The OREGON STATESMAN, Salens, Oregon, Friday Morniagj BIay 1, 1931 page Timer: r - s 1 J. ' i i Y i 1 4s KICK Silverton Committee Plans - Broadcast; Other Con ; . certs Arranged SILVERTON, April 30 - The SilTcrton music - week- committee that It-, ha .secured . particularly interesting feature lor Saturday night. May 9. Alfred . arreed to "hook up'' his new broadcast car. with... Its three dynamic speakers, ".for a visible studio" night Two of the large windows In the Stiff JFurnl- turr store will be stripped and re .rnnrhl Into a rexalar broadcast- Inr studio. From here an hour's ' program of local talent will be tii Mmhlneii sacred and Mothr er's-Dsy program which .will be o.mitiv nfrht ' MiT 10.' IS ' also searing completion and the young people's night for May 7 Is outlined. Both.gtTo promise of tilnrrr rood. , ..r -- The( f irsjt. public program of the week will bo Monday night. May Aty, -ton a rnatiime nrberana has been arranged. This will .open at the Eugene Field auditorium at 8 o'clock and Is free of charge. None of the numbers are long and her wilt be no encores. All of those appearing' on4 the program h9. hMn asked to wear a "dress- up" costume. Mrs. GertrudeCam- erott, chairman ot me jocai-iuic Week at silverton Is acting '. as chairman Monday night; r - .V Hal Campbell's orchestra will nnan h eveninc's program Mrs. r.Hnrrn Hnbbs. nresient . of the Women's dub who is- sponsoring the. nrocram. and Earl Adams, nrHMont of the. chamber of com marc will welcome the people. rtrhr itnmhera on the program include Tocal solos by Zelda Par rish, Mrs. W. T.' Tate. Max Scrl ber, Mrs. W. F. Krenx,' Mrs. Al- vln Legard, Burton Murpny, Mar tin DoerflerMrs. Jasper Dullum; Harmonica solo, Rudd Bentson; harmonica rlnet Cathaleene Cud- . dy and Edith Knight; Hawaiian and Spanish numbers by Harbo Thompson and his boys; harp solo, Mm vrnon Dt: reading by Mrs. Warren Crabtree assisted by Miss Lou Anne Chase ana jars. . uae Wells; violin, golo, by Beryl OUa way; bag pipe number by W. R Tomlson. f Th nrorram which ' was to hare been given at Trinity church Sunday afternoon na been post poned nntll Sunday. May 10, when It will be given at 1:90 at Trin ity church. ' ' .'7 i " . 12 to Graduate From Scio High Is Announcement SCIO, April 30 - Twelve mem bers of the Scio high school senior class are scheduled for completion of the course - at the commence ment exercises to be held In this city May 28, according to official announcement this week. Wm. C Jones, professor of economics at "Willamette university: will d- dress the class on the subject,'! Plannlnr for a Decade." - Following Is the graduating list LOW GO On 1 ' MAY 22N-D INT O E Beginning Friday, May 22nd, Union Pacific offers low round trip fares daily until October1-15th. I Find Return limit ' October 31st. ': " "'-"! : "" MAKE THIS A VACATION SUMMER. Go back east.:. see the world outside..; the .big cities... famous historic places." Broaden your perspective, gain new inspiration. Arrange ' your reservations now on.. ' .; He Portland. Rose A Triumph in Train Comfort " fciaugurafing Its first summer season, the beautiful Portland Rose continues a record for unrivolled service... for the very utmost. In travel comforts. . I i : ; , leaves the Rose Cry 0:30 each evening, Oub observation car, sun parlor, fountain :service. radio,) periodicals. Maid, vatet, barber, bath. De luxe diner ."..those famous meals. Modern chair car. NO EXTRA FARE, j 1 Thru' Fullmans Portland to SoJt lake Cly. Denver, Omaha, Kansas Cry, Chicago. Connection ot Omaha for St louis. 1 Another dairy train aast Continental Limited Z 9:40 A, M. ObMrveHee Car, Standard end TevrM Sleepen. Diner, Ceecnes General Passenger DepU 637 Pittock as furnished by F. A." Gallegiy; principal of the alga scnooi: caroi Crenshaw; Merle DeWall, Helen Elgin, Libby Faltus. Cecil Grimes, Lamia Kruml. Vincent McDonald, Clark Mumper, Rose Novak, Alma PhiUppi, Gloria Wesley, Beulah Withers. . "... . . Th baccalanreatA sermon will Ha Te.liTered . on Sunday evening. -May 24. but. the speaker and the place of meeting hare not been fully decided, It was stated. One of the local churches perhaps wui be nsed for the service, it is saia. Commencement exercises will be held either at the ' high school auitorium or at the local theatre, it was announced. niorla Wetielr will be the Tale? dlctorian of the graduating class. The scholarship olierea u ine graduate with the bignest raung also will go to Miss Wesely in the event she desires to use it. How ever, It is understood she doea not now plan to; continue her eauca a.mi ro ilnnr rnllere lines UWU.t V'- O - w - in ntr noon a commercial course instead. In. that event, xne scholarship will go to tne next ranking member , of tne ciasa, u The exercises on May 28 will close the present school year, ac cording to present plana. nnrB:th4 ifhool . Tear drawing to a close the local high school has had the largest enroi- mimt In It histOFT. at OB 9 time slightly exceeding a membership nr iftD. Th hlrh standard of the course, the efficiency of the laeui-t-r nnormtloa of transportation buses, the centralised - eonvenl- nrM ofthA Scio situation and nther nertlnent conditions are ad ranced as contributing features in the increasing enrollment both In the grades and In the high school. Azed: Woman Fractures Leg omNABT. Aorll 28 M. nirvntt a 77 vcar old resident of Quinaby suffered a fractured leg, snm'iT. when a cow tne was ieaa- lng became xrigntened ana ran, causinr Mrs. Rlckett to become entanded In the rope, i A doctor and ambulance was called from Salem and Mrs. Rickett was tak rn to a Salem hospital ' ; Mrs. PL E. Latourelte 01 Ksia rati anent several davs last week at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harold. SundaT. Mr. ana jars. Harold took Mrs. Latourette and Miss Nina Latourette to Oregon Citv and then motored on to Portland to visit friends. (Sac Pi?3ee Mecfiiiiiced HDay and ' DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE High CbemefceU SU. FARES FFE Block, Portland, Ore. i fouto to Grond Canyon. Ziofi, Bryco Conyon. YoHowstone. Grand Nationot Porta j Boowtiful, Utustrotod booHeti THE OVERLAND ROUTS LIGI0;j WOMEfJ Commander Biggs to At tend Gathering at wood-, burn Wednesday ... wnnnRHRN. Anrll SO-A ipe clal Mother'a day program, which Is being sponsored ana presemea by the .Woodburn women s auxil iary of the American Legion, will be given In the Woodburn ar mory the evening or ty i, w ataptinr at 8: IS o'clock. The program will be especially In honor of all the Gold Star moth ers" In the Woodburn district; No admission will be charged ionne affair, but a silver offering wiu be .taken.. . h :' ' ! John Ttlrr: Oreeon atatte com mander of the American Legion, will be the main speaker of the nMtar and it is certain that he will have an Interesting and "vit al message. - - ? Th Monitor male chorus of 18 men will hare a ' nromlnent part on the program, and - will sing several numbers. The choruay is directed by Doctor Schierbaum of Mount Angel. Clog dancea will be given by Ursula Moehberger, Lois Proctor, Rita Becxer, Komt mi" lak, Betty Jane Proctor,. Thelma Ananby and Kathleen Shorey, alt Woodburn high school students. They will be under, the tutelage of Miss Alma Taylor. td www hum bleb school - orchestra. ; will give , several selections. . ; The or chestra Is under the Daton 01 woe- tor A F. de Lesplnasse. Miss Maxiae Tour, a student at Mount Angel academy, wiU give a aance. Miss "Bunny" Keunsung- oi &aini Paul will do a . poppy dance. n interesting part of the pro gram -will be the performance of the Campflre Girls' ceremonial rites, r The Hubbard Campflre Girls, clad In their official robes, will Tut on the work. The Aurora Choral society, has signified In tentions of having a duo sing several numbers. Rev. Katherlne Powell of Woodburn will give the Invocation. Flower girls for the entertain ment are: little ' Aileen i Bentley," Patty Sims and .Geraldine Smith. Members of the Woodburn ' Girl Scouts organization win help usher. .;;.,! - The program is being present ed by the Americanization com XfSIlpp Inc. Dial Ph. f 192 Tha Stately " -CAPITOL BUIIWN0 Wedtiwatan. O.C CXAMPlESt ROUND TIIF PAICS. Salt Lake City .f 48.30 Dcaver 670 . Omaha . Kansas City St. Louis . ' CMcajro . , Detroit . . Claclnaatr. Kw Orlaans OleralanA . : Toronto . ' AtianU . . Waaainfton ruiadtlpMa KewTork . BAtoa . 75.60 75.60 85.60 90.30 109.92 110.40 1125 11640 121.65 145.66 149.22 151.70 1576 CofTMeeadiaclr nxmi- ; trip farta to other Mints att i Saily. May Z3 to 6tohr IS. Jtctara limit October IS. r 6toooTora. . . . kUm Low eao-way Itm ial CwcImi, Chair Cart. TooHstv Sloaearo. (Daily to Jane-So.) ' ;'f 9 foton. Rocky Mountain free. ' BswrTt 11 ii ii. 'Br'1 fc" X" ' 9 -I ODFOE mittee of the local American Le gion auxiliary chapter. Those In charge of -affair are Mrs. " Rez W. Bentley, Mrs. SUnley Adams and Mrs Rav T. Glhbena. Ladies assisting the main committee and I also ' responsible, . for decoration are Mrs. H. 8. LeFebvre, Mr. Pauline ,BaIn, and Mrs. Nellie Tate, of Woodburn, and Mrs. Elizabeth Miller of Monitor. WIYSTEHY PLAY PEKSTD ALE. April SO "Mystery of Third. Gable" a real mystery play put on by the high chool ntndenta here Tuesday was the' best entertainment Perrydale people have had for long per iod. ; : . . " : ' A large crowd was "out to" sup port the high school, a number Tha .east, vii chosen ana coached by WandaEUiott and the characteristics accorded each, one are a follows: Harry Nedrow as a hard boiled rum-runner had tbiara hla wav until he matched wit with Kenneth Keyt a a de tMt(T Uiv Van Staavens. as a very dignified old housekeep war very welL Thorval MUler, the old ludre who sought rest ' and - a anlet - vacation ' at ' the lonely dwelling to get away from a very active term as a Judge dealing with bootleggers, found anything but rest awaiting . him. Kimor Glvnn takes the part of his charmlnr wife and-she did this part splendidly.: Their daughter- played , by Mai a . Carrol, soaeht romance and excitement, she found both dur ing the course or events.. Their son as taken by And? Van Otten was very rood: he was full of wit, and a great comfort to his family with his nonchalant way until he also began to - see thinfi-H. Aladine CamPbeH did good acting as a timid nervous young woman. Arllne White had a difficult part as the private secretary of the ludre. She had many compli cated situations to explain. Ed ward Mollenaar as policeman handled his prisoners in an ex tvArtenpAd wav. Music was furnished by Robert Mitchell's orchestra with Cleo Odom of Amity as soloist. tjtS ve whippe '- t s . 4 ... ? -r- viqr tm-.-n . ... . w IwMifVJttaVlM yJ FoR NINETEEN years, our Research Department baa kept intimate touch with every new development of Science - that could be applied to the manufacture of dgarette. During "this period there has been no developmera of tested value or Importance to the smoker which we have not Incorporated into the making of Chesterfield cigarettes. EKEfllS POD FOR MAY DAY nrro. Anrn xo The Mar day program, which will take place on the Scio school grounds Friday of this " week, will include three- legged races, xaney rope-jumping. 50-yard dash ior boys ana gins, baseball throw for hoys and girls, high' Jumps.! broad jumps, both standing and running-., i 1 1 Entrants will be divided as 101- lows: Group one, ages tt and 10; group two; age 11, 12 and IS; group tnree, age 11, is ana Soellinr eon test- will be eon- ducted In the 4th to 8th grades, inclusive. -Each scuooi is ex pected to have an entrant In each arade. !arh aehool also 1 sched uled to contribute to the afternoon program..-. : ..!:' -. !,:,' !; . T.ila Lee Thayer was eiectea Mit Oireen hv the nrlmarr napUs. with Opal Wood ring and Eleanor r1nn .1 Tnillll . . ! I R. H. McDonald of the Riyer-. view school and E. p. caiaweu or the Selo grade school are In charre of the athletic - program. Mlsa MesBelt orrrranaiin uuiie uhnAl an d ' Mlsa , Noriniii Of SciO rrades are on the program com mittee. . Miss: Klindt of Scio has What Will Buy . Acl on Page 6 ... . v.. - :. . .V,......Wk . .-Ma. . yoifll find me Knee-deep in a swirling salmon stream or even deepefjln some office problem you relish "the taste of a good dgarette. And the better and milder the' tobaccos, &e better the laste and the rnilder the smoke--thar,s bound to follow. What you taste in Chesterfield'is the flavor and aroma of the tobaccos themselves. Chesterfield's blend and- cross-blend gives delicacy you'll find in no other cigarette. iIJgSett& Myers Tobacco Co. - T fZ' "TT- ' : ?, Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co, the crowning ef the eueen. while F. A-. GaUegly, priadpal at the hlrh' school, is In aharrs of the spelling contest, The auueue events trin surt at f a.m. sharp. It 1 reaveated that - all entrants be present promptly en time, " - Girls League In Pajama Party TERVAIS- April 80 Mlaa Va- ble Harden gay a pajama party at the home ot Mrs, V. O. Booster Friday night to members of the Girls r League.' .. The school j bus drove ta the home of the rlrls and; brought them in,, and also took ' them " to their nomes Alter the .party. The most Interesting futnra of tbe eivenlar. was a eon- test la which the girls were di vided into two sides under: the names of Mr. Brehaut- and Mr. Tnmbleson: the two men I teach ers, ; for a. track meet.. The side Burett Brot Jeweler Established Uore Than Thirty Yemrt Cash or 1.50 a ft streams sitting in oi .. . - '.Li. ' i'' SATISFY! CAST PREPARES FOR SB PLAY GERTAIS. April SO The Ben in olaaa nlav. Tbe Hidden Guest? will be given at the city ball Friday night. May s. Arinur Graiicms taxes - the leaning part and Is sunnorted by Etheloy Su- see, Lester DeJardln, Marguerite Hart, twnauneey Mcuougan, em ma Jensen, Elizabeth Messer, Ev-anelle- Esson, Peter Lelack, Ken neth. Manning and Albert PrantL Most of the east are old time play ers and are very popular with au diences which attend school plays at Gerval. There are 12 In the dais this i year. Commencement called; the Mr. Brehauta won by a very dose margin. . "Once Aboard the Lugger and the I Girl ;:'is; -.;ne-'- The same sentiment which moved the poet And the pirate moyes all of us- and i this rins: on her finger is a notice to all the world that she has promised to "name the my The Diamond Weighs ' ';' I. ' One-fifth Karat r '(20 points) ' At our rat for fine diamonds (we sell them at four dollars a noint no to one-half carat) this ring cost you Seventy-Nine Fifty. , - ! It m the biggest money' t worth in town mnd w gutrmntee tl. Tmke tt Weel Fey th belance 457 STATE waere s 1:. 'it . I If you a fragrance and A 'X- '' 4 -ST : ;-.f5S&-, . exercises are ts be held May 29. The. school annual is completed and will be delivered soon after the first of May. It Is a fine piece of work for small school. Ann ! Schaef ers, high school, took vounr people to Miss ' Marie teacher in the several . of the Portland Sunday to see Bert Ly- tel In, "The Spider." Those who made up the party were the Miss es Lois, Margaret and i Inn a De Jardln, Betty Cutsforth and Miss Schaefers and Leeter and Stanley DeJardln. .1 j j Twin girls were born to Mr. and Mrs. Earll Horning of Fry Station near Salem on Friday April i 24. Theyj weighed exactly U pounds each. Mrs. Horning before her marriage was ' Miss Frances Fersch weller, i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fersch well er of Gerval. ' j The St. Rita' Altar society will give' a card party and old time dance at the parish hall Tuesday nignt. May 6 AgoVy Ut $ You Are PtriJ for m doilsr bttl Une tsfty Wk. on rise 4 ' J .( 1 99 A 1 . . .... " ....... -,.;!- : -