The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. -Thursday Morning,-April 20. 1931 PAGE T1IKEE v. Local News Briefs Three Hart Three persons sustained slight injuries Tuesday night whoa cars driven' by Paul E. Knapp of Hubbard and Robert Birch, 1232 Taggert, Portland," came together at Hubbard. In jured were: Birch, minor cuts and braises; Mrs. T. B. Lovelace, Portland, scratches; Marion Lore lace, Portland. Injuries to back, thought slight. Knapp, in filing report, says Birch was speeding, that he did not hare right or way and that he failed to signal. Open Sales Staff members of the. Clarion, high school annual, hare opened the annual campaign for sales of the yearbook. About 110 copies hare been sold so far, reports Earl Carkin, business manager. -The drive will -continue 'until at least 625 books are sold. The annual will be ready for dis tribution before the close of " school. Dollar dinner every night, 5:45 to 8 at tha Marlon hotel. . , IHseaae Report Marion coun ty had .one-fourteenth of the communicable diseases reported In the state for the week ending April 2S, according to the sUte board of ' health report. This ' county had 38 cases and the sUte 534. In the county, there were 10 cases of measles, four . each of smallpox and. tuberculosis, . three of pneumonia, fire - f chick enpoz and nine of mumps. , " StadenU Coming Xlena. Hea gen of the teaching staff, physi cal ' education : department for women at Oregon State college, has written Miss Carlotta. Crow ley elementary sapervlsor la Sa lem schools, "asking that she set a date next week when eight senior students in physical education at Corvallls may make a tour of the physical departments in , the Sa lem schools. A similar tour last year was highly successful. For sale, a limited, amount of . Oregon Purp and Paper Co. 8 preferred stock. Hawkins & Rob erts, Oregon Bldg. Send Certificates About 140 certificates of award for perfect spelling were being mailed out yesterday by the eounty school su perintendent's office to the boys and girls who made 100 per cent In the written contest In the re cent county-wide annual spelling contest."? v.';... - ,: ;. Under Advisement Helen Max field, before Justice of the Peace Miller Hayden . yesterday on a charge of unlawful posession of . liquor, entered a plea of guilty. Judge Hayden has taken the mat ter under advisement until June 1. and defendant has Leen allow ed to go on her own reccgnizance. Dance Friday Hasel Green. . ... - ,, - ... . . Accounts Approved Semi-annual accounts filed In the follow ing estates hare been approved by the probate judge: Jenaie Land graf. Ada Lake and Andreas J. Hattrem; Ladd and' Bush Trust -company is executor of all three estates. . - Wants Hearing H. L. Baker, who is suing Larmer Transfer and Storage company for damages to goods stored in the warehouse which burned, has filed motion ' asking that another motion: filed In the case be placed oa the mo tion docket. For sale, a limited amount of nnrA Pnln and Paoer Co.' 8. preferred stock. Hawkins & Rob erts, Oregon Bldg. ; ' ladmnnit' Satisfied Record filed with the county clerk shows that iudrment has been sausnea In case of Tom Hampton ts. Al Brown. The suit was appealed oy Brown to circuit court after he lost in the lower court. Rirth ReDorted Mr. and Mrs Carl F. Smith, 110 D street, are proud parents of a six ana a quar ter pound girl, horn weanesaay ai the Bungalow maternity nome. The young lady has been named Shirley. - . " , Estate in Probate Estate of Foline . Moritz, rained at 52000, ha been entered in probate with John J. Moritz named as adminl- atratnr - and Frieda M. Oehler. Henry C. Shields and H. H. Bosch as appraisers. - Demurrer Lillian Leicbner has filed demurrer to answer and cross : complaint ol William J. Leicbner, filed in connection with her divorce complaint against . him. . When you think of life Insur ance, think of Charlie McElhin ny, the widows friend. Tillson Estate Estate of Wil liam C. Tlllson has been entered In probate, with E, Mae Tilson ' named administratrix and apprais ers named as follows: F. L. Scott, O. L. Dencer and T. L. Canfield. The vanre is estimated at $600. PILES CURED Wtuont opatatloa or loss et tm. DR. MARSHALL l Vrcroa Bide. Paon 5509 Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine 1180 N. Commercial St., st .jm Office laurs Tuesday and Satur- Jj day 3 to 5:t For Kent Floor Sanders Call . 8610, Csed Furniture Department 151 N.vHigh Sale Confirmed Probably the smallest sale, representing an es tate; to ever go through probata court here was confirmed yester day when the judge approved sale of several lots belonging to estate of Charles Weston Scott, minor, to E. J. Bulgln and wife for one dollar. When the minor's estate was appraised some time back. appraisers placed the one dollas appraisal on the property, which does .not represent Its true value but which was made to clear claim to certain property. , The Salem ; Hospital "Auxiliary Rummage Sale, Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the old Qlese Pewers Furniture Store. r Seeks New Trial Salem Sani tary Milk company has filed ap peal from the 15000 damaged al lowed Clarence R. ShrocaMrhich heard the case In circuit court here Monday and Tuesday. The milk company bases the appeal on two contentions: that there was as error In f law occuxlng at the trial to which defendant excepted; and that there was Insufficient evidence to justify the verdict and same was against the law. Shrock had sued for slightly more than $9,000 damages. - Haymes RetursTHere -Mr." and Mrs. C. K. Haynes of Salem re turned Wednesday morning from Woodland, "Calif., where they were visiting Mrs. Henry Croco, sister of Mrs- Haynes. They were accompanied on the trip south by Mr. and Mrs. Amps Webster,- of Detroit, cousins of Mrs. Haynes. The party left here about 10 days ago. - Mr. and Mrs. Webster stayed in Woodland. We have only one shop, Uth and Market, Lutz Florist. Phone 9592." Burglary ; Someone entered the store at 975 Market street, owned by W. E. Sampson, Tues day night, through the front door, according to a report made to the cltv nolice. and stole three cartons of cigarettes, three boxes of chocolate candy and between 40 and 50 pennies. - Estate Closed The nrobata judge has signed order, closing the estate of J. N. Smith and discharg ing , he 'executrix " .' " Kay .: Thomas B. Kay died at the resi dence, 325 Court street, April 28, at 11:58 p. m., age 67; husband. oe .cora II.; latber of Ercel W. Kay and Mrs: Hollis Huntington: brother of Mrs.- Lenor Kay Rob erts of. Portland and .Mrs. C. P. Bishop of Salem. Funeral serv Iqss Thursday, April 30, at 2 p. m. from the First, Christian church, Rev. D. J. Howe officiating. The body will lie in state at the W. T. RIgdon mortuary until 12 o'clock. after which It will be taken to the First Christian church for serv ices. Concluding services at City View cemetery, under direction of W. T. Rigdon and Son. I Albrich At the residence, 840 Marion treet, Wednesday evening, Bertha Albrich, age 53. Survived by her husband, Frank; eight children Dr. Joe Albrich of Salem, John of Portland, ' and Teresa, Mrs. Eva Henann, Winifred, Mary,' Clara and ' Frank, all of Salem; one brothert-Sdwafd Huffman of Sa lem; one sister, Mrs. J. B. Kays of - Mabton, Wash.; and seven grandchildren. Remains in care of the Terwilliger funeral home. Announcement of funeral later. i Drechsel At the residence, 857 North lth street. Henry Drechsel, 5 Survived by widow, Mrs. Lina Drechsel; 1 sons, Henry and Otto of Fergus Falls, Minn., and Arthur of Salem; daughters, Emma and Amanda of Fergus Falls and Mrs Martha Snyder of Oakland, Cel.; three brothers, John of Fergus Falls, Martin of Salem, Carl of Spokane, Wash.; and a half sis ter, Mar gau ret S tocher of Ger many. Preliminary funeral serv ices Thursday. April 30, at 1:45 p. m., from the chapel of Salem mortuary. 545 North Capitol street, with services at 2 o'clock from the St. John's Lutheran church, Rev. H. W. Gross officiat ing. Interment Jason Lee ceme tery. : ! CIough-Barrick Co. MORTUARY i X'none- aioi Church at Ferry St. . M. Clough Dr. L. E." Barrlck - . V. T. Golden CITY VIEW CEMETERY Established 1803 - TeL 852 Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided for Prices Reasonable TERWILLIGER'S Js rtnrexAZi sREcroma ' 770 gHMTA (Wff M1I, VMM. I 6a FrlCM Arm ImnulL X4eBS4 Z4y gmailiaat peltrtst itlemortal Phone 9651 Moderately Priced A Park Cemetery With Perpetual Care Just ten minutes from the heart of town Obituary Appraise r E s tat e Theodore Rote. Paul Hendricks and E. T. Johnson have appraised estate of Daniel W. Evans at $4,192.14. An order entered la the : estate authorizes Richard Carlson, ad ministrator, to pay total of $114.- 50 to Elizabeth K. Evans, former wife; of Evans, for expenses In curred la coming at time of his death, f Administrator Is also au- thorized to pay $50 per month to her tor support and maintenance of the minor child, now in the south with her mother. Cooperation At suggestion of the Salem Ministerial association, the school board at Its Tuesday Bight session ; agreed to- name members to cooperate with the ministers group and attend their meetings. The ministers had pre viously named a committee to meet with the board, as follows: Reverends Hugh B. Fouke, Jr P. W. Eriksen, Mark Comer, E. S. : Hammond and Ensign Wil liams. The board named directors Frank Neer and E. u. Wieder to cooperate with the ministers. BuOding Permits The city of Salem, sold .building permits to the following persons, Wednes day: eHenry O. Miller reroof one and a half story dwelling, 405 Cearney street, cost $150: C. H. Ostrin. alter one story dwelling at 1940'Chemeketa street, cost $125; Catherin Smith, move and repair one story, dwelling, 5C5 North 19th street, eost $200. Auction sale Friday 1:30 p. m. One mile north of Woodland park. High-grade furniture, piano, rugs. electric range, electric refrigera tor, overstuffed davenport, etc Mrs. Dr. O'Neill, owner. F. N. Woodry, auctioneer. Alumnoa Honored H o n o r comes to a graduate of Willam ette university In that John M In to of the class of 1929 has been promoted and is making good in the position of assistant trust of ficer In the Seaboard National bank in Los Angeles. His home was In ' Salem during his school and collegiate careers. f Lions . Speaker Dr. W. B. Morse, local physician, will give a talk before the Lions club this noon on an interesting new sci entific surgical invention, the bloodless knife". Harry Scott, past president of the club, will preside. The club meets at the Gray Belle silver grille. Asks Receiver Petition ask ing that Marguerite Kellogg be appointed as receiver of mort gaged property has been filed in the circuit court case of Inter- mountain Building and Loan as sociation ts. Maurice W. Wag ner. One License Herman ' Carl Feddern, 24, Salem route nine, and Elma -N. Ensley, 18. 1230 North Church street, were grant ed a license to marry when they appeared for same at the county clerk's office yesterday after noon. ' ' " f Dry mlllwood. cord wood. coal. Phone 5000, Salem Fuel. Seeks . Di vorce Harry A. Mil ler, has filed divorce suit against Grace M. Miller, to whom he was married in San Diego, Calif., In November, 1917. He alleges that she nags him and has a quarrel some disposition. Accounts In Final accounts of Clay Lark Ins as administrator of estate of Winona M. Larklns and of Albert Hovendeq, as ad ministrator of the estate of Thlr- za Hovenden have been approved by the probate court. . Pan-is Estate Probate judge yesterday signed an order nam ing First National Bank of Cor vallis administrator of the $250 estate of John S. Parris. Petition for that end was submitted by E E. Wilson. - i Sale Authorized The probate court has authorized sale of per sonal property owned by the es tate of Elizabeth Anderson. A pnce, gave KM It! It .-.-.WM Si A V . 1 Seek Release Petitioners seek ing release of-mortgages .hare started two actions to that end in circuit court la connection with the ease of , B. F. Glesy against the - Willamette Valley Mortgage and Loan company. Glesy holds the mortgages as trustee. One group of petitioners Is August Will, H. K. StogsdllL Clara a Will. John Etxel and Catherine Stmmerman; and the other is Ad dle Flick, Edith Letson and Set ma Schletter. Petition Disallowed Petition of D. M. and Pearl Burnett for gatewaythrough the land of Mar tin Stephenson and wife near Jef ferson Is, recommended disallow ed la viewer's report in the matter filed with the county court yes terdayr' The viewers found that petitioners had other land through which they could gain ac cess to a publie mad. 12 and 18 -In. wood, also plan er wood, $5 per cord load deliver ed from car, $5.50 delivered from yard. Cobbs aad Mitchell Co.. 349 S. 12th. Phone T443. - Sale Confirmed Orders la circuit court confirm sales of property on foreclosure la two eases: TJnloa Central Life Insur ance - company vs. John D. Hits and others and Dennis Cooter ts. Isabella Ackermaa aad ' others. Plaintiff was purchaser In each instance. . . , TeRa of Orient Bill : Dyer, graduate, of Parrish junior high school, 4 addressed . the assembly there Wednesday, telling of his trip through the orient last sum mer and displaying motion . pic tures of the trip. The talk and films proved - highly Interesting to the students. - All kinds of floral work and potted plants. We deliver. 'Lutz Florist Shop, Phone 9592. Demurrer Filed Defendant Farmer hardware company has filed demurrer to complaint in li bel suit brought against the com pany and the Pioneer service bu reau by T. W. Seliwood. Foreclosure Plaintiff has been riven judgment of $275 and fore closure authorized In suft of Anton Gehrmann vs. Charles W. Ranck, as executor of the estate of Mary Ranck. Resigns H. M. Sechler has of fered his resignation as member of the Salem Trades and Labor council's arbitration board. Pres ident F. J. .A. Boehringer has named George Pro in his place. Orchestra Concert The Salem Symphony orchestra will give an informal free concert -in the '- Y. M. C. A. gymnasium next week in celebration of national Musle week. Overtime Fine F. E. Mangis paid a fine of $7 In police court Wednesday tor overtime parking violations. Appraisers Estate of Daniel W. Evans will be appraised by Theodore Roth, Paul Hendricks and E. T. Johnson. THE o ! hi in 1 1 ii iiiwii'"'"'! .-e p . 'Proved by Test for Service Cost The reaultt of Navy tests are confidential, but here are results of teats made at our own refinery following sttictest U. S.: Nary standarda. . - The world's fiaeat motor oils were put through meaaored heat, friction and preaaure teats for 100 hours on a specially designed Navy type bearing. Finding, when compared wtth Service Coat, and Cycol easily triumphed, I 1 2 I 3 Cycol JB9 t l-OO $1.12 PcaMyTvaaiaVok 1 J7 10 Ut Prauylvaaia Now S JbS iAO UbS Worn No. 1 .SO IjOO US WaMatav No. 2 .79 IM L27 Waataoa ; No. 3 J62 IM 141 WcMCffna " (N bnao) Ka, I JO Ud (NaliT S) - JO JBO 1M LWowk 3.PrleaTMpav 3. Serrioc Covt Tt f tm a m a ck ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY Under . the Occurrence and Gttf!? at the center cf Oregon' JJODie tt coTernment THE , state house . and state office will be closed this at raWMnAn ' ssejait sail 1a era an ttal4? w a wua eaa nana a. aeasss ssvs mui mast la respect to Thomas B. Kay, state treasurer, whose funeral will be held at 2 o'clock. The sadden death of the vet eran state official waa keenly felt around the capitol gronnds yesterday, and the heart was taken out of work. Kay was n familiar figure in ' the state houM, where he bne heen al most m constant figure for thir ty years. Very Utile else waa dlacnseedV there didnt seens to be anythtns: else. The state highway commission today will hold a short meeting ia Portland, then ajoura to attend the funeral of Kay. A later meeting.-May 14. will see the schedul ed activities ot the commission set for todsy. Bids will be open ed, bat no delerations will . pw heard, the eemmissloa announced. ' Telesams. : i hnndreds of can were recetved at the Kay home yesterday, dis playing bnt a little of the feel ing of loas his passing has cre ated In Oregon. "Tom will be . Appraisers Report H. A. Smart, Martla Ferrey and Robey S. Ratditfe, as appraisers of es tate of Mary Ann. Smart, incom petent, have reported a value of $203.43 on the estate property. Transfer Authorized In estate ot Isadore Greenbaum, order au thorizes assignment ot 10 shares of Montgomery Ward and com pany stock to Era M. Greenbaum. In Probate The estate ot Frederick Wallace Harmer Jr., valued at $1000, has been admit ted to probate. Ronald C. Glover la administrator. Rnbls in Charge J. E. Rubls has been appointed administrator of the estate of Elizabeth White head, valued at $1000. Extra, Tiny A baby. girl who weighed but four pounds and eight ounces was born Tuesday at the Bungalow maternity home to Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Bale of Woodburn. Speeding Fine Louis H. Olm stead. Route was arrested and fined $5 for speeding, Wednes day, by officials of Salem. Appraisal E. B. Millard. C. M. Cox and Roy. Burton have ap praised the estate of Bert Banker at $2,983.32. Administrator The $3600 es tate Emma Hulden will be ad ministered by E. M. Hulden, ac cording to probate records. Foreclosure Foreclosure de cree has been handed down in suit of Ellen G. Lambert against W. E. Mllburn and others. g mot wlaat Ua Sa Navy buys Cycol Wartfa Uaat mfr ad tiwcfcaaW mm Km tm Nra Pacft Aaat 'aaa bowl mU fea aU a CmBtm "lowest 7 V J X Y. ( TT R Co) hii missed." was the expression of all. Kay had many friends over the entire state, and his friends knew him weQ. Jamea Stew art, of the land board, amid he has lost the best friend he ever bad.:.. Board meetinra. inelnArn th board of control, on which Kay a . m ... . . nee servea wiia nine , aifferent governors, will not ha tha una without him. True, his office and chair will be filled bv another tin der appointment by the governor. But that does not tm his place. nay nas peea an important fac tor la the state's development. Warden James Lewis appears to hold the favored position as. candidate for superintendent of the state penitentiary, upon the , retirement of Henry . W.. Meyers Lewis is known ne one of the best -con" men in the United SUtec , . . - . The ateta board, of h fa-bar edu cation waa to have me in Port- iasa yesteruay, but, the session was nostnoned. . This did not tire. vent a supplementary brief being filed by the president of Oregon state couege, .wno wieiaeo some pertinent statements . concerning the presentation ot the university case several weeks ago. Now an other answer- is expected - from Oregon.--. .' : Mrs. "Philip Solllvan stopped at the statehouse yesterday en route ' to . Berkeley, California where she will make her home. She was married Saturday. She ' was known as Miss Ruby Rus sell, calendar clerk in the house of representatives the past two "Archie McGowan, of Burns, former member of the state legis lature for several terms, with a delegation of 16 from Harney, Malheur. Lake and Grant coun ties, called on Governor Meier yesterday to present their ideas on the state highway system and urge completion of the work in eastern Oregon. They expect to attend the highway meeting in Portland today. Hunter to Head Underwriters Life underwriters of Salem held a noon luncheon Monday and elected officers for the year. Those chosen ' are John Hunter, presi dent: 8. C McElhaney. secretary- treasurer. They will succeed Paul Acton and George Aldrin. Schaefer's t Corn Remover We believe that Schae fer's Corn Remover is an improvement on any other corn remover on the mar ket. It relieves the pain in stantly and removes the corn safely 'and comforta bly. Also for warts, and just as effective for cal louses, too. Schaefer's Drug Store 135 K. Com'L St, Dial 518T The Original Yellow Front and Candy Special Store of Salem Penslar Agency Quality Pins Courtesy out hearing it played. Accept this proof of lubrication when you prepare to protect your car from wearing grinding friction. Pew motor oils can stand the tests that Cycol stood. Whatever the base crude, whatever the refining meth od, whatever the price asked, Cycol Service Cost" flDS IE Jean Doolittle and Richard Arslanian . Lead in ' Art Contest v Jean Doolittle of Parrlah inn- lor high school and Richard Ars lanian, OA pupil at Richmond, won- first places la their respec-, tlve. divisions In the poppy poet-! er contest sponsored by the local' American Legion auxiliary. Orlea . Lewis - and Charlea Wil liams, both of Leslie tunlor ble-h. received honorable mention in mat ainsion and Jean Trobert of the SB crade at Richmond re ceived honorable mention. " The two highest contests, now on display , at the Foot Hearth shoe company windows, will be sent; to Mrs. LaDocla , Cobb at PrlnevUle to be entered la the state poster contest. -, The contest, which waa Judged by Byron C. Lieuallen and P. J. Rennlngs, is preliminary to the annual "Poppy .day" sale, to be held May' 2$.. . .. ..rH Many disabled World war vet erans will be engaged in making the 1931 supply of memorial poppies right up to the day of the sale, according to Mrs. Cyril Kadon, poppy chairman of the local auxiliary unit. The work furnishes many months employ ment toTeterans. Poppy Purchase To aid Disabled ' "This work for the disabled veterans is mads possible by the persons who purchase the Amer ican Lesion auxiliary poppy on Poppy DayV said Mrs. Madon. "The disabled men who are at work in government hospitals, and In workrooms maintained by the auxiliary in 31 different states receive one cent for each flower produced. Approximately $100,000 dollars will be paid to them in wages this year. "How soon the work can be re-opened after 'Poppy Day' and the making ot poppies started for 1932 depends upon the publie response to the poppy sale this T BABY HAS COLIC CLIC comes suddenly. Your first intimation that something is wrong may be a warning cry in the night. If you have a bottle of Castoria handy you needn't worry, for a little of this pure vegetable remedy will soon have baby his happy self again; let him go back to sleep. Castoria ia always the sensible thing to give an ailing child. When a child is restless, fretful, with, coated tongue, bad breath and lack of appetite, it is a mother's standby. Most mothers give Castoria an important place in their homes. Ready for sour stomach, constipation, or upset. When buying Fletcher's Castoria always look for Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper. This identifies the genuine product yotu pay, tin Pay only 25c per quart for Cycol, and get highest service rating at Lowest Service Cost. The Navy bought Cycol on service cost, " Prove it in your motor' HERE at last is a motor oil that triumphed ia Lowest Service Cost, has taken the guesswork out of buy Just as you buy most everything tog lubrication. Buy it on its Service - else you use, combine oil's price! Cost, and be assured you're getting with the work it must do Greater the createst value money can buy. endurance, unexcelled stamina ana You wouldn't buy a piano with' Foe yon eat the year. If the demand for nonniea oa May 23 indicates an increas ing understanding of the signifi cance of the memorial flower and the benefits it brings to the living war sufferers, we shall put the disabled men back to work sooner than ever before and give them longer employment." HUBBARD SPRINGS HOTEL IS CLOSED HUBBARD, April 2 9 H. R. Hy" Everding returned to his home in Portland Sunday. Mr. Everding has been a guest at the Hubbard Mineral Springs hotel for many months and during that time has msde many friends in Hubbard who will miss him and who will remember his Tisit here with pleasure. The hotel waa closed Monday and all the employes have left ex cept Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Cutting and their son, William. HONORS EVEN IN BALL GAMES KEIZER, April 29 - Tuesdsy afternoon on the Kelzer field two very interesting ball games were played between Liberty and Rei ser. The girls teams scored 17 to 14 in favor of Liberty. The Kelser boys defeated the Liberty boys 13 to 9. The Kelter boys , have won 3 out of 5 games during this season and hare one ' more game to play.. They will play Mill City at Stayton dividing the dis tance for. each team to go. tot tilzCcntL'i 80C i in i m s a 11 i ... 1 a .ASnaan-' 5So ft : Ipsipsr, a I m'nii i 10- resistance to heat, low carbon, xnuv, imum maintenance cost, assured protection. That's what Lowest5 Service Cost means to you Drive ia where you see the red green and cream. Cycol sign div played for this finest motor oil that ' ."protects the fleet that guards thsj. Pacific" Navy t