wits -r a-- . - - - - . INSURANCE ; One dollar . per . 7 oar is the cost of the automobile, traffic and travel accident insurance policy Issued to subscribers. ,'-. . ' THE WEATHER Fair today and Wednes day, ia creased danger of forest fires; Bias. Tempera ture Monday 74, Mln. SH, rlTer clear, north wind. 81 FOUNDED IfiSl EIGHTY-FIRST YEAR Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Blorning, April 21, 1931 1 t bTi IW III Tfi Mill . . - - 1 z & w nw -v. 11 .. . ft a 1 a s sass-siss - " "... " . -N. 51 v GESTURE iiElfl El II Governor Offers to .Settle Meyers Dispute and Call Off Further Hearing of Prison Charges : l Hoss and Kay Find Terms of Settlement not Agreeable and Informal Meeting of Board Unavailing An Informal meeting ' of the Mate board of control was held last night at the rail of Gover nor Meier in the executive of fices. None of the , members would discuss the purpose of the meeting, and a denial was made to Tho Statesman that a meeting was held. From outside sources, The Statesman is informed that the governor sought a settlement of the matters in controversy regarding Sapt. Meyers I of the penitentiary; The Conditions of the settlement were not agree able to Secretary Hoss and Treasurer Kay, so the meeting adjourned without result, and tbe hearings will be resumed this morning. The state board of control hear ing of charges preferred by the governor j against Supt. Henry Meyers bt ; the state penitentiary will be resumed this morning at 9:30 at the i hall of representa tives. The meeting was adjourned Saturday following a two-day ses sion In which ex-employes gave testimony adverse to the prison administration.' The witnesses requested to ap pear today are. J. C Ains worth or the ! United SUtes Na tlonal ha pk.l Portland, who- is execled to testify concerning the 1929 lean for support of .the fax in dustry; and Nathan Straus, man ager of! Fleischner-Mayer com tany, who- hare sold to the state woolen goods manufactured at the Kay Woolen mills, Salem. ' The board, will meet at 9 a. m. to go over plans with D. M. Mc Kary of the Eastern Oregon hos pital and WV C. Knighton, archi tect, for the new wing at the Pen dleton asylum. I I . 1 Jesse Harper to Direct Sports At Notre Dame l-Uiiiir j -: I SOUTH BEND, Ind., April 20. (AP) , Jesse Harper, for whom Knott Rockne played foot ball ; and later assisted, will re turn to Notre Dame May 1 again to become director of athletics. Announcement of Harper's ac ceptance was made by the Very Rev. Charles L. O'Donnell, presi dent of the university, following a telephone conversation from Ashland,; Kas.- today. ): :wd.l i i i ii i i . i ' f ihif,M!::;irf-'li i - " ; MUST ! UEPOSIT CASH MADRID,! April 20 (AP) Seeking; ito atop heavy withdraw als of i Spanish cash and securi ties, the government today de creed that depositors must- re store their money to banks with in 30 days ; or L"strict measures will be taken against them." . 5 -V 1 ; -i.v-: t-i Governor Urges Economy On Higher School Board Without presuming to be an au thority on educational problems. Gov. Julius L. Meier addressed the state board of higher educa tion Monday from the standpoint of a business man. Hiss letter was read to the board by Miss Walton, the governor'i secretary. Pertin ent extracts from his letter follow: "The survey shows that both the per capita expenditures for operation and maintenance and the outlay for fixed eapital In .Ore gon are very high as compared with other states. For the former we pay SX.12 per capital as com pared with an average of $1.1 S for all the states. In capital out lay we invest $13.24 per capita as compared with an ; average of $C.31 for the country as a whole, "If these figures are correct, it is apparent that substantial sav ings can be affected without re ducing our publicly supported edu cational Institutions to a level of which we need be ashamed. A re duction of $1 per capital for op eration and maintenance would still leave us well above the av erage for the nation and would, at the same time, help materially in reducing the deficit in sight. : Outside Student Costly "Each student costs the state of Oregon $276.99 a year, which in itself is $62.07 per student in ex cess of the rate for the country at Revolution CaUs Him From ; 1; Prison Cell to Presidency I ... v. L From a prison cell to a place of power, as president of Spain has been part ef the spectacular career of Don Nice to Zamora, shown as he appeared while awaiting trial in Madrid for his part in the Spanish revolt last December. The anti-nionarchlstic wave which swept ( aside the Bourbon dynasty brought the republican leader freedom '.and control. ; ; i . - Martial In Honduras After Rvoluf ion Flares Troops Called to Colors; Government Claims Most of Country Loyal; Rebel Chief Captured Trying to Enter (Copyright 1931 by The Associated Press) TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, April 20. (AP) The Hon duran congress tonight declared a state of martial law throughout the country following upon the revolution on the northern coast began yesterday. Troops were being called to the colors and civic guards were being organized everywhere. in i Guatemalan ' authorities cap WARRANT ISSUED - IN ROBBERY CASE MEDFORD, Ore., April 29. (AP) The sheriff of Jackson county today announced a war rant had been issued for Thomas Cooper, 28, gas company worker, who is wanted for questioning in connection with ' the robbery of the State bank of Ashland last Tuesday, i in which one of the robbers, S J. R. Albright, was slain. Another man escaped. The sheriffs office said Coop er has been missing since the holdup. Deputies said Fred Mor ris, who f knew Cooper, said he saw him ! running from the gun battle with a pistol in his hand, he got into a coupe, - Morris was quoted, and disappeared. Authorities in the three Pa cific coast states have been ad vised to keep a lookout. Jimmy Walker Avers Charges Are Unfounded ALB AX Y. N. Y., April 20 (AP) Mayor James J. Walker of New York told Governor Roos evelt today In a 15,000-word statement that charges . against him were "unwarranted and false accusations recklessly made." "I declare that I have" ade quately and consistently done my full duty 'as mayor of the city of New York," the- mayor's state ment said, "and I ask that these charges be dismissed." large. Included in our enrollment are 1615 students from outside of the state of Oregon. The sur vey suggests that mny of these may have come on account of the lower standards maintained in Oregon institutions. The tuition fees charged do not begin to cover the cost of educating this large number of out-of-state students. In fact, at the rate of $150 per year charged by the college for non-resident tuition, the state loses $121.91 per year on each out-of-state student, or a' total of $204,134.87 per year. r Here is a clue to a means if saving money for Oregon without in any way impairing the efficiency or lower ing the standards of our educa tional institutions. "The survey accounts for our excessive attendance by costly and Intensive student recruiting meth ods. While -the appropriation tor the institutions of higher learning was before the legislature, a rep resentative of one of the institu tions of higher learning spent a week In a local high school re cruiting students, and two weeks later another representative of the same institution visited the same high school for the Identi cal purposes. ' Undoubtedly repre sentatives of the other Institutions of higher learning duplicated or approximated these efforts. Such (Turn to page 2, col. 7) 'W !-; 7: ft .;. i ii i iai " ' Law Rules tured the important Honduran military leader Filiberto Diss Ze laya as he' was trying to enter Honduras over the Guatemalan border accompanied by two per sons said to be the well known Sandinista leaders. Government officials said Dias Zelaya was on his way to Join tbe rebels on the north coast.: , The TJ. S. S. MaryfanfO. "reached the harbor at La Ceiba today and other United States naval vessels were expected later at Tela and Puerto Cortes. Lives of all Americans throughout the banana region were reported to be safe. The government tonight was claiming the support of most of the country and was mobilizing large numbers of troops to put down the revolt. Mayor P. M. Gregory sent in his first veto to the city council last night but in fire minutes the bill was right back, passed over his objection and without a sin gle councilman standing with the mayor. The mayor's veto was on the city ordinance providing' for pro hibiting the shooting of firecrack ers in the downtown districts. His objection in his veto message was based on alleged discrimination. Downtown property holders are protected in the ordinance, the mayor wrote, ; while residential owners are not freed 'from the menace .of firecracker shooting. On the roll 'call. Aldermen Hughes, Kuhn and Purvlne were absent but all other councilmen voted to pass the ordinance, not withstanding the mayor's veto. Buckley Death Case With Jury DETROIT, April 20. (AP) The fate of tie three men indicted for tbe assassination of Gerald E. Buckley last July 23 was in the hands of a recorder's Jury tonight. The ease was given to the Jury at 10:10 a. m. today by Judge J. Jeffries. James Hehigan j Wins Marathon BOSTON, April I 20. CAP) After faiUng ten times, James P. Henigan. - little 3 S-y ear-old Med ford runner, today . on the 35th running of the Boston, Athletic association marathon from the best field that famous classic has attracted In many years. H MAJOR IARSEV HONORED WASHINGTON, April 20. (AP) A navy cross star was awarded today to Major Henry L. Lars en of the marine corps for dlstnlgulshed services In Nicarag ua between April, 192$, and March, 1129. ' v- f ; SITUATION' IX HAND f -. MANAGUA, Nicaragua. April 20 (AP) The : Nicaraguan na tional guard, its commander. Gen eral Matthews said today, has the outlaw situation in hand . to his high satisfaction. f , WOK VETO IS OVER-HEN FIRE PROBLEM b! IDEIEtl Mack" Pumper . Final Choice After Three v Ballots : ; . Upon "six Bids; , City to Borrow From. two Mill -Xevyjto Keep i ! Stations: Going n Salem's councilmen last . night took a'-new angle on the old question of fire vs. -water. They laid - aside . all : mention of the much-debated municipal owner ship of water and spent a busy hour on the city's problems of fire protection. When the hour was done the council had decided first, to pur chase a Mack 1000-gallon fire pump for $12,850 and second, to-J borrow from the special two-mill fire fund, $20,000 with which to maintain the city" three outly ing fire stations during . the re mainder of 1931. ' But , the decisions were not made ! without some groaning from Various aldermen. It -took a preliminary forensic skirmish to get five pending fire equipment bids out of committee after a 10-minute recess and it then required three ballots for the councilmen, upon whom the fire committee threw the choice of the proper fire pumper, to decide what machine they wanted. Mack Machine Is Final Choice When the third ballot had been counted, seven aldermen had voted for the purchase of the Mack International pumper at $12,850, three stood firm tor buying the $12,500 pumper from the Amerlcan-LaFranee-sc Foam lte corporation, while three voted (Turn to page 2, col. 1) TO TO Layton Goes to Milwaukee; Gates to Continue as Presiding Elder Appointments for the Evangel ical churches in Oregon, read Sunday night at the closing ses sion of the 48th annual confer ence, brings a former occupant of the Salem pulpit. Rev. C. C. Poling, back to Salem and sent Rev. A. P. Layton, here tor the past three years, to Mllwaukie. Rev. Poling has been in Corva lls. F. B. Culver was named presiding elder of the Portland Puget Sound districts, and C. P. Gates was again designated as presiding elder for the Salem district. Fully 700 persons attended each the afternoon and evening services at the new Evangelical church here. The new worship temple was dedicated Sunday afternoon, as was also the beau tiful new church organ. Bishop G. E. Epp preached both after noon and evening. At the morning worship, A. W. Oliver was ordained elder, and Paul Petticord, Carl Wacker bafth and John Rittermeyer (Turn to page 2, col. 6) Can Just See Things Grow, This Weather "Isn't this great?" Such was the verdict of every one whether city dweller or farmer, whenever the subject of the weather was men tioned on Monday. : i The thermometer at the airport registered 74 at one time during the day and visitors to the rural districts declared that one could fairly "see things grow" under the warm sun. Early strawberries in some lo calities were, said to have been damaged by the heavy frost, of Saturday night but other damage was slight. Gardens and orchards on the higher ground were not hit by the frost. There is an abundance of mois ture in the ground now and in many places the ground is too wet to work. A few more days like Monday however and spring work will be in full swing on all farms. SEATTLE, Wash-. April 20. (AP) Charley Haaeen, - Se attle, Swedish heavyweight, took two oat of three falls from Ted Thye, Portland, in a wres tling exhibition here tonight. -: TORONTO. OnL, April 20. (AP) Charley Belanger, Cana dian light heavyweight champion, outpointed Art Wiegan, Buffalo, In a fast eight-round bout here to night. Bellanger weigher 275 pounds, Weigand 186. POLING ETON SALEM Late Sports May Organize ; ; r Oregon Police SMEDLEY D. BUTLER LIQUOR COiPIH TRIAL H CLOSE Arguments Started; Defense Testimony is Brief; ( To Jury Today 1 PORTLAND, Ore., April 20 (AP) The first closing argu ments in the Tooze-Brown liquor conspiracy trial were heard in federal court Jiere today. Defense attorneys called only 18 witnesses in behalf of their 16 clients and the close of testimony came as a surprise. Liry Stlpp, assistant United States district attorney, began closing arguments tor the govern ment, while Barnett H. Goldstein appeared as the first of the de fense attorneys. Thirty-six defendants, two of them women, were named in the indictment returned by the feder al grand jury last summer. Among them was Walter L. Toore, Port land attorney and former republi can state committeeman, and Jo seph Brown, alleged by the gov ernment to have been leader or an extenslre organization engaged In the manufacture and distribu tion of liquor in the Pacific north west. Eighteen of the defendants stood trial, indictments against two of them being dismissed dur ing the course of the trial. Ten pleaded guilty and eight are fu gitives. The case Is expected to go to the jury late Tuesday. WORK IS STARTED The equipment is actually on the job and work now under way on the North Santiam highway project, according to word re ceived yesterday by the county roadmaster. Judging from re ports yesterday, many men who have been waiting for this work to start were yesterday making the trip to Detroit, where bead quarters are now. -. Most of the men going up are applicants for Jobs. Roadmaster Frank Johnson and Commissioner Jim Smith made another trip Into Detroit yester day, and along the route inspect ed bridges. This is the third trip the men have made up there since high water washed out the bridge across Whiteman creek between Detroit and Niagara. Work on this bridge Is being fin ished under direction of Philip Fisher, county bridge man who has suggested that the roadmas ter and commissioner look over other bridges in that section be fore he moves his crew out of that district. Clue Found in 'Noose Murder Case, Reported SAN DIEGO. April 20 (AP) Discovery of human flesh un der the, finger nails of Louis Teuber, murdered 17 year old shop girl, and questioning of a suspect whose face bore deep scratches were high points today in the search for "the noose slay er" who left the girl's body dangling from a rope in a picnic ground near here yesterday. ' With a chemical analysis of the skin being carried on by the coroner, the sheriffs office " de scribed tbe suspect as a "water front character". 'He denied all knowledge of the crime. . His name was withheld.' 7 Fractious Calf Injures Farmer PORTLAND. OreV.Aprll 20 (AP) G. W. Micinister. 74, far mer living near Goble, suffered a fractured left leg today when a calf broke loose from a rope and threw Micinister against a tree stump. Micinister was brought to a Portland hospital. ' : EXTREMES NOTED " ' PENDLETON, Ore.. April 20. (AP) The temperature here last night dropped to 2$ degrees. No frost damage was reported. Last Thursday the mercury rose to 70 degrees, the warmest day of the year. ON NORTH SIM BUTLER SOUGHT nr ur 0REG0O FOLIC Fiery ifleneral :;of f Marines Sought f by Governor; P0:tT6. Help i Organize ; Release is Being .Asked of rcderal Officials;lrio7; : :. . Response yet ; v- f;s.:;;:-- - Governor Meter Monday night corroborated reports emanating from Portland that he was nego tiating to bring General Smedley D. Butler here to organise the new state constabularly, but-said that no definite progress had been 'made. -He has been com municating with federal officials to see if Butler could be released tor the task. If these officials consented, the governor - then planned to approach Butler with the proposition. - Governor Meier Indicated that he felt General Butler had the ex perience and ability to effect a strong, efficient state constabu lary in Oregon. His national rep utation in handling police work would provide effective advertis ing for Oregon, the governor de clared. PORTLAND, Ore., April 20 (AP) Major-Smedley D. Butler, fiery leader of American marines, may be placed In charge of organ izing Oregon's new state police department, it was Indicated by rumors in usually well-informed circles here tonight. The report said Governor Jul; ius L. Meier had made inquiries to officials at Washington and to General Butler to learn whether th famous military leader would be available and whether he would accept such an assign ment. Law Goes Into If feet July 1 The law creating the new state police department becomes ef fective July 1. It will be charged with enforcing all criminal laws of the state and will concentrate tbe enforcement duties of the prohibition commissioner, state traffic department, state game and fish commissions and the state fire marshal in one. depart ment. - ,":" 'f " " The report said Governor Meier wished to have preliminary or ganization details worked out be fore the new law becomes effect ive and that he wanted a man of outstanding ability and exper ience. It was understood the governor wanted General Butler assigned here on somewhat the same bas is as he went to Philadelphia to become director of public safety ,for two years. Governor Meier has expressed the hope that Oregon's new state constabulary would be equivalent to the Canadian Royal Mounted police, the Texas rangers and the state police of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. . OFFER LOCATIONS FOR PUBLIC MART Two propositions for a site for a public market were placed be fore the city council Monday night, and both were placed on file. B. Overgaard offered his corner lot on Chemeketa and Water streets for S7500 and said he would Include the building which stands on the site. The lot is 14 feet on Chemeketa street and 48 feet on Water street. Overgaard said his age was 78 years and he felt he could make a low price on the property in order to be reliev ed of the responsibility of caring for it. Arthur H. Moore offered the council the free use of his lot at High and. Wilson streets for the period of 1931. He said his offer would hold for 60 days. SIMPSOJf TO HANG SAN FRANCISCO. April 20 (AP) Charles Simpson 18 yer old confessed slayer of -Mrs. Albl na Voorhies, elderly grocery store owner, was sentenced by Superior Judge Louis H. Ward here today to hang at San Quentln prison July 10. . Fun LEADER High-Lights of Higher Education Hearing 4 Gov. Meier cites finding of survey aa evidence of possi bility for material savings In operation without Injury to the 'state. ...',. '' In addition the governor criticises the excessive overhead cot of the five separate business offices plus now the sixth office of the executive secretary with his staff. The governor expresses opinion that tbe set-up of committees and council recommended by the commission is Ineffective and imprac tical. ,,,v ? L I.'1 ' Pre. Hall Indicated friendly attitude toward general con solidation of all Institutions under title of University of 'Ore gon, strongly opposed moving of advanced work in pure sci ence from Eugene. . -.- "V "."'. " ' ' ' Pres. Kerr concurred with Hall In co-ordination of ex tension and research work; opposed separation of school ef commerce from state college, and loss of service courses in music and industrial Journalism. . : ' . ? Presidents of normal schools agreed to accept findings of survey and to reduce operating budgets as the board may 'direct. ' - : : ' - No decision made by board on important questions, ad journment being taken till April 20th. Onified Biiversitv .,v - v.. - - -id iOkTm drtk s ifn fit 1 iIMiolUl Oil ILLS pun Ell Escrow Agreement Will be Put r Over at Meeting : Here on Saturday More than the necessary two thirds, of the votes' of stockhold ers of the Oregon Linen Mills company have consented to the amended escrow agreement to be proposed at the meeting here next Saturday, Ben Wells, secre tary of the corporation, -announced yesterday. Proxies for the stockholders are now on de posit with the company, ' . This.! means ratification of the pending proposal that the assels of tbe Oregon Linen Mills com pany may be transferred, subject to an outstanding bond issue of 2160,000, to the Salem Linen Mills, a new company to be formed Ito take over the, plant of the first named concern. Wells said he was confident the deal would be approved Tbe stock holders' committee named to handle the transfer consist of James D. Heltzel, Joe Baumgart net and William ty; Hamilton.' Backers Ready to Pledge Amount F. J. GUbralth, who is to man age the new concern, said his principals were ready to pledge 150,000 in cash for common stock in the new concern and to bond themselves to purchase an additional $30,000 In stock when the money was needed for oper ating capital for the new con cern. GUbralth announced yes terday that a number of Port land men, Interested in the new firm, would be here today to look over the plant of the Ore gon Linen' Mills company. He said be was confident that the deal could be completed within a week after the transfer of the assets was arranged for in the escrow agreement. As soon as the new company is formed, Gilbraith is confident he can be gin manufacturing operations. He stated yesterday that he had placed a tentative order for 100, 000 pounds of flax to meet sales orders already available for tbe product of the mill. THREE PAROLED III MOONSUi BUG Three of the four men arrested February 10 at ft large stljl which they were operating in the ML Angel section, drew paroles when they came before Judge McMahan for sentence yesterday and. the fourth was given 0 days in the county Jail with no parole. The fourth was Elwood Roy. Those- paroled, George Mar quart. Al Stupfel and George Wil liams, were sentenced to a year in the county Jail and then par oled. All four entered pleas of guilty to the charge against them. Roy, who didn't draw a parole, had served 13 months in McNeil's Island prison before being picked up on this count. Williams was paroled to Lou Wagner, attorney for the quartet, and Marquart and Stupfel were paroled to Sheriff O. D. Bower. Mailing Letter Hazardous, One Girl Finds Out EUGENE. Ore. (API Mailing a April- 20 letter ! has Its hazards.; L - WhilO Lola Leaton, 7, was de positing a letter in a mail box here today, a large light bulb In a' street light cluster above her fell from Its socket and broke on the girl's head. Her nose and forehead were se Terely cut. HAS VOTES ...... t!TW i Mi Consolidation Step is .Deferred to Next Meeting j Five Branches With President Over All Urged A single administration for tl university at Eugene and the stats college at Corrallls looms in the not distant future. Just before adjournment j of the state board of higher education following an all day meeting in Salem, Alfred' Burch of Medford, a member of the board mored that "as soon as possible" the two institutions be put under one-head. Mrs. Corne lia Marvin Pierce seconded the motion. C. C. Colt of Portland interpos ed the "objection that while such action may eventually be taken, the board should not be prodded Into precipitate action, and urged that the matter go over at pres ent. Other members voiced' the sentiment that while they antici pated some such solution, decittion should not be made before the next meeting of the board which will be held in Portland on April 29. The matter was accordingly tabled until that time. The meeting of the board took place In Salem instead of Port land, on the invitation of the gov ernor. The entire day was con sumed with the board acting chiefly as listeners. Gov. Meier addressed the board at the morn ing session, which was held in his offices. Then executives of the normal schools were heard. Aftef them Presidents Hall of the uni verslt and Kerr of . the -state col lege presented their briefs analyt ing the recommendations of ths survey commission as they applied to their Institutions. , Budget Matters Deferred The matter of reductions in the budget which had been referred to the presidents received scant attention, each president stating that he bas prepared to make such cuts' as the board would re quire.' The normal school presi dents said they would take their pro rata share of the $500,060 item vetoed by the governor, and further would make reductions if the remainder of the legislative appropriations now under threat of referendum were denied them ' At the meeting next week the in , dividual presidents will present skeleton budgets showing allot ments of funds under the reduced allowances. 'Nothing was said on the sub ject of physical consolidation ol the two plants at Eugene and Corvallls; but considerable " was said on the subject of administra tive unification. Dr. Hall discuss ed the subject at length,' present ing a monograph in which he re commened that a single University of Oregon be created with branches In the five places now having institutions: Eugene, Cor vallls, Monmouth, Ashland and LaGrande. This should be under a single president, according t the California plan, rather than the Montana plan with a chancel lor over all and Individual heads for the separate schools. Dr. Kerr In his brief touched on the sub ject of consolidation, intimating that a plan of unified administra tion of the university and state college might be worked out suc cessfully, j Hall Presents Case . Pres. Hall presented his case to the board in the form of eleven briefs, touching on different i por tions of tbe survey report. The university position as he stated it is as follows: : 1. Accept plan of separation of curriculum into ' lower division and higher work, such being now tbe program at the university. 2. Accept with some modifica tion,: the plan for, co-ordinated control of research. I I 1 3. Urges including all courses In art and architecture, music, and, practically all work in journalism, commerce, at Eugene. 4. Opposes the transfer of pure siences from Eugene to Corvallls. 5. Submitted a substitute plan for co-ordinated extension work. Dr. Hall made a spirited plea tor retention of courses in science at the university, terming It a "bob-tailed" university it It should be TObbed of the sciences. . Prsdent Kerr concurred with Dr. Hall on the program of exten sion work, and ol the control of research, both agreeing that agri cultural research involving feder al funds should be exclusively in the hands of the state college. Both, agreed to recommendations for supervision of publicity mater ial and booklets sent out by tbe schools, though Pres. Kerr assert ed that this was largely now cor rected through the administration of the single board. College Head is Heard Pres. Kerr In his brief pointed out-numerous errors of fact In the survey report, which in -his (Turn to page 2, col. 5) I r t 1 i ' km