UK page ! FiFmnri The OREGON STATES?.! AN. Saleza;' Oregon. San-ay llorntn?. May 10. 1531 . -j x r! 'I I ; ! I M ' 4 i Statesman Classified Ads Call CL-elf led A&rertlatng " tingle insertloir per lina.lOft Three Insertions per ' line ............... SOe Sir insertions per Una. .10c On month per tu-e..fl-uy Mtalmum rharg . .... -.S ' 1 Copy for this page a;. epted until t:30 tao en in, before publication Tot classification. Copy re ceived after this time win. b run. under th heading ; Too Late taClaa-rtfy. i Tha Statesman Assume HELP WANTEDMALE Xri-i" 1r L ii - - i " ' . - - Young men now enrplored to study radio and television. aUt rou In retting a position. Write wx WANTED SoracoM to cut Z oue cords, first and aeeond 'tllf'!; alder, oak and ash i -contract, j" to be Completed by Oct. Mt Pb located fx miles f" .Salem em highway. X Bx. 844. Salem, Ore. ? ST.A'Rt' WORK TUESDAY - -X GOOD MONEY and STEADY EM- - PLOYM NT for S . neat appear! fWn tor worK " yeare eld preferred. Sale experience Ot Br-(BnT morn Itoom S lT N. Coouaerclal Street jUwjujwWM'MVrrii - - - tlTSS t JJ yer. Stey wertc POSTOfTICK CLSRKS-MAILCAR. KIKftS. Men 11-45. Comnwn educa.- rokcha FREE. Write XTJ?' lull particulars, Box 817. 8tates- RUXk ; r i- r i- -j-uLTLTun CHANCE OS UKKTIAUC Reliable ambitious ma te eetae llsh local tueineaa. We finance yjn. Kxpertence unneceesary. 1120 day. or part Ume.rtRST ft THOMAa 4I TWrd St, Wvi M 4, QnklntKl, Caltf. : HELP WANTED FEMALE ..i'ii i i i i xvnrmrxr -H"CfrETt?t WAMTKI For tnteVeetin -vacattoo. work. Sal ary Dlus weekly bonus. Olre ag, edn iitio an ix,. OOaPTOS vCO, 100 K. Lwerbom. CMcaao. WANTED MaJd. yeunsr Oernsaai girl peeferred. Must be srooa J"Jn cook. od hensekeee and Uunder esa. -Thnraday and Bunday attesnoons off. Lock 3ox 26. Salem. WANTKD Middle agrd or elderly woman tor llgt hwniework in small t am 1 tr. Hot S, j- fumami. SALESMEN WANTED ri.r iiiiririi.'i'i" " " " - " Salesmen $10 comml salon edvan ced each, easy sale. lferai bonuaea new trade stknrutatar. KTery asercnant must buy. Frea outfli. Keener 16 1'ifth Avenue, Hew Terk. Strange irenina xevd. Prerents eeorehJoa. AboUale klnke, enarla Women buy instnntty as eaTes eoet In electricity. For talreoa.. ale. Sample furnished,, Kerarxsot, 4&ed Ra-enewod, Chloaco. Tv-svur RpsxnAL.Tr to TetaCera, i Commiaelone Immediately with guar antee for. new seen. Wonderful ep- nrtu.r ta rlear 11 M weekly, srnne Saleanmnager. Boa -1. Oedar JHap- Sfida. Ie ; ..Ageata elsanlrg aitlonal Itae ef i- -up- wttk nerw eo n Antwt. Corere. CoranatMrions daily. SeaMi en. Oetflt free. QUAUTT MAN U fi.CTUKK H3, SITUATIONS WANTED A.I anta enM-h. wants work. If rra. exp. Cspanle vt taking chg. front end r strop, wm g anywaere. - P. U. Bex 1. alein Espertenced meat entter. Ca3 SIO. . Lady with email chltd. TSS7. FOR SALE SllsceHancous "fcj-!!"! inniinj'i'iTi'i" ----- niniM rTrvr- hr far S t.60 txir tot- On farm. Pbeoe ? or . Ark' er Mr. Beehtel. FOR SAU3: sliaftlf). pVllya, banav ra Statesman PublisMna tXa FOR SaLK Old rivers, lee a boa- die srateeman tnce. sgssinahensaBaseahAes TroewrHers. sH tnntfea, -new and aMi UiWtM and trnawrltem for rent. Tvrvrler Excfaanee. 421 Cecrt 6C Washing - maohlne perta.. Cochran. 1T0 N. Cottag. Tel. Team and liawntm. IM H. eth st. aeaeeaeeNeeaawwnseeS,eae,i See R. M. Ashcraft far god wood at reduced rrloes, elao tan manure. Clover bay. Tel. XI Fit. Kkwtrte vacuum erweeper. ao Boys S piece suit IX.6. Pboae COOS. -FOR STALK Stutnpejre. First and Monad arowfh fir. aipr. oak and-ash. to SSJrO ocd. Six mile from . Salem -on Uchway. Lock Sox SC4. Sa lem. Oregon. - i FOR SALB-Soiid waJmit- antique S'-t4ce bedroom net orer tee yra. eld -good oondUlon. cui e. , . FOR SALE Used electric washinc tnachlaea One Savage, ooa as new, B. 21th. xrr i JXinrLTuijk ii ia Spartan radio. New storage bat tery, eliminator. eabloeV large speak er. t Union. IMal S181. - TRADE Miscellaneous WHl trade tight tafg. bustnasa. Wai ve for tand. tmpreved er rongh. r-art hilly ilace eonaMerea. uers swap. What have tout f. O. Box, 2&1. Sa- WANTED Miscellaneora KTED Used MtMt m ex ehanga on radiee, phoaographa. or (or- Bltitra. U L btMf rnmnure .wmpaay WHl nar esh for second band Pl an. Must be -bargain. Writ price, kind, and where can be seen, to K a Box 4X. TILLIE THE TOILER Ml i ! ..' . . - . - i . -.-- 1 J ,'m.u Hvjrro CZi UV vA-awrl . ' -II - ll I JA I ujut fOH.NO. HI A ' 1 1 - II mmm Im. I Af m K-jB F i t I If a B ' . . U SJ g - LY I S.I w w - - - - - g JT ft " I 1 ll-"" w - i- -- .rsiv. .v PYZTP TVIr Pw-t.l aa r-l(e- .1 I V . . Fx .VI I a nnC-iCA dl 1 - TtWt tlld 11 lit : - I is as w- e ' --- v n mm e . - n e pesm.ra rs aruo ta m sr k s.s s mm m a r si r nan w-w s . . . - m s s. v w m m I il I -I WJMV NOT. VCi t II V I - - 11 n il I 1 I I f I ?i4vAki I IL I - Ft P ' 1 f . 1 i ; i kuTJ VJI I ! i if 1 1 If fill r 1 - inj II 1 .-rS lLU '! I l ( ' . -- ' wTf -r I . .. I 9101 1 no financial responsibility . : lor errors which may ap pear la adverta .eat pab- : listed: la Its column am) ta cases wter this paper la at fault -will reprixrt that ; part of an advertisement In which . tbe typecrapblcal , taletalca -occurs. ' ; . ; Tha 1 Statasmaa reeorres tha right t reject sftec tlanal advert-ln.. - It fur ther reserrea tks right to . .classify all advertisingr un der, the proper classlflea-. Van. Jm :.4, . MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE : I win not be responsible a tier date for any bills or oUiiffiUions incurred toy my wife, XXAoree Baxter. M. H. Baxter. Broofca, Ore. ROOM and -BOARD. Rooms with boa rd reasonable price. Tel. S31T. RoonvE pleasant and foeL boari If desired. One block from capital erewadai 151 U. 13tk. Hootm . board. Block and naif eoutb cf P. O. on Cottaso TeL 61S2. Kaoat with board, for X aantletnen. 85 yw rmx Twt FOR RENT APARTMENTS Furnished aoartmeBt at the Vlr- rtnla. Rlectrh; stova. etectrokold, lieat and walec CaH at once. TeL 8la. Ambassador Beautiful modern acta, eteo. refrla. and raneea. and up, completely fornlahed. AttracUre S room apt. 1510 Center. S room evoruweiit. well furnished and cbu; neat, ngia, water, pa rare 5tX). adtxlts. 4li Mo. CapttoL TfKLL temtsned nod tH r rees a tZCl Hazel Ave. tsc. Pstton. apartments ertQi private both. nteyrnlabed. located In touameee euetvwt (jeu niton a eww Attractive 1 t ori room apta. also sleeping, rooms. 12S Court at. Bnzmlow ant. ta fak TOla- Court. coot nd ebaer. tT a ro. STSATHM AFTS. Attractive- 3 and na fur. sate. Alae .acloatve S n unfur. apt. Oak Soera, elactrlc range and electre-kOML tits. nuer. FnrniBhed 1 end I room apart- v-Bta. vlt So. UiSh. S larca nMB farm. t- 31.15 week. BMtlt iie was. rnoM f37C FOR RENT HOUSES l-'O'! RHfTf TJaod Old etrie S home at lO r JSC rer mootifc ' "W. H. GRABFJmot.ST & CO. .134 South Liberty street 2 room booae, Sie. Six room medern in 350. - Six room house 3140- X. fcth. 1. Four root now Vnivereity St. 320. Flv roera furalaned, sontb SS0. Five rooat forrmehed north )20. - P. L WOOO 341 Saate" Street FOR RENT Furnished house, fire place, electrte range, ewctrie wasner. I I wieiwiST txzs. ATiaae uaoay or ai er week daya - FOH SENT - Modern reuntry borne. S iraUa fiwm Salem. Pared road. Gar den to. zara, w. u. xiiisoa. inont 11FS. . I KSSTALS r. u wood 31 Start- Street T Ft. house ta 24ortk Salem. Several mm. cherry and walnut treae. . Gar den man ana up. ice. w cvroinaa. FOR xENT Flat for adnlta to T room lie to its. Aieo nouses, eta .BLSCKS Sr -OKJCKa North High. Street . 4 house, pertly furnished. garage. lnqulra toil Maple Ave. 7 'room bnse. basement, garage. 31100 per m earn, caH 18 Miller St, FOR RENT 10 R. houek L 2 and 3 B. apta. fur. A bargain. WflT tv 3 year contract. Also good R. house, paruy Tur gar age. Ctoee ta. ft, stsr for informa tion, i FARM FOR LKASE SS-Acre 4fc agree in oats and veatch ; some ed potato grtwind left. 7-R. honse, water ayarem. good tarn, gralnery and anodexn shed. 7-good cows. 4 ealvaa. nrire Xbr ail I116e.oe, ISO dom: S44O.O0 Jrm li and II0O.00 Oct. let. This is a good place. saac skaics ev Tucxait It Commercial Street : FOR SALE Keal Estate agJsbaabsaasspasagjaBa IKVK AND INTFTMENT 7 room emmlaaodeTW home, fireplace. basement and eia- desinable baiidlng lota in ranedly unprovwig district. All lota bar lacae cbatao SmH anu. nut tree, uhTteun pears ana apples, grap srber. tw aarurea. 1 srartie poultry house. On stared street near three scbeela Mies (ew. Will sell all or part, terms. . Bee- owner, 745 Rural areaue. Phone I3S4. Priced to sell quick. i : . i FOR 8ALK Three room cottage; North. Salem. : Four ream souse, new. two lots. $1300, trad Sec cheep tand. Flv acre trar. orehar. 37.0. Take light car or let. Close 4a remdmee r bualnene let. want car or email house. . Four acre on highway, omaB town, -good house, f rait, want 4atw farm. Apart ment bouse lease aad f-amiture for sale. -N P. I WOOD Itl Seat Street Win sell my lt0 eo,tiity In ft room liouse for 70r Fbeoo S003. J FOR SAL-5 Seal Etali On a-r end rm. house, hwd. floors. fireplace wired else, range, w. Af built la -email born and gar- ae. Price Just reduced to $1140 with very easy term rre ww omwi 1 1-4 trru. 'email nouee. faouir trull. view protrt y, flOe. . Wu KI risrrwwan. nuwr 1I & High Street A etrlefly modem etneco 'bunga tr lot. Tavd atree. geed JLonatioa. WIU ooaiaer or geoav aeewntie - m excaaasw for this heaatlfut home. . Seeav otncco in ass Jocateq near Canter etieee. .completely furaiehed for 1M. Kasy -termet Two Ee A. fazma, running watar. tanner on nocn. xair ontunngB, eod eaiL Wta echangw for -nadlaa,- JCadlo - West, city prop erty or email acreaaa. JL rHne T rm. snedem aonse, creek. wwU. meetrfe puaft PrteeeVnA . tea dnr Will trade for larger "place same value. . V.. FOR RENT, : : rm. . etrtoU medern ' fttroiahed teone. Met Solera. tSS. . em. teaniened Aonee. 2. jens end tft. rwrnlanedv -Uchta and - water, fwraished, lg. rm. and. -hath. mr lot, tt& tm. atricny modern, bouse, good lo- cation for roomer, tZ5. J. F. ULRrCH COMPACT : S fltata Street - - Fbona 71 TODATta SPECIAL Business chance has moved me from Salem. Anv offering- my house at dlst'onnt for -qnick eala. s rooms anr breakfast nook, oak floors, Tirejce, fan cement basement, garage. In North. Price only HIS. sirs. EUJS wHl show you. , LKO K. CHILDa CO- Realtors 320 Stat Street' Pnen 708 A HOMB TO SOIT EVERT PaCKSTSOOK Neat I room ahingled cottage, hard wood floors in part, built ins, fire place, best of -plumbing, garage and pavea street, roe oary ssvwu. adiay ternua , Immediate possession of neat C room cottage with good plumbing, electric lights, saragei vared street and cement walks. Also small famish ed S room house in rear now- reatlnx for $10 per month. Price 11790. Will take -vacant lot as nart. Sfaw roam plastered : cottage. plumbing and electric light; two iota. Price today only SllaO. casn nn, pat. easy. S room contrortabie house, plumbing and electric lignta. gnnwr and wood shed, corner lot. rtce SVvO and pav-tng- extra. - - , A raad anan In a 4 room cottage on -choice lor m North . Satem near Unea Ulna Prion VTOt and paring extra. USO M. CHILDB CO. BeSUera 320 State -Street . Phone f 70S XXmlex bouse fav Eugene rented for StO0 a m. Stucro and nearly new; oric IMM.H- srraraB S040.Sr exenanse eauny zor una near tne coast. . , . :.' " ' . & large fsm- str stocked and. equip ped for trtdt for tewa- property er small acreage. acre and new 4 room hooee at City UraSt Sedeiiu : pric $&aa.O0; sse.ns down int sze a. rnontn. Want to- bo-sow a 31O0O.S9 on food sorority at . wSB pay $0 . bonus. & VL ERtB - . REALTOR ti4 No. High Street Phone 947s. - SACRIFfCM b ; down and balance liO.O per month will hAmne acre locatea on- pared road, - doe in and close to good orisoet, 4 reent plastered bouse with rau easement. gra-e, nee frais treea. A Teat buy at $140 tereHt T percent. W. tU JtHK-HtAK. St KsO., JtEALTOSS 114 a Liberty Street 1 We have. anlendid strictly modern C room Salem- bom worth tIMe.Ov to trade for smaller botne or would con sider unim proved arteage. A SDleadhi ll acre larra near so. lem with raodern bouse worth f0O and win tane saiem nome or smau farm faith ttL 160 acre of fme umber near a- lem wCl trade for Irtcome or for small acrea. . we have a caen -yer tot a meaern homer siear State house. 11 good ctoute an acres and a close In roei donee Tor sole at a sacrifice. SfCIFT J'nRkST rTC-NINGTUN 3(Mt-10 U. &. Bank Bldg. Phone 4S3S. $2.00 nice new berne. atvtnc TL. din- tng h, - s aeoeoom, nrepiaoe, hardwood Tieor. garage. $10. down and $30. per mootlk 720 buys R, -nodoa home, hard wood floor, fall basement, piped furnace, pa, pd, garage. This is n real , eat-rtf ice. nreo years ta. $2500. and $SO00. to lean insuraacaw MKLVIN JOHNSON 320 TJ. S. Bank Bklg. Phone $794. LOOK LOCK Mr. contracter and. bander. Take notico. Special price on lots for ft daya Bom are cut to e rocs pnee - Itzt cnolc cor. lot near state. r- lna rid. I3. Barer assume nartng It. sa- m. S859. Sxtra choice cor. lot, near State, pavtnc pd. on both at owner nan re aid not. $700. , Fine lot N. I.Ui, paving- paid, $86. real choice- corner lot, paving pd. N. Salem. W. have ether $Jfc and np with pavina; pntd. For tne Seat ay in MU, nesis BBCuTEb or TItiH aj-KMM 341 Stat EVKRGSEKV ACRES 1 aero locate net far frora the Emrtewood srhoal. beat of H. fme bttikUng-sH. Prtc $tS. $tS. down and Sir. per moom. tax. . W. H. OBABENHORST At CO 1 TTCALTORS 'J 34 a liberty St. Phone $448. GOOD BCT1 AND EXCHANGES 7E A rr-a S-S In CTrtt-. no bldK. Lot wood timber.' Price $1500, tax residence. " $0 A. good cat orer bottom land near Salem, no tAdcs. snao szsffv, Good 4 room L-i g. N. Com. St tare lot, garage, eacriric szioo, tisa -n I. ' I Six room hoe B. Salem, large lot, pared St tl&te. terma. .i-- pRRldTB A MARSTHRS , 313 Justice Court Bidg. - - . $50. CASH AND $22. PER MONTH Buys a coxy 4 room plastered hosoe aad nook, rirepinrn. garage. Pave ment paid. Price $2200. MODERN. NO BASEMENT S room plastered bouse, fireplace, wood bouse and garago; pavement paid. Price $1 SO, balance $14.3$ per month. Includes interest. See OKI- EER with " , , ANDERSON ft RUPERT 14 South High Street ' " trikuir FQIt SALE Real Estalu iweean IS ACRB RARfZAm Located, on Market road. 4 acres flea : nrun orchard. 1 acre fllberta. 1 acre -cherry tree, oen -or soil, good location, trees are la- beet: of rondttMtt aad carry good erepv Price f ZOOe.f v. Terms at s percent,- v - W. iX. UnADAnnUnoX S W i REALTORS -. 134 J3euth Liberty Street ' TOR SALltFalrnmaat Hill reel dene with a wonderful view. BuOt ft bom by owner, a. j.. jtanN..iue ninasain, khul nuM u'v - 330 State Street , , TeL TfiS. SNAP: 4 room saodera boras with two lots, two- bodroosae enin. book. Prtc SSltdt IK, down, beJawc eaar. term.- . - - W. it. -OBAESSraORST CO. 1S -weotb -tAberty A BEAl COUNTRT UOIfJB Modera T room bouse, full fl-epiaea. arater- beaatslul rockery planted to do m tic and wtior flower- ama amntos. nsn ana Hlr nooi wlth rock effect. . S acrea mmui feiantea m nmur oernea. fruit and garden. Ftna view of Mt. 1 Hood, Price I4S00, close in. 4-1-3 ACRES PHANTED : To 1VO bemmg ffibert. IS- wal- nut twin tree lis i lean s old. proved with reus bungalow, wood Itnuaa sad nj-aera. a f bra little with an JneAtna. lia -saila n Wat4 street; SHveitun. Oregon. Price . 3d. 0 $7 OOraah. balance to arrange,' See GKisEK with ANDKESON BUFKKT - MS South High 8treet - ROUK BA GAINS ! 34S0A New medern ud to date ft room -home with hardwood, floors throughout, tile drain board, flrenlace. fall cement basement. furnace, gusaweodr finish In two room. Located at 4t N. 30th St. Largo lot. terma. Win be ready to acennr soon. $1200. -Six room -modern boms with -sux room modern dmw Largo bam, small house, has elec, three beirooraa hardwood oora.l1IrhJB jciooa, to town, aom fruit. Own fireplace, tenement, fur-ace, doo; pot nWeto rim rlace. Must sett at ble garage, locatea- in Klnxweed I -4fh. price 02SS for ouick deeX Park, -term like rent. A REAL J f 2000. Neat 4 room homo with fan cement basement, located at mo & High St. $150. cash, balance EI 5. per mo. IMMEDIATE POS ESSION. - $3209. Good fire room borne, modern. -wen jocaeeo. on s. urn m. m cash, balance -soldier loa to be bmum4 by purchaser. EXCEP TIONAL, VALUE. $1500. Modern op t date late built BngUsh style homo Jeeatea at i M. Summer St. east front, large lot, must be seen to bo appreci ated. -Term.. $7300. Modera eight room late .built nemo compiet in overy way. Fairmount Hfll section, has large living room, den and four bed room. erma. See W. U. GRABRNHORST CO, BSALTiXtS 134 8. Liberty St. Phono 43. WHl PAT RENT? When yon an Jmy drom us a good room house, fine lot for only 31k down, 3 IS nvonth, 4 tnt let u show-l you thie home. Price $1240. For seiel omy ay . - HTi at THUBJUHJM 34t "Ptate sjmt - Room 4. EXCHANGE Real EsUte Vk acre Leo Angeles horns. Want Improved Oregon ranch. Owner. C S-peneen. BU 3. Box 345A, CaUfart Oa. riavei szoe eniuty sn gee e rem.iai atnw anA bm. ta emn. Thi, i. moaara uowso tor cua or euti. eel Hill trade for acreage. Write I0, States-1 u . I-ACRES 31100.0ft Hotel Ml Keen aa- Honoa On tao coast at Xa-faata. Ore. 0-R. good repersr and A. ground. Rooms aa cunrnea, pneo; trnae tor small acreage er city property. gB SEARS ft TUCKER -134 Sooth Com ercial A lares tww lea and ft aw cot tax at Seaside, near the beach. Trad lor same- good acree wtta aouse, is. A. McAdama S Court SL To trade a five room bouse- tar I OI.1,-"3;l,. f??1 its- we a vsa nef-snanui ara ixassiaa am w UJ a v-e White, Statasman. Boautifully located cottag coast at Newport, eeerleettng or small pseeoae 4a on bus lmo. armELDs ft blaksb 32$ Oregoa Bldg. TeL $93-. FOR TRADE 140 aero farm. 120 acres auder oul- trvaUon. bniidlngs. Will censtder city property .aa part payment. Price $44 per sere. W. ti. UtUBENHlWST JU " rraltors 134 South Liberty St. Phone -4413. BALK OR TRADE 10 acres tinder . high state of oultl ation. about 1 -dw. fine logana, 1 A aUw bonles. 1 A. gaoeeberriea, 1 A cherries, zam ily orcbnvuv baL m crop. No better soil in the -valley, fair bUgs. Good road doe In; take a house in trade uo to- 330. $4200 Modern Home Furnished 1X500 Unfurnished - ' See Mt Has ft seems, frr-place, fur nace, nullt ins,' garage. Best or fur niture,-- new, neat and clean. - Trade ror a home or lee value, a is a gooa ft room Ixmse with large lot. shrub bery, shade trees, $1460. Trade for Newport or Nussowtii. Coast property, MOOS'Homo Trade for Portland Par ins: Business for Sale . Stock, of grocery, flxturea. pump, living- rooms, cheap reftt, tea, l&tT" w " 'lllrti. saany otner gooa t uie-ac trade, at L. 4k THOMASON 341 State Street Koom For exchange my- new- hom e for j dose la 'acreage, value about $43e. Oft, Owner. TeL MIL Four Tt. old modem buna-low of rooms on first Stoor and stairs to largo j floored artlc. suitable for aleepJnc purposes. . S ine high basement, with furnace and laimdry , traya Street 1 paved aad paid. Price 349. , Owner wnnrs implore acreage near eajem. Whal have von - B. B. RO RKRT8-W. O. GRANT Oround- Floor, Maeonie Bldg. Phono T48 i FOR SALE FARMS . Good stock and grata farm of 14ft acres ; 44 A. in euUlvaUon : abun dance of water; good buildings; oa good road ; crop; stock aad tools; furnitures all go with pi ace. $10.00. I wilt 1 aider $34 dear vwoperty Salem. Newborn. MrMtnevUla. ioruan. 'x y; ARMS -.- . Dayton, Oregoa Words' FOR SALE FARMS . BUT . down and $1 per snonfhT wCl buy 30 aeres of fine land, located oa marxet road, svraj aereg or ummr, tlret elaea. berry, filbert, or walnut solt. Price $1450. Let jus) show you . U. ORABE-THORST Jk COl. - k t. rt m . 134 South Liberty BX. Phon-. 4444. SPECIAL BARGAIN " . 1ft aeres. locate-T 4 miles from 8a. lom oa rood market road, nearly all uadr cultivation, 1 acre of straw-barr-ee. . tera wrnf located on this ; property wan suxiicieai water xor made a beaaOtul couatry borne. WniJ be pDerea tor a xew oays ar.i ftlSO. Sow aa eaj. voroe at s-, WV U. ORABEHMORST dt fXX. s - SZILTOKS 134'S.. Liberty -St. ., Phone 4418. a-A-iinAlM BKATjnrtTLr T3QCNTRT PLACES tTTTT JXJNVXNIKNCK BeaiMful tftOo Iveme. Ideal spot fOr ehB-b- , BJee ly wooaeo. sua ywar areund stream, about three acre, mad aaH. fruit. aai anraaa. 4 pmstared house with flreplaca, base ment ana lumnoe.- i m. n a - i 1.23 ncree ' awady 4om sou. well d allied. zanty - fmtt and 21ow Strkrtlv modern 4 room bunxalow. eamtricity and warer system. Larra double garago. "MODEL BABBITRY, oa nsd read. CUT TO 35 000. Term. ft acre wooded with Tew, Ash, Oak and- Fir tree Lot of rockery with Ira ntl fill flowers and ahmbbery. liv ing stream with fish pond. Very at tractive s room bungalows strictly modern, 10 foot porch on three sides. Iauciai -m- I (eaced. H rend, Ide LIKE i IT Keener-a- caoin. entire Biac - wau . mue on pavement on gooa i Ideally situated. NOTHING AROUND SALEM. - It Will be a pleasure to see tills Interesting spot, f 4&00. Terma . SOCOLOFSKT d SON , First National Bank Bldg. 35 A. FARM SNAP IT A. in rroo. 4 A. timber ' I i ooon. balance pnetnre. running water. $41 State Street Room 4. ACREAGE , BELOW VALUE d acres located on . mam Pacific Mrhwar aad- cross-roads, all in bear- Insr fruit. 4 room house, barn.. A good location for store, gasoline station and camp STound. -m seu. fivim down, tarn on bamnce at 4. W. H. GRABENHORST A CU - REALTORS 134 8. Liberty Street Phone $44$ waaj SEE THIS TODAY. acres with neat 3 room bouse. -good weH. electric water, .system. kage fir tree and 1 3-4 acrea ha grart- a tMrrr treea. ocatea mooe to b- lam. Worth $3S0O. WiU take $2240 I tor qwlcc sale. MRU Mr EUla With LEO N. CH1LDS CO- Realtors It State Street .Phono 4703 H ACRES $2400 OoodV ft R. house, bativ electricity, pordtry house and hog house. X -good sells AB - 4n cultivation, part In scteeoL $1560.00 wOl handle this good ptac. 20-ACRES $3200.00 SR.' honoo. barn. - Poultry house. electricity, 11-A. in crop, 3-A. straw- stlu) 3-A timber on paved read, bis km a good buy. ' eo-ACRES. tdSOe.ftO C-R. - house, barn, - family orchard. ' - One of the best Hollywood . tracts 1 1st almost- half or ice. i TWt) OOOO TRADES- f XOft-A res stocked . and equipped. 1000-6 A crop ta and-on good mar-- act road. Trade lor tract' of from is ta 1 acrea. lOO-acres. 15 -A. in cui- 'tlration most all in cropM good soil aft well drained.-' some timber, s-K. mm bors . uioas to -echoot. Price $400.00: wUI take, a good hom ba saiem as part payment. : i SSAKS ft TUCKER, i REALTORS .MA. Commerelai aa mm -n miHIm.i . . h i,.ii -A.-chrd. some rapes ;i fair buUd- Itna. nrleo 34200. I 33 A. old buildings, aU 'cultivated, solL tars fine, price 1 3 00 Of .Both hot these places are near smell towns, ocnoeia. ana wttnm is mues or I baiem . SHIELDS ft BLAKE rOregon Bidg. . TeL $902. BELOW VALUE flftft acres, 70 acrea plow land, some fine timber, naming creek and spring water, no tafidings, some net bottom land, located only s miles from Salem. Might consider part trade. Price $4400.00. W. H. GRABBNHORST CO REALTORS i . ! 134 South Liberty Street Business Opportnnitics Owing to illness I will sell this well . established, lunch room and' confec- unety t a sacrifice price. The ion wood Lunch. 121ft i State St. TeL ,7413. . a raii i w a mm tm s- rfwww mm MAKE YOUR OWN t JOB Store building and service station. I in ood location, on !y $2240. 5KJWUUtTli.X 4t eyn ISO Tail WANT A PAYING BUS lefSCSST Large gToenbouos.- also 1 ft residence on highway, north, lots led bulbs and shrubbery, and" 10 acres jwooa eocauoa xor service -aiaaou uai ' f ISOft to, loan. ' I " ' Calf C; J. 'Jackson-with ' W. O, 3CRUBG R - 14T ComX -i : - Rests rant, fixture. nd stock for sale cheap. Small cash payment- own er obMcedite seU on account of-ether business - farteiesiSt See Cooperative Moeitr. is h. wgn. CAN FINANCE! lerltlm ate deals re quiring $3900 or more. Corporation. forme any state, scau nntnrter cam taWgns. Coast service, 314 W. Wilson Bice-.. Huntiwctow Park, Calif. ; MONET TO LOAN ; VexvjtjSbag PERSONAL LOAHS . KADE on furniture, car, salaries ' other good security. Reparable iU lalmootnry. Wbet ta financial aeeo orlus bofer closing a loan. GENERAL IN V FITMENT ' - : CORPORATION Tint National Bank BldgrPboue tSSS MONEY TO LOAN WANTED to to on live stock -and I e-aoaat- nronortv. Terma to - suit i your convaieace. National toaa end Ftnaaos co, ie Bans ec com. Bid. Liconeed .by etaze. . CTTT AND FARM leaa at lowest Boat laime rainant. - ixu , Insurance OeMrtmeat of fare you -nart -iro and ot i tc in all tin HAWKINS ft ROBERTS line.) . TeL 4140 - 3-i Oregoa Bide 4LALABZ AND FUKNITURa LOAbTS . 1S.OS to 13ft.0 1 to 20 - - mootas t pwy; -Quick earrtos, -i. fair Treatment 1 STATE LOAN CO-iFANT m -Oretroav Bide--and Floor Off. bra- 10 a. m.-Ta-ajft . a . - ... xeiepnon- tts ensaa wy Federal Farm Leaas. -0 er--per coat BelIs of Harmony Hoard over KOIN dally J ring oat a loan service that ; Is really, really, different.- 1 . SM DEDUCTIONS - - , xo re- "NO OTHER CHAROM ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST" - STRICT PRITACT QUICK AND COURTEOUS SRRVXCB I ON LOANS- fid to $300 1 Beneficial; Loan v. ''- : "J. Snrleyfv -; Room 110 Now Bllgh BlOg. 2nd Floor 618 State St. xeu s-j-e-e. t LICEKSSX BT STATS - -PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN oa farm ana ciiy secunvr. tr. i Zie V. a. nau aiana xius. rmnw i MONET LOANED ON AUTOS J ! - Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your paymenta Tott keep the car. ; - . rt A. fZlBJSK r IJhH- and Fan- Phone 47 S ? Salem, Ore. LOANS, WANTED I ubMMS4bsaswsieaa WANTED -11000. at T for 3 or S years on good real estate security. B StfiHTEIrTHOMASON , $41 Stats Street . Boom 4. p44p4sssesTaupbaaO WANTED PrtraU money to loan e-i utii. 1 W. H. GRABEXTHORST A CO. i . .. rgaltoks 1 jr4 & Liberty St. . Tel. 4443. 1 --.-.. .i-ie-.iierfM-Miii--e- I wiKTRD rtr mort-ase loan on (new modera home jost completed, $3, can, will mt 0 int. SEE w. ri. ui.aoci -ww. v- 14 South- Liberty Street , UVESTOCK and POULTRY Bargain in 400 Rhode Island Red chick. Forty could net tax thorn on account of accident. $3.00 a hundred. Gerilnca Poultry and Breeding Farm . Sttverton. Ore., Phone Bd.lL - -rKijw-i i . - .... i - FOR SALE 1400 lb. work bars West William etreet, north Indepen- dence. Pro. Prlc 130.00. Baby chicks custom hatching- 3c. etarted chicks.- yeuRg puUet) -dressed poultry for sat Maocet poultry want ed? TeL Dial 11. caU IMF., Lee's Hatchery. - . s j eaemereooei seTsei " " " " l"M'" .Baby Chix started chlx and cus tom hatchingcan no some wood. 211ft North Fifth Street ; Phon P4T1 k: HORSES HORSES At Flrey Wash auction sale depot. Tel. 4 M. Saw. . .. FOR SALE WOOD - Fir axid oak wood reasonable, i S21S N. Liberty or TeUT after ft o'clock. i- aad 2s weed. also, oianor wood. $5.00 per cord load delivered' from crv $S.M from yard. Cobbs ftJ MJtcheU Co. 39 a 12th. 1443., - aent run aawdust and - all varieties of wood priced reasonable. TeL: 742S. iogsaojsa iiirrser'ers-a'-i f- 14- Old frr fft-oft cd. TeL 430. i 14 la. old- growth Douglas fir. $ cord. TeL 19 F3. . rr?7 a irrTElF-.r) DRT Wood coal TeL 6000 tSalem Fuel Co. 743 Trade. DRY fir end oak wood, coal and fuel ofL CaU on us ior p prices We ! give good measure, good o.uaUty . and .Mil FWHI. Larmier transfer a btoraqe Teleohoae sisi 1- nM fir SS.Ta. 3.E0 In O-COra lots. No largo knots. TeL 4453. 0jssssssssi'e m ,m asususoasasmaa Rest wood Tor the money si a racy Feel Yard. TeL $944. . i vijiru-u . u-ir.-i inn i n . - - - 14 to. old fir $4.00 cord. Tel. 3724. LOST and FOUND iLjxjxn-rLrin-rrijT LOST Ladic black leather -parse containing, vshied rticlea Phono 3437. ywM MwwwMMieeaeeeeeeAeeM LOST Glasses In lck leather cam. Rewara. m sTee. FOR ' SALE USED 'CARS, eavsVebVu9w4M 1 Valley Motor Company .- Used Cars 1 4 is Vnrdor. ' 1 srlnAewa. - lft.ftOft mOea, looks new, save $154 $5 S3 ! If 3ft Tudor Sedan. '31 type, mile save- aieo (00 1929 Tudor - Sedan, Wue paint, . Karl-Keen trunk, , rung per- , feet , ; 49 lllft Staadard Coupe, rumble i . seat, l,ee- mues, oar $134 - 1 ... . H5 193ft Standard . Coup. . reoondl- Hone i -.-474 191 Standard f Coupe J 340 j 193ft Roadster, nimbi seat, gooa -. . .. tireei black Pt, an excel- - eat buy ; , 45$ 1129" Roadster, rumble seat, good tires, run less, than 700 ' -miles . ... - $T cars under $100 for sale. r .. TRKMS .TRADES " Phone 115$ Center at liberty Valley Motor Company I Phone $151 . Center at Liberty i By RUSS WESTOYER FOXt SALE-USED CARS 4jbsn4a44y044b WILIJIETTE LIBER TT A CHEMEKFT A ST. , ' ' 8ALKM ORSGON 1 Used Car Clearance Sale Compare Our Prices 131 Packard Roadster , 1S Poekard De Luxe Soda ! 12 Judebaker Preeident 8eda lass t rster IS Royal Sedan uu mubmui veaaa. -in OidsroobUe -. Coaeh , IMS Ksaen ChaUer-r Coupe. 112 'ord Tudor Sedan . ,,, : ISIS Ford Tudor Bedaat .1MB did abiie Sodaat , , 1113 St ude baker Broun bam im Mar ft -Seds-. 103T Frd- Boad star - - 13 7 CStevrolet Cwack , IMS Packard Club Sedan lt Star S Coach 1031 Watys-Knight Sedan 124 Turd Touring ,,. .. 1123 rkeet 4 Conpe 133 Ferd Tehrina . , Liberal1 Allowance on Your Car With exceptionally Easy Terms Open Evenings rfN rft A Beantlfnl' high class medium eixe ft pai Dyer etralght eight Hupmo bfi saert; six wheels, new tires, trunk, wtndwtngnt spot. ' dock, and OTery tiling: Cost couple year ago $2,- 4OO.00. aood condition.. Now M. Fhone fSS4. Or oee It at Marion Gar- age. i eeM. a Certified, with 5 Dkys Free Driving Trial 3"'HUf1$0Jf iC0UPE. Can hardly be tekl from new. New car eeryice and guarantee .$! 28 HUfMOBiLB CENTURY SE DAN. ( Overhauled - needed. Renndnted. cuaraDteed In Der- tect I Shape . , .... 4i 2$ oakJLand landau, :sb- - bAH ! This ear ha run-ties ti! lAOOO miles and ll wr- feet la every respect '..'r . .r, . . 4S0 27 CHRYSLER FINER 70 SEi ' ' DlULiAn axtra. xtoA One. One of thai best boys in town 638 -.. $ FORD COUPE, window. . TM n. il . In snort OIOT- " New tireai See this on--. ,,- 4$ '29 ESSEX CHALLENGER Coachi 14- erucinal finish ex tra good. Has lots of extras 49$ 'IS CHEV. S-Wlndow SEDAN. car. iFerfect shape . . $1$ 3 '27 NASH SPECIAL SEDAN. nverfaaoie aa ' needed. Isew tires and paint - 391 '14 STUDE DUPLEX ROAD 8TERJ One of the best boys in I town Bxtra good . coaditkn -350 '37 . OAKLAND 3-dr. SEDAN. riea-riv new six-Mr tire Mo tor overhauled. New patnt 221 ' nnrUiv: tottkingl Extra good : motor STATfp MOTORS, INC SIS aemoketa Pbone 4440 Open Evenings Open. Bundaya. eiwMe)wewwaMaMe Saleni Used Car Center 137 Snick Sftandard Sp Cpe. $14 12$ Suick Stanftard fU 127 Baick Standard Coaeh 443 rs ll!l Bulck Master Coach 1924 Buerfc -enclosed tour, .over hauled . .... . 1923 Buick 4 Sedan , , , , - 193ft Bulck 4 Coupe 2i 175 IS 125 323 174. 40 48 12S 45 4.0 405 SOS 360 374 ISO 44 40 S3 3S 12S 435 6 , 226 SSfi 45 124- Cnovrolet Coup , 114 Chevrolet SeSea 13 4 Chevrolet .Coupe 2934 Chevrolet Touring 125 l'odiee' Roadeter 1923 Dodge Coupe 1,121 Dodge Victory 4 Sedan 13 ft Fordi 13 Ford Standard Coupe Btaadaad Conpe , 193 Ford Sport roadster . 1921 Foedi PaneL deUvery 1 127 Fordj ordor 194TS Fordi Fordor 1434 Food; Fordor 1924 Ford Roadtter 1924 Ford Coupe ; ; 1924 Ford Coupe 19 ST Hudson Sedan . 124 Hodsen Conpe . 124 Nashl Roadster. 1927 Stari $ SWlan . Izt star t 4 uoupo t.. 124 Ktndebaker Standard Coach 224 1924 Stuilbaker light 6 touring- 40 lrzo Vrnijre-ntgiit Touring , i. 192 WrilOPet Sport Coupe 2S3 192$ Otdsmobile 6 curing. 60 TRUCKS 1929 Ford' dual transmission 400 192 Ciaevrolet :.- 4 123 Cheeroiet 4 OTernauled Ski 1926 Fordl with raxtel .., 124 t- goodl Fordann tractors at 165.00 , OponEvantnga and Sundays 'Marten aad Liberty- 3eiepitone Tiiu Salem Used Car Center I. - il 5 :i Consolidated BZsrton and Liberty North end of Vane Motor Co. Telephone 11 ; I eysftbeeabistoeat I GoodrWU! Used Cars r sold wrrn a quaranteb WSO-Oakland Eight, ' demon- ot rater l;-Onk,1Td 4 Dr. !! Ferulae 'Coach Sedan -$4 7 4. 00 lSSSrOidsmohJl Sedan i ' 476.00 1929rChevi!Olet Sedan deavery.490.00 I24-Buirk Sedan 444.00 1I27-CQ t -Coupe 350.0 ?ishing; Cars l2f-Ford Touring t 1914-Ford i Deltvsry 199f-Oaklnd Touring. 14f4-Oklsmobne Touring 35.00 45.00 125.09 96.00 Good (ops, good ' rubber, good mo- Wood- Wheaton Motor Co. Oakland Telepbon 9S8S' Pontlac USED CAR DEFARTUt.T MS Chemekeu Stieet Twoj leal Bargains 1925 Ford Coape - $55 1926 iBulck Two-Door Sedan - $295 PACKARD SERVICE -& SALES Tel. 3729 - 245 Center FQIt SALE USED CAE3 "i- -" -- iiririVlVWYWull MOTORS, INCi -f 2350.00 . 1H0 OS 0t'4 . 59.04 . 4 E 0.04 . 7R.0 . 47S.fr0 . 5.e . ST6.0O .- BfO.OO . 42SOO . 32J.00 06.00 . 17&AO . 2e.oo t $aee . 40 00 . . 40.00 .-.-0.0ft FOR -BALE Br owner. Cher. llht delivery; good mechanical condition. Phone IUL -------- 1 1 i,i,",-iri-iru-Lrinri - TRADE Dode tmcV 24 for equity in '2 or '30 model A Ford. Call at lis . True avenue. 1 tmmmyimMm0m00MmmmmmmM .elM.m MO McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 129 Essex Challenger Sedan 325.0 1Z7 'Jvodce Cofpe 325.0ft 1927 Star 4 Coupe lt Chevrolet Coupe 275.00 425.0 ; 3S5.o 24&.0O 250.00 225.00 tiO.OO It? Chevrolet Coach 1027 Chevrolet Coupe in a use in ixmpe 1924 Pont lac Coupe . 1910 Chevrolet Coach J. 1911 Ford Tudor, runi 220 -miles . j M Douglas McKay ! Chev. Co .Oft Used Can, SIS Center TeL 3119. CALL FOH Bins " ' The undersigned win receive) seated bhht vp to 7: $9 o'cloclc p. i., Moaday. lUsy 18. 1931, for the f oUowinlr . Flrft Department sapplles. ' r 2V ft. m fat. Fire Hoao, 2o tt. 1H la- Fir Hose. One 1H fn. ShutotLNoztle with : la. tip.- ; f One 2Vt In. Shutoff Nozzle with- TJt la. tip, Cms 2 la. Shutotf Kotzlo with 1H in. tip. :.- Each, bidder will be required to file with JOs hid a certified check for 2 per. cent of the amount of the bid . a - a. guarantee of good faith. The Common Council re servos the right to reject any and or all bids In. the interest of the city. ; MARK rOt'LSEN. . City Recorder. Solera, Oregon. I M-S-;-8--lft im n T A il. r. I. ii. OFFICERS ELECTED - i SILVEHTOX. May . 9 (Spo- S dal Mrs. William MacNeHl waa chosen president, of me suvenoa Parent-Teacners asuociaaon annu- , at moetisg held In the high school i audit orlsm i Thursday iternoon. Mrs.lT. L. Btowart was elected lee jpresldewt; Mh Muriel Bent- i son, secretary, ana airs. . a. vr treasurer. -1 plans Vera made for the all day aosaioa of the county P. T. A. whkrh wHl be be-d here saturaay. May LC. Mrs. W."W. Brteev statft presedent wui oe proeont. ou- wlll have Just reiornea iroa i Trip to Washington TJ. C. M I On the-program will be a dm onstrattoa by the JTour-H ; chib members and each county group has-been asked to contribute- on number. " - FOUR 11. OF D. CDS ELECTED SUM 4 - - - SIVRTOM. May Tour 181. grauoatea from the ualrrre Uy of Oregoa hare been elected by tha SllveTton school board ta fill vacancies caused by resigna tions of the faculty In Junior and senior high schools here. ; i The rosr new teschers are Miss Dorothy Eberhard of La Grande, who will teaeh social sciences; Miss Edna Spenker, . of . Eagene, who will teach English and social sciences; ' Miss Mildred Wharto of Eugene, who will teach mathe matics; and Miss Rath Lawrenca of Portland who will teach Eng-. Ush. : , nil lriTTf D LVtn t Aid Societies j 1 Are Organized t At Silverton SILVERTON. Msy Organ lxatloa of the Ladles' Aid societies of the Methodist churches of tha Sllerton district, was made at a meeting here this week when over 200 members from the district attended an all day conference. ,1 1 Mrs. P. J. Voph of Salem was elected president; Mrs. Llveely of I Wo 1 burn, vice president; Mrs. Mason Bishop of Salem, secretsry- treasurer.'---1 'y : ;" r REVIVAt. AT etTA YTOX . STAYTON, May f. Beglnnlof Monday. May 11, at 7: SO revival meetings are to be h Id at th Methodist church. The tneetings will bo under the direction of the Cobb sisters and Dr. Kenyoa, They are accompanied b a teaor singer and an accompanist. ,