The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 19, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Sunday Moraine, April 19, 1931
Scholarship Voted
By Hubbard
HUBBAJID The Hubbard
Woman's dab voted "Wed
nesday to giro a scholarship
and expenses to the 4-H dab
sammer school at Oregon State
college, Corrallls. to the Hubbard
girl winning highest . honors at
the 4-H sewing club fair at Salem
April 23 and 24.
A card party, the proceeds of
which will be used toward the 4-H
club scholarship fund, was plan
ned and the following committees
appointed: General arrangements,
Mrs. Blanche Brown. Mrs. Neva
McKenxie : and - Mrs. Louise
Grlmps; decoration, Mrs. Audrey
Wells, Mrs. ' Anna Stauf f er , and
Mrs. Kathryn Will; refreshments,
Mrs. Margaret McMannis, Mrs. Ku
nlce Braden, Mrs. Sadie Scholl
and Mrs, Maud Bldrxju The date
of the party will be anounced
The-club roted to purchase 1000
May ' day milk: bottle caps to be
used by dairymen as a dedication
of that day as sponsored by the
Marion county health unit
Two interesting papers, "Wom
en as Radio Announcers. by Mrs.
Eunice Braden. and "Development
of Radio," by Mrs. Audrey Wells,
were read. Mrs. Sadie Scholl and
Mrs. Ella Stauf fer favored the
clnb with a vocal duet, with,' Mrs.
Nora McKenxie art the piano.
Eleven members of the local
Woman's club plan to attend the
Marion county convention of wom
en's clubs at Staytnn April 23.
Delegates are Mrs. Klla Stauffer.
club president; Mrs. Margaret Mc
Mannis, Mrs. Sadie Rich. Mrs. Sa
die Scholl and Mrs. Cora Smith.
Lunch was serred by the host
esses. Mrs. Rebecca Clearer. Mrs.
Blanche Brown and - Mrs. Rath
Relnhart v ,
Card Party Pretty
Event in Aurora
Aurora. .Wild orchids cen
tered the table of a pretty seven
table bridge luncheon at the
home of Mrs. Lorsm Giesy when
Mrs. Giesy and Mrs. Norman Yer
gen entertained recently. High
scores were made by Mrs. J. C.
Moore. Mrs. U. Eiler and Mrs.
Geo. Clark.
Those In attendance were
Mesdames E. F. Morrison, Frank
Miller, Walter Grim. Jack Sad
ler. Ben Stoner, U. Eiler, " B. T.
Giesy, A. L. Strickland, E. E.
Bradtl, P. O. Ottoway, A. Miller,
Chester Gilbreath, John Kraus,
Geo. Ehlen, James Ogle. Maude
ille, Thomas, of Aurora: Jack
Bush, Donald; .Geo. Clark, Far
go; Henry Miller Nona Yergen,
Woodburn; J. S Cooper, Port
land, and Mrs. J.C. and Henry
Moore, Newberg. -j, '.'v i
Aurora Woman's Club
Observes Music Week
Aurora. Mrs. John Kraus and
Mrs. Loran Giesy were hostesses
to the -Aurora Woman's club
Wednesday afternoon. Delegates
who will attend the County Fed
eration - of Woman's clubs in
Stayton will be Mrs. Ehlen, Mrs.
Evans, Mrs. Strickland, Mrs. Mil
ler. Mrs. Gilbreath, and Mrs.
.Appearing on the program
were Mrs. McAllester. Mrs. Gil
breath. Mrs. Ottoway, Mrs. Ida
Tergens, Mrs. Bradtl. and Mrs.
Diller. Group songs were led by
i Mrs. Stoner. -
Mrs. J. S. Cooper of Portland
was a . guest of the club. Music
week will be observed by a pro
gram ; given by the music and
art committee, Mrs: Stoner and
Mrs. Frank Milter at the Stoner
residence. - Members are allowed
the privilege of inritiirg a guest
. --
. West " Stayton. Wednesday
afternoon the Birthday club met
. arfth Mrs. Arthur Forrette. Those
present were Mabel - Royse, Ver
sa Asche, Peggy Comstock, Lot
tie Comstock, Elsie Wallace,' Nel
lie Woosley, Minnie " Dickman,
Helen Gilbert, Mary Henkel.
Joan Bowne, Minnie Allen,-Sally
Goss, Ada Steuart, . Laura Rand,
Edith Steuart, Jennie McClellon,
Mrs. Porter and Mrs.' Forrette,
Sr., were invited guests. -
. The afternoon was , spent In
conversation and - sewing and
concluded with .. dainty refresh
ments served by the hostess. -The
next meeting will be with Helen
Gilbert on May ...
Shaw The Twentieth" Century
Women's club of Shawlmet at the
home of Mrs, John Bottlner
Thursday. "Those, present 'were
Mrs. John Amort, Mrs. Ed Coffin.
Mrs. Nell Wolf, Mrs. Ivan Put
man, Mrs.' .Vernon 'McAllister,
Mrs. Charles McAllister, Invited
guests- were Mrs. .W. Berg. Mrs.
Lloyd Keen and -Miss -Amanda
Alataewea. Tbe elab elected Mrs
John Amort..-- Mrs. Ed - Goff!n.
.Mrs. Ivan Putman and Mrs. Neil
Wolf. to attend the County Fed
eration of Women to be held at
Stayton in the future.
' Mill City Mrs. " LeRoy Dike
was a charming hostess -Thursday'
afternoon to a small group
of friends when, she entertained
- with a 1 o'clock luncheon tol
lowed by an afternoon of. bridge.
. which is one of a series of after
noons scheduled by Mrs. Dike.
t Guests were Mrs. O. H. Newman.
Mrs. R. Faust., Mrs. ; Hal Ladd.
Mrs. Eva Raines, and. Mrs.-Al
VanDahl. Mrs. Ladd received
high honors at bridge and Mrs.
Van Dahl the consolation. - :
" Jefferson. Mrs.' R. C. Thomas
-was hostess for the Woman's
Foreign Missionary society of
the Methodist Episcopal - church
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. -Earl
Lynes was program leader, as-
' sisting on the program were Mrs.
R. C. .Tbomas. And Mrs. Mabel
' Davis.. Those present were- Mrs.
J. G.- Fontaine. Mrs. George C.
Mason. Mrs. Mabel -'Davis. .-Mrs.
B. S. Thurston. Mrs. S. M. Green,
Miss Addle Libby and the host
ess, Jtrs. It, jC. .Thomas.... ,
News and; Club
Olive MDoak,
Mrs. Cliff ord
Thornton, nee Mar
ian Conklin, a re
cent bride at Stay
ton. I
Photo Howell'- studio.
1 Corvallla
Outlying Lo
Vm'- v.- v .......
Observe National Music
Week Extensively I
SILVERTON,- That music playa a his part in the life of
the average American and that very nearly all' Ameri
cans enjoy good music will again be illustrated at Silverton,
for the Music Week committee has interesting plans under
way. The committee met Thursday night at the home of
Mrs. Gertrude Cameron, who has been largely responsible
for the really marvelous success of Music Week at Silverton
in previous years. Mrs. Cameron is again chairman of the
local committee this year. Last year the Eugene Field
auditorium was more than comfortably filled for the pro
grams which the Music Weeko
committee sponsored
Thursday night tentative
plans made were for three
community programs and
eveninsrs set aside for shut-
ins, radio broadcasting in the city,
and various home programs. A
theatre night was planned and
the committee also decided to fol
low the custom of other years
and ask all churches to open mu
sic week with some mention of
music at the regular or special
programs within their own
churches. The three community
programs will likely be divided
into an old-fashioned or dress-up
night, a -young people's night and
religious nighC Mrs. Gertrude
Cameron is in charge of music
week j plans this year.
Those assisting Mrs. Cameron
on the committee are Mrs. Helen
Comstock, Mrs. Ann Powell. Lillie
Madsen, 1 Burton Murphy and
Mayor L. C- Eastman. -
Mill City More complete and
extensive plans for the observation
In Mill City of National Music
week are being prepared for this
year than were attempted at any
time previous. The churches will
all have special musical numbers
at their; . regular services, the
schools also makinran extra ef
fort. The Woman s dub will
sponsor s community- program
which will be free to the public.
In promoting interest in good mu
sic. Mrs. Robert Schroeder is lo
cal, chaiman for National Music
week, j
Quinaby The Royal Neighbor
Sewing club met at the home of
Mrs. Charles Becker Wednesday
to quilt for Miss Zulefte Fainter.
Members present were Mrs.
George ' Campbell. Mrs. Martin
Miller. Mrs. Alex Harold. Mrs.
John Zillnskl, Mrs. Lrle Beckner,
Mrs. Charles Beckner. Miss Zu
lette Painter and Mrs. J. P.
Nolan were visitors. ...
dst sweet sixteen Is Miss Dorothy
Parkins, beauty queen of Lalu -Worth,
Fla, . A native Floridian..
she was crowned Quean of -th
Movie Star Ball, held recently, at
Lake Worth's "Casmo.
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Society Editor
calities Wi 1 1
Mrs. EL W. Emmett
la Hostess
Klngwood Mrs. E. W. Emmett
entertained members of the Laur
el Social Hour club Friday after
noon at her home. A feature of
the afternoon i. was a surprise
shower for Miss Vina Emmett.
whose marriage to Arnold Coffell
of Salem will be an event of the
near future.
Mrs. Emmett was assisted ' at
the tea hour by Mrs. A. L Apple
white and Miss Vina Emmett.
Members present were Mes
dames Theodore Bernard. Albert
Beckman. D. A. Williams. Glenn
L. Adams. R. A. Blevins. , J. A.
Yantiss. Ed Finley. J. B. Smith,
A. L. Applewhite and the hostess.
Mrs. Emmett., Guests were Mrs
C. P. Emmett. Mrs. Burnett. Mrs.
William Hacker and Misses Cath
erine Applewhite. Hasel Emmett
and Vina Emmett.
Mrs. J. B. Smith will be hostess
Wednesday, April 29 to the club
Turner Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
Delzell entertained at their horns
Wednesday evening compliment
ing their daughter. Mfs Faus
tina, on her birthday. The guests
made merry with games until a
late hour, when refreshments
were served by Misses Thelma
and Shelia Delsell. Those pres
ent for the evening were: Misses
Nellie Barber, Helen and Helena
Wltzell, Leone Cook. Hildtreth
Bones, Emma De-nyer. Auna
Johnson. Thelma Delzell. Jose
phine Gilstrap, Margaret Robert
son. Sheila and Faustina Delzell.
and Messrs. James and Russell
Denyer. Harlan Bones. Louis.
Kenneth and Harold Fowler.
John and Maurice Baker, Harold
Smith, Wayne Chapman. Ole
Peterson, Sam Smtth.: Esmond
Tapptn, Frank Sacks. Alvln
Sen lr man of Salem, Otis Brooks.
Kenneth Bear. Jim McGowan
and Bob White of Salem.
Monmouth Mrs. Homer Dodds
was hostess Wednesday afternoon
to the Social Hour club, with Miss
Paradine Doughty and Mrs. .W. L.
Smith .in charge of the . program.
hour which featured ' a , radio
broadcast with a microphone in
evidence. Home helps, favorite
recipes and household bints of
various sorts were presented, and
the novelty offered muclr enter
tainment. Miss Mildred'McKnlght
sans two solos, accompanied .at
the piano by Philip' Dodds, ; and
together they pleased with a cou
ple of piano duets'. . ' " ' s
- Monmouth The Oregon Nor
mat school orchestra' appeared In
concern c Thursday night at the
auditorium under direction of Miss
Grace Maurle Mitchell. .The pro
gram featured faro rite orchestral
numbers which are well known
and delighted in by 'music lovers
everywhere."; Miss Irlene Athey,
soprano, sang four numbers in her
usual pleasing way Including1 the
famous "Cars Nome"1 from Verdi's
Rlgoletto. Miss Athey: it a Nor-.
mal school student. j - T'i
- . Silverton- ' Miss - Cathaleene
Cuddy was hostess Monday night
to the Tryphena Gfrls at the Frank
Mlliken home on East Main street.
The evening was spent" in piecing
blocks for the, quilt which - the
girls are making. At the close of
the work lunch was served. Pres
ent were Emma Adamson. Rose
Specht. Ruth Lorenzon. Winifred
Riches, Lois Riches. Ora Larson.
Helvie Silver. Zelma ' Dale, Miss
Mlliken. Ethel Trotter and Catha
leene Cuddy. The next meeting
wUl- be held at the : lodge club-
rooms. , 5 t
-' -. "
"Aurora Mrs William Knight,
greeted friends at a lovely after
noon party at her Canby home
Thnrsday. The affair had been
arranged bv her four daughters
Mts. E. E. Bradtl.' Aurora: Mrs.
Millard Lee. Portland; Mrs.' Dell
Clark and Miss Josephine Knight.
Canby. complimenting her on her
7ttn birthday. Lnnch was served
th 'ae,'tTnon. w
Book and Thimble ! ;
Club Entertained
Klngwood Mrs. A. I. Applo-i
white . was hostess Thursday af
ternoon to. members of the Book
and Thimble club as well as to a
large group ot. guests. An. Inter,
esting roll .call .was .observed, apd
community singing enjoyed. Mrs..
Charles Adams and fr rnnrafi
Fpx, Jr., as the program commit
tee, lniroaneea a musical- game
wUh Mrs. Olin Cannoy at . the
piano. - '
Clnb members will K ' mti
tained Thursday, April 30, by
Mrs; Mary Beaver with Mrs. R033
Damrell and Mrs. Elmer Cook In
charge of the program.
' 'Members - nreaent m " Vm.
dames Hettie Simpkins, Mary
Beater, L. F. Brown, R. H. Tem
pleton. Elmer Cook. Charles
Adams. Conrad Fox. Jr., Charles
ssenwarts, a. A. Williams, E. W.
S Pierre and Mrs. Applewhite.
Guests were Mrs. Mary Lister,
xrs: oiln Cannoy. ; Mrs. Rhlrlnv
Duncan, Mrs. Robert Hall. Mrs.
vvuuam Hacker, Mrs. Nellie
Campbell, of Victoria, B. C. Miss
Mabel St. Plerrit. Mh Cjxi-hcwa.
Applewhite, and - the following
juvenue guests: Delores and
Shirley Duncan. Helen May 'and
Georgia Rose Cook and David
Bevier. .
" . -
Liberty Club Has
Interesting Meeting
Liberty On a af fh mn. a.
Hghtful gatherings of the year.
was ine social meeting of the Lib
erty Woman's club, Thursday at
the home of Mrs. CL -Rmth.
Durina the social hAnf uN
C P. Bishop of Salem, told 'in in
terestinr manner tba bfatnrv f
the wool industry In Oregon and
mapiayea samples of the wool
from the time It left the sheep,
to the finished product. Mrs. Bi
shop also showed, rabbits' fur
made into yarn ana: showed two
soft wooly berets made of rabbit
A plant exchange nrvfni
many new and beantlfui finwar
for each woman there.
Dainty refreehmenta were serv
ed by the hostess committee. Mrs.
naroid Lane. Mrs. N. r. r.nnnaii
and Mrs. Oscar Dencer.
Special gueeU were Mrs. C. P.
Bishop, Mrs. A. F. Marcus and
Mrs. J. D. Barrett, ail of Salem.
Others present were Mesdames
W. J. Fair, P. M. Judd. J. Cloyd.
W. R. Dallas, W. H. . Olden. Al
orown, xv. a. Erlxson, Charles
Ruggles, F. I: Scott,. C. W. Sta
cey, John Dasch, L. C. Brother
ton, Harold Lane, N. E. Gunnell,
uscar ijeneer.
Turner. The members of the
sew and SO" 4-H rtrla olnk
held a nartv THilt t-
J ..u.u .u
the domestic. iaIaiim .aam u.iv
. .
ers and a few friends were
guests ror a very pleasant even
ing. The decoration committee,
uiarissa ciaric ijv'mD WMt
head, Althea Bones, and Eleanor
x-aras, used an abundance of
spring flowers In their decora
tions which were w11 niaAi
about the room. A neat display
01 me wore or the class was
tastefully arranged. The program
committee. Eleanor Parts Mar
jory Fowler, Estella Barnett, and
Alice r owier arranged an inter
esting program given by Clarissa
Clark. Geneva Barber. UfAre-nrot
Gilstrap. Ruth Gilstrap. Eleanor
ri i-ucne uones, Margaret
McKay, Althea Bones, Frances
tiarx ana LAVerna Whitehead.
Woodburn. -The Roval Neia-h
bors sewing , club of Woodburn
mec ai me nome of Mrs. Hannah
Thomas at ' her hnmA m
street Thursdav afternoon. Th
members of the club spent the
aiternoon m tying a comforter
lor the Roval Neighbors hone at
Rock Island. Illinois. After thm
work was completed a delicious
lunch was served Thosa mm.
bers of .the club who were pres
ent were: Mrs. Stella Galer, Mrs.
Maud- Savre. - Mrs. Anna T.1rW
Mrs. Edna Byers, Mrs. Rose Gib-
Dens. Mrs. Margaret Algulre,
Mrs. Mary - Kralicek, Miss Agnes
Brachmann. Mrs. Dora- nibbena.
Mary Gibson and Miss Mary
Jackson. ..Tne club's next meet
lnr will be at the home of V
Julia Brachmann on Settlemeler
avenue, Wednesday, April 22.
Watch ' for their Story i
. ' Book la Kbyme -
j The cow jumped over the moon as an ad
l j Of the finest food that's to be had. 7
i : It builds the health for you and me.
v. V u:v '-vvi Xr-:"" . A
4 K I :
Salem Sanitary Milk Co.
; . ' Telephone' 57741851 State. St.
Wacbxida Club Assists
Waverly Baby Homo
-Wacon da Members of thf TCa
eonSa Community elnb were' en
tertained Wednesday at the home
of Mrs. A. W. Nusom. Greenery
and spring blossoms - from the
woods were nsed to decorate the
rooms. -
Time was spent quilting for the
hostess. An all day session was
held with poC-Inek luncheon at
noon. . r : :;. '; -- - .
At three o'clock a ' abort busi
ness meeting was held, Mrs. Fern
Runcorn: presiding. . Following
the report that , the donations re
ceived for the building of the
proposed new Waverly baby
home were still Inadequate, It
was decided to ' draw . from -f the
treasury for this cause.-; '
Club members ; present were
Mesdames William - McGilchrist.
Henry C. Stafford. Ellsworth
Hubbard. Frank Cannard, F. R.
Nusom, Fern Runcorn, C. C Rus
sell. Robert Cole, John Klenski,
Richard Patterson, " I. A. Loren,
Pearl Patterson. Frank ' Thomp
son, Allyn Nusom and the hos
tess. Mrs. A. W. Nusom.
The next club meeting will be
held In two weeks at the home of
Mrs. C. C Russell ...In Mission
Bottom. 5 ; ' -
Mrs. William Vogt ; ; .
Talbot An afternoon was giv
en at the home of Mrs. David Ja
cobson Wednesday ; in honor of
Mrs. William Vogt. Games were
furnished., by Mrs. Davidson dur
ing the afternoon. Prizes were
won by Mrs. Marlatt and Mrs.
Rose Sayles. .- - .
Guests were Mrs. A. E. Cole,
Mrs. Helen Doty, Mrs. Rose
Sayles, Mrs. Claud Johnson, Mrs.
Fred Jorgensen, Mrs. George
Marlatt, Mrs. . Addle , Davidson,
Mrs. Sidney Howard. Mrs. Del-
mer Davidson, Mrs. Taylor.. Mrs.
A. L. Emmons, Mrs. Henry Ba
ker, Mrs. Loyal Johnson, Mrs.
Ruby Thacker, Mrs. Arthur John
son. Mrs. Bob Austin, Mrs. Keith
Allen and Mrs. Furgenson. A
dainty lunch was served late. In
the afternoon.
Worthy Grand Matron
Will Visit
Woodburn Mrs. Carrie Jack
son, worthy grand matron of
Oregon, will make her official
visit to Evergreen chapter num
ber 41, Order of the Eastern
Star, Wednesday night. April 22,
at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Jackson will
make her official visit to Laurel
chapter No. 113 of Canby, and
Orchid chapter No. 150 of Molalla
and Gervals chapter No. 118 of
Gervais at the same time, the
Woodburn chapter acting as hosts
to the other chape rs, whitch will
also meet In the Masonic hall.
Hazel Green Mrs. John Zelin-
ski entertained with a turkey din
ner recently in compliment to her
husband. The .house was beauti
fully decorated with potted plants
and garden flowers. The table
was centered with a large birth
day cake.
Covers were laid for the honor
guest, John Zelinskl, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Zelinskl, Mr. and Mrs.
John Wojeik, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Wojeik, Mr. and . Mrs. Sopetak,
Mr. and Mrs. Zajac, Mr. and Mrs.
Emll Harr. Miss Zaiac, Mr. Ham
ilton, and Harold Thompson, all
of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. John
Hammelman of Woodburn, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Woelke. Hazel
Green; Mrs. John Zelinskl and
children, Alfred. Florine and
Bernard Zelinskl. Mrs. Emll Harr
and Miss Hazel Woelke assisted
the hostess in serving.
West Salem Six little friends
of David Baker, son of ot Mr. and
Mrs. Waldo Baker gathered at his
home Friday afternoon to observe
his fifth' birthday. Games were
played and Mrs. Baker served re
freshments to the folowing small
folks: NoTma Jean Newgent, Lor-
etta May Lemon, Roberta West,
Ellla Brown, Billy Barney. Wesley,
Miller and the the honor guest.
David Baker.
West Salem Mrs. Dale Lem
on. Mrs. J. M. Fisher and Miss
Lottie McAdams were hostesses'
Thursday afternoon at the Lemon
home in compliment to Mrs. Ed
gar L, Miller. Dainty refresh
ments were' served to the follow
ing guests: . Mrs. A. N. Merrill,
Mrs. Eugene Krebs. Mrs. S. Pfei
fauf, Mrs. Waldo Baker, Mrs. J. T.
Stohl and the hostesses, Mrs. Lem
hi on. Mrs. Fisher and Miss Mc
Adams.: .. , .
Watch for ' Kiddies ,
- from Dairy land - -
O .- 0
O .. u 1 1 c
Reports from Bucharest and Buda
pest continue to link the names
of Princess Deans (upper), young
eat daughter of Queen Marie el
Rumania, and Archduka Otto' (low
er), heir to the Hapiburg thorns,
tn a reported more by French dip
lomats to form an alliance between
Kumania and Hungary.
Mrs. W. F, McCall
Wallace Road Mrs. W. F.
McCall entertaned a group of
friends and relatives with a birth
day dinner at her pleasant country
home on the Wallace Road when
she celebrated her birthday anni
versary Tuesday evening.
A beautifully ornamented birth
day cake was presented as a sur
prise to Mrs. McCall by her daugh
ters. Mrs. A. E. TJtley and Mrs. C.
I. Blodgett. The guest group In
cluded Mrs. W. T. McCall, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Allen, and small
daughter Betty Zoe of Salem, Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. TJtley and son Bil
ly TJtley, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Blodgett and son Corydon, . Jr.,
W. F. McCall and M. Quilmle.
Rosedale Several ladies of the
community spent Wednesday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs.
George Heckart, who was hostess
to the Ladies Missionary society.
. m
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Crawford
and daughters. Josephine and
Ruthann. ot Coos Bay have been
recent guests at the home of
Mrs.- William Ballard.
mi my
V .
MODEL 84. Pun Cathedral
Gthic dmlgk. Exquisite bmit
sffairf front, striped sroinuf
Tbe powerful sew eaieile
Tube takes the place of three
ordinary tube. ' possible the firaS
anil radtoofbif peribnaaaea.
. Multiplies aanplifieatioa.
iaeteaess power output, ha-
V r. 1 .
proveo oeaaitmry. Aajooier
sor aay
' with tubes.
Let us start it playing
In your heme today.-
Birthday Party
Pretty Event 7
Independence. Mr. and Mrs.
George Prief entertained Monday
evening . In . honor . ot : their, son,
Herbert's birthday. Five hun
dred was played during the even
ing, high honors going to Rosco
Staats and Mrs, Ida Irvine. At
the elose of the evening a dainty
lunch was served to the. follow
ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
LeTourney, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Nash, Mrs. Ida Irvine, Rosco
Oberson, Mr. end Mrs. Claude
Staats, and Mr, and Mrs. Herbert
Anniversary Observed
Independence Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Hiltlbrand were pleasantly
surprised Friday evening when
friends came in to help them cel
ebrate their twentieth wedding
anniversary. -
I They were presented with a
gift from the group of friends.
' Those present for the occasion
were . Mr. and 1 Mrs. Will Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fry, -Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Girard. . and Miss
Glenna Hiltlbrand, who is attend
ing college and was home for the
weekend with her parents. -
': .. ...
Silverton Young
People Married , - r
Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Pfaff are receiving - congratula
tions upon their recent marriage.
which was consummated at Van
couver, Wash.. Saturday. Mr. and
Mrs. Pfaff will make their home
in the Brown apartments.
Mr. Pfaff is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Pfaff of Mount Angel
and a brother of Mrs. L. B.
Scharback and Mrs. Brooks
Weatherall of Silverton.
' Mrs. Pfaff was before her mar
riage Miss Ellen McEwen of Sil
verton. .
Silverton The bridge club ot
the senior, high school faculty en
Joyed a novel' affair at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. William Gates
this week. The affair cfarried
out the idea of a rustic party.
High score for the evening
went to Miss Marion Gunn and
Miss Fay Sparks received ths
consolation prize. Hostesses were
Mrs. Gates. Mrs.' Herman Kramer
and Mrs. Warren E. Srabtree.
- Independence. Adah chapter
of the Easter Star will receive
an official visit from the worthy
grand matron of Oregon, Mrs.
Carrie Jackson, Thursday, April
23. Other chapters will be rep
resented at this meeting, Amity,
Falls City and Dallas.
Wallace Road Mrs. Sarah
Patrick will entertain the Sweet
Briar club at her country home
on the Wallace road Wednesday,
April 23. Mrs. "Ray Binegar. Is
president of the elnb.
Members of the Woman's Re
lief Corps Is planning a mer
chants lunch at the Fraternal
temple Thursday.
A 77 A
Golden iced
Suger -
-The new Pentode. tube, as used by -Atwater
Kent in this new super-heter-odjne
set, gives you big performance
in a emaU ' radio at a small price.
' We have tested the Golden Voiced
Compact thoroughly. ; It's a wonder!
And so inexpensive you can now have
radio wherever you want it j
' Supply is limited. Come quickly.
See us about trial in your own home.
3HB9Z?'wmWH 11 ."'"JJ!" 1 IjSai ' J-'1 ' .'
SEEWT 4-11
Exhibit of woodwork and oth
er phases of 4-H art students
production will be a feature at
the three-day 4-irdub show to be
held here this weekend at the
chamber of commerce rooms.
Marion county schools have two
lzed among boys and girls in Ore
gon. .
According to County Supervis
or the three art groups organ -or
Fox, at least 300 of the. 1200
students engaged In 4-H club
work In the county will have ex
hibits at the demonstration here.
Judging will be conducted all
day .Thursday and Friday and
Saturday the displays will be
open to the public.
Miss Aubrey L. Wiencken, as
sistant state club leader, and Mrs.
B. W. Rodin wold, home manager
specialist, both from "Oregon
State eollege, will Judge the sew
ing exhibits. Mrs. L. A. Humph
reys, field representative for a
Portland milling concern, will
Judge the cookery exhibits and
BETHEL, April 18 The pa
trons of Bethel school district ap
preciate the efforts of ths mem
bers of the school board In keep
ing the school property so neat.
The snowy white paint on the
flag pole and the name board
over the entrance to the school
building are the latest improve-
The Kareful Kampers club has
been competing in Its work for
achievement day, April 21. Work
has been going forward rapidly
on the log cabin. No planed lum
ber Is being nsed. The window
will probably not be put In this
year, but the grounds will be set
out in white fir trees and shrubs.
- BETHANY, April 18 Whoop
ing cough has hit this district
rather badly and portions of this
week XI of tne young pupils of
Bethany school have been unable
to attend because of the illness.
These are all from Mrs. Stewart.
McClure's room.
Independence Mrs. Alpha
Bascue entertained with a din
ner party on Tuesday evening.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
LeTourney and Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Craven.
! I e e
Mrs, Cassia Margason of Sclo
has been a guest in Salem for
tbe past few days.
Graduation Gifts
Wedding Gifts
Jewelry Watches
173 N. Liberty
with the