A section of The Oregon Statesman featarins-SJUxriiandLse Savings Sato, Oregon, Thursday Uomlnj, April tO. 1931 Watch for this Section Information on Loan Forms Not To be Given Out Th iut, b&Udlnir tad loan superTgjwr 1 not an information bnreSa for prirat inYstors and If h diselosea information to private' persons eonceHiln- the business affairs of any Institu tion nnder his Jurisdiction, ho Is liabla to tb fall extent of the law, according to an opinion handed down hj ; Attorn er Gen eral YanWlnkla Wednesday, : TbV opinion was requested ' by James W. Mott, sUte corporation eommissioner. i U. : " -- . : . TToim WiM ILSEie mil? Wosr ; Low Prices Every Day ; Come in Saturday, May 2, and Have a Cup of S & W Coffee and Some Tru-BIu Cookies : - - Fels-Naptha Soap, 10 bars 49c BEANS White or Red 6 lbs. For ID MATCHES Winner Brand Carton of Six Boxes Pancrust Shortening, 4 lb. pail ; . 69c HONEY Oregon Crown 5 lb. Pail 49c CATSUP, 8 oz. Bottles 3 Bottles 25c: - r . - ... ; Salmon, Alaska Pink, 3 cans . . 29c Milk Carnation 4 Tall Cans 25c Soda Crackers Salted or Plain 3 lb. Box WsT-j i truer 1 7'' coffee per lb,, 35c Pearls of ; Wheat For a Better Breakfast Per Pkg. : 18c Crispy or Honey, . Made Grahams 2 lb. Box 28 c Marshmallows; Light, Fluffy, 2 lbs. 45c Fresh Creamery. Butter 2 lbs. 45c EGGS Fresh Extras 2 Dozen 28c FLOUR Blue Stem 49 lb. Sack 80c Valley Rose Finest Valley Flour 49 lb. Sack (SO Blue Ribbon Malt, per can . . . . 45c : J.00iiLDIV HEAT Visit Our Fresh Meat Departm ent, You Will Always be Pleased With the Quality of i Our Meats - Satisfaction Guaranteed. . i 0 w IRISH-BING FEED CO. FEATURES AND DISTRIBUTES HODGEN BREWSTER POULTRY AND DAIRY FEEDS HodgenBrewster Milk Starting Feed with Yeast 100 lbs. $3.15 HodgenBrewster Chick - Scratch 100 lbs. $2,35 Quality Tells . Hodgen-Brewster Baby Chick Mash with Milk 100 lbs. $2.50 Hodgen-Brewster E?sr Mash-Cod Lirer Oil Milk, Alfalfa Greens 100 lbs. 20 $2.09 Hodgen-Brewster Ess! Mash Plain 100 lb. Sack 20 $1.89 - Hodgen-Brewster s Egg Producer ' With Cod Ltrer OU and Alfalfa Greens, a real Mash for the money of course is Very bright of us, discoverin9 that April Is about over, and if we were inclined to brag we'd ou that April to date this year is a little xnore'n double last April (meanin9 of course our sales are more'n That tell vou 'double last April) reminds us of the old saying (we killed a bear). We hare a time or two In the past hurt ourselves considerably by pattin ourself on our bach ca account of havin' done somethlnj we thought was pretty smart .only to find out later that it wasn't us that done it (wasn't us that done something big we mean), , - - . : - - , - EJv- Ac 7g GeoEti to S057 the first of the month means a lot to Bnsicks stores because there are always a large number of .people who have by comparison found that it Is to their advantage to join the thousands of people who have found the savings at Busick's from day to day one of far greater importance than he saving on an item or two marked special Saturday and Monday. ANUS. VE GAY IN PAGGIN that the first of the month has stH another significance to us personally and that is when we get through payin our personal bills our. purse is. flattened out flatter's a pancake. The contents of which reminds us of what a lady told us she sayed by tradin' at chain store fsr six months. " ; - . Berry Sugar 100 lb. bags at per sack is a good price today but we don't know any more than you do what the price will be for the coming canning sea son. The market, is none too strong at this writing, however. Fine Granulated Sugar 2;lbs.lc Hazel Dell Butter Lest you forget, we say don't confuse Hazel Dell butter with justordinary butter, r Hazel Dell, per IK. Freshly Ground Peanut Butter Silver Leaf Lard -2Ibs.2Sc "Crisco " 6 lb- paifgllS Fresh Chocolate Cream Candy " 2 lbs-85a Fig Bars Fresh from the Ovens ; Kelt).--, 3 lbs, 29c - Cocoanut Square Coolnes 2 lbs, 29r ; (S ' - AT THE NOT A CHAIN STORE M A ES H Oven v ' Fresli Bread II lb. loaf 5c JV lb. loaf 7c PremiumSodas or GraharnCrackers 2 pound boxes V 2 bones 8Sc SPERRY Rolled. Oats ' Large Packages Nice Premium in Each Package v per pkgrSSc We wouldn't like it, even if it could be doner A friend of ours said to us the other day, Bill, why don't you folks put in other stores up and down the coast and grow big? You could do it, he said (flattery, of course) But if we could we wouldn't like it. We'd : rather be known as we are and have the friends and cus tomers we now have than to be known from coast, to coast as a big business v man. That's the truth." Jelly Powder ; All the Popular Flavors 5 pfigs. 2c Salad Dressing par pint. 256. Wesson Oil IK, Mazola Oil par part (15c Fresh Extra ; Eggs : 2 te 25e . California Yellow Cling Peaches large cans 2 cans 28c Grapefruit 2 cans 25c Broken Sliced Pineapple 212. cans 25c Fancy Sliced Pineapple Libby's Best : v 2 Ig. cans 35c Libby Spinach g Ig. cans 28c MlBoffee With the Hi-Vacuum Seal is Really a Guaran tee of. Ever-Fresh Coffee "0 lb. cans 30c 2 lb. cans, per lb. 37c Busick's Freshly Roasted Goffea glbs.66c Tree Tea Orange Pekoe Yl lb. pkg. -;J8c Green lb.;pfg. 85e; Shasta Tea Black or Green ' lb.p?tg.27c Lipton's Tea Orange Pekoe y ib. tg. m Purie Leaf Lard Pillsbury's Best flour 09lb.si1.25 Z4Vz lb. ack 69c Bu-Mar Egg Maker' m lbs. 189 Bu-Mar Scratch Feed 19 lbs. Blue Daisy Flour 40 lbs. Baker Girl . Flour i 49lbs.i15 Burbank V Potatoes U. S. No. 2 Government Standard, Packed in New Sacks glb.sh.58o Thompson's Chocolate Malted Milk' lcanW Borden's Plain Malted Millc Sparkling Orange Dry 2 Miles 0 Pet Milk Red Arrow Grahams or Soda Cracliers 2 lb. boxes "An Egg for Every Cackle" Protein 100 lbs. $2.20 Mill Run Shamrock Scratch Ilodgen-Brewster . . Dairy Meal 20 ' 2 0 lbs. 67c 1C0 lbs. $1.59 100 lbs. $1.65 - I&.:rail m 100