Events i - . , ! f o ociai - ivi .Infeesfiim-S iisleM r : Clob: (Zarcles ; Program of Weeks Ahead Crowded With Music . And Parties X- ' : : ' - 1 I rIS week will be crowded with ll manner of social and musical events.' Starting out this afternoon with a weddin? at the Hignland Friends church and an ensemble musicaleiat the .studio of Prof, and Mrs. T. 5. Roberts events crowd! upon jthe heels of each other. . . i . Tuesday! the I Y iiWL! 'CAJ mil hold open house between the hours of 3 to ! 5 oclock and from 7 to 9 o clock. Promi nent matrons of the city will assist in making this onejof the most successful social functions of the sprmg. Mrs. Julius L. Meier and Mrs T. A. Livesley will preside at the , , .. o tea-table during the after- , . State Convention ForB.&P.W. Under Way w-pETWEEN 300 and 400. club r women are expected In Salem tnf! th ilth annual conven- tlon of the Oregon Fed1-1101 ot Business and Professional Wom en's elnbs. to be held May 22, 23 and 24. and local committees are busy with plans for the entertain ment of the visitors. Mrs. Mona R. Voder, president of the Salem Business and Professional Wom en's club, has as her assistants In convention preparations the following local members: " Miss Merl Dimlck, Miss Ruth Moore. Miss Josephine Shade, Miss Phebe McAdams Mise Ruth Mc Adams, Mies Julia K. Webster, Mss Laura V. Ilale, Mrs. Susan Varty, Dr. Mary B. Purvine,.Miss Alene Phillips, Mrs. Myrtle Gil bert. Mrs. Winifred R. Herrick. Miss Clara McNeil, Mrs. LaMolne Clark, Miss Lois Ohmart, Mrs. Emily Howard, Miss Irene Brelt haupt, Mrs. Esther Hagedorn, Mrs. Helen Goplin. Mrs. Mabel Need ham, Miss Grace Elisabeth Smith, Miss Olive M. Dahl. Mrs. Delia B. Hayden, Miss Grace Gilliam. Miss Helen Louise Crosby Miss Clara Urlaub, Miss Ellen Thielson, Mrs. Hester Adams, Mrs. -Grace Sehon, and Miss Grace L. Taylor. galem is represented -on the state organization by Mis Josephine- Shade, who is a member of the -board of directors and chair man of the State committee of education, research and .health; Mrs. Madalene L. Callin, edttor of the federation magazine. "The Oregon Business Woman"; and Miss Grace Elisabeth. Smith, who is state parliamentarian. Miss Martha Cascb, of Port land, president of the Oregon -federation, has outlines for the pro-' gram and business sessions well under way. Clubs of the organ ization are located at Albany, As toria, Bend. Coos Bay, Coqnllle, Corvallis, Eugene, Grants Pass, GreBham. Hlllsboro, Hood River, Klamath Falls. McMInnvMe,-Med-ford, Monmouth, Oregon City, Pendleton, Portland. Roeeburg, Salem and The Dalles. In addi tion to delegates from each club, a large number of visitors will at tend the sessions due to the cen tral location of the capital city. -''Plans for the three-day pro gram include a reception Friday evening for the delegates and vis itors, at which state officials will be special guests of 9 honor; a "Know - Your - Oregon -luncheon, Saturday, and the annual banquet at which the national fed eratlo nwill be represented by a speaker; and a special emblem breakfast Sunday morning. Other ' breakfast and luncheon programs are being arranged and recrea tional features will be provided for the visitors. -'" Mrs. H. V. Compton enter tained for members of the Jun lor music club, whose mentor is Mrs. Henry LeeFriday night. After a business meeting a mnsl cal program was given and this was followed by refreshments. Present for this meeting were Janet Fryer. Jeanette Arehart, Barbara Miller, Barbara Comp ton. Francis Mott, Dorothy Motl, Alice Ann Wlrtifc Ruth Alice Grant, Ruth Wilson, Luclle Wil son, Anita Savage. Mary Allen. Delia Locke. Marlorle Wlnken- werder. Mary Louise Bitter, Bet- . SOCIAL CALENDAR . Monday, April 20 Invitational recital being given by Billy TJtley at studio of Prof, and Mrs. Roberts. ( Junior Symphony orchestra, 7 o'clock: St. Paul's parish hall; any new members desiring to enter at this time report at the hall and consult with Pror. W. W. Graham. . . - - - . Recital in Waller halL by students ot Miss Frances Yirgrnie Melton, t o'clock. Public invited. . Tuesday, April tl J j War Mothers will meet 2 o'clock in' American Lu theran church; special program planned. j Eastern Star reception in compliment to past ma trons and patrons in Masonic temple. j TUllcum Daactn club. Hazel Green j last dance of season. .- . j -- . Uobl Grands association, Mn, Anna Hunsa ker, 190 South 12th street. - . . S?Jem J1!0 lu. o'clock, homsl of Mrs. J. A, Jelderks. 1SS4 Center street. - h , ' , ' Y. W. C. A. "open house" S to I o'clock in after noon and 7 to o'clock In evening. . , , . , -W. C. T. U. tea meeting beginning at S o'clock la Union hall on Ferry and South Comzaerclnl street, Drama class of Mrs. Gustar Ebsea, xmblie Library, t o clock. i Wednesday, AvrU St I : ; Mrs. Sarah Patrick, 8weet Briar club, at her homo on Wallace road, April 23. . , General Aid society, at First Methodist church: one 'dock luncheon. r ' Thursday, April 3 j Town and Gown club, 2:20 o'clock; Lausaane hklL 8Uyton conrenUon of county federation ot eluba. Friday, April j " Salem Wo man "a club, election of officers: tea meet ing following election and program, j ' moon and Mrs. Prince Byrd and Mrs. Milton Steiner will greet the guests. In the evening Mrs. E. C. Cross and Mrs. E. T. Barnes will preside at the tea tables. A group of younger girls will serve and conduct the guests through the rooms of the Y.W. C. A. . Mrs. Arthur Rahn, Mrs. Ercel Kay and Mrs.. Dan J. Fry, Jr.. will be hostess to members of their club at the Fry home Tues day afternoon. Mrs. Ralph Ham ilton wiU be. hostess for a bridge tea Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Roy Hewitt and Mrs. A. A. Sle wert will also be Tuesday host esses with a Kensington after noon at the Siewert home. . . Wednesday hostess for social affairs will be Mrs. W. IT. Dancy with a bridge tea; Mrs. William Lytle and Mrs. David Bennett Hill, bridge afternoon; Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, bridge tea host ess; and Mr. and Mrs. George Rhoten will be hosts to their dinner dab Wednesday night. Mrs. U. G. Shipley and Mrs. J. E. Law will entertain again with another of the -series of parties for which they are being host esses Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Hewitt and Mrs. Siewert will be hostesses for a dinner party Thursday evening. Friday Miss Edna Savage and Miss Margaret Savage will be hostesses -for a dance for about 300 of the younger set at Cas- tllllan hall. Prominent ; among the coming events of the weeks ahead is the Quilt tea which is being planned i by members of the Daughters of the American Revolution at the Woman's club house April 25. Quilts whose history reaches back into the lives of the Braces1 of Scotland will be on display at this -tea. National music week May 3 to May 10 is also creatine more in terest than- ever before accord ing to Mrs. Mary A. Denton, di rector for the state and city mu sic week plans ot the Federation of. music clubs. Unusual pro grams of outstanding merit are already on the schedule of the week, which 1 Includes something for every night ot the week and many programs are having to be doubled, i i vThe -MacDowell spring, pro gram will be presented April 27. It is a choice- offering and will be anticipated with - much satis faction. The Portland String trio will play as guest artists with the chorus and Jean Miller Rahn will be artist soloist. Mrs. L. H Tarpley to Be Glut Speaker Program for fhe Town and Gown club ! meeting Thursday afternoon at Lausanne hall. MIsa Helen Cochran, senior at Willam ette TJ.. will sing a group of solos. ! -i" Speaker will he Mrs. L. H. Tarpley. Her topic win be "An afternoon in the historic museum of Hew York wi' Spanish art". Mes. Wayne Pettit left Friday for Jackson. - Miss., - where she will remain -for some time. , She will return by way ot Los An geles. . Mrs. 1 Pettit plans to be gone about three weeks. i ty Bo,le. Norma Jean Gilbertson. Kenneth Boyle, Richard Chase. Patsy Lee. i . n .' - A ;i ' " : ' . i- 1 . . 1 ... A group of prominent women from the Salem Ma cDowell chorus which will sing its spring concert April 27 in Waller hall of Willamette university. In the center is Lena Bell Tartar, popular director of the chorus; to the left is Mrs. David Bennett Hill, a member of the chorus, who is also a prominent hostess of the fortnight, entertaining with Mrs. W. H. Ltyle for several large affairs. . To the right is Mrs. Vernon A. Douglas, vice president of the Salem McDowell club and a member of the chorus. All Photos by KenneU-ElHs. Salem W. C. T. U. to Sponsor Silver Tea The Salem W. C. T. U. will sponsor a silver tea at its meet ing which will be Tuesday begin ning at 2 o'clock, in its hall on Commercial and Ferry streets. A special invitation has been ex tended to the presidents of tbe missionary societies of tne Salem churches. The devotional leader at this meeting will be Mrs. W. H. Robins, wife of Rev. Robins of the First Baptist church. Miss Elizabeth Ogden will favor with a group ' of vocal solos. A talk, followed by discussions, will be given concerning temperance and missions. The decorations are in charge of Mrs. Rachel Reader. : Following the program, dainty refreshments will be served, by a committee consisting ot Maud Tallman, Emily Prescott and Mrs. Charles Fessenden. Anniversary Program To be Interesting Monday night in the armory the members of Hal Hlbbard post, United Spanish War Veter ans and the Auxiliary to the Veterans will observe the fif teenth anniversary ot the organ isation of the auxiliary. ! Special decorations and a fit ting program will be arranged for this evening which will be in special compliment to the charter members of the organization. Charter members include the names of Louis Quail, Lillian Mo- Klnley, Myrtle Horton, Myrtle Ross. Josle Bunte, Marie GIrod. Lulu . Humphrey. Effie King, Marie Baker. Catherine Bablng ton, Minnie Hnrst, Grace Cheno worth.; Gertrude R, Wilson. ;. Ida Seymour, Vlletha . Bort. Bertha Knmrow. ' Selma Knmrow, Flor ence. Kumrow, Euen L. Carson, Ruth Brant, Nell Aaseln. Myrtle u. Abrams Carrie M. Cahse, Grace Pugh, Helen. Southwick, Ellen Thompson, Fanny Millard, Mrs. W. B. Landon, Catherine Hewlett. Verna Via.. Lolita Dons, Stella Hardwlck. Laura Hard wick. LeMoine Clark, Marr Ray mond. Georgia Davis. Ruth Wil on. Minerva WMson. May Smith Hnnter". . perrydale Women Snonsor Project Perrydale The Sew and Sew club of Ballston held its regular meeting Thursday. The afternoon was spent in sewing and social hour and lunch followed. . The ladies discussed during the business meetinr. tHelr otery project, these ladies hater iencea me cemetery and are con trolling scotch broom and sweet brier roses that cover a portion of the land. Those present were: Mrs. Frank BlsseH. Mrs. Lens, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. William Fudge, Mrs. David Bowman. Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Sha fer, Mrs. Melvin Ford. Mrs. Her man HIU, arrs. H. S. Fudge. Mrs. Carrie Gregg. Mrs. H. L. Sechrtst, Mrs. -Fred Edson, Mrs. Shriver, Mrs., a F. Gregg-. Mrs. H. But ler, Mrs. Martin Van Gross and vial tors were Edith Leas and Mrs. Robert Mitchell. - it - " . L ; Young Son Has f 1 Birtriday Party f Hubbard Mrs. Waldo I. Brown honored her son, Wallace, at a lorely birthday luncheon served in the music room at the Hubbard school house Friday af ternoon. , : The ublo was cantered with a largo birthday cake made bril liant with 19 candles. Covers were placed tor tfcfrtv-tive rwst-. third and four grade pupils and Miss , Frances Hatch school mates and teacher of the honored guest, ', - Mrs," Brown was assisted by her daughter. Miss Betty Brown, her eon. Boyd Brown, and Ay members of the 4-H sewing clnb; of which she is the leader. ' Olivjs M.; Doak, TODAY WE PRESENT . . Weddings Draw Attention This Week . A QUIET wedding was sol emnized at the parsonage home of Rev. D. J. Howe Saturday evening at eight o'clock when Miss Mabel F. Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Porter of Junction City became the bride of Joseph J. Fisher, of Portland, son of Mrs. Carrie Fish er of Salem. Only immediate friends and relatives wero pres ent, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Kit im mediately following the service tor British Columbia and after May 4 they will be at home at 329 East 37th street, Portland. where Mr. Fisher is in business. Mrs. Fisher is a graduate of Ore gon Normal school and Mr. Fisher has attended the Oregon Law school. A second wedding ot interest will be solemnised today at 3 o'clock in the Highland. Friends church when Miss Evelyn Emery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Emery, became the bride of Rev. Robert Shattuck, son of Mrs. Ruth Moon of Dayton. A third recent marriage was that ot Miss Ruth Bartruf f, daugh ter of C. J. Bartruf f, and W. Franklin Walter of Corvallis, April B in the Willamette Boule vard Evangelical church. Rev. G. L. Lovell officiating. Both young people attended Oregon state col lege. They will, make their home In Corvallis where they will be at home to their friends after "May 1 at the HIckert apartments. Mrs. Harry Bonney Entertains ; Brush College The Brush College helpers were ' entertain ed Thursday at the- homo of Mrs. Harry Bonney. Taking part In the program were Mrs. A. R. Ewing, Mrs. W. F. McCall. Mrs. C. L. Blodgett and Miss Margaret Gil lis, county health nurse who gave an interesting . 'and Instructive talk on her work with school children. Mrs. Frank Fawk also gave a talk on her work as a member of the health committee of the federation, of rural wom en's clubs of Polk county. The' next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs'. Ferdinand Singer. Mrs. Oliver Whitney will conduct the patriotic program as sisting Mrs. Bonney at the tea hour wero Mrs. Arthur-; Bonney, Salem and - the .. Misses . Blanche and Ethel Bonney. Special guests Thursday were Miss Margaret Gill is, Dallas, Mrs. Frank Fawk, Rlekreall, Mrs. Mary Sehon, Miss Ruth Bennett. Mrs. Arthur Bonney, Miss Blanche' Bonney and Miss Ethel Bonner. Members present, were: Mrs. Paul Wallace and daughter Nancy Lou, Mrs. Ferdinand Sin ger and granddaughter, Juanlta Johnson, Mrs. Barbara Foeh. Mrs. Esther Oliver,' Mrs. John Schin dler, Mrs. Victor Olsen, Mrs. Fred Swing, Mrs. Fred Olsen, Mrs. TJ. J. Lehman, Mrs. W. F. McCall, Mrs. C L. Blodgett, Mrs. Joe Singer and daughter Josephine, Mrs. A. R. Ewing, Mrs. Louis Singer, Mrs. Oliver Whitney, Mrs. W. Rock and son Orvllle and the hostess. Westoics Club' Meets , Scio. The Westoics club met with Mrs. Emma Brown Thurs day afternoon. Tho time was spent In conversation. Fosr guests wero present, ; Mrs. Carl Bragg.' Mrs. Albert 8belton, Mrs. Traaen; Mrs. Geo. Christiansen. - Refreshments wero served by tho hostess assisted by Mrs. Bragg. Members - present were Mrs. E. 8- McCrao, Mrs. Chaa. Whlto, Mrs. Thos. Quigley, Mrs. O. A. Hall, Mrs. Kenneth JPunty, Mrs. -. Lylo Shelton : and tho hostess- T. . . s Society Editor , " : - . .... . . , . j! - ... -. i - j I; . - - - - :-s;- ' 7j-- J ' j, '- : "J nil ; , - I Young' Students Will Give Recital Miss Frances Laws and .Miss Elisabeth Clement, pupils of Fran ces Virginia Melton will giro a piano recital In Waller hall Mon day ovening at 8 o'clock. ' This is one ot the series of Mon day recitals to be given by stpdents from the scboot of music of Wil lamette university. The public is invited. The program follows: Bach, Saint S-cn , .. G.TptU Beethoren Son-Ut, Opus 10, No. 3 UagTstto Promts Xlissbeth Clement Ohopla Prelude, Opus 88. No. 10, S 8 Chop i a .,. , . . Troia Eccosaise Bach Preludia and Fag-etta, No. S Fraaeas Law Grief Omni . Papilla Indiaa , Laaeaat O. Merlkaato. Finiia Folk Sons Ls- Itaa Aitlat "Mother Don't Cry" XUsabatk Clement BeethoTcn So -ate. Optus 1. Ha. t Allegro dad PraetUsime Fraaees Laws Debnaay' Ieuieie. i.rab-qe M-cDovell ... . ,., In Amtnma -UeDowoU To a Water Lily tieste-iUky ..... Intermaiie ia Octaves Franees Law Von Weber Overture to Oberoa Frances tws and Elizabeth Clement Camp Fire Girls Making Plans The Shukenkata group of Camp Fire girls met at the home of Mrs. Irene Douglas, their guard lap, the past week and dis cussed plans for the coming sum mer season. Mrs. Scharuff, who has recently returned from ' a world tonr, was a special guest, and told of her experiences .with the Camp Fire girls in Manila. Present for this meeting were Marjorie Vande ' Waler, Marian Rydo, Mabel Lord, Betty Lou Burdette, Helen Wilson, Aleen Douglas, Delma Bunn, Mrs. Irene Donglas. Members of the Camp Fire who have received tho highest ranking of tho organisation will organise a "Torch club", first, of its kind to be organized here. Members will be Mrs. Luther Stout, Esther Hunsaker, Maxlno Stout. Mae Gingrich. Wanda Rose, Evangeline Voth, Miss Lil lian Black and a few additional ones. - . Mrs. K. It. Allgood, , a new guardian, . win he introduced , at the next guardian's - meeting and will meet with, the Klanhanee group next Monday at her homo, 1137 Union street, Charter members of the Salem Royal Neighbors ot America at tended the social meeting of the Dallas Royal Neighbors .Thurs day ovening. A program and dancing made an enjoyable even ing for the guests..,- QTJESE3rBERRY8 CENTRAL , PILMPIACT 41 State' TeL 0123 ELIZABETH AEDEN. t 'i . . A. A. U. W. Has Luncheon Meet The one o'clock- luncheon meet ing of thflTA. A. U. W. at the Elks temple wss an event ot Saturday. Miss Mabel Robertson presided at tho business meeting, which- In cluded only routine affairs. Program was given by the high school people who will enter the musle tournament in Forest Grove next Saturday, April ,25, ana included a vocal solo by Wil liam Skewlsr- boys' quartet, Wil lard Moses, Earle Potter, Fred Wolfe and William Skewls; vocal, solo, Helen Benner; and a vocal solo by Wlllard Moses. Miss Eva Cochran was the accom panist. . . The group .of young people responded gracious encores at the enthusiastic demand of their audience. . . ' Attractive Musical. Program at Studio What promises to be a delight ful ensemble program and which is being sponsored by. Miss Alicia McElroy of Portland will be given this afternoon at the studio of Prof, and Mrs. T. 8. Roberts, be ginning at 3:15 o'clock. The young people taking are Portland maids, many of whom are now members of the Portland Symphony Orchestra and have been members of the Junior Sym phony. Ernest Crosby, tenor, and Prof. T. S. Roberts will assist. Patrons and patronesses for the afternoon of music are Miss Sally Bush. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wallace, Loyd T. Rlg don, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahn, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Patton, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McElroy,. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. O'Reilly. Mr. ' and Mrs. D. A. White. Miss Frances Virginia Melton. Miss Helen MacHlrron. Miss W. J. McFadden, Miss Rita Clark. Madame June Reece. and Mrs. W. A. Thompson. Girl Reserves to Present Play The Olrl Reserves of the Leslie junior high school will present "Alice Through the Looking Glass" Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the little theatre on th thlrd floor . ot Waller halt , - Those taking part In the play which 'has been coached by Beulah Graham, are Mary Elisa beth Keils. Evelyn Propp, Mar garet Ann Kells. - Marguerite Smith, Barbara Nelson, . Betty Parker, Martha Kreikenhaum. Franees Kells, Margaret Burke, Vera 8cott. A slight admission will be charged for tho play. Q( Qjour cJkn GftZaMy nih Jns (mUcnljt (Son - rm sVy-8b mmi mom (7r M i laii-josseV-isr--t V"' Qranefnl Cressa. ib waaesj a jrV f-riyarfckH ii.tVaa hatwttk . apadTatiuitii-Cigl-j-iw-n OsS fcs ioIJ w-tas sa J sacaaM wak S-teToa-s, Do tkls UJL salty and" yossr alio S not peJy l VeaUhy sbhI s-snrafly lorety, ' bad wuL stay yosnt sad sreak a. U-W-ler. FossecstJeW W-tfa Stoats eoaaolt Mtas AsJaea kz-U koo-MTkeQ-at mi W Be-t-M."w-a-kyosalsc-l saot wflUtBlsyoossifs n-as. - . ;r- . 'r 67J Fifth Am., Nt Ytri Billy Utley Will Give OpemM Recital A recital ot mora than ordi nary Interest will bo that given Monday night In tho studio of Prof, and Mrs. T. Sx Roberts by Billy TJtley, young attendant ot Prof. Roberta, ' " Tho program is called n evening of opera and- will be played . entirely from memory. Prof. Roberts will assist at the organ and Corydon Blodgett will read. : -Guests are being, invited for the affair. i .The program is as follows: Piano Kerch of th Priests. v front I "Maria Flata" Koxart Life at the Composer Verdi Piano Brendiai, from "La Trsvista" - - : Verdi Piana AnTl Hare Bisned ta -test Me from U TVeratore'1 Verdi Anvil Choree, from "JI TroTaVore 'Verdi Keadiat--A ratnotis Wian , , i n-mAnm Bktdsett Vera! I Dre-at I VwmH U Marble iialU frost "Bo-emiaa Oirt" Ma lie Ortran - sad Piane- Fae-erita T-emea, from "Bohemian Girl" Balfe Flano Akl Sa Fair, from "Mart-" , , riotev Piano Taut, from "Boldiera Ctaor- n" : ,. , , ", Oennod Orfaa Bextetta, from "Lneia dl Itai mermoor' . , , Pooifette a -. '; , .- . : ' j ' Dinner j Compliments California Guests . The home of Mr. and Mrs. Her man Eckerson was the scene of a happy gathering recently when relatives met to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin LaBare and children of Lor 'Angeles. Mr. LaBaro is the brother of Mrs. Eckerson. At one o'clock a pot luck din ner was enjoyed by the following: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin LaBare and family of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. LaBare of St, Helens. Mr. and' Mrs L. W. LaBare of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Melhnish snd family of Hlllsboro, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Riches and family and Miss Beryl Ottaway ot Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. F. LaBare and family, and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. LaBare and children of Wren, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Riches of MeMinnviile. Mrs. Cordelia La Bare, Mrs. Eckerson, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eckerson. . Mrs. Dick Griffith and Miss Dixie Deal Griffith of Three Forks, Mont., has been the gaewt at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Ballard for the past few days. The visitors are making an extended tour of the- Pacific ceast and will leave Sunday for Seattle, and expect to arrive at their Montana homo about April 25. Mack's Clearance Sale Odds and Ends , Continues . . 'Exceptional Values in High-Grade Merchandise MACK'S 335 - Memorial Service Is Interesting r Observation FOLLOWING the regular meeting of Sedgwick chap- -- ter of the Woman's Relief corps Saturday afternoon In Mil ler's hall a memorial service was held for those of the corps and tho Grand Army who had passed away in tho past year. - Six of the Corps members and three of the Grand Army were remem- 1 bered in this service. Mrs. Lizzie Smith, past depart ment president, gave a brief talk concerning the work of the corps and the four surviving charter members of the corps each spoke , and recalled to memory incidents i j of the past concerning the life of the organization. These -were. Mrs. Helen Southwick, Mrs. Sarah Drager, Mrs. W. P. Bab cock, and Mrs. Crawford. In these- talks it was brought out that- the Relief Corps was tho first fraternal order in Sa lem and has had 700 members during its life with now four charter members and 154 regu- i lar members. ' ! ! j; : . --, f , j j Memories of the G. A. R. de veloped tho fact that there are only three charter members left in Salem and that there are only 24 members of the organization now. The golden anniversary of the local G. A. It. will be cele brated next year. Mrs. Mabel Lockwood gave an interesting tribute to the work' accomplished by. the W. R. C. and Comrade Harris spoke of the ' . work of i the two organizations during the past years. . Musical numbers were given by Mrs. J. A. Sholseth accompan ied by Miss Olive S hurts. m a a General Aid Meeting Wednesday . A 1 o'clock luncheon meeting is planned - by members ot the general aid 6f the First Metho dist church , for Wednesday. There will be seven circles rep resented in this meeting. Mrs. J. W. Beck ley will be toastmlstress. A program of rem iniscences will be given by older members ot the aid. An invitation ls being extend ed to all members ot the congre gation and friends to attend this luncheon. : . -v. V-ftilv-' m 1 Many High-grade Dresses Chif fons, Prints, and Plain, on 8alo at $12.75 each ' Good Coats In mixed assortment of sizes and shades. Prices .' S10 $16.75 from One Growp of Short Coats Lea ther and few wool salts and dresses. All at remarkably low prices. Hat Crepe and Prints, all good : Dresses . $10 . $14.75 A Complete Cloee-oat of All Bloases Flat crepe, knitted and linen t dozen ot them' some o ff prices as lowiM. )!) Sport 8ults From our two outstanding lines. .Odds and ends sold from 119.76 to S5. On Sale 2f A tt as low as ........ 10.00 N. HIGH