A. J. Winters of Portland. - and Mrs. E. E. Hewett of Engene. and two grandsons. The funeral arrangements, la charge of the Smith funeral chap el,, are incomplete. CHERRi hh Scio Seniojs ' StLge Comedy ' SCIO. May 11. Friday evening the senior closs of Scie high schooK presented Its class play. Safety First. to a well-tHled bouse at the Peoria's theatre. The) cast follows: Jack Ment gomery, the yonnjhusbal. XI arte STRAWBERRY PRICE STILL GAINS GftAENTS DOWN rfesPTTE Supply of California Early Berries Is Small Again : PORTLAND, May 11 (AP) Early trading conditions and price were unchanged today in whosesale batter and egg mar keta.. .j; ; ; v Butter receipts were barely suf ficient and buyers continued ac tive on shipping accounts. Storage holdings were increased f.8 per eent at close of the last week. , a ToW of the egg market remain ed weakened by liberal receipts. Result was more price shading to more ordinary stock. - Weekend storage holdings stood at 29.606 eases, 14.3 per cent-more than a week earlier Tand 11.3 per cent leas than 4t year back Ruling quotations remained barely steady In the country dressed meat and poultry trade. Liberal poultry re ceipts were 'brought up fairly closely by -retailers but coolers were crowded with holdover hogs, calves and lambs. Fresh fruit and vegetable wholesalers found a brisk early demand for all lines at , steady Quotations. Market supply of California early ' strawberries was small, bringing the price of first quality berries up 80 cents a SO pint crate above last week's- top to 13.50. Fresh arrivals from California shipping" centers included canta loupes, quoted from ft. 0-8.00 tor crates of 36 and 45, and cauli flower priced at 12.10 a crate. PORTLAXD. Ora, May 11 (AP) lraatoa axahaara, prices : hattar, rtraa 5. ataaai-da 14, prim firata 18, tint S3; r freak axtna IS, traaa adlaama U. Portland Grain PORTLAND. . Ora, Mar 11 AP) Whaat latere: 1 Opea Hi LOW CIom Kay I . 68 68 3 8T. , 68 (S 67 6T JuL UM 68 6T 6714 Caah aurkata: wkaat; aic Band bln tena .60; soft wkita, weatara whit .69; kalrd winUr, aortaaim aprinc waitera red .69, 1 OaU: No. 2 18 lb. whiU 23.00. Mill ma ataadard 16.00. Cora: No. S.E. Y. aaipoaaat 88.76. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ora Mar 11 (AP) Cattla 1405, iaehadia 208 through, eatrea 10O; actiTa-matara4 claaaea mostly 25c ar mar higher. etaera. 6OO-80O lb, good 97.60 8.00; median 8.7507.60; aamaiaa 6.00(7.00. 6iwif SOO-liOO lba., ood 7.60 (of 8.00; madisja 6.50 7.25; eommoa 5.75 6.50. tra 1100-1800 Iba food 7.00 T.60; madiam .007.00. ' Heifera 650 80 Iba rood 7.25(7.75; median 6.25 6 7.75 ; aommoa 6.256.25. Cawa, good 6.75S.OOt eoaiaioa and median 4.75 6.75; low cottar and cotur 2.50 1 4.75. BalU, yaarlinga zeraded. 6.00 5.50; ratter, eaauaoa aad aaadian. 8.75(d5.O0. Vealars. milk fad. 8.&0te-5O; aaeaiam T.OOgjS.50; call and eommoa 4.60 (tf 7.00. CalTea 25O-600 lbe., food ad choice 7.008.50; eaauaoa and medium 4.00 4i 7.00. Hosa 1695 Including SO throofh; ae- tiTa, aunrnur cwaaaa iso nifoer taaa laat week a claaa. (8oft ar aily hosa aad roaating plga axciaded). Licht lichto 14O-160 Iba goad aad- ehaica 87.00 96.00: light weight 160-200 Ibfc, cwod aad choice 7.74 8.00; light weight 180-200 Ibfc, good aad choice 7.7646.00; medium wegiht 20O-220 Iba, good aad choice 6.7SQ7.75; medium weight 220-260 lbe, good and choice 6.607.50; heery weigata S60-M0 Iba good aad eaoica 6.857.25; heary weighu 290-350 Ibi, mediam aad goad 6.506.75. Faekiag aowa 27S-600 lba meaiam aad good 6.KHc?6.00; loader and atoekar piga 70 180 Ibfc, rood aad choice 7.6O08.OO. Bhoea 6S5; active, tally ateedy. OaaUtioaa ea ihora baeia exerpt apriaf baiba. Lamb 80 lb., dowa 8.00 6.50; atediam 6.608.00; all weifhta, eoiamaa 6.50 6.50. Tearling wethera 80-110 lbe, mediam to choice 4.50 0 8.60. Ewoa RO-180 lbe.. medium to choice 2.50 3.00; ewea 120-150 lb., me dium to choice 2.0002.75; ell weight, coll aad eommoa 1.00 Q 2.00. bruits. Vegetables P0BTLA3ID, Ore, May U (AP) Freak fruit oraagea, TiaTel, packed $4 4.50; VaJeneia. 61.60(4.25; graperrait. tS.SS; Umea, 6-daa. cartoa 2.50; baaaaea 6 lb. lomoaa CalUoraia. 65.507.75 caee. Btrawaorriea uregoa .au itf 6.50 for Ie; California, 4V50 for 20a. CabUr local, lH02e; California, Z03 lb. Potatoea wregoa Deechotel, 61.40180; Bakers, S2. local, 75(3$1; Yakima, B54jl.6. Kw. potatoea Catiforaia garaeta, 4 ie. ..Oaioaa aelt iag price to re tail re: Orecoa, SO & 90e cwt.; CaL, aew crop Bermuda. 2.50. becd poUtoee local, lHlar lb. - KauWh-local, balk. 2VhC Arti cbokew -6075a doe. Spinach local. 65&76e ores re boa. Celery Califor aia, 81-401.76 or doa, hearta Sl.dO do, baaehea. Maahreama hothoaae. 60 e lb. Peppera boll, groom. 1618e lb. Swoet potatuaa eaatara. 83.75 ham per. Cauliflower California, 62 2.10. Heaaa Taxaa. 83.73 hamper; 16a lb. Paaa Catiforaia. 6 07a rb. Mesicaa, 9.50 a lab, repacked; hethoeee, 27e85a lb. Lemaee cJeliaaa, $IM et per araXe. Aaparagma aerUweat, 001 Portland Produce POBTIJLND. Ore, May 11 (AP) Milk raw aeilV per cent). par cwL. deli Tared Pert lead toaa X parceat; brado O aiUk, l.w. . Kata walaaU, Oragoa. bow 21035e; almoada, aoaaata, 9tfl2k; fil- HoVa'lBSO crop. 17HQ18HO. Poultry (bay has Pioaa Uo, beayy haaa, otot H awaada. 190ao; aaodi cat heaa. 8, to 4 pomada, 15; light brae, lSe; eowrod breilara. S poaads aad ear. 25S8: white bratlora, 120; foaag Pakia dacha. 4 poaada aad aeor. 2c; old. 25or ootaeod dacha. 15o; tar fcoa. Mo. 1. 254ySe. ; Ptatoow Sio. 1 local. 81.1001.85; Doechatea, 6 1.60 O UT6 ;. Yakima, 81.25 U(; Ma. S local. 85el; aaw aota toaa. 4H6Hc lb. Hay wholesale bmyiar prieea. delier 4. Portlaad, aaatora Oreroa timothy, 622.0&83; do valley. 818 1050; alfal fa. 816(vl6; eloeor. 816; oat bay; 816; atraw, $1 8 too; aoUtag pneea 61 to 82 ""lad poaHry aWliag prtce to ro Uimra. tarkaya. poor to good. fQJ3i dacha, 25a; cms. ChP 8205 lb. -t ' " - DeWall; Jerry Arnold, a poor fix er. Vincent McDonald; Mr. Me Nutt. a defective detective, Cecil Grimes; Elmer Flannel, awfully shrinking. Lamia Km ml; Aboa Ben Mocha, a Turk. Earl Bart nik; Mabel Montgomery, Jack's wife, Gloria Wesely; Virginia Brldger, her sister. Alma Phillp pl; Mrs. Brldger, their - mamma, Heleue Elgia: Zularfkav a Turkish maiden. Rose Novt-kt Mary Ana O'Finnerty. Irlsk cbok. Opal Shil ling. . . ; , . Ceneral Markets Salem filarkets Grade B raw 4 milk, delivered la Selena, f 1JJO cwt. ; Batterfat at farm 21c' Salem 22c. ; w ;v':,e;K:' rETJTT AXD VZOETAXXS ' Price paid to rrowera r aaiem boyara. May 11, 1881 - Oaicat ' - ' : U. S. Ko. 1 ' ' ' aa 8 pleach, large crate Khabarb Beacaaa' Vagetablaa- J02U Radiaha. dot. .40 Ualaiia, aoa. JO PEEDS . Sotaa Prises Calf meal. tS lba. ., .l.SO-1.68 Scratch, toa - 80.00-85.00 Cora, whole toa 88.00 to 86.00 - Cracked aad groaad. toa S4.00-83.OO Mill raa, toa 18.00 to 20.00 Braa. toa fl"" te 10.00 Igg maaa. wt 1.85 te 2.2 S SOOa Bay lag Prices Kxtraa Standards Mediama . at as POCTLTX' Baylag Prices Kooatera. r'd Broilera Heart ee. heaa Mediam beaa . J2 86 . 16 II 10 Light heaa OBAXjr msra hav Baylag Prleaa . Wbcat, wsrtera red . ' White, bo. - . T BarUy. toa " a 88.00 Oata. grey. bo. 82 !, aa. . as Bayt beyiar pri Oaaa aad Tatcb. toa .8.00-6.80 Clew ; ; 8.00-0.00 Alfalfa, ralley, 2nd eattiag 18.00-15.00 Eaatara Orecoa 10.-Q0 Coauaoa . i ,, 12.00 BOPS Tap crtAc - Oldttock ratnraa 80-86 85-40 4 41 42- 46 43- 50 .04 .via 02 ie jat MZAf laylag Prises Lambs, tap -0S-.8T . tioga -07. Hoc. 800 lba, ap Steers ' -Cows .04-.eTtf .05 to .07 08 to .04 OA-.OStf 10 Heifers Dressed veal Droesed boga Coarse ,, WOOX. MICKEY MOUSE LOOK, BtfTCU, LOOM AM IIMViT ATTlQM TT1 luiDC. PO0CH De uoumosear's' ' Mouse PAjzrYf rrJs PQQ US! WE BSEAK. IMTO SOCIETY!! tTTl'. I li If-V I ip. - i r iu?iaM 1 1 POLLY AND HER PALS AH OUR NEW NEXT- DOOR NEIGHBOR W-VsTTS TO rW US A CALL COME RISHT IN. BROTHER. THE GATE AIN'T LOCKED T li LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY TOOTS AND CASPER wnricrn a Vjwttk.1 YOUR VyAFB'pHOMEP PlDNrieHE-aAY YHERE 5E VTa ax Maaaf a a ia- .V fc ra w e aLV in sm inn i r zrk At f - XT tt ' DECREASE Optimism as to Winter ? Grain Outlook is Bear Factor CHICAO0. - May 11 (AP) Despite a sharp decrease of the United States wheat risible sup ply, all grains went downward to day. Auspicious reports concern ing domestic -winter wheat pros pects gave bears aa advantage. In addition better moisture condi tions for spring wheat south of the Canadian boundary tended to offset need of a general soaking north of the International line. Wheat closed irregular, 4 cent lower te 1-8 advance, corn un changed to 1 cent down, oata un changed to, 1-S-U off. Chicks Shipped Out on Decline . A very noticeable decline la the anmber of. baby chicks shipped from Salem this spring Is reported at the local postofflce. One clerk said yesterday that far less than. 80 per cent aa many chick had gone out from this territory than last year. Declining prices of eggs with consequent redactions im peding la poultry growers Cocks was assigned as the reaaoa for the decline la ahlpments. . plan noMKOoaaxa V BRUSH COLLEGE. May 11 A meeting of the Brush College community dub Do am has seen called by Chairman A. H. Utley to meet at the home of Mrs. John Scbindler Wednesday night. This board is elected each year and has charge of arrangements for the Brash. College home coming held In Jane each year, plans for which will be discussed Wednes day night. Included on the board are A. E. Utley, chairman. Mrs, John 8chlndler, Fred Swing. V. J. Lehman and Mrs. Fred Olsea. Medium .IS X0HAXB Old Kid MOTA x ' . ' i VVcVj vmj I If 1MAQIN8 ) I IV OKTT J I l iraJ W I W III YLf .1 &ClrWU5E4Baria4 "WE MAM MAKE A .AUytAV tSat, bO OWf -5AJD A FEW Y0ED5 AND THEM HUVjZr IJP-TCXTTO! HE TOLD ME "TO EM-TEJ3TA1M A FRtENP OF1 ITOWMt MlJ MEATXW5r AT Ubf THE HCTEL. EL 2WEUO; MEAPOW Youi :L;.ni k w. mm CALLED BY DEATH SCIO, May 11 Virginia 'Ana McKnight died at her home here Sunday evening. , ;-:.. Virginia Ana McDonald was was bora on her father's donation land claim near Shelburn Decem ber 20, 1862, and- sent her early life la Oregon. She was married to i William McKaight May 18Tb. Mr. McKnight died about 10 years laten ..;- -,-i;i.-; ' She was a member of the Free- byterian church and received her education in the Scio publls schools.. '!.' - . She is survived by three daugh ters. Mrs. Frank Gill aad Mrs. Fred Bilyea of Sclo and Mrs Clif ford Coffey of Portland; two sons, Don McXnight of Albanfnd Guy MeKnight of NewoprL Another son died la Infancy. She Is also survived by two sisters and one brother Mrs. W. A. Kwins of Scio and Mrs. Edwin Jones of Shelburn and William McDonald, who resides on a farm near Sclow . Funeral services will be held at the Christian church in Scie at i:St p. m. Tuesday, with burial la Franklin Butte cemetery. LAKB LABISH, May 11 The H. W. Mean family and the Ed ward Matthes family spent San day at the beautiful new coast re sort of Three Rocks 7 miles from Salem. . This Is the nearest beach to Sa lem and Is reached over the fa mous Salmon River cat off road, a road as perfect as Paelfle high way and one which shows Ore gon's magnificent scenery at Us best H. B. Calkins and son of Otis, Oregon, are owners of this beach, which, when developments now projected, are completed, win rival any coast resort In wild nat ural beauty, in salmon, nsning. in boating, and in seven mysterious A lot for 'Getting BEACH RESORT PROVES ATTHIVE r; liXlf El VJE'u- MAVB TO MAIOT i lSP M A 3000 IMPCESSIOJ I vou jump Mtfro sioua I CLOTHES, BUTCH, AND &k r , eO BEfJT USTMB "sBieeEsnr car mjo DONT PUSH NEIGHBOR) PULL SHE SWINGS V ' 'Sailor Bill (lakes a Promise" bao-lookuog I TAW CAM BETTER - lO The Mysterious Miss Meadows" W9W1 hfM : ,: : mf- MEAPOVVSJ MijP k l,,iTHr3THE. fe 'A ' ilM. CtSSAfcOMcVlI v i II VII COI.OMSLHO0FEJJ. : 1 K r2NTHS LD8BY P 1 ' rev A lTrvrT0aJt HEIREaSS JAILED IN IOLLING Prison fare doesn't seem very appetizing to Miss Helen Joy Morgan, heiress to a mElion-dollar fortune, 'shown in Flint, llicxu. where she Is being held In connection with the slaying of her sweetheart, Leslie vmw iiuv;. aa, acr aLrmcniuent ane pieaaed not guilty. caves where the mighty Pacific dashes and roars when the tide Is high. ; Ellen Bomanto Be May Queen At Dallas High DALLAS. May 11. Mlas Ella Boman was chosen May queen here last night and will preside at the annual May fete te be held on' the Dallas campus. Miss Ruby Voth and ; Miss Mona Brooks wHi be the queen's at tendants. The May fete will be presented by the pupils of the Dallas schools with the' various classes patting on varied performances. The May fete this year is under his Money' A WELL, BUTCH MADS A FAST TRIP-1 i wops Ms ear a BJ0.1MPCE.SS1VS LOOtONCW CAB the Gate" FDOLiN,5EZ rOU AlMTT m A 6HAKP KMiFE T I -Sax- OP OClPTVJDOOV AM itLTDS?M J-rtXJ OUTA B5tX)5e.TnAT CM US int. Katia fiaaarn Sradwalr. lar. r.rral Sritaiil TMP IP ME tOJEW THAT MSADOV AMD OPWC AR3 0NEAJDTHE5AMS; RCCOrZE. ME WtTH NEW PACE! -fEB,rM NERVOUS yf:" I 4-- 3 "TO the direction of Miss Helen Woodward. ' Queen Ellen took an early lead In the contest and led through- oat with- the exception of the fifth count when both her at tendants were ahead by a few points. The final ballot showed the following results: Ellen Bo man,244; Ruby Voth, 2148; Mona Brooks, 1414. ! RECTTAI, PLANNED , STATTON, May 11 Mrs. H. R. Oldi will present her violin and piano pnplls in recital at the high school auditorium Sunday, May 17, at 2:4 K-o'clock. Guitar num bers will be given by Prof. T. Thompson and the grade school glee dab, under the direction of Mrs. Grace Hill, will sing.' The public is Invited. , ypd ? GvE ME. XA vJUl A rVAlM Af AFEW rfe turi4eMErA6cwijv6aR& M TSAT WASM EQUAL WITH A rf Ta SMARTEST vfltLAMke VOUR EVES V rwuu1 uimt. rxur9 1 A CAKE Hrhti w icrM. -i Wr&5 MANAGER OF. LARRY CHOC a MOOFER. YtXIBETHE - tfX30 MEULBG t , THE NEXT CHAMP! HE AND I ARE 1 t0N6"TOMAVB MY A MILLION PCUACi f at a si a - ai a i i aa i M - -tll I . I : . mm rai KC-a iiOt 1 I 1 in i i . . lieu. MUSIC Si Elaborate Entertainments Featured During national I Music Week SILVERTON. May 11 Musle week at Sllvertoa was brought to a triumphal close Sunday night when the Eugene field auditor ium was well filled for the re ligious program prepared by the Musle week committee. Aa outstanding number of the program was the vocal solo by Paal Campbell recently or Chica go 1 .but now of Portland. Mr, Campbell was brought to Sll vertoa through the efforts of the Advent church here. All of the local numbers were mueh appreciated 8uaday even ing. Rev. H. Ze, Fobs acted as chairman of the evening and also led. la the group singing of old- time hymns. Considerable additional pleas ure has been added to the Mnsle week programs given atthe audi torium by the lovely baskets of flowers which have decorated the stage. Louise Latham and Betty. Klelnsonre have been responsi ble for-lhe decorations. Broadcast Praised f The Saturday evening, program broadcast upoa the streets of 611 verton drew a flattering audi ence. The visible studio in the windows of the Stiff Furniture store was completely surrounded during the entire program. The broadcasting car, recently pur chased - by Alfred Adams, .man ager of the local theatre, was placed In front of the Coolldge and McClalne bank. Adams, him self, acted as announcer for the evening;. The numbers were all local talent, most of "whom had never appeared before a micro phone before. CANCEL. CARNIVAL STAYTON, May 11 The Staj ton high school has canceled their date for the . annual carni val which was. to have been held May IS. This was due to conflict lng dates. ' f By WALT DISNEY By CLIFF STERRETT1 PRODI 3 By BRANDON WALSH -AILOCMAM rS. 7GE,t aXOC-KMlFfif Sr -J. Max! luTfle. . rr7f t whole w6f?LO 71 VE WPf?Lp, By JIMMY MURPHY ! . - i i HEhS SHE B S3 O IN OKIE MOMEMT "nssYiL PSFACCL TOrACSi ap iii ' HERE COMEMr MEADOWS i tHE-A I aTUaNlN4, VOMAM J tDLCfiH- hocftu frarraJLCT r TCWoRSJOwi I J I I " I