The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 01, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orejron, Friday Morning; May 1. 1931
Local News ;Briefs
Mother Club About 40 moth- . Bates High Of the 200 girls
Health Button Nearly 18001 Total April Fines Record la
heralds of health buttons will he J the police court Indicate the f ol-
dlatrlhuted from the office of the lowing arrests mad fines for the
coonty school superintendent be-1 month of April, mil SIS over
. wrtrv tofv finnt. I time parldns; Tiolatlon convictions
for close of work today, Snpt. 10 lpeedlnS conrlctloDS
Mary I, roiiterson saia yeaier-i ,.K ... vlt rnn .onrfctlon
vt.iuuuicu t uu jvuiui iiiu cuiercu iuv yuor cvumt i uajt .. jura, r micisuu u unuitjr onS defective mauler COn
high Mhool met with Mrs. La- for high school gins at corvaius invited o ho in furors rictioa SI.50. on fall to sire
last weeaena, two i-eaie junior i morning. 10 aueaa ui joiai right of way conviction 15. one-
man scnooi giria. jtsarDara mo- i rora-iJuneTiuo aenua a.m.j-aaj i f&n to Btop at stop algm conviction
Donald and June Edwards, j day program; this afternoon Qe2.50, three reckless driving' con
ranked highest, with, only two I will bo In Sllverton for slm- lTictions S 37.50. eteht drunk con-
other girls making the same rat-1 liar program 10 wmcn iui I rictlonj S80. and three possession
lnr' according to fiznres re-1 has invited surrounding schools. "I .an.tiona si 41. SO. Total fines
cetved by Miss Eleanor Tonslng. I The Liberty program will ho held j collected wero fSSZ, for 151 ar-
physical ed a cation Instructor at I rnaay auernoon ana in biayion rests.
Leali vhn scromnanied the I health-Mar day event will be I
rronn of .' nnarlT 80 that went I held Friday evening. , I April Bnudina; Permits -Firty-
from here. The four girls made " . ",m v:. it.. four building pormiU In the
hirh ratlnr of elzht out of a -When you think of life Insur- month of April for Salem totalled
iosihfe lot thrJf of ?he 200 ce. thtak cf Charlie. McBlhln- ,4 5.818. 5. New and repair Jobs
girls rated 7 out of 10 points. .""- s i
and two of them, Shirley Crone- ,ml H(MM fhZ- The
111.. J Tl T , .
muior Aim r rutw jimc-a., v i rooming house operated by Mr
i ci tvt.. RRnniFRimnn m
w est oaiem ; 1 News r 'i,
I - j . 1 MHT- IT Tl Dr CD
ot mil i hi iinitr ii
I a. - w"
Holne R. Clark, principal, Thurs
day .afternoon and formed a club
which will meet the third Thurs
day In each, month. The club, un
like others, will hare no perman
i ent officers, a new group to be
selected for each meeting. Next
time Mrsw A. C. P. Perrywill senre
as chairman, Mrs. R. M. Wals as
secretary and Mrs. Victor Griggs
as tea hostess. The club is pri
marily for. .mothers who haTe
small children and-, therefore -are
not able to rislt the school at oth
er times. The children j win be
brought to sessions of this club,
and arrangements male for their
care daring the period.
Dollar dinner every night, 5:45
to 8 at the Marion hot&L
for April. 1929. 19S0 and 1931
are as follows: 1929, new $97,-
337. reoalr 353.195: 1930. new
from .TxkHa. Sli M . rirlk were I"1 , "'V. ,,a?; I 35.472; repair. J13.235.75;
among ine seTen wno raiea six Btreet caught fire yesterday morn
points. Lj - ling sometime before 9:40 o'clock.
Iave for Camp-A group of " '- JJS.-
.!. i ii in lucvoiiuicuL wu'vu t s i7v if ui fl nun. HiT i. ner Biieuuaoui
1931, new, $38,275, repair J 9.-
583.95, , .
sand May day-Child Health day
wrappers in 1 green, yellow and
true will Te distributed all orer
the county today, in a plan, of the
Marlon county public health asso
ciation to call; attention to the oc
catlon. The wrappers wlll be plac
ed orer the cap of every milk
bottle which leaves the Salem
dairies this morning, estimated at
10,000. and over bottles which
leave the principal dairies In the
county, another 10,000. The
wrapper contains the May-Health
day message of President Hoover.
'1 Club Case In the case of Dol
lie Ramp vs. Merle Ramp, involv
ing accounting of funds of the
Brooks community club, motion
has been filed by the defendant
asking that complaint be made
more definite and that It set forth
names of all members of the
Brooks , community elub and give
reason 'why all members of the
club should not be brought before
the court either as defendants or
, plaintiffs. , -.
There will b a! fraternal- dance
at the temple Saturday- night.
Bring your friends. A .
Camp Santaly, where they will ,1. mh .1,..
remain until Sunday. Girjs go- r00f of the maIn rt ot tne "hou8e
ing will be Luclle RolowJ Ruth , hnrBA1 mnA th6 entire house
Tire Theft Charees Jack Col
lins, 597 North Liberty street, and
Russell Freeman; 4th and Colum-
kU m.aaw t A. a. arvactsiil Itw til A
rresent Flay Members of the "lVlll,:, "VJ rZZl
Moore, Grace Skinner and Shir- 9A class at Leslie Janior high " 1 tirL th car of
inciter, Agues jnooru, ncuw
Gardner, Virginia Myers. Aileen
WEST SALEM. April 30. S.
L. Burke and aon of the River
side auto. campground have com-
pleted six strictly modern cabins.
Each contains two! rooms and
bath with full plumbing, gas and
electricity and . a 1 neat little
kitchen with sink and bullt-lns.
They are now ready for , occupancy.-
:. r.iv: ' '
Mr. and Mrs. "W. P. Lewis have
sold their mill and timber claim
which cruises 5,000.000 feet of
second growth fir to Irving Stew
art' ot Hopewell. The - property
is located at Summit, Benton
county". -
Mrs; Emma Moore of Turner
was an overnight guest Tuesday
of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Moore.
Mrs. Clyde Williams of Inde
pendence and her daughter,- Mrs.
Talent of The Dalles, were Wed
nesday visitors at the home of
Miss Lottie McAdams.
Mrs. Nick Brinkley and baby
daughter, Betty Lou, came home
Wednesday from a Salem hospi
tal where they have been for the
last 15 days. .
- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Laehr
and their - children Loralne and
Bud, started Thursday mornlns
ley Knighton.
Dance Friday Hazel Green.
raised $20 toward purchase of a
class gift to the school with a
play presented during the activity
iJt. ,tt... hour Thursday, f. The play, "For-
members of the Salem Lions club of . wa $7,1 ISl
Nels Olen while it was jparked
at his residence, 2605 Laurel
It. -1 A - ,.- 6l XiWMOA,
"olu Frances Jirack.
(Thicken House Fire Firemen
Dome uasain I Axtlnrulshed a chicken Bouse fire
Ardyth Fallln, tne property ot J. Humfeld at
VZUSZZi?T- ItJSZZ MarybelleLapham.EdFarrlngton 1541 North Front street Wednes-
, ---- ---"land Ray juason. jracuuy mem
Lions', wives assisting Mewm6yer, Miss Eleanor Tonsing
and Mrs. Madeleine Hanna.
Mrs. Smith will he Mrs. W. H.
Bonesteele, Mrs. : Edwin Acklln,
Mrs. James Humphreys and Mrs.
da nlaht after 150 month-old
chickens nad been roasiea airre.
Gene Grabenhorst.
, LI .... 16-In.. 34.75. 1-In block.
Mowinu on ATip wunuce T- ,-,, Phone 8847. Frtd E
Special prices on Sllverton old
fir wood off car. 4-ft, slab, 84.
George Rossman of the state sa- w.,,, Tn.
preme court left here last night Uweus, mc
for Washington, where he will Gasoline Stolen Three boys
attend the annual meeting of the whose ages ranged near 18 years
American Law institute. All su- were seen to take six gallons of
preme courts In tne United I gasoline from the car owned by
states will be represented at tne Mrs. W. H. Holbrook, 1890 South
meeting. Justice Rossman will be I Cottage street, according to her
. , . v.. . mwM . wu v . " I iQyutb uiv yvuvn A. A
Albrlcb Kites Toniens -lwv. I - .. th- io-, lft
him wr "lu""""'v",.;;," ... i . . . . boys putting the gas into cans and
died at the residence, unicaen iryer maraet gooa. carryine ft away. There was no
ion street, weanesaay, wm u Higner egg pnces coming, start automobile used, says the. report,
Mr. n of the rosarv at 7 Uair habTirhkki todir. Salem's '
A'inov tnnfekt from the Terwll- p(knl. I7S J?tta. ; Rnililnr TM-mit The follow- W. Cook, former resident of S
ltger Funeral home. Solemn re-: - ing building permits 'were Issued lem, past master Salem lodge
qulem high mass will be said at Present Skit Members of the by the city building inspector. No.) 4, A. P. and A. M. Remains
at JnsAnh'a Catholic church to- managing J staff of the Clarion Thursday: E. A. Shipley, reroof will arrive In Salem Friday
Interment I annual presented an advertising one storr dwelling 205 East Lin-1 nizht. in care of Terwilllger fu
in h in stl Barbara's ceme- skit at the high school assembly I coin street, cost 2225: Frank Per-I neral home. Funeral . services
Mar lor ie Ann Preble died In
this city Ann! 30. age z
months; daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Preble of 683 North
Liberty street. Funeral services
Friday. May 1. at -iu:3i a. m
from the Clough-Barrlck chapel,
Interment Jason Lee cemetery.
At Southern Pacific hospital.
San Francisco. April 30. rea
yesterday. I Charles West and kett; reroof one story dwelling,!
Kay Knoten: were tne main par- 1585 Saginaw street, cost f 14 3
Chimney-Roof FireThe three- J tlclpants. ! Annual sales climbed I 35. George Thomaso'n. alter one
Announcement of hour
atorr anartment building at 252
258 North Cottage street caught
fire near the chimney late Thurs
day afternoon, when Bparks from
the chimney ignited the moss on
the roof. Firemen found It neces
sary to chop a hole in the roof to
pt to the blaze successfully. Part
owners are R. A. Harris and Wal
ter Wlnslow. "
I For sale.' a limited amount of
Oreron Pulo and ; Paper Co. 8
nref erred stock. Hawkins ft Rob
erta, Oregon Bldg.
i Class Sermon ' Rev. C. C.
Poling;, new pastor of the First
. Evangelical church, has been In
vited to preach the baccalaureate
sermon of the senior high school
graduation class. The service will
to nearly 250 yesterday, accord-1 story dwelling, 1070 Fir street.
ing to Manager Earl Carkin.
cost 350.
The Salem Hospital Auxiliary
Rummage Sale, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday .in the old Giese-
Stodents Marry Marriage li
cense was Issued here , late yes
terday afternoon to Orvil Stiles,
21, and Ruth Bederlln. 19, both I Powers Furniture Store.
of McMInnviue. They , both gave
their occupations as - students,
They ' were ' married here by the
county Judge.
Case Dismissed -Based on stip
ulation showing that settlement
had meen made out ot court, the
damage action of Marie Amend
vs. Pacific. Greyhound lines was
yesterday dismissed from circuit
Mitchell Speaker Harry O.
Mitchell, district manager of the
Bureau of foreign and domestic
commerce of the U. S. department
of commerce will be the speaker
at the. session of the Salem Ad
club this noon. He will talk on
some of the phases of helpful gov
ernment cooperation to business.
The club meets at the Gray Belle.
library Report Leslie junior
high school Tead more than twice
as many books this April as a year I Altar society will please meet at
For sale, a limited amount of
Oregon Pulo 'and Paper Co. 8
Kii siindw' May 31 In the preferred stock. Hawkins & Rob- ago. report of Librarian Amy Mar- the church,
be held Sunday, aiay ax, m w nnrnn nur ti ahowa. Th total in 1920 was r
-nitw Kvanreiicai cnurca. xja. i o - 1 . . . - - ".... 1 1
Poling la the grandfather of Kath- ; vaneioan The sheriff has
filed with ; the county clerk cer
tificate of sale of real property on
foreclosure In case of J. L. Stal
ker vs. Frank Carpenter and oth
ers. The property Involved sold
to plaintiff for 12000.
At the residence. 840 Marlon
street. Wednesday evening, Ber
tha Albrlch. age 53. Survived oy
her husband, Frank; eight chil
dren. Dr. Joe Albrlch of saiem,
John ; of Portland, and Teresa,
Mrs. Eva Henann. Winirred,
Mary. Clara and Frank, all of
Salem: one brother. Edwara
Huffman ot Salem; one sister,
Mrs. J. B. Kays ot Mabton
Wash.: and seven grandchildren,
Recitation of the Rosary ana
nrayer Friday at 7 p. m. from
the Terwilllger funeral home.
Solemn requiem high mass, at St.
Joseph's Catholic church Satur
day. May 2. at a. m. Inter
ment St. Barbara s '' cemetery.
leen Phelps,
class. ,
a member of the
Monthly Total Thirty-nine
marriage licenses were Issued here
for the month of April, according
to tbe records of the county, clerk.
The last month brought consider
able more marriages - than - In
538, and last month It was 1108,
an Increase of 570. . Non-fiction
bettered fiction by 40 volumes.
Miss Martin has displayed posters
to increase interest in reading.
See Ross Smith, Center
Church, for tire bargains. ,
Application Applications have
been made tofhave the tnree 101-
Glvrn Hearin-; George VII-
strup, given preliminary hearing
March, when but 33 licenses were . . , ,CM. nn th a moHon I before the justice of the peace
sosgni uero. .
I May day breakfast, Saturday,
7?30 to 10. W. U. gym, 25c.
Judgment Kntred Tha Credit
Service company has been granted
judgment totaling 82883.32 in its
suit against the R and B Food
shop. The sheriff yesterday made
return onwrtt of attachment Is
sued against the food shop, 1587
Center -street. ;
Special. Friday and Saturday
only, sinnlas and marigolds, 25e
per dot. Large individual petun
ias. 10c each. Salem's Petland.
Phone 6787. j
! Chimney Fire A chimney fire
at 885 South 18th street was ex
tinguished Thursday night by the,
tire department.
docket: Walter Scott vs. Grace
Dunagan: G. W. Taylor vs. Wal
lace B. Richardson, and Dome
Ramp vs.. Merle -Ramp.
Howard Owens is now available
for landscape gardening work.
New or maintenance work guar
anteed, at reasonable prices, pal!
8420. !
From Coast J. Cu minings.
dairyman of Oretown. near Pa
cific City, was a Thursday busi
ness visitor in Salem.
Auxiliary to Meet The Auxil
iary of the Spanish American War
Veterans will meet for a regular
business meeting, at 2:30 o'clock
this afternoon In the armory.
yesterday on charge of larceny by
bailee, -was released on bail. His
case will be set for trial later.
Qough'Barrick Co.
Laehr parent, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Van' Alatyne. The Burke
expect to be home next Tuesday.
Mrs. A. w. Rockafellow is 'run-
TTJRKER, April SO The.-T.ur-
are can
ning the store during their ab-1 ner men's brotherhood
sence. ; nouncing their program' for their
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Goodlow regular monthly meeting to I be
and daughter, Virginia, of Dallas held Monday night May 4 at the
were over night guests Saturday churchj Ronald Glover of Salem
at the S. L. Burke home. The will give the talk of the evening
following day they, with Mr.; and on 'The Bible as a Basis of
Mrs. Burke' drove to ScJo where Law." Ivan Hadley the president
they. were dinner , guests ox nr. 1 wm ! preside at the meeting and
and f Mrs. Clyde Rodgers , and H. S. Bond will conduct the de-
family. Mrs. Rodgeri Is a daugh-
tr of the Burkes.
Recent guest of Mrs. S. E.
Davis were Mrs. Lou McDonald
and E, R. Boise of Eugene Mrs.
A. E. Feller and her daughter.
Mrs. Bernlce Hagen of Donald.
Both Mrs. McDonald and Mrs.
Feller are daughters of Mrs., Da
vis who suffered a stroke some
Mr.' and Mrs. Carl C. Batey
made a business trip to Portland
Wednesday returning Thursday.
William McAdams was able to
be out of bed Wednesday for the
first; time in 60 days.
Rev.! M. A. Groves Sundayi
school (class of boys entertained
Miss! Tf-ula Grant's class of girls
months ago. Mr. and Mrs. Joe j at a .party on a recent evening
Reynolds of Salem visited the In
vajid Sunday. Mrt. Reynolds was
formerly . Mra. -Davis nurse.
: Hj B. Koehler has a 10 year
lease on 12 acres of the W. P.
in the fchurch basement. Games
and j refreshments were enjoyed
by zi young people.
! Lylel Thomas was speaker at
the Sunday morning church serv-
on a motor trip to Burns where to evergreen blackberries.
Lewis, farm at the west end of I Ices which were in charge ot the
the steel bridge and will plant it I local Men's Gospel team
Lost or Stolen Alice M. Pal
mer of Route 4 reported to the
police that she lost or there was
stolen from her auto Thursday
morning near the Willson park
a dark tan envelope purse contain
ing some private papers, some
ewelry and a few cents in cash.
At Crooked Flneer Work Is
expected to start the first of the
weak on the mile of market roaa
to be built In the Crooked Finger
section. County -Commissioner
Porter and Road Foreman Lee
Wells reported yesterday on re
turn from a trip to that district.
Dr. White Chosen Dr. , W.
Boyd White of Pendleton today
was appointed by Governor Meier
as a member of the -state board
of chiropractic examiners to suc
ceed the late Dr. Robert C. Ells
worth ot Portland.
Probate Petition Helen Wage-
man has filed petition In probate
asking that the 310,750 estate of
Helena Llndeken be admitted to
probate. In the will the petition
er, i named executrix.
Farris Here Jack Farrls, dis
trict governor of Lions, will be in
presence of j a group of relatives
and "friends
Miss i Augusta Turpln and - G.
Oscar nLong, both ; of Donald,
Salem today, and with President, by evf. M. A. Groves tT.
weweii wuuams or tne baiem Methodist parsonage here. The
den will go to Dallas to organize I ceremotly was performed in the
a club there.
Seeks Trial In the divorce
suit of Asceneath McDonald vs.
9. M. McDonald, application has
been made to have suit placed
on the trial docket. '
New Member Merrltt Hart of
the Electric cleaners was Intro
duced as a new member ot , the
Lions club at the meeting yes
terday.- - 1.
- . - -
From Portland C. R. Mad-
dock of Portland, insurance man,
was a business caller here Thurs
day. '
Furnish Music Bill Braseau
and a group ot his students fur
nished entertainment tor the
Lions yesterday noon. I
Back - on job Flavlus Melr,
clerk at the postofflce, was back
on the job yesterday morning
after a few day vacation. . j
From Eugene J. P. Prescott
of Eugene wa a business visitor
in Salem yesterday, n
votions. Ail men are cordially la-
tvtted. - . .- . ... , , -
. ,
Hill Reverses
County Ruling
y On Byrd Estate v
The county court's order over- 1
ruling objections of j Ines Adele
Byrd to final account of the exe-
reversed in. decree handed down
yesterday by Circuit Judge Gale 8.
The objector sought all Income
derived from a trust fund provide
ed by the will and asked that the
executor give an accounting of
such funds not turned to her. The
circuit judge's decree provides
that she be given Income from
the fund from February 4, 1929.
when Dr. Byrd died, as provided -for
by the will; it also lists sums
of money to" be accounted for
and paid her. r
I j
We Buy, Sell, Trade For
, Service and Repair
All Makes Washers
J. B. Chamberlain
Phone 5919
f , .
for Ladies, Children, Men and Boy
Saturday Only
Ladles 1 Knit Unlonsults,
Tight Knee, Loose Knee,
Strap Shoulder
84 to 50
Men's Rayon Shirts AQn
or Shorts rtHC
Children's Unionsuits "
Nainsook, Knit and Batiste,
Athletio style, 4Qr
French panty rat .. fft7C
Ladies Knit
shoulder, "
84 to 46
11 : :! : "
Men's Nainsook
TJniohsuits, Athletic
Men's - Knit ' Unionsuits
Ladies' Rayon Panties,
Bloomers and OC,
Shorties . ....... . J JC
Ladles' Lounging ' QQ
Pajamas JOC
Boys Athletic O C
Shirts. Knit TJC
Boys Rayon AQr
Shorts or Shirts ... . tJC
Ladies' Sea Island Of
Cotton. Vests ...... faJC
Children's Non-Run
Rayon Bloomers
Short sleeve, Jm
ankle length ...... IOC
"29 c
Bloch's Golden Rule Store
Salem, Oregon
220 N. Liberty
Phone 5151 -
Church at Ferry St.
A. M. Clough
Dr. L. B. Barrlck
V. T. Golden
TTamm To Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence E. Hamm. 1045 Howard
street. -a clrl. born April 29.
Varis To , Mr. and Mrs.
"Wayne Crawford . Varls, Turner
route two, a boy,. Robert Leslie,
born April 25 at the Salem g
eral hoscltal.
. Blevtns To Mr and Mrs. N,.
J. ( Blevlns, a daughter, Gwyn
Virginia, born April 28. at the
Henderson maternity home..
Dr. Chan Lam
Chinese Medicine
1 180 N. Commercial
- ;v si Office bnrs
-' f! Tuesday and Satnr-
: 1 .day 2 to 5:SO
May Day Breakfast
W. U. Gym. Saturday
7:30 to 10 - 25c
Sponsored by T. IT. C. A.
For Rent
Floor Sanders
Call O01O, Used Furniture
; Department
131 N. High
Established 1803 Tel.. 8638
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
Als Suber Service
Center at Church Telephone 9600
Watch Prices at Our Station
"Studying and working at the same
time as 1 do keeps you on a strain.
says John Armstrong. 1112 W. Santa
Barbara Ave.. Los Angeles, CaL
"So my digestion suffered. I got so
I would nave severe headaches and a
heavy feeling in my stomach after
meals. I had gas on the stomach:
would belch often, leaving a sour, hot
taste in my mouth. Few things agreed
with me. , ,
"A friend got me to take some,
Pane's Dispepsin. I had immediate
relief from the first few tablets, so I
kept on with it- Now I feel fine; eat
all the pastries and sweets I want
without Bad after-effects. I intend to
keep on with Pape s Diapepsin until
I am sure my trouble won't come
back. The tablets are Dleasant to
chew and sure get results quickly..
, Pape's Diapepsin ia the best thing
yet discovered to end digestive
worries, give tone to u disordered
stomach, increase appetite, make
digestion vigorous and complete. Its
success in so many cases where every
thing else has failed proves that
All drugstores sell these harmless,
pleasant tablets. Ii you prefer to fry
them before buying, a letter to Pape s
Diapepsin, Wheelmg, W. Vsv, will
bring a sample box, FREE.
Quick Relief for Stomach Ills
JL nrrax stszcroxs
770 CHr.Mr.HBTA
On Barrio is Pmoaal
Out Prieaa Art
Uewm X4y Zmstfer
J5tltttet jatmorial
' 8651
'ftmt Moderately
ttltt Pricea
A Park Cemetery
With Perpetual Care
Just ten ininutes from the
heart of town
. Candy Special
We have secured a 'spe
cial lot ot best grade pea
nuts dipped in the highest
gra$e of pure dipping
chocolate and shaped into
clusters by the most ex
perienced dippers.
Thitf Is one of the most
appealing specials that we
have yet been able to ob
tain for our customers and
Come early to set yours
while they last at this price.
3(3c per lb
3 lbs. for $1.00
Drug Store
, 133.X. Com'L St.
1 Dial 51IT7 ,
The Original Yellow Front and
Candy Special Store of Salem
;: Penslar Agency
Quality Plan Cowrteey
nfnnrapir?rF m A mvrw
Originators Of Low Price
351 State St.
Were hanging in our cooler last Saturday morning,
Ws were overstocked. We couldn't ship them with
out a loss as the Portland market was also over
stocked. We sold veal at the lowest prices in years
-and Saturday evening there were only 8 left. We
have had some busy days, but this was a record for
veal during the 16 years we have been in Salem. f
When we advertise an article regardless of price, you
may depend upon it being therbest.
For This Week We Oiler
Young Pig
Pork Roast
12V2C lb.
Fresh ' J
Ham Roast
18c lb. !
Buy a large one and use for cold lunch also
Dainty Lean
Loin Chops
20c lb.
Young Pig V
Pork Steak
2 lbs. 35c
Finest Sliced Bacon i .........25c lb.
This bacon cannot be duplicated at any where near
Choice Beef Good Boiling i
Pot Roasts Beef i
12V2c lb. I 10c lb. ;
Fancy Milk Fed Veal f
Some more-of that firm white meated Idnd ,
Veal Roasts Loin Chops
15c lb. 2 lbs. 35c ;
Leg of Veal Vea) Breast
20c lb. I lQcJbV
: Best - i ' Sugar Cured
Margarine Bacon Back
2 lbs. 25c 18clb.
Out of consideration to our employes, we close Satur
days at 7 p. m. rt ' i- tv 1 : lii'vi1- - .! ": . i If.
Harry 1L Levy, Mgr.
Open t,76 Hours Each Tear"
"Center & Liberty Street Phone 9144
SMOKED over ailow oak fire
"The old f ashioned way'
There is no substitute for pure lean meat finely
ground, seasoned and blended the CASCADES
way, THEN smoked slowly over the OAK fire
ail the deliclousness of this Quality Sausage U
r.fftiio-ht i&ut. . - i; '
Order from your own
Dealer he has it!
No cereal No artificial coloring In :
Cascade Old Fashioned Sausage
jtWk&exs, Bolocna, Franklurters, Jflnced Ham, ifcUurit).
- i
Ouaranteed nnder Oovtrnment
. inxpeeuon