The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 19, 1931, Page 16, Image 16

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me UlCEUUN STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, April 19, 1931
Cute Animals Displayed by
Children in Line of
- March at Dallas.
DALLAS. April 18 Cat, dogs,
mice chickens, bird, goldtiih.
Urtles and goats wre a few of
the pets displayed by the children
in tbe parade Satrrday after
noon.. . One hundred and fifty
children were in tbe ; line of
march -which formed At the band
stand on the court house square,
dowB- Jefferson . to Washington,
an Main street and doTrn Main
t. the "Junior high school where
hack to the band stand where ta
swards were made and each chili
presented with a candy bar.
Each trlie was 12.50 in cash
ad they were as folows: Largest
pet. pofcy. Ralph Elliott. DalaU.
Best trained pet, dog belonging to
Lonlao Scott. Best entry, pen
with chickens and pool. Mickey
Lynn.. Dallas. Mcst unusual pet.
Hut rreen fro. Maxine Helm.,
Dallas. Smallest pet. goldfish,
CUttarA Moreland. Dallas. Fret-
tlFFt Pet. parrot. Timothy Cam!
bell. Dallas. Most originally dis
played pet. burro with pack. Bus
ter Brown. Salt Cresk. Ugliest
per, bulldog. John Neufe!d, Dal
las. - Most comic net; (Tressed. up
roat. Linda Toeves, Dallas.
CleTerest net. tlnr kid in rufaed
ault. Anna May Erickson. Fea
ture award was made to boys
from the primary school, who
were dressed In bear snUs. The
urize money of $3.00 will be used
for the school aetlTities.
Jndces for the entries wen
Mrs. Mary Adams and Mrs. D. J
Ikei. Falls City; Mrs. Hershel
Walt Mrs. Arthur Bearer. -Mrs.
C. C. Campbell. Rlckreill: Mrs.
Joe Rogers. Mrs. R. L. Alderson.
Oakpoint; Mrs. C. K Cooper.
Mrs. George Cooper. Dallas route
J; Henry Voth. Dal'as route 1
and H. J. Elliott. Perrydale.
E. J. Page. C B. Sandberg and
J. R. Beck lined the children up
for the narade. which wg bended
by the Dallas band, and assisted
long the line.
The members of tbe committee
in charge of the event indicated
they were well pleased with the
rent and might consider It for
other year. Those carrying
out the affair were C. B. Sund
berg. chairman of the commerce
committee of the chamber of
commerce. F. W. Wes'fall, W. C.
Retzer. Maurice Dalton, Ir?n
Warner. II. O. Eroickson and C.
L. Crider.
Salem high school failed to
Wing home any typing medals
rrom tne nintn annual coniest
held yesterday at Corrallis. Mer
ritt Daris, commercial depart
ment head reported upon his re
turn. The gold medal In the ac
curacy contest went to Irene
Klkstrom of Portland who scored
l.3f words . a minute while
honorable mention went .to Wll
ma Unlcume of Wlllamlna who
cored C3.2 words a minute but
suffered a deducatlon of two be
cause of errors.
Winners in the other divisions
and, their scores, were:
Novice division 1st prize, gold
medal: Irene Elkstrom, Frank
lin high, 61.36: 2nd prize silver
medal: Elolse Crowley, Myrtle
Point. 61.07: 3rd prize bronze
medal: Margaret Childers, Med
ford, 61.66; 4th honorable men
tion: .Julia Leatberman, Myrtle
Point, 58.13.
Amateur division 1st prize
gold medal: Mary Ellen Hartley,
Myrtle Point, 77.13; 2nd . prize
silver medal: Neva Calderwood,
Warrenton, 76.35; 3rd bronze
medal: Margaret Metzger.. Rose
burg. 75.60: 4th honorable men
tion: Doris Newblll. Dallas, 70.-
Champion high school teams
1st prize state cup and banner
Myrtle Point. . 14.5. 65.70; 2nd
prize silver cup and banner: Med-
ford, 15.5, 62.14; 3rd prize silver
eup and banner: Dallas, 14.5,
66.67; 4th honorable mention:
Klamath Falls, 18. 68.27.
Bones of Many Buffalo in Malheur Lake
' What actually killed a large
number of buffalo, the bones of
which" were found in the bottom
of Malheur Lake, Is the problem
that is being Investigated by Dr.
Hlbbard. pioneer dentist of Har
ney county, and a number of
persons living In the vicinity of
Burns. Dr. Hlbbard is a natural
ist and Is well known throughout
the central Oregon district.
Were the animals the victims
of disease, thirst, .swamp tire or
did they crowd onto the Ice and
fall through as has been tbe ease
of cattle daring the spring break
up? Dr. W. XI. Lytle. state vet
erinarian, who recently returned
i here from Burns, said the anl
' snals apparently met some unna
tural death as no evidence was
foand that they died from any
disease. An examination of the
boa as showed , no Indication of
dlalmycosis or lumpy . Jaw.
which has an affinity for boney
. tissue . and leaves a permanent
disease deformity mark.
.Neither was there any evi
dence to show that. these animals
had reached the stage of old
age decrepitude. The heads - of
the animals apparently were nor
mal at the time of their death,
and their upper Jaws were part
ly filled with teeth. Indicating
that they were' in- the prime of
life. The examination also dis
proved that tbe buffalo were vic
tina o anv-large carnlverous . an
W m v.
yy , 1
fel iri
Matrimony na received knockout blow from Jack Dempsey, who
has uken op reindcnce in Ken to comply with the law to seeking a
Jivorre from hi scire! wife. Estelle Taylor. The former king of the
fistic world v quoted a declaring that Estelle asked him for hex Irco
dom, as. according to Jack, she o refers a career to domesticity.
Glories of Blacksmith's
Shop Are Gone; Mitchell
Roneer Recalls History
The smithy's shop of olden days,
where horseshoeing was the
chief business, has become a
thing just to be remembered and
talked about. This is the view
of D. V. Monroe, pioneer black
smith of Mitchell, here to visit
friends and to aid In promotion
of a more direct road from the
hinterland to the western part
of Oregon.
Monroe, native of Appanoose
county, Iowa, who when less
than two months old,- was taken
by his parents to the great Ore
gon country, is now 65 years old.
His father, J Thomas Jefferson
phes mem 01
Time Allays all Doubt
Mixed Babies' .True
Identities, Word
CHICAGO. (AP) Blood will
tell, as two families have found
eight months after the Watklns
Bamberger baby mix-up was a na
tional sensation.
And the Solomon decision of
Dr. Arnold Kegel, young Chicago
health commissioner, ranks as
somewhat of a 20th century dupli
cation of the sagacity of the an
cient kind of the Jews.
Both families, the William Wat-
kinses and the Charles Bamber
ger, are satisfied the children are
theirs, said Dr. Kegel. The Bam
berger boy has taken on the facial
and statute aspects or two otner
children, three and five years old,
and of the parents. The Watkins
es no longer live in Chicago.
The Watklns-Bamberger "mix-
us' began last June wnen dots
were born In the same hospital en
the same night to Mrs. Wat kins
and Mrs. Bamberger.'
When the Watkinses went home
from the hospital, two weeks lat
er, they found an adhesive on
their baby's back, bearing the
name Bamberger," and the Bam
berger child was marked "Wat-
The Watklns" complaint tossed
the baby mix-up before the pub
lic In page-one headlines.. Joseph
Sabath of divorce fame was call
ed upon to settle the question. Dr.
Kegel finally took a hand and In
troduced! seven other physicians.
Through blood tests and physi
cal measurements, the health com
missioner adjudged which was a
Bamberger and which a Watklns.
There was some grumbling, but
the adjustment stood.
"No, we're tired of the affair
and want to be left alone," was
Bamberger's ' remark when asked
about his eight-months old son.
But he smilingly added: "He's a
Bamberger." . '
imal, although severat large bear
heads were ; found in the same
part of the lake bed. Death of the
animals might have resulted from
swamp-res-Xr. Lytle said.
- "Various ! species of animals
frequently--have been driven out
or tneir lairs by swamp fires.'
said Dr. Lvtle. "snd -hav mlnri
ed harmlessly together in their
, Captain Louie of the Piute
tribe, now quartered near Burns,
when interviewed by Dr. Lytle.
said his grandfather had
many buffalo in Harney county.
bui una was ue -nrst time that
their bones ; had been recovered
from the lake bed. Captain Louie
was said to .be more than It) 0
years of age, and Is now blind.
He originally was a scout during
the Modoc Indian wars. He mar.
rled a Piute wife and has since
been given the title and honor of
cemg cauea tne Piute chief.
Chief Louie, once a famous
horseman, recentlv. r.rmrt.A
the theft detection officers at
Burns mat one of his animals
had been itolen. Louie recalled
the markings fairly well. Dr. Ly
tle said, and upon being ques
tioned said the horse disappeared
12 years ago. The anlmcl was
men seven yean old. -
Louie Is an optimist. Dr. Lytle
declared, and Is still hoping that
ae wui una ma norse. ,
Monroe, set Linn county as his
goal. In 1872 he went to the
rich . grazing country' where be
and the boy learned the work of
cow 'punching on the large Gill-
man, French and Company
ranch. Monroe then established
a blacksmith shop at Mitchell on
the route of the old Dalles Mili
tary highway over which freight
wagons and stage coaches moved
between The Dalles and Canyon
City, center of the early days of
gold mining.
"In those days." Monroe said,
we had all we could do to keep
the teams of the freighters and
stage coach people ' properly
shod." Today his blacksmith
shop is mainly a garage, i "We
do a fair business, he continued.
fitting up shoes for the pack
outfits of the sheep ranches.
These are carried along and put
on the horses at .the camps."
Because of his unusual mem
ory for dates and his person ac
quaintance with pioneer -inci
dents, Monroe has become the
historian of the Wheeler country.
He recalled that Mitchell was es
tablished as a postoffice In 1872
or 1874. It was named, for Unit
ed States Senator Mitchell.
Wheeler county got Its name
from Henry Wheeler, pioneer
stage coach driver, be said, -who
was attacked by Indians one day
near the present town of Mitch
ell. The stage carried a large
shipment of gold and 110,000 in
greenbacks which were being
shipped from Canyon City to The
The Indians fired on Wheeler
and - his express guard, a man
named Payne. A bullet struck
Wheeler In the cheek, passing
through his face and carrying
away part of his Jawbone. The
two men, however, managed to
cut loose two of their horses and
escaped. Wheeler was brought
to The Dalles where he was giv
en surgical aid. The Indians
took the gold but left the green
backs, not knowing their value.
Cross '-Word Puzzle
1 in the -
5 visionaries
12 lendow !"
14 dry bed ef
stream '
15 land
; measure '
16 warble
18 myselX
: 19 recede
; 21 perceive
.22 exist
, 28 product
25 nocturnal
26 cleverer
tS the ones
$0 poisonous '
plant of .
the bean
1 family
$1 mark with
i ridges
; 23 Greek ; '
Soddess of
84 open to
view '
86 join
88 moist
. 89 do, .
t0 ehort forf.
41 away from
43 expire
44 part of to
46 odor
48 age
49 intoned
" nously
50 small -
- crane on a
$2 praises
63 large
- bodies ef r
L- water :
' 1 the first '
1 Herewith is the
vrday's Puzzle1:
I 2 3 IN 5 6 7 S H iO II
i8 H? w H2
H1H23 ""il"!!25""
il I3'!il!i
3i4 i 35 p 36 W
-H 11 M 1 I
Ui o rl l
EThiB'A-N.D 1 T
Savings and Time Amounts
However Show. Gain to
New" Record Level .
Total deposits of all banks In
Oregon at the close of business
March 25 was - $270,905,164.11,
or a decrease of approximately
eight million dollars . since the
last call on December SI, 1930.
according to a statement issned
here Saturday by A. A. Schramm,
state superintendent of banks.
The statement showed an in
crease In reserves during the
same period of five million dol
lars, or total deposit reserves of
1178,545.118.99. ,
- "Aggregate savings - and time
deposits of 8120.285.680.40,"
read the statement, "disclose a
figure in excess of that reported
by the banks at any previous
call during tbe month of March,
although .there was a slight de
crease 1 since the last quarterly
call on December 81, 1930. The
combined resources of all banks
aggregate $817,405,972.81."
Realty Holdings -Also
Decreased ;
Holdings in -other real estate,
banking house and furniture and
fixtures have shown a gradual
reduction during the past year.
This decrease aggregated $600.
000 during the past three
"The conservative basLr on
which the 220 Oregon banks are
operating," continued the report,
"is clearly indicated by the im
provement in the deposit reserve
during. the past fiscal year. Cash
and due from banks have In
creased almost nine million dol
lars, while holdings In bnods and
securities have Increased six mil
lion dollars since March 27,
"With the exception of 1928.
operations are now maintained
on less borrowed money than
was reported on the correspond
ing spring call of any year since
1916. As compared with a year
ago there has been a reduction
of almost three million dollars
in borrowed money."
On March 25, 1931, redis
counts and bills payable aggre
gated $2,772,618.76.
school meeting was held at the
West Stayton school house Wed
nesday evening. Bids were open
ed for ther-old school building,
now being used. As yet It has
not been fully decided who will
get the building. There were two
A cat which recently died at Al
pine, Tex., had been in the same
household for 21 years.
to gxa imn axs ua
tF yow have Frequent HEAD
rj" yea cannot read fine print at
thread s nrcrtlr
IF yen are EKVOU8 and irrt
table. Consult ms NOW.
Charges Reasonable
t front
8 reverential
4 note of the
6 streak ef
7 Greek god
; ef love
8 passionate
9 birthmark
10 organ ef
11- k-receivins;
IS disprove :
17 try again
19 mistake
20 funeral
22 pertaining
to a base
13 unit of
compound -
24 tie er lash
25 hat worn
" by French
26 hesitated
27 stirred the
; feelings ef
29 in the
future ,
82 enslave "
35 seat of a
87 water-
: nymph.
41 out ef
42 sign . -v
44 melody -
45 small ru ga
46 upper -limb
47 find the
sum of '
48 night
before a ,
- festival
49 perform
L-l Lie
solution to Sat
One chain says they cheaner than anyone else- in
the whole country. Whew! If one could believe that
there'd be no use of anyone else trying, and this coun
try'd soon be like a lot of others we read about.
in our little sojourn of 40-orld years (not too heavy on
the "odd," folks) there hasn't yet been a line of super
humans developed, even th ovarii one is asked to believe
there has been, that is if one is expected to believe some
of the ads a few of the chain stores scribble for the bene
fit of those not so gifted (or should I say conceited) as to
believe they're super-human. Why folks, if we made
such a statement as that you'd know good'n well we
didn't believe it when we me it. That's all hooey (we
mean one firm havin' super-human ability).
Anyway we'd rather be like the folks of our own community and have them feel that
our stores were good stores to buy their food from, than to be known all over the whole
country as bein' super-human or something (accent on the something:).
I. rather suspect, though, that the chains making such statements are gifted with a larg
er portion of ego than is necessary (or maybe it's gab they've got a lot of). One of
the main reasons we don't sell everything cheaper is because we don't sell all the cheap
stuff offered for sale or should we say offered as bait.
Without doubt here's
the best advertising
values ever offered by
a manufacturer
through out stores,-
Of course we know
there not offering
this ust to appear
philanthropic. No,
quite the contrary
they re doing it to ac
quaint our customers
with the real quality of
their goods, which, by
the way, are among
the best of their fund.
Here it is:
1 lb. Schilling's Coffee
Reg. retail 0(
value 0C
6 oz. can Cream of Tar
tar Baking; Pow- OO
der, Reg. value. Ltd C
Both Coffee and Baking
2 large cans Broken
Sliced -' OA;
Pineapple .t
2' large cans
Choice Peaches
2 cans ,
Grape Fruit
29 c
2 cans Monarch Golden
1. 27c
Please don't mention
that we are selling
Monarch corn ct that
price. I think we're
supposed to get 25 c
per can for it, but we
just haven't (he heart
to doit
Crisco,'6 lb. f MO
Milk and . Honey Gra
ham Crackers
21b. Boxes
2 for
According to a sign we
see on the display of
these crackers, there's
a Pkg. of Humming
Bees FREE with Each
2 lb. pkg. Better wait
right here till we go
down and see what a
Humming Bee is. Surely
can't be like the one we
met onee'd! No, it isn't,
they're 5c packages of
Animal Cookiesquite
popular with the little
folks, too, J. noticed.
Yeah, Ain't It
That's a funny lookin'
sheet you got there
what is it, an ad?
Yeah; we said, it is if
folks read it If they
don't it's a flop.
Nice Juicy Sweet Naval
Orange, medium size
2 Doz.
Florida Grape Fr u i t
good ones, too,
3 for
Imperial Grape OC
Fruit, 4 for &3C
Nice. Firm Ripe or
Bananas,' 4 Ibs.. auC
Choice Red I Apples
Carmel Syrup
gallon tins
Tea1 t Garden Syrup '
99 c
Pure .Cane Granulated
loibs. 46c
Morton's Iodized Salt,
26 oz. packages Of
3 for aCDC
Freshly Ground Peanut
Butter 9C
2 Pounds : wC
Fresh Frozen Oregon
Strawberries 07.
2 lbs. ZC
2 lbs.
Pet Milk ie oz. tan
cans OKn
4 cans -1 .7 0 C
Jelly Powder choice .of
all popular fla- OAg
vors, 5 pkgs. aCitC
Small White
Jteans, 4 lbs
Standard Maca
roni 5 lbs
Flour and
Feed Dept.
Honestly folks, when
we use the word Best
in quoting PiUsburyj
flour we use the word
; as descriptive of the
flour and hot just as a
part' of the name.
2iy2 lb.
gack .
Blue Daisy
White Spray
White Mill Run
80 lb. sack -
Wheat, 100 lb.
BU-MAR Egg Maker
"cknL.: $1.89
"Catchin'" Maybe,
like Poison Oak
Bill,- what's things
coming to? "Oh", we
don't know, why? Well,
I see by the papers
where one of the chain
stores say they're going
to sell coffee at a rea
sonable price
for a whole Week!
That's nothing, we said,
we sell everything rea
sonable 475 days in
every years hold on
there, Bill, that's too
many days for one year
we know it. But when
we tell one we tell a
good one.
Burbank Potatoes, good
grade 100 lb.
Busick'a Freshly Roast
ed Coffee
3 lbs. .
100 Pure Leaf Lard
4 lb. h
Canada Dry Ginger Ale
Rainier Ginger) on
Ale 3 Bottles.!... ZtlC
Schwartz Orange OA
Dry 2 Bottles LVZ
Oven fresh
Large and small, VVnite
or Graham
large loaves
In closing we wish to
say that we're convinc
ed that this store is
chczt the best in the
wjicle cczztry,cnd we
hope you think so too.
Thank you.