The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 12, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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    The OTir CO?I STATESMAN, Calea, Orc-oa, Tnzalsy tlsrsisr. Hay 12, 1931
4 '
ITs A sTWSP' WfA . .-
IB B Ii 1 k . 1
Dedication Service to be
At First U. E. for 11
Of Grave Markers ;
Continued from P 11
. . -
x - tic aresiaeas - gowi.
.a th lif akateb. of Mrs. George
Gill Montgomery Mr- Kate
Gill London, grandaaugnters, -win
unTell th marker. At the graT
of Dsrld Leslie, Ulu Eleanor Gil
will read the We sketeh. sad the
Misses Emnra and Dorothy Jud
son, greai-grandnieces. will unroll
the marker. 'At the graT t Jo
seph Holman. Mrs. J. W. Orr, re
geat of Cheineketa chapter, -will
read the sketch, and Mrs Blanch
Albert Rodgera, graaadaasaier,
tnd Joaenfe Uolman Albert, grsnd-
nn -will draw th -rttC' At the
mr of Lewis - H. Jodson. Mr.
C. C. Clark of Cbemeketa chap
ter will read the sketch, and Mrs.
nitric Klderkia. great grand
daughter, sad Xwi K. Judson.
' grandson, will draw the Tell.
Toner Onaetery
ViOi be Tinted
Following luncheon at the Mar
lon th party will rtglt Twin Oaks
- ecmeterr at Tanftr. where a mark
er will be unveiled on the gray
r t Reuben Lewis by Hrs. waunaa
. Lewis Chambers and Abner Lew
Is. daughter and son respect trely.
Mrs. Walter L. Johnsoa will rive
:. . the prayer and Mrs. Albert J. Kir
Cher will glre th life sketch.
Th party expects to arrive at
the Aumsvill cemetery at 2:15
o'clock, and here a marker will be
unveiled on the grare of Allen J.
parte by Mrs. Louisa Miller,
granddaughter, and Allen S. Da
Tie, grandson. Mrs. Bussell Cat
lin, Chemeketa. chapter, will gir
th prayer and 'Mrs. Carl Denton
the life sketch.
At Hart cemetery, near Louis
Till, a marker en the- grar of
James 0NeiI will be anreiled by
Mrs. Mary E. 0Neil "Demlng.
daughter, and Frank Demiag.
grandson. Mrs. T. E. Lounsbury
will grve,be prayer sad Mrs. C. A.
BIgelow -the life sketch. i
. Leering th Marion hotel at
J:U p. m. the varty will go to
' Wheatland where a boulder will
be anreiled In the memory of
George KIrby Gay, builder of th
first brick house west of the Rock
ies, by two of his grandchildren.
.Mrs. Florence Sim tins Elwood
and James Winard Gay. Mrs. U.
G. Shipley, state, chaplain of th
D. A. R.j wiH glT th prayer and
Mrs. A. E. Austin the llf sketch.
(Continued from pas 1)
ett raller .and under the firm
nam of William Riddell A Sons,
Glenn Riddell farms became re
nowned throughout the north
west for fine show sheep and
goats, .and superior wool and mo
hair. Mr. Riddell was act It in char
itable and church work. and was
for CO years -a member of the
Presbyterian church,. He has long
. erred as a director of th First
National- bank at Monmouth.
Mrs. Riddell died 23 years ago.
' BusriTiag ar two daughters:
Miss Mabel Riddell and Mrs. Wil
liam McCrae; and tire sons. Wil
liam Jr.. James, Edward and Er
nest, all of .Monmouth; and Les
11 of , Lrnglerllle, Texas. Also
surrivtog ar 11 grandchildren.
Funeral aerrices will be held
at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at
CalTary Presbyterian church at
Independence, of which he had
aerred as an elder since its or
. - ganixation. Rt. II. G. Hanson
will offleiate. Burial will be In
th family plot of the K. P. cem
etery soath f Monmouth. Ar
rangements are in charge of the
Keener Funeral' heme of Inde
pendence, l
(Continued from face 1)
nonnced th Pageant of the Pi
oneers. - -
i If all thU happens.-and the
sales of th book go on as Indicat
ed, ther will be a ged net sum
as a nest egg for promotion of
th greater pageant of th Pi
oneers at the Oregon State fair
grounds la In- connection
with th -centenary celebration of
the coming of th first mission
aries. This will glTe Salem Its first
bow to nation wide and tnterna-
i tlonal recognition.
Lad Gives Lite
To Rescue Four
in Farm Blaze
SAN JOSE. Cal.. May 11. -
(AP) Roy Brown. 10. gar his
lit . to t tear other persons
from a nr today.
To flrJ was la the i ranch
home of Angelo Janas, six miles
south of her. Roy aweke at 1
a. m. and i found the plac la
flames. He awakened his mother
and Janas, who Is his step-father.
sad his brother and sister.
After they escaped he went
back into the house to see if any
one else was there. lie was
barged.; to death.
. STATTOK, May 1 1 Mrs. Lou-
Is Dawes and two children will
leare Tuesday to Join Mr. Dawes
at Klamath rail, where they will
mak their home. Mrs. Dawes and
children , bare been here sereral
months with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Peter Deidrlch, while Mr.
Dawes has been seeking a new lo
cation. Mr. and Mrs. Deidrlch
will tak their daughter and chil
dren t her new home.
- in
Seen near Borbank,. CaL, where
when tmg prevented their landing the mine Air xsansport-mau
er cruising toepeleeely lor Hours,
To reoair the bridges between
Linn and Marion -county on wea
nasdsT ! the nlan of the two
county courts. The "bridges which
hare SDnroaches in each of the
two counties and which will re-
eeive their recoaditloraicg are the
Creen's bridge at SUyton. the
Mehama, the Gates and the Mill
City bridge. I
The long ! narrow bridge at
Jefferson also extends between
the tw ceanUes but for some
time tt has been under the care
of the ctste nigh way, commission
and so the county courts must
omit th bridge from their re
nalr tlans for- Wednesday. The
Jefferson bridge constitutes- one
of the major .menaces of the Pa
cific highway and : the courts
hare received many complaints
of the condition wliich they btye
been unable to remedy.
, The bridge at Mill City has
aroused much discussion as to
its proposed site do to the fact
that it will .aeon be on th new
Santiam highway and a bridge of
major importance "between the
two counties. The question of
i(s location will be settled in the
near future and the , bridge will
be ready fort the hea ry traffle
which will probably com when
the highway Is completed.
Seven Thousand
Bandits Killed
By Nationalists
NANKIhTQ. China, May 11.
(AP) The nationalist govern
ment announced . tonight its
troops had killed 7.000 bandits
In - central provinces. The- gor
ernmeat Is apparently preparing
to send an. army against incipient
rebellion in south China.
The bandits were killed In the
last two weeks by troops operat
ing over' a SOO.sqnare mile area
along the borders of Honaa, Hu
peh .and Ankwei Prorinces.
Briand Tosses
Hat Into Ring
For President
PARIS. May 11 (AP) For
eign, Minister Ariatlde Briand for
mally announced tonight his can
didacy for Th presidency of the
French reaablic.
Ho waited until t0 representa
tive of all aaederal and liberal
groups in the chamber and sen
ate crowded' Into Mb office and
declared. & was Ids obligation to
submit his. nam for the elections
next Wednesday. He replied it
was his doty te- leave himself In
the hand et his friends.
Jury Selected
In Baker Trial
TAKIMA. Wash., May 11
(AP A Jury and one alternate
were chosen here late today after
examination of s persons to hear
the trial of o. 0.-Baker, formerly
of Pendleton, Ore., and Walla
Walla, charged with first degree
murder. The state accuses Baker
of slaying Frank Smiley, Walla
Walla .with a hammer In an
Ahtanam district shack last De
cember after t a quarrel orer
moonshlaing activities.
Prince to Help
BIRMINGHAM. England. May
1,1- AP i The Prince of
Wales. In an address before 1,
400 British manufacturers here
tonight, offered to "pool- the ex
perience he gleaned In South
America with that of the manu
facturers. In an attempt to re
store prosperity to IrlUln.
Cougars Defeat? -Vandal
- PULLMAN.' Wash-. May 11
( AP ) Washington State college
had two big innings, the fourth
and fifth, 'and defeated the
University of Idaho . Vandals, t
to In a Pacific coast conference
Dasenaii game here today.
PiloU A. D. Star buck and C TL Pnnnalee eraehed and were killed
wry crasnea iud a wmuus Ntie.
Warner Bros. Capitol "
Today Loretta Yoang In
"Too Yonng to Mary".
Wednesday Edward Ev
erett . Horton In "Lonely
Warner Bros. Iflsinore
Today George Arties -in
"The Mfflionaire".
Thursday Ronald Colman
In "The DeTll to Phy".
The Hollywood
Today Richard Arlen In
"The Conquering Horde.
Friday George Sidney and
Charlie Murray in "Th Coh-
ens and Kellys".
The Grand -',
Today Barbara Stanwyck
In "Illicit".
Wednesday Harry Lang-
don in "A Soldier's Play-
thing". m
Friday "Not Exactly Gen-
tlemen and George- O'Brien
la "Fair Warning"
George Arliss was superb In
"Disraeli." but he adds something
to that role In. his portrayal of a
modern American who began life
as a poor man and became a mil
lionaire In the play "The Million
aire." now playing at Warner
Bros. Elsinore,
He is humorous, he human, he
is splendidly finlshedfin his act
ing and he Is original. On does
not tire of his development of nhe
story in truth the pfay Is Tery
much "George Arliss.- His per
sonality Is such that for him to
appear Is for him to orershadow
those about him, whether he will
or no. . . -
His supporting cast Includes
Mrs. Arliss, Evelyn Knapp, Darid
Manners. Noah Beery, Majeg Cag
ney, Tully Marshall and J. C. Nu
gent. They each take strong- Darts
and carry them welL
There Is so much of human-
ness. so much of elerer fun mixed
with a delightful lore story that I
me piay win can manv back arain
and again to see it all OTer again.
. . T -
"Lonely Wlrea.' which comes
to Warner Bros. Capitol Wednes
day, was adapted from the stare
play of. the same name. It tells
of anv attorney (Edward Ererett
Horton). who arranges, with an
actor to impersonate Mm for one
nignt at borne so he might step
out. Horton is supported by Lanr
LaPlaatey Patsy Ruth Miller and
other well known stage and screen
Players. - . .-
Eye Operation
AP) -A Bulletin from attending
physician late today said King
Prajadhipok of Slam. wh. yester
day underwent an operation for
remoral of a cataract from his
left eye, was snfferinr nin
and passed a restful night.
7e Danoagedn the king
na4 to remain quiet, bat If h
continue to impror h- will be
able shortly to listen to concerts
from hi kingdom ores a power-
:1r.lo.recelTin set Installed
at Ophir hall last nek.
cautixs aurnwoina
A modern
version of
an age old
"A Soldier's
: With
Langdon '
Lotti Loder
Iy liome
owned -
Theatre .
25c Time
Noah Berry,
The Gall
Board i
plane at to Burbanlc airport. Alt
SOUTHPORT, Eag-. May 11
(AP) Th longest trail of golf
ers that ever wound over British
fairways today played th first
qualifying round In th big
Southport tournament. Th four
Americans .among th 200
seemed sale.
Joe Turnesa, of Elmsf ord, N.
Y., led the American contingent,
and for a tlm led the field, with
his 72, while 4f-pear-old Harry
Bali, of Lancaster, turned la his
record score of 70 at Southport
and Alnsdale.
Horton Smith, and Jo Kirk
weed, .of New York, carded 78s
today and Tony Manero also of
Elmsford, a 79. Th performanc
es of the last three were not par
ticularly sparkling but Seemed
good enough to get theb. under
160 which probably will be the
limit for the 36 holes qualifying
Thrifts Other
Name Persist;
Gets His Bride
(AP) Frank Thrift, a Dallas,
Texaa salesman, met Marguerite
Strett, a Boonrille school teacher
while calling on customers - here
"May I call tomorrow nightl"
asked Thrift.
"No answered Miss Streit
Sunday morning her telephone
rang many times. Each tlm she
said "no."
Sunday afternoon they met ac
cidentally on th street and she
finally agreed to go for a rid.
Mr. and Mrs. Thrift returned
from St. Charles, Mo.. Sunday
Royalty Laughs
At Gum Chewer
LONDON. May 11 (AP) Al
Trahan. American comedian, with
a grand piano and some chewinr
gum, gave . King Georg and
Queen Mary their heartiest
laaghts at the "Command" Taude
Tille performance tonight.
"That man Al Trahan, the Am
erican comedian. the king said.
'made me laugh Tery bmi"
going, anyway
HE modem - Miss seeds no
"tune our" for the time of month.
If youVe erer taken Bayer Aspirin
lor a headache, you know how
soon the pain subsides. It is just as
elective in the relief of those paint
peculiar to womenl
Don't dedicate certain days of
erery month to suffering. It's old
fashioned. It's unnecessary. Aspirin
will always enable yon to carry on
in comfort. Take enough to assure
your complete comfort. If it is
genua aspirin it cannot possibly
hurt you. Bayer Aspirin does not
depress the heart. It does not up
set the stomach. It does nothing
but stop the pain. - -
Headaches come at inconvenient
times. So do colds. But a little
Bayer Aspirin will always save the
day. A throat so sore you can hard
ly swallow is made comfortable
with one good gargle made from
these tablets. Neuralgia. Neuritis.
Rheumatism. Pains that once kept
Simpson and Contend ere
Also Reappointed by
ams Commission
(Caatlnasd frm page 1)
satisfactory. Conrlgan said th
mors would ear th commission
about f 220f annually.
Ssuad Waat ft r :
Represents Uts of farmers who
Uv six miles soah of Seaside
asked th commission to take
steps to rid thent of a hard of
ISO elk which, they said; ores
throngs, fences and damage their
garden and fiats craps. Th com
mission, promised, to gir th mat
ter attention. . '
Th commission decided, as
general nrl. to do n mar stockl
ing or central, aonthern and east
ern Oregon ; streams until th
streams ar provided adequately
with screens to prerent trotit from
going into irrigation dUehea.
Commisaloner Tlnlng said on
son thorn Oregon . farmer had
picked np 600 trout on his fields
whll Commlssisner siirea aaia
another man had found 11 trout.
each 29 inches ormor in length.
Opest Deechntes
But Tower Limit
The commission ordered the
Deschutes rlrer from Enow Creek
to Big Lara lake -opened to ang
lers June 1 but th bag limit was
cut to one-half th previous limit.
Hackleman creek and the head
of Metollus rirer, Deschutes coun
ty, wer ordered closed and post-
eds Out i creek: Barer county
was ordered closed and .posted un
til Juno 15, and Van Patten and
Black lakes, la the aam county.
wer closed for the entire year,
Resignations of 145 employes
of th commission were oraerea
filed and accepted "as necessary,
The. commission held orer. fog
consideration tomorrow a request
from the federal' bureau of fish'
eries for a deed to C 1"2 feet of
water! from th Rogu river for
us in a proposed I36.00O salmon
and trout hatchery beeide th
gam commissioner's hatchery at
Butte falls.
Continued fron page 1
lstration wer authorised, under
th Oregon law th amount of
th bond oaring to be twice the
amount of the personal property.
Securities . for th administratrix
include C. H. Rorertson, -Curtis
R. Cross, O. F. Johnson, P. D,
Qu Lb en berry, Hal D. Patton, Er-
cel w. Kay, Marjori Kay Hunt
ington, F". W, Durbln, Sr.
Under the Oregon law, one-
half of the personal property
goes to th widow -while the re
mainder of the personal property
is dlrided share and share alike
between the children. A life in
terest in one-half the real prop
erty goes to the widow, the other
half going la- fe sirapl to the
children who In turn Inherit the
when the dower interest has been
de ne topic
Finance plana for the Cascad
area of boy scout work will be
laid for the coming fiscal year at
meeting to be held here Wed
nesday night at the chamber of
commerce rooms. C. W. Paulas,
cashier of th First National
bank, is chairman of the finance
A budget of SSttO is planned
for the coming; year, this sum
marking a considerable reduction
front the one of a year ago. O.
P. West, scout, executive, plans
to curtail Tery possible expense
people home are forgotten half an
hour after taking a few of these
remarkable tablets. So are the little
nagging aches that bring fatigue and
"nerves" by day, or a sleepless night.
Genuine Bayer Aspirin tablets cost
so very little after ail. that it doesn't
pay to experiment with imitations!
and yet to keep the work's effi
ciency Intact.
nimrMiknt&tlvM from IS towns
In Marlon and Polk counties car
rying on a scout , program will
attend th meeting.
. Plans' for a busy summer of
aeon tin are under war. , West
reporta. June C the annual field
day will b held bar. ; Th night
before a nnmber of th scouts will
prepare a camp In Wlllsoa park
and wlu sleep tnere orer nignc
tlam la to start la July and squads
of (0 boys will be there at regu
lar intervals throughout me
KTi.Ii: SPOl
Fi ciriiii
That xlAle cannot expect a
Chang in present eeeatomlc con
ditions until th principle of th
sermon on th Mount ar substi
tuted for the- present Mosale law
of eye for an eye and tooth for
a tooth." was the atatement of
Judge Leonard H. McMahan at
the banquet of the Brotherhood
group of the- Leslie Methodist
church, Monday night.
"Prohibition and the Economic
Conditions' was the subject of
Judge If eMahan's address.
An election of officers follow
ing th talk resulted In the choice
of E. A. Bhoten to succeed him
self as sresldent, Vic president
will be Clark Wilf Two Toeal so
los by Leland Scott, accompanied
by Mrs. 8. Darlow Johnson, u-
tertafned the group. - .
So enthused by the -address of
Judge McMahan was th broth
erhood -group that Rot. Johnson.
pastor, expressed his wish to
bring the jurist to deHrer the
same or a similar address before
his congregation. Arrangements
ar being mad for this. 1
Mr. McMahan declared that if
the efforts to educate the public
were continued oh the prohibi
tion question as they had been 25
years ago by the Blue Ribbon
and White Ribbon societies, there
would not be the adrera condi
tion of th young people today.
The banquet of the evening was
a sea food meal. A comparatively
large number of men attended
for this time of the year. '
Steinbock Wins
By Late Spurt
In . a long planned bowling
match between Sam Steinbock
and Wayne : Kantela, Steinbock
rolled a total of 2824 pins in a
IB game series to defeat Kantela
by 17 points. Until the last game
It seemed certain that the match
easily belonged to Kantoia for at
times he led by 50 to 110 pins:
Sam showed himself a champion
in the last gam and won by the
close acor.
Colom Sat,
Oliver Atliletic Field
mmnm .
of PCK1N
Beserred Heat aad General
Admission Tickets on Sale Cir
cus Day at Qulsenberry's Cen
tral Pharmacy,: 410 State St.
- -
?' Mt Talkies '
- Today Tbrowghi Tharsday
Here's THE Western classic!
Packed with thrfU-dynaniltel
Biasing a trail of terrific ac
tion acre the talk in r scree at
Giving yoo. sensations to make
year pulses race I
Qbmmouxt (picture
with Richard i Arlen,
Fay Wra
Also Laurel A Hardy Comedy
"Chicken Come Home
Kews and Cartoon Comedy
::duhi decided
MCNMdXJTH. May 11 A ten
nis tournament at Monmouth
high school week resulted - In
Juanita Nelson winning first place
la girts singles orer Erie Mae
Murdock! who was awarded second
place, 4-1. 4-4, 7-5.
... MonmOuth high school girls'
doubles were won by Juanita Nel
son andHkfagaret Cochran after
pUyiac three eeU against Klea
Sloan . and Erta. .. Ma Murdock.
Scores. were. 4-4. 7-1.
1m boya'ialaglas, John Murdock
won front I Philip Dodds in the
unau, e-s.s-i,- -fnxiip uoaas ana
John Murdock won the boys' dou
bles by defeating Kenneth Roth
and TdtOBrtsbback f-4. -Ji .
In singles. John Murdock and
PhfUp Dodds won from Indepen
dence high school ooys. bat lost
th doubles. ; Th Independence
girls beat Monmouth In both sin
gie and doubles. -
A crash! which resulted- in one
car rolling over and the- drlyer of
the other being 'held in jail in
lieu of 125 ball ocestred at the
coener of; Summer and Chemeke-
"Ut&t Warner Bros. Theatret Your Ucbit"
Ui ' ' A r-vn
V '
7 - W
1 1
I'Mamts is a fataUs'
nod not nuny jst
f i
..! I WITH 4r.. "
. - I. s . ...
Gay, Sparkling Com
cdy-Drama Everyone
Should See i
to MAnnY"
! I . with
ta Streets, suadar alrht. tt i.
Walter Adams. Kings Valley.
According to reports tiled at
th police station. C. II. Robert
son. 227 North Capitol was going
west and was past the interac
tion when th other driver rln
his car Into the right rear hub of
th first csr and turned It over.
Adams claims that he thought he
had th right of way and as h
was going ahead. Robertson took
the right af way; hence the colli
sion. . I
The $25 ball was set by the po
lice judge following Adams' ar
rest for reckless driTlng. Othsr
charges, possession of beer and
switched license plates, were not
pressed. Late- Mondar. Adama
still Injth city jalL
Volleyball Men
Go to Portland
Members nf the T. If f a
ond team In rolleybafl, will go to
Portland Thnradav nlhf tn .
ter a tournament there. It Is to
be a tournament of secondary
teams which Includes all but T.
M. C. A. championship teams.
' Industrial, church league and;
small town teams ar. AiiriKia.
The locals are In charge of Ches
ter Page, Sr.
. - .. jlaywold .
AdalDh Mavwold died In - this
city May 1,11 aged 40. Funeral
announcement later by Clough
Banick company.
ot tfta ntw
ferent ArKss ...
ploying th sort
of ro!you hove '
olwoys wantod
to too him do.
. TII2 .
Evnlyn Knnpp
David Manr .
James Caf ney
Noah Oeery
J. Fnrfll
Tnlly Marshall
FUrooca Arffss
Now Playing
How I Play Golf"
A Belt-
of Joy!
Ob ltuaryl
1 1