PAGE EIGHT Tht OREGON STATESMAN. Cakra. Oregon. Tticray Hornfr'vArrfl 23, 1931 . II. LyPffl I1T1II0UTH VcIl Known Writer Speaks Before Student and Lions: : Club Groups MONMOUTH, Aprfl XI Ben Hur Lampman. beloved writer of nature editorials in tne Oregonlan, addressed the students and faculty of the Oregon Normal school, and a large number of j Interested townspeople, at convocation Tues day morning. His talk was a na ture theme dealing largely, with :e psychological mierence on wua life phases, arrayed tnj the beautl fnii alnanent and versatile word garniture of which he Ss a master. TTa had noted, he said,- marked trait of Individualism In many creatures; and be believes that character must exist! also. As an Illustration ot th he! told stories abont two Snow Gees. Both, he wm adnlti aeese. snow hit with wlnetiDs ol ebony. One of these geese, brought down br a wine I shot, remained .inof ta nroffers of human friend ship, and at the end Of a year of eaptlTlty, maintamea iis wua na ture intact, and save evidences of being unhappy. II . s ' Goose MaJkce Friend j The other Pnow jGoofre, descend ed, wounded, into' la stubble-field, and was rescued by, a hunter. Within halt an hour it fed from th haA of its rescuer. It was put into an automobile, and quiet ly crept between two nuniera w the rear teat,' and as they went on for many miles, the goose, adjust ing itself to the iunfamlllar mo tions of the car, iadmioalsned ita eatmates courteously las to Its rights as a passenger, j In three days thisi goose fed wua me caKwi vi u.u..v In every way an amazing capacity for adoption of domesticated cus toms. Eventually because it so trusted mankind and! depended upon human stability,! this goose was lost to obUrlon f for it did not anticipate nefarious human ' procedure. j .. 1 1:' ' i "- '; Another instance quoted by" Mr. Lampman as eTldencingJWrd char acter, was the j case of la Pin : Tail drake. This bird, discovered in a marsh, was I obsenred i several times before any one Investigated Its presence there. Then a hun ter, surprised that the bird showed no inclination to depart even when closely approached, found that it had trampled down a plot of grass, several feet square,- as though striving to solve the' mys tery of death, for In the center of this anchorage lay a lusterless, j inert body presumably the 1 drake's dead mate. Philosophy Explained Quoting an ancient Egyptian king, Mr. Lampman said he be lieves "we are stewards of the good things of God"; and by the measure of our kindness wo are measured. Man, be thinks, can not permit the indulgence of fail ure, and the man who indulges himself in cruelty is a throwback to ages remote dark, and terri ble. - Where Samaritanlsm Is in daily practice, recognition of the rights of lesser creatures are always evi denced. He says he does not con demn hunters though he has ceased to hunt. Relating his theme to educa tion, Mr. Lampman stated that kindness, gentleness, and consid eration for all living creatures are a needful part of education. Hatred of any living thing la. man belittling himself; and, as the world grows kinder, it grows more truly wise. Following his address at the Normal, Mr. Lampman was .'a guest at the Lions' club luncheon, where he delighted his listeners with another talk. HIGHLIGHTS IN LIFE OF ALFONSO XIH 1, 1"- t; v few 4aya after kle rwwatUtk Mrtfcaay. AJ fa.. XI 1 1 saerrieJ kic Eaglisk flaasoc, rMJ Me Vkurla. Eageaia Ea at Batftaabarg, frtsiiitf ater ef Qmm VUiecia. FrUr Uke wsddiag. o4 hr wit SaaaUh UwJ isyMt Brttiak PrW! . Me raa aaatjasd a Ra-1 mi Cataatie. , AlfaW uj Vktwh bd feorf a in twe Qmm VWterie mwiM ts feealty f Uakiag Ukm r a ; real Spaalard. w e a - dwsW taa aatae f adoptad aoaatrr. aaa? Uum familiarly aawa as Qms Eaa.7' Deapite ,. tha iaamease' -fertaoe wfcUa the Mag lkrit4 aid areatlv . addad ta tkrfc . kie aptitwda far luaci. . Hack aiaplicity as : Ike royal statiaa per saitted was tk family rale i tk Mf f Al Recent Picture f Gjj&eh vtth Five y Her. Six Chtlckem ;,frrr :r. Y . rf v-rx -.. v . - v ' i ?y,v:::;:..?:v.':-S'-; i " ! -":'y 'vK ' C -i ''' "- - " ' ?:''2 ! x " :'. .'. V i . . TkE Queejj in Spanish Manttia Tkoug k tke SpaaUk tkroo m a . - akaky d prrioa - t Alfoato alwaya a part of aack day ! Iu ckildrea., playing, w r k i a g er sradyiag witk tkaaa, but always kaapiaf an ye tkir training. B t yar after year ky political r volutioaa, and witk two ef kie soas suffer lag f ra pkyaical af filet ina. Alfoa kaw atock d Uap point meat and sadaeas. Only in racaat yaar did tka Prine af tka Astariaa, bair a ppa r n t to tk i tkroa. ' partially ra f cover freat kis " ln. karited 'alia at ef hamopkStia. and an etkar ray light aa tarad tk and Ufa mt tka Spaniak aanarck whan tke -' aawd sen, Don Jain, Uaf and wllhoal pr af paeck at kirtk, learn ed to spek witk dif flculty. T Ba Continaad) Alfonso with: OlDEST SOKTS- BROOKS 1 FOLK IE EMTERTAINED BROOKS.' April 21 Mrs. Ce cil V. Aehbaugh entertained the Toung People's elass of the- Brooks Community Sunday school Saturday evening with a party. Games were enjoyed, the boys trimmed hats while the girls en Joyed the spectacle. Frank Rlggi carried off first, prlte and Billle Coltlndatter second prlxe. Next came a girls call driving contest, and Elizabeth Clark won first prize and Lucille Asplnwall second pribe. Gum animals were made, and Vra Aahbaugh won first prize and Mitehel Lowry second. Next came a game of sitting on a milk bottle and attempting to thread a needle, with the : feet crossed straight in front. At the close of the evening, re freshments were served, to the following guests; Miss Inez Alli son, Miss Letta Wallace, Miss Norma Roberts, Miss Elizabeth Clark. Mis Lucille Asplnwall, Miss Stella Banyard, and Kreta Fae Ashbaugh, Ralph Chastaln,jPrank Rlggi, Harold Thurman, Leonard Chastaln, Vra A&hbaugh, Earl Ramp, Mltchcl Lowery, and the hostess Mrs. Cecil V. Ashbaugh. Mrs. Ashbaugh, teacher of this class, announces that a name will be chosen at the next meeting. Farmers Urged To Form Union i - BETHEL, April" 12. W. L. Creech of Bethel presided at the Farmers' union meeting in Mac leay Tuesday night. Jimmy O'Shca or the national union made a Stir ling appeal, explaining the neces sity for farmers to nnlte. Mr. O'Shea believes the farmers must have a union or they are going to ba forced by circumstances and conditions away from their farms, and Into the laboring class in the cities. - : .- -v' POPULAR TRIPS EUROPE THE acoaoawcaf, enjoy-' ' 1 aUe way te't tSo CM Coonby b oa M "AS txjma-Tow. Yot. eroas to CaaedkM ptdfie finer - fratn AWreal or Qvebas is the SL lurwranca Saa- -wsy-tiWaiustSorAdeyf oe the open tee end yoeVe in Europe, Ask your local esenk for "AO Expense" Tour Ktortture, EMPRESS CfBRnAIN A23OO-t0A 3ianta;;...3 -- day k Earope . . . flit - taiiinoa I June. Canadian ss- Pacific W. H OCACOH eCWl AEKT PASS KTX BAD FUtE AVERTED HUBBARD. -April 32 The Hubbard firemen responded to an alarm given by the Foshay Dairy r arm Tuesday . afternoon and quickly extinguished a fire start ing on the roof of a shed. - Burn ing cinders from the boiler in tha bottling plant caught the moss- covered roof of the adjoining shed ana oniy me prompt response of in firemen saved the entire dairy piani since an the buildings are closely, grouped, and a heavy wind was blowing. - Downy Mildew is t ; Found in Hops At Silverton 8ILVERTON, April 22 Downy mildew is said to nave made Its first appearance this season in loiue ot the hopyards in the vi cinity of Silverton. . Growers have been advised to go through the yards and pick the spikes. Some of the growers are spraying the ground close about the hill with bordeaux dust and then hoeing It into the ground. whether or not this will prove ef fective has not yet been deter-; mined. BOB DOTH DECLARED BRIGHTER BETHEL, April 22. Mr. and Mtb. Clark Christie of Tigard have been visiting for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carruthersv ' - ; Mr. Chr lstie has been employed with the Roy Construction com pany in Seattle for a year, and Mr. and Mrs. Christie have just returned from living In Seattle. They report considerable building activity there. Business is gaining an upward trend. The change la slow but steady, and the atmos phere is optimistic i. Mr. Christie is to go onto a big building project In Spokane In a few days. t ROSEDALE, April 22 Two car loads of members of the Christian Edeavor societ-r attended the annual C. B. ban. quet in Portland Saturday even Ing.' : , r j ,- Fire Destroys Farm Buildings 1 - ' - ' "'.'.':.? ;-. PERRTDALE, April 22 Two barna and a machine shr I on the Garnet McCrow farm two miles south of Perrydale . were destroy ed by fire on Tuesday evening. , A son of McCrows went to the machine shed to get gasoline for the milking machine. He was us ing a lantern for light. The lan tern exploded. Igniting the gas. ' The cow and horse barn and machine shed were destroyed as well as many . farm Implements, Including a tractor, thresher, milking machine. It la under stood that " there was no - Insur ance. . . , . .. TS VETS HOSPITAL JEFFERSON, April 22 Frank Jones of Cre swell, ton of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones of Dover,' was taken to the Veteran'e hospital at Portland last week. He has been ill with Influenza which, de veloped into heart trouble and Is in a serious condition. His bro ther. Charles Jones of Albany ac companied him. Joneus is a mem ber of the Cottage Grove Ameri can Legion post. r. i avnwalnClu. We invite your application for ' a real estate loan, feeling eon Udent of our ability to ooma . pletely satisfy you In rach Ira . Kwk ueuuia as quick ac i do, emcient handlteg and INVESTTJENTS INSURANCE AUBURN PUPILS PLAN EXHIBIT AUBURN. April 22 The Busy Bee coklng club at an Informal meeting at the school house Fri day, decided to hold an achieve ment day at the school May 8. with the True Blue Sewing club and the 4-H Rabbit club. Wil liam Fox will be present and par ents and friends are Invited. ' The Busy Bee cooking elub have finished their work for the year -100 percent. They will ex hibit cookies In 8alem this week. Mrs. George Baumgartner Is ad visor for the girls, Helen Juza Is president. Lulu Sloan, vice-president, Doris K earns, secretary. Anna Benson, Delma Jensen and Jean Rodgers are the other mem bers. - The Auburn school is sending the following to participate in the county spelling contest, Nola Lee fourth grade, Norman Krehblel, fifth grade and June Scouten, seventh grade. GOING TO STATE CONTEST TURNER," April 22- Mrs. Jean Pearcy, teacher and Miss . Jose phine Gilstrap, who is a high school sophomore, will spend Thursday and Friday at Corval 11s, Miss Gllstrap having won first place at the distrioi extem poraneous and Interpretation contest which was held at Leb anon, March 20, will take part In the state meet at Corvallia. Mrs. J. R. Cox will take care of Mrs. Pearcys classes in her absence. MEETING POSTPONED HAZEL GREEN, April The meeting of the Hasel Green community dab which was sched uled for Friday evening April 24 has been postponed to Thursday evening, April 30. IV A tDO HILLS IMS r:rais inns WALDO HILLS, ' April 22. Walter , Qleaaon, grand K. of R, end 8., and Ira Cart, grand lice ckaneelloT ef the K of PV both of Portland, were dinner gneetc Thursday evening ef Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knight, later attending the 2C ef P. lodge in Silverton. 'A number from thla commun ity attended the Emery-Sbattuek weddinr at the Hlxhland Friends I church in Balem Sunday. Mrs. Ed- son Comstock was accompanist for the soloist.' Mrs. W. F, Tate, both at the church and at the recep tion at the W. P. Emery home. Those going ever were Mr., and Mrs. Comstock, Janet Comstock, Miss Adelaide) Scrlber, Max and Virginia Scrlber, Mrs. A. A. Oeer, Vesper and Reba Oeer, Mrs. H. H. Pagit. Mr. and Mrs. ; J. Oood knecht - and Martha ; and Helen Ooodknecht. ' . . Mrs. Dan McFarland of Condon ! a guest at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Ted Flnley. Mrs. McFarlaad has been visiting in Oregon - City, and the Flnleys motored down Sunday and brought her backwlth them, - Calvin Kaser and . Margaret Shock ley ef the grammar room and Violet Buegli of the primary room at Evergreen are 111 with mnmps. .- ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kuenzl are receiving congratulations on the birth of " a eon Sunday. This Is their third child and third son. RUPTURE EXPERT COMING Demonstrate - the Famous Rice Method Free to Callers . a HotcL If you are ruptured, your big nnortnnltr has now arrived. If you want to be tree from the slavery c gouging, chafing trus ses that make life a bvrden and misery, then HERE and NOW is the time to act. Vf. H. Merrick the " Rice expert, trained under the personal direction of W, 8. Rice, of Adams, N. Y., originator of the famous Rice (Non-Surgl- eal) Rupture Method, will be at Marlon Hotel, Salem, Oreg., Sat., April 25 to give free demonstra tion and trial of his safe and painless Method to every man. woman and child who la rup tured. ' Ton have, no doubt, heard and read much about this famous Rice Rupture Method and the wonderful cures which thousands have reported from it.- Now, you have the chance to find out all about It to have It personally applied to your own rupture and learn just what It can and will do In YOUR OWN case. Just call of the hotel and this Expert will give you his personal attention, best advice and complete demon stration entirely free. Are yon tired of that binding, hampering, uncomfortable old truss? Would you like to be done with truss wearing forever? Then; Investigate the Rice Meth od and learn the wonderful op portunity for help and cure It of fers. Remember It la different from everything else and is ac complishing wonderful results where all other ' treatments, and even operations have failed. It la modern, up-to-the-minute, abreast of the latest scientific developments. It is the one Rup ture Method you are not asked to take on f akh alone the one Method that la positively demon strated to yon right on your own rupture, without any charge whatever. Don't let this great opportun ity get away from yon. Your call on the Rice Expert Is sure to prove one of the best things yon ever did. He will be here only one day - then your - opportunity will be gone. Remember, yon do not spend a penny unless, after having a complete demonstra tion, yon decide this Is the Meth od for you, and yon you alone are the sole judge of that, Call any time from 1 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m., or 7 to even ings. Simply ask at the hotel for the Rice Expert and he will do the rest. Don't miss seeing this Rice Expert. If for any reason you cannot call,' writs for FREB TRIAL, to Wm. 8. Rice, Inc., Bx 117, Adams, N. Y. IMPORTaWT! Every Automobile Owner ia urged to take advantage of oar 4-point Inspection, which Is offered at no cost. , There are four units on your car (regardless of make) that particularly need adjusting at this season of the year. You want economy and especially reliabil ity daring' the heavy touring months. Come in, then, and set the 4-point service with our compliments. Remember no cost to you. Come in now TODAY I Salem Automobile Co. " Phone 4673 435 North Commercial SL IXra. Eaenal was ef CUvertoa. Allee Hoffman TTEf CONTEST HONOTJ WALDO HILLS. April 20. Walda Hltts fared very well ia tfca declamatory contest held la CU vertoa Friday - evening. ' Wllma Sargent, a pupil at If cAlplne, aad Janet Comstock ef Centerriew won second" aad third places. Among those attending were 14 r. and lira. Edson Comstock, lira, B. O. Longsdorf, Lola and Winnie Riches. : Presence of Hind ; Of Woman Saves Home From Fire BSTHEL,' April 22 The presence ef mind of lire. H. W. Frewing eared their honse from fire Monday when the flue burned out and the roof caught fire. On discovering the small blase lira. Frewing Immediately phoned the Bethel school, which ia a quar ter ef a mile away, for help. They came with extinguishers and put :j eat the fire which bad net tine to do much damage. - GUEST AT LIBERTY - LIBERTY, April 22 Oral Da vis of Superior, Wisconsin is making a short visit at the home of hie parents, Mr. and Mrs, O. B. Davis, while on his way to lias ka. This Is the first time Mr, Da vis has seen his parents for five years. The Davis j family are for mer residents of Wisconsin. Thursday. Friday Saturday Jns Our Ward Week Sale Is oyer but still a chance for many of yon to save! During the rest of this week additional Mark Downs will be taken in a final effort to dispose , of merchandise bought for Ward Week much of which arrfred too late for the sale. NOW IS TOUR chance to buy new, quality merchan dise and at eren a great er saving! "77r rvf i "pi ' j izs VV Lz7 LZ7 Li v Just a Few of These Left! j ' Mohair JJpholstery Tills Suite has proved to be one of the greatest values and best KEers of Ward Week! And there are ONLY A FEW TO BUT AT THIS LOW PRICE! Roomy Davenport and Button-Back Chair. 13 Weekly, Small Carrying Charge I QgCJ.5 Every One a Fashion Success for Spring! Bright Crepes Prints ! Combinations : 1 '. Value, ta $9.75" .-.)"; Hashed from New Turk ' EVERT ONE ot the smart styles we bought lor Ward Week gone! -BUT we've a NEW SHIPMENT rushed from New York I Mors of those smart Jacket Frocks, and others with wide sleeves, and lingerie touches. Women's and Misses' sixes. (i ODD LOT CLEARANCE MEN'S DRESS SHOES Men's Dres3 Shoes and Oxfords. Valfaes from $3:49 to 0 QQ Ladies' Woven SANDAL, Almost a full run of siz es. Tan. Reg. $1 fQ value 12.93, LINGERIE Ladies Rayon - QQ r Combinations -.vOt Bloomers, Dance Sets, Slips, Pajamas. Thess lots sold from 1.9S to $2.98. - ' ' ' ' . MEN'S SUITS Two Fair Pants $- A IT"? A value un-J-TCe I 9 surpassed. All wool, well tailored style is right. Come early to assure your choice. DRESS SHIRTS Values to $1.88. Whites, olid colors, fancies. Real values in IQ a .broadcloths OcC And Many More! You ean save! Boys Athletle Unions 3 for . $1.00 Boys' Blouses Z for lien's Shorts S for $1.00 .$1.00 lien's Athletle Shirts S for $i:0Q Boys' Mesh Knit Unions 3 for $1.00 liii i Last 3 Day 8 to Get the A2i?D2ime E3oimoPG&i Complete with Tubes & Installed! W h a t a value I 4 SCREEN GRIDS, Tone Control, Illuminated Dial! An new features of radio at a price only Ward's, could . make possiblel - Only US Weekly. Small Carrytac Charje og I1 Licensed by B, C A. TW 0 Jt r 7 3 Y IMA Riversides are the first choice of millions. Tbeyfe PZRST Quality Tires. They give freatcr Mileage and Safety. They're backed by an imlimlted guarantee of satis faction. Free mounting. -PLY 'BJVERSIDE tdxl.40 BaSoona )US 4-FLT RIVERSIDE . X9zi.4e Banoons 4JS Kitchen Rangea Regular price $82.95 ? Oversize cookinar top Extra roomy oven. Por celain enameled in blue. Priced lower than o!$9.95 Another Value! Our Admiral Windsor Regular price $102.85. Built to fve a lifetime service.!- 74.95 Other Basement Values!- Waste Baskets.J25c ea. Lamp Shades-$l.ea ea. Table Lamps$2.98 ea. Pxcservinff Kettles i $1.95 ea. n MM. HAWKINS and ROBERTS, Inc. ! ; 25 02EG0N BOLDIXG PHONE 41 - 175 N. LIBERTY ST. Phone 8774 8ALEJL OREGOlJ