The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 01, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. SaUra. Oregon! Friday Morning, May 1, 1931
4 : s
Memorial Edifice and Club
Room Prospects Will
- ; Be Investigated
-" '-"' ' ' - '--'::.'
Possibility that the Salem post
of the American Lesion " may
erect ' memorial building and
club room was opened this week
when 'Commander E. M. Page,
was authorized to name before
the next session a committee ot
10 men to Investigate such pro-
' eednre. No suggestions, other
than that a club room and audl
tortnm be contained In the struc
ture, were made.
U. H. Bassett.1 chairman of the
membership committee, reported
that the 4rlve would be contin
ued to reach 1 members,
which will entitle the post to 12
delegates at the state convention
In Corrallla In August, EleTen
delegates are now assured, the
roll containing 893 names.
Unusually Good
Program Offered .
t r rtAinfr. chairman of the
entertainment committee, pre
sented program- Including num
bers by the Elk orchestra, the
Delta: Phi trio of Willamette and
rlolln selection y Nathan Steln
bockj The high ' light of the Elks
orchestra presentation was a
rendition" or "Poet and
aaf 1n rube band style, with V.
P "Tiny" McNamara in the role
of barrassed leader. Otbers in
the orchestra were Ralph South
wick, MacRehnl, Carl Arrapriest.
Jv Michelson, C. J. Kurth,
. Adolnh Bombeck, - Oscar Steel
hammer, . Louis Steelhammer,
John Steelhammer, C. F. Paint,
Alec i Doerflcr and ' Ralph Bur
roughs. '
Delta Phi trio members are
Edith Pindley, Jean MIddleton
.. uai- ultt Mrr Jane
Lan of the high school gave
toe ! dancing performance oi
.' merit. '
The American' Legion, will en
tertain the auxiliary Tuesday
night May 14, with- a special
program followed by dancing and
DALLAS, April 80.- Frank
Peters of the A grade won the
gold medal at the Intermediate
grades declamatory contest Tues
day night. This contest was in
Division III Including the fifth
and sixth grades. '
i The prizes were distributed as,
follows: gold medal presented by
the school, Frank Peters; $2.50,
Jeanne Hartman; " dress, Helen
Hamilton; j tennis shoes, HaTold
Peterson; pencil, Elaine Hereth;
ball and bat. Jack Eakln; books
by Sapt. R. - R. Turner, Chelta
Frank Peters gave "The .Sar
dinian Drummer Boy" to the
first while second and third were
laken by Jeanne Hartman, with
-Annty Doleful's Visit," and
v - 4 if n fir ' y
: ill mini ": -j
Gun Metal
Beige Claire
Harold Peterson, with. "Annt Pol
ly George "Washington."'
Musical numbera en. the pro
gram were, thorns - selection,
Swing Song and T Teeter
Board- by the SA and b;' a
piano aolo.4Roae Fay,' by Mary
Ellen Dalton;, and group songs,
with sTth inif Sickle and
k-Ho, To Be a 1 Farmer" by the
6A and B. , . j , v. : " ;
wissT RTATTON. Anril 10
TuesdaV " evening the baseball
boys had a pie social at the Mc
CleTTan Hall, j "
The following program was
given: - ; .
;Song by Mrs.! Irish and daugh
ter Martha; playlette by Joseph
ine and Evelyn Downer; recita
tion. Orpha Shellenberger.
- Music by Mr.; "Wallace and son
Raymond. j
Play, "From, Down Easf" Ty
Bennie i Beldon, Martha" Irish,
Frank Je- Snodey, Dorothy Asche
and Edward Hankel. The idea
was that Mr, and Mrs. Pike, a
queer couple; parts taken by Ben
nie Beldon and Martha ' Irish,
came to visit their nieces; Frank
fe Snodey and Dorothy Asche;-to
see which one would receive mon
ey from the Pike's. The snooty
boy friend of the one girl was
f Von hr TCrfwarrl Hankel. The
kplay was quite, good for the short
time there was given to practice
and learning. ! r '
- This closed the program and
the auctioneer .took charge. A
number, of pies 'were auctioned
Off. The' ladies brought pies to be
sold by the piece. Coffee was also
sold. . i : i
The evening was enjoyed by
all and the hall . was filled till
only standing1 room was avail
able. I .
Tree Planil
At Praium Today
PRATUM, April 30. -Friday
morning at 9:30 two cypress
trees, two Greek Juniper trees
and two creeping Junipers will be
planted at the school house. '
. Ernest Infer, landscape gar
dener, will speak after the pro
gram at tne scnooi nouse naay
Less Than Half of Teachers
In Salem Schools are
College Grads ,
- Bat 5, or considerably less1
than half, of the teachers In the
Salem schools 'have a degree of
bachelor of science, or better;
and Si. or 64 per cent of the
190 members of the- , faculties,
have - been . graduate! from nor
mal school, according to ' survey
of teacher training and experi
ence, completed by a committee
of the Salem Teachers associa
tion. . ; - . : r.
Of the 9 who hold, degrees,
two have doctor of philosophy
degrees; one has master . of sci
ence and two master ot art de
grees; 42 have bachelor ot art
degrees and 23 bate bachelor7 of
science degrees.7 '
The- 98 who have graduated
from normal schools are grade
school teachers, ; this , being min
imum requirement tor. grade po
sitions. Fifty, have graduated
from universities, 23 from col
leges, two from business college,
three from technical vocational
schools, - three from - high school ;
and one has had three years
above the high school.
Fifteen teachers have studied
an : average of a year In univer
sities after graduation; five have
done advanced,, work of a year's
average In vocational schools;
10( have attended summer ses
sions; 79 have : taken extension
work; 20 have taken correspon
dence work; .and five .have com
bined correspondence and exten
sion work.
Many Have Taught
Outside of Oregon - "
On the experience phase of the
survey, the committee found that
3 C per cent ot the present teach
ing staff had (aught outside of
Oregon for anrerase of four
years, one high school teacher
having taught In another state
13 years, which is the record.
Thirty-two teachers have taught
the grades in other states; six
have taught in -junior highs, 10
in rural schools and . tour In
business colleges in other states.
Seventy five' per cent' of the
teachers here have held positions
In other Oregon schools, includ
Pure Silk Hose ..
Full fashioned and pure silk from top to toe.
Chiffon and service weight. Newest shades for
spring; in all sizes. Try and match this, value any
wHre ! Originally sold for 79c; now:
69c Pair
pair, SL25
Extra Quality . . . Sheer Chiffon
. .-
Pure silk, full fashioned hose with silk rein
forced toes and heels. Very sheer, and crystal
clear chiffon for evening or a service weight that
will stand any everyday strain. Newest shades
and especially adapted to thfs season's costume
colors. Regularly $1.33. I .
88c Pair
pair $1.50
275 N. Uberty
ing: S 9 In grades three In jun
ior nign, in .sign school, 40 in
rural schools and seven in busi
ness colleges,, universities or nor
mal acnooia. ,Tne average or the
entire group naa been nearly
three, years. 5 ..a.:.
; The average of thev entire 110
teachers for employment- in Sa
lem schools has been six years,
with, the range being all the way
from one year to 47 years.
DALLAS, April 30. A- Abder
halden and his- son, Henry, of the
Buell district, are two Polk coun
ty dairymen who have found al
falfa for pasture and hay a par
ticularly profitable crop. . The Ab-derhaldens-
have" more' than, an
acre ot alfalfa for every cow and
are planning on doubling their
acreage.- . : . '
The Abderhalden farm Is locat
ed on Gooseneck creek above Bu
ell. During the past winter Mr.
Abderhalden . and : his son hare
been clearing several acres ot new
land, which they plan on develop
ing for alfalfa. This field and oth
er fields along the bottom next to
Gooseneck creek will ' be Irrigated
In the near future. , - .
Mr. Abderhalden Is Swiss by
birth and has brought to this
country one of the Important Ideas
of his native land. This Is a man
ure pit built tor the purpose ot
conserving liquid manure, which
he later distributee over his
fields. This liquid manure gtat
ly Increases the crop yields.'
TF yoa have Frequent HEAD
IF yea eamaet read fine print at
thread a needle.
IF yea are NERVOUS and fart
. table. Censolt as NOW.
Charges Reasonable :
See What
Will Buy
Ad on Page 6
a Co
Phone 8774
5 5
Salem's Cleanest Stock Now Ai Sale Prices J
, -I
:ii r I Mota r-r
Ita time :for a , new,
more comfortable felt. ,
A new hat makes a I j
world of difference in
your appearance. Stet- ; ,
sons are $5.95 up. Qth j
era $1.95 to $4.95. -
The finest silks from
oalem s lie ohop,
yours at sale prices. Get
m tune with this spring
weather with a 'new
49c 69c 99c w
Union Spits
and Park Mill : union
suits (80x80 count)
i GliirtG
Three big lots .(f :
99c $1.39 $2.35
Your choice of any in
the house (wools)
Golli Hc3C
A fine guage plain col
or. Summer weight
Tailored to your : individual
measure. Many are half price
vec?GotiG $(Q95
All .Cksh
Don 't Miss
h i i i i - i i it v ii il l i ir ii v i
The creditors are paying for your savings JThi stock was bought
for less than 30 cents on the dollar - and j is priced to move, Ijet
cause of the absolute necessity for immediate liquidation.
Don't confuse this with the usual "sale'f made on the slightest
excuse where odd lots and jobbed merchandise are offered at a
slight reduction as a money-making proposition for the merch
ant. -KvY'N, .p"' ' :V; ---..-'; -! I : ' ' ; H-
' ! ' ' I ; v ' . '.' - ''- '" ' :, " " ' ' j I ' ' -,-! " j - '
The entire stock of .this store, which for years has enjoyed an en
viable reputation for quality, must be liquidated AT ONCE. All
orders were received prior to this liquidation. Everything
is included. Everything is reduced.
Our entire stock of Suits, in
cluding our finest spring Ore
gon " City suits Iiave been
grouped in 3 price lots.
n If
Worsted Cassimeres,
f Gabardines,
426 STATE ST. !
No Exchanges No Refunds Small Charge
' I
This Unusual
I' f:
3 OaV
$ 1 ;(095
: i -. i . -
Here s : the chance L to
buy that) odd pair
you've- wanted for
work or sports wear.
Imagine - all wool, well
tailored tousers for
i..'. Soil . .
Just for example, we
have takenrour 50c and
75c sox, rboth plain
colors and fancies and
marked them - i
39p ; lifoo .
Buy them , by the dozen t
- Pojataab-
Some are priced as low
Our entire stock
and 1
Radically reduced
90c up
All styles reduced
$2.95 arid up
for Alterations
4 :