The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 10, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    Snnav Hfnmlmr Xfa-v Sift 109f
vagc ttiiie;
F. H. Zinser Succeeds Him
self as President of
Community v Group v : ?
Salem Heights community el an
brought Us season's activities to
a successful close Friday evening
by holding a super which wa es
pecially well. attended and finan
cially successful. This was fol
lowed by executive session and
election, of officers for the coming
year and a program of consider
able length and variety. -
At the business session the fal
lowing officers were elected- a
per the nominating committee's
report: F. H. Zinser succeeded
himself as president. C. W. Bart
lett was elected vice president. F.
E. Wilson, secretary. P. r. Stoltx
heise. treasurer. Chairmen of the
standing committees which be
come a part of the executive board
of the club were elected as fol
lows: civic Improvement. Jay
Morris; program. Olive Beards
ley; educational. E. E. Pruitt;
house committee. Fred Fischer;
supper committee. , Mrs.. Myra
Saryer; publicity. Dr. D. D. Craig.
. - Scoots et Charter
.. After the business meeting, the
following took part -la the pro
gram: the Boy Scout charter was
presented by President F. H. Zin
eer as was also certificates of na
tional recognition to C. W. Bart
lett, scoutmaster; E". , E. Pruitt.
son and Miles G. Sautter, scout
workers. This was followed by a
pantomlneby Mrs. P.-F. Stoltz
helse and Mrs. Myron VanEaton
entitled "A Backyard Tragedy".
Dr. I E.-BaiTick's quartet Dr.
T Kfc. It... - . .
uanikm, nun reuiuu, UDWiro
Leach and John Morltx then fav
ored the audience with several
numbers and repeated encores. A
men's contest in which six men
endeavored to thread : a needle
while balancing themselves ' in a
sitting position on a milk bottle
created much laughter. Donnadel
and Darelle Washburn sang two
numbers - accompanied by . their
mother on the plana.
Joe Williams of Liberty pre
sented an educational picture on
the manufacture of-storage bat
teries also a comedy reel as a
closing number. " :--; .
The executive, committee In
short session decided that a straw
berry festival would be given at
the community ball as soon as
the home berries were ready. ,
log-chopping contest was held In
front of the Thomas and Horton
hardware store here Wednesday
afternoon, ;a representative from
the factory cutting the log In two
In two and one-half minutes, and
Russell Ballard. & farmer, mak
ing his cut In four minutes. Mr.
MeKinsey failed to complete his
cut. This contest created some
excitement, as there were nearly
100 spectators present.
. . . at ."he
! .- .ft
Why will so jpvany
want it? ciCAUSE
a car so easit obi fo out
perform, out-last, out-style and
out-value all hitherto accepted
standards must inevitably
attract a large and constantly
widening circle of friends. '
M Oi5 T
titjtom school brasses end drivers
Stayton School Busses are 1 j
Operated at Low Cost per
i - Mile, DuertoCareful Plan
STAYTON. May 9 The Stay.
ton schools are operating four
busses for transportation, and ac
cording to H. E. Toble, principal,
who has given the matter some ex
tensive study, changes In the
routes and increase in the num
ber of pupils hauled, cut the aver
age expense this year, per pupil
approximately $8.00. Mr. Tobie's
estimates on the cost of trans
portation for the year 1930-31 on
the first six months of the school
year. The estimated cost per pu
pil this year Is J4S as compared
"Millicn Dollar
Highway" Done;
Farmers Rejoice
The million-dollar high
way, which croaae this dis
trict from east to west, was
opened for through travel
over two weeks ago, when
the fill near Lake Labish
was entirely completed.
Agitation for . this high
way .Was begun more than
five years ago and work
completed from Brooks to
ward the lake and from Mt.
Angel westward. ? r:
Then for some time opera
Uom were delayed becaese
of unsatisfactory - surveys
and because the old lake bed
offered a poor foundation
for a f high fill of gravels
with these obstacles ' sur
saounted, the road now offers-
au interesting drive
through the pleasant conn
try west of Mt. Angel,
through the berry fields of
North Howell and the onion
lauds of Labish;. to the Pa
cific highway at Brooks.
The dream of the farmers
In these communities for a
highway over which a "mil
lion dollars" worth of crops
will be hauled has at last
'come true.
Announcing the
B) E fc5) 11 !
(Companion car to Graham Sixes and Eights)
lowest price by far in Graham history
4 I .v
IiwIwm Cea,S7a3 Tww Seoa,S7V3i
hmbtm SmI Cmm. &S25 Ummm, $25
f factory . .
Hear the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, end Edgor
. 1 feodio Hbur-every Sundoy Evening
reedy to atari on day's run.
to 54 last year and $50 th
yeac-before. Perhaps the cost per
mile in the sparsely settled terri
tory is a better Indication of
economy, for Instance the cost
per JJille this year is 11.6 aa com
pared with 13 last year and 12
for the year 1928-29. . . j
Naturally the bus must go Into
some unprofitable territory, one
instance Is the Fern Ridge dis
trict, since it was impossible to
connect Fern Ridge with the main
line to Lyons, it was necessary
to put a small bus on this route.
This meant a low cost per mile,
since few pupils were hauled, but
It caused a high cost per pupiL
; The cost . for operation and
maintenance of the busses : this
year will be about $3000 as com
pared with $2925.58 last year.
The average number of pupils car
ried this year is 108 as compared
with 87 last year. Grade pupils
from Kingston not being included
in either figure. Seventy-five
high school tuition pupils were
hauled daily the first six months
of this year as compared with the
average of 68 for the nine months
last year. This year for, the, first
time - a full time mechanic' and
bus driver has been ; employed,
thereby assuring that the bnsses
are always safe and in condition
for economical service. 4
It Is due -to Prof-. Toble and the
study he has made of this phase
of '-transportation that the cost
per pupil. In spite of unfavorable
conditions, is right with the state
average and the cost per mile is
half the average state figure. As
soon as road links are completed
other improvements in the sys
tem will be noted. -
SILVERTON. - May 9 ' Don
Lehman, on the . student's ticket,
won over Mae Coffey on the asso
ciated student ticket, a the . stu
dent body election of the Bilverton
high school Friday. Other officers
elected were vice president, Alice
Barkhnrst; secretary, Helen - Da
Vis; treasurer, Louise Latham;
seargeant at arms, Eugene -Ho-bart.
Window Sdan.
" .
Come in and let us
show ybu-r why
the Prosperity Sixj is more but
standing Vhy It Is better
looking Why it is safer Why
it will last longer and learn
all of the 54 reasons why; the
Prosperity Six is a bettor car.
v. ;q
A. Guet. America's beloved poet the Graham -1
ot 50 P.M. KOIN J
fj TO
Commercial car and Truck
: Business Is Changed
h- To Meet afl Needs -
Commercial : car and " truck
owners will have an opportunity
to see comprehensive display of
Ford commercial cars and trucks
when the Ford caravan, com
prising - more, than .20 .units,
comes to Salem, on Tuesday, May
12. W. L. Phillips - of the Valley
Motor company, local Ford deal
er, announced Saturday. --
One of the most Important "de
velopments in the commercial
ear and truck i business - within
the last year or so has been the
Ford Motor; company's new pol
icy of adapting its product to
the manifold specialised needs of
industry. Mr. Phillips said. , As a
result, he said. Fords with stand
ard equipment are now serving
as panel delivery units, express
trucks, coal trucks, dump' trucks,
garbage trucks, ambulances, po
lice patrols, and In short for
practically . every sort of truck
use..- ; , v- ;r"' ' :
"ObvIouBly It Is Impossible for
a dealer to carry, the present full
line of Ford commercial cars and
tracks in stock at one time, Mr.
Phillips said. "But, through, the
caravan which Is coming to Sa
lem, local track users will have
the nnnsnal opportunity of in
specting a comprehensive display,
including a wide variety of body
types. We cordially Invite the
public to attend our showing and
we will be pleased to arrange a
special demonstration for anyone
who is Interested."
Mill City Plans
Clean-up Weejc
MILL CITY, May 9 The
week of May 11 to 15 Jias been
designated by -the members of the
Mill City Woman's clnb as clean
up week, with Friday, May 15 a
special clean up day. - It is hoped
everyone will cooperate In making
this city a bit more presentable.
Mill City residents keep ."their
property in much better condttion
than many places boasting of
more population, but improve
ment can be made. The mem
bers of the committee are Mrs. C.
E. Rogers. Mrs. Sig Jepsen, Mrs
Otto Geertsen. Mrs. L. - Cooper
Mrs. Herbert Schroeder, Mrs. Vel
ma Pearson, Mrs. Robert Schroe
der, Mrs. Vivian Albert, Miss Bon
nie Haack. Mrs.. Hal Ladd. Mrs.
A. A. Holthonse, Mrs. A. D. Scott,
Mrs. A. Mllsap, Mrs. C. E. Rogers,.
Mrs. Lafe Potter, Mrs. Cline, Miss
Daisy Hendrlcson. Mrs. Gentry
and Mrs. Al. VanDahl.
MILL CITY, May 9 i SuPt. C.
C. Hall of Albany and Assistant
Supervisor H- G. White of. the for
est . service had planned a trip by
airplanb over the Santlam nation
al forest Wednesday te get a more
thorough suryey of conditions .In
the woods since the high winds
(Ifutfral. S25, mt fvcery)
!- ,
PHONE 6133
of a couple of weeks ago. - It was
feared that the enormous amount
of down timber had so greatly In
creased Ore hasarda that It would
become necessary to .dose the
forests at once to eampers and
tourists. However; the rains of
Wednesday have so thoroughly
drenched the country that it will
not be necessary te pat such an
order Into effect for some time.
Hazel Green Club'
Has Last Party
Oi School Year
-H sewing club held , its last
meeting for the year Thursday
afternoon at' the Unround Slat
turn home. Miss Hilda, was host
ess. - i . -.
The'workU not all finished
bnt wiU be In time to exhibit at
the close of sehooL The club has
19 'members . In - two . diTisIons.
This , gives the younger girls a
better opportunity to "win a prise.
Mrs. Ralph G liber Is leader. 1
Dallas Queen '
n Contests Close
-. . - -. ' . ... .f
DALLAS, May 9 -1- The May
queen, contest - here: narrowed
down to three candidates at the
fifth count of the ballots taken
Thursday., These three contes
tants will rule as May queen and
her two attendants. . The queen
will be decided upon when the
final count is made Saturday ev
ening, May 9. i
u- Those remaining in the contest
and their votes are: Ruby Voth,
1498; Mona Brooks, 1304; Ellen
Boman, 1301. j I;
The May Fete will be presented
by the pupils of the Dallas
schools on the high school campns
Friday, May 15. Miss Helen
Woodward is In charge of the pro
Koker of Jefferson and his brother-in-law,
Glenn McClain of Se
attle, Wash., were arrested Sat
urdar bv Perrr stellmachAr fn
uty game warden of Albany, when
they were caught fishing off the
S. P. railroad bridge in the San
tlam river without, a lironaAl Th
men were fined f25 each or 12
days in the Linn county. Jail at
Albany. As neither one was able
to pay their fine, they are serv
ing out the sentence, j
- BRUSH CREEK, May 9 Miss
Margaret Gieilk was too 111 Thurs
day afternoon to conduct her
classes as teacher ef Brush Creek
school. The children were dis
missed snd the greater number
of them retired to the John Moe
home where baseball, croquet and
tennis Interested them for the re
mainder of the day.
" , 1 1 1 1 ' i . I. - i in in i m u - 1 . , t " t ,
will stop
The Ford Truck Caravan, which consists of a nainber of Ford commercial units. Including the
newest. truck and light delivery types creates wide fnterest in every locality itvisits.
now forty different bodies, two different chaia, ardj three wheel base available. This provides
Ford unit for every business need, and offers economical hauling to every operator. ; . . '
'"' ' Hany'riype8 4 for"" special '.purposes, - 3are indudedJaid among them are one or moreof interest to
every truck-owner. The Ford Truck Caravan, con tainnig a representative number of these units,
gives every one an opportunity to see and examine thm in front of our showroom.
. Salesmen will be on duty to answer questions and to arrange demonstrations. We are prepared
to supply any Ford type, in any of the large numberf color combinations available. All are low in
first cost, and give long, reliable, and economical service. You are invited to inspect the Caravan.
;j4lfey Motor (So,
- -hi-
: ' - - ; ; ;
. ... ------mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
V il t NOVATk"AND"LOWER . j j ;
i,NMU .v- - MO;r6R1M1,THISV' '- -;;;.P i! il '
..i-Sw "'!" V.' -:Xiwi-Ss acs!aSli FuwirI ::"'"' jf , ' '
'' 'V j- OTILL more miescje, though the cost to you t jy
V 1 W UIThitfeeb news of 1931 about ;
costs roaay to
Dial Tel. 4525
lyyj i safety nrtdifyte
ann otinemenl
all truck
T IF, O II D C O tl 11 E El CI A E
The Ford Motor ConrDany has greatly enlarged iU line of commercial vehicles; until there are
Weather. YouVe seen it adding StyU and
jSmrtnes to many-cars. Your eye j have ad
mired its pnsmed iWebarj pointing to the Sil
ver Stripe, on the 'all. You've noted its big size,
Its husky beauty. No-heavy duty tire has ever
sold in such tremendous numbers it's THE
leader! Come in and let us ted you how little it
I i i :
at . I I .f .It t
l t ' J -1 i : is w . ,
espy the matchisss endurance
of these greet tires
on TOUR car!
I 5
Master Service Station
Mum I
. i' ' " . .. t - . ' i
Satisfaction With Every Transaction
1 1
lft! Commercial at Center Tel. 4525
. V - .. ,
M. to f
. M. O ClOCK
V- 1
Come in j
end See Hi
T Y, P.E G
I 1" 1 I i