J The OREGGSTATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, May 8, 1931 PAGE EIGHT Sal mgelt em 717) Till "TH High Ml Wit mum ii- Huntington's men may get Going Against Strong Collegiate. Nine . Salem high "will meet the Ore- ton State Rook baseball team on OUnger field t 3:30 this after noon for the first or a two game series with the Bearer babes. ! Coach "Holly .Huntington's men hare shown some classy baseball this season and on other occasions hare shown the oppo site. Howerer they are now learning to work together more as a team and are- eliminating many of the early season errors. They looked much better in prac tice yesterday and seem to hare added new spirit m preparation for ton rher competition. Bowden, Mel Van Cleave and Kitchen bare all taken tarns at rood batting duTing the season and If they can -all get on at once, the red and black offensive would prove strong. Scheibner also gets some neat bingles oc casionally and Is about due to day. - I : Players Good bat 1 Not yet Unified - In previous years when "Hoi ly" coached baseball at Salem high, his teams broke exactly even with the Books and Frosb ever a five year period. Hunt ington states that at-no time has he had nine better players t'v- gether than he has now. -However this team has lacked unity, ; but might find itself any time. The Rooks will be strong they always are They have beat en Eugene high twice this season and. they come Indirectly under the baseball tutelage of Ralph Coleman, O. S. C. varsity coach. Mel Van Cleave will start the mound work today. - Pete McCof fery will complete the battery and lofty Bowden will, jjuard the first - sack. Ramp on second. Foreman short, and Kitchen on third will complete the-infield. Mel Van Cleave, Craig: and Scheibner 'will compose the out field and try-to keep the Staters' long drives from being bits. . - - H1BHH HS r MATCflED Teams in newly launched Inter urban league are well matched, It was Indicated in last Sunday's close gsmes which included IS to 14 affair won by Qulnaby over Salem Heights and a 17 to 13 vic tory for Central Howell over Stayton. Interurbaa Baseball League Northern Division W. -.1 -I Pet. 1.000 1.000 .000 .000 .000 Qulnaby -J Gervais .-.:..JL 0 fl 1 1 1 SC Paul .0 O. K. Dairy 0 Salem Heights ...0 Last Sunday Scores Qulnaby 15. Salem Heights 14, Gervais 7, O. K. Dairy 3, St. Paul, . bye, ' . Southern Division W. L. Pet. West Stayton 0 1.000 Central Howell ..1 0 1.000 North Santlam .... .. n 0 '.000 Stayton 0 1 .000 Sublimity 0 1 .000 Last Sunday Scores West Stayton 12, Sublimity 4. Central Howell 17, Stayton 13, , . North Santlam, bye. ' Where . the teams play, next Sunday: - i O. K. Dairy at Qulnaby. St. Paul at Gervais. Salem Heights, bye. - Stayton at. West , Stayton. Santlam at Sublimity. " Central; Howell, bye. . Women's Spring Tourney Billed To Start Today . , The spring handicap tourna ment for women at the Salem Golf club will start this morning at 9 o'clock. Pairings for the first ronna nave been announced as fol-lows:- - - ' - j - ' Mrs! Paul Hendricks n Mr. Gas Hlxson, Mrs. Van Welder vsv Mrs. Krcel Kay. Mrs. II. J. Wied mer vs. Mrs. Walker, Mrs. J. H. . Willett vs. Mrs. Rittner, Mrs. Cur T tls Cross vs.- Mrs. W. A. Johnston. Mrs. Ernest Thorn vs. Mrs. H. K. i Stockwell, Mrs. JH. Garnjobst vs. Mrs. Rar Smith Tr A S 1 Hussey vs. Mrs. Mert Hemenway. Staters Tie up - Cougar Series CORVALLIS, Ore., May 7. , IAP) Oregon State evened Its -- two-game baseball series with Washington State here today, de- leallng the Cougars 5 to 1. . Coach Back Bailey used three Congar pitchers in . an attempt to stop the Bearers. : . ;-. R H E Washington State .'. 1 - 3 ; Oregon State ...... 5 - 5 Nelson, - Flscus, , Estell and jaucneu; uia ana mice. Feminine .Golf Stars WiU 'Vie NEW TORK. May 7 (AP) The feminine 'equivalent of the - classic'; Walter cup golf matches ' was-' esta!.:ihcdi officially, today by the Udltd States Golf associar ' tion in s--tioiHng a new intersa 'tional rrr!- of-team matches- be . tween ' Bi i:a a and Amertcan - women. .-.., ... . , -, Bearcats do Dinkelspiel For Half Hour; Walk on Loggers by 30 to 2 Score cow Thursday's pleasantness on Olinger field ' was- almost the opposite of Wednesday's, Wed nesday the Pugct - Sound boys couldnt get on the bases; Thnrsday for a hectic half hour and snore they couldn't keep the Bearsmte off. The Tlsltora didn't really -deserve such a drubbing. It was their fourth game in as many days and they didn't "have that many pitchers of real ability. Andy palled another one twhen he hit a homer and then made the first out in the same inning. ; When Puget Sound was chang ing pitchers we went and asked the coach about it and where the Incoming pitcher should go In the batting order. "That depends on whether we ever bat," was his reply. j - ; North Bend had its Bockne, Washington its Longworth, Sa lem its Tom Kay bat we doabt if community grief at their un timely deaths can have been any more general and poignant than that of Medford over Al Melvin, youthful athlete who was hurled yesterday after an. accident while practicing the high Jump at a Calif orals Jun ior college proved fatal. Like Rockne, the ever-smiling football and basketball star rep resented to his own community at least, an ideal. An orphan, he belonged to all of Medford and as the brains and also the out standing performer of its athlet ic : teams, he : came to personify the spirit and the success which characterized high school sports there In the days of Prink Calli- son. ! More than that, according to J an eaitonaj in tne Mall Tribune, "Melvin was the star .... when state titles were being won right and left, and Medford in a bus iness way was going ahead by leaps and bounds, so from anoth ersangle he became Identified as a soYtvOfJiving example of a gold en agevtbat, for a brief period. naa.come under a partial cloud . ... As life roes, football -victor ies are not important, nor for that matter is athletic excellence, but the spirit behind them may be, and in the case of Medford and Al Melvin, it was." HUE TBI TO Illahee Countrv club rolftesm plays a home contest with the Oregon City Country club at nia- nee Sunday. May 10. Oregon City beat Corvallis ; last Sunday and Is saia to nave a very strong team. The contest will be a tO-man team, and will start promptly at nine o'clock. The - following Trnn have been chosen by Captain Bra zier small in the context- R. K Miller. Foster Cone. Har old Gillespie, Clifford R. Parker, ion uisnop, H. scbmall. Frank Shafer, Ike Kafoury, H. Schmall, J. Nash. Ralph Jscknon r n Day, Carl D.i Gabrlelson, BV C. Small. Dr. H. H. Olinger, Fred Williams. O. F. Franklin, B. A. Skelley, B. G. Thomson. William -Stacey, Max Flannery. L. c. Jackson, Jack Varley, Harold Ol inger. u. u Fisher, V. C. Kuhn, uoroon e. Wilson. Jim JdeClel- land. , . i i . . . , There are some close contests In thA start nf tY. .v. Director's cup, and ' all of them wm nave tne first pUyoff at the ena or tnis week. The greens and tairways are l in . splendid shane now.nd the club members are tooung rorward to some fine maicat s during May and June. Mean Willow is . Responsible For Stayton Victory STAYTON. j May Stayton Kiiwii, piaymg a poor em m me iieio, out swinging a mighty stick at the plate, nosed out West Stayton Tuesday to win the southern f division cinmni.. hip of the county and won the right to meet JBuena Cres. Fri day. May 8. for the championship Of the county. ' This game Is to be played at Stayton. Buena Crest has a stronr fAtm J V . i . hit - Tt. l crod la expect fed at this game. ; - .- tvi. ' . . . . - A- - Bowling DerfiZm A W w - ....... . Coming MotidayX v Priie winners ; la' Statesman bowling derby, for : the third round are "Billy- 4 Hemenway. who roUed 710 and Jiyrtle Riggs, 65. - , - The number of entrants left in the face has narrowed down so that the final round can be bowl ed next Monday night. The cham pionship round wilt consist' of six games rolled A tcross ? six : alleys Grand prize winner will have his name, engraved en the silver bow ling trophy f v :'t' Put DU CITY The Willamette baseball team ran rife with the College ef Pu get Sound nine on Olinger nem, Thursday and pounded one 24 hits from four different pitcners to win 30 to 1. Doby Wood pitched ' for the Bearcats and allowed six hits. In the seventh inning the two C. T. S. runs came In when two scratch bits, a walk and some loose play ing of the Willamette subs spoil ed Wood's chance for a shutout. Wood- got 10 -strikeouts, gave three walks and hit one batter. Andy Peterson who pitched a perfect game against the Taeoma lids yesterday, played right field Thursday and pounded out four hits with six tjmes at bat. One of Andy's hits was a home run, the only one of the game. Willamette's big Inning came in the third when 12 runs were made with every player cross ing the home plate safely at least once and all but one getting hits in that inning. The . Puget Sound pitchers allowed 11 walks and hit batsmen " three times. Eight errors on Coach Hlte's men also helped "bring a maximum number of runs from the hits. This was the second win over C. P. S. and the third straight northwest conference win - for Willamette, now undisputed lead er of the western section of the conference. ' ; i Willamette scored In every In ning except the fifth.. Every one of the regulars got at least one hit. Peterson and Zeke Glrod each got four hits In the game and evidently Scales has been giving his battinr eve the rirtt kind of treatment lately for his hitting Is more like last year's. Scales and Louie Glrod each cot inree nits and both made some beautiful stops in their respective positions. t , Toward the end f of the came Coach "Spec" Keene sent in a number of his subs and every po sition or the miieid was handled by a freshman at some time dur ing the game. Saturday Willamette will nlav Pacific at Forest . Grove in a northwest conference came. Last year the Bearcats went through the conference ' undefeated and have made a good bezlnninsr to ward the same record this season. The score: Willamette AB R L. Glrod. 2b. 7 4 H PO A 3 3 3 Scales, cf ...7 3 P. Glrod, ss..l 4 3 0 9 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 Messenger, c.4 4 Peterson, rf.. 2 Erickson, If.. 5 3 Gill. If 2 0 Grlbble, 3b' , . C 2 Moore, 3b ...1 0 Adams, lb ..4 3 Williams, lb . 0 1 Wood," p ....4 3 Houck 0 0 Totals ...54 30 24 27 13 Puget Sound AB R H PO A Woodward, cf.4 0 1 3 0 LePenske, If. 4 - 0 1 10 Keniick, lb. .4 0 0 10 0 Tomko. ss ...4 0 6 2 4 Pettlbone, rf.4 0 0 1 0 Sp'd'ph're, 3b.3 12 10 Sterling, p. e.3 1 0 -5 1 Marnca, 2b ..4 0 2 0 3 Johnson, c...l 0" 0 0 0 Perdue, p . . . .1 0 0 0 0 Nakmura, p . . 1 0 0 11 Kasselman, p.p 0 0 0 0 Totals . . .33 2 - 24 9 8 Puget Sound ..000 000 200 2 Willamette 22(12) 403 43x 30 Umpire, Brown. ' -o I I RING GOSSIP CO RENO. Nov.. May 7 fAPl Paulino TJzcudun. the Basaue Woodehopper. has been definitely signed by Jack Dempsey to meet one of four possible opponents in a Heavyweight contest here July 4, the former champion announ ced today. 7 t TACOMA, May 7(AP) Scoring five knockdowns, four of them for nine counts, Freddie Steele, Tacoma welterweight, de cisively defeated Esten Hunter. Sacramento, in the six round main event of the ring show here tonight. Hunter was down for nine tolls in th second, twlc In the fourth and again In the fifth. Hunter was down again in the sixth and went down again with out being hit Just before the final gong sounded. PATERSON, N. J.. May 7. (AP) Vines Dundee, Baltimore middleweight. stopped Johnny Derr of Bayonne, N. J5, In the sixth round of a. ten round bout here tonight. - Dundee dealt 'ont terrific body punishment and Kerr was "on-, the verge . of a knockout when Referee. Whitey Healy called a hart. r- HELSINGFORS, Finland. May ' (AP) Gene v Tunney and Mrs. Tunney arrived today from Russia for a two-day visit. They will go from here to Berlin and return to the United States about June 1, Tunney, said. , ' TONKERS." X. T., May 7. (AP) Sid Terrls, one time lightweight contender, failed - in -another j attempted comeback to- WUtUUeiLBi t.f ajfKS wruusDoui. He weigned 13;pound9: Terrls 182 4. Universities to ' Vie,Two Sports SEATTLE. May - i7 (AP) Victories ; in track and .baseball was the objective of the Univer sity, of Washington cinder and, di amond stars leaving here tonight for battles with the University of uregon and-Oregon .State college- mm I1BLESSUD5 Holds THem to one run and ,: Ducks get Three; Fight 1 ; Feature at L. A. oourr usaotm li. Pet. , W. 1 Portl'4 17 IS .686J8 , US IS ,100 OskL 1 1 .SSfi Holly. .19 10 84 Uinioms 14 16 .467 StU .12 It .400 Lot A. 1 IS 36 Sse't 14 .500 I PORTLAND, Ore., May 1 (AP) The veteran Walter Malls was In fine pitching form today and led Portland to a 1, to 1 vic tory over the Seattle Indians. The Indiana scored their lone run In the fourth on a single by Mailer after Malls had allowed base on balls and Aim ad a had sa crificed. : -:..-;-- i 1 The Beaver-Ducks hit Mil Jus hard in two Innings for their three Tuns. . . Fist Ficht Waged . LOS ANGELES. May 7 (AP) The San Francisco Seals defeat ed Hollywood tonight la A game that was featured by a rough and ready fight on the third base line between Julian Wera, once a Star lint ilnrn 138 RuL an! OnCaT rVltt, manager of the Hollywood club. The score was 8 to 4. The tight broke out at the end of the second inning. Wera walk ed over to VItt, who was coach ing at third and who had been ragging him, and said "So I am yellow, am IT" he lashed out a stiff right that opened a cut over Vltt's eye. Jimmy Zinn, pitching for the Seals dashed over and grabbed! VItt, whereupon Wera sent home three more stiff punches. Both he and Vitt were ordered off the field. Their cases are under consideration. Wera faces a possible three day suspen sion. ,. R H E San Francisco . r. .... 8 17 1 Hollywood 4 9 1 Zinn and Wilson; Hyde, Bray and Severeid. J Missions Win Again SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (AP) Four Los Angeles pitchers were unable to stem the Mission sluggers and the Angels lost the third game of the series 12 to 6 here tonight. . The Reds collected It hits off Ballon, Terkes, Moncrlef and Gabler. Los Angeles rallied In the ninth to score four runs off the fast weakening TedL Pillette, who held the Mission mound throughout. Eckhardt led the Mission attack with fonr hits. R II B Los Angeles ........ 9 1 Missions ..........12 It 1 Ballon, Yerkes, Moncrlef. Gab ler and Schulte; T. Pillette and Brensel. OAKLAND, May 7 (AP) Thirteen inning night game: Sacramento ...2 9 4 Oakland .3 12 2 Freltas and Wirts; Daglia and De Berry. Portland Box Score ITER o o Seattle AB R H PO A B Ellsworth, s.. 3 0 0 3 2 0 Taylor, 1 ... 3 0 2 7 0 0 Holland, 1.;. 4 0 0 00 0 Lawrence, r . 3 1 1 2 10 Almadam .. 2 0 0 3 0 0 Knothe, 3 . . 3 0.121 0 Muller. 2... 4 0 2 3 50 Gaston, e ... 1 0 0 0 0 10 MIlJus, p .... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Cox, e ....... 3 0 0 3 0 0 Bo'nnelly, p .. 10 10 0 0 Stewart ....10 0 0 0 0 Donohue. 1 .. 0 0 0 1 0 0 Botterlnlf ... .1 0 0 0 0 -0 Totals ... .31 ; 1 7 27 9 0 Batted for Taylor in 8th. fBatted for Almada in 9th. Portland AB R H PO A 1 0 Flagstead, m . Johnson, 2 . . Rhlel, 3 Williams. 1 .. Fen ton, 1 . . . Coleman, r .; Wuestllng, s. Woodall, e . . Mails, p . . . . 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 11 2 2 5 0, 5 3 0 0 0 4 0 1 Totals ....30 .3 1027 13 1 Seattle ..000 100 0001 Hits ....10 1 102 10 1--7 Portland ..'.0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 x 3 ;j Hits . . . :l 4 12 0 2 0 0 x 10 svn hits and 3 runs off Mll- jns in 3, 3 and 'off Bonnelly. in 4. Losing pucner, .aaujus.; Runs responsible for. Malls 1. M11 Jus 3. Struck out by Malls 4, Bon nelly 2. Bases on balls off Malls 3, MIlJus 3,- BonneUy 1. Two-base hit. Coleman. Sacrifices, Almada., Malls. Runs batted in, Coleman,' Wuestllng, Muller, Johnson. Dou ble plays, Muller to Ellsworth. Johnson ,to Fenten, , Knothe to Muller to Taylori Lawrence to Taylor. Wuestllng to Johnson to Fenton. Hit by pitcher, by MIlJus 1. Time, 1:30. Umpires, Mc Laughlin and Fanning. Stayton Grade . Team is Winner Oi County Cup , ' .--.",. f WEST STAYTON. May J Tuesday afternoon the boy's base ball team, of the West Stayton grade school, met the Stayton team on the AumsvUle diamond. These two. schools were to see who got the eup for Marlon coun ty. Each team had lost but one game this season. .', r, i Stayton players were victors, the score being 12 to 19 la their favor., ; : f--.A-' T- .f -1 The- West - Stayton boys were bi.dly disappointed .bot.ihey jmay try . agaia-next -year, EugeneBoth Are Pleased EUGENE. Ore.. Mar T API -The University of Oregon golf team defeated the University of Washington, 22H to 1, In a auai tournament her today The tourney preceded the annual northern conference title play which opens here tomorrow, George Will, former Oregon captain and No. 1 man. shot a brilliant S today. SEATTLE, May 7. . (AP) The University of r Washlnrton tennis team ' today won all six matches from tho TJniverslty of Oregon, with none of the matches going over two nets; . The Oregon freshmen won from the Washington freshmen, taking five oat of six matches. ' - Five northern division teams, Washington, Montana, Washing ton . State, Oregon and Oregon State, will start play tomorrow la the divisional championships. ' DETROIT MOVES IIP TO FOURTH PLACE AMESIOAX XEAQTTB W. U Pet, W. U Pet. 01t1. US T :S82 Wssa. -10 10 .600 V. T. 11 Alt Chicago t 10 .474 Pbilad. -ST Boitoa S 11 .S53 Itrei -11 10 .624 St. I 11 .SS8 DETROIT, May 7 (AP) De troit took possession of fourth place in the American league standings today by defeating the Chicago White Sox, 6 to 1, in the final game of a series and made it three out of tour over the windy city team. R H IS Chicago -001 000 000-1 9 0 Detroit 411 000 00x- 13 1 Thomas, Faber, May, Braxton and Tate; Sorrell and Hayworth. Browns on Spree ST. LOUIS, May 7 (AP) The St. Louis Browns won to day's game with Cleveland 10 to 4, to take the third and deciding game of the series. Brown, Indian right hander, held .out well for half the game, but when the St. Lou leans got to him In the fifth, they started a hitting spree which they kept up against three successive pitchers sent in to stop the onslaught. Cleve. 000 003- 001 4 13 3 St. Louis 100 025 llx-10 17 .1 Brown, Jablonowskl, Crag head, Lawson, Berg and Sewell; Blaeholder and R. FerrelL AID IN SWIM PUN Last night the Black Dragons, Salem's ; new senior I life saving corps, held Its weekly meeting at which time the "learn to swim" campaign was explained by Cap tain Charles GUI. The Black Dragons have offered their Serv ices for the coming campaign in order to relieve the regular teaching staff of the T. M. C. A. of so much extra work. The dates of the campaign are May 12-19 and May 26-June . Life saving methods will '- also be taught In addition to swimming. Next Wednesday four new members will be examined for entrance to the corps. The ap plicants for entrance are Anoha Coates, Shannon Hogue, Vernon Gllmore and Winston Williams. - The charter members of the Black Dragons are Charles Gill, Maxey Langford, Edith Clement, Echo Balderee, Dwlght Adams, Esther Arnold, Ruth Arnold, Ada Boardman, Ethel Klles, Irving Hale and Fred Smith. Wayne and Sam . To Renew Their Feud on Alleys ' : . '; ' . ; Wayne Kantola and Sammy Stelnbock plan to renew their bowling feud with a 15-game match at Winter Garden next Monday night at 8 o'clock, with a 3100 purse oing to the winner. Kantola's broken hand has healed and he will be free to attempt some of his past topheavy scores. In their last match, this fenpln pair - waged ; a 2 e-game - battle, with Stelnbock .winning.. Sammy averaged 203 pins per game, Wayne 199. i Legion Junior - Nine Proposed - Now at Stayton STAYTON. May . The 'Stay ton post, 'American Legion, - Is sponsoring a Junior .baseball team.' this year. The committee Is Fred H. Albas, Leonard Jordan, Dave John, L. B. McCllndon and Floyd Fleetwood. : v Mr. Albus wfll be coach. So far 20 prospective players have sign ed up. All boys under 17 years of . age are eligible.- s DAYTON . TEAM WINS AMITY, May 7.: Amity base ball team played Dayton on San day, May 2, at Dayton The scora was 6 to 8 in favor of Dayton. ' - STAYTON WINNER - AUMSYILLE. May 7. Stayton and West Stayton grade baseball teams met at the Aumsville dla-r mond .Tuesday afternoon, Stayton .The; fence .at Producers' Park;. Independence. Kas.. after changes in the layout, is now 440 feet from Jtae- plate-at- eenterflld.A. " BUCK DRAGONS TO BADGER TRACK MEET IS TODAY Pacific Holds Edge on Past Performances but W. U. May Spring Surprise ' The Willamette track team will meet the Pacific Badgers at For est Grove today for its first con ference track meet of the season. Pacific is given the edge to win by comparative marks and scores against Albany college. Howerer , several of the Wil lamette spike wearers have not been at It long enough, to really know what they can do and may pull surprises in today's -meet. Walker is a freshman who shows promise of developing Into a good 100-yard and 220-yard man. In the past Willamette has had sev eral excellent sprint men, but they have not been able to remain eli gible. - ' The Bearcats have three fair weight men, but they will have to push themselves today if they eclipse the Badgers', marks. Cook is a promising two-miler and Lang is also showing up well in the eight-lap event. Coach LesM 8 parks announces that today's entries will probably include' the following: Walker, 100; Walker, 220; Armstrong, 440; Stone and possibly Van Dyke, 880; Stone, Van Dyke and Long, mile; Cook, Lang and Cue dell, two-mile; Baldwin, high hur dles; Faber, low hurdles; Car penter, Smith and Fants, discus and shotput; Smith, javelin; Fa ber and Nelson, pole vault; Faber, broad jump, and Kloostra, Car penter and Smith, high jump.'- U the relay is run, Sparks will .con dition his choice of candidates by; the way the meet goes.: v r CUDS TAKE ELEVEN IIING FIIL TILT KATIOKAX. XEAOTTB W. Iv Pet, W. Ij., Petu St. I I8 S .818 Plttb. 11 .450 N. T. S .e7IPhild. 10 .411 Chiearo 11 .47BrookU 13 .333 Boiton .11, 8 .579Cincin. 3 15 .118 CHICAGO. May 7. (AP) It took the Chicago Cubs 11 Innings this afternoon to beat the Cincin nati Reds and sweep the three game series, but they managed to do it by the score of 5 to 4. The Reds had scored four times In the fifth off Smith, when Hornsby made the last of: three errors. Trailing by four runs in the eighth, the Cubs jumped on Pitch er Si Jejinson and his relief hurl er, Dennle Frye, to score four times and tie up the score. RH E Cincinnati 000 040 000 00-4 8 0 Chicago ...000 000 040 01-5 14 4 Johnson, Frey, Kolp and Suke forth; Smith, May and Hartnett, Z. Taylor. French First .Victim PITTSBURGH, May 7. (AP) Piling up nine runs In two big Innings, the St. Louis Cardinals defeated the Pirates today, 11 to 5. Martin's ninth-inning homer brought the other two counters. - - jt H E St. Louis . .000 540 002-11 15 2 Pittsburgh ..002 020 010- 5 7 2 Haines and Wilson; - French, Osborne. Wllloughby and Bhil- iips. : ' . Brooklyn at Philadelphia, rain. AVIATRIX IS TAKEN III Oil IP HERE .-Herman A. Nater, president of the PC C. A. C, reached Salem by air yesterday at 5 p m. The noted avlatrlx, Mrs. Florence Lowe Barnes, who started to pi lot the ship to Salem, was strick en with appendicitis at , Redding and left in the hospital there. Fortunately a relief pilot, J. R Lund, was -secured at Redding to complete the journey. The flight was resumed at 12:15 p. m. and a stop of ' three-quarters of - an hour, made at Montague, Calif. A bad headwlnd slowed down the speed of the biplane. Ut. Nater was met at the air port ; by President Gardner Knapp' and'. Vice President C A. Spragu'e of the Salem "Ad clab and- by a group of Union ' Oil company representatives: E. G. Swailes, special agent and Willis Talhott, . local agent. Salem, and ,W. G. Tattle, personnel super visor ef Portland. The plane Is furnished by the Union Oil Co. and Mrs. Barnes is in their em ploy. ; - . Regret was , expressed M that Mrs. - Barnes could not come as she has gained considerable fame la California for speed and altitude: records, in flying. Hill l District Cherries Look , Best in Years Cherry growers who ' are for tunate enough to have orchards In tho hjll districts wDl have an excellent crop this year; accord ing to present - indications, says Fruit Inspector .S.-HL Van Trump. In these sections the crops looks to be about the best around here Lin a number of years he said. On the ether hand, the cher ries fn the.erehards on the low lands and south of town are- ex tremely ilrhtT iyzSZLJ. Y:A'. f Van .Trumpi lays - that- In his trips - over ( -the county - he has found, til, cherry orchards free fronF isseets er-any- lgnoHHlght: Junior Squad AtivVoodburn TaMngShape WOODBURN. May 7 Wood bum's 'American Legion junior baseball team, under the guid ance of Walter Schooler, coach, and Harold Asplnwall, manager. Is rounding into nice shape and it is hoped that a definite sched ule fort; games with other junior teams will soon be completed. Sunday the junior nine played the state ..training school team and won 22 to 0 in-a six lnn!ng game, t Chances of a creditable showing; for : the team appear bright. ej -1 " .. - , , if..- A stfong stiff of pitchers in Boh Reed, Arthur : Rerick and Clarence Oberst. is one of the features of the team. Fete Lei lack o Gervais and Leo Halter are premising catchers. . The Regular lineup will prob ably bi Reed, pitcher; Leilack, catcher Schwab, first base; Ev ans, second . base i Bob Presthus, shortstop; Rowley, third ' base; Ed Oberst, left field; Clarence Oberst, 'center field; and Rerick, right field. . r - Mostiot the boys trying out for positions are members of the basebaU teams of Woodburn and Gerralsl high schools or are out standing grade school players. Bob Presthus is a Woodburn grade School product and Clar ence Oberst .' Is from Hubbard's grade schooi. About - 25 boys tried for positions on the team. . u : . Jockey Probably Fafally Injured In Steeplechase Del! MONTE, CaL, May 7- (AP) jRoger Cooper, -24, jockey in the last race In the Del Monte steeplechase here today, was probably fatally injured when his mount falled to clear the last jump. Cooper, whose home Is In Louisville, Ky., is in a hospital suffering a fractured skull.' Cooper was riding "Buddy" a horse owned by Lynn Hodges of Carmel The horse landed on Its head aid its neck was broken. Cooper Vw as knocked unconscious and the? horse. In its death strug gles, klckea him in the face. Phy sicians said Cooper probably would (le. Business amusements Salami Golf Course 2 miles aoutn on Rivet Drive, it hole watered fair ways, large jrreena. Fees 7 So. Sundays jid holiday. 1 1.00 II: AUCTIONEERS F N. WOODRY it Tears Salem's Leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence and Store 1410T North Summer Street Tlphone ' 51 1 BATHS Turkteb fbathe and massage. t tt Ijrmn. TphOTim SOU. Nw Bunk. BATfERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. JBarton -Katlonal Batteries Starter hnd cenerator work. Texaco tatlo'n, 'corner Corart and Ctiurch. BICYCLE REPAIRING IXOYD'I B. RAM SO EN Columbia Bicycles and repalrlns. 3S7 Ceurt. The beef In bicycles and repairing. K. W. -oft, 14T R Com'l. Tel.' 451. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 44?8. H. FT. Korthnea CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Gilbert. Or. Bids. TelT I4H. Dr. O. Li -SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. N. Mlsrh. TeL Rea. (572. - DRS. SCOFIELD. Palmer Chlreprae torat X-ray and N. C M. Kw Bank Bldg. - - - - CLEANING SERVICE n - : ' a Center St.' Vlterliu TeY .' ; Ielectricians HALXK ISXECTRIC Ca New loca tion, lit Count St. Tel H1 C Lk VFelcb electrlo shop. Wtrlnsv futures and euppHe. tlet eur price 101S RCom'L Tel. 33, - florists FLOWERS " FOR ALL, eceaaie Olaon'a. iCourt and Hlb St. TeV. llC ALL kliVJe of floral work. Lots Flor ist. UtW A UarkeL Tek 9S7J. ' ! " CUT Flowers. weddina bouquets funeral ,;wTeetha, decormtlon. C T. Brelthaupt. florist. tlS Etato Street. Tel. H04. GARBAGE Snltn S'Tarenrr. TeL 4919 or TMI. hemstitching NEEDLEWORK. Margaret's Shop, 41 S Cwirt. INSURANCE i BECKB A HENDRICKS lis N. iUlgh TeL 4147 . 5 i ? INSURANCE . WILLAM ETTK INS.- AQEXCT " - i Wm.. Bliven, afsT. . RsetueiTO ButUvlUe A (rent - ?18 Maenl- Bldg. Tel. TtO LAUNDRIES THBSEW SAr.EM-CArjNDRT THfii WEIDER LAUNDRY "' SS"&-fXi!gn--v ; -'-TeL'-tm r- CAPITAL) CJTT LACNDRX we..- ,Wh " Eyerj-thJna in Ln Teiebo aiM -fcl4 'Br Mdwar lira em DEFEAT (I. IWELl NORTH HOWELL, May North BoweU went down to a crushing defeat Sunday when ft played Monitor's team at Monitor In the Marlon county grange baseball league. This!: was the third game of the season ' and resulted In an overwhelming victory for Moni tor by a score of 20 to t. For f the tint two Innings Coomler pitched and while he al lowed only three hits the out field support was poor and the Monitor team made several runs. Reed, a southpaw and rated as a good pitcher, went Into the box in the third inning and fin lshed the game. Next' Sunday North Howell crepes -bats with Sllrerton Hill at Silverton Hills. Union Hill played Silverton Hills also- last Sunday on the tatter's r field and the .resulting score waa 11 to 2 -in favor- of Silverton Hills. ' Parrlsh j junior high's; baseball team Is approaching the -status of high school nines and Thursday held Hubbard high school to a 13 to 10 score. The high school players were more experienced and capitalized on their chances, to score, thus getting the extra three runs. A number of clean hits were made during the game and it was these! rather than errors which ac counted for most of the runs. Coach Harold Hauk's player started the season scarcely know lng how many men played on a team, but are sow beginning ta get a better conception of the game. Next Tuesday they will play Aumsville high here. The ' players in Thursday's game were; .Vera DeJardln, catcher; Brownie Meyers, pitch er: Hobbs. first; Salstrom, sec ond; Nicholson, "shortstop; Win termute, third; Gwen, left field f Vie DeJardln, center field; White right field. a Umpire, Mutt Deetz. ' ' Directory I MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. A kit about our wool mattreesea Renovat erf and fumlgatore. CapiUl City Bed dine: Co. Tel. 40. 80 Korfh CT. MUSIC STORES GEO. r C - WILL Piano. , phono rrapha. aewtns machine, sheet music, and piano studies. Repalrlns phono graphs and sewing machlaea 4Z1 Ptete Ptreet. Relm. OFFICE SUPPLIES Ererythlne; fn office stippllea Com mercial Book Store. 11 N. Com'!, Tel. 4574. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and senral repair work. Graber Broa, 111 So. Lfberty. Tet S94. PAPER HANGING Wallpaper cleaned like now work guaranteed. Call Hit. J. R. Johnson. Paper hanglns; and paintlns. Neu man's Paint Store. ISi N. Com! PHONE GLENN ADAMS for house ' dectcratlne;. paper- hanclng, tlntlnr,' -etc Reliable workman. Paperhanslna; and painting. Stlpllr.a PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of frintlng call Tho Statesman Print-' ng Department, SIS & Commercial. TeUphonw 1SI. RADIO RADIO HEADQUARTERS 17S So. High St. Phono S40L rro fosalonal radio service at moderate firleea Complete equipment for test ng alt mabea radios. Art a CKOS-LET-ZEN1TH and CLARION. FOR very purpose, for every puree . All. standard of .Radio Tubem EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. til Courf Pt. Tet !!. ---1- ' . STOVES STOVES and etoro repairing. Store for sale. . rebuilt and repaired. .All kinds of woven wire fence, faocT ana Plain, hop. baskets, hooks, logan book a. Salem-Fence-, and Stove Works, til QmVetaTe4 774, R. B. Fleming TAILORS D. H. MOSFIER Tailor' for men andj wvm-Tt. 474 Court Bt. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 22S State St. TeL 777J. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rate a - FOR local -or distant transfer stor age, call Situ Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. o " -o Real Estate Directory , . BECKB HENDRICKS 1M N. Higb TeL 4 1 47 . 8. M. EARLS USi. High St-- TeL lITt J. LINCOLN ELLIS 4IS StaU TeL I71 80COLOFSKY A SON l4-S First NaC Bk. Bldc TeL 7107 J. F. ULRICU ' . . F.. U WOOD 441, State - St.-.,. ;.v 4 '.- Tei 7184 HOMER -LV F03TER REALTY CO. !7Vfc- State Bt- - , TeL 7621 Tfv.n. GRAITENUORST PHI IMPROVES BUT BEATEN AGAM aco. : TeL' 4 US. V f i r i I. 1 t v