The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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    j - .
-i Fair today and" Sunday,
normal tempera tore; Max.
temperature Friday 68, Min.
83, river Ji foot, .part
cloudy, north wind. V
Average .
. Distribution
Api-il, S1
Net paid, dailr, Sunday 0783
; XZ3CBZM A. B. C. 1631
Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, May 9, 1931
Kol 37
v ,
i -
flit RAILROAD HugeCombinedChoir
FOR liLEY IS pef
ilia PHFniRTFn 01 unax H Tom9ht
w mm w. a, aw j
Great Northern to Cross by
: Hogg Pass, Stated by
Red in Portland .
Would Mean Improvement
Of Oregon Electric, View
For This Region
" WV F. Turner, president of
l the Spokane, Portland and Se- '
r ' attlo railway and - - affiliated
I subsidiary - lines, said late last
night he had no knowledge of
plans for the Great Northern
i for a passenger service oat of .
i Portland to the south via AI-
i bany and a Cascade moan tain
j crossing to Bend. He said there -
i had been no surrey C such a
! route and no application for
permission to build such a line
i across the mountains. ,
Routing of transcontinental
, trains of the Great Northern rall
, road from Seattle to Portland,
j then south through Salem and Al-
bany and across the Santiam pass
; into Bend, was confidently pre
dicted by-Henry E. Reed, Tlce
j president of the PortlancL realty,
i board, at the luncheon meeting of
1 the organization yesterday in
! Portland. ,
j Reed, said he made his state
j ment on authoritatire adrlce from
i rail officials. He said adequate
trackage facilities In Portland
would be needed before the plans
could be made a reality.
Reed's announcement was one
of especial Interest to Salem and
t the Tslley inasmuch as it predl-
eates the lmprorement of the
i Oregon Electric, a Great North
I era subsidiary, from Portland to
; Albany, and the extension of that
1 line from east of. Lebanon orer
i the Santiam pass Into eastern Ore-
roa. i 1
Would Necessitate j
i Boad Through Pass . '
While the derelopment has long
been predicted. Reed's announce
! ment is as definite as any which
has been made. To make It com
plete rail construction work now
under way east of Lebanon into
the Cascadla country would, hare
to be carried across the Hogg pass
route into eastern Oregon. The
transcontinental trains . would
turn south at Bend and proceed
OTer Great Northern lies to Klam
ath Falls and thence south to Join
with the Western Pacific lines go
ing Into the San Francisco .bay
Last year's developments on the
railroad front In Oregon pointed
to j such a project. The Oregon
Electric announced plans to build
to (he west of Eugene Joining new
territory Into the area served by
the Taller line. The construction
into the Sweet Home and Leban
on territory east of Albany was
begun. A move, unsuccessful, was
attempted- by which a bridge
would be placed across the Wil
lamette at Independence, the Val
ley ' Siletz line acquired, and
added traffic fed into the Oregon
Electric, (
In his speech yesterday i in
Portland Reed said that complete
approval of the routing of Great
Northern trains from Seattle to
Portland south through the valley
called tor a proper ' trackage in
Portland. He indicated that con
struction of one mile of trackage
on the waterfront along the sea
wall from Gllsan street in Port
land to Jefferson street would
provide the necessary connecting
link In the metropolis.
Our George to
Be Paris Guest
PORTLAND, Ore., May S.
(AP) Mayor George L. Baker,
Portland, and Mrs. Baker, left to
night for Paris to attend the In
ternational and . Overseas Posses
sions, exposition as the gu:sts of
the French government.
Thirty - five other American
mayors will attend the exposition.
Twelve Pianists Offer
Unusual Music Program
Two greatly appreciated pro
grams were given Friday night
as a part of tbe Salem "better
music" week celebration. The
piaao ensemble given by 12
teachers of piano, representing
the Salem Music Teachers asso
ciation was presented in the
This program played by 24
, hands on six pianos has been un
der; process of development since
the latter part of November. Miss
Elma Weller has acted as mentor
of the ' group although the re
sults were accomplished by mu
tually sincere work on the part
of the teachers who undertook
(he ! difficult . task in order to
I bring to the public the realiza
tion of the splendid possibilities
3f the piano.
The results Friday night were
.highly commendable. While
quartet arrangements were not
stayed, yet the three fold inten
sifying pf the natural beauty of
the piano - volume by the com
"mendable synchronization of the
performance, of 12 people- did
Program at Artnory Will Include Apollo Club
. Of Portland as Well as Singers From Nine
; Local Churches; Week is big Success!
The "better music" week programs for this year have
marked a fine result of the past several years of sincere
effort on the part of members of the Salem Music Teachers
association and the civic minded portion of the public It Is
well within the memory of those who have been following
the development of the observation of this week in Salem
Four L Delegates Meet inJ
Salem, Plan to Bring
. Outside Mills up
Unanimous approval of the
present levels of wages for all 4-L
workers In the lumber trade was
given by representatives of opera
tors and employes who met here
yesterday at the 25th semi-annual
meeting, of the 4L d strict boards.
Tbe group also voted to get all
operations not affiliated with the
4L organization to ralse wages to
the it, minimum. The group con
vened yesterday morning at the
Marlon hotel, enjoyed a group
luncheon at noon and concluded
the conference late yesterday af
ternoon, j '
WY C. Ruegnltr, 4L president,
told representatives of men and
management present- that many
camps and mills outside the or
ganization had reduced wages to
"poverty levels which do not per
mit a decent standard of living."
He said thafr although the lumber
Industry is going through trying
times, wage cutting is not the way
out i
Says 4L Holds :
Up Wage Level .
"Wage cutting and price cut
ting go hand in hand," he said,
"and everyone is worse off em
ployer, employe, and community
interests. A firm, fair wage stand
ard is necessary to maintain firm.
fair prices. Unless Oregon's ma
jor Industry holds to firm wage
standards, returns for all Indus
trie stend to slip.
"The 4L (established and Is
holding the eight-hour day in the
; (Turn to page 2, col. 2)
HUBBARD, May 8. Boyd C.
Trover, 15, pupil of Whiskey Hill
school, dropped dead Friday af
ternoon about 3 o'clock as he was
playing ball; In a game between
his school and White school.
Playmates thought he boy had
fainted and took him to Dr. Ed
ward Schoor of Hubbard, who
declared he i must have died In
stantly. ' .
He is the son of Jesse Troyer
who lives near Whiskey ' Hill
school, which is east of Hubbard.
Surviving also are two sisters,
Amy and Gladys, and two broth
ers, James and Lloyd, all of whom
attended the same school.
Funeral arrangements have not
been completed.
Junior Weekend
Opens at Eugene
ECGEXE. Ore.. May 8, (AP
- .The , annual junior weekend
festivities opened i here today
with a luncheon on the campus
at which hundreds ef Oregon
mothers were special guests. -
Meetings , of the mothers will
be held Saturday and the annual
junior prom i will be held in the
make a splendid Impression. The
audience, which was large, gave
enthusiastic applause, and sat in
complimentary silence during
each number.
The familiar "Raymond Over
ture" by Thomas-Herbert gained
In surprising beauty under the
development of the piano ensem
ble." Likewise was the light,
phantom loveliness of the "Polo
naise In A Major", Chopin, inter
preted with I delightful accuracy
and intensified beauty through
the use of two pianos and eight
hands. The ' buoyant "Valse
Brilllante" Moszkowskl, with its
quick changes ' in tempo and its
brilliant coloring of rhythm was
beautifully given.
Members of the ensemble were
Elma Weller, Ruth Bedford, Joy
Turner Moses, Lois Plnmmer.
Jessie Bash. Ethel Poling Phelps,
Bernlce Clark East, Dorothy
Pearce. Laura Grant Churchill.
Lela Tarpley Lee, Irma Keefer,
Bertha Junk : Darby.'
The second large program was
. (Turn to page 2, eL 1)
that to secure any cooperation,
especially among t the musical
profession - was near an Impossi
bility and what programs were
presented ' were not such as In
creased a belief that "better mu
sic" was being accomplished. .
By the persistent efforts on
the part of a few altruistic souls
the present year with Its out
standing cooperation, its excel
lent spirit of unity end its truly
better music programs has re
sulted. It has been a splendid
success both from the support
from those who teach music and
who make music and from the
public which sits in Judgment of
Hie efforts of the first group, 4
- Large audiences, genuine ap
plause, and a spirit of real ap
preciation has been one of the
outstanding characteristics of
each program presented. And
the suspicion with which the mu
sicians looked upon the efforts
of each other has disappeared In
favor of wholeso-te and happy
cooperation a splendid spirit
worthy of the harmony of the
music with which they concern
their lives. To Many . A. Benton,
state and city chairman of "bet
ter music'' week, much credit Is
due for the accumulated results
of this year.
Last Program to
Be Most Elaborate
Tonight in the armory the
last of the large programs will
be given and it is significant of
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Five Districts Considered
At Boundary Board's
Meet; few Changes
Transportation routes for Ger
vals union high school, Salem,
Woodburn, SHverton and Scotts
Mills schools were set for next
yeear at the regular boundary
board meeting held yesterday af
ternoon. Only minor changes
were made in a few of the routes.
Routes for tbe other high
school districts will be set at a
session to be held some time next
The board also allowed petition
of W. L. Jones to get into the
Woodburn school district out of
the Hubbard district. No oppo
sition to the move was presented.
The change involves only a small
piece of land.
Hubbard, Gates and Union high
school at St. Paul has not asked
for transportation- routes again
this year, as these districts are
hauling pupils only within their
own boundaries. In which instance
no action of the boundary board
is needed.
Duplication of
Routes Explained
Some persons are complaining
because two busses of different
schools run over the same route,
(Turn to page 2, col. 1) ,
Public interest in Salem's tele
phone service was Remonstrated
Friday when the hundreds of peo
ple who were expected to come
turned into the thousands. "
Late Friday evening it was es
timated that 2500 persons had
been guided through the sew
building. . r
The official open house was
ended at 5 p.m. last night bat
due to the large crowds, H. V.
Collins, manager of the local of
fice, states that the open house
will continue for' some time so
that all who are Interested may
call and Inspect the new plant
and equipment.
Meier Does Not
Favor Probe of
School For Deaf
Governor Meier yesterday char
acterized as "unfortunate" the
circulation of - petitions In Port
land requesting an Investigation
of the conduct of the state school
for tbe deaf under the administra
tion of J. Lyman Steed. The gov
ernor intimated that he is not in
sympathy with. the proposed In
vestigation, r ;
An investigation' of the school
was conducted under the previous
board of control a year ago, with
the result that Mr. Steed was ex
onerated. Most of the witnesses
who appeared against 'Mr. Steed
at ,that time were ex-employes
who had been discharged. ;
Dave O'Hara to Head Group
Appearing Before Board;
Mass Meeting Held :
Frank Neer not to run for
Reelection, Williams Is
One Mentioned
Highland school patrons will go
before the school board again
Tuesday night In an effort to In
duce the board to spend part of
1 4 0,0 0 0 bonds - voted some years
ago for construction of an addi
tion to the' Highland building,
now crowded.
Sentiment to this effect was
voiced at a gathering of Highland
people held at the school building
last night, and a committee of
five, headed by David O'Hara, au
thorized to appear before the
board as spokesman. ,
The Englewood district Is also
seeking an addition to Its school,
and an effort will be made to have
the two districts join forces be
for the school board.
Frank Neer, school board direc
tor who announced yesterday that
he will not be a candidate for re
election next month, was present
at the meeting on request of the
patrons. He outlined the board's
viewpoint on construction at this
time, pointing to the strain the
project would make on school
The director was called upon to
answer questions relative to other
school matters, ranging all tne
war from the clerk's salary to the
board's appropriation for county
health work.
Want Additional
Polling Places
Tbe patrons assemniea a;so ex
Dressed desire that the school
board designate more than bne
polling place for the June elec
tion, declaring that such action
would bring out more school
Fred Williams Is
Favored for Post
While no formal: endorsement
was offered, sentiment at the
meeting favored Fred Williams as
the candidate from the north end
to succeed Director Neer. Wil1
Hams, robably the most active la
leading the tight for additions to
the two school buildings, declar
ed he could do more for the dis
tricts off the board than on It.
No other mentln of school board
timber was brought up at this
meeting, but there Is some talk
that James H. "Jimmy" Nichol
son, local business man, would
make an acceptable candidate. He
has not been formally approach
ed by any group, but is sald'to
be in a receptive mood.
Neer says uncertainty of busi
ness conditions makes it Impos
sible for him to continue to give
so much time to school matters.:
(AP) Sheriff George Manning
arrested nine alleged rum-runners
here today, seized 80 gallons of
liquor and confiscated two auto
mobiles. Those arrested were Miles De
Boil, Paul Sm alley, Carl Tronto,
John T. Monroe, and Don Murphy,
Potrland; Earl Mixer, McMinn
ville; Emil Esakson. Rainier; H.
H. Cunningham, Idaho; and A. T.
Johnson, Corvallls. All were
held on charges of possession and
transportation of liquor.
The men were arrested at a va
cant barn at the outskirts of the
city. Each automobile contained
eight 10-gallon kegs of liquor,
Sheriff Manning said.
James B. McFarland was ar
rested south of Amity Thursday
and a 4 -gallon still, five gallons
of liquor and about 100 gallons of
mash were confiscated. MacFar
land was held under 81500 balL
Horse Wanted
. Wanted, a horse with a yellow
mane.. Such a horse is for use In
the Pageant of the Pioneers next
Friday and Saturday. If yon have
the tawny -maned animal for
which this SOS call Is being made,
please telephone the Information
to the Statesman office, and It
will be relayed to the proper
party. The horse must be. gentle.
Size and color do not matter. A
pony will do. The mane is the
main thing. "
Archers Oppose
Brassie Experts
' An archery-golf game is plan
ned for Sunday . at 4 p. m. -between
Monmouth archers and Al
bany golfers. The match will be
played on the Bridgeway golf
course at Albany. Earl Partlow
and , James Til ton of Monmouth
will be the archer and ' Jim
Bushong and Roy'Carpenter will
be their golfing opponents.
His Plane Hits
Pilot Arthajr Startmck, Holly
wood. CML, whose body was
found with that of O. R, Par
malee of ' Oakland, la the
wreckage of-a f Pacific Air
Transport plane which crashed
Into a mountain side near Bur-
bank. They were Urine: the
night mail from Bah Diego to
mjo Angeles. J .
Andrews May
Be Successor ;
To Van Duzer
Frank E. Andrews J state rep
resentative from Multnomah and
Clackamas counties the last two
sessions is rumored as the pos
sible succesoor to HTB,Van Duzer
a highway commissioner. Another
name mentioned as a strong pos
sibility is Robert O. Dieck, con
sulting civil engineer of Portland.
Dieck is at present engaged In
making a survey of tbe highway
department under instructions of
Gov. Julius L Meier.
' Andrews was chairman of the
house committee on highways 'at
the recent session and has long
been Interested In highway work.
While not rated as a Meier man
originally, having supported
Frank Lonergan for speaker and
supported the Angell bill on the
port commission, Andrews as the
session progressed stood for the
Meier policies quite ! faithfully.
Since the close of the legislative
session Andrews has made speech
es praising the work of the gov
ernor and the legislature, indi
cating! that his attitude was by
no means hostile to the adminis
tration. As first announced in The
Statesman ten days ago Van Du
zer is about to terminate his ser
vice on the state highway com
mission. He leaves because he
doesn't want execntive "interfer
ence" with highway management,
bnt baa deferred mitlnr Ma
ignation publie pending the gov
ernor s selection or a successor.
While the governor has denied
that Tan Dozer's resignation has
been filed, it Is known on good
authority that the latter expects
to be relieved very shortly of the
highway office. In the reorgani
sation it la anticipated that C. K.
Spaulding of Salem, the only
Meier man on the commission,
would be made chairman.
Find Schneider
Guilty, Murder
Of Young Bride
8 -(AP) George Schneider, 59,
slayer of his 21 year old bride
here today years ago, was con
victed of -' first degree . murder
here late today by. a Jnry which
did not recommend the death
penalty. It. was " expected he
would be sentenced in superior
court on Monday.
Schneider was sentenced to be
hanged after his first trial, a few
months after be killed his young
wife, Betty, with a meat cleaver,
but the state supreme court re
versed the conviction.
- PASADENA, Cal., - May t.
(AP) Dr. Albert A. Mlchelson,
who measured the speed of light
and made possible to measure
ment of distances ef stars tonight
hovered on the verge of death.
- PARIS, May t. (Saturday)
(AP) After & lengthy debate the
government was sustained on a
motion of confidence in the cham
ber of deputies early today by a
vote of 430 to 52.
International C. of C. to
Vote on Resolution -In
Final Session '
Okeh of British ; Delegation
" Given and Outcome is I
A resolution proposing a world
conference on silver was approved-:
today by the resolutions commit
tee of the International; chamber
of commerce. , j
The resolution, calling the at
tention of the various national
governments to the Desirability of
a conference to study the Sliver
problem, will reach a vote tomorrow-
in the final session of the
congress. . ; ; j . . ' . i
Bearing - the approval of ' the
British delegation, it was believed
assured of adoption by the inter- '
national chamber. ' ! ;
United States .. ;
Senate In Favor r
The United States senate during ;
the last session of congress pass
ed a 'similar resolution proposing ;
an International silver conference.
But President Hoover has taken '
no action on it. j
The resolution was approved to
day without change of the form
in which it was i recommended by
a special committee composed -of
representatives of the interested
nations. ' i
Shortly before the committee
acted the resolution received final
British approval from Sir Arthur
Balfour, bead of the English dele
. ii t
Woodland Park Proprietors
Don't Want Public
Road There l :
Damage claim for 15,000 was
filed with the county court yester
day by Era M. Palmerton and Sam
Palmerton, who operate Wood
land park. In an .effort to block
petition of S. A. Varbel and oth
ers to open the road into Spong's
landing, or Woodland park, as a
county road.
While the claim for damages
does not say so, It was stated the
Palmertons claim opening of the
road as a public thoroughfare will
ruin! the amusement park enter
prise. In this same matter, a remon
strance to the opening was filed,
though it bore only three signa
tures. A petition withdrawing 19
of the 59 names that were on the
original petition was also filed.
Despite 'these petitions, the
court ordered the road viewers
to go ahead and survey the route
and make Its report. The road
was at one time a public road, and
was vacated when ; the Woodmen
took over the park.'
On; all other road matters, the
court ' adopted the road viewers'
reports, which were favorable
save In the instance of the peti
tion of D. M. Burnett for a gate
way through private land near
Pick Campbell
Student Chief
At Willamette
!-... j
, Charles Campbell, of Dallas, a
Junior of Willamette university,
was elected president of the. Wil
lamette student body for next
year. In an election held Friday.
.This is the third election for a
student body president this year.
The first, election held on April
24 eliminated Paul Aekerman
from the race. The next held a
week later on May 1 resulted In
a tie between Roy Harlan d and
Campbell, and Friday the tie was
removed. t
Patsu" Well Presented
By Salem
Lifting the curtain on domestic
discord and dosing it finally on
romantic happiness, "The Patsy,
which was the vehicle chosen by
the associated student body of the
Salem high school for a play, de
lighted an audience larger than
usual ab its production last nigni.
The nlav was a creditable per
formance, the actors had . their
lines well la mind, and spoke them
with clearness and effect. 'There
were occasional weak moments.
but on the whole tne acting was
mnit Th comedv rot across the
footlights splendidly and the wit
ty repartee and embarrassing situ
ations in the Harrington house-
bold provoked many rounds - ox
laughter' from the audience. -
; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harrington
were the quarrelsome parents, the
parts being well handled by Carl
Collina and Fern Harris. Their
equally quarrelsome daughters.
Radios Maniac
Is in Command
Captain Baker, in command of the
$3. 8. Santa Cecilia, whose ves
sel bound! from the Philippines
to Baltimore, MdM la believed
to have beea seized by an armed
pnaniac. A radio message from
. Captain Baker requesting aid
; fold of conditions about his
hip, which is believed to have
been at the time of the S. O. B.
jsomewhere off the . .Pacific
Coast. ; I - - .
word Lacking of
Wife of First Engineer lis
Here; Hopes he's Safe
; But Plans Divorce I
i ;
;No word had been received iup
to! last night by Mrs. Cody S. Bee
top, 555 Marion street, concern
ing the fate of her husband. Cody
Becton, who Is first engineer on
the Santa Cecelia, reported this
wfek by her master. Captain Ba
ker, to be In the hands of an arm
ed madman. The ship was 2500
mles- out of her course enroute
from Honolulu to Panama.. "
According to the last message
received by a San Diego naval ra
dio station, tbe captain was call'
lng for aid from a United States
armed craft. The alleged maniac
is assumed to be a member ' of
the ship's crew. -
Mrs. Becton said yesterday that
while she would be shocked and
grieved to hear that - an Ill-fate
had befell Becton, she did not
hold him in high esteem and was
planning to start divorce proceed
ings again" 8 1 him here next month.
jfThe couple were married last
spring in Newburn, South Caro
lina, but; lived together only a
week. Mrs. Becton returned here
to, make her home with her sister.
Intending to establish a year's re
sidence in Oregon before starting
proceedings. ' f . . ? . w
Jimmy Warf, age 4, son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Wark of 1880
South 13th street, lies unconscious
in the Deaconess hospital here.
He was critically Injured in an
accident Friday noon and was
conscious but once between the
time of the crash and late Friday
tjThe lad's Injuries are a frac
tured right collar bone, a broken
nose and a fractured skull.
According to the story of Dor
othy C. Gutekuast, 1353 Chem
eketa street, who drove the car
that Injured the child, she was
driving north on 13th street and
saw the child on a scooter in the
street about two. blocks from her.
i I She ; asserts that she sounded
ljtr 'horn three times, and the
bey started for the west curb.
When she drew closer, she honked
her horn -another three times and
the lad turned and ran directly In
front of the approaching ear. The
impact knocked the lad to the
I (The verdict of the physician Is
that the lad will recover In spite
of the seriousness of the Injury.
Grace and, Patricia, were Imper
sonated by Ruth Briedwell and
Robertao Smith, while Joe Darby
aa Billy Caldwell., and Melvin
Travis as Tony Anderson proved
ihe winning heroes to capture the
fair maidens. Sadie Buchanan,
played by Betty. Mae Hartung.
Stirred sparks : of jealousy . and
William Mosher, bearing the for
midable name of Francis Patrick
jp'Flaherty, was one of the bested
rivals of- the romance. . Charles
Barclay did service as Trip Busty,
the taxlcab driver, I
I (A fetching bit of comedy was
Ihe Instruction- in; love - making
Iwhich Tony Anderson gave to
young Patricia, the while he
cooled his heels to wait on . her
lster. Clever : Patricia, put the
lessons to good use and before
Tiny was aware he was ensnared
bjf her charmsj U . w
; 1 Shannon Hogue of : the high
.school faculty directed tbe play.
Some of Racketeers Cay ght
Suspected of Part in
Blumer Kidnaping
Others Wanted for Slayings
and Various Crimes:
Trailed Months
(AP) Ten men, described by,
officials as "the last of the Fred
Burke gang," were seised In a
raid in the downtown, i business
section here late today. Four lat
er were released. After tbe raid,
the state's attorney's office in Chi
cago announced that among those
arrested were men suspected of
complicity in 1 tbe kidnaping of
Fred J." Blumer, Monroe, Wis.,
brewer, and James Hackett, Blue
Island, 111., gambler.
"Several" of the men, 'Assistant
State's Attorney Charles Louna-
bury of Chicago said, have been
tentatively Identified as partici
pants In the $1,000,000 National
bank robbery at Lincoln! Neb., in
Officials Leave
in.L. I -
ttiiu i ritunrn i
An .hour after-the raid, offi
cials left here with the six prison-
ers, presumably for Chicago. Six
motor cars composed th caravan
which soed" away from here, the
first two containing officers, tEe
next three officers and .the pris
oners and the last one officers
only. .v- I
St. Louis police had sought
three of those seized in the raid
for questioning in the kidnaping
"t (Turn to page 2, co(l. 1)
fThe Stajaays members of a
witch , crew have reported they
saw a tri-motor plane they believe
was the one in which Knute
Rockne. Notre Dame I football
coach, and seven other men were
killed, strike a wlngtlp on a grain
elevator as it left Kansas City the
day of the Crash f near! Bazaar,
Kas. -1 . I "
Tt nmap nnntea Robert'
BoatrightJ toreman of the crew !
of Kansas City, Kas., as saying: j
"'We ay the tip of the right
wing of i the machine sftike the el
evator. The plane was so low we
thought it was, falling j But the
pilot brought his machine around
and passed behind th e j elevator.
We saw the plane rise over the
hills a moment later." j
J. O. Stephen, eng neer of
switch engine, is quotjed as say
ing: " i
"My fireman saw the plane ana -he
Jumped to the tended I ask
ed him what was the mktter and -
he said 'The tip of the) wing ot
that thing hit the tire escape and
the elevator. I saw the! machine
rislnr through the fog on the-
other side of the elevator!."
NA1BO, Island Of Iturup, Kur
lies, May 9 (Saturday) (AP)
SeijI Yoshihara descended to
the bay here this morning after
flying about 135 miles from Ne
muro, Japan, on his flight by easy
states from Tokyo to the United
States in his light, open cockpit
Junkers monoplane.
Yoshihara decided not to eon
tinue. to Muroton Bay, his an
nounced destination when he left
Nemuro, when weather reporta
told of bad weather ahead with
snow storms raging along the
Kurile Islands farther north.
The Japanese aviator was
fArcAd back bv bad weather
Thursday when he first attempt
ed to fly from Nemuro to mw
tnn nir Ha waited at Nemure
until today to make bis second
attempt. . j ' I i
He could make no prediction; !
tn whan h would be able to i
continue bis 6.000 mile Journey
to the United States bearing goesl
will messages to President Hoe
ver and the American people.
Paterson , Dies;
Identified With
Grain Business
PORTLAND. . Ore., May t. -atm
Robert J. Paterson. 2.
Identified with the Pacific north
west grain business for 25 years, I
died at his home here . loaignu
He had been 111 several weeks.
PatAraon came to Portland
from -San Francisco in 1903 and
was one of the organizers of the
grain firm ot Paterson, Smith,
and Pratton, . which maintained
offices here and in Seattle and
San Francisco. The firm was ;
dissolved In 1912 and Paterson.
became manager of the grain de
partment ot Albert Bros. . milling
company In Portland.