r.ji - t ;" . 't . - . i . , i , i - ' : ' ' ' : " ' ' " . OUTDOOR NEWS - ' : ' ; . . ' """" ' ': -, :- -. , ... , ... ... - .. . .; t - , ' ' v - - -. . J - : " " . -i : t .. V . 1 , . AUTOMOTIVE SECTION V . is -n . J- The OREGON STATESMAN; Sato, Oregon. Sunday Morning, May 10, 1931 PAGE NINE j z r .... BUTLEB TD ATTBiD llllCEiHn Plans Wade for. Celebration Of Dedication of flogue Bridge at Grants Pass : -;. . V' An all-Paclflc Coast conference of eovernors and , stats officials coast-wide law enforcement pro gram, will be one of the outstand ing features of the dedication of the new Grants Pass bridge at Grants Pass, Oregon, Saturday, May 2. Major General Smedley D. But ler; United States Marine Corps, has accepted the inTltatlon of GoTernor Julias I. Meier, of Ore gon, and the Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce to officiate at this conference. The famous Marine officer wll be In Oregon at-the time of the bridge dedication for the purpose of making survey and adTlsing the state government upon the organization of a state constabu lary along lines laid down recent ly and authorized by the Oregon "state legislature. Participating In the conference -will be Governor Meter, Governor Roland H. Hartley, of Washing ton and, probably, GoTernor James Rolph. Jr., of California. In order to Insure the presence of GoTernor Bolph. President Ed ward Morris, of the Redwood Em pire association, which- with the Grant Pass chamber of com merce, the Oregon Highway com mission, the Josephine county court and the Oregon Caremen, Inc., la sponsoring the bridge fete.-naa arranged for an airplane to convey him to Grants Pass. President Morris will personally accompany Gorernor Rolph on the flight from-Sacramento to ' Grants Pass. Many unique features are being arranged in connection with the bridge -dedication. Including an Impressive ceremony to be on " ducted by the Caremen at the nr,rnn mTei national monument and one of the outstanding at tractions or the Keawooa empire. A great delegation of leaders from all nmrt of the RedWOOd Empire will go to Grants Pass by motor . caravan, orisinaune at Ukiah Thursday morning. May 21. Th caravan- Will follow the semi-annual meeting of the board of directors or tne association, io be held at Lucerne, Lake county the preceding aay. , Second Prize Essay Tells ? How to Reduce Accidents . Education for courtesyl That U exactly what Is needed. Education in elementary courtesy, as it could be applied to drlring' on the ' streets of' our cities and highways of our state. For example: It two men met in the doorway of a . building. It is highly Improbable that each one would give a warn ing signal and try to pursa through ahead of the other; but they would each stand aside and offer the other one the privilege of passing first, and would conse quently get through the encount er with a minimum of confusion. On the other hand, if these same two men met In their auto mobiles at an intersection, they would more than likely each honk his horn and try to crowd by first. This lack of courtesy of one driv er toward another and of a drtrer toward a pedestrian Is the cause of Innumerable accidents that 1 couldery easily be aroided. Of course, you : may say that courtesy is absolutely optional on the part of each individual driTr, and that most of them would not , accept such a doctrine. But as I said before, what they need is education. This could be given te them in a small degree .througn the schools and like means, but the best way. I believe, te instill this thought into the minds of the general public.' would be to carry on an extensive advertising . campaign through the newspapers and various other channels that would be open to the use of the . .state. :-: 'Prosperity; Six As Graham Low Priced , 3 Graham yesterday set 1 at" rest the. rumors and conjectures that have been prevalent in automotive i .: drcles by unveiling a large hlgh I : powered low-priced new model. 1 the Prosperity Six, which "bad : been heralded, by name only, in a preliminary mystery campaign. The new six, although larger and more powerful than several previous Graham sixes, is offered , at the lowest price by Tar in Gro ham history, the delivered price of the four-door five-passenger slx-wlndow sedan being $1S5 low tr than that for the standard six. the next lowestpriced Graham six. - 1 Has All Graham .Featarrs i v The Prosperity Six Is typically ; Graham in form and style, and -: j adheres to the Graham - standard i design in construction and me ' chanical equipment, . baring tail N the most important features of the Special six . and the two eighths except the synchro-silent four-speed transmission. Ia short. It is a three-speed companion car to the four-speed models. Four body styles comprise the 'Prosperity six series the busi ness coupe, list price $785; rumble-seat coupe, 125; the two window four-door sedan, TI5; and th sedan, 8t5. Jim Loder, manager ot. Loder Bros., local dealers, declares that the Prosperity Six represents the . outstanding achiereraent of the Silver eek Falls Loo One of Most Meresting Trips in Salem Vicinity; I Return is by W o One of the most Interesting loop trips out of Salem suggested by the Chamber of Commerce in Its 1931 issue of "Trail 'Em to Salem,' Is that of d tiring to the SHrer Creek Falls State Park and returning by way of Silrerton and the famous Howell Prairie country, Now that the state highway commission has purchased nine of the ten falls In this small sec tion of; two square miles, resi dents of 8alem are within 21 miles of two of the most attract lre falls, known as the North Falls. 14 i feet, and the Upper North. 65 feet. You will know the Upper North by the big log and the North by the descent of water 14 feet, dashing on large rocks below, ' . : - To drire to the tails through the Waldo Hills district, you go east on ; State street, turn south at the four corners two miles out and then follow the signs 'to the North SUrer Creek bridge, where you park. First, walk half a mile tip Sil ver Creek to the east and enjoy the Upper North Falls. Just plain easy walking to this most Inter esting one of the group. Return to the road where your ear is parked and then note sign to Upper North Falls, about half mile down stream. Before you reach ' this most Interesting one of the group of falls, you note the gorge and efforts, rushing waters are making for the 146 foot leap to the rocks below. ' To go under and around the North Falls, you climb down fairly, steep places, all of which makes It the more interesting. Then 'walk under the falls . and ! A committee of representative citizens that would meet at sated intervals, should be able to very successfully earrr out a campaign of this sort. Of course this would necessarily be a long, hard tight against a rapidly growing spirit of discourtesy among the modern motor minded public It would be touch better though, to kill it now than to let it run on until It gams enough strength to become un eonouerable. There is also anoher point that X consider very important. It is the fact that the traffic officers patrol the highways in such dis tinctive cwlored cars or motor cycles. I do not exactly understand the reason for this, but I do know that it is an Immense help to a driver who wants, to break any of the traffic laws. It Is al most the same as giving a mur derer a warning that In 24. hours the police are going to pursue and try to capture him. . A motorist can speed, cut corners, disregard stop signs," or almost anything else he wants to do. and as long as he keeps a dose enough watch for white automobiles he can al ways avoid being apprehended. While It the traffic officers pa troled their beats in ordinarily colored ears, the , law breakers would be afraid to violate the law because they weald not know but what the car In front of, or behind them, contained a traffic officer. iThey would therefore drive more carefully and be much less liable to bare aa accident. Introduced three Graham brothers as manufacturers- - . - - -6nl a factory equipped to make - complete cars engines, chassis and' bodies entirely in its own plants, and ft factory led by masters' of modern production methods." said Mr. Loder. "could produce a full ' slsed automobile at the prices set for the Prosper ity Six while fully main tan ing their high standards of quality, workmanship, and owner values. Larger Car, Lower Price ; "While the new model is by far the lowest priced car in Graham history, it is larger, roomier, more powerful, and better equipped than any previous Graham three speed six in the low price bracket. The Prosperity Six is as genuine ly Graham in quality and work manship i as 4 the costlier four speed six and eights, and reveals the advanced engineering - and structural features, ia chassis and body, that distinguish , Gra ham cars. This acaierement is made pos sible by the Grahams' policy of standardised design; under which all their four different .chassis models sre bult to a single gen eral plan, under the same high standards of design, materials, and workmanship, and equipped with Mn Ileal units. Only through such standardization can a factory effect the economes that permit the production of quality ears at fit SSsGf Gar note effect, of water tailing 14 S feet on granite rocks below. If yoa are a lover of seenle beauty, yon won't want anyone to talk to yon . when under the Falls. Just absorb the beauty and SILVKKTOM grandeur and then, if you bare any patriotic feelings, think that aU this and eight other falls will be connected next year by trail. so that you may see them all In few hours walk. Some of the tral work may be dona this year by the state highway commission. On your way to the Falls. Just beyond Maeleay, yoa pass the 212 acre Lambert cherry rcnara. largest of Its kind la the world. Not very famous now but it will be. .i s. - And sv mile before yon. reach the North SUrer Creek bridge, you' may note ft sign "Winter Falls." Just step 10 feet from your car and gas down In the Seruice Manager Eoiigraiuktes Borris Taulinsky Upon tepletion of Iriue ff''vlJgg-Vlp.Vr jaSso ;? steer. (teeter rJ?k? 'zV&y; So ' Tfi'"- ' X' rf jr -'1 I 4 The above picture sKow Robert Brady, service manager; for the Valley Motor company, congratulating Moms Tavlinsky, chief driver and manager of the Ford non-motor stop 10-day and .1 0-night drive. The other two gentlemen standing by the fear of the car in the pic ture are, R. D. Woodrbw, local representative for the Kelly Tire com pany, and A. H. Hardin'cr local Veedol representative. The Ford roadster used was equipped with Kelly tires and. used Associated gasoline and Veedol. The speedometer showed 8056.3 miles for the 240 hours without motor stop. The car averaged 19.6 miles to the gallon of gasoline and used 7 quarts of Veedol, The origixial Kelly tires finished without a puncture or blowout. Morris Tavlinsky and hit three driving aces the stop, and staged during all these stops WE HAVE 'EM YOUR -GARAGE MAN CAN SUPPLY YOU W. E. Bums .Dan Bums ; ! , ; Hot Brothers, the Scat Ilea " Ferry at High canyon and note the - slender trail of water, dropping 14 feet. In summer time It dissolves Into a .spray. , . , :;0 ' ' And this Is rery Important. ' m lit iiTll T XSILVCHCIWeK There Is no charge to any of the eight tans la the SUrer Creek Falls State Park. The state does not charge people te enter Its own. parks. Return, by way of Silrerton and the, famous HoweU Prairie district. Only ft 7 miles la this loop trip. GUEST AT GRANT ISLAND GRAND ISLAND. May t Miss Nellie Collins of Portland fa making an extended Ttslt la the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles A. Ferguson. She came Wednesday in time to help celebrate the sec oad birthday of her little name sake; Nellie Ferguson. exa.(K , : ftt.wT - T s udBm mm '"'' '-4, T- f f 11 1 1 f 1 t made 3 1 stops per day 33 stunt shows. The when the speedometer FElf IIUSBM10S Clever Program Adds to Pleasure of ths r PKRRTDALE. May t The ladles of the Sew and Bew club of Ballston put on a program and served supper to their husbands It was . hilarious : all the wait through. The meeting-opened byi an election of ofXleera, after nom inations were closed, , the-two nominated argued their :.'oi good points and gave many reas ons why tlvey should be elected. This was just the ' beginning of langns tor the erening. , , Mrs. Casste 8 echrlst . gave ft monologue "Taken by Surprise, wherein an old maid sets her bouse On fire to attract the at tention of ft bachelor whom she admires ftnd who is1 with the- tiro department. She succeeds. Mrs. . Francis Gregg gave a monologue At the ball'- game. Mrs. Gregg scored a "hit" and rery nearly cansea ! a lew . unex pected "runs", j Edit Lens and Mrs.. Logs ton both gave piano selections A three act playlet "Better Never than Late. by Mrs. MarUn Vaa Gross as the bride-to-be and Mrs. O. A. Wood as the groom-to-be. After 20 years of courtship they decide to bo married, but ft quarrel orer her dog and bis cat ends it aU and they decide single bliss is good enough. , The big number:! on the pro gram was the quartette, consist ing of Mrs. Francis Gregg, MaMo Taylor, Mrs. Howar-Shafer and Cassle S echrlst. They initiated : . A'-Ww '" ptpt--VeVssBSss - s? yssnz averaging 5 minutes to motor was left running was not registering; - no TO CLEAN UP AND POLISH YOUR CAR! We Carry a Complete Stock of SPONGES, 25c to $2.50 CHAMOIS, 50c to $30 POLISH, 60c to $1.00 I SPOKE BRUSHES. 28c-60c Salem, Oregon the farmers anion quartette by staging their songs wearing ra : clotnlng and one ' lady powdered her , balr. it was f a scream and for! encore they sang too Levee 'song ftnd second 4a eorn The Bullfrog oa the Bank The ladles served a delicious supper to their ausoanas at dose or tne meeting. ; ' OUTOF xXOSPXTAL HAZEL GREEN, May S.Tae many mends of Mrs. Herman. Wackea, Jr.. will bo glad to hear she was Able to be takea to the homo of her sister, Mrs. Virgil Perrlno at Middle Grove. Mrs. Wackea recently. . underwent - an operation at the Willamette sanl- tariura. Salem. FCH YOUn .PZlOTECTIOrJ MATIE XniO IlEQUEGT defoiie ycu Dinr amy teie i 7VTEVER take the chance of buying tires' on outside appearance. 1 J Insist on seeing cross-sections ... not alone of the particular tire the salesman iseeks to sell you, but of competitive tires as Well. Only in this way can you make comparisons and determine which tire is Bigger, Stronger and Safer. INBUILT VALUES are never visible on the surface. You must look inside to get the facts. With cross-sections before yotij the claims made about various tires either stand up, 0 they crumble underUhe truth. No amount of explanation can ptlt more rubber volume, more weight, more width, more thickness, ajad more plies, into a tire when they aren't there. These EXTRA VALUES are inbuilt at the factory. .. never on the sales floor or in public print. ; . j HEI1E, Ma. MOTOniGT, 13 HO v 1 TO GET THE! ABSOLUTE FACTS AD OUT TIHEG Come in today and ,lct us show yon flreetono cross sections land croes-eec i !iJ , .t. uoos vi epccuii onura Make your own com parisons.Take npevery! point and note the dif-j ferenee. Yon will be uih der no obligation what ever to bur. All we want is to have you get the facta yourself so yon can see which tire offers yon the greatest value. DOUBLE Erery tire Firestone "Fires lone' CUAAAKTES aaaaafectMred bj bears the name! and carries Flre- stone's nali isalled gnarsatos Yoa are deahly and ears. ountuTrr j sues nn ua rtrtH' 4.4021 4-S0411 4.7S-19 S3S-1 4.9S S4.9S S.69 ll.f 6w6S SX.9 T.IO 13 7.O0 If-0 &S7 1.7 Tinns i' I 17.$ J4.0 .7 S4S1 ... .S7 itu)fr20kxnif.se ' SLBWTS1VCSX MkS .... f 7f Sfeo . . . . X9.75 STOP III T i . f JEFFEflSO HAS SIC P!K,1 JEFFERSON. May la ob servance of Music week, a' pro gram was girea Thursday even ing , at the Christian church, at the request of the Jefferson Woman's dub. : The program opened with two songs, 'America", and "Old Folks at Homo", by the assembly, accompanied by Gilbert Looney, violin: GUbert Spragg, sousa phone; and Miss Durfee, piano; sousaphone solo. Gilbert Spragg; i p fin Do yon recall any instance where you were invited by sellers of special brand snail order tires to compare cross-sections mmu oruer urea. 7fT T7 TTTj A. CONG TCUCITIOn "M"M"ej cse-siTiKe 1 I a -t w. d. Tias Mee Rybbcr VeL X7Z e- te. tete.ta. tSce.ta. X7 -,- Sieve WeigM . . . gO.OO Ike. tf.TS Dm. XS.3 Um. SO.M lb ter WMTb .7ta. 4.74 SaereTkickecM. . jZ1 im, ,9flm. .OeOia. ,.Oa l. aserePUcsalTrceJ O piim S ptic Uc 7 Hie Seaao rrioe. , . . CM IU4 IUQ Wa Special Brand Mail Order tire Is made by some unknown manufacturer and sold under n name that does not identify him io the public, usually because he builds his Erst line tires under r:u his own name. fc r.a i? a Ei is pcncEcs if & h a ; i cotMEa rm en - ' tmua nana SOOts . . . Sl.o7 7.74 Sls..... . e.98 4At4tl . . . 4.S 5 M0 4.S041 . . . s.tf ; S.IS SJtl .v. 7-7f : 7.7$ SLATTKaiKS UTaa vaujc w r The Station with a Clock iS3c3" "Sill" Invite Us to Your Next Blowout vocal solo by Harvey Thurston; violin solo by Francis Gatchell; group of old time songs, by Miss es GeraldlnO Regester and Bertha Dillon, W. F. Gatchell and IC 8. Thurston, group of piano num bers, by Maude purfee; ' vocal solos. Those - at j Home", and "Morning", by iifUs Regester; group of violin solos. "Roses of Plcardy", and "My Hero". . by Gilbert Looney; the program dosed with, A group of vocal so los; -Little Mother of Mine", and "Davey Jones .Daughter", by Gilbert Spragg. Harold "Red" Grange, former Illinois grid star, has signed with : S Chicago radio station to help roadcaat the bomej games of the Cubs and White Sox this season. 1 1 of their tires in each price class, with Fire atone croeesections7 It just isn't being done. We not only invile you we urge yon, to make comparisons because we know Firestone tires will back up every state ment we make. J abcbob rvrc Seper 0tavy Dwty mm 4040 4.7J-IV 4.7S0 SjOO-20 SJtSI ft.OO-20 4.S0-20 740-21 SS.9S .8.7 . 0.7 fO.Xf SI.2S ia.of 1S.70 SS.XO 7f 20.1 S S8.70SX6.79 Ib.ofc ,9.75 IS. 40 10J5 1.9 110 21.O0 UJOS 25.50 1S.7S 20.70 IUJ 29.50 17.1$ 33.30 21A0 S9.10 r . . . TEL. MM vr, &r 21 li u popular prices. ' ' 1 i