The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon Satnrday Mornin?, Hay 9, 1931
Mrs. J. Devers
Heads Woman's
Mrs. JV M. Devers was elected
president of the Salem" Woman a
club Friday afternoon at the reg
ular annual election. Mrs. Def
ers succeeds Mrs. DaTld Wright.
Other officers elected are Mrs.
Ivan Martin, vice president; Mrs.
Fanny Brown Tibbets. secretary;
MlssEula McCully. financial sec
retary; Mrs. Mary Bayne, treas
urer; Mrs. Frederick Crosby,
parlimentarian; and Mrs. . Harry
Weldmer, director,
v- A test yote was taiten concern
ing the question of meeting on
Friday or Saturday afternoon.
nd the rote was two to one In
favor of Saturday. A final vote
will be taken at the next meet-
New drapes and rearranged
'windows in the- clubhouse were
enjoyed for the first time Friday
IIieTnuoa. !.
... r th house committee ana
her workers were responsible for
this improvement. - -
Mrs. W. D. Clarke, chairman of
ih. nrornn Products contest com
mittee, announced that Mrs. Clif
ford Mudd bad been awarded the
prise for the best talk made in
the local club during the contest
conaucieu uj v -
f Women's clubs. The district
prize of $25 has v not yet been
Tr an Invitation from the club
, mtnVta Woman's club, the
T.ifcrt - Woman's elub. and the
Salem Heights .club will be spe
cial guests for the next meeting.
At the conclusion of the bus
iness meeting a delightrul musi
cal program was given In eom-
. 'riir rrt n !' ween.
tinilr tha direction of Mrs. M. D.
McCallister and her committee.
The onera Lohengrin was sketch
ed by Mrs. T. S. Roberts in Inter
esting fashion and special music
- illustrated tbe musical story
An added attraction for the
program was a ' talk by Ralph
Scbomp. " art director of the
Shakespearian play, "Cymbellne
on sixteenth century costumes
and these were niusiraiea oy
parade of several of the main
characters dressed in the cos
tumes which will be worn in the
play. Jamoe Beard, director of
the play. Introduced the -characters.
Gervais The cemmlttee in
charge of arrangements met Mon
day evening and set the date for
the Community "500" club's din
ner for Wednesday evening. May
13, at the parish hall. Dinner will
be served at 6:30. Cards and
dancing will occupy the evening.
This will be the closing party of
the season.
. - Here is a charming frock with
in unusually smart ana grace -
iuuy , seamea ssiri, aaamg iuu -
ness at the sides with flares.. The
. pointed vestee is effectively f is-
tened with two buttons. The
short flared sleeves-and the bod-
Ice are cut, in one, so the home
sewer need not worry with set -
ting in sleeves. Tiny tucks at thei
back neck assure snug - fitting.
Pattern 213 makes up beauti
tuny in georgette, dimity, voile,
embroidered batiste, cotton lace
or shantung. A colorful print or
one or tne lovely pastels would be
equally smart.
Obtainable onW In bIzwi 14.' is.
ix 50. s? 94 ss 58 in an A9
Size 14 reauires 4U varda of 3K
inch fabric and H yardC 18 inch
contrasting. Yardage for -every
size, and simple., exact instruc-
tions are given. No dressmaking
experience is necessary to make
this model with our pattern.
ry f mk Uii modl with ar
pattera. Yardac Cor rry tii. 4
uopl, ct isttractlan art fifca. J
Send fifteen eeota for Meh psttera
nf plainly your nana, address aad
alyla aaaibtr. . Ba aura to atat six
Tha saw aprinf aad tammar pat
tr catalof feature aa exeat lat aa
aertmant at afterno6a, (porta a4
honta dras. linreri. paJaaiat aad
kiddiea alethat. alio alljhtful aeeea-
ry patterns. Fries ef catalos fifwaaj
eenta. Catalo rith patters, twenty
five ceata. Addreaa all nail aad er
ders te Etataaaaaa Psttera Dsoar.
mwt. 343 West 17th it rest. Stw tor
1 : A',',
: i, J By ANNE ADAMS I 1
News and Club
Olive M. Doax.
THfirst hoover cabinet bridal i
" . .- - ' ,. ' ' ' V ':
' ? i ' ;
-f y. t ....... - '...-:.:'..
. . . .mini"" '
M . J. V, , .
' ' I S : J - ;- t- ; ji f
I i - : i --yiv -1 Hi, J
V ' U - x 1
I . ' , a lT . f ' "
The first "Cabinet ' Wedding" of his administration was attended by
President and Mrs. Hoover. The principals in the marriage were Ger
trude Laaont, daughter of the Secretary of Commerce, and Charles
E-Saltxman. (Left to right) Mrs. Robert P. Lamont, bride's motheri
the newlywed couple, and Mrs. C. Saltzman, mother ef the bride-'
jroom, on lawn 01 ludoqi nome
Saturday, May 9 -
Parrish junior high school band, and Salem choirs
festival of music, armory, 8:15 o'clock. - ;
The Polk County declamatory contest for the sec
ond and fourth divisions will be held in the community
ball. West Salem, at 8 o'clock.
Sunday, May 10
All Camp Fire Girls and Blue Birds guests in uni
form for Girl Reserves, at First Methodist church May
10th, at 4 p. m. '
Mrs. Bertha Loveland
Is Hostess ;
Members of the Woman's Re
lief Corps met. at the home of
Mrs. Bertha Loveland Thursday
afternoon la compliment to Mrs.
Rose Vorls. Mrs. Vorls was
nhowered with gifts from ber fel
low Relief Corps members, gifts
which will be useful in refur
nishing her borne after a serious
fire suffered recently.
Quests In compliment to Mrs.
Vorls were Amanda Crum. Hed
wtg Moll. Louisa Koon, Elizabeth
Bliss. Hattie Cameron, Delia
Clearwater. Lulu Boring. Eliza
beth Pound, Barbara Hol.manl
Mary Stryker, Louisa Pratt. Pru
dence Butler. Jennie F. B. Jone3,
Helen Southwick, Fannie Hoover,
Mary Wirtx, Pauline Clark, Bes
sie Martin. Maggie Cade, Hattie
Kennon. . Elizabeth Remingtou,
Lizzie W. Smith,; Mettle Schramm,
Sarah Peterson,! Florence Shipp,
Julia Blodgeit, Laura McAdams.
t Sarah Drager, and Jennie- Miller,
Miss Ada Simpson and the host
ess. Mrs. Loveland.
Woodburn Woman's
Club Hears Reports
Woodburn.--Plans for another
food' sale to be held May 23 were
made by the members of the
Woodburn Woman's club when
i they met In the social rooms of
the public library for their regu
lar monthly gathering.
.Interesting reports on the re
cent convention, of Woman's club
representatives, held in , Stayton
April 23. were .given by Mrs.:j.
J. Hall and Mrs. Ronald Burnett,
tne two representatives from
Woodburn. i
About 20 girls from the do
mestic art department of the lo
cal high schoolf gave a beautiful
and entertaining style show for
w iuies. - i ns aoraesue science
department at the school is . un
der the supervision of Miss Wava
Sims. i .. '
A girls' sextet, composed ofJ
opal Dickey, Edithe and Hazel
Shrock, Mabel Havlerson, Doro-
my Austin ana zona Schwab,
sang several clever numbers. The
girls' onartette. comnoaed of
Opal Dickey, Edithe Shrock. Ma
1 bel Zlalrerson and Zona Schwab.
1 aiso sang some selections. '
' ''-';;.:,
Kridcye C hih Ma
j frieasant C.VeninK
1 ! : .
Mis -Ruth Skinner and Miss
1 Bunny Miller entertained . their
- 1 bridge club Thursday evening at
line Miller borne on North 5th
street. At the close of bridge Miss
I Frances Sands j .and 5 Mrs. Ralph
I K.mzer nem winning scores. . At a
late hour the hostesses served
luncheon. . !
I Miss Frances sande was a ne-
guest for tbe evening. Club
faembers present were Mrs. Ralph
y,nxer MIss Margaret Davidson,
Miss Honora Reide. , Miss Jo
Molding, Miss Harris Leitz. Miss
LoraWrlghV Miss Edna Faust,
?,8 2tBl" V.." . f.V MlfiS "illy
v, mo, aau - anas , Miner ana MISS
Skinner: !
Amdng the many events to ob
serve "better music" week was
the attractive I party given the
members of ; Mrs. "Walter Den
; ton's - Junior Harmony club, and
i ahss Kutn isearora's Music club,
Monday afternoon. Each' club
member brought a. guest. An im
promptu -program was given and
a jolly social time was enjoyed
neiresnments were served at
late afternoon ' hour. Mrs. Den-
ton gave a brief talk . on the
meaning of "better music" week.this community.
Society Editor
ttMimwu, i v
Golden Wedding is ;
Delightful Event
More than 150 relatives and
friends gathered at the former
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ziellnski at Hazel Green Sunday,
May 3, to honor the golden wed
ding-anniversary of the couple. A
dinner was served at noon and a
family reunion enjoyed
Charles Zlelinskl and Josephine I
Tyborski were married in 1881
at St. Joseph's church in Salem
by Father CapelL They lived on
the home place at Hazel Green
for. 40 years and then moved to
Salem, where they have lived for
the past 10 years at 1160 union
To this union were born J.2
children. 11 of "whom., are living.
There are now 23 grandchildren.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Zlelinskl
were born in Germany, Mr. Ziel- j
uibki coming 10 ian-cuunirj 111 1
1871 and his wife In 1877
At the wedding dinner a fine
wedding cake, baked by J. P. Fei
lan, a son-in-law, was served. A
profusion of lovely gifts were pre
sented to the couple.
Living children are Joseph,
Bert. Bliss, Charles, Martin, Ed
rward and Paul, Mrs. Gertrude
Domagalla. Mrs. Agnes Feilen of
Portland, Mrs. Rose ; Carlo ana
Un VaIIib of Hollywood.
CaL Two .sons. George and Ste-
phen. have passed, away. A
Guests present on Sunday were
t vt.... trAn n t-w t i
Buck. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doma-
Lgalla. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Doumr
Mr nA Mr- A. E. Wick-
eri, air. ua airs. j. s. ajii(
Mri. B. Brown. Mrs. 0. Bennett.
Mrs. Mclntyre and daughter, Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. John Zlelinskl. and
daughters. Alice and Margaret,
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Eby, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Rickman, Mrs. T. Cobow,
Mrs. Ivy CewglU. Miss Nellie Par
rish. -Mr. and Mrs.. Mat Fieian.
Mr. and Mrs., Joe Fieian and
daughter Florence,- Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Zlelinskl and dau. tera. Mil
dred. Charlotte and Arllne. and
son Ernest, Mr. and MravB. C.
Zlelinskl - aad sons, , LawTence,
Clarence and Ronald, and daugh
ters Ina Gertrude and Gladys,
Mr. and Mrs. S E. Carlo and sons,
Gene and Edward. Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Domagalla and sons, Alfred.
Herman and Charles, Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Zlelinskl and daughter
Lorraine, Mrs. Anna Williams and
son Donald. Zlelinskl, . Martin Ed
ward and Paul Ziellnski, and Mrs.
A. J. Fellan and daughter Elinor
who arrived Saturday morning
from Hollywood to attend tbe re
ception. '
. ' .
Scio. Mrs. A. G. Prill enter
tained a group of friends .Tues
day evening in honor of Dr.
Prill's birthday. Preceding 1
bridge, a reel of moving pictures ;
of Marion! lake were shown, and !
at the close of the evening lunch
was served. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Myers, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Holland,-Mr. and j
Mrs. P.- H. " McDonald. Mr. and i
Mrs. J. S. Sticha, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Withers, Mr end Mrs. Rolla
Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Bragg, Mrs. Fred Bllyeu, Mrs. O.
H. Kershner. Mrs. Bilyen and
Mr. Bragg held high score at
bridge. - .'
Liberty Best wishes1 are be-
ing extended to Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Meyer, who were married Satur
day May 2, at a quiet wedding In
Salem. Mrs. Meyer will be re- i
mem be red as Anna Murhammer.
She attended Liberty school a few
years ago. Both are members of
Mrs. C. K. Logan
-Is Luncheon'
r ; Hostess
, i .- - j. j - - , .
. A charming bouffet .luncheon
meeting-was enjoyed by members
of Chapter G of the P. E. O. Sis
terhood. : and additional guests
Thursday afternoon at the home
of -Mrs.' C. K. Logan. Covers were
placed for 27 guests. The lunch
eon table was an attractive study
in rose,' silver, and green.. Rose
tapers - in silver holders, and
spring flowers in shades of green
and rose made the. centerpiece. - :
Mrs. W. IL Byrd served .and
MrsT Fred Tooze poured. Assist
ing were Mrs. . Harold -Hughes,
Mrs. A. A; : Schramm, , and Mrs.
Gardner Knapp.
Mrs. Gardner Knapp read a re
view of the "Bridge of the Gods'
for the paper for the afternoon.
Ideas f we re also discussed during
tbe business meting for the com
ing state convention which will
be held in Lebanon June 1-2-3.
The next meeting of the club
will be at the home of Mrs. A. T.
Wain and Mrs. A. I Godfrey,
Mrs. C. B. McCuIlough, will be
hostesses. The" date has been set
for May 21 and the Program will
be a "Mother's : Day" program.
Prof. Herbert Rahe will give a
special lecture for this meeting.'
Special guests Thursday after
noon were . Mrs. David Bennett
Hill, Mrs. Carl Pope, Mrs. J.,C.
Tibbetts, and Mrs. Hutchinson.
I who is here from Canada visiting
iicuu, jxr. nou mrs. j rea
Tooze. . . .
. t- ' .
Mothers Will be
Feted at Oregon State
Mother's day win be an occa
sion at both the University , of
Oregon and Oregon state, colleee.
Banquets, dinners, and teas have
Deen planned for ' the annual
"woman's weekend" May 8 and
9. Not only social functions have
been planned but this weekend is
the climax of the year for wom
en students as they schedule many
of their major activities, such as
installation of officers of -women's
organizations.- announce
ments of women's honors and
other events which will be of in
terest t share with the mothers
visiting on the campus.
The prep-school athletes are
measuring their skill on Bell field
Saturday so that the sons as well
as the daughters will have some
thing to share with the mothers
Visiting mothers will be guests
at the annual outdoor dance fes
The annual women's hour eon
vocation early Saturday afternoon
will begin with a balf hour con
cert by the Madrigal club of some
30 girls under the direction of
Professor Petri Following that.
six department women's honor so
cieties and Cap and Gown, all-
school senior honor society, will
announce elections. Several wom-
ten's prizes and scholastic awards
will also be announced ' at that
Visiting mothers next will be
guests at the annual outdoor
dance festival on the lower cam
pus. The formal. reception to the
mothers will follow in the Mem
orial Union building just before
the annual banquet, with Presi
dent and Mrs. V. "J. Kerr. Mrs.
Lorna Jessup, acting -flean of
women, and members of Cap and
Gown society will be in the re-
reivinc: line,
Mrs. Hester Davis of Salem will
be toastmlstress at the banquet
to be attended by all the mothers
and daughters. Mothers ox men
students will also attend, escorted
I by some co-ed. J
Girls of Theta Sigma Phi. lour
nalistle society, will issue the an
nual Co-ed Barometer Saturday
j morning under the leadership of
I w r a A m . Ill - JS I a
i Marian jj.uioii. uorTaiiiB, cuiwr,
I '
SUyton Members of Stay-
ton post. American Legion and
the Ladies Legion club are look-
Inr forward to Monday, tbe regu-
ar meeting night, atthis i time ,
"f, "iTt. 'ZXJTLlZrZ
ganizatlon wUl hold a short busi-
. MAaafAw ti tha rom linn r
i , ... .
L? ?eto w U P
O '
And now Dame Fashion has definitely gone Marine, as witness In these
engaging ensembles. Costume at left is of red and white Irish linen,
worn with white add opera pumps and a linen hat button-holed at the
edges in red. At right is tha colorful pajama costume also in Irish
linen, with white trousers buttoned to red blouse, A largo floppy linen
. . . T -. IV!. A - !
tULE in rea completes un cuaiuruc
Brilliant Recital
Program Planned
One-of the brilliant recital to
be given by students of France
Vlrrinie Melton will be that : pre
sented by small Charlotte Hill, pi
anist, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs.
David Bennett Hill and Mabelle
Lilburn, violinist, ' daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lilburn Mon
day night In Waller ball at S
o'clock. Small Miss Lilburn is a
student of Mary Scbnlta.
These - two young musicians
gave one of the most delightful
recitals of last spring and their
recital this. Monday is therefore
anticipated. The public Is invited.
The program to be presented is
as follows:
Two Fart HuguS ., " , Bach
Pastorale , : " i ' i
Caprlcclo ' , , ,,. r . , .At rtat
Morris Dance
Charlotts HIU !
Mazurka In O
Mabll Lilburn
Adaio Allejrro
Chatlottej Hill i
IV. ' ?
Third Concerto la Q minor
iia i v,..- Frederick . Belts
First Movement
Madrlgale .Slmonettl
Mabelle Ulbum -
i v - i
Prologue (Marionettes) J JMactowen
HuBsrarian . Mac Powell
The Little Shepherd De'buny
The Snow la Falling I'bu?y
Jr auing .ue ouiisy I
" : '
Woodburn Observes
" - L
wooaourn in. recognition ci
Vgood music weekv the Wood-
burn woman a club Is sponsoring
will be 1 held in the auditorium, of
the high school Saturday even
ing. May 9, at 8 o'clock,
a programi-for he affair has Ar-i
ranged I an! interesting variety of I
i t mswt .tii j I
charge I of ! arrangements is Mrs.
W. J. Wilson, Mrs. Eugene Courts
nev and Mrs. Vern D. Balm.
various organizations ' of the I
town will: present numbers. Thel.artei from the First Congrega-
MUrai CIUB Will present BS 1U I
part in the program a ladies' trio,
Rural club will present as its
composed of Mrs. O. E. .Belcher,
Mrs. Dean, and Mrs. J. Pelmul-
der. The choir from the Saint
Luke's Catholic church, under
the direction of "Frank DuBois,
will give several n u m b e r s.
grade in Woodburn s! grade
school will sing. The Harmony
club's, contribution i will be to-
cal duet by Miss Alma Trullinger
anr Miss Agnes Juve. A double
quartet from the Woodburn Free
Methodist church will sing. Clau-
dia Donnelly and Mary Elizabeth
ano duet. The Woodburn high din. Miss Iva Clare Love, Miss entertained with a bridge lunch
school , girls' glee dub wIU sing Grace Henderson. Miss Clara eon Tuesday. The following Sa
several appropriate numbers. As Harms. Miss ? Doris McCallister. i-m wnmn mntnr tn rtinrt
'.P"1 LP?,?iyS: lhe
Woodburn Methodist and' Presby
terian churches will present Mrs
Jack Hansen and Mrs. V. D. Bain
in a vocal duet. . The Christian
church will be represented by a
ladies' trio. The Woodburn high
school girls' quartet will sing
a number.
Community singing, led by
Frank DuBois. will be a special
feature of the program. The pro
gram Is entirely free and; open to
the general public. i
Modelers Club Holds
"Open House j
Monday evening the members '
of the Modelers club delightfully
entertained their parents and
friends at the home of Miss Pearl
Osterman, : their advisor. 1;
The members gave interesting
papers on ine ouierenx insiru -
I . a. a . .
ments or ine orcnesira ana enter -
tainea witn piano nam Ders. uorjs
and Jean Harrington played twoLta Roda and Louise Grafe,
violin numbers and Margaret
Sarahan also gave a special in -
strumental solo.
Those -taking part In the pro -
gram were Lyle Brown, ; Helen
Tanaka, Frank Page, Marie Nuy-
ama, Doris Harrington, Margaret
Sarhn. Jen Hrrlngton. Daisy Mln-
ton and Dorothy Miller.
in 'h. evening- T "
- '
Mrs. W. R. D-allaV entertained
ambers of the South division
members of the South division
of the Ladies' Aid of the-Presby
terian church Monday afternoon.
An all day meeting with potlqcjclwere? given by Miss Ruth Geer.
inncn was enjoyea oj apvut as
The afternoon was spent
sewing - for the
r 4 .
' V-.
I - -
Eleanor HkMin - taoovi.
li -year
old swimnunr champion, with one
.tJ-Jr Z!'. rin
- - ' .
swim into a new arena "Where ap-
-i-n, ai take tha nlaee of cuns.
Zierfelds newest Tollies. which
Zieef elda newest "Follies," which
wui open tn .New Tor soon.
Musical "At Home'
r t.r. it? .
lellgntrUl E-Vent
Mrs. Harry Harms and Mrs.
M. D. McCallister entertained
with a most delightful invitation
al musical "at homes" at the
day night-? The musical program
was presented by Mrs.- Earl
Ponriw "V4f r "XK7lf. T T
Thompson of , McCleay, Rev. Earl
l vocnran, miss t.ucme uummmgs,
. . uiaisyer. mis iva uiare
iove, miss uoris Mcuaiiister,
f tlonal . church, and by request
uu vj iwiuiJt. . . ! Koine- a
Mrs. Harry Harms gave several I JfXTBST Vwrrf SJ
numners. t i
! At the refreshment hour Miss
Doris McCallister and Miss Clara
Harms served.
I invited guests - included Mr,
and Mrs. K. H. Pickens. Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Taylor, Mrs Esther
Long, Mr. nd Mrs. W. D..CIarke,
Mr and Mrs. Tyler Morley. Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Thompson. Mr.
and Mrs. L. I. Pearmine. Victor
Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. W..F. Fos-
ter. Miss Luclle Cummfngs. ev.
and Mrs. Earl Cochran. Mr. and
airs. a. u. uiaisyer. Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Pearcy. . Mrs. Rae Bel -
Pnc De&aPort, and. Mr. and
Mrs. xiarma and Mr. and Mrs.
McSalllster. ' '--'
Missf Grace Henderson wa. the
accompanist for; the evening of
Mill City. Mrs. R O b e r 1
Schroeder will present her niano
pupils in recital at the Presby.
terlan church. Tuesday evening,
May 15, at 8 o'clock. The pro-
gram will consist of solos, duets,
trios and special numbers by the
rhythm orchestra. JThe follow-
Ing pupils will take part In the
recital: Velma Fink. Phyllis
Jones, Bobby Hill. Willis Grafe.
Wilma Mickenham. Alice Swan.
ai7 ummo, Herman urate. Marv
Je ocaroeaer, Anarey jonnson,
I .Myrtle Jones, Virginia Mason,
I iwnoia swan,: ieatna Grimes,
ui Alien, uerrui ; schroeder.
i owne, jaraes jovett,
1 W tAta a V Z i W W A a. mm m
i xt."oii nino, oig ixveit, wi-
I wau, uoris unmes, mioer-
1 Mrs. C. C. Geer entertained in
I compliment to f her junior niano
1 pupils at herl home Thursday
1 evening. . Folio win er the demon.
j station given by the students a
f social evening was enloyed and
refreshments were served by Mrs.
Frank Bowers and Miss Ruth
w Ver7 Goie.u
I ct..... m-.
JinTmT Steward' Mare
pm. r-i. inM,- . " I
Bgura. -BaVba" CrneTL" d
Om.m.m.m- WYVd V. t m
omuituj nuu. vocai numoers
Mill City Mrs. Robert Schroe-
dera ho .V'
woman'- ih -
" wa wm MVI HWIUU. AUl-
attended the meeting of.the dls -
trlctr: convention of i Women's Stayton was aiven. Plans
i i- v. -C-.j :
. v u.-uu tur - uo iicia . in ins
near future at the home of Mrs.
Herbet Schroeder. .The picnic
will constitute the last meeting
oi me ciud zor tnis season.
. .. e . - . .
Jeffersnn l fimfl. n
was held at the, home of Mr. and
Mrs. w. U Cobb Sunday, in honor
of th birthday ennwor.
Mrs. r-fthh ; At k nvwv . ?aili
dinner was enioved . . Tho aninT.
ThCT the nloaiiant nria1 n-rt warn Vr,
and Mrs. Leon Basset and dan eh-
ter Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nut -
tine and daneh'ter. Beth Mm tju
Pendergraft and son Bobby,.all of to New prerk with SOO passen
Albanv; Glen cohh ntair Cnhh I gera when the collision occurred
George Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Rex
Cobb and Mrs. W. L. Cobb.
Gervais : The ladles of Sacred
Heart church gave another , of
their ; popular card parties and
dances at the Parish hall Tuesday
night. Nine tables of "500" and
four of Pedro were played with! The existence, of drought con-
prises for high scores In "500
going to Frank Cannard and Mrs
Fred Hecker and in Pedro to Fred day by J. B. Kincer, weather bu
Hecker and Mrs. Frank Adelman. reau meteorologist.
Miss Eva Zellner won a special
prlxe.. After refreshments were
served an hour of dancing was
it enjoyed.
Mrs. Creigh ' Long entertained
at her home" with an afternoon of
bridge Wednesdays Winning
scores were held by Mrs. Walter
Simon, and Mrs. -Lewis Tumble -
son. At the tea , hour Mrs. W.
Bionaeu assisted . tne jnostess.
Present were Mrs.- Lee Smith,
Mrs. Ray White. Mrs. Lewis Tarn
bleson, Mrs.. Dan Bright, Mrs.
Walter Bondell, Mrs. Ed Simon
and Mrs. Paul Schmidt.
Scio Couple
Scio.4-A quiet wedding took
place a!ti Vancouver, Wash., Sat
urday, Ma.y 1, which united Hen
ry A. LtjkeQbach of Scio and Al
freda t. Donovan of ' Sbelburn.
Returning to the home of the
bride's: parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Donovan, a, wedding dinner
was given Sunday. Among those
present? were W. R. Donovan and
mil- f SjT I HJTm T V T.n.
kenbachj parents of "the groom.
Leonard I- Lukenbach, Gearold
Hassler snd family of Scio, Mr.
and Mrai C M. Donovan, Fran
ces Donovan, Albany; ' Frances
Osbornj iShelburn; Roydal Dono
van. Jack It Schelper, Corvallis.
Mr. atd Mrs, Lukenbach will
make their borne in Scio, where
the: forjner is employed. ; . . . ..."
Conydntion to Meet
In Salerri " , :
- . i . -' '
The fourteenth Dowell conven-
j tlori o the f Royal Neighbors of
America win meet in eaiem May
J . .-Kobl of instruction will ha
I t-
1 K4TVU A-V UOf WafcU 1UA
M. HambJin.!state supervising de-
i D11f ini char-. , The evenlnar sR-
I wt v "cu l" pub; "
1 lll Pre8j5ntd-. .
sion will be open to the public and
Mrs. ! Frances Hoyt of Salem is
convention president; Mrs. Minnie
Bennett Of SUvertoQ, vice presi
dent; and Mrs. Helen Persons of
Salem is 'secretary-treasurer
a. , t; 1 f . , . t
"National Poetxy"
Weet to be Observed
An observation which will be
honored ; Ifort the first time in
try week'!. May 24 to 31. The
writer's; section to the Salem Arts
fT; wl vA
U.7 J;.m". vI
broughd ' r ! lectures and other
plans are) being arranged. Mrs.
F. G. Franklin - is chairman of
eisted by Mrs. John Clifford and
prof. Morton E. Peck. ;
: Mrs. Mary Snook. Mrs. C.
Dansmoor.i and Mrs. H. P. Duns-
i iTL u-,t t
moor entertained Thursday aft-
Mrs. Louis ILorenz and Mrs.
Knowles held winning scores lor
Srifil ues?f w?re MS
PetAr'TTmLn fr rn aiinort
Mrs iiovell Mrs Harris Leltr
mm KL. Mr LouU Lorenz!
JJ" K?nZ MiS's l?othy?c
ad the'hostS '
, t - j ..
1 i n ;r w r.t,i nf Pwi.n
for the affair: Mrs. B. F. Pound.
Mrs. CharlM Banpr. Mrs F.lmer
Srlir Mn. Will Erana mil Mm.
I r.vmn iRtii
i 1 1 1 ' .; .-Jil ' '
ola Nsfirhkhr. n KTnnAnm ft! will
1 InltfatA'a. larirn olaaa Frlrfav nlvht
I a mtlali ntl,, TSI. will
ll tM6wt4 fcy a Molhert day
program ndFtLra poUu sup-
per - j
L; ' ' ' i
Liberty -t-j Mr. and Mrs. Jolln
Van Santen entertained Sunday
Wnh a large family dinner In hon-
. r th a-Anth Mrthiav of thir
daughter. Jeffgy Pauline.
I T.
Friday evening, May 1. a group
l0f Liberty girls enjoyed a weiner
roast at' the John H. Daseh home.
Mi-. and jMxs. Fred Brock are
spending several days visiting in
1 " " 't
I Aberdeen, Wash.
Last Man Pays
Capital Visit;
-Sowe tyine Left
; ti
rf11"1" inSK -Ef CJ.'
viewed Washington for sU
I cis aepartea s comrades oi jom-
l HV'T
much kick out of It aa he
?JXJ! Uttle ttUe f
iita. lUeTSjU SM i WlllU.
I ,.ttti. v-vi.j
capitol in : was the .phrase
oftenest Ion ibis Hps as he remin-
l8Cd fof tha 33 whom hersur-
concluded the last July zi.
I W aeVwHl I ..-.. . ffTVVK wmm, JS m, mm
l Aoa ' . i i "
1- 1 "
I rlTt imxxrn iJC
i .
Tugboat Js Cut
In Two by Liner
NEW YORK. May .(AP)-
K.ut 1?-twoib5. thVte,el FI0" ot
ino BW&inf :BW or
I boat Trimdubt- of f Boston, 'was
sunk Thursday ; off Race Rock,
10 miles! southeast of New Lon-
I don. with a? loss of three lives.
I : men were picaea up in me
1 ooaw. - :;
I The linei, jen route from Bos
Hn fS and heavy rain, was un
- . -?
Drought Peril
Serious Again
ditlons closely paralleling those
of last spring were described to-
in a radio soeech over the Na-
j tlonal Broadcasting company he
said generous rains were needed
to avert a repetition of the 1930
drought. .
land Mrs. Alfred Moberr surprised
j their relating- nd friends by an-
nouncing this week that they were
r married the" litter part of Decem-
ber. Mrs. Moberg was Miss Nel-
ma Brostg, rdaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank fBroslg. . Mr. Moberg
Is the son ol Air. and Mrs. S. P.
I .-'-';.. 'J.r tiiiCa '.' "! : '-.I'
..: ' -j '.-.- -; ; ' i , i
!'." -.-. ' ' . ! . ' 1
er s
Don't Forget Her . I .
i- -'' ."- - . ; 1
She Never Forgets You!
i- . i !
Choose Holeproof or Theme or
Patricia silk hose for her and
she will be pleased with your
choice! " If you are not quite
sure of her style and quality.
leave it to our hosiery gfrls.
they- have, no doubt, been sell
ing her "hosiery" for season aft
er season. Prices 79e to $1.95
pair. Boxed in .Mother's ;, Day
gift packages.
Combinations. sten-Ins. pant
ies, gowns, slips, pajamas, all
are! here .in Immense assort
ments for Mother's Day gifts.
One may choose lace trimmed
crene de chine or tailored ray
on and Italian silk. Choose
white or one of many pretty
pastel shades. All Jnetpenslve-
ly priced. In girt oozes.
Purses change with the season
' . . a liarht color : such as
beige is appropriate for sum
mer. You'll find them here in
the newest shapes and trims
In fabric or calfskin. Priced
$2.95 and up.
It's, a great, glove season.
Beige, black, white are lout
standing numbers because
fashion says: Black with light
colors are vlea versa. Perrln
are ' too ( well known for de
scription as far as quality is
concerned. The six. eight-but
ton slipons are most popular..
Prices $2.00 ad up.
We've Just "received a big
shipment of Italian hand em
broidered linens in beautiful
patterns ' on 'natural .linen.
These sets are 36-inch cloths
with (napkins to match. Priced
at $3.00. Other, gift sugges
tions are fancy .bath, and guest
towels, fancy bedspreads. East
Ibdia prints, bridge, sets, fancy
pillow cases and sheets.
Table lamps are very popular
and no home has enough, for.
there's Always another nook
or cranny, for. an extra lamp.
-Miller's show the newest Rose-
vllle pottery lamps at prices
all can afford, in colors to
match your setting.
Of course she needs slippers
. . . warmer days call for foot
comfort and. she'll surely get
comfort: in 1 Daniel . Green's
Comfys.. We also show a big
line of house, slippers at 98c
in comfy soles and - pajama
heels. .Another gift'that will
please- her, - are these new
enameiea snoe trees. . ,t
And make it a Nelly Don qual
ity . . , stylish, practical, and
most certainly economical.
Nelly Dona are to- be found In
Salem only at Miller's. The
newest flower prints, - rough
weaves, etc., are here. '-We
know she will be pleased with
Nelly Dons. ,
-. Court , Street. ;vt, liberty
a ' Salens, Orcso
i - f . .
t -, - ", i .