The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, May 9. 193r
, i
Local News Briefs
Visit School Miss Thora
Boesen, executive secretary of the
local Red Cross chapter, and
Charles Gill, who -will hare chares
of the local swim program Tisited
all the grade schools and junior
high schools late this week la in
terest of the coming learn-to-twlm
campaign. The preliminary cam
paign will be held Mar IS to 19.
when Ins traction will be deroted
to teaching boys and girls how to
swim. Only those who cannot
swim will be eligible for these
classes. 'Much interest is being
displayed in the program. . The
campaign Is conducted by the lo
cal chapter of the Red Cross in
cooperation with the schools, T.
W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A.
Largest assortment of Mother
boxes in Salem. Packed with oar
own chocolates. Hill's Candy
Shop, llta and Leslie.
Says Wot to Blame la dam
age action brought . by Lain
Hnbbs, A. J. Anderson and wile
have tiled amended answer, in
which they allege that the negli
gence of Charles D. Hubbs, driver
of the automobile In which plain
tiff was siding, was the chief
cans of the accident." The acci
dent occurred March SO. 110. at
corner of Commercial and Market.;-
l ; .' -". .;,. ' '
Dance Mellowmobn etery Sat.
Admission only 25c. j
Rear Wheel Wild When the
rear wheel of the Cherry City
Baking company track triven by
Charles Bayer of 114 Maple
street came off at Church and
Hood street Friday noon, it roll
ed down the street and hit Ia
Mayne Tyrer of IS Chnreh
street. No Injury was reported.
Dollar dinner every night, 1:45
to 8 at the Marion hotel.
Sillier Visits 1 Rev. Clarenee
A. Miller is here from the soldiers
home hospital In Roseburg for a
short visit with his . sister. Mrs.
Joe Goebl. and also to attend to
business affairs.' He will leave
' today for Roseburg, and will be
accompanied by Mr. and : Mrs.
Goebl. .
Medical Advisor Dr. Burton
Myers has been chosen by the lo
cal medical association to act as
medical advisor to the "Black
Dragons", recently organised Red
Cross life saving corps, it was
announced, yesterday from Wil
lamette chapter headquarters.
- Dance Mellowmoon" every Sat.
Admission only 25c. . -
Under Advisement Judge
xHIll finished hearing arguments
In case of Harris vs. Sanderson
yestexdsy and has taken the mat
ter under advisement. The suH
is ai foreclosure proceeding, : to
which defendants - object on
grounds of fraud. ;
- ,
Friday and Saturday specials:
Snapdragons, Asters, Petunias,
25c a dozen. Fine selection porch
box plants for Mother's day. Sa
lem' Petland. Phone S767. ;
i Delmnrrer - Defendants Post
bave tiled demurrer . to suit
brought against them and others
by Earl V. Tucker. They allege
that the complaint does not state
tacts sufficient to constitute cause
of action. , '., j
"At! Club Meeting Mrs. Mary
L. Fulkerson, county school sup
erintendent, was in Fairview last
night to attend a meeting oi me
community club there at which
children of the school presented
the main program numbers.,
For Sale- Very special. I Pi
ano, 3 High grade chairs. Eureka
carpet sweeper, same as new; 1
' large and 2 Email mattresses, 1
chiffonier.. All for. 2150.00 cash.
On display at Chambers Store, N.
High St. ;
j Search Continues No farther
'faces have been discovered by
the city police regarding the
Splawn disappearance case of last
Monday. Mr. Splawn was man
of 84 years in age. ;
Announcement Senior class
graduating announcements will be
ready for distribution . Monday,
Principal Fred Wolf was inform
ed yesterday. Each students to
call at the store where they were
ordered.., - - '
See Rush Smith, Center and
Church, tor tire bargains. ;
Marriage, license license to
marry was issued here yesterday
to Loren Mackey, 26, and Mildred
Thomas, 19, both of Lebanon. Ac
cording to the license they wlU be
married in Lebanon today.
Change of Venue Order al
lowing change of venue to Polk
county has been entered In case
of E. A. Magnesen vs. Marion
county, an appeal from road" dam
ages allowed by the court. ,
Choice selection of cut flowers
and potted plants for mother,
reasonably priced. : Oscar D. "Fros
ty" Olson. Court A High. Tet.
71CC. v , . ; ;1 ;
Hearing June IS Hearing on
final account of ' Wihlelmlnla
Lieske as administratrix of the
estate of Gottfried Lieske, has
been set for June 15.
Guardian Reports Benjamin
S. Drake, as guardian of Florence
Drake, Incompetent, has filed re
port showing balance of 21,264.
10 on hand. ' "
For sale, a limited amount of
Oregon Pulp and Paper .Co. t
preferred stock.- Haw kips ft Rob
erta, Oregon Bldg.
Motion Day Motion day will
be held In Judge L. H. McMahan's
department of circuit court, be
ginning at-10 o'clock this morn-
-.- "
Cooling Room Altered: A 1500
permit was Issued Friday to Gay
E. Irwin for the alteration of a
cooling room at 25th and Turner
road.. ,-
1 Dr. Chan
Chines Medicine
180 N. Commercial
St., salHn
Office kinrs
Tuesday and Satur
day 3 to 5:30
Cases Set Following cases
have been set for the May term
of circuit court, department one:
May ill, Smith vs. Pettyjolnf
May IS, Endlcott vs. Water com-
rain e Lumber company; May 18,
Moueneop ts. city oz saiem; May
1, Bickell vs. Chlttendeonj May
22, McNeil vs. Rohlfs; May 25.
Polanskl ts. ' Hummel; May 27.
Lets vs. Armour company: May
28, . Glenn ti. ' Knapp; May 29.
Maynard' ts. Slaighter: -June 4,
Talk f ts. Silver Falls Timber
Special Friday nlgnt dinner,
50c, Hotel Argo- dining room.
Recovering Slowly Mr. and
Mrs. G. E. Schunemnn aro re
ported as recovering slowly from
injuries suffered in the automo
bile) accident last week while on
a tour of California. , The accident-happened
in Arbuckle, Cat
They are now back in Salem in
their i homo in : the Haaeldort
apartments where they will . bo
confined for some time.
- Choice selection of eat flowers
and potted . plants for mother,
reasonably priced. Oscar D. "Fros
ty", Olson, Court High. Tel.
71CC '
Sale Confirmed In estate of
Nathaniel Brandidge. the probate
Judge has confirmed sale of real
property to William Keene for
8800. i Cora Otto la administratrix.
Dry mill wood, cord wood, coal.
Tel. 5000, Salem Fuel.
Seventh Account - Seventh an
nual account in estate of Frank
A. Klampe has been filed la pro
bate, showing cash on hand to
taling f 8768.78.
Final Account The probate
court has received final account of
Lena L Camnbell as admlnlstra-
Ltor of the esUte of Bert Banker,
Hearing has been set ior June v.
Free Expert advlso oa your
garden and lawn problems. Sa
lem's j Petland. 278 State. TeL
767. . ; ' .
Appraisers' Report Apprals
ment of 83239.40 has been put on
the estate of Sedate Ward by Earl
Dane. 1 Roy Nelson and Helen
Turner. .
Decree -In case of B. Collin
son ts. E. C. Moffitt and Harry
Craig, 'money Judgment has been
entered against defendant, Mof
fitt. j
Judgment Money Judgment
has been entered against defen
dant la the circuit court case of
Clifford Ratcliffe ts. Peter J. De
guirel -; , '
Presbyterian Aid cooked food
sale. Sat. S. P. downtown office.
Application In damage action-of
Margaret Jensen ts. Pa
cific Greyhound Lines, application
has been tiled to hare suit placed
on trial , docket. -
Annn ial Ceoree H. Graben-
horst, E. B. Grabenhorst and
Chester Cox have appraised estate
of W. H. Harris at 5l i2.
- i - . .
Saturday specials: Snapdrag
ons, Asters, Petunias, 25c a doz
en. Fine selection porch box
plants for Mother's day Salem's
Petland. Phone 6767.
Final Account Final account
of Anna R. White as guardian of
Merle E. White has been approv
ed" by tho probate court. ,
! Reroofs Dwelling William
A. Persey will reroof his dwelling
at 631 North 20th street, soon,
according to a 85 permit.
. Motion for Default in suit
of Silvia V. Rlchter vs. Frank
Rlchter. plaintiff has filed motion
tor default.
Choir Festival Saturday even
ing at? Armory: Adults 15c. Chil
dren 10c.
Motion Denied The circuit
Judge has entered order denying
motion in the case of Bank of
Stayton vs. G. E. Berrginer.
Foreclosure Western Loan
and Building; company has tiled
foreclosure complaint against
James H. Ellis. .
Dismissed -Case of Joe Hum
fleet ts. F. W. Pettyjohn has been
dismissed from Yireuit court.
Thomas Heckefs
Funeral Will be
Today; Woodburn
- i -.
The i funeral of Thomas Heck
er, age 72. of Hubbard, will be
held at 2 p. ro- today at the Hall
chapel i ia Woodburn. The Odd
Fellows will have charge of the
service after which the body will
be shipped to Sterling, 111.
Mr. ! Hecker is survived by
three sons, Adair of Mt. Morris,
Illinois. LeRoy of Morrison, Hli
noki and Earl of Woodburn, Ore
gon; three daughters.- Mrs. A. R.
sloffit of Dream Center, Illinois,
Mrs. Edwin Wlmhoffer of Mlnot,
N. Dakota, Mrs. Lloyd Syerls of
Moose Lake, Minnesota, and one
brother. George of Mlnot, N. Da
kota. ' j . ' '.-
Remember Mother with 'flowers Sunday,
May 1 0. We have a large assortment of
potted plants, also cut flowers : . or may
we I suggest flowers for window or porch
boxes. i
h .p. . ' injurs . ;
1625 Market
Starvation While Foods arc
.Shipped Abroad is not
. Du8 to Inhumanity
Rossis presents the anomaly of
a starring citizenry with rast
"surpluses'; of food being damped
on a foreign market.. Contrary to
happenstance Opinion expressed
many places In the United States,
the situation Is not due to , In
humanity on the part of the Rus
sian government or a desire to
floor world markets bat rather to
a pressing demand for immediate
capital funds with which to de
Telop the country. . 5 -
This opinion la gleaned, from
current dispatches to tho New
Tork Herald-Tribune written by
Ralph-Barnes, a Salem-ralsed 'cor
respondent, who last month open
ed the Moscow office for that
paper. . - -' , 1 '
In his .article for May 1, Barnes
tells Tivldly of the May day par
ado In Moscow. It lasted for eight
hours, ho writes, and from 20.000
to 50.000 men under arms were
in the lino of march.
As expressed by Stalin, tho pur-
poso of the paraSe was to show
"tho Interventionists' that Rus
sia was prepared to resist any
intrusion in its communistic pro
gram. . :-f .
Barnes said special reviewing
boxes were provided for the press
as well .as government officials,
tho latter receiving - newspaper
men with pleasure since they feel
it Is through tho press that news
of Russia's endeavors can reach
tho outside world. ' t
Noted Everywhere
Barnes .reports that oTry
where ho sees evidence of under
nutrition.' People are suffering
from hunger. .Tot unless suffi
cient foreign credit can bo secur
ed within the year to allow pur
chases of additional machinery tor
the development of tho five-year
plan, mora dumping of foodstuffs
on a glutted world market la to
continue. - ,
Russian economics, ho : writes,
call for tho nation raising herself
by her bootstraps. Cut off from
credit allowed more stable coun
tries, unable to finance capital ex
penditures from bond issues, she
is selling goods at low prices and
to her own citisens injury to get
funds-for capital expenditures.
Barnes said ho got down out
of the reviewing; stand and march
ed for a time with tho paraders
in order to hear what they were
saying and to report better the
spirit ot the. May day celebration.
His story, an extended one, was
cabled direct to New -ork.
Mrs. Barnes, known here be
fore her marriage In 1924, as Miss
Esther Parounagian, remains for
tho time la Paris with her year
old daughter, GiovannL Ralph
proceeded her to Moscow to de
termine how suitable living con
ditions would be for his wife and
child. Needed food such as eggs,
butter and milk aro rery scarce
In the , Russian capital, it is re
ported, but they are made avail
able to foreigners who have the
standing with the government
possessed by newspaper writers.
Before going to Moscow last
month, Barnes represented his pa
per at Rome. Italy. Before resi
dence there he was with the
Paris edition of tho New York
Herald-Tribune. Mrs. Wbitelaw
Reid, who died last week, had vis
ited the new offices of that paper,
shortly before her last Illness. t
McDonald Wilt
Teach Swimmers
At Taylor Beach
' Fred A. McDonald who recently
was an instructor with tho. Out
rigger Canoe club at . Waikiki
beach, Honolulu, is to give free
swimming' and diving exhibitions
at Taylor's beach here Sunday at-
t.. a, flA an S O'dOCk.
McDonald has an outstanding,
record as a performer and as an
l.tni,AP imnar the nnnlls he
has coached are Gertrude Ederle,
Johnny Wetsnrnller. Helen Lack
iem and Annette Kellennaa. This
summer McDonald is to be at the
University of Oregon and at the
Anchorage in. Eugene, acting as
swimming instructor.
Referendum on
Rogue Closing
Is Sought Here
Petitions asking a referendum
on Rogue river closing legislation
passed at the last session of the
legislature, were being circulated
by two workers on downtown
streets yesterday.
. The petitions Are ' said ', tobe
sponsored by fishing Interests at
the mouth of the Rogue., Work
ers reported signatures were not
difficult to obtain. Approximate
ly 11,000 signers will be needed
to hold np the legislation from be
coming law and to hold it over
until the election In November,
1932. '.; I .-u ; ; ' ; ,.. I .;- ) t ,
Telephone 9592
Religious; Education Worker Digs in Dust
wMy native land, I love thee,"
was the first line of tho sons Nar
eissa . Whitman, sang as the. pre
pared to start on the then long
est horseback wedding Journey
in history, at Angelica. N. Ti
When practice work began on the
Pageant of . the Pioneers, to be
presented at Willamette gymna
sium Friday and: Saturday of
next week, it was presumed that
the tune of Ibis missionary song
of 1820 would be easily found.
In almost any hymn book. It
proved not so, A state wide
search has been under way.
Miss Margaret Stevenson, " di
rector of religious? education for
tho First Methodist! chnreh-of Sa
lem, eorered herself with dust in
searching through i the - attic of
that old chnreh and found two
ancient hymn books with the de
sired tune; in fact, three tones
were discovered, one being for
, Copies of the booky Tageant
of "the Pioneers, are on sale at
the store of Meier Frank in
Portland today, through . the re-
Business Quiet
At St. Helens,
Editor Reports
Business conditions in St Hel
ens are onlet with one large, mill
shut down and the Fir-Tex plant
working short shift on cutrailed
orders. Ara B. Hyde, editor of the
St. Helens Mist, brought this
word to Salem on a Visit hereyee
terday. : Hyde recently returned from
Washington, D. C. where ho spent
more than a month working to
secure the location of the old sol
diers' home, to be built In Ore
gon, at 8t. Helens. He rlsited
part of the time with his brother,
Arthur M. Hyde, secretary of ag
riculture. Hyde said Governor Meier's de
mand for economy and retrench
ment in - state - government was
Tory pleasing: to the people of Co
lumbia county.
Play Costumes
Cause Fire at
Thayer & Home
Costumes for the Shakespear
ian play "Cymbeline" were the
cause of what might have been a
serious blaze at the home of Mrs.
Claudius Thayer Friday night.
The costumes had been hung in
the basement and one of them
had been hung near an electric
light globe and the cloth ignited.
Although no material damage
was done to the house yet sev
eral of thejehoicest costumes were
The loss is rather serious as
the costumes "were not insured
and were expensive, and too, the
date of the play has been set for
May 14 and more costumes will
have to be rushed in order that
the "show may go on".
Six Fatalities
In Industrial
Accidents Noted
. There were six fatalities in
(Oregon due to industrial acci
dents during the -areek ending
May 7, according to a report pre
pared by the state Industrial ac
cident commission Friday. .
The victims were Gus Paulson,
Portland, bookkeeper; ' John - L.
Mlnnick, Galice, mill worker;
William Steelman, Dayville, la
borer; Carl , Scaro, Boise. Idaho,
driller; Harry McGuire. Portland,
truck driver, and Meier Overson,
Vernonla,. pondman.
There were S98 accidents re
ported to the commission during
the week.
Market Will be
Good, Indicated
It a good crop of black cherries
is produced during , the coming
season they will find a ready mar
ket from present Indications.
Local buyers. Including Hurst
Root, Young and. Wells and othera
are said to he active In the field
in anv attempt to line up the Lam
berts and "Blngs for the season.
Unless bad weather or some pest
reduces the crop indications are
that it will be a good one. .
Every married woman reaUsee that.
F"nlnla rargieM la ot uto im
portance to ber well-beias and peace
of mind. She alao knows that moat
Ilqaid washaa. are waaatWactory aad.
dry-in to taa ttaroee, rery wine and
fastidious woman wUl "welcome Dr.
Nixon's Q-Zeea - - a aoottainr. clean
ing apptkavttoa. la tubes with eaay-Io-om
applicator, aioro effective and
atiafaotory than auppoaitorios or
wiliii. Doea not dry tb tlasuas bat
betpe keep them in a soft, smooth,
natural state. Corrects simple Vag
initis. Nan-poisonous. Mot puff.
No msreary. Dsetrova odsca and dses
net stain. . Mixes tborous-bly with ae
erstlona, reaching tiny folds and
ersvicsa. Tea can unit worrjrtae- about
Fsminiae Hysiaae If yo use .If
Nixon's Q-Zasa. Vary eoonomtoal. S
treatmeata la eea tube. Oaaraatoad
Perry's Drug Store.
its S. Commercial St,,
For Rent
Floor Sanders
Call 0610, Used FnraJtare
Department 'V.'--.,-.
181. N. High -
quest of Governor Meier. Also at
the Gin book store there. Re
turns, 109 per cent, will be turn
ed over as by other stores In the
state, for' the benefit of t n e
Pageant fund for . the It 1 4 cen
tenary celebration at the state
fair grounds. , Seat sales will be
on soon, for - reserved veaU - and
general admission, at the' univer
sity office, and ticket win be at
down town ilaces too.
receipts go to the Its pageant
fund. , s
Tne management of the dim.
ant la searching tor costumes for
iae prooueuon. it is especially
desirous of obtaining as many or
lrinal costumes of the nUdl of
the last century as possible. The
students hope that citizens of
Oregon who have these' old
clothes and are willing will loan
them to the . university. The
clothes wlU receive, the best ot
eare from the eoatnma , mastara
and mistresses.
- Stage properties including' old
runs, knives, - dishes . and . nth.
things are in demand. ;.
persons . having equipment of
this kind and who are desirous
of helping with the historical pro
duction wil nleasa dial iTSA tnt
ask for Professor Herbert Rahe
who will give particulars of in
formation and will send students
to collect the equipment.
Mrs. Irene Kafourr of this eltv
died at the home of har itannn
Stephen, In Portland May 8. aged
ai; motner of H. C. Katoury. Ste
phen Kafoury and Sophia Ka-
roury. jruneral serrices in Port
land at 1 . p. m. May I, at the
Grace Memorial church.
Duraee '
Mrs. Ella Dnrsea died at the,
residence, route 5, May. S, aged
4 1 ; survived by two daughters,
Mrs. Harriet Ralston,- Brockton,
Mont., and Mrs;. M. Leighton, Sac
ramento, CaL; a sister-in-law,
Mrs. S. C. Gunning of Turner;
two sisters and a brother. Fu
neral ' announcement later by
Clough-Barrtek company.
Carriaga -Pablo
T. Carriage died In this
city May 1, aged IS; survived by
parents, Mr. ana Mrs. carnage,
two brothers and three sisters, all
of San Fernando, La Union, Phil
ippine Islands. Recitation of the
Rosarr Sunday erenlnr. Mar 10.
at 7 p. m. from the chapel of
Clough - Barries:. Requiem mass
Mondav. Mt il. at S l m. from
the St. Joseph's Catholic church.
Father Back officiating. Inter
ment St. Barbara's cemetery.
Mrs. Emllr Adair of 355 Belle-
rue street died in this elty May 6,
e-At 62: mother of Erwin of
Hughenden, Alberta. Canada, Loyd
C of Salem, and Mrs. orace Maea-
u nt Allx. Alberta: sister or W. u.
Trick of Thedford, Ontario, T. D.
Trick of Salem, J. F. Trick of
Carstairs, Alberta, Mrs. Fred Scott
of Salem, Mrs. James Moore of
Forrest, Ontario, and MtB. win
Blake e Thedford. Ontario. Fu
neral services. Saturday, May 9,
at 2 p. m. from the cnapei or
W. T. Rigdon and Son, Rev. Gro
ver C. BIrtchet .officiating. Re
mains ' will be forwarded to Cal
gary, Alberta, for interment.
Marian Anita Buel died at 1945
Fourth street May 8, aged 5 ;
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. D.
Taii r vnrfisnd . Remains are In
care of the Terwilllger funeral
home and will be tak . to rort
MnmtaT for services at-the
Miller and Tracy parlors at 10
a. m. that day.
. Nesmita
wiiitm n Vaamith died in
ua 7. aaed 72: father
of Linn W., Reedsport; brother of
James B., Kicxreani. an. xa
. Vti. Vnrttind. aad MTS.
JIUAi U1U., - VM -
tr.ii.a Mnianii MAatreaL. Canada.
1 Funeral services at 10:10 a. ra.
today with Interment at ine mca-
" y . . .ea . m . Tea
real! cemetery ac iv m. -
awmavsi4 Anin td br Rev. White
of Eugene, assisted by W. T. Kig-
don and son.
Established 1808 TeL 8652
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
; Prices Reasonable
Clousb-Barrick Co.
- Phene 6151 . '
Churcb at rerry St.
A. M. Clough ; '-
Dr. L. E. Barrick ;
y! v. T. Golden
JEL : gus saiT. xisE,cTuas .
Oas ! i in ts ruiisal
Oar Mas At Bisneasbj
Oar Hswa hi Mssm
XJBisaii laar ftilwav
A-Park Cemetery
With Perpetual Care
Just ten minutes from the
heart of town
School Children are to be
Taught First; Many
; To Participate ;
-j'. aaMSBBMBBassaaBNe
Activities for a Learn to Swim
campaign at the T. M. C A. will
start next week. Charles GUI jof
Salem will be In charge, next
week school children will be In
structed starting Tuesday. . ' . ' t )
Gill is senior at Willamette
unlversit and Is prominent in foot
ball, " baseball and swlmmlnt'
eporta. He has been a swimming
instructor and examiner, for: the
Ree Cross for three years. He ban
a reputation of getting, good re
sults la teaching swimming, first
aldand Ufa saving. I
S GH1 wiU be assisted by Fred
Smithv Bob Boardman. members
of the T. M. C. A. junior a4
senior life saving corps, and tbi
T, W. C. A. as chaperoning group;
Eleventh. Annual :
Swim Gainpaign . '
.This summer's work Is the Hi
annaal for tho local T. M. C. Ai
Heretofore, the work, locally baa
been mainly carried on by the
Christian association, but ' this
year It is cooperating with the
city schools, the Red Cross and
the Boy Scouts. j . H
It Is expected that between S0O
and 400 children will learn swim
learn swim
In the nett
May' 11 U
tee la awlm-f
mlng and. life saving
few weeks.. ;...
The week starting
adult week with classes
mlng and lifesaving. Examine-?
Hons and demonstrations are on
the schedule. The primary object
of tho coarse Is to teach the aver
age person how to work in the
water and In first aid in cases!
of emergency. S j
TheT. M. C A. wishes It uh4
derstood that all ot the swimming,
lite saving and first aid courses
are open to the public and that
membership in the association is
not required for the courses of
wmrai en
: One of the prettiest May
events given by children "of Sa
lem schools was held at Wash-'
lngton school yesterday - after-
noon. With perfect weather, a,
setting hard to equal and boys
and girls clad In colonial cos-4
tumes, ; the festivities to honor
blonde Marjorie Pickens, queen;
of May and Healthland, were;
complete. Fully 300 parents and;
friends attended. '. j
Before the queen, enthroqed
under large trees on a black:
throne with a background ' of
black lattice work, the pupils
from each grade presented their;
May day dances. As a grand tin-!
ale came the heralds of health'
parade and presentation of (the
honor roll buttons. Girls of each
grade were attired in pastel
shades of one color, those of the
first In Deach. second. Dale mnk.
third lavender, fourth yeljow.j
i 1 1
We makeN mortgage loans. .
No charge ! for brokerage or
' commission.
Prompt Service.
A. N. BUSH, President.
WM. S. WALTON, Vice-Pres.
L. P. ALDRICH. Secretary.
JOS. H. ALBERT, .Trust Officer.
J j j ;.; '.j ;
Ladd & Bush ITrust Company
Suits and Dresses"
v as v a ! L ' .
in a mixed ssortmenc
of Stylei-
Sizes 14 to 20
All Specially. Prjced,
Today Onlyt
$ t .75
' I
395 North High,
fifth green and . pale green, and
sixth rose. Boys wore white col
lars and black . jackets. Sixth
grade children wound the- May
pole. ... '"-.:-y"V'- ' '
Queen Marjorie's approach to
the throne. was a pleasing sight,
with six pastel-clad flower girls
Strewing petals before her way,
(wo tiny lads bearing her train
And eight attendants, also in pas
tel and carrying long staffs from
which flowed bows of pastel rib-
ns. - -....
Schedule ot the Marlon county
health department clinics for the
week of May 11 to 10 has been
arranged as follows:
Monday Dental corrective,
morning, and G.' TJ. clinic, 1 to 6
cf clock, both Salem , health cen
ter. . ..v..
I Tuesday Preschool clinic at
Stayton in afternoon; mild nan fl
iers' clinic at Salem health cen
ter In afternoon; dental correc
tive clinic at local health center
ia morning. .
Wednesday Dental corrective
here in morning; demonstration
ejinlc at Lyons, all day.
I Thursday Preschool clinic
and dental corrective, both in
morning at local health center;
and preschool clinic in afternoon
at Clwrit:
;Friday Dental corrective here
In morning; and preschool here
Is) afternoon. ' f
J Saturday Regular toxoid
clinic at Salem health center
from 8:10 to 10 a. ra.. '
' Mrs. Irene Kafoury, mother of
Nt C. Kafoury of this city; passed
away at the home of her aoa,
Stephen,- In Portland Friday
morning. May 9.
I Mrs. Kafoury, who was the wi
dow of the late Rev. M. C. Ka
foury, a missionary in the Mount
Lebanon district, was' born in
Mount Lebanon Syria in 1S50.
tTpon the death , of ber husband
in! 1909 abe eame to America and
has made her home here with her
children for the past 20 years.
Mrs. Kafoury-is survived by her
two sons, N. C. Kafoury and Ste
phen Kafoury and' one daughter,
Miss Sophia Kafoury and by sev
eral grandchildren and . great
grandchildren. - .
Funeral - services will be In
Portland today at 1:30 p. m. at
Grace Memorial church.
fo Change For
State Printer
j. ' i -
(Officials of the Oregon Federa
tion of Labor have been informed
by members of the state board of
control that there will not be any
immediate change in the offtoe of
state printer which Is now held by
HJ s. Bosshard. This office was
sought by Ben West, Salem print
er and other applicants.
Moderate rates.
1:1 1
yet Jackets
lice for a Graduation
hti for Formal and
Afternoon Wear f-
Different Lengths -
$ 1 9:75
Corner Center
win to :
The official state flar of ! the
American War Mothers, will fly
for the first time thlb' morning
from the tall pole on he county
courthouse grounds,; according to
an announcement -made by Mrs.
Ada V. Skiff, state president of
the organization, late last night.
The official flag Is artistically
designed and in .addition to the
word "Oregon" In large red let
ters, there will be two stars, one
blue and one gold, j Underneath
the blue star appears th num
ber 44.111 representing tho num
ber of Oregon young men In the
World war. Underneath the gold
star appears the number 10 JO
representing the number of Ore
gon youths who paid; the supreme
price. J
The flying of the official flag Is
to be one of tho events attendant
apon the sale ot carnations by
th War Mothers. Fifteen booths
will bo In evidence today where
carnations may be secured and in
addition over 100 drls will assist
in the sale along the- streets.
Various railroads operating In
Oregon have been requested by
CM. Thomas, public utilities
commissioner, to prepare for his
department statements showing
the amount ot money, expended
for advertising .purposes, the
character ot such advertising, the
dates and where such advertising
was placed, and a clear outline
of the reasons and necessity for
such advertising.
Railroads to which the request
was addressed include the South
ern Pacific, OregonrWashlngton
Railroad and Navigation com
pany, Spokane, Portland and Se
attle Railway eompany. Great
Northern railway and Northern
Pacific Terminal company.
Mr. Thomas requests that the
statements be mailed to his of
fice not later than June 19.;
; 1 i
TURNER, May 8 Turner citi
sens regret the passing of S. II.
Baker, who was known as a
friend to all.. He had made i his
home at Turner fori 12 years,
since the death of.hls wife about
four years ago he has resided
with his only child, a daughter,
Mrs. Mae Talbot, who is cashier
of the Turner State bank. ;
Moody's Composite
Portfolio Rating "A"
Trust Snares
offer unusual
attractions to the ,
Conservative Investor
because they give him 1 all
the-earnings of a group of 28
common stocks representing
Investment in the premier cor
porations of America U. S.
Steel. American
New i York Central,-
-because they show an aver
age annual return of over
i4. -: '
because) they are extremely
flexible to meet th needs of
indivdual Investment plans.
Present Price about
$5.75 perSfcare i 1
- - -Return This Coupon
Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1037
,; Please send me Information
on-Corporate .Trust Shares,
without obligation, j
Name ...
Address H
Schaefer's Candy Special
Dollar Mints
36c per pound
2 Ids. for 70c
3 lbs. $1.00
Do pot confuse these mints
with other inferior grades so
often offered to the public at
prices i as . high as this and
often higher. i
These are dipped In high
grade dark chocolate to en
hance their minty tang.
A real mint hand dippad
and made as only an expert
candy-maker ran make them.
Drug Store
185 If. Com'l. Sc.
, Dial S107 I
The Original Yellow Front and
Candy Special Store of Salem
Penslar Agency
Quality Plus Courtesy
rTit&x KScrlhhllr. .
.. CZ Wa
tardea Rlce.'WorU famous jrrjiholli
2aa poaltivtlyxead your talents, virtue
and faults fas tba drawisfs, words mm
mat nota that jwi scril.Ua when f lost ,
Gaud yowscrTLlIif'or
W aaatycla.' ' ti.. t i
tmij. sttt trv s sos ef i & P A
asssataaaJsastLsaiMAacatsateal r