Whete Supply Meets Demand dnd 'iWamy Wdmtw v tV t Statesman Classified Ads Call Classified Advertising Single Insertion per Un.10e Three Insertions .per lin .........20c Blx insertions per-line. . 80c One month per line. .$!. Minimum chare ..25c Copr tor tnl page ac cepted nntil 6:30 the evea- ins before publication tor classification. Copy re celved after this time win be run under the beading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman a&sames HELP WANTED-rM ALE POSTOFTICB CLERKS MAT I. CARRIERS. 11700 to 1 1100 Tear. Men 18-46. Steady work. Common educa tion sufficient Paid vacation. S?mp' coaching and full particuJ-s FREE. Apply today sore. Box 447. States man. - " . f . L"-n u"4 ier-H ' npIJ FKTllU: " '- ' Reliable ambitious man to stab Wah local busines We finance you. i.'.... nnnHHumr. Make S8.0V- day. Full or part ttroe. FURST A THOMAS, 42 Third St. Dir. J-40. Oakland. Ualli. - - - rijLiru'inji .' i-iLruLn i i - - w a NT-En AMBITIOUS MKN now employed to prepare for electrical or 1 draftlns; position m spare inun. , anteed employment . servics. .Writs Box 9. Statesman. WANTED Man with nw. Pull ?T N. Liberty. sood dras; HELP WANTED FEMALE xi-M-crinxinj"irii"i " - -- - - -vu.n m.-niman tMO hailM for Wt- Aowr. Can work in cannery. Phone Sunday or evenlnsaw 7S62. " Woman for Rrneral house work and assist with children. Box 76, States man. r:ii-l alxMit 23. Write ood Enrfi SOo br. Several hra per week. Refer- nee required. P. O. Box z i 4. WOMEN TKACHERS WANTED For mteresting- vacation work. Sal- rlv Ttina waeklv bonus, dive aire. education, and exp. COMPTON COv. 1000 N. Dearborn, Chicago. WANTED Capable Klrl to work for board and room and small wags, i fnlendld home for the rlxht sirL ! Write 445. Sta ewmnn. SALESMEN WANTED aXXJXfiTIXfTlJUi . i ii li i j ulf I i i JTT " " 1 Start Work Tuesday We want S neat appearing men for sales work, from zz to 3 years oa preferred. An excellent opportunity. Ko sales experience neccasarr but must be satisfied with approximately. S6 week to rtart- Bee a ISA. M. MONDAT MORI Room 147 North Commercial St. j WANTED A good solicit er. Steady Chance to progress. CaU 30. NEW SPECIALTY to retailers. Commissions immediately with ruar antee lor new men. Wonderful oppor tunity to i clear $100 weekly. Writs .Kali manager Box lit. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. i Strange ironing cord. Prevents scorchiac Saves electricity. Device banishes kinks, snarls. Approved by Oood Housekeeping. Telephones! also, i ID0 profiU-Samples frniah-Nev- erknot. 4&us Kavenswooo. wnaeaso. Salesmen Calling on retail tnerch anta SomSthtDs; new! Uberal com-; sniasions. Excellent side line. Sample J outfit free. Charles Polk Co.. 16V Fifth Are.. New TorK City. FOR SALE Mlscelfaneoua Simplex automatic trener. Terssa Goed clover hay S ton. Phono , aak for tfist:HTiLi or Dining room.- breakfast and bed room art. piano, rugs, chairs, rang and snlsc household goods. 17 8. Capitol St. FOR PAIJS Electric water heater with wiring, switch, etc TeL 87 Zt. FOR SALS: shafting, pulleys, hang- era statesman puwisnmg uo. FOR SALB-OM papers. ISc a bun gle statesman oence. - - Typewtitera all makes, pew and sed. Anders and trDe writers for rent Typewriter Exchange. 431 Court 8t Sewing Machines Yes. we repair tbesn. any make, charges reasonable. Bargains In good used machinea Singer Sewing Ma chine Co, 681 Court St Phone 1 18 L Washing machine parts. Ralph Cochran. 1419 N. Cottage. TeL 37(1 19 gaL dark green- statn ; also soens old lumber, c A. sprague, ta teaman. loganberry tips. 20F4. Rt 8. Box 379. aSaSSSaSaSaaSssSsaSSSSSaSaaSaa Loganberry tips for . sale. Phone dial lit 31F33. . Loganberry tlpa 318 M. J. B. Pen ny. K. 4. EI 11S. Tet. Hl. - I am wrecking 4 alee houses, all narta for aale. Have 4 turnacea 1 pipeles . S with pipes. 1 steam heat danra - windowa built Ins. lumber. plumbing. See me at house, 358 H. Ljberty. S. V. HalL 7 atanda Italian beea f or rale. 71Ft WANTED Miscellaneous 4Beaaaaskasassase.saan WANTED Kitchen cabinet with blna Must be in good condition, rea sonably priced. TeL 3-3 t i. w A NTF.rt(Il - eranoa tn - ex change on rsdloa. phonographs, or rsr- nl tn re. H I Btitr r-umirare company m . Ttfit DITV aa -.u--. -w.l. JUl A A V. WW -. wood, oak, ash or 2nd growth fir. near Salem, urve pnos ana tocauon. Rt 9. Box S1A, Salem. -ru n.i iju'i rijirinnrii-iririnri.i-, ii -i--ri --"-i WANTED Black Persian torn. TeL ttFSL R. . 34A, Salem. . WANTED Cattle to wssturs. Fine grass and running water. r OK ' Si -Hi snvi iuuiiiw --va. - - - -r, aee the a IC Fuel Co 11(0 N. -'rntit dl. i ftii i si i finuwt ' TIIXIE THE TOILER t A LETT6d fMMM(t..BUOT2 6fiT HU. UTfr. OM TB 1 MAC -HEWS f l -fl V- tX , ; vsis-'SSS : 'phome Mwi hie TfZ" pWmu y ' : : : f. A I !-V 1 SJTV ,1 I i F i 1 tuar DACT 1 XTl SV ' X I rt V . ,." 91 StTJI. r x - 1 I . I " X A l J lTOA, I . r-r - ir:;:rs -mm i , s id T-rrr-...' -os jszr . , j - - : i-i : i Wkim mmm tfefKVte f; ' I h hy awi. iTT 43 4. II 1 r- I r01 ,un i .11 ' "ft I Uf . ' a ; ; ia - t X-Z-X I Its. T.rliA-''11 , - i9 m ii i vw w mm mm. asammmBr s mm m m mm m s . sn m mm . v sis . . st - w-i - BaH wm ra sssini nraiaaa rssa s w r --i -. g t - a - - - taman amssk -e -v- v- 9101 s ; so financial ' responsibility for errers which may . ap year la avertisementa pub- S - lished la its columns, and In cases where this paper la at fault will reprint that part of an adrnrUsement in -which;, the typographical ' j" Mistake sccuts -' r The Statesman reserres the xlght , to reject ebjec- tional advertising. It fur ' ther reserres the right to : classify all advertising un der the -propor classiflca- : tioo. ; .. - MISCELLANEOUS . PAINTING wnd tinting by day or contract. : Van Van Painters. Phone 893L i ft A i West. - wen driller. TeL Dial lift. Call Ulfi, Garden Road. Uvn nowera eharpened. TeL 451. Patartrnsr end Interior decorating. Work guaranteed, estimates free. Phone 100F22. ' FOR RENT ROOMS .w., ... Light ltekeeptng rooms furnish ed or unfurnished, reasonable. 191 Chiirrtv. Phone ROOM and BOARD Seard. i uum. SS.SS - week. Garase free, ltrt Oak. ROOM and hoard. IS1 N. nth. One Mock from state bldss. Well heated. cbeerful rooms and excellent meals. Rooms, i board : hot cold water : I atittable- for etrl. TV1. S3 IT. . tlENT APARTMENTS 3 room furnished asartment Heat I lights. aTsrage. 1 15. 1010 Leslie. STRATTON APTS. Exclusive X- n. wofurniabed ant available May 1st Also small 3-rxu fur. apt 670 N. winter. . 4 W-.-J M .WW Cuts t ft apt TeL t24. Patten apartments with private bath, nicely furnished. Located in loess discrict CaH rattoni Book store i Furnlahed aoartment at the Vir ginia. Electric stove, electrokold. heat snd water. Call at once. TeL. tsiz. AmSbassador Beaotlful snodern apts. elec. refrig. and ranges, 30.00 and up, completely furnished. ' WELL tormtsbad rooms and apta for rent at 12(1 Hasei Ave. Tel 7(14. Attract! B room apt lata Center. HaseMorf tias one two-room, one ii..- nA -n- Mm unfurnished. 17 a i Vk.t a r i FOR RENT HOUSES RENT TOUR HOME OF BECHTBL A THOMASON 311 Stats street 'Room 4 Largest list to select from. 819 to $49. furnished $:0 to $49. ft room modern boose, 1188 Marlon. New modern furnished Zeur room bouse, close in. Phone 752L Modern ( room house. 3(5 OWens. FOR RENT FURNISHED 4 room house on North 84th street near Center, good plumbing, fireplace. sza. per month. uao rt. fjHiLus uo.. iceaitors 339 State Street Phone (798 room house $27.(0. 1949 So. High. FOR KENT Flats for adulca 8 to f rooms $99 to 89. Also nooses, etc. BKCKE HESURICita 144 North High Street wRcrr'iLSm' -nr j-lo. 1 F. I WOOD 841 State Street SpUndift large heme. ft9t N. Cottage. Foar rowan bfMca4w. - breakfast nook, rarare. $14 04. Tet (424. FOR SALE Heal Estate Wo hare 69 good acres worth 41000, clear and will trade for - Salem home and Kama. . A so lend id stock farm of 840 acres.' J9 acres tillable, splendid water piped to bouse and earn, 3 barns, good bouse. good ro L owner will trade lor small er farm or city Property. A good close in clear farm to traoe for Salem h ome, win a as nme. MeGI LCHKI 31 Jk FEIi.NlffuTOS i:"r"2: WWtAAMM4 Trade 49 acres near the coast 3L- toe. Tako oftmp nouse and SZStt. cash. is acre SI see. Mo traaa. Axtartment bouse,- iis.svs. ror brm. FOR JAIV-Chalce dose ia lot See owner Room A- Bayne Bulldmg. T R. home In A-L condition, basement fruit, shruoa. K. front -lot itxi&. close to senooL Par. pd. $2500 terms, j moders and completely furnished bmcuowa 4 and 6 rooms at sac rifice Money to loan. Insurance. $29 U. 8. Bank Phone 8798. FOR KALE Good six room home 3189 N. l-th St 83999. Good five room corner lt streets pawsd, - 199s S. Church St- 82609. 19 room house 1109 Oak St want offer. Small house, cor ner lot North Salem 3950. Strictly modem new bouse Nortn Selem (Z,- 769. Good seven room bungalow near, canneries atortU. $260A A fine new five room strictly modern North Sa lem, large shade and fruit trees, east - , ..... 1 front, a borne yeu'gWte. $3769, F. L. WOOD 341 State Street 126 A-r ranch Inctudlng SO A. good timber. Sell sll or part. Mrs. C D. Query. R A Salem, Oregon. MODERN - 7 RM. HOUSE FOUR rvi( a -.-- a -x Ttr.rrn . '," .VV.,?. . m - - - tt . . ii ei s i . , "XsOi 3UI laws :- ., FOR SALE Real Estate vow KiLE-rilmmit lilll , rsi ! deaee wit wonderful view. .Built Cor bone by owner. A. J. bab, as is Falrmount street Phone 229 State Street Tel. T655. alt A. dairy ranch visar Pedes. A. river bottom land, sir blags fruit, lots timber. $6909; take acre age or residence xor pan. 4 A. farm, half In bearing prune 1 and walnuts, bids., sodas; water. A. tfaiAwr. arasMK llCOtt :: terns. l good residence properties zor equipped farm.. - - S JTOcery stores xor amie. rmtLiiTia at uAneixa Phone 69SS. - A beautiful aits for a church on the 1 best, located corner tn Salem, alsotwo choice resident lots. See owner, at .898 N. Winter Street. SPECIAL HOME BARGAIN Is 7000.. Surra in attractive ft- - . mooern noiiow iu kuccv wohh well, located on north Capitol street This home is modern in every way with, hardwood floors. . fireplace, fcasetnent, furnace, ar ajc twuei let. east front, reas- onaHs tarma Sao us Tor .narirains. W. IL GRABEnHORST a co REALTORS 134 a Liberty st Phone SitS. HOktB AND INVESTMENT f room avml-modern borne. - Irreplace. boaement and six desirable buildina lots in rapidly improvtMr district. -All I lots nave larce cooica rruu and nut trees, cherries, pears and apples, irrspo arbor, two garages. Katden, -poultry I house. On paved street --near three schools. Nice view. Will sell SU or nsrt. terms: See- owner. TfcB Rural avenue. Pbono SS4.. Prlcoa to seu quick. . FOR SALE by owner, your choice of three, & room modern homes, all complete, like new, and well located. I35U0 ana p. Telephone i i iz xor sppotntmenc 10 acres fins soil, fair buildings. electricity, fine well. V. fruit stt miles city limits, small payment. baL like rent itsee. owner, Z3S wssnington 1 tstreet. crrr propertt 2 -acres close to Salem, price $100. 00. 1200.00 down. OUR BEST BUI 7-R. house, basement furnace, saw dust burner. Built in kitchen, double set of plumbing, fine lot In good lo cation, beautiful lawn and shrubbery. Double garage, street paved, worth $7500.00. Price reduced to $4260.00. $1500.00 down. Better look this over. 184 South Commercial Street Ws have a t room 4 yr. old modern home, on dandy corner, both streets paved, close to schools, churchea and bus line. Worth SZ500. and the owner win sen on very easy terms, ana win take some trade. What have you T Ftr best exchangee, farm or city, SEE1 EL E. . ROBERTS or W. G. GRANT Ground floor Mssonlo Bldg. Phono 74(2. Corner let close in N. Liberty, Suitable for apt house, public market or service station. Dial B4S3. FAIRXOTJNT HILL $1750. Attractive S room bungalow in an extra good location, with lot (0x150 feet east front saved street list, cash, balance sz per month to Include interest 8445 CHERRT AVENUE $1060. ( room bungalow home, elec tricity, plumbing, east front several waruw cuerry iress. iivw caan. oai- e-v V uwuui iw un-iuu, 7. CREEK PROPERTY 82900. 7 room, large, old style, home with large creek Jot located at 344 North 14th street $400. cash, balance straight mortgage at 7 Int. NEW SOUTH SALEM. RESIDENCE I $5150. New modern 6 room home. all large rooms, hardwood floors throughout tile dralnboard, largo ce ment basement rurnace. tire u ace. paved street $1009. cash will handp, NEW NORTHEAST SALEM HOME $4(00. New modern 5 room home. complete In every detail with aruro- t wood finish in two rooms, tile drain- board, trie bathroom floor, hardwood floors throughout large cement base ment laundry trays, ii replace, garage, exterior finish shakes. Reasonable terms ACT NOW AND YOU MAY PICK YOUR COLOR OF TILB AND PAINTS, located at 420 N. 14th street NORTH SUMMER STREET HOME S5250- good modern 7 room boms with east front has - all modern con veniences, garage, bearing; fruit and in a splendid location. Reasonable terms. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. W. H. GRABENHORST A COL, REALTORS 134 a Liberty St Phone 84(8. J : DON'T BUT A LOT I'd til tow have seen BECHTEL A THOMASON'S large list of choice lots. (560. ' Paving bald. Hollywood district A choice corner lot not far off State for 8459. Both streets paved and paid. For lots st lowest price SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. FOR 320 nonTP each montn. lust like rent price. si. 500. You cm have your choice of 3 room or ft room bouse. For sale only by BECllT L t THUMA8UH ' LOOK LOOK 88000. Real home for 8(999. If Sold In the Next 10 Days Strictly . modern up to the minute irwd. floors, a bedrooms n replace, beautiful kitchen, all the built ins I Nook, dining room, furnace,' basement doable nru. shrubbery. - flowers. lawn. Ideal location. If only bale In terested in buying a home see this one for the beat .buy you ever saw for the money. Many homes nave been sold for 84909 to 87509 not as good. shown by appointment only, rnone 4943 or SEE BECHTEL A THOMASON 841 State Street Room 4. modern HOME I East front base ment furnace, best district smau payment and move right Into this complete home that means happiness and prosperity for you. ' YOU can do well on these 89 acres of excellent soil. Improvements, S acres of Noble prunes, trade your house tn Salem and move right out 31099 HOME on heavy traffic street to trade for house in more quiet dis trict What have you 7 SOME jnodern humes ror rent. I also others. Bring In. your listings. I I u . IK KC aW 9l m mk3 . bu sink Bldg. .Room 9. FOB SALE Iteal EsUt V fbnsil modern nous nicely furnlh- ed at lit Miller street la courts. lit.ee. ... EV M. EAKIalS, KMlIOr WM KKUi WH TRADE 224 Nortn High St Phone 9878. - ANOTHER GOOD TRADE ' Owner of 4 neat little -room home on. raved street earing and walks paid. Meeds a larger house. This prob erty faces east his lots of fruit. large lot and is not tar- out. aiso has T A. timber, tract ft mL from 8a- lem. tmbraoa value noetic - .fzw. Tract ia clear city Drooertjr mtc. tisse. If you have a, match for this SEE - SL JEL ROBERTS or W. O. GRANT Ground Floor Uaaonid Bldg. Ph. Tisz. "LitUe Office- with -Big Service." Close In- fl room homo with base ment furnace, fireplace, large- corner lot both streets paved and paving paid. Terms. STORE BtTILDING WITH Lam corner lot good business lo cation on n. vmmerciai bl nona 12500. Win sell for 11500 all cash. SOCOLOFSKT A SON First Nan. Bank Bldg. Phone 780T. . TODAY'S SPECIAL Mom modern buntnUow. basement furnace, - fireplace, east front paved a treat, close to scbool and buslneaa district Priced for few days at $3,- 20 with lite own. baL s: per month and interest SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO- Realtors $20 State Street. Phono 4708. View lot with trees. 15fr by 150 Fatrmount HUL 81269 for a few days only. Brick apt house or t apta. steam heat 1 blk. to collexe. In Idaho. (9." 60 find will taxe city property nere. WINNIE PETTTJOlTJJ, Realtor 175 South High Street LISTEN TO THIS 4 room house completely furnished. East Salem, paved street Priced only (1500 with l down, z per montn. 820 State Street Phone (708. THE LOCATION 13 O. K. Street paved and paid, corner tot 0x1 OQ. Modern ( room house. Dou ble garage. Price $3t009 Terrna $250.60 cash; balance 135.09 per month. A SURPRISE AT $3100.00 Modern S room, all oak floors, tils 1 drain board, full basement Pipe fur- I nace, surrounding houses all modern. SEVERAL MODERN ft and 1 room houses on M. CspitoL Summer and Belmont streets. If you wlah a choice residential district. reaaonablv close to your buaineas. i rrado and Junior ana ntgn scnoois. make an appofutmen witn 1(9 South High Streets MAKE YOUR CHOICE OF A HOME NOW. THESE ARE PRICED VERY LOW FOR QUICK. SALE. Neat S room shingled cottage, hard wood floors m part boat ins, fire- place, best of plumbing, garage, paved Anolhw one of 4 rooms and nook. I - sw iwa. rin IW siihu. s1HV THrmn. a i bmaw r- tifEO Pivin extra. I Little down, baX Uke rent, I TVaVssw A ri Iflts-I Bt-sLSiartftA CfrllJ-f-t-. I pluabin and 4ctrio UsbU. Priced, l TWjr IV w Si. TawV. soa. - I aagw a room comfortable house withgar- . .i-i t.i linn ....IBi .iiiiAii mnrko road and 1 V4 mllea tftrma i.ico t i w i i.i m i Tt f - Kesozora 320 State Street Phone 470. EXCHANU1S Real Estate To trade a five room house in , OI5w!Lt ?SKIJL Cfu in with good torildmgs. White, Statesman. To trade all mod era Portiandhorne for Salem Brooerty. S rooms, base ment, furnace, fireplace, nardwooa floors, bunt Ins, lawn, ah rub. By owner. TeL 3(95. 888 N. Liberty. . EXCHANGES IS 2-Ac re a River bottom ranch. audT loam. Geo unoroveanenra se-A. -cuuivntion eroo in. au scoos and machinery goes. Trade Tor small er oiace wo to sie.ooe.ts. - zs-A.' arood soli. lair improvementa. 7 -miles north, trade for 6-A. place cleae In. SI 2-Acres, good timber on Kougs river, trade f at city property or small ranch. - . 8GAR8 m TUUlUJt 184 South Commercial Street To trade for ranch near Salem, 31 acrea Lams a Bewlee Turbiae is pump, all under cement ptpe. Equip ped for dairy. 18 alfalfa, ft room house, modern, fcattii. A. H. Lange, Box it. Lancaster, CsX. Equipped farm to trade for Salem I nrooertv 195 -' acres all cultivated. good Duuaings, etectnciry, water aye- tea. Close to town. Inelnde maclxmo ry and stock. Will trade for home in Salem and assume mortgage lor oai- ance. The chance or a lifetime to secure real farm on terms and priced right For rarm or city property SEE 8TEGNER S75 State Street Small town hotel on Pacific high- 3 acres of grown d, mortgage 35 : .do eVtitV for 4 ort I nuu-a u oa- Concrete store building and large stock of general merchandise In east ern Oregon, Price $48,699 with around 89990.09 rncumbnrnce : exchange for valley property to same value. - ft acrea with small house very close In with S1400.ee inortgage. exchange equity for smau nouse in saiem. 140 acres with good 7 room house snd barn, river runs through place. fine fishing ana hunting, no mort gage ; - exchange for small acreage close toy Salem and assume, S. M. EARLE, Realtor - WB SELL WE TRADE 224 N. High Phone 9878. . ; , - pob TRADB - 1(0 acre farm. 139 acres under cul tivation, balance pasture and timber. iocatea close to email town ana' ram med, a fair sot of farm buHdmgs. will consider part trade. Price $45. , per acre. . 41 acres located 8 miles from Sa lem, aril under cultivation, about 18 acres - of good orchard, good 7 room house with water system, modera con venience barn, good road, wm con sider hoMse and lot as part payment Price I soos. -. W. IX. GRABENHORST ft CO - " REALTORS 124 & Liberty 4U. Phone 84(8. EXCHANGE Real Estate I EXCHANGB Modern homo ia Msdf ord. Priced I fStoe to trade -for Salem - property. win assume sivse or vises, . BE a Mrs. Kills With LEO ri- CBILXJS CXJL. KSaltSTS 3t State Street - Phone 70t. ! foil SALE FARMS MaflewvwviMMiMaMwMAMaiaa GOOD RANCTTES PRICED" RIGHT . U-A. K B. bouso with bath and electricity, garage, ' pries S 14 60. OS. I iofanr Salem on north. Trade for i-A. place. ft-Acrea S R. house, electricity." gar- I age and poultry hnsy. Trade for city Diowsi tr ud to 13000.00. XO-Aeros. t- R. bouse, barn, ail In cnhlvarien. good -dark soil, -price re- ewcea to si7.e. a?. aown. zS-Aerea Good I R. house, etectrio lights, good barn, poultry house. 4-A. i strawosrries. is-a. oats ana veatcn. j-A. timber, iocatea on pavea roao. anas for 41250.00 1 Any reasonablal down payment . ' - li I-a. air improvements, -a. oulrrvatlcm, 10-A. timber, price ' re- 5-14 00 oTt. WOoToo ovri SEARS A TUCKER 18i South Commercial Street ' ACREAGE A. close to Salem. all cultivated, tiled. 48 cherry trees and other orchard, electric water system and lights, t -room house, large j chicken house, 400 bens, cow -and , farm Implements, $5250. Fine SOIL 114 A. 103 cleared. 10 acres timber, I borders eantlam river on R. It 6 room house, barn, small orch ard, is head or cattle ana I arm implementa close to schooL $(, 00. $2500 Private money to loan. Fire Ins. MKUV1N JUtLCXSON 320 TJ. & Bank Bldg. Phone (7t. 39 acres 8. E. from Salem, t room house, garage and woodshed, var. or chard, few strawberries, 83000. 8309 cash, terms on baL or take small house, 29 seres E. of Sllverton. all in cult. s acres DTUnea 3 A. loxans. z v. straw. berries, var. orchard. 8 room house. 2 chicken houses, double gar., barn, I cows, horse, about 4S chickens, ail machinery. 8(800 Clear. Consider small bouse In Sllverton. C J. Jackson with W. Q. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial INSTALLMENT ACREAGE! 350. down and 310. per month buys 20 acres, located 10 miles east of Sa lem on- market road, 2 mile from Shaw, some timber, mostly under cul tivation, good drainage. An excep tional bay at sicdo. mu 7o. 8509. down and balance terms, will hr l sere- lmsrovea. B?of room iifiuaB WiLU ingnMvuu mja ii aaaat evsav hot and cold water, stationary, wash tubs and fireplace, barn, chicken house, 1 acres oC orcharo, good roao, CWW tts gtllUVI, viovuiV IA'" a rice xnu Ms M ... ft 4 A MAn4h Itt I 4949 V. UWW U dUU 4f A V a7B 4UVUVU w bur 18 acres.. located 19 miles from I Salem-on market road and lVs miles' off mam Pacific highway, t acres of I prunes, several acrea under ctutiwa- tioo, v.e line umoer. mca iw. Int t. 8109. down and $39. per month buys improved 5 acres .on main Pacific liiarhwav- new hanae. all in orchard. J exoeptlonsi buy at $3759. Int 8. ftlOOO. down- and balance terms buys S acres on main Pacific highway and J cressroad, all in fruit buildings, first class location lor store, gasoune sta tion and camp ground. Price only $3,- 6e. 825. down and 325. per month will buy 6 acres wtth new house located near gwegie school good well, price $22(0. int 4. ; $499. -dawn and balance mortgage will -take 6 sores with old "buildings, some -fine 'bee ring cherries aad other fruits, on power linn, gravel road, mail route. Price $1509. Int 8. If you are looking for a small acre age, SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 184 8. Liberty St Phone 1488, 8 A. on Pacific highway, 6 tinder cul tivation, small grove, rot nouse. (5000. Trade for service station. ArfrfvariSL family orrfrd. cultivated, family orchard, 88 A, all strawberries. 9 rm. -house, barn. 6SO0O. Trade. A. close to Salem, some timber. running water, 1 A. strawberries, small hoose, $800. A. on Dallas highway, good sou. small house, fruit tree. $759. 7 8-4 A. on Wallace Oload, H A. Jr nouB grape s A. orcnaro, ran. nouse. llf!lJ eIectrto ator system, oniy 16000. $60 A. atock ranch, 199 A. bottom land, pasture, good timber. Ban ning water, well fenced. Fair bunding. A real bargain at 1 39 an acre. J. F. ULRICH COMPANY 326 8tate Street Phone 8(78. PRICE REDUCED To 8376.00 -en a 1 acre tract near i Cascade drive, can- be landscaped for a natural - picturesque residence set- ting. . ; , , - . .. WE HAVE A THREE ACRE TRACT Including . a . landscane ' drawing. which you can see in our window that is naturally suited to carry out wat er and rock gardening, golf course. tennia oourt. susolied by a natural oreek, city water and electricity. See our window ana get the idea for fur ther dettrii se UEiSEK witn .ANDERSON ft RUPERT : 199 South High Street , .' 27 A. Fine location on pave mentwell improved running water crops all In lots of fruit 1 mL to town electricity priced to sen or trade for larger place partly cleared. H. E. ROOF. Sllverton, Oregon - Route 8 FOR SALE Br owner ft A. east of Salem. A real home. For Information, phone 92F3. ". . WANTED REAL ESTATffi 'WANTEDS or. Box 70S. Statesmaa. Business Opportunities GROCERT STORES Highway location, llrtng ausrters in i connection with store, rent ttO.00, no I fixtures to ouy. viu -sou at mvoiosior woon jrce rsasonabis. Xeu 7tza. pani wmcn amounts u aoout ao.. a. EXCELLENT LOCATION Central suburban district clean stock of roods. ImnaT auarters tn con nection. Nothing to- buy except otack or goods estimated iitoo.gt on Un voice oasis. stock: and fixtures ,ln a modern building and choice St J restricted district - A dean stock .i -ntn Srvr. Jed at fitoe.o. all terms, cash on gro- eery- stock and fixtures. SEE GET SEB vrlta - AnOGKSON RCTERT 1 -fiotrth TfHrH Stree BlONflY TO. LOAN PRIVATE -MONET TO LOAN on farm and city security. P.- H. Bell. 30t V. 8. Nat Sank Bldg. Phone 71(2. taea1jssaaees 8ALART AND FTTRNITTJRa - LOANS $5.00 to $300.00 1 to 20 months to psy. Quick service. Fair Treatment ' STATE LOAN COMPANY -tit Oregon Bldg. Snd Floor Off. hra 10 a. m. to :30 p. m. Telephone 77tf- - , Llcenaed by State ' PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries u tui niiurvf vara emMnci i rood securltr. Hcpayable 1 sr otr.er monthly. When In financial need see us before closing a loan. .GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 3553 'Bells of Harmony Heard over XOIN daily ring out a loan service that is really, really, different NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST RTRrrrr vrtvac.t QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ur uiAaa i to Jv Beneficial Loan Society OF OREGON Room 119 New Bligh Bldg. 2nd Floor 511 Stats St TeL S-l-4-e. LICENSED BY STATE MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your paymenta Toe keep the car. P. Av E1KER -Car. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone 4733 Salem, Ore. CITY AND FARM loans at lowest ratea Best terms obtainable. Our - insurance department offers you .ex pert edvleo and service in ail unsa tT.isior 905 Orkiran Bldg. I : . WANTED to. loan on llvs stock and nersanal brsDertv. Terms to suit your' convearleoce. National Loan and Finance ce. tie uana or wim. mas Licensed by state. Federal Farm Loans. 8 per cent F U W Of I T T 141 wt MTl LOANS WANTED mmmlmmmmmmmmm 1 Want loans, $200.00. $500.00, $1,- (00.00, trsoe.oe. gooa security. F. I WOOD - 311 State Street WANTED Private money to loan oa real estate. W. H. CKABJtNHDKtfl m VUk RKALTOB3 1S4 S. Liberty St TeL 4t8. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY ISVesnsSaasseSsaSajSasSSaSSaSW POULTRTMEN ATTENTION WIW PRICES Genetically Bred Chicks Pay Best ! 1 Buy our chicks now and have full egg baskets later. Breeding flocks ac credited, hand cuiiea ana reguiariy , serviced. Rocks ft Reds 113.99 per1 109. White Leghorns 89.99 per 190. April asd May only. Expressage pre paid. UKAHAH HATV.ni.Kl, XI WARD, CALlFORnlA. wanted Team of horsea mares preferred. 1799 to 1890 lba. must be 1 TS-ntie. true and sound also young, gentle, true and sound also good young mux cows. a. pikuu. McMirmvUle, Phone S5. Custom hstchlng. Wsrlners Hatch" ery. 1140 North Fifth. Phone 947L 1 n n Ti i--m-ifi, - in - - .... -. Rah ftilrka, -euatom batching. Sc. I Started chicks, young pullets, dressed I nmiitrv for mm. Market rtonrrrv want- I .,,. tar aaie. Market poultry want j t. Tr, 1ul llt caU 133F3. Lee's Hatchery. 000m0 w-e - HORSES HORSES At En-oy Nash auction sales depot TsL 45(9, sal era. wwwwmwwmm Msa FOR SALE Five good young Jer- aeva fresh m a short tone. M. F. Ksp- hart, opp. store st Macleay. FOR SALE WOOD - Dry 1ft in. old fir. 6744. FOR SALE Fir -wood stumps re. reasonable. Close in on highway. Rt 6, Box SI. Saiem, Fir and oak wood reasonable. S216 N. Liberty or TeL 7499 after ft o'clock. Dry 2nd growth fir. 1ft in- 85.59 cd. CaU 365A ' DRY. all kinds, any tsngth, TeL 8739. :.! ; MwawawwwwwM wwawww. rsrr A W A NTGrtI DB7 Wood OSl TeL i IS. Salem Fuel Co. 6900 Trade, is tn aaS.i rtr araod on band at all tlmea Alsopla ner wood. TeL 3984. iTrcjr"e Fuel Yards. . 12 and It" wood, also -Planer wood. 5.90 per cord load delivered from car. 85.(9 from yard Cobbe ft Mitchell C 111 & 13 m- Ilia. I MM WWWAMMAMAMnA DRY fir aad oak wood, coal and gTe goedea-uV good ,vuux and ' LARMER TRANSFER ft- STORAGE ' iwyy By RUSS WESTOVER FOR SALE WOOD Isrres second growth fir. It In- St.- mm esua eara. J . t-z. win Mill run sawdust and all varieties FOR SALE ar trade lt tn. old fir. jt.ss csro. xsl liri. It" old fir ftt.ee cd. TsL 414. It In. old growth Douxlas fir. tt card. Tel. ltF. FOR. SALE USED CARS Valley Motor Company Used Cars Sedans . : C 193 Sdodef A Tudor. run 8004 wuiee .1500 1130 Standard 3 window sedan. SJtltm- new . .$5(6 1120 Tndor. naotor overhauled. seat csverm. new oamt . 17i 1928 Whippet -Coaeh, recoodi- ttoned : . 225 1927 Chrysler 80 Cosch, orer-. Hauled, new paint- ,; Z35 Coupes-. . 1939 Model A Standard Coups. ' run 11,000 miles, aecial oil gauge, paint ob, 78 per cent tires . , 600 1929 Model A J Cabriolet cost ssoe new ' i 410 1929 Model A - Standard Couoe. overhauled. 8 ' oercent tires Z(( iz nrmoutn cpe.. new tires. 10.000 miles 425 193 S Pontlac Cpe. A trial wtU seU this car at . 126 I vm v - e... ItZI Whippet Cabriolet, " rumbiti 2SS 192T Chevrolet fair. Kood Cabriolet tires 250 192t,Ford T Coupe, overhauled - 135 Touring: 1 1921 Model A Phaeton, overhaul- . ed. new dutch, new paint good tires ' 215 1929 Touring 45 1928 Touring overhauled 69 1933 Touring . .. 35 Roadsters 1939 Model A Sport Roadster, an excellent car In every wsy, rumble seat - - - 450 1929 Model A Sport Rdstr rum ble seat Leas than 7,009 mllea . , 376 325 192t Nash Special 4, new tires ! 192t Ford Roadster, Rao high speed - .-.... i Trucks Late 1939 truck, dual wheels, long . wheel base, an excellent hardwood bed. motor com- rletety reconditioned ; save 250.T Priced at 415 Late 1929 Model AA Truck, fonr- speed transmission, dual -' wheels, long frame, over- - ' hauled, with nod body 600 19Z9 Model AA Truck, dual high, riat ooay ,... s 1988 Chevrolet Truck, four-speed 285 1Z7 (Jbevrolet Truck. ex Dress body . ISO 1927 Ford Truck. Warford trans- ' ' mission, cab 95 1929 Ford Pickup, t-ply . tires. closed cab S85 TERMS TRATJES I VfllleV Motor CortlDanV " " Phone 3158 . Center at Liberty McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coupe ,, . 1928 Chevrolet Coupe .. .. 1427 Chevrolet Coaoh 1929 Model A Ford Coupe .$475.00 . 41 (.00 . 82( 04 . 246.00 . 326.00 . 696.49 . 325.49 . 16.00 . 186.99 1921 Oldsmobile Sedan 1927 Dodge Coupe 1924 Maxwell Coach 1926 Chevrolet Coupe Douglas McKay Cliev. Co. Used Cars, 836 Center TeL 8189. Today's Bargains Guaranteed Used Cars 5 Days Free Trial 30 HUDSON 8 R-S Coupe. This car is almost Ilka new. New car service and guarantee new general ft-plr tires S925 39 HUDSON STD. SEDAN. Re- cenrUrtoned as needed and put In first - class shape. Original finish inside and out like new. New car service and guarantee 895 '28 HUP CENTURY ft SEDAN. New paint and overhauled as needed. SO days service -.... C96 '38 OAKLAND LANDAU SE DAN. This car -has run less than 16,000 miles and can hardly be told from new. New 4-T!r tires j 830 '29 WHIPPET t SEDAN. New , Goodyear S-pty - tirss, Karl Keen trunk, - finish inside and eut extra good 415 '28 CHEVROLET 4-dr. SEDAN. - This car has run less than 13, 909 miles and has been rer-en-arltioned as needed. Original - finish like new 896 S7STUDE 8TANDARD ft T COUPE. Small . mireara and . t original finish extra good. Now tires . - ; 358 '37 OAKLAND COACH. New six- hanled 826 27 STAR 4-cyL 4-dr. SEDAN. Leather upholetsry, new tires. This - ru ia exrentionally mod ': ti. I. 2(5 84 CHEV. 4-dr. 8EDAN 126 36 OVERLAND COUPE 65 STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON ESSEX STUDEBAKER j Onea Evenings 63S Chemeketa Phone 8490. Good-Will Used Cars SOLD WITH A GUARANTEE 1929-Pontiae 2-dr. Sedan, ft wire wheals, au xiaos or extras ! $576.08 1929-Pontiae 4 Dr. Sedan 6S5.99 1999-OakTand 4-ur. iseoan srs.es 1929-Cbevreiet Sedan Delivery 4(0.94 lr?-fr Coupe 59? 1997-Cbevrolet Coupe - 192T-Dodge Coupe 1928-Pontiae 4 Sedan 1936-Ford Coupe 145.90 Pishing Cars 192t-Hudson Touring 95.99 65.99 119.99 iszwora louring 1924-Oldsmobile Tour. 1924-Ford Coupe 85.99 8(!oo 14t4-Chevrolet Tourtne , These cars have fine rubber tops. curtains and are mechanically O. K. Oakland Telephone 9(89 Pentiae USED car department 646 Chemeketa Btteet . TRAUS IXKlce truck Z4 far Z...:.:.J:Z:. FOR SALE Cheap, $20.00. good Ford delivery. J. B. Cooley, $ FOR SALE-:USED mm'mmmmmmmm0mm'1 Salem Used Car Center 111 Bulck SUndard Sedan . lt Bulck Master Sedan lf Chevrolet Coah , 1118 Chevrolet Cosck ., , , , l2t Chevrolet Coupe -1 tit Chevrolet Sedan 117 Dodire Sedan .(00 . ISO . 425 . S25 . tit . 1T . zse . l . ts . 46 . 145 lZt Dothrs Coach . 12S Dodge Crape 12 Ferd 1 window fordor 1X Ford Standard Coupe . . jz rmrm tmc Knasater S60 1(28 Ford Punet delivery 375 1)27 Ford RoadMer. RsJah head 95 1921 Ford Roadster - (( 1(17 Ford Touring - V OS l2t Ford Coupe 125 f 1925 Ford Sedan - 40 I 1926 Ford Coupe 45 1(24 Ford Touring 95 1(34 Nash- Roadin-r. new tires 226 130 DuraAt 4 Sedan 435 1927 Chrysler Coach lltS 1925 Wlllya-KnUrht Touring 85 i" wuiys-tvnutht Koadator 75 1925 Dodice Rrnlt- IK 128 Whippet '-.ne 285 TRUCKS 1930 Ford long nu, base with ooay .. in 1929 ChevroU".., overhuuled, has body .- , tso 1929 Chevrolet 4X5 1929 Chevrolet 4 wheel brakee 285 1924 Ford with logging truck S. 150 192T Chevrolet 8-4 tun, enclosed body 185 Salem Used Car Center, Consolidated Marion and Liberty ' North end or Valley Motor Co. - Telephone 7910 WANTED USED CARS WANTED A um4 6 pansengor model T Ford. Tlox Mm, Utufnunitn. MORE FRESH FRUIT IS BEKIG UUDED Cars of fresh fruits and vege tables numbering 464 were un loaded at Portland daring March, thereby exceeding any of the three preceding months by 125 160 cars. Unloads ot the month were still ISO ears lees than during March, 1 30 and 1929. Asparagus, carrots, lettuce and mixed vegetables were all receiv ed in greater volume this month than in February, This Increase is in line with maturity 'of new spring production in California, and depletion of Oregon's garden-track ' production. Orange prices were low and movement was phenomenal, doubling in vol ume over February, and compris ing over 25 per cent of the city's total unloads. ; Carlot receipts of white pota toes again represented 20 per cent ot Portland's Actual con sumption, nearby traucked-ln stntf moving in largo volume di rect to retailers. Oregon cauli flower rnoed actively all month. A few Florida and California atrnw1Arrtaa wertt recpivod hut Ldemand was poor, due to cool rainy weaiuer. Asparagus prices ruled cheap, 6-9c per lb. to re tailers. Local ungraded apple sup plies were depleted by the end . of March. Local spinach, aspara gus and rhubarb were delayed by backward weather. Several line of agricultural economic research ' and service are being carried oat bj the de partment of agriculture, at auth orized by congress. The bureau la preparing to enlarge the inspec tion of fruits and vegetables, to increase the grading - service on poultry, beans and meats and to establish a aaarket Inspection ser vice on canned fruits and vege tables. The market news service on livestock aad meats west ot the continental divide will be ex panded, also the news service on fruit and vegetables in important producing sections. Provision has been made for additional statis tical work in connection with market news on dairy and poul try products, and also la connec tion with market news on hay, . teed and aeed. - The appropriations provide for expansion of economic research in farm-taxation and farm mort gage finance and for study of trends of prices, production ana consumption in the marketing and' distribution of farm pro ducts. TO START HE DALLAS. April 18 Begin ning Monday evening. April 20. in the high achool gymnasium. Kick reall, the classes ot the recrea tional training school will get un der way. This achool Is for the purpose ot training leaders In the various eommanttree in recreational feat ures, including games, dances, singing, etc This will be a work- log school and spectators are not allowed. The classes will be dl- I rected by a representative of the I national nlar rround association. ECONOMIC SURVEY OF CHOPS IS MDE RECBWOi CUSS DAY st( 99 I J. R. Beck who has been handl 426.99 1 ing the enrollment states that he 1 has representatlTes from granges. woman's clubs, farmers' unions. community clubs and other organ isations. Th school begins at 7: SO each evening: and lasts nntil I: SO and I will close Thursday evening. I f-llILDREX KXJTOY PiCXIO MISSION BOTTOM, April 1 8. Among the first picnickers ot ot the season were the children of the Mission Bottom school and their teacher. Miss Thelma Bar- I nett, when they took their lunca land snent the day in the- woods !. .. laal Vrllav Th time was enioysbly spent playing mrtA nl-Vln- wlLI riowers. 1 Barrel . tares manufactured at i gparUaburg. . C. are used in trXZlrn .nnntrlaa. 1 . JL- U J U " " 1 mmm 1 W ' ' ' 1 ' 1 I ; ; -