The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 12, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESS1AN. Salera. Oregon, Taesday Morning, Blay 12, 1931
) Local - and -State Officers
.Represented at Saturday
; Meeting v
' ! TURNER, May 11 Turner
surprise grange No. 233 met Sat
urday la their last all day meet
ing, till after the summer season.
Business occupied the morning
session, also three new members
- were Initiated Into the first and
second ' degrees- The usual good
dinner and pleasant social hour
- was enjoyed at noon.
- The lecturer, Mrs. WV F.5 Gul
Tln opened the program at 2:00
o'clock with numbers on "Home
and Mother." ; "Old - Folks at
Home ;was sung by all as an
: j opening; number, followed by a
reading L-Home" by Mrs, Hester
Crume. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cook
rare a duet "The Home Where I
Was Born." - ." -
The . lecturer Introduced the
. visitor of the day; first a group
of matrons from Linn county;
Mrs. Wlnnlf red Ohling of Eastern
Star grange, Mrs. B. Horton of
Farmount grange. Mrs. G. White
and Mrs. Ed Halloway of Grand
Prairie grange No. .10; each re
sponded ; with words of greeting,
i A comic reading "Johnny
Reads the Newspaper," was given
by Mrs. N. E. Denyer. "Old Ken-
' tucky'Heme" was sung by all. "A
Yard of Argument" which was a
parody on a bride and groom
preparing to make their first gar
den was a humorous skit- put on
by Miss Mabel Tucker and , Cecil
Martin, i ' :
- Gnest Is Greeted
Mrs. Ellen Lambert of Stayton
-. who Is a member of Marlon coun
ty's Tislting committee, spoke her
pleasure of the growth and pros
perity of Surprise grange, also
mention was made of their fine
Initiation work of the morning,
-"u. v. u.u.cuu. vi
saiem were miroaucea; Mr.
Townsend responded
i.i- i
remarks. :r
i The state guest was Miss Ber
tha J. Beck, state, grange secre-
aik'. k --
ti.. . ...h.titttt.
the sut master, a C. Hulet. She
spoke of the work of her office,
and -of the welfare of the rranres.
In general.' She complimented the
local secreUry, Mrs. Eleanor Ti-
tus, for bringing the state cor-
respondenee' before the grange.
f or consideration - and not slip-1
ping the letters In the waste baa-1
ket as la often done. I
Secretary Commended I
She said 'her office had no I
trouble with late reports and
slow financial cheeks from Tur-jday
"ner, and she hoped the grange
.would become a "model grange," I
especially as so much of the rit- daughter Ruth,' Mr. and Mrs. Os
ual Is being committed to mem- car Donaldson 'and children, Mr.
ory by the officers which Is one and Mrs. Joe Fisher, all of Sa
of the requirements.. lem, were visitors Sunday of Mr.
Miss Beck said the western
states would like to see the ritual
shortened but the east .' voted
against it. There are 314 granges
In the state and It Is hoped there
will be 22.000 members to be re-
ported to state grange. She closed
with the statement that "Never I
hag the state legislative commit-!
tee accomplished what It did the
past year." .
Miss Beck was given a vote of
thanks for her helpful and enter-
talning talk.
The Brush College school chil-
dren showed the result of excel-
lent training and the develop-
meat of much latent talent when!
- they rave a musical program. I
Thursday commemorating music
week. Mrs. Mary Sehon. principal
and Miss Ruth Bennett, primary
teaeher bad charge of all ar -
rangements. .
i The program opened with a hu-1
morous ! play "Story of Mary
Jane" In which Mildred Munson
took the leading par. . of the
. school teacher, Mary Jane; Lor in
Dixon was Benjamin her lover:
Orion Roger was Mortimer, her
rejected suitor, Donald E wing,
in i
Mary Jane's father. Ruth Whit-1 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bloom en
,'nejr was reader. -a Itertained at dinner Sunday Mr.
i Two playlets. , "The Perfect
Child" and "Cinderella" were Fitspatrick. Mr. and Mrs. Lester
next given by first grade children Graham, Floyd Tooley, all of Sll
followed by a unique play "A ver Creek falls. Mr. and Mrs. Guy
: Strange - and Wonderful Dream."
In which a small boy fell asleep
and all of his story book friends
. "Uiawatha," "Bluebeard" "Cia
deVella,' "Robin Hood" "Paul Re-
vere,". "Oliver Twist." "Huckle -
berry Finn" and numerous others
visit him. Mrs. A. E. Utlev assist- Illustrating some of the po-
ems with music on the Diana while
others were read.
As a closing number - Otto
Schindler, recently here from
Switzerland gave piano numbers.
PRESENT P r! n S n M
VALSETZ. Mav 11. A Moth-
er s day program was given Fri
day by the fourth, fifth and sixth
grades In the community halL
Bobble Bartrom announced the
play, f Voices of the Past," by
Elaln Sundstrom. Mearl King.
La Verne Marquis, Billie Dawson,
Joe McDonald. Inabell Cox; song.
Billie Dawson. Elain Sundstrom,
A lies , iuuuu u IV m yiaj
called ''Spring 1 Comes to Flower-
land" with the :oilowinr cast:
Merial Parkhill, Lydia Heusbh -
man, sun; Billy Ferguson, rain;
Donald Denno, wind; - flower
gins, Evelyn Turner,. jsviyn
Stoltenberg, Glessla Rhodes, Mer
ial Parkhill. ......
Readings, were given by Aver
ial Morris, Lester Green,' Allen
Dloyd - and Evelyn Stoltenberg.
The' last play was given by the
fifth grade, with these pupils
'. " "X-X V T vi'AX
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At the historic portals of the White House, which never before have
en e?tered by an absolute monarch, Kinr Prajadhipok and Queen
Rambal BarnaL of Siam, are pictured on the occasion of their visit
!? ?,'Jecut1 mansion. With the royal visitors are Colonel Camp
bell Hodges, (left) aide to the President, and Richard Southzate.
Irijrbt) of the Department of State. , .
West Salem News
Winners; In the Polk
grade declamatory contest Satur
day evening were as follows: Divi
sion 2. Elva Liademan, first; VI-
.1. ITUKa ...nn A UirlArla Mil.
tQ ews, third. Division 4. Billy Ut
... w.ron ni. .or,-
Harold Withrow, . third. Warren
--- - -
Davis Is from West Salem. -
L. L. Sloper, local grocer, with
his daurbter. Miss Bernice Slop-
er and her friend. Miss Blnshad-
Lebanon re eoylng a mo-
MnC Henry Daniels, whose
home la in Nebraska,1 Is the hduse
guest of her sister. Mrs. i Aeran-
law. t
New residents In' West Salem
are Mr.- and Mrs. Donald Kuhn,
who are living In the Holliday
house-at 1231 Third street; The
Knhns came here from Salem.-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loggan
of Portland were visitors yester-
of Mr. 1 Logan's aunt, Mrs.
I M. E. Davis.-
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Forgard- and
land Mrs. Harry McDowell.
. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
b. W, Smith were Mr. andTTHrs.
M. A. Davis and sons', Daryl and
Gerald of Salem. ' '
Mrs. Anna Beckman and ' her
son Elbie Beckman of Salem were
Saturday evening dinner guests or
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beckman at
their home on Second street,
Mr. and -Mrs. J. W. Loo ey left
Monday morning for Eugene
where they will make their home,
Mrs. Dale Lemon, Mrs.-J. M.
Fisher and Miss Lottie Mc Adams
drove to Albany Monday where
they attended the funeral of Mrs.
F. Pi Nutting, who was the moth
er of Mrs. Hnbbell Young, former
resident of this city. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gosser and
Miss Helen. Gosser drove to Port
land Monday where they observed
develoments In the walkathon at
Lotns Isle.
- Mr. and Mrs. - George Lathrop
made a business trip to Cottage
Grove and return yesterday. "
Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Sturges
drove to Scio yesterday where
they spent the day with relatives
! and friends.
I Mr. and Mrs. Winifred Weath-
ers are parents of an 8 H -pound
1 son. born Saturday. May 9.
Catherine -Applewhit was the
I only member of the local Girl Re-
j serves wonored with a special part
In the Mother's day musical cere-
imonial Sunday afternoou at the
I First Methodist church, Salem.
I Catherine lighted the candle to
(mother love.
land Mrs. Gewrge Fitspatrick, John
Fisher and son-Jesse of Portland,
Miss Muriel Sharplow of Union
Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Mr. and Mrs. , Delbert Moore
land small r daughters, Nlu Marie
I and Patty of Eugene were Sunday
dinner guests ol Moore's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Moore of Edge-
t water street. Delbert Is violin in
Istructor in the four grade schools
I of Eugene and Is also leader of
I the high school band of that city.
I Additional, guests at the Moore
home were, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Moore and small son Robert of
Alrlie,' Misses Nadlne and Arllne
Lynn and Salem.
Mr. and Mrs... J. R. Beckman
atd son Gene spent the day In
McMinnvllle as guests of Mrs.
Beckman's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. B. Wbtsnand.
Mr. and Mrs. S, L. Burke were
i dinner . hosts Sunday, to their
taking part: Donald Murry. Les
ter Green, Louise March, Rojth
nose, ura tmon, uoDny uari
rom, ? Wayne Bartrom, Ruth
Foshang, Donald Denno, Inabel
Cox, June Marquis, Averial Mor
NeTa dmuui, erltic, directed the
1 JEFFERSON. May 11. The
wedding of Mrs. Ruby Reeres
1 and Willianr Smith took place In
Portland. Saturday, May 2. Mrs
Smith and her two daughters
moved here from Salem and have
made many - friends in this com
munity. The groom Is employed
on the highway. ; Mr. and Mrs
Smith will make their home in
daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Covey and son Harold
of Hebq. x
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ramey and
small daughter. Hazel, drove to
Puyallup, -Wash., Saturday, re
turning Sunday. They took with
them Mrs. C. J. Crabb, a former
resident of West Salem who has
been visiting here and In Salem
the past week. Mrs. Crabb's home
is now In Puyallup.
Emll Self fart returned home
Tuesday from the veterans' hos
pital In Portland where he had
been under treatment for the last
two weeks. . He la much improved
in health.
Mothers Honored I
Many homes here were, open to
guests Sunday In honor of Moth
er's day while many other- folk
spent the day with mother In her
own home. Mr. and Mrs. L. T.
Wallace and family drove to Port
land where they had dinner with
Mrs. Wallace's mother, Mrs. . E. '
Mayhew at the home of another
daughter, Mrs. Luther "Choate.
The Wallaces also visited Lotus
Isle, Jantzen Beach and drove to
Vancouver, Wash., before return
ing home. i
Mr.- and Mrs. C N. Needham
entertained at a Mother's day din
ner the following relatives: Mr.
and Mrs. Ewall Needham and
daughter of . Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Tburman, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Sprout. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Tongland, Tommy, Charles and
Harry Needham, all of West Sa
lem. "
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rierson and
family of Rosedale spent the day
with Mrs. Rierson's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. D. Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hess drove
to . Portland where they were
guests of Mr. Hess mother at
Mr. and Mrs. Emll Self fart
spent Mother's : day at Schools,
near New berg, where they were
guests of Mr .and Mrs. Sam Seiff-art-
The Emll Selftarts drove
down Saturday, returning Sunday
evening. They report a fine string
of trout caught Saturday evening
In Baker creek.
Two Girls to Represent v Or?
ganization at Chicago
- Convention"
B1UVERTON, May 11 rO scar
Setrum will succeed nimself as
president of Trinity Young Peo
ple's .society according to the re
sult of the election, held at the
regular May meeting Sunday aft
ernoon In the social roomsv -of
Trinity church. Other -officers
elected were John Anderson, vice
president: Mildred Lee, secre
tary; Norman Jensen; treasurer,
and Sylvia Haere, assistant treas
urer. , .. ' '
'. Following , the . business meet
ing a program was held consist
ing of a talk-on music by Rev.
H. L. Foss, vocal solas by. Mrs.
Alvln Legard ' and JLnnabelle Jen
sen, piano solo by Mrs. Alf O.
Nelson, selection by the senior
choir, vocal duet by Althea Mer
er and Mamie . Holman. Reports
of the convention held last week
end at Seattle were given by Lu
ella Forland and Mr. Setrum.
Going to Chicago
Helen Tingelatad and Cora. Go
plerud, who are attending the Pa
cific Luther College at Parkland,
Washington, were elected to rep
resent Trinity T. P. S. at the Lu
ther League convention to be
held In Chicago this summer. The
two girls are also - members of
the ; Parkland choir which will
travel to the convention. Mi3 Go
plerud Is the daughter of Mrs.
Marie Goplerud of Silverton and
Miss Tingelstad is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tingelstad
formerly of Silverton "but now of
Salem. Both of the girls are mem
bers of Trinity Y. P. S.
Mrs. J. B. Best
Is Honored by
, School Patrons
term of Popcorn school , and
Friday marked the close of the
friends of the teacher. Mrs. J. B.
Best., tendered her a delightful
farewell reception Thursday ev
ening at the school house. Re
freshments were served in . the
'Burnett Bros Jeweler Established More Then Thirty YeersAgoPeyUs mi Yon Are PeU
The Diamonds in this Lovely Ring
The miiiIm oc Nry tat arc confidential. hat hmr ate imuIb
ef teats saade at e em refinery sollowlag itrktett U. &
: Navy standard, .: ; ' j
The world's finest motor ods were pot through measured
Beat, frtefaa and nrnwnrf testa tor lOO noon en a awklts.
1 designed Navy type bearins- Fiadinss, wheaT compared widi
:"''"'4 prices, gave Service Coat, aod Cycol easily triumphed.
u I I I 2 I
Cycol : f - ' M9 $1-00 1J2
P i il i II Na M tAO Jb3
Waaera ; Na. t 0 1XO UI
Wmm No. 2 .7 IjOO U?
Worn NavS JU UDO Ul
fN bnxT) No. i M jtO tOO
(Nmit) JO 1-Q
3. Sente Caal Par
basement which was fragrant with
Scotch broom and ' other spring
flowers. A good short program
was given Including community
singing, a group ; of readings by
Mrs. Leon Brown - ef Salem; - a
reading by Donald . Reed, fourth
grade entrant la the Polk county
declamatory contest held at west
Salem- Saturday evening and
song by Mr.' and Mrs. Brown. - '
JL short address was made, by
Mrs. G.' McDowell, expressing
the high esteem in . which the
honor guest is held by her many
friends here' and appreciation of
her long service as teacher of the
Popcorn school. Mrs. nefli . nas
taught here str consecutive years
as well as four years at an earlier
period. ' She will teach the Fir
Grove school - near 4 Alrlle .next
year and Miss Josephine Smith
of Monmouth will teach. the Pop
corn . schooL I., ' .V-- j. :
The last' and , most Interesting
number , on' Thursday evening's
program was , the presentation to
Mrs.: Best by Dorothy Southwick
and Faye Garoutte in, behalf of
the community.' a j beautitel bed
Dread and bolster.; . - " 2
Classes were held Friday morn-
,ng, the last day of school under
the big oak trees :on the school
ground 'and the pupils tendered
their teacher a flower and hand
kerchief shower. A welner roast,
marshmallows and ice cream were
enjoyed in the afternoon by pu
pils, teacher- and several patrons
of ,the school. This was followed
by a ball game. -
Three pupils of the school won
a place on the honor roll for the
entire, year. , They are Oran
Smith, Winifred Cobb and Milton
Southwick. -l-'X'1 ' X'-:
Mrs; Best wishes to express her
sincere regard for her friends
here and her appeclatlon of all
their kindness.
Small Son of F.
Williams Dies
In Karachi, India
Word has been received of the
death of the year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Williams of Ka
rachi, India, on April 7. Mr. Wll
Hams is a brother of Clyde Wil
liams of this city, and his father
lives in Alrlle.
Hr. and Mrs. .Williams have
left India on a trip to this coun
try to spend several weeks visit
ing: relatives here. Mr. Williams
la employed by the Standard Oil
company and has been in India
for the last nine years.
Whether you pay "spot cash or whether you
buy on the Burnett Budget Plan you are en
titled to know all about the diamonds. There
isn't any reason why you shouldn't. The Ring
sketched is sold on the Burnett New Low Price
Plan for Diamonds four dollars a point and
as you can, figure this ring will cost you
, Cash or 2.00 a Week
Any Teader of The Statesman may take
one for a payment of say fire dollars.
The balance can be paid at the rate of
two dollars a week. . .
WUkft with tit HK ?prte
for fine IlmroU up to H ctn4 l
for dalUra a point
i - j ' j : :
. i . !
-.jMk. - it a ie w w a . - - ; t t
L -
Community Club Contest to
Cost Men a "Feed'Ms
yh'tr Report tfA
-When the Judges sent in their
report after .the ladies program
Friday evening it was found that
the ladles had won over the men
by a number of points. As -losers
the men will banquet the ladies.
John : Lauderback and ' Henry
Werner were - appointed , as - the
committee on arrangements. . .
. Professor' Extravaganza land
his -colored male quartet 'proved
to he the most: popular. number
in the ladies program. T The ap
plause Was deafening and the au
dience was' not 'satisfied even aft
er two encores had .been respond
ed Mrs. Jlay Ramsden took the
part' of the professor' and mem
bers of the. quartet .were' Mrs.
John Tweed. Mrs. Frank Way,
Mrs. Milo Wilcox and Mrs, How
ard Hildebrant.
Other numbers on the program
were: violin and saxophone duets
by Esther Liechty. and Nora
Llchty accompanied on the piano
by Gladys Liechty; vocal solos by
Irene Natzeiger and Pearl Dark
ens; a skit "Between Trains" by
Mrs. A. A. Hall and ; Mrs. Dan
Steffin; - reading. Helen Way;
short play, "An Irish Alibi" with
Myrene Llchty as a society lady;
Gladys , Liechty as the Irish maid
and Mrs. Chester Liechty the me
ter reader; ladies two part chor
us with Mrs. Will Roth. Miss El
len Steffen and Mrs. W. Rutch
man, sopranos and Mrs. Henry
Roth, Mrs. Ernest Roth and Mrs.
Henry Llchty altos; a stunt Yan
kee Doodle kitchen : with Mrs.
John Lauderback washerwoman,
Mrs. Robert Bye, dishwasher,
Mrs. Walter Blnegar sweeper and
Mrs. Robert Jans cook; sketch, a
cure for falsehoods by Mrs. Les
ter Lelghty, Mrs. Thomas Lovre
Lunch Served
After the program the lunch
committee served .lunch ' in the
basement to the large number
present and there was -plenty for
all. Mrs. A. A. Hall and Mrs.
Pearl ' Wood 'were on the lunch
committee and Mrs. Clarence Sim
mons and Mrs. Robert Jans pre
pared the program.
' This Is the last' community
25 Points
wa-sjasap- mmm 1 1 " . I X f If . I I
"lorect Service Coot"
Virginia Brannen (above), 23-
vear-old dance hostess, native of
Banror. Maine, was found with a
bullet through her heart In the
Dunwoodie section of Yonkers, N.
Y. Police attribute the crime to
jealousy. ,- ' fc .
club meeting to be held until the
October meeting. .
LAKE LAB IS H, May 11. The'
Community club is preparing an
act to be presented at the dis
trict elimination of the county
talent Icontest at Hayesvllle j on
Friday ? May . 16. Mrs. Florence
Burr ahd Mrs. Harry Lorry" com
pose tlie committee in charge of
the local offering.
I w "WJ ' 'HI J II ' II 'HI IIHIII III 1,111 11111,1 I 1
and After-Eatina Distress
IVcw Antacid 3Iints
- AT 5AST a new, easy, way to .
qkkly end stomach' distress
when y overeat or foods disagree.
Just eat la few Turns the delightful
new Antacid mints that quickly neu
tralize excess acids sweeten breath
and relieve heartburn, Indigestion,
gas, sour stomach.
You've never tasted anything like these
. TClfS i
ToUa-thua n
tooc S U m
Bi-' t 1 111 INIII
Cycol awarded Navy contract on service cost
j linking nbjt on price alone. Use the Oil that
"protects ; tite fleet that guards the - Pacific'
NOW you need! no longer ' Tbat what the IX S. Navy has
guess about the) performance . done. Lowest in service cost means
of the motor oil yon use. In this greater endurance, unexcelled
ezhausdvetbtfarniorestrictthan stamina and resistance to heat,
any you will ever intake, Cycol lowest carbon, minimum main
wins over the finest oils produced, tenance cost, assured protection,
showing lowest service cost. That's what lowest service cost
You pay 25c per mart for Cycol, means to you. T .
but price alone means nothing. . Drive in where you see the red,
Combine oiTs price with the work green and cream Cycol sign dis
it will do in your Wotor; then played for this finest motor oil
you'll have its cost n service, the that "protects the fleet tW iarcU
only true indication of value. " the Pacific
( - (((' XI J'J
I I f :' IWveae--dieelltheNarf oes -
GERVAIS. Ore , May II. -
Mother's day was fittingly ob
served -,; at the Presbyterian'
church Sunday morning. , ; The
church was beautifully decorated
with peonies, snowballs and oth
er spring flowers. -
A feature of the service' was
the presentation of a basket of
flowers to . the oldest and the
youngest mother present; Mrs.
F. P. Stockton as tbe oldest
I mother received a large basket
of flowers, the presentation
made by Mrs. Sam H.;' Brown.
Mrs. J. McDonald was given a
basket of flowers as the young
est, mother present, MrsJ Irve ' E.
Cutsforth making the presenta
tion to her. Special l musical
numbers were given by Mrs. Her
man Jelderks and little Miss
Theodora Jelderks and! by the
choir. Rev. Graflous gave an
appropriate address. t
' HAZEL GREEN. May 11.
Fred De Vrles, president of the
Sunday school work of Marlon
county, visited the school here
and spoke to the pupils follow
ing the Mother's day program.
Mr. De Vrles expects to come
May 24 to teach the Young Peo
ple's class and also speak to the
school. The Sunday school en
rolled four new pupils May' 10,
Mrs. Hartman and children. The
Hartman family moved j to the
Dan Rodgers farm. May s. .
Bring Instant Relief
delicious Tunis made with the finest
mint obtainable. They act so quickly
the taste is so agreeable and they're
so handy to use. Just carry Turns la
pocket or purse for relief when smok
ing too much or when some disagreeing
food upsets your stomach.
Get a handy roll at your druggist's to
day only 10 cents.
iw -