LTfct CUTGON STATESMAN. Sakn, '. - Oregon, Sunday Mornia? April 19, 1331 V i 4-H CLUB Fl WIG NEAR Chamber of Commerce Will Be Scene Thursday 'V- Of This Week It won't be lone cow until Mar lon county 4-H club boys .and girls pick out the best articles in all the work they hare been doing the past year to Tie with each other at the second annual Marion county 4-H club fair. The fair will' open In the cham ber of commerce rooms here Thursday, April 23, and . will con tinue through Friday and Satur day, according to W. W. Fox, county club leader who has ar ranged the event with cooperation of Mrs. Mary - L." Fulkerson, county school superintendent. Although an experiment last year, the exhibition was a decided success, hence It is being held again this year. A larger list of awards is offered this year, thanks to interest taken by a number of Salem merchants and the Kiwanis club, which is offering several scholarships. Kiwanis Offer 3 Scholarships - Premium lists, which have been out for some time, show, the Ki wanis elnb has offered three schol arships for -the annual summer session at O. S. C, these to go to winners in the division .2 sewing, outstanding cookery club member and for, handicraft exhibit. Many, merchandise awards are offered.'.the donations of Salem stores. : Y .' ' The cash awards offered by the superintendent's office hare been set aside for winners of -the best cookery exhibits In all divisions; to handicraft winners In two di visions, and to health projects In two divisions, boy and girl. Five Cash Prizes ( In Each Division In each division there will be five cash prizes and ribbons to the 10th place. First prize -will be $2, second 11.75. third $1.50. fourth 11.25 and fifth 11. Prize winning exhibits will be displayed in the J. C. Penney store windows on. North Liberty and first and second , prize winners ' and recipients of scholarships will be guests of honor at a luncheon of the Salem Kiwans club to be held soon after the fair. All exhibits must be in the bands of the county club leader before 10 o'clock the morning of the opening day of the fair. Win ners of scholarships or special prizes will not be entitled to re ceive cash prizes, according to rules of the contest. BOOTH AND DALLAS WIN TEST MONMOUTH. April IS In the Polk county inter-high school typing contest held this week at Monmouth, Dallas and Mon mouth won first places. In the novice class, Twila Tittle of Mon mouth was awarded a gold med al; and Doris Xewbill of Dallas won a gold medal In the advan ced class. Mrs.! Bertha T. Hall, who heads the j commercial de partment of' the; Oregon1 Normal school acted as referee; and typ ing instructors of the participat ' Ing schools took charge of grad ing. , - Novice division entrants: Mar Ian Good, Twila Tittle. Carl Rutschman. all from Monmouth; Aladine Campbell and May Van Siaavern, Perrydale; Rachel Ug : low and Lois Jones, Dallas. Advanced division: Harold Good and Kenneth Roth, Mon mouth; Elizabeth 3aker, Elea npr Hill, Ruth Wilson, Alice Ko sanke, all of Independence; Dor is Newblll and Lois Miller, Dal . las. ; ' : Roth and Good won third place for advanced students; and Marian Good received third place in the novice class, all three stu dents being from Monmouth. 4-H Club Workers : Plan Achievement Day Program MISSION BOTTOM, -April 18. Time was most profitably spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Frank Thompson when the. 4-H club members were given three lessons by their leader. A demon- , stration each of fruit, meat and ' sandwiches was made.; .Plans were discussed for' the Achievement day . and' a 'public demonstration, which will be held at the the last day of " school. . The demonstration team will be Aminta Jones and Evelyn Cane. :, -'.-: ---"! Delores j Thompson and ' Cora Parks will demonstrate cookies at the next meeting, which will be held at. the home of the leader next Friday. V- . Present .at the last meeting " were Frances Thompson, Junior Jones, Cora Parks, Evelyn Cane. Delores Thompson,. Aminta , Jones and Arnold Thornstad. , , . ,?v SantiamRoad is Being Repaired MILL CITY, April 18. The Linn county road crew were re pairing and patching the pave ment In the ricinity of Mill City Wednesday. A number of boles on the Linn county end of the bridge approach were filled. An other crew under the direction or Road Supervisor Ed - Davis Is blasting out rock on the point near the Jack "Welch place, which will widen the road at this point considerably. A bridge crew Is replacing the bridge over Medlll creek on the Marion county aide of the San- tlam river which, was destroyed in the recent high waters. This crew is making its headquarters at Gates. The highway, which was ' covered by . slides between 31111 t HIGHLIGHTS IN7CAREER O NICHOLAS CLONGWORTH f : ' r. ' With the passing el Nicholas Lougworth the nation capital Las lost 'one ef its 'Baost popular political char octera.j Practically his whole adult life was spent la the shadows . af the White Hans. Ban ia Cincinnati SI " yaars aga af wealthy parents, ha had nana ef tha aleefneee that goes with wealth and -social . eminence. Nick," . as be was called by everyoae, had tha geains of adapting himself ; to whatever campaay he happened ta ha in. Save far ana term fallowing- the Damocratic awaap of 1912, whan hU father-in-law split the Repab licaa Party ha aerv ad in ; Ceag reee aiaca 1903 and daring his last three terms was Speaker af tha House. aJ?C The wedding of R a p rosea tative . Nicha la a Long worth af Ohio and "Priacosa Alico Rooso velt ta the W h i ta Housa in 1906 attracted international attention. "Princess" Alien, daaghtor of the Prest deat, had been ana of the world's most sought after I youag womca For years br anaay ; avideacea of high-spirited individualism had ; a Biased the nation, and she waa aa much a na tional figure aa if she were really of the blood royal. She had spurned many titled suitors only ta surrender her heart ta Longworth, 15 yoare her senior. L a a g -worth'a aaarriage pro vided a aew kiad of ammunition for his. eolitical oppoa e n t a , who immediately coined each derisive phrases a a T. " R.'a Crown Prince." City and Detroit was opened this week to travel, the roadbed be ing widened, to 20 feet at' that place and in much better condi tion than before. AT GRANGE MEET WALLACE ROAD. April 18 Mrs. Marie Flint McCall of Wal lace Road, state grange lecturer attended a rousing Pomona grange meeting at Buttevllle Wednesday with 300 present rep resenting 12 Marion county gran ges. Mrs. McCall and Mr; and Mrs. s. IL Edwards who. were In her party .each gave talks at lec turer's hour! Mr. Edwards Is State deputy. Mrs. McCall .who is act ively engaged; with her duties as state lecturer assisted in organ izing a grtnge at Chemawa. Tues day. . : "FLUNK DAY ENJOYED MILL1 CITY, April 18 Senior "flunk" day was observed by the seniors In Mill City high school Thursday when they arose early and journeyed to Taylor's Grove where they spent the day In sports and eats and "sings". In the evening they made the trip to Salem where they -enjoyed a movie and more "eats'. There are IS graduates this year. Miss cl?ss adrJs&r. . , ' ' V " ' ' it i v : f t . s . v s ' ? v.'.'-.v.-: : . fininrrfrrnwii i if iiaiwiinili im I "vy:-x.-:-:.x-: ::-.-: "" " T" - 1 - ' a 'J : CJ'?J ) x- Mir Ml Hill- llK l ' ' psnsmmmssnmn ' . 'VmmmnnnnnnnannnmaM n.rA..?.le;.-.i?, -. .s- 'Mp ? ' - . - -1 .:".! Nichalas Lang worth was net a prominent politician when ha first went ta Waabiagtoa aa . Ropreeeatetive from Ohio, in 1903, hut hie affable personality wan him popularity aad he waa entertained " - by President Roaaavelt at the White Honaa. Hera ha met Alice Roosevelt, la Febraary, 1906, "Princeas Alice be caaia Mrs. Nicholas Lengworth in oaa af tha moat brilliant wed dings that Washington aver witnesaed and many political wiae acree mattered their feare that the young politician waa alated for oblivion, his indi viduality overshadowed by the tremendous Rooeeveltian personal ity. Bat they didn't knew, Long-worth-aa his after arfiievmente show, ; r ( V i I i I v " . r !V1 A. 'fe:-!..v...w. Returning ta Can . gross after kia two year absence. Long- ,. worth found himself more popular than ha . had ever bn. Hia prestige grew aad even - his bitterest political enemies J., were eon-' ; strained - ta ive- him their warm admiration. -No more was ha re ferred to as T. R-'s i Crown Prince or "Alice Ropsevelt'a ;," h a h a d proven his metal. He waaNieha las , Loagworth aad would stand on Nicho las Long worth's feet.' Rapidly he ' became. . member af numereua . important committees , end. won tha leadership ' af the "Big , Navy" movement. - Ho was a ! firm beGcver la tha doctrine , af prepared- nesa as a preventative ' af war . aad - continu- ' . ausly fought for' that f, belief ta the ea J. ; UTILITIES TRYING DIVERT ATM! . WASHINGTON, April It. fAPTh power Interests ; were charged Friday by Senator Norri with attempting to divert the at tention from the trade commis sion's investigation of their ac tivities by , a nation wide propa ganda campaign. The Nebraska republican in a formal - statement based, . bis charge on a pamphlet written by Paul S." Clapp, managing director of the National Electric Light as sociation, which Norrls atd had been distributed to millions of stockholders in public utilities companes and consumers of elec tricity.' -: i r.r-, i. i Norris said Clapp, In compar ing electric rates In towns-with municipal plants with private rates, used some cities in which there are no municipal taxes and the entire running costs are paid out of profits from the municipal plants. He cited Chanute, . Kas., and South River, N. J." rThe figures . show. Norrls V i r i . mi A - ' ' , t r m In the early nays af . Langwartk's cm r e e v " seme ef his panehaat f war n sonrca ef tha ",' graataat : worry ta hie -political backara. Ha paraiatad in wearing : apats whan aaaay ' ra gardad 'the f aahion dad- J lak mnA affected. H appeared at night see ' eiene drassad in isa macnlata evening at " tira at a time when diaaer cloth oa ware not ;. generally warn. Ta crewn this most an- . political bohavUr, ha bacama a golf addict daapita the storm af criticism that was di rected at . the pastime - as a rich man's game. It was this vary im .. parvioaanaas to criti ciam that finally won the admiration ef all ', who knew Lang-worth. A politician by choice, ' ha refosad to be a og in a political machine. i i i Loagworth laaghed at t b e a e gibes, and si years later proved con clusively that he was not to bo dominated by the Reoseveltiaa par- . eonality when ha flatly refused to oia hla dia tinguished father - in -law the "Bull Moosa" movement that split the . Republican party wide open. Instead, he cam ' ( paigned for William Howard Taft, goieg down to defeat ia the Democratic lands tide that swept Wilson into office in 1912. Mr. Longworth, contrary ta the predictions af po litical soothsayers that blood ia thicker than water, stood solidly with her husband in his stand. Loagworth aft arwarda declared that H-the two years out af office were the hard est yeare af hie, life. said, "that the municipal plants in the United 1 States while not making as good a showing as Is made by the larger systems in Canada are nevertheless so . far ahead of any showing which can be made anywhere In the United States by the. power trust that further argument seems almost DAUGHTER TO STEWARTS . TURNER, April 18. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bear have received cards announcing a new grand' daughter, Pauline . Lenora, born April 11 to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stewart of Spring Valley, MIn nesota. Mrs. Stewart and young son, Quenten, returned home the middle - of February after a" two months' ' visit - with - the home folks and friends of Turner and Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart expect to return to Oregon to make their home some time In the future. SCOUTS AFTER PAPERS AURORA, April 18. The Boy Scouts, were industriously gather ing pape. J and magazines Satur day to help swell the camp fund. The-boys appreciated the interest shown by the townspeople. They also held a candy sale at Tergen's butcher shop. , JT i r St' " ' i Vt ' v:- ' V - J- fJORLlAL PLAfJS flY FESTIVAL Junior Weekend and Spring Fete, are Combined at 1 Monmouth MONMOUTH. April It Jun ior weekend at the Oregon Normal school, featuring May Day with its colorful events, is Just axonnd the calendar, and many plans are al ready under way to pat this gala occasion across with its usual sparkling fanfare of happenings. The first day, la started out in the mOrnlng at :S0 with a tug of war; Junior vs. Seniors., .Then aa all school campus breakfast is enjoyed, and the remainder of that day given over to athletic events. Friday evening the Jun iors present their annual class play, which this year is to be Skidding.' This Is a modern comedy -centering around the problems of a college boy and gin. The cast includes: Marion, Leo- na McEwan; Wayne, ManvQle Pet- teys; Mrs. Hardy, Mildred Gard ner; Aunt Mllly, Elisabeth Price; Andy, Jay Hollngsworth; "Estelle, Virginia Hall; Myra. Helen Red ding; Mr. Hardy, Duane Knapp; Stnbblns,. Jack Clark; Grandpa, Hnrh Edwards. ' The. play Is under - direction of Miss Florence Johnson, Saturday comes the coronation of the Queen, Miss Hazel Goyotte, and many beautiful and original dances and drills follow to show homage to the new crowded Queen. " Saturday evening the all-school formal dance completes the ser ies of eay features. Weather per- mittinr. this dance Is held out on tha Taved tennis courts, where lovely lighting effects and a good orchestra render it a beautiful and pageant like artistry which visitors both from Monmouth and out of town enjoy observing. If rain prevails, the Normal and high school gymnasiums are utilized. CHILDREN VIE FOR BRUSH COLLEGE. April 18 Of much Interest to Polk county school children is, the spelling contest to. be sUged at Dallas Saturday, April 25 when all Polk county schools will have the priv ilege of competing. . Friday, April 17, this zone, which includes four schools, those of Brush College, Zena. Spring Valley and ; Lincoln held an elimination contest in which two pupils from each school. with . the exception of Lincoln school which did not send a rep resentative, took part at Brush College. In this contest the last two who remained standing go to Dallas to compete with like con testants In the final contest. Those who received this honor Friday were Ruth Shepard of Zena school and Ila Ann Stratton of Spring Valley school. Brush College has sent representatives to the Dallas contest the last two years. Those who participated- were Evelyn Working, eighth grade. Brush College; Ruth Shepard and Marguerite Johnson, eighth grade pupils of Zena, Ila Ann Stratton,' seventh grade and Ho mer Freeman, eighth grade of Spring Valley. Teachers from each school rep resented who conducted the con test ' were Mrs. Mary Sehon, Brush College; Miss Lillian Rey nolds, Zena and Miss Clara Sei bans. Spring Valley. Turner S.S. Class Wins Attendance Prize at Salem TURNER. April 18. The Loy al 6-8 Sunday school class of In termediates of the Christian church, with their, teacher'. Mrs. E. J. Gllstrap, and a tew friends attended the Kellems meeting at the First Christian church in Sa lem Thursday evening," hoping to be able to secure the prize pic ture , offered for the biggest at tendance of a Sunday school class and Its friends at the serv ice. Twenty-one were present and they won the picture, which-is a tree hand drawing -made and presented b. Mrs. Homer Kel lems. ' It will be placed in the Sunday school room. 4-H Girls Make ; l Sun Suits For . Small Patients AURORA, April 18 The Snap py Stitchers sewing : club, 4-H sewing, group 3, are making sun suits for- children. These will be given through. . the Junior red cross, to the state . tuberculosis hospital ' at . Salem. All girls In junior red cross must make two garments for a child and hearing of the need of sun-suits at the hospital, they decided to make and donate them. The girls are asking. that any one wishing to help In this good work get In touch with Eleanor Jeaky, president of the club or Mrs. Tyler,, club leader as the hospital can use more suits than the girls can make. ENTERTAINMENT . PLANNED - LIBERTY, April 18. Every one - Is looking . forward to - the big - evening of entertainment that -Is being sponsored by the Woman's club for Friday even ing, April 24. Popular enter tainers of our own community and outside talent are furnishing the program. The program -Is to consist of two short plays, danc es. readings and music. There Is to be a very small charge. Tick ets are being sold throughout the neighborhood, and they may also be secured at the door ' that evening. Watch for the program i in next week's paper. 1G S QhYoulJlossQm Himters! Gloverdale Welcomes You To See Real i ; By. MRS. ; JAY COOK In springtime, summer or win ter time whea we of Cloverdale go ont into our yards and . look at our fields, orchards and love ly WOOded hills we wonder whv King Blng and all his men al ways aay Pout county. Liberty and ; Rosedale but never Clover dale. No. not Cloverdale on tha coast but a ' lovely - spot oa the maraet road about : two miles east of the Pacific highway. we have orchards. - too. and we have men in our community who "know their orchards" so in the springtime, especially, Clo verdale Is a beautiful place. As one . turns - south after - drlvlnr two and a quarter miles east L!H HEADS I P. T. I. ORCHARD HEIGHTS, April 18. Election of. officers was. held Friday evening In the Popcorn schoolhouse at the last meeting of the- Parent-Teacher association. Ralph Wilson, was elected to suc ceed J, W. Simmons as president, Eugene South wick was chosen as vice-president and Krs. Ed Reed was reelected secretary and treas urer. Mrs. Cash Roberts. Mrs. Ed were appointed as a refreshment Reed and Mrs. C. S. Matthews committee to serve at the first meeting of next year. The pro gram committee will be appointed later. A committee composed of Mrs. J. B. Best, Mrs. Ed Reed and Mrs.' Guy McDowell was appointed to purchase a first-aid kit for the school. A varied program was heartily applauded and many numbers en cored by an appreciative audience. The home orchestra, the Orchard Heights Entertainers, gave sever al numbers; The juvenile element of the neighborhood, being fired by a spirit of emulation, gave two numbers on month harps, one be ing a girls' and one a boys' trio. Members of the first group were Dorothy Southwick, Martha Lay- ton and Faye Garoutte and of the second, Donald Reed, Earl Dean Wither and Milton Southwick. .Other numbers on the program were an amusing one-act play, "A Coon Creek Courtship," by Mr. and Mrs. Wesley orner of Rickey; vocal trio, "Your Mother Al ways Cares for You," by three small boys. Andy Mallett. Keith ISP- 0 Eleven GREAT r EEE r IMPROVEMENTS N ....LOWER PRICE j j Iff '' Fl M S?05 ; AM MASTER SER VICE Complete Satisfaction With Every Transaction Phone 4525 N. Com'l at Center Flower Glory from the highway on the market road-. prettier rural sight Is hard to find than our closely settled community with Its well kept homes, '.orchards. Its green fields of clover backed by the beautiful wooded hills ' of the Summit. Hill district. Y Cloverdale is pretty, it Is well named," It has congenial neigh bors and we are glad to be alive when we awake in the morning and ? view our beautiful sunrises and; look at Mts. Hood and Jef ferson over, there,. . As ' we go toward Turner we can view bur narcissus and daf fodil field with its bulbs recently Imported from Holland. It Is located on the farm of John Mc- Klnney and is at Its. best now. Clark and Harold Stout, all of Sa lem; a reading, "S'posin You Do," by Jeannette Clark; a reading.. Shadows," by Miss Ethel McDow ell; a reading by Donald Reed and one by Lyle Knower and Er vln Simmons; Miss and Mr. Sim mons responded to an encore by singing "Is There Any Better Country Than the Old U. S. A.?"; last on the program was a "home talent" moving picture machine showing exhibits -of school work by the lower grades. Following the program, refreshments' were served. ; ; - SIMON LOOKS . - i L SILVERTON, April 18 For the purpose of providing the nest egg foT , a free public library at Silverton the Silver Lodge 36 of the Independent Order of Good Templars have granted the trus tees of the order the authority to transfer $537.38 in checking and saving accounts and the property which lies between the : Inman building and the H. L. Stiff Fur nlture store on First street be tween Oak and Main streets into a trnst fund. The new board of trustees which will hold it in trnst Is composed of George W. Hubbs, C. A. Reynolds and P. L. Brown 1 The gift of the lodge is depen dent upon requisite recognition from Silverton and the creation of an operating and maintenance fund of at least 81,000 a year and a fund also of $10,000 for the erection and equipment of the free library. TOWARD IBRARY EXTRA MILEAGE nJ stew even lowtr In jrlcl I KftTS TXTtHI SENSATION Of Itill fame ll CerrwAI-WaW.lo-9iiltirwnv wafla fcrSioT hofove4 la 1 1 wari. aotf oncoa fewac ) evor Waforo. Vk oaly C.Jyir oWt ton ef UMfte MalJONS MORf rv svMtl uWy sjrfs4w vs)vrl4wvyo GttOm SpmiJ ft fiMt fW f S$T DM RISI'l SPEffi AT SCIO P. T. S. FCIO. April 18. -The P. T. A. met In the auditorium of the hjgh school Thursday evening. A program was given as fol lows: Song, "America." by the as sembly; reading, '."Believe It or. Not," Opal Mispelt; quartet, "Sweet and Low," by the Thurs- tons; address. Rev. Ernest Rals ton, "Children, Their Develop ment In Education." Mr. Ralston snoka of the evil tendency of the human race and suggested we try to help them by glTing them something to do rather than forbidding them. He urged parents to be a good exam ple to their children, make chuma of them; cooperate with them In an tneir activities: let them know you are Interested In them. He closed by soeakinr of the no- i cessity of a religious training and me oenents of using the Bible in the school. . ! ' ' Mrs. P. II. McDonald nriMt at a short business meeting which was held at the close of the pro gram.. . ; W. STAYTOn 0U1LTS WIN WS PRIZES WEST STAYTON, April 18. Thursday morning . Mrs. Elmer Asche, president of the Ladies Growers' club, ' Mrs. William Royse, secretary of the club, and Mrs. J. W. Nipple went to Stay ton to the quilt exhibit at the club rooms. . . The ladles took the last quilt; the ladies finished. This quilt took two first prizes, one being for the most attractive quilt there and the other for having the most pieces. The quilt has 6352 pieces In it. '!'; ) i ' Mrs. Royse took second prize on her friendship quilt and Mrs. Asche was awarded first on hers. Mrs. Nipple 'got first prize on the most artistic in deeign and uniform In qutytng. She also; re ceived second prize on another Quilt. r i i: v ; :j ji j '" Many quilts were shown at the exhibit. There. were a number of old quilts and homespun bed spreads. PROGRAM PLANNED WEST STAYTON, April 18 The West Stayton community club Is sponsoring a program and soup sale- Tuesday evening, April 21. The proceeds from the soup sale will go to the grade school baseball team. IftftlAiM "T3 STATION St. Phone 4525