The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, - Oregon, Friday Morning May , 1931
ForB.& P. State
. Convention 1
Among the many conventions
- to whleh Salem 1 playing bost
ess this sprint is the state Bad
cess and! Professional Woman a
cUb May 22. 22 and 24. Con
vention headquarters will be we
Marion hotel and plana of Inter
esting proportions have been, ar
- ranged by the Salem club by
which the 400 or more women
ot the atate will be entertained
during the three days. - '
The committees and the per
sonnel Mom. each, ot the local
clnbs follow: -
Geaeral hirmaa, Mr. Vorv, R. T
Ser: MiUBt ehainaea: Miaa Merl !"
ick, Miw tli Moor.; ref itruo:Mu
JosVphiB $hde. ehairaa. Mi CUra
jsl. Mi.. Mary Sk.ldoa, Mrfc p -
. Hand Jaa-aajrcr; fiBe: MiM Clair
JtcNeU. ekairaaaa, Mn. Winiird Hrr
ek; pabtteity:;
Mi M... V. H
f.?fc Mi.. Or.c.EU,.
Kr.r M. M.i.1. Point,,. Mi E-
iii.. T,r !. Mrt. fcmm
Purtiiii. enairmaa, v. - - , .
m ... E4.a, Lacker. Mrs. Uonaiee
K.'rth- fceadalartcre Bad werTtk":
MWed H.rriek,, Mi"
Mafda Hoff ; printiBf: rs.
k.,t rh.irman. Mm. Id Andrews Mr
Wli cidwlU Mis. Ge.. Morpa;
pre-: MUs Mia Web.tereh.r
M I-; flower.:
Mia Lor Hal, chairman. Mis. Leu
OiimVrt. Mr Mrta Bajl.y. M
Metier Mr.. Maud, to.nt.r
B.eithsuirt. Mr.. Amy Adam., M Car-
lolta Cro
.... u .
. . j j . m . r
Miaa Baasie McCload. Mr.
Ubl Mr-. Mrre Dotnt, Mr. Klenor.
(.items. Mi. aybUln H.iw. 'MJoT
Hiilfc Mr. Hel Howard. Mr. 'lorec
IrwU. Mi.. I.. Koo Mi.. Am.nd.
M.tth.w Mi. Ir Teapleton;
Vi r.ideUMuheon: M... Merl
Di-iek. inn. MiM KntU Moore,
Wr. 111. B. H.yd.B MU Heir. Lmu. Mi. GOU.m. Mi.. Clr
MeNiC r. M.r, B. I'Bjr.n. Mr.. Mud.
Pointer. Mi. Amnnd 8hwnbber.
Mra, No B.ird. Mr.. WlnoJo Pettyjohn.
Mr. Myr. 8 bank. Mi.. C.rtettn Crow
I,y. Mn. Mitn B.ller. Mi.; KditB Bnreh.
Hf, JHettn Held. MiM Vo: Ohm.rt.
Miu Grace T.y lor; exeeativa eonacil
lunebroa: Mn. Kmily Howard, rnairmnn,
Mi.. Irno Breithanpt. Mr.. IWm Kibmj.
Mr.. Huida Uedstrom ; Tocatiouai br-k-fat:
Mr.. Dell Hayden. ebajraaa. Mi
Jrco Gilliam, Mra. 8u.aa arty. Mra.
lai.r Ilaydaa, Mr. Effie" Arehart. Mi.
Sylvia Krapa, Mi.. Helea Louia
Mr. Ethel Qibbon. Mi. Myrtle KeTea.
Mn. Carrie How la ad. Mra. Kose J.
Wilke.; know yenr Or go luncheon'
Miaa Helea luiM Crtwby. ehainaaB.
MiM Clara Crlanb, Mi. Alt Kershaer.
Mr. Haxel M.nhall. Mi.-Joe Fbilpott.
Mra. Olca Hoffard, MU Marda Hoff.
ataata: kf n. Sua a Varty, chlrirmaa. Mi. I
Grace Taylor, Miaa Irene Breithanpt, I
ureitaaapi, i
m Carlott '
Mn. Bern.e uonftiear. wu v-ariott
row lev. Mra. Hold Uedatrom. Mr.
ueaatrom. Jr. -
Alice Oldeabarf, Mr.. Maude Bamaryer,
Mn. Maade Pre.nall. Mra. Clara torn
ersy, Mn. Mabel L Keedhaa Mi. Ellea
TielMB, Mr. Any Adam.. Mia. Ha.el
Price, Mi.a Lar Hal. Mr. EUie Are
h.rt. Mr.. Billi Herbater. Mra. F. L.
Water. Mi.s Both ; Moor. ' Mia Jom
phin 8bad Mr. Effi Eorna, Mi.'
fc.ther Hill; bnaqaet: Mia Ellea Thiel-
aoa. ebainaan. Mr. Any Adam. Mrs.
Kuaaa Varty, Mr. Myr Shank. Mr.
Myrtl Gilbert. Mr.. Aliei Boti. Mr.
Berniee Boafflear. Dr. Mary B. Par
Tine. Mi. Alea Phillip. Mr. Olira
Hoffard, Mi.. Jane Philpott. Mrs. M.nd
Raron.yer, Mr. Georria McCle.n, Mr.
W iaifred Herrick. Mr. Billi Herb.ter. '
Mr. Effi Tehaa. Mr. Marioa IVlaney,
. Mrs. Helea Goltlen, Dr. Tannic TibbitU;
ExieaatiT coancil dinner: Mrs. Eatber
TT(f mdom. chairman. Mia. - Amanda
Hchwtabbaaer, Mi.. Oil" Larsoa. Mrs.
Helea Goplea; emblem breakfast: Mr.
Grace Behon, chairman. Mia Grace Tay
lor. Mr. Winnie Pettyjohn, Mr. Maud
Pointer, Mia May CleseUnd, Mr,
(ieorgi McClaaa, MiM Olrs Iarsoa, Miaa
Becaie McCload. Mi. Ethel Roberta, Mr.
Mabel Meedham. Mia Rath MeAdams,
' Mr.. Mayd. Ramseyer, MiM Tolra Tora
boll. Mrs. jOlj Hoffard, Mi.., Helea
, Loaia Crotby, MiM Marl Dimick; recep-
: tioa; Misai Olis Dahl, chairman, Mrs.
Mabel Needham, Mi.s Grae Elisabeth
! 8ith. Mrs. Either Haredorn. Mr.. Vin-
nie rettyioha. Mias Olg- Larson, Mra.
Krnna Hin. Mi. Terc.s Dri Mra.
' IetU B. Hayden, Mia . Jaana Holmes,
' Xti. Beatric Walton, Mrs. Helea Tyson.
Mi.s Mabel Linrtqniit, Mrs. Marrret
JorOaion. Mias Iren Breithanpt, Mrs.
k Atonio- Eymaa. Mia Peciry Browohill,
Mrs.-Deaa.) Mack. Mrs. Pearl. Epeer, Mia.
rn Swaddel. Mrs. Madalen Callin,
- Miss Mir pah EUir, Mi.a Tlorene Ham-
Mtb.-T. S. Mackenile will en
tertaia membera of the Ladies
auxiliary of the' Salem Dakota
: club at Iher home 1498 North
Church istreet. Friday, afternoon
L beginning at 2 -o'clock. ' - ,
" Mrs. Georre H. Burnett has
: ' returned! to her borne In the Roy-
; ai - court apartments after two
weeks spent visiting In Eugene.
: fi , v r nil -
i -
You still have time to secure a modern Gas Range with oven
heat control, for ; i .....
only :a dollar down
: - ; ' w - and in; addition . . h
. youi save 5 1 S.OO
more or less, because, to celebrate this annual event, we will sell you
a.modern range with ovenheat control at the price of one without
ews an
' 1 '
i Olive M.' Doak,
Friday,i'May 8
Mr and Mrs. Fred Scott
at country home; basket luneheon; leave ehurch 11:09
o'clock. . . . ' .
, Sacred Heart academy, spring .recital. J:30 o clock,
. St. Joseph's hall. '
: Piano ensemble. Salem Music Teacher's association; :
armory, 8 rl 5 o'clock. ' l
Chemawa orchestra, Friday, T. M. C.. A. lobby, 8 :15
o'clock. i ',
; Y's Menette's club at home of ilrs. Fred Duncan,
1000 Capitol street 2:30 Friday afternoon.
Regular monthly meeting Women's (.Missionary so
ciety. First Baptist church, Friday 2 p m. at church
i parsonage.? Mrs. W. Robins .hostess. j '
The Brush College Community club "Win meet Fri
day evening in the local school house.
Regular meeting of Barbara Frltchie Tent No; 2,
Daughters of Union Veterans of Civil war. Friday night
: at 8 p. m.In Woman 'a club house.. Special business to
v transact. A - .
- Ladies Aid of Leslie Memorial church will meet at
- Leslie church on Friday at 2 p. m. InBtead of with Mrs.
- F. L. Scott of Liberty.
Girls Glee club, of Pacific College. New berg, free
concert. Friday evening. 8 p. m. South Salem Friends
church.' - - i
Silver; Bell circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft, Initia
tion followed by potluck supper and Mother's day-pro-"
- gram. i '-
Ladies Auxiliary. Salem Dakota dub. meeting at
home of Mrs. T. S. "Mackentie, 1498 North Commercial
street, 2 o'clock.
- . , i
V Saturday, May 9 j
t Parrish Junior high school band, and Salem choirs
festival of music, armory, 8:15 o'clock. ! v
The Polk County declamatory contest for the sec
ond and fourth divisions will be held in the community
hall. West Salem, at 8 aiclock. ' I
1 Sunday, May 10
All Camp Fire Girls and Blue Birds guests in' uni
form for Girl Reserves, at First Methodist church May
10th, at 4 p. m.
Visitor Inspires
Bridge Evening
Mrs. Charles ! Kaufman, . nee
Margaret Morehouse, of Atasca
dero, Cal., was the inspiration of
a delightful bridge evening with
Miss Robey Laughlin as hostess
at her .home on Court street.
Wednesday. Mrs.: Kaufman is a
guest for a few weeks at. the
home of her parents. Dr. and
Mrs. W. G. Morehouse.
Miss Henrietta Bishop wen
high score and a guest, prize was
awarded Mrs. Kaufman. At a late
hour Miss Florence Power assist
ed Miss Laughlin in serving.
Guests in compliment to Mrs.
Kaufman were s Miss Gertrude
, ,
Miss Henrietta Bishop, Miss Rose
Huston, Miss Florenc Power,
Miss Rosalind Van Winkle. Miss
Edith Flndley, i Miss Pauline
Findley. Miss Isobel Morehouse,
Mrs. Cornelius Bateson, and Miss
Laughlin. j
i ' "
Mrs. P, J. Voth
District President
West Salem -A group com
posed of Rev. . and Mrs. M. A.
Groves, Mrs. Emmett Dickson,
Mrs. J. A. Gosser. Mrs. A. L. Ap
plewhite. Mrs. Ed Brock, Mrs. W.
D. Phillips, Mrs.; George Lathrop
and Mrs. J. W. Simmons repre
sented ' the- West; Salem mission
ary and Ladies Aid society Wed
nesday at the Methodist district
ladles aid rally at Silrerton. The
meeting which was held in the
First Methodist church with 200
persons present was opened by
district) superintendent .M. A.
M-arcy.'Rev.fF.-R. Sibley of Independence,-
assisted by i Rev. M.
A, Groves ot West Salem led de
votions. Mrs. Bell, superintendent
of the -music department of the
3 1 l,f e r t on schools contributed
some very beautiful numbers.
A nominating committee was
appointed composed of all presi
dents of ladies aid societies pres
ent. This was followed by roll
call by which it was ascertained
that nearly all; the' 44 commun
ities, listed were represented at
the meeting. Mrs.; Rose : Langley
was appointed temporary secre
tary for. the day.
following a pot luck luncheon
I at noon, Mrs.fF. R. Young, pree-
ends Saturday, May 0th. i
If I A W JI I I Iff U V"' U t 'Y - I
cure to get .youro
Society Editor
hosts to Leslie Ladles Aid
ident of First , church.. Salem la
dies aid occupied the chair dur
ing the afternoon session. Mrs.
Ronald Glover and Mrs. H. J.
Foulk were appointed as a cour
tesies committee. Election of of
ficers for' the coming year result
ed as follows: president, Mrs. P.
J. Voth of Jason, Lee. Salem;
vice president, Mrs. James H,
Lipesay of Woodburn; secretary
treasurer, Mrs. Mason Bishop,
Leslie, Salem. , ' ;
The afternoon program was
given. Miss Mary M. McGowan of
Amity, Mrs. Mason Bishop and
Mrs. Johnson of Leslie, Salem;
Rev. J. W. Warrel of Dallas, Mrs
H. J. Foulk of Jason Lee, Salem;
Rev. S- D. Johnson of Leslie.
A motion carried that the meet
ings be held twice yearly in fu
ture. The ladies of Jason Lee, Sa
lem, will be hosteesee at the next
meeting. , -
A report waa heard from the
courtesies committee' and the
meeting adjourned with the Ep
worth League benediction. '
Mrs. Madeline Nash visited in
Silverton to confer with officers
of the Daughter's of Veterans
Thursday concerning the memor
ial program to be given the aft
ernoon of June 23 in the Ma
sonic temple In , Portland . as a
part of the state Daughters of
Veterans convention program of
June 23, 24 and 25 in Portland.
Mrs. Nash announced that as
plans now are headquarters for
the convention will be the Old
Heathman . hotel. Mrs. Nash will
go to Portland Saturday where
she will confer with her state of
ficers there concerning further
convention' plans; f i
Valsett. Mrs. Erie Sandstrom
gave a dinner Sunday In honor
of - Mrs. George Frasier of Carl
ton. Covers were placed for Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Dodson and two
children, Evelyn and Raymond,
and Carl and Bobbie Sandstom.
Mrs. Frazier Is the aunt of Mr.
Dodson. 2 -
, ..,Mrs. Ella B. Howe will be the
week-end guest of Mrs. G. A.
Wood. Miss Georgia Howe will
motor ' to Salem from - Portland
Saturday to spend Sunday at the
Wood home and motor back to
Portland that evening ; wfthv her
.cm I m .mammmmw,mBa- .. maar , j
Music Week Events
t Are Numerous
. Somethlnr nnusual . and which
promises to be extremely delight
ful is the piano .ensemble concert
being presented tonight at 8:15
o'clock in the armory, at which
time a gronp ot Salem musicians
will , be. heard. The program Is
One of the -major events of na
tiSnal good music' week. Those
included In the program are;-Elms,
Weller. Roth Bedford, Joy
Turner MOses, Lois Tlummer, Jes
sie Bush, Ethel Poling Phelps,
Berniee Clark East, Dorothy
Pearce, Laura Grant Churchill,
Lela Tarpley Lee, Irma Keefer.
Bertha Junk Darby.
Program as planned Includes:,
Military March Frsns Schubert
Grand Eaaembla
Sympboay No. ft. Op. 87
Allegro con pno
Andante to aaoto
Rath Bedford Dorothy Pesree .
- i Kim 'Weller Berniee Clark East -
Poloaatt la A Major Chopia
Lanra Grant Chare hi 11, 3oy Taraer Mo.e
Lela Tarpley Lee Loia Plummer
Vals Brilliant ,
Irm Keefer Jetti Bath
Bertha Junk Darby Ethel Foliar Pielp.
Raymond, Overture Th omi a-Herbe rt
Grand Emembla
1j Herat Venesian Usit
Laura Great Churchill, Joy Turner Mose.
Lela Tarpley Lee Loi. Plummer
Oberon Orertore Weber
Irma Keefer Jestie Bu.b.
Berth JunJt Darby Ethel Poling Phelps
Invitation a la Danes Weber
. Dorothy Pearce Berniee Clark East
Ruth Bedford Elm Weller
Midtammer Night's Dream
Grand En.emble
. The pupils of Sacred Heart
Academy will be presented In
their annual spring recital, Friday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. In St.
Joseph's, hall on Chemeketa street.
The program which has been spe
cially prepared for National good
music week is open to the pub
lic. . Those appearing during the
afternoon are: George Bent, Bet
ty Jean -Burns, Gertrude Schless,
Myra Callin, Jean Henderson,
Georgia Harrington, Valerie
Amort, Emily Bremxner, Lillian
Wlchman, Dorothy Engel, Sallle
McLellan, Wilda German, Patri
cia Livesley, Margaret Mary
Huckestein, Betty Ellen DeMar
est, Dorothy Holman, Dan McLel
lan, Nellie Harrington, Winona
Smith, Rose Gibson, Peggy Thom
ison, Jane Clearwater) Constance
Stark. Ruth Dickey, . Ellsabetb
Steed, Virginia Steed, Wallace
The musical presentation given
by the Chemaka orchestra in the
lobby of the Y. M. C. A., at 8:15
o'clock tonight, gives promise of
being one of the musical treats
oof national good music week.
The orchestra is under the direc
tion of Alexander S. Melovidoff.
who with the splendid cooperation
of the members of the 'orchestra,
have attained a high place in mu
sical circles. -
Salem Dakota Club
Enjoys Meet
Salem Dakota club members
met at the American Lutheran
church Wednesday, evening for a
dinner meeting at 6:30 o clock
and this - followed by a social
evening and program.
Sonss and readings were given
by T. S. McKenzie, Mrs. Ferrol
Gibson. J. B. Crary, Mr. Lewis
and then the evening was spent
in conversation and a happy time.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Harvey will
be the next hostess at their home
2396 North' Church street, June 3.
-Values $12.50
to $19.75
Over 100 lovely silk
dresses, ... of crepes '.
chiffons, shantungs, ;
for, sports, after- :
. noon, and busi
ness ' wear, come
see these, you"
will find sev
eral you can
use at a big
saving1 ,
and style
at a very
Woman's Club Will
Hear 'Lohengrin'
Portrayed j
One ot the most i Interesting
programs of the year Willi be
presented to members and guests
of the Balem Woman's club this
afternoon when , the music com
mittee of. the club beaded,- by
Mrs. M. D. McCalllster, will pre
sent a , portrayal - of the opera
"Lohengrn" as a compliment to
"better music" week. , (
Mrs, TV S. Roberts will be the
leader and win . tell the story of
the opera. -Through the ctrar
tecy of a ' local .business house a
radio phonograph has been", se
cured and also - through them
records of -finest i makes - have
been procured which, will jf f er
selections from the opera to sup
plement the talk, , )
The program will begin with.
Prelude, part one of the first act.
This will be a record played by
the Philadelphia Symphony or
chestra. , Then will follow . a vlo-i
lin solo, USlfa's Dream", sung by
Mrs. Harry -Harms accompanied
by Mrs. C. C. Geer and then, the
"Swan Chorus" played by-Lthe
symphony. This act -will be con
cluded by The King's Prayer"
sung by Marcel Journet. ;
The second act will: be pre
sented with first the prelude,
part two, played by the Phila
delphia symphony, and then
"Elsa's song to the Breezes"
played as a violin solo- by Dal
bert Jepsen and accompanied by
Mrs. .C. C. Geer. This act ;will
be completed by the "Procession
al of the Cathedral" by the sym
phony orchestra. j
Prelude, part three of ActXlI,
will .be played by the symphony
and this will be followed by the
famous weddinp march from Lo
hengrin played by the symphony.
Following this will be the 'Bridal
Chorus" sung by a large chorus
and accompanied by the sym
phony.'. As a conclusion to' this
act Richard Crooks, famous ten
or, will be presented In a record
singing "Lohengrin's Narrative".
Mrs. Roberts will accompany
all these numbers with, the story.
The public is Invited to this part
of the Woman's club program to
day. Election ot officers will oc
cupy the first of the afternoon,
Young Maids Will !
Assist War Mothers j
Young Salem maids who will
assist the American War Moth
ers with the annual "carnation"
sale Saturday in the 15 stations
about town number about 100
from various schools of the town.
In all about 75 War Mothers will
take part as well as a number of
the members of the auxiliary! to
the Veterans of Foreign Warsl
From St. Vincent's Academy,
Grace Tracy, Grace Heine, Mar
ian Heine, Vivian Hendricks,
Marie Hendricks, Clara Miller,
Catherine Meyer; Betty Wood
ruff, Thyra Salstrom, Ruth Coov
er, Margaret Moisan, -Theresa Mol
san; Parrish Junior high, Opal Eck
er Velma Duerre, Doris Doty,
Wanda Loveland, Irene Scheelar,
Shirley Stevenson, June Smith,
Margaret Hauser, Helen West,
Barbara' McDonald, Arlene Mof
fit, Ella Mae Dennjston, Amlta
Savage, ' Clarice Kolbe. Madeline
Hylund, Rosle Cherren, Theodora
Bonffleur, Dorothy Ry deli, Marie
Trotter, Hazel Trotter, Mary Alice
Livingston. Geraldine Parker;
Leelie Junior high school:
Kathlyn Hawtin, Lucille Hansen,
Irma .Robare, Erlka Ohm;
McKinley school: Dorothy En
glebart, Berniee Marcy;' Engle
wood school; Helen Fortson, Dor
othy Norton, Lucille Keuscher,
Pauline Helnke, Muriel . Beck
man, Jean Van Slyke, Mabel
Lord, Esther Brown, Winona Rob
in tte. Garnet Lansing, Verabetb
Clendenlng, Annie Gardner, - Ma
rie Lane, Ruth. Kennedy; ;
Highland school: Evelyn Det
lefs, Marlon Mitchell. I Glendora
Mitchell. Lillian Rose Watters, Al
ta Mae McKee, Crystal Cree,
Gerjeva Lacey, Berniee Hansen,
Maylne Dancer and Wllma Ellia;
Grant school: Phyllis ! MUler,
Ruth Walker, Barbara I MUler,
Harriet Coons Garfield school:
Betty Jane Bats, Catherine McKay,-
Margaret Vadney, Caramae
Hotter,- Carmogerie Hoffer, Gret
chen StelnJce; Richmond: Mary E.
Gemunder, i Barbara Howe, Daisy
Weitman. ' - ' '
The headquarters tor the War
Mothers will be at 142 South Li
berty street with Mrs. Mark Skiff,
state president, in charge. Mrs.
A. aJ Lee, local president. Is gen
eral chairman for the occasion.
W.C.T. O. Observes
Mothers Day
- An attractive ; and impressive
program was sponsored by mem
bers of the .W. C. T.j TJ, at the
regular meeUng Tuesday after
noon: when " a special "Mother's
day" program was observed. -
Mra. Fred Erixon read ''A Tri
bute to Mothers" written by Ed
gar Guest; Mrs. G. N.i Thompson
told of the early temperance era
Bad ers; Mrs. J. A. Tooze led the
devotions;! Miss Elizabeth Atkin
son accompanied by Miss Ruth
Scnreiber sang a; group of solos.
Reports were also given of the
recent county institute held by
the W. C. T. U. In Turner.
It was announced at the Tues
day meeting that 18 new mem
bers had been added to the mem
bership list and that -Mrs. F. Pool
had been responsible for a large
part of this number.
The next meeting will be a
specltl one and wHl be held May
19 in the Union hall.
Mrs. A. Graber entertained
the members of the K. C. K. T.
club at her borne Thursday after
noon for a happy social time of
conversation and sewing.' At the
tea hour Mrs Graber -was assisted
by Mrs. Fred Barker.. Members
present were. Mrs. E. J. Donnell,
Mrs. R. C Kreisel, Mrs. Ray
Clark, Mrs. Guy Newgent, Mrs.
Fred Barker Mrs-C. M.; Mcln
tyre, Mrs. Hattie ' Givens, Mrs.
Nellie Knox.1 Mrs. Bert Waller,
Mrs. Otto Schelberg, and Mrs. A.
Graber. Mrs. Jeanette Graber was
a special guest. . i
Those New Formal
Dresses for . . . I
ToSellat$ 95
rT i 70 M - V:i ..I G:tl -
riKSS-i - - - i A -v -i I
L-adies Dresses
a" i'. 'i' J 'l "V '
"Cymbeline": Will
Be Event of
Asnouncement Itas Just been
made of the patrons and$atron
esses who fcave been named for
the Shakespearean play, .''Cym
beline,' which will be presented
at the Capitol theatre May 14 by
a group of f little theatre" people
of Salem., j
Patrons ant patronesses are;
Mrs. Julius" L. Meier, Dr. and
Mrs. Carl 0. Doney, Miss Elisa
beth ! Lord, filr. and Mrs. W. H.
Burghardt, Mr. and Mrs.' Paul
Wallace, Mrj and Mrs. C. K.
Spaulding, Mf. and Mrs. Monroe
Gilbert. - Mrs. Clifford Brown. Dr.
and Mrs. Wl H. Lytle, Miss Mable
Robertson, iMiss Edith Schryver,
Mrs. I Helen! Hamilton, Dr. ? Henry
Kohller, Mrf and Mrs. W. 'E. An
derson, Mr.! and Mrs. Hal Patton,
Mr. and Mcb.EL C Richards. Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Erlekson, Miss
Frances yirgfnle Melton, Mr; and
' . ; This is ' ..
"MOTHER'S 'FmS' j i
Just a coincidence but one that Mrt liju 1 -
win make many a mother doubly ' yijej f 'A
hppy. '. ' - 9$
Why not' pool the family fund jjf'TTrr
and buy mother one of these silk III it ' I - '
dresses atj ipecial prices all this JM (i
Just Arrived at Johnson s
I 8
L : .- . -
-, Values to
Newl Fawn
Glovei - $1.95
White Jand Ivory
' Washable
Mra. WiUIaxn Walton, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Lauterman, Dr. and
Mrs. I. G. Franklin, Mr. and Mr.
George Alden, Mr. and Mrs. Ches
ter Cox, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hen
dricks, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Al
bert, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hough
ton.' .
Several social affairs are being
planned in connection with the
play, which promises to be as
popular as any to be aeen la Sa
lem for many months. - Its cast In
cludes a large number ot prosn
laent young people of Salem and
Ted Oiborn of the Duffy players
of Portland has Just been added
to the cast a a leading wan. The
play is directed y James
Beard. , ' ' .
;-f -e-e-i. .. ..
Among the large number of
people to attend the Cbampoeg
pioneer picnic Saturday was Mrs.
J, N. Sam. Chambers and her fa
ther, Henry L. Eberbard. Mr.' Eb
erhard came to Champoeg In
1853,! and spent most of his life
there.' Mrs. Chambers was born
la Champoeg. ' 1
Friday - Saturday
a lucky purchase
op ' these " dresses
enables us to of.
Iter tiieii to you
I I.
T- ll
for ;
t-fpr "
h. 'wasamammaM-4
nson s
134 So. High St.
Pttoae 691