The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 12, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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The OHEGON STATESlltAN.'Satoa, Oregon, Tuesday lornln?, May 12, 1931
IE MM 15 -
Schoolmate tf? Hendricks is
Caller; Asserts Hawley
- Strong at Capitol
Back through, scenes of boy
hood James H, MacLafferty. ac
companied by Mrs. MacLafferty,
of Oakland. Cat. stopped In Salem
Monday. . MacLaffertys father
- it ax a Baptist preacher with a pul
pit In Eugene when R.. J. Hen
dricks wu a-student at the Uni
versity of Oregon,- so "Jim had
, til look np his old Irlend ."Bob,",
while la 8alem. . ,. ... . -HaeLafXerty
gained honors on
his own account, serving - two
terms as congressman from Cali
fornia, and was tor some lime as
sistant to Mr. Hoover when the
latter was secretary of commerce.
Now ho Is out of office, though
w kna tin biii Interest in politics
and wanted to know the "lay of
the land throngs the valley
Declares District
iThe first congressional dis
trict of Oregon is now on oiiuo
two most powerful districts in the
United States, because your con
gressman, W. C. Hawley, is "chair
man of the powerf nl ways and
means committee. . The other fa
vored district is in Indiana, s err
ed by Will R. Wood, chairman of
the appropriations committee. It
would be a calamity to your Own
district and to the country not to
continue Hawjey la this position.
1 don't care how prominent a man
In this district you might select,
.he would be like a man at the
end of the line in a Los Angeles
cafeteria, he would. hare a long,
long wait before he got up to
where there was any food.
I hTe seen Hawley at work
tor tariffs affecting this district.
Including lumber, and before the
board of engineers for river and
harbor improvements, and I tell
you he works for his district. I
hope : you continue to re-eelct
hml, were his remarks concern
ing his old colleague, W. C
The state-board of control Mon
day adopted a recommendation of
Rufus C. Holman, state treasurer,
and Supt. Dr. O. C. Bellinger, with
relation to the site of a new dor
mitary to be erected at the East
ern Oregon tuberculosis hospital
at The Dalles.
The building will cost approxi
mately $40,000, and will proTide
accommodations for 70 patients.
Work will get under way as soon
as plans and specifications are
completed and approved by the
The board also approved the re
lease of Juanlta Leach, a patient
at the state home for the feeble
minded. .The girl will return to
the home of her parents in Port
land. Affidavits indicated that
the girl Is safe to be at large.
Dr. Roy Byrd, superintendent
sf the Institution, did not oppose
the girl "a release.-tnndqr proper re
strictions. .
Foreclosure is
Sought in Suit
Suit to foreclose a mortgage
given to secure notes of aa aggre
gate face value of. $6200 was be
run yesterday In circuit court. Ef
fie. Belle Rederlch Is plaintiff ln
the action and Martin and Kath
arania Lees, et al, are defendants.
Th plaintiff claims she bought
the mortgage notes from Martha
L. Crouse. The mortgage was exe
cuted in 1924. Interest nd taxes
have not been paid for more than
a year.
Education Chief .
Here to Confer
Dr. J. C Wright, federal dl-
arrived here Monday from Wash
ington to confer- with O. If.
Adams, state director for voca
tlonal education, and C. A. How
ard, state superintendent of pub
lic instruction.
only a few
TJiink what you get! Con venimce, com
fort, protection and constant usefulness
from the greatest time-saver in the r
world your.
Tns pAonc Tlxepijone
o o
John D. Rockefeller .thanking Officer Lester Smith for the watchful
efforts ef the police who guard the oil Croesus during; his sojourn at
his estate at Lakewood. N. J. . By a clever arrangement the police now
keep the curious crowds from annoying Mr. Rockefeller by throwing
a guard around one church while he is attending services in another.
MA CLEAT. May 11. The 4 M
club was entertained Wednesday
by Mrs. W. A. Jones. A noon din
ner was , served in. the spacious
dining room. The table center
piece was harmonizing colors of
pansies and columbine. In the af
ternoon after a short r business
meeting the study of Turkey was
taken up.
By request Mrs. Jones and her
mother Mrs. Alice Patton, dis
played a number of family heir
looms and gave the interesting
history attached 1 to them. Mrs.
Jones has a tulip pattern pieced
quilt that was pieced by an aunt,
Mary Hunt. In 1848, and a bol
ster stlp done In eyelet, embroid
ered about 70 years ago by her
grandmother, Temperanco Hunt
Downing. The pattern was drawn
by Mrs. Downing.
She nas one ot 10 pairs or pil
low cases made two years ago by
aa aunt, Sarah Downing, who was
then 75 years old. The pillow
cases were trimmed with hand
made lace about six inches wide.
Mrs. Downing has since crocheted
two bed spreads.' - ;
Mrs. Jones has a pewter teapot
that was brought across the plains
from Missouri by her grandmoth
er, Ann Patton. in 1848. It .was
then being used r by the second
generation. Mrs. Patton has a
dress made by her grandmother,
Temperance Hunt, 85 years ago.
This dress is made of dollar-a-yard
calico. Not only was It all hand
made, but the seams of the waist
were corded. The buttonholes are
works of art. Both Mrs. Jones
and -Mrs. patton have dresses they
wore when they were babies.
The June meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. H. Fuestman
at which time Japan will be the
subject of study.
HUBBARD. May 11. -A de
lightful musical program sponsor
ed oy the Hubbard community
band, was given at the city hall
Friday evening. -
An outstanding number on the
program was a violin solo, "Ave
Maria," played by Mrs. Carmen
Scholl. accompanied by Miss An
ita Bevens at the piano.
A song, 'I've Got the Mumps."
by several Hubbard grade boys,
selections by the Junior school or
chestra, a concert h th hand
and a paper, "History of the Hub-
oara nana.- by Mrs. Coble de Les
plnasse, completed the program.
a a ay
And Temraiti Comfany
The entertainment was the last
of a pleasant week ot good music
enjoyed by Hubbard and vicinity
in observance of national ' music
week under suervislon of Dr. A.
F. de Lesplnasse. "
Thus far no noticeable decline
In tax payments has been caused
by the law passed at the last leg
islative session providing only an
8 per cent penalty for delinquent
taxpayers, Deputy Sheriff Wright
man reported yesterday. - He was
not so sanguine about the law's
effect In the future. .. ?
"I believe It will materially re-
tard payment of taxes next year,
he stated. "People are not going
to borrow money I to pay taxes
when the county -will carry the
taxes at interest ho greater than
the taxpayer would have to give to
secure the money."
wrlghtmaa said he would fol
low Attorney-General -Van Win
kle's opinion and apply only the 8
per cent penalty on 1928, 1929.
and 1930 delinquent taxes until
the matter was - adjudicated In
Mrs, Lillian Rodgers, arrested
Sunday In Tillamook, reposed last
eight in the county jail awaiting a
hearing today on a charge of issu
ing checks without sufficient
funds. Constable Walter DeLong
went to the coast town to return
her to Salem.
Counsel for Mrs. Rodgers said
last night that she would probably
enter a plea of not guilty today. -Recently
Mrs. Rodgers entered
the coffee shop business in the
Bllgh building on High street. Be
fore that business venture she had
a Job for some time in the state
printing office.
- She said yesterday after being
returned here that she was not
seeking to evade responsibility for
any checks Jssuid and declared
she had notified friends where
she wis going when she left town.
She said she was visiting friends
in Tillamook. -
A hit on Broadway
A'M so busy; X- don't know
how I'd take cars' of my hair if
I hadn't learned ' the way so
many of my friends are doing
Typical of what New York
girls by thousands are saying
about the new way no many, of
them are doing their hair to
keep It soft, lustrous, and beau
tiful. It's so effective. So 1 simple.
Just a few dashes of Danderine
on the brush each time yTu ar
range your hair. Oily film. goes.
The natural color1 of your hair Is
brought out. It takes on new
life and sparkle! - . 1
..The worst crust of dandruff Is
quickly dissolved by Danderine.
It cleanses, soothes. Invigorates
the scalp. , Whea It Is used, hair
Is easier to dress. Stays in place
wonderfully. And day by day
Danderine encourages your hair
to grow longer, thicker, mora
abundant. .
71 OiAUautt Hair Beaut! p
A AS Drua Stent. Talrty Thm Caew
.: '
Junior-Senior Affair .Held
: At .Spa to ; Salem
. ; - . Recently. :i '
' "JTItNER, ' May 1 1 lSThe jonii
lor-aenlor banquet of tho Turner
high school Was held at the Spa
In Salem' Friday, evening .at S
S 'clock. Th decoratlons-jwere In
lass colors of green and gold. A
large, .floral basket - and tapers
formed a "pleasing center ; "witk
small , green and 'gold baskets as
favorsr-'accompanying 'the ' place
ardj-cry ;
.. VJ:: .VoaaUia tkUA-J
Miss Margaret - Robertson. Jun
ior. class president,- .was toast
mistress' for; the' evening. During
the three- course banquet - she
epoke words of welcome and the
following subjects 7 Were,:, an
nounced to Latin and responded
to by teachers and - members of
the graduating class., "We Learti
by , Doing" . was responded tor- by
Prof. J. R. Cox: MW All Cant
Do Everything," by Miss Mae
Hadley; "Work Conquers Every
thing," Kenneth Hickok; "The
Name' and Portent," ' Mrs. Jean
Pearcy. Miss Sheila Delz$ll, sen
ior class president, spoko on "At
ways Lead. Never Tollpw;'' Rus
sel Denyer, '.'Make Haste Slow
ly""; Kenneth Fowler, "He - Con
quers Twice Who" Conquers
Seir: . Gerald Given, "Seize the
Opportunity"; Harold - Smith,
"Birds of a Feather Flock To
gether"; Belmour Stewart;
"Hence . Those Tears". Helen
Witxell, "Where There's a Will
There's a Way". Helent Wit
sell, "Expect f rdta Others What
They. Expect of You"; Lela WU
kening. " To Whose Advantage".
The senior class president.
Miss Sheila Delzell, responded to
the - welcome, and Miss Nellie
Barber gave the farewell address.
Mrs. J. R. Cox was a guest. Mem
bers of the junior class are
Misses Margaret Robertson, Nel
lie Barber, Gladys Glvens, Kath
erine Ehampler, Opal Mickenham,
Audra Shoen. . Hildreth Bones,
and Wllford Harrison. .
SILVERTON, May .11 The
Silverton concert band under the
direction of Hal Campbell is bus
ily engaged preparing programs
which they -expect to present at
the city part at Silverton during
the coming summer months.
The band meets every Monday
evening at the L hall.. . Over 60
players are in attendance at the
rehearsals now. Mr. Campbell
states he has already reecived
the promises . of assistance from
vocalists and solos Instrumental
ists who will assist the band ' In
the presentation of its concerts.
News was received Monday that
Mrs. Alice J. Pearson ef Tllla
mook, mother of Mrs. E. E. Pra
itt was. stricken - with paralysis
Saturday while the Prultts were
outing at Florence. As . soon ' as
the message Teached , them: Mrs.
Prultt hurried .to her mother's
side Sunday night. .- The Prultts
have recently -moved from here
to Salem, but are still active in
comunity affairs here.
A "Toyo" Panama
Summer9 Favorite
IH!A '
ToaH want a f era Panama,
. for It's ths kat that fashion
decrM as smart with prac
tically every nam costome!
A saoderata brim Is a flattcr
ing protection front summer's
sua . . a tri-color, stitched
band b the newest vogue for
J A'ew Shipment Itmry .
Whl . . . ABptFlrm
With Ery Batt
Ward G Co.
275 N. Liberty Street -
D. A Wolvcrton, Vcteraix Poitmautter, Feted
: MONMOUTH, May 1 0. -Otis A.
Wolverton, who Is serving, his
lCth year as postmaster at Mon
mouth, today Is observing his
10 th birthday anniversary. He'
was born May 10. 1861.. on the
old Wolverton homestead south ot
Monmouth; . and attended the lo
cal schools including the Chris
tian coUege, which in 1S82 be
came the state's first normal
SChooL .; - 1-Ar,f -"-' '. v '
- i AS . a young, man. J he "jtook.'ui
farming, and was active In pro-
rooting the dairy indastry ot this
section, and introduced parebre
Jersey cattle.: 1 When ' appolateo
postmaster during ..the. presidency,
of Theodore Roosevelt, hei retired
from farm life. He Is now serving
aa postmaster 1 under the sixth
president having been r're-ap-
Church Enjoys
Special Programs
. TURNER, May 11. The Tur
ner Christian' church members en
Joyed an excellent Mother's day.
Following the Sunday school, af
which 114 were resent, a j Moth
er's day. program was given; '
-; In the evening the theme was
carried out at Endeavor meeting,
followed by a well - prepared
"sweetheart" . program at the
church, service. Old, love songs
i -
vyvy-nuuu LTU
' '
II III is! ' I I ff I 11 v 111 If J m 111 r-
mm mm... sv -sx . r e. iaw. m m m . . , mm
I Including the use of Ulfra
J' Sunshine Mellows Heat Purmos
Your Throat Protoction onainst irritations against counh
polnted by Taf t, ? Harding, ' Cool
idge and . Hooverr besides filling
a partial tenure under Wilson
daring the. world war.
During a 4 residence of some 30
years in Monmouth, he has serv
ed as mayor,- and . on ; the '. local
school board. He is a member of
the Monmouth Christian church;
and is active, in lodge clrclec of
thla eountjr. ji ?- '-7 - - ' -:
, A daughter, Miss Leto Wolver
ton, Is a- Portland school teacner.1
and another daughter,- Mrs; Don
ald - Bolter, ; Uvea on the- family
farm: aear. Saverv 1 Two brothers
of Mr. Wolverton were for -years
prominently Identified : with' Port
land professional . life the - late
Rev. ' -Bruce Wolverton and - the
late .Federal . Judge - Charles E
Wolverton. - - ' .
were sung and the pastor spoke
on : the subject, ."Engaged - and
Then .What?" ,
LYONS, May 11. Lewis Trask
received 'a letter from the man
who ..had . his t. farm leased' at
White Salmon, Washington,' that
the recent windstorm had blown
the barn down. : Mr. ' Trask left
rfor White Salmon the first of the
week to make . other arrange
ments with the renter, pertaining
to shelter for his stock and feed.
Last ' summer the farm ' house
burner, so It is rather hard luck
for Mr. :Trask.
i' ' nil..
-CC-.. AV...vw.v
r . x-:-:-
s f-. " ' , Si
The; Silverton district Sunday
school r convention will be held
May 1 17 at, the Silverton Hills
community hall with a program
beglaaing at 2:30 p. m.
The Rev. P. W. Ericksen, pas
ter of the American Lutheran
church at Salem, will be the prin
cipal .speaker. Other attractions
will ibe musical selections from
thel Spotts Mills Friends church,
a' reading from the Seotts: Mills
Christian church and group sing
ing 'under the leadership of T. 8.
McKensle "of .Salem ' with . Mrs.
.Frahfc powell of Sllvertoa asv ae-companlst..,-
.. s ' . .'"i ; ';.v;-
-r-Thel eighth grade class has re
ceived; an invitation, from Robert
Goetz, superintendent of Sllvertop
schools, . to be the guests of the
Silverton schools May 28. "
1 BusUransportatlon will be fur
nished a free lunch served, and
in tl4; afternoon diplomas will be
presetted to the successful pupils.
j Mothers of the eighth grade
dassllare Emogene Wood, Ruth
Simmons, Bessie Darkens, Helen
Nafzfelger, Jean Lauderback, Earl
as E i
! . n. 9rL- 1 n
''Reach for d
I ' ... ,
I i .
Slow! Ploaso! Actually put your
Unger on your Adam's Apple.
Touch it your Adam's Applo Do
you know you are actually touch
ing your larynx? This is your
voico box It contains your
vocal chords. When you consider
your Adam's Apple, you aro con
sidering your throat your vocal
chords Don't rasp your throat
with . harsh irritants Roach for
q LUCKY instead Remember,
LUCKY STRIKE Is tho only ciga
rette in America that through Its
exclusive "TOASTING" process
expels certain harsh irritants
present in all raw tobaccos. Thcso'
expelled irritants aro sold to
manufacturers of chemical com
pounds. They aro hot present in
your LUCKY
Consider your Adam's Apple
Violet Rays
ScharNelson Darkens and James
Uchty. -
STAYTON, May 11 The Stay
ton chamber of. commerce will
hold their annual election at
their meeting next-Tuesday -even
ing. W. A; Weddle" retiring president-
has - crranged : a splendid
program for that evening, includ
ing a speaker from Willamette
and a male quartette. Each mem- -ber.
of the quartette is said to be
an artist so their numbers, will
undoubtedly be enjoyed.
i : 1 1 . i
Yom savala ailnf
KCUm LESS than of
blsa priced brsnds.
LUCCCY instead
STRIKE, and so wo say
Dance Orche
tra, every Twcs
day, Thursday
mnd Saturday
evening over
N. B. C. neU