PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, May 1. 1931 ) 0 R EG OH H QT TO BGE DEFEAT Third Game of Series Wil Be Played on dinger v ! Field Today 3:30 -- ' i - - . . Willamette university -will wage 1U third baseball battle 'of the season aralnst the U. of O. nine today a S:J0 on Olinger field in an 1 effort to make it ..three ' straight wine. Tomorrow the fin al of the four came series will do played at Eugene. ; Either Pete Gretsch or-Doby Wood will pitch today's . game. Doby seems anxious to bare an . other fling at the Oregon bats men. In any event two good, re serve pitchers will be ready to as sist if needed. The Bearcats showed a lot of bustle and ' pepper against Ore gon State and it will take plenty tit the same today to win irora thA htidi-uo Oregon erew. Al- thourti the U. of O. men hare not ;. proven to be remarkable bitters. thev are nevertheless good, ncia ers and will doubtless T out for the proverbial eye and tootn to atone for the two smarting de- feats em t fered from Coach "Spec Keene's fighting bearcats. : Previous Game Fnll of! Thrilla The game played here before went to Willamette by a 13 to lz store. While it was played a -bit looselyf and a number of errors crept la. it was crammed full of thrills i for the spectators who ' were beginning to wonder if the Bearcats could actually down . Oregon! in the see-saw diamond battle. IWMamette fared a little better b the second game and won 10: to 4. This game was play-? ed at Eugene. i . . This season the Bearcats ,have hit the ball hard and rurnishea plenty of thrills In the games played.! Fire out of seyen games have gone to the Bearcats this season and Tt looks use tne great est baseball year Willamette has ever had or at least had for the last 25 years. The two games lost went to Ralph Coleman's Oregon ' State' nine which won two out of three games from' Willamette and could not. find time for a fourth encounter. Andy Peterson 4 who batted 1.000 percent in .the game against O. 5. p. will probably get the, call, for one of the outfield posi tions today along with George Scales land Walt Erickson. With these three men -chasing the long ones, nothing but the best placed drives If 111 go as hits. All three of them are exceptionally fast and judge the ball well. Scales has fallen down a bit In his hitting this season, but was ope of:the best last year. Hlsservices in cen ter fielid however have made him too valuable to bench. . Change Looms Up - t For the Infield Coach Keene indicated Thurs day . that he might make some thanges in the infield. Hoot. Gib son turned in his suit Wednesday night. Lowell Cribble, freshman from Woodburn high, may be used in his place. While GribLle i lacks experience on third, he has a lot of. life and fields well. His peg is! strong and bis hitting is good. ! . " , GusiMoore and Wait Erickson are also - capable of filling the hot corner post. Moore has had a lot of ; experience at , third- and Erickson played great ball -for Willamette last year at shortstop. Still another possibility is to put Cribble in at catcher and let Messenger play' third. Messenger played such a position for Frank lin high school In Portland , be fore he took to wearing a mask, shin guards and protector. The infield has dpne well this year, but has not yet got to click ing all, the time. "Spec" Keen hopes to have the infielders do this today and practice on Wed nesday and Thursday was de Toted largely to perfecting the Infield Dlars. See What Will Buy Ad on Page 6 o- I FACES PETE JOB STECHER After missing: one week, Har ry Plant has lined up a really promising card for next Mon day nightnote the date. The last one was Tuesday and some people missed it thinking It was to be Thursday. Principals will be Wildcat Pete. who In the words of the speller "needs no .introduction," and Young Joe Stecher, whose reputa tion has preceded him though this win be his first appearance In Salem. I It will also be Salem's first opportunity to see Pete's new -"surfboard' hold, the idea for which he got by watching; vaca tioners ride the waves at the California beaches. A . firm stance on the opponent's back and a stretch on both arms -can't you Just Tlsion it? As for Stecher well. Salem fans know him mostly as the fid- low who was grappling with Gus Kalilo when Gus Jaw was broken by an irate fan.' Joe was supposed to take Gus place here two nirht later but he also filled in at Pen dleton In the meantime and miss ed his train for Salem. A little sarcasm was spread about that but we don t seriously contend Joe was shying from Wildcat McCann. A few months ago Joe won the world's Junior-middleweight belt previously held by Henry Jones and then Pete. Since Pete's return from far places he nas won It back from Joe but Mr. Stecher says he was robbed. aaa we'll be able to tell more about that Monday night. Stecher hails from Montreal. Canada, and formerly was New England middleweight champion. Walt Cllne i ullwl a Merriwell in the Salem Golf club snrinW Jiandicaj) championship flight xne otiier Oay. He was four . down to Harry Willett at the i end of the first nine and then pulled out a win. He was giv ing away a. few strokes on han- dicap at that. T ' Rally of Girl ' Scouts Planned Here on May 16 Prelimiparyi plana for an all day rally of Girl Scouts of Salem, phemawa and Kelzer" were made at a meeting of the leaders' con ference held Wednesday night at the Y. W. C. IA. The eTent will feature games and contest, along with a lunch at noon, and will be held Saturday, May 16. at Engle wood park. .1 Committee to arrange for the eTent includes Mrs. Middleton, a captain i- the- Chemawa Girl Scout ' troops, i Mrs. Kelso of the Keizer Girl Scouts, and Gene vieve Morgan of the Salem organ lzation. ;.( ! . The committee will report at a meeing or all leaders to be held . wj committee rooms vyeanesaay. May ' it, at 7:30 Honor Hayter . A large dele gation of Salem dentists will go to Dallas this evening $p attend the meeting nem tnere by the Marion-Polk and Yamhill connty dental society to honor Dr. Mark iiayter or uanae, Teteran member Of their group. A dinner min. will be held, at which entertain ment win no provided by the aoam Willamette dental society. "Mi rClH" May Program O 1 ".. J TRACK SEIM TO OPEH TODAY Willamette Runners Facing Albany ; College Team; Interest Better This afternoon at 1 o'clock. Coach Les" Sparks- will trot out his 1931 track squad of Willam - ette for a few spins around the oval against the strong Albany college team. 7 This will he th first BMt of the season for the Bearcats and for the most nart the entrants have not vet reached znid-aeason form. The interclass track meet was held. HoBdir and i-ctuImI much enthusiasm for track at Wil- I ; 1)0,1 Oonsalea, another Clere lamette, , Several; mora men ara1nd champion, considered a cer- expected to turn out and work into condition for the meets to IOUQV. - : "Lea" Sparks never knows be fore a meet Just who will run in the various events. He watches how things are going and plays for points where he can get. them. He has several men who used in a number. - of different events according to the needs of the moment. In the 100-yard dash Faber. and Walker will probably run, and an other man may also be entered. Sparks will have to see how the meet Is going before he picks his 220 men. Armstrong is the best bet for the 440. but has not made time equal to that of Buchanan of Albany.- However, Sparks hopes to get at least a second, and tire Buchanan for the half mile. Chances Good In Some Events Kaiser will run the half mile for Willamette and If his condi tion is good, he can be counted on to set up a nice mark. Stone and Lang may also be used in the! half. They will probably both run in the mile and YanDyke may also com pete In the four-lap event. Van- Dyke has a sore leg which may keep him from hitting the mile pace. In which case he will run the two-mile. The entrants for the mile relay have not yet been chosen. Each man must run a quarter mile in that event. Carpenter. Smith and Fants will take care of the discus and shptput. They are all husky lads and should be able tocop some points In the weights Smith will throw the javelin and perhaps someone else . will also toss the modern spear. Carpenter has a sore shoulder and will not be able to enter this event. Faber will run the high and low hurdles and also enter the pole vault. He is experienced "in all of these events and will prob ably come through for a large number of points. Kloostra will enter the high jump and Carpen ter may also try his luck at the pit. Kaiser will compete in the broad jump and Sparks is not yet sure who else will enter that event. Edmonson and Cook will joe the two-mile run. In addition to these men Sparks has McCnllough. Hamilton, Brassfield, Koeler and Baldwin as utility men, who may see action in most any of the events. Heats Will be For Big Meet Sometime this moraine the heats for the 100. 220 and low and high hurdles for the Willam ette valley track meet will ; be drawn by "Les" Sparks prepara tory to the big meet on Saturday afternoon, under auspices of Wil lamette university. ; . , Invitations were sent to 23 schools and it is expected that more than 15 of these will send representatives. Some of the schools will enter the maximum number In every event while oth ers plan to send only those who stand good chances of winning.- Hill's Military Academy. Che mawa Indian School, Milwaukle and Salem high will each enter fall teams. Stayton will enter four men. Oregon Cltv six. Uni versity high of Eugene four and Eugene high will probably r be beard from today. - The meet will start at 1 o'clock and be run off on scheduled time. Good interest In the meet will as sure Salem of getting it again next year, aiso if the meet proves sue- cessiui it win make it .,,. I while to put In a first class cln-1 er iracic soon. The University of Oregon will not sponsor the state Drawn Today reiays next year, it Is said, andlBB or vowseum wmsuu this will offer anothi for Willamette to handle a state I championship event. winTntt I has handled the state hirh ahnni a- I oascetDaii tournament so effl - cteouy tnat it is a growing Insti-1 Kunoa and meets wide approval. WUlamette eonM nmhihi : handle the .Ute relay, equally Garden Attacks Primo-Godfrey Fight Contract vrw Tnpr -a . rJW 1 UKK. Anrll SM-fAPl -Th nronfl.-! l,a. ,.v. 7. I r 18u I oe.ween jaea Sharkey and Pri- 5?.. WM moved out of 2S? "d into the tederal I The Madison Sauara Ra-an i - corporation of Illinois .i.imi.; to nold a contract prohlbltine the I ponderous Camera from engag-1 ing in any "major 'bout" hAfhra meeting the winner of the Mar I .!iin8::T01in? S t r 1 h 1 i n g-1 "wej WVl&Ub U.IA Ilf fir - SUSViAi. I uled for Cleveland. July 3, filed ller. Harry Peters. Art Schroeder. in injunction in N Tnrlr u.V.ln'A -iaK- r uulih TH11 'US to Halt the SnirVaX,irnAn I orawl. National Amateur Ring Champ In Finals at New York MADISON ROTT ARK rikimmi w York. Apm o. ap a(uwiu( cuunay Italian flyweight from Cleveland, pom meled out a decision over Eddie Ceresole of Oakland, CL, to night,' to win the ill pound na tional: Amateur Athletic union boxing Championship, first : of J eight titles on the block in the unai night of the annual tonrna i ment. I Joa Ferrante,' little blonde I Boston whirlwind, defeated Mike I bMv tne New York spider. In I una lor the 111 nonnd ! championship la a free hitting I naiue mat Kept Ui crowd In an I nproar. I lw leatnerweigM winner, lost I "nA1 round in the 12S-pound class te Tony SearpatL' of New xorK, on the .first foul- that has cropped up In four nights of battle. ...;-r.- , - .. . Al Gomes, a thumping rlght- hand puncher, from San Fran- HP OUT VATXOVAX, ZXAatTB W. U Pet. . W. Xju Pet. CUrago 8 S .717 S .727 PhitaL. -S T .417 BreekL S 10 .281 CiBcin. 1 S .100 N. Y. BoUoa -9 4 S .692 .643 BROOKLYN, April 30. (API The combination of Babe Phelps' nitchlnsr , and Johnnv Frederick's hittinr enabled the Brooklyn Robins to snap out of their slump and trim the Phil - lies, to 1, in today's series opener. RHE Phil'delphla.000 100 000 1 10 0 Brooklyn .103 020 OOx C 10 0 J. Elliott, Shields, Schesler. Fallenstein and Davis; Philps and Lopes. . s fliyv luntt., April v. kai') rr .7i t,M vi . - - - . ivii vi 111 19 aeicaiea ooiion 2 to 1 today. R H E Boston 1 2 0 New York 2 10 1 Zachary, Cantweil and Spohr- er; Fitzsimmons and Hogan. Pirates Lope In PITTSBURGH, April 30. MDl Tt.V I. " jn. t to 1 h t; game of a series with Cincinnati, -, - .r.i 7.V. iu neui usea inree piicners in V. A . . . Cincinnati ' 200 001 000 3 8 Pittsbu"" 004 022 OOx-l 9 f RHE Rixey, Kolp, Bysong and Suke- forth; Melne , and Phelps. Chicago at St. Louis, rain. O- -O I RING GOSSIP I PHILADELPHIA, April 30 (AP) Jack McVey, New York negro slugger, and Vincent rFor- glone, of Philadelphia, fought a slashing eight round battle to a draw decision In the wlndup at the Broadway A. C. tonight. PARIS, April 30 (AP) Pan ama Al Brown, generally recognis ed bantamweight champion of the world, knocked out Verbist. Bel gian featherweight champion, in the eighth round of their ten round. bout here tonight BOSTON, Anrll 30 (AP) Ed Don George, lxs Angeles, former heavyweight wrestling title claim ant, had to grapple with "Count" George Zarynoff here tonight for an hour and 36 minutes before he obtaine a double armlock on the acrobatic Russian' and flattened him with a backfall. Nick Lutze. 209. of southern California, - and Henri di Glane, 215, of France, prolonged the semi-final to a 4 5-minute draw. i KALAMAZOO, Mich.. April 30 (AP) Tommy Grogan, Omaha, knocked Out Herman Perlick, Z,.t. at,v?", .fl I second round of a scheduled ten round bout here tonight; NNEW YORK,' April 30 (AP) Renato Gardlni, Italian heavy- weight, threw Carl Lemmle of ew JOT with nying; mares after i AO "1"ule uuu lUIng - mthelr finish bout at i PENDLETON, Ore.. April 30. (AP) Ira Dern, Salt Lake City, defeated Jack Hoffman, New ww , a a a it a zorK m lwo siraignt xaus in a wresuing; matcn nere tonignt. DafeS SqUad In Track Meet At Willamette DALLAS. April 30 Dallas high will enter her first track . . - a . I I meei oi me iss seasou oiuruy i lv . ' , I wneB Sue goes io wc m, wm-i netn in the Willamette university I meet. ' . I rh n.iiaa 4-t -m antr all 1 eTents .TCtS ihirh nTMn -( tk -i- v.nir i r . . I . -. . .... nTf . .in th. thro-. i.t. termen back this year, Morrison. I tr.LV .- r----- - rw-- -it nmVu nv. I the trip are: Dean Cadle. Bill Ca-1 11 TxW . -.nrttl Wt Tr-nmlA T-ala tr.i.nn r -T rn-- :Tl7- ren Hlnamon. BOB S Furnishes lonships Settled CiSCO.. SrrahhAd Aff a himnlmi. ship for California by . winning Loweii. Mas; in tb its-pound The first of the New Orleans Flynn boys. Eddie, the : 117 Bounder, nva a rfatvllnv ..vivi. tlan tn -Irnil.. n.i.t . -'"" championship by decision from JOS .Lyons, a ram -ronnratarl" .512 rrom Lancaster, N. ;T. ; Dennis . could not; equal' the mat of his younger brother, how ever, and lost the decision and IZ w, v -iiir 1 ! v7 ?i0B",n V- uil ,... . v Anton Holoni. the belter from Reno, Ner scored . tn th first knockout of the finals when he blasted over Joe Mel ham of Kan sas city to win the light heavy- weignt crown. . Jack Pallet gava Cleveland Its second ehampion, and successful ly aeiended the heavyweight title by scoring; a technical knockout over Earl Sather of Minneapolis half way through the first round. YUEES IS EB AlfKKICAV T.-T.AnTTT? I W. I. -or I Pet. S 5 .SlSlPhiut 5 N. Y. S .571 Boston 8 Detroit Jl J .500 St. L. .3 .500 ,455 T i800 S .173 'PHILADELPHIA, April 30 (API The Yankees broke their I losing streak . today' when Harry I Johnson held the ehampion Ath- lIe"C to six hits and beat them. M In series opener. RHE New York .000 003 1037 8 3 Phllad. . ...101 000 000 2 8 1 Johnson and Dicker: Walberr. Mcuonam and Cochrane. Clssell l Hero CHICAGO, April 30 (AP) s-rv is wasaii afkwiA a . vi j V , , 7 f. nolds from third in the eleventh oox 1 m 10 1 victory over tne st. Louis Browns in th. firf rim ui iae scries. . -,. R HE St. L. .232 101 000 009 10 5 Chlc'go 220 300 200 01-10 12 4 Steward, Klnsey and Ferrell; Braxton. MeKaln and Tate. Tiger Win Opener I Alii 11 i 1 DETROIT, April 30 (AP) The Detroit Tigers defeated Cleve- I iani s to 4, m the first game of j tne series. R H E wieTciana .oiu uuu sou 3 Detroit ...400 104 OOx 9 12 0 e Hu1In,' Miller Craghead and weU' rglJHot-and Schang. Washington at Boston, ' cold. Double-header Saturday. Indians and Bulldogs to CHEMAWA. April 30. The Chemawa Indians will Pick np their war clubs again Friday to do battle with the Bulldogs from woodburn. With four wins and no defeats the Redmen now head the heap as they enter the second round of games. Chemawa has faced every team in the league and so far has not been forced to bite any dust but the Bull- dogs are sure to be hot after their bide Friday. Last year the Redmen and the Bulldogs played the final for the championship and the Woodburn . nine emerged ed with the heavy end of the score. With War n.M,( In -I will have field that w wva. u aaa uiuu vwcuitt W CSj a bail team In the will be wide awake and every hitter a determined j nA ti, w.av. t1 one. Three weeks ago the Red skins nlckd the Bulldogs 10 to 8 after 'a close and Interesting game.- xnougn tne, unai score was heavy for Chemawa It . was not until its halt of - the: ninth Inning that it cinched" the , game. Up till then the count stood to 5 In Its favor. Just a little bit of over-confidence Uipted the a : sas AU6 aaa- . iuio . aai o w game and it was not till late In the fracas that they were able to mAJntt themselves to the sit- uation. Just who will be ' chosen Si ,aI uiSl rfJ Ues in rro hnrl e home mound. wnnnotTDv a i n J -rrr,.v only slight hopes of revenge Clash Today uctiiwich nuwiiaiu v uiihidu...i jt .t-w i. T V "".v1;... .'I ' p--SSJPZ2 ift v----Wl- l-il -iT Z,TJZ i mcaeo -ie- vieiory nnaer: meir beiw ana started for borne. The RnlltiAn ir ' Anr fA- 'raws- ei , " ... VrlAav anil tTinrA fa. at nte-fhfllfv mui wy may se- iu mere w a possible chance that some of the regular! team members, re- by m. BLauenL nuiHr. will rpr in - R-,t,f.n- k o.taf.An i. h. V .V -V . and Has tie mar ba holdlnir dnwn their regular positions: of out- !Mr nl nltoW lUnr -itM I th nnasihiiitv nf tA iTiAn t I the lineup Is the discouraging fact that "Moke" Cearfn. .XTnnH. I hnrn'l npimpnr IUMa ntrhur win I r - m w . . - . " ... boi iu gun Because; ot ai severe 2 ease , of mumps. Reed I will probably be on - the mound, I Spovt mm se PORTLAND OUT Ducks Rally Late in Game Proyes -Futile; Angel . Lead Lengthened COAST txAavm I 1a. Pet. I. .Pet I L A. 1S S .SIS I Prti'mA is 11 .542 0kU.. .10 10 .SOO 11 is itu:i? l Belly. .IS 11 00 PORTLAND. Ore.. Anvil so CAP) Th Ban Francisco Mie. I wlHiW JT VI UUU, .O . IV hero today , but had a hard time I keenlnr th nnva fmm the score In tha lata innlnrs. . Th Missions aeored twV. th second lnninsr and add H mnr in th fnnrth f, Wobbly support coit PUlette several of the runs against him. Sad. From Behind . SEATTLE. April 3 0. ( AP Coming from behind with A re run rally In the ninth inninr. ma Pacific coast league base - bail game her today. . The "Stars forged one run ahead !n their, half of the ninth t1 ""!-t.Jr 7",h one on base. Seattle came back to pile, up five runs, i four of them on a home run by Louie Almada when the bases were loaded. ' - R H : E Hollywood ....... , 4 81 4 Seattle . . . . 8 13 I 0 Turner, V. Page and Severeld: MIIJUS and Gaston. Anirels 8tiU win LOS ANGELES. Anrll 30. (AP) Los Angeles bolstered hold on the Pacific coast base-1 regularly and has played a num ball league lead today by defeat-1 ber of teams f eom south Salem in lng Sacramento to 6, the! practice scriinmsgea. Leslie will club's third straight victory. Los I depend on base hit rather than Angeles came from behind wln, driving. Larry Gillick to the showers In the sixth, with- three run rally. Lorle Baker hit I seventh to tie the a borne rua off Hnhbell in the Ban. . a a . I 1 " jm bmuiw poiiea I another circuit iAnt f fiva mna ntr v.rk.. k tt- I Vli iiJL Vt7 " I r I . R H 1 B Sacramento 1 ....... 5 . 9 0 Los Angeles ........ 6 8 2 Gillick. Hubbell and Wlrta: xeraes, Herrmann and Schulte. - Oak Beat Seals SAN FRANCISCO. Anril 30. (AP) Nineteen thousand persons who turned r out for the benefit baseball game for Mrs. Mary Hick 1 - mant. widow , of -Bertrand Hick- I mant. killed hr nnll h -- took him for a bank rohhor. mv Oakland defeat the San Francl Seals, 11 to 8. tonight. The game took two and one-half hours. RHE Oakland ..... i 11 1 l San Francisco 8 15 2 Pearson, Tubbs and Reed : Da vis, Turpln,; Douglas. McDougfal ana wiison. : Portland Box Score Missions AB R ir l l 2 3 3 0 2 2 0 1 PO A 1 2 E Robertson, s. 5 1 1 Clarke, 2 . . . Eckhardt, r , Hufft, 1 ....i 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 3 14 7 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 1 0 coti m.V t Cii'i ' 0 1 1 Rddda, 3 .. Brenzel, c 0 0 0 H. Palette, p 2 Kelly, m ...v 1 Totals ,.;.38 8 14 27 20. Portland AB R H PO A 2 2 0 E Berger, m . . .! 5 1 2 joB"', 0 0 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 0 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 J 0 0 0 0. 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 13 2 2 5 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 1 0 Rhiel, 3 0 plntawt ' livl Flagstead, 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0. 1 I 7,.:7, ' "li.,. J I ' . t IT ' 0 " 0 nllt.fftW iruiierton, p 0 0 0 0 0 Williams f-.. Totals .,..40 7 11 27 13 - 0 I - Battpd for Lahtl In 4th. t Batted.for Wuestlins in 9th. Missions ..".0 2 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 8 Till. ' A - O A A t t " r Drft..j - 'i l it. , n n n - Hits . .;. .202 22110 111 NlnB hits 7 runs off Bowman in Sac 9 nil 1 nff V.afttt lit It .land Ojoff Fullerton In S. Losing .Hall.. T. wwt - T)n.. . Lahtl.ll.. Struck out by PHleUe 1. Bowman 1. Lehti 1. Fullerton - ! B iLP"ll! Three-hase hit, Berger. Two-base I hits, Scott, Clarke. Coleman. Fen- - Uar. PUlette. Robertson. Double BWTO"cKK Fuuerton to Johnson to Fenton Time, 3:05. Umpires. Casey and Cady. Oregon Defeats i Vandals Again EUGENE, Ore., April SO. I AP)-4-The University of Oreron baseba: i Lirau. ueiesiea ms uni- I rslty of Idaho nine, 8 to 3, here today . II E Idano 5 5 12. 2 re?i - "nosay ana W -. wat Schute; Scales nd Shaneman. , . . 1 1, with iDirksen er Owinrs behind the plate, -: 77 77 777 Leslie Will M OpeitSeason On Diamond Baseball prospects are brighten ing up a bltja Leslie junior high as the first i game with McMinn- viue junior hign next Wednesday approaches. Humphries lis the only letter- 1 man, from last year to return and it has taken ;ai long while to whip .f;a team Into shape. A poor field 'iA a o DracUco back and still rives I some concern. The I tractor and 1 scraper, cot around I three weeks fate and the field with 4 I ' " ' , " -o I "m so hard and dry that It was I aimost useless to tnr leveiinr it I that manner The rough spots In I are gradually wearing down now f I however and Coach Gurnee Flesh I er believe that if his men 'can I v1' .nP rounoers on that sort " a ';,ou,a fl"6 no irou" di u m gooa. one, 7 . . TTT J . 1 . mm' b . ,,7 7Ll'"'"ll"OB. I ..'"v..."' Z f VM"f vVJt " . iaJZJff-iT-ii l!1!'. eI1lI0L 'rV..Con.Te" J 1 k-j,,- ,1, iUJi... r.--. .H V:-.Z'.u . tnn Ka1 n . k- a w. Mfsaa w v j ava saa as v Neun VpltrinV eVcond.ut ha, U "ttle trouble holding the ball and getting his peg oft fast. Elliott is playing shortstop and Is doing nicely there. He has a lot- of firs land plays a heady game though, he still Is lacking In experience.! ijThird.base Is being covered by! Mason who has a nice peg first and fields well. lie lacks I .p-M.Anp..! k . I hrand ef halll IRnmnhnn ! nlir. Ing in the utfield and Flesher ex- I sects to use his extra Ditchers for the other outfield nositlons. its! The team! has been nractlcinsr to slugging. The players are wield- lng the bat in good style. a I i ! i ,.LL.i T...-. c-ftts H&siuas 1 ipi Mite C'DonohiiA Pacific I XA. A , f ? !nonue. Pacific i r. t - " - resignation to 1 Harry Williams. president of the league due to Ill ness. Business AMUSEMENTS Salem Golf! Course . miles -sotitli on FUver Drlvfe. 38 hots watered falr- J Tst$tt?t?: ns. r eas i ac sunaays ' lu""a''"" ERS V. N WOODRY 18 Tears Salf-m" Leadlns Auctioneer , and f urniture Dealer Kesldenpe and Store ' 110 North! Summer Street ' Trierfinn 51IS BATHS Turkish bath and mnssajre. P. IL Imuran. 1Jftione 3021. Nfir HinK, , BATTERY ELECTRICIAN 'Hi R -, D. Barton-4.Natlonal Batteries Starter and' jrenerator work. Texaco 8tntlon. romer scour "n-l, Crrnrcn. BICYdtE REPAIRING LLOTD f El I RAMSDEN Columbia Bicycles ana (repairing, a 87 Court. The best: la bicycle and rpmlrlnir. H. W. HfWt!1t7 S. Com I. Tl. 4516 m CHIMNEY; SWEEP i ; 41 5. Telephn CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Gilbert.?!! Ore. I Bldgi TeL- J452. Dr. O. U SCOTT. PSC Clilronraetor. zas w. uttM Tei. ea S57Z. DRS, SCOFI,Kt.D. form. X-ray and N. Palmer .Chlroprae C M. New Bank PUIir. i 1 1 f CLEANING SERVICE Center 'S.i MitetertaV1 Tet" t5.'-'- ELECTRICIANS HA.UK ELECTRIC CO. New. loca 4654. tlon. 337 Court St. Tel. E. L. Welch electrlo shotx Wlrinc. fixtures andi auppllea ?rt our prloea ORISTS FTyOWERS I FOR ALL. ceaatons Olaon a. Coartland Hlsh St TeL 71. ALL. kinds Of floral work. Luts Flor Ut Jllh MaTkeL TeL S572. CUT Floweraj weddlnc bouquets funeral wreaths, decoration. C F. BrelthaQDt. loriat.S13 State Street. TH. SS4. 1 - -' ' -' ARBAGE Paletn 8cnrenr-r. Tel. 4S.S or 70. HEMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK. llarsaret'a Shop, I 4 1 i Co-it. 1 ' INSURANCE 4- BECICQIA- HENDRICKS ltf K. High I i TeL 4947 INSURANCE ii ' i i wiLrAMErrns ins. agenct Wa Bllven. Mgr.. E-ctnalve BuUerllla lnt ZlS Maaonte Bid - Tel. T9 tUuNURIES THET NEtVJ SALEM LAUNDRY THE VODER LAUNDRT XIX a High j i TeL X1IS CAPITALS CITT LAUNDRT 1 "We Wash Evenrthtnr In Luv- Telephone (ICS - t 1X Broadway turners iiooDonsra TEfffllS TEiS TIE 'Handicapped by the f tip-tilted gravelly courts at Hood River, the Salem high school tennis team nevertheless played a 3 -to-3 tie team match with the Hood River high netmen Wedneday. Hagemann of 8alem beat Allen . 1-4, 2-0, 7-5, Hobsoa beat Conna way. 0-3, 2-0. 0-3, and Sodeman beat Curliff 3-6. 0-3, 0-3. Hoover of -j Hood River' heat Corey f-1. 8-C. ' In doubles Hood River took both matches,- Allen and Conna way beating Hagemann and Sode man 0-4, 0-3 and Young and Gross beating Cofey and Hobson 1-3, " Salem high will play Corvallia high Saturday at Corvallia In the -w- in forenoon and th O. 8. C, rooka in , the afternoon. Hood Rlrer will of come hero uter for a returr match. ' r SHverton and Salem Tqssers: To Clash Today SILVERTON, . April 30. 611- veTton high - school sportsmen , will have a husy week-end . this - week. On Friday Salem and SHverton - baseball teams have been scheduled to play at Silver ton. This Is SHverton ' third leagu. game. . SHverton was de feated in her first game of the season by Chemawa. Last week end Woodburn took SHverton by a 2 to 3 margin. On Saturday Forest Grove, Dallas, Corvallia and SHverton will play a four-way golf match . here and Forest-Grove will also meet SHverton in tennis. Fivo singles and two doubles will be played on the local court. Turner Defeats StaytonZ? Nine TURNER. April 30 The Tur ner and Stayton high school base ball game -played Wednesday af ternoon on the Graydicger- dia mond was .unit exciting, the final score was 19 to 10 in favor of Turner. ' ; Directory mAttresses Mattresses from factory to borne. Ask about eur. wool i matt reaaea Renovat ers and fumlgatora Capital City Hd 1lng Co. -Tel. 40. I03S - North f'nn. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL Pianos, Pliono-ffrapha- sewins machines, BlieetTnunlc, and - piano atudlea Repairing phono-, frraphs and nowlng maclilnea fZZ Ftate Ftr--ft,- Pnlem. OFFICE SUPPLIES Everythn tn office supplier merclal Book Store. 163 N. Tel. 453. Corn Corn' L PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and; " reneral repnlr work. Grabur Broa. 161 Bo. Liberty. Tel. tr4. - . PAPER HANGING Wallpaper cleaned Ilk now work guaranteed. Call-3754. J. R. Johnaon. Paper, hanging and palntln. Neu tnan's -Paint -tore. 152 N. Coin'L PHONE GLENN ADAMS for bouM dectratlnir, paper hanglns, tlnUng. etc Reliable wortman. Paperhnglng and palntlnjf. Ftlpllng ft aneclalt". Tel. Kelwo Hrow , 6779 PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, carda pampli lets, programs, tooks or sny kind of printing, call The Statesman Print lng Depart merit. IIS K nmmr-i.i TVI'jhon' !10l. i - RADIO RADIO HEADQUARTERS 17S So. IlifCll St Phan. (Itt lw, feuelonal radio arvloe at moderate price. Complete equipment tor tent lnr all makes - radios.. Agfa CROS-LKT-;eNITU andl CLARION. every purpoae. for every ptiriwv A!iLt-n,',, "le of Radio TulM& EOFF KLECTRICAL. SHOP. ul Court St. Telr 91 IS. 4 STOVES STOVES and Hon nnaMn. ....' 'v sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds ef woven wine fence, fancy and P''n. hop baaketa. hooka, loran hooka Salero Kence and Stove Worka, Z3 Chemeketa. Tel. 4774. R. R. Flemlnr. - TAILORS rx EL MOSHER Tailor for men and women. 474 Court St. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Tranafer Ca 22S SUti. St. TeL 77TX.H Dlatrlbotlngrfor wardiha and atoi-jra our rii it- Get our ratea i FOR local or distant tranafer storw are. rail 2111 I-rm., T..f Trucks to Portland i aally. - j O- Real - Estate . Directory 1 BECKE- DENDRICRS 1 Tel 447 1X9 N. Utah ! i R f rim tn Sli H. nib St. i. . TeL 1671 i 1. UJfCOI-Kf irr.ita 461 State . i - - TeL H7l t SOCOLOiraiCY a ran X0-1 First Nat. liki. Bid. TeL 7807 ULRICI1 j- F. I woon 441 State Be j . TeL 71 M HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. 37 SUte St. TeL 7623 W: IL GRABENHORST ACO. Liberty L TeL 4(S q i I -C 1i lie t : 10! tr.l, 3" eha r eon 133 A Vllir ler et f fl'H N nlrii I( Coin U iu irrou with ' i:.i ro: i KpU; , i ' v ! . , . j . : ' . 9 ' j r - ',1' j r j '-l ' ' " ' ' ' '