The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 12, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oresron, Tuesday Morninp, May 121931
Society News and 21uifa
Olive Iff. Doak. Society Editor
Ko-mal fames
Being Planned
For Weekend
According to the custom of the
Sororities; of Willamette onlver-
aity the annual formal parties of
the spring will be an orent of
this coming weeaena.. - .-
The Alpha . Phi .Alpha sorority
-Mir entertain -with a garden par
ty at the home of Dr.. and Mrs.
R M. Gatke. The evening will
nmlnated bv the "Gypsy
Idea carried eut through music
decorations, and program. Miss
Helen Hanke Is In charge of the
committee at work on the pro-
gram. -"V!;
Beta Chi sorority will nave a
'formal 'dinner and program-in
the SiWer GrlH room of the Gray
Belle. Covers will be placed f or
knnt 70 ruest. "
The Freshman women
hostesses for the formal party
for the Delta Phi sorority and
home. V " - .
Daleth Teth tiimei, woman s
organization of the eampns. will
hold Its formal party Friday
night In the Silver Grill room of
ti- firs- Belle. ; A program Is
being planned for this affair.
Silverton Maid
Silvertdnl ;The Martin Ilatte
"berg home" on. Mill street has
"Been the scene of two gay par
ties Tecently honoring Miss Marie
Ronnlnean whose wedding to Ar-
" thnr Stelnberrer wilt be .an eTent
In Jane. Miss Ronnlngan is one
of the Silverton school faculty.
The first of these parties was
given Thursday night when Mrs.
Martin O. Hatteberg. Miss Lillian
Block and .Miss Helga -Anderson
were , hostesses. The Hatteberg
ii,t. . -AAwk tvaA. Inv-lv with
spring flowers. - The ' gifts for
Miss -Ronningen-were brought
Into the room in a little pink
and green wagon drawn by Don
ald Hatteberg dressed in white
HUB LCl cua . '
The evening was spent in mat
Inr a memory book for the bride.
Guests for ' the evening were
Hannah Olsen, s Olga Johnson,
Fay Sparks, Elaine Clower, Mrs.
ee Alfred, Helen Ellenson, Ida
Anderson, Muriel ' Bentson, Joyce
Caldwell, Katherine Slawson,
Florence Storey, Lillian Niehouse
and Stella Dybevik.
Friday night Mrs. Hatteberg,
Miss Anderson and Miss Block
entertained agaln for Miss Ron
ningen. At this time . the guests
spent the evening. In embroider
ing tea ' towels for the honor
guest. Present at this time were
Mrs. S. A. Gay, Mrs Ham Jen
sen. Mm Oscar Satern. Mrs. Ma
rie ; Goplerud, Mrs. John Moe,
Mrs. A. J. McCannell, iMss Jane
Graham and Mrs. Chris Enne
voldson. .'
Alpha Phi Alpha
Sorority Has Tea
A charmingly Informal tea was
given with Alpha Phi Alpha sor
ority members as hostess Sunday
afternoon between four and five
o'clock in the sorority home on
Oak street. Mothers of members
i . .
were complimented guests, ana
called Informally during the
hour. - "' . , , .
The guest rooms were attract
ively arranged with flowers in
. shades of orchid and cream,
.house colors. Miss. Edith Glalser,
Miss Dorothy Shepard and Miss
Rosetta Smith served. ,
' This "mother daughter" tea is
an annual affair with the Alpha
Phi Alpha sorority.
Hazel Green Mr. and Mrs
Joseph Zelinskt were hosts for a
. family dinner Mother's Day. The
guests were Mrs. W. tr v-nihi
Middle Grote, mother of Mrs. Ze
llnski; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Pease and son LeRoy of Salem;
Mrs. Pease, aunt of Mrs. Zeiin
ski; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnick
and daughter Beverly Qninaby,
Mrs. Barnick Is sister of Mrs. Ze-
linski; Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ze
linski and song,. Homer and Ro
bert Qulnaby; Mrs. Matilda Ko-
oow of Claxton. John P. Zelln
ski Is a cousin and Mrs. Kobow.
aunt or Mr. ZellnskL
Hasel Green The Mothers'
ana Daughters' i banquet to be
given by the Women's Mission
ary society amd Ouerbeln Guild
will be at the church Friday.
May IS, at 7 o'clock. The Guild
will furnish, the proeram. Rev.
Leila Lackey, former pastor; will
e present to speak.
tux. and "Mrs. - Lee -.Unruh are
receiving . congratulations upon
the, birth of a-baby boy, born
May 10, - He has been named
Richard Lee. ;
er o
A mother's kiss,
A fond goodbye,
A tear oa her cheek,
A heart-felt sigh
Are the things we miss " " -'"'
As we Journey 'on
Far away from home
Till the touch is gone; " '
A kiss with a feeling
None but mother can give
No matted how old '
- Will always live. .
A fond goodbye Ji
As she watched us go
To lire among the masses.
Sorrow and, trouble to know.
A tear on"!er cheek' '
Like the diamonds that shine
This blessed old soul, -
That mother of mis.
A heart-felt sigh
As she knew it was done
To teat apart
That mother and son. '
! ' DENA MACK. -
Tuesday, May 12 - v
V Junior Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church, with. -...
Mrs. Carlton Smith in Roberts apartments, 35:30 o'clock.
Social afternoon for Eastern Star social elufc in Ma
: sonic temple. Cards will be In play at 3 o'clock. , r
Salem Arts league, election of officer and. annual . ,
reports; Salem pnblle library., "- ' .i" - - - t
Auxiliary to Sons of Union .Veterans, -Woman's t j
.clubhouse, 7: SO o'clock - " " " ;v , "
u i Institutions department of Salem Woman's club Jf ;
' iponnoring Jamboree program given by high ;t.--.
; ct' for deaf ; 7:30 o'clock,:' - .
Rarular meetlnr Encinitis club, 8:30 o'clock, Y. W.
" C. A.J report of nominating committee. : - - i
. - Cht Delta chapter of Delphlans, luncheon gneets of ,
Mrs. Carl Nelson, at her cottage In Neskowin. r - t - ; , if
Potluck dinner, t: 30 o'clock. Fraternal temple, Py- : . j
thian Sisters hostesses. . . ;.;;
Business Girls Sunday school class of First Meth-
odist church, meet at.home of Miss Eslie Miller.. 11.80
Ndrth Winter street. :30 o'clock. Indoor : picnic.' - , '. ?
. Royal Neighbors Sewln club, Mrs. C. F Loveland," I i
. 405 :5outh 25th street; all-day meeting : and potluck -. 4
.. lunch, at noon. ... r;; ' -r 7 1
y f Wednesday, May IS r.'' .v " -
i Regular missionary meeting of First Presbyterian
church. 2:30 o'clock. Prof. D. Schulze, speaker.
Waconda community club, home of Mrs. F. P. Bun- f
corn; potluck luncheon served at noon. r
Mrs. E. B. Taylor will be hostess to Woman's Home
Missionary society, Jason Lee church at her home, 1795
tcir roid. 2:30 o'clock. - . ;
American Lutheran Guild, 2 o'clock, church parlors. . ,
Program. t , ' : ' -
Primary council will have picnic from J" to S o'clock ;
In Englewood park.
r, : Dorcas society of Christ Lutheran church, 2 o'clock.
Monthly meeting.
Mre. Hattie Camerone hostess-to Past Presidents. .. .
club of .Woman' Relief corps at her home, 39 5 ..North
- list streefe. . ' L
, Sweet Briar club, Mrs. A. E. TJtley and Mrs. C. L.
... Blodgett, at Triangle ranch. . -r '. , ,.. '
i- Leaders of Girl Scouts, meet-at Y W. C A. at 7:30 . . :
o'clock. Urged that all leaders be present.- t r ' k j
. Knight Memorial church women, 12:30 o'clock .
, luncheon, in church parlors. . ':
Woman's Home Missionary society, 6:30 o'clock
"mother-daughter" banquet; Leslie Meniorlal church;
Queen Esther and Home Guards special guests; annual
mite box opening. ' ; J t 5 . '
Thursday, May 1U
, Mra.l L. R. Springer, hostess to, members of the
jolden Hour club for a one o'clock luncheon.
North Salem W. C. T. U. 2:30 o'clock, 'Jason Lee
thurch. .-..', i.
- Brush College Helpers, Mrs. Oliver Whitney, Brush
College, afternoon meeting. : " r
.Friday, May 15 '.
Neighbors of Woodcraft, social afterfibon and cards,
Fraternal temple. 2 o'clock.
First Spiritualist church, circle at home of George
3toddad.ri420 North 4th street, 8 o'clock.
Saturday, May 16
Mi3s; Mabel 'Crelghton to hold "open garden", at
Joaesmere Farm, 10 miles north, of Salem on Wheat-land-Waconda
cross rdad in Mission Bottom.
Marion county P. T. A., will meet in Silverton for
all day meeting beginning 10 o'clock.
A surprise party was given by
the Lyons ladies' Three Link
club for Mrs. Helen Vaughn at
her home In Silverton Tuesday
of this week, j Mrs. Vaughn is
also a member, of the Lyons
Three Link club. Lunch was a
potluek affair daintily arranged.
The club presented Mrs. Vaughn ;
with a sherbet set of glasses
and! plates as a momento of her
Among those ' present were
Mrs. Harvey .Shel ton, Mrs. Hen
ry Bodeker, Mrs. Clarence Moq
roe, Mrs. Alex t Bodeker, Mrs.
Clyde Lewis, Mrs. Pearl Darnell,
Mrs. Floyd Berry, Mrs. Arthur
Vaughn. Mrs. A. Ring. Mrs. Roy,
Huber, Mrs. Staeey McCall, .Mrs.
Elmer Hiatt, all of Lyons, be
side a number of Mrs. Vaughn's
neighbors at Silverton.
- Independence! Mrs. Radma
cher entertained the members of
the Baptist Dorcas society an
Monday evening. A devotional
program was given first. Tne
rM of the evening was spent in
games and contests. ' Those pres
ent for the meeting were Mes-
dames John Forman, George Til-
berg, B. F. Swope, Elmer Busby,
R. A. Sylvester, Frank Henna-
gin, Arthur Ward, Lt Probst,
Frank Bush,- Winn, Cotton. Nel
son,, Pyreff, Gall Alexander, H. W.
Beal. J. Sunlngton, Fl O. Parker,
W. Tubandt, and Otis Scott.
.. y
Mrs. F. G. Franklin was host
ess In compliment to the birthday
of Dr. Franklin Sunday with a
dinner at the Argo. Covers were
placed for the honor guest, and
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Winn and Mrs.
Franklin. Following ?the dinner
hour the party returned to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and
spent a social i afternoon. Mrs.
Barnes served tea at a late hour.
Mrs. Cornele 1 Stuttaf ord spent
the weekend in Corvallis with her
daughter. Miss .Charlotte Stutta
ford at the Kappa Delta sorority
home on the Oregon state cam
put. The "mother daughterban
quet was attended Saturday night
and Sunday morning the sorority
complimented the mothers visit
ing with a delightful breakfast.
Women of the Knight Memor
ial church will meet at 12:30
o'clock for the regular luncheon.
Hostesses will be Mrs. S. S. An
derson, Mrs. Frank Williams.
Mrs. Alma McKee, : Mrs. Frank
Martin. Mrs. Charles Eyre, and
Mrs. F. S. Lukaa. :
Mr. and Mrs. .Walton Young of
Altadena, CaU are the guests of
Mrs. Minniedel Baker for a few
days. The guests will visit In
Portland and eastern Oregon', be
fore returning to their home In
lamornia. s
-Miss Esther f GIrod, president
or the JJaleth Teth Gimel worn
an's .organization of Willamette
university, will leave Friday to
be in attendance at 'the national
organization . convention to be
held this coming : weekend in
Pullman, Washington. -
Englewood : Girl Scouts enter
tained - with a ,mother-daug?-
ter". -ttbe.ho-te of Mrs.
Ethan CoUIer i Saturday after
noon. Twelve ' others and 14
1 Scouts were present.-- - . . .
Mrs. O. C. Locke is ;
Club Hostess " ! T
Mrsr O. C. Locke entertained
for her club Monday, with a one
o'clock luncheon followed by an
afternoon of contract bridge.
Mrs.. Conrad Paulus was a sne-
dal guest. Club members pres
ent were Mrs. T. A. LIvesley, Mrs.
rot siaae, Mrs. Dan Fry. Jr..
Mrs. William. Walton, Mrs.. Harry
tiaw-ins, Mrs. wimam Boot, and
Mrs. Locke. 1
Jefferson -.The Past Matrons
club. Euclid chapter No. 70, held
its regular meeting in the lodge
room of the. Masonic hall Thurs
day afternoon, with Mrs. George
C Mason and Mrs. Charles McKee-
as Joint hostesses. Mrs. C. M.
Smith, the president, had charge
of the business session, after
which the time was ' spent in a
social way.
At the tea hour refreshments
were- served by the hostesses.
Members present were Mrs.
Henry Shields of Salem, Mrs. D.
H. Looney, Mrs. C. M. Smith, Mrs.
Earl Lynes, Mrs. Earl Phelps,
Mrs. George Marlatt, . Mrs. S. A.
Pease, Mrs. Evelyn Wall. Mrs. R.
C. Thomas and the hostesses, Mrs.
Mason and - Mrs. McKee.
Kelzer. A pleasant day and
dinner was enjoyed by a number
of relatives off Mrs. John Trask,
at her home Wednesday in hon
or of her sister, Miss Fannie
Wilson, and Mrs. , Trask' birth
days. Among those present were
Mrs. Ben Bodeker of Mill City,
Mrs. R. P. Lyons and two daugh
ters of Lyons, Mrs. Oral Williams
of Mill City and Mn. Trask and
daughter, Marjorle.
Sugar Blends Deliriously with
Meat Juices and ;
Seasoning f
One of the most inexpensive neat
stews to make is the famous Mexican
dish Chili j Con Carne. The recipe,
which is ver$ simple, follows:
Slice fine, two onions and cook
slowly in four tablespoons of fat in
a covered kettle until soft o
brown. Then add one and one
half pounds round steak or cheaper
beef cut in small cubes and cook
until the meat starts to fry. Stir
in one to three tablespoons - Chili
powder, mixed in a little water, one
teaspoon salt and two teaspoon?
sugar. .Next add on quart , hoi
water and .-one-half cup . tomato
puree or Juice. Simmer until meat
is very tender and the stew is of a
thick consistency. Serve with pota
toes, rice, corn or hominy and .
salad. This meal topped with a tweet
dessert i most satisfying and prop
erly balanced. , ,,-."'
' - Susrar can be slmilrlv used when
you stew, braise or pot-roast cheap
cuts or beef or lamb; and a dash of
sugar to pinch of salt noticeably
improves the flavor of vegetables.
Most foods are more delicious with
susrar. The Susrar Institute:
State Officers
A r e Honored
Following, the regular meeting
or lae uaugmer or veterans Fri
day ' night an -Informal social
event comDlimented Mrs. Maria-
line Nash, department president.
miss jaane Bennett of Portland,
press correspondent. . and - Mrs,
Louis Horning, department cor
responding secretary, r
1 Miss Inn Swaddell, local preT
Idenfc- presented Mn Najih imrt
Mis Bennett with special flower
guts, and Barbara Freitchie tent
presented Mrs. Nash with a. spe
cial gift. '
' Mr.' Nash ha just completed
visiting all the tents of the state
and Friday night' eocial courte
87 to her came as i innrlui in
clusion to her many visits to oth
er posts. : r
" At the business, meettnar hft
preceded the social meeting Com
mander I C. McShane of Sons of
Veterans, was obligated, into Bar
bara Fiietchie tent. Daughters of
Union Veterans.
Plan were discussed for tha
June -golden Jubilee" convention
which will be held in Portland by
the. Daughters, commerating the
fifteenth convention to be held hv
them in Oregon.
Refreshments anA antal linnr
followed the regular meeting. .
Miss Fleda Hickmem
Will Marry Soon
.Miss Fleda . Hickman. ha an
nounced the date of her wedding
to Frank Betts of The Dalles as
June IT. Miss Hickman left Mon
day for Eugene where she will
visit her parent. - ... , r
Monday eveninsr Miss Alden
AdolDh - entertained at . her hnm
In the Hazeldorf apartments with
a s-ower. in comprhnent to Mlsa
Hickman. . Guests . in compliment
to the bride elect were Miss Mar-
Jorie Maguire,'Mi8s. aachel How
ard, Miss Isabel Wellard, Miss
Eva Kerber. Miss LaVelle Keen a.
Miss Ruth Dake. ' .
Miss Hickman ha hftpn hnail
usher at the Elsinore theatre for
the past three years, and " has
been with . the . theatre since 1 ta
opening day.
Upon her marrlaee she will
make her home In The Dalles
where Mr. Betts is connected
with one of the banks.
Card Club is
Luncheon Guest
An attractive luncheon and aft
ernoon of . cards was that for
which Mrs. W. B. Mott was host
ess at her home Monday in com
pliment to members of her club '
and special guests.
Luncheon was served at the
small card table with colorful
flower arrangements centering
each. Mrs. E. V. McMechan assist
ed Mrs. Mott. Card followed the
luncheon hour. ;
Guests were Mrs. H. L. staver.
Mrs. H. K. Stockwell, Mrs. Paul
Hendricks. Mrs. T. A. Roberts,
Mrs. Clifford Farmer. Mrs. Ron
ald Jones, Mrs. W. F. Poorman,
Mrs. E. p. Thom, Mrs. Walter
Kirk. Mrs. E. V. McMechan, Mrs.
Karl Becke, Mrs. Edgar Pierce.
Independence Mrs. Lee O'Kel-
ley entertained friends Friday at
ner some Here. The afternoon
was spent in needlework and con
versation. A dainty lunch was
served by the hostess, the table
being centered with a bowl of
beautiful flowers. Those present
were Mrs. Pearl nidges, Mrs. Per
cy Dickinson "and Mrs. Elmer
whose mothers
Child ax whose mothers appreciate
the fall Importance of mineral and
vitamin are indeed fortnn-te. They
ought to grow up with much better
teeth, stronger bodies, greater
resistance to disease. ,
i Plenty of calcium, phosphorus,
chlorine, iron and copper are vitally
important. Yet many m hearty meal
is lacking in these elements. No
wonder mothers welcome Kellogg
; Two KeBogg WHOt WHEAT Bis
cuit and milk supply 10 important
mineral aalts and 6 vitamins
mor than a third of the average,
person daily mineral requirement.
Every biscuit is doable f ousted.
Extra crisp. Made of crunchy wheat
shreds. Delicious for breakfast,
lunch, the children upper a
late snack, "Ready to eat.
Order " - red-and-reen package
from your grocer. Notice the certi
fied food-value analysis on the side
panel.- You couldn't serve two 6etter
food than these,wonderful biscuits
and whole milk. Made by Kellogg
in Battle Creek, i -' -J ' :t . ,
Mrs, p. Q. . Franklin ha Just
received an invitation to read her
"Appreciation of Hasel Hall" be
fore the League of Western
Writers which will convene in
Vancouver, B. C. in August. -e
e e .
Mr. Carl Nelon and Mrs. L.
Woodworth will entertain their
club at the home of Mrs, Nelson
Thnrsday. : ;
Hroll Manning, track star at
WichiU university, weigh but
u pounaa.. -. . " jir
Eighteen student of the LabUh
Center school i hare met the re
Qulrement of the heralds of
health and have been- presented
with the . badges . given by : the
health organisaUon, report - the
teacher, Mr. Florence Burr.
They are: first grade Max
BIbhy, Gerald ' Bennett, Arlene
Klamje and Nora ' Chrlstenson;
second Bertram Jefferson, Les
lie Klampe. Lav in a Dow; third-
Dorl;" Evans; fourth Donald
Garbarlno, Annabelle Bennett.
Floyd Dunn; flfth-Lagatha Page;
sfctth--Raymond Blbby, Robert
DeGrass; sevenths Eddie Mao
Page.1 Morvyln Dunn; and eighth
nArnadeen Daszherty and
j LBISn CENTER, May li;
Aa j jucvMMs v
munity" club will . be held Toes
day evening. May 12. at the
ICOOUi BOUSK - luwiuuiiiucut
after the business session will
be furnished by the Banner fam
ily of Salem. . The Benners have
been exceptionally received in
other communities-, and a capac
ity crowd Is anticipated on Tues
day. , A plo social will he held
following the musical program.
" 1 ' , , , j 1 ,..- i m
jljfel i; feft
it (Civei to Kmsys and: &k ft
m t m mi
'ej ' ' ' : " 'Z- !'; shows it!- ;ZZ, ' vh-"j. ;
(J .1 sf ,-: J TL -" pV:1 f "f-&& Afternoon tA
; Every boy and girl under 16 years of age can go. Simply get one
friend to subscribe for The Oregon Statesman, have the order below
signed, mail or bring the blank to the office of The Oregon Statesman,
and you will be given a ticket admitting! you to the Big Show, the Side
Show an3 the Wild West Show. If you don't live in Salem, mail the
order and as soon as it 'has been ve rified your ticket will be mailed you.
S All Orders Must be Verified. Verification Takes Two Days '
j Tickets Will be Good at Any Totvp Where the Circus Plays -
HURRY - send your orders in at - ONCE
Tickets Moiv Being Distributed
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