The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 19, 1931, Page 14, Image 14

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    Th OREGON STATESMAN. Sahnu Oregon, Sanday Mornln-, April 19, 1931
T7 T7:
to : tart
Salem . Y. M. C. A. VolleybaUyTeam Y-Wihs
. ;
r "
Swat Ball Hard in Recent
Practices; John Beck
: Choice for Mound
Portland Valley Leag-a -Garnet
Hlllsboro at Salem, dinger
field, 2:30 p.m.
Ever Ready at N'ewbrs.
All dolled up In new tnj.
forms with sold and bio trlm
miiiM instead of the black of the
last few seasons the. Salem Sena-1
tors will step lortn tooay ior
their Initial game in the Portland
Valley league scfcedale, aieetlng
Hlllsboro on Ollnger field at 2:30.
An extra week of practice has
benefited the Senators markedly,
spectators at their T-ursday
night practice session remarking
that they seemed to be an unusu
ally hard ' hitting - bunch for bo
early in the- season.
' Four of the league teams will
be idle today, waiting for the
four who didn't start a week ago
to catch up. Hlllsboro has not
been In action yet and little is
known of its strength except that
Portland sport writers have been
predicting that the leagae race
may be between Hillaboro and Sa
lem. Lefty swartx, former Ore-
" gon-Washington league pitcher, is
playing manager and may be on
the mound today.
The Hlllsboro roster Includes
the names of Frank Turk, George
SwarU, Rolfe Simpson, Eugene
Axtell, Luke Stangle, E. A. Dea
ille, Lloyd Turk, Lewis Turk. H.
D. Henderon, Roy Miller, William
Kemper, John Mikle, A. E. Me-
Coy and J. Yeaker.
Beck on Mound
After Absence
Johnny Beck will be on the
mound-for Salem after an ab
sence of two years, with Wilkin
son and "Frisco" Edwards probab
ly both taking a turn behind the
plate. Rex Adolph Is .back at
first base after several jears of
inactivity except for twilight ball
but with undiminished power al
bat, judging from his vork in
Harley Hughes will be on sec
ond, Hubert Ashml at short and
Harold Olinger, one of the few
holdovers from last year's Sena
tors, on third. In the outfield will
be Ted Girod. Dowllng and Mc
clain. ;
Klmlnkl, well known here as
a mow-'em-down twilight hurler,
will be In reserve In cane Beck
falters, and Cambell is being car
ried as utility man.
Ollnger field has been pat in
good shape in the last week ex
cept for a small area back of sec
ond base that is soggy. That
however . will not keep the boys
from showing some speedy ball.
m i u. hi
Oregon. State college ": tennis
players won eight out of nine
matches from the Willamette
team on Willamette courts Sat
urday. Wesley Roeder was the
only Willamette player to take a
match, defeating Loomls ot O. S.
C. -4, 0-6. 7-5.
Grafton of O. S. C. defeated
Goyne t-0, 6-1; Sjobloaa defeated
Hagemann C-3.6-3; Cook defeat
ed Goode 6-0, 6-2: Lenchiskey
defeated Harmon 6-4, 5-7. 6-4;
Allen defeated Saunders 8-6. 6-3.
Grafton and Lenchiskey de
feated Roeder and Goyne 6-2.
S-7; Sjoblom and Cook defeated
Hagemann and Goode 6-3. 6-0:
Winters and MeComber defeated
Harmon and Saunders 6-1, 6-0.
Jefferson Boys
Defeat Stayton
But Girls Lose
JEFFERSON. April 18. Tues
day the Jecerson girls and boys
played baseball with Stayton. The
girls, score was 4 to 10 In Stay
ton's favor, while the boys' score
was 15 to 12 in. Jefferson's favor.
' The grade boys played at Lib
erty Tuesday, with Jeferson win
ning, 13 to 12. Elmer Beach Is
the seventh and eighth, grade
Brush Creek's
Baseball Team
Beats Bethany
BRUSH CREEK. April 18.
Brush "Creek baseball boys defeat
ed those from Bethany Thursday
afternoon by a score of 28 to' 13,
John Moe acted as umpire.
Because ot a shortage of boys
ta the Brush Creek' school-, each
team had only six players. This
Is their first game ot the season
Afternoons One Game Free
333 X. High St.
Good Food Served
COURSE 566 X. Commercial St.
Across from. Marion Square
Daytime and Erasing . .
i : -
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Marking; the first outdoor workout for the season, the camera caught
this striking action picture of Limoine Boyle, of Rockford, I1L, a
member of the track team at the University of Pennsylvania, hurling
himself a long distance as he practises at the broad jump. : -;
Cascade League Will Get
Going in Earnest Today;
Local Teams are on Road
South Section
Jefferson at Mill City.
Turner at Stayton.
Hills at Lebanon.
Tuckers at AumsTille.
North Section
St. Paul at Mt. Angel.
Broks at Amity.
Dayton at Yamhill.'
Today will mark the opening
of the Cascade league for all the
teams except Jefferson and Aums
Tille. who played last Sunday. A
warm day is in prospect for the
opening and large crowds are ex
pected for today's games.
Most of the teams feel confi
dent that they have better line
ops now than last year and indi
cations are 1 that more attention
will be given to defense. This
will mean a tighter brand of ball
and. eliminate loose scoring.
Interest in the league this year
s good and several of the towns
are preparing to make real af
fairs of today's opening games.
The mayor of Stayton will, pitch
the first ball of the Stayton-Tur-
ner . game, i : Turner had the
-j .
Legion Ball
Qnehinff Day
Plans Fixed
Monday j afternoon all the
American Legion Junior baseball
players will appear on Olinger
field for the festival opening of
the 1931 season which will be
marked by! city and state dignt
taries doing the. initial pitching.
catching and clouting of the
Mayor Gregory will pitch the
first ball to Judge Siegmund and
Secretary of State Hal Hosa will
stand by the home plate with a
bat to fan or hit Ibe ball as the
case may be. The Guardian ami
the Cherry j City teams will open
tne season following the cere
monies and an interesting game
is likely to follow as the four
local teams have been evenly
matched to assure rivalry.
The drum corps will lead
parade around Ollnger field and
possibly the Parrish Junior high
band will also assist. The game
will start : promptly at 4 o'clock
and Oliver; Huston, president Ot
the Legion athletic committees.
wishes to announce that no ad
mission will be charged to any ot
the games in the 12 game sched
nle. Huston also states that the
managers will meet Monday noon
at the Elk's club to discuss Ira
portant matters pertaining to the
The local post Is backing base
ball to the limit and is doing- all
In Its power to put Salem on the
baseball map. :
Church Tossers
To Talk League
Wednesday Night
Wednesday night representa
tives of the churches wishing to
enter the playground baseball
league will meet at the "Y" to
elect officers ot the league and
to form plans for the coming
season, -r --x: t
There have always been It or
12 teams entered and an equally
large numberls expected to en
ter now. ? The representatives
from the various teams will meet
In , Bob Boardman's office Wed
nesday night and all the teams
who intend to play are urged to
send representatives : ta help
draw p the rules. Frnltland
chureh won the championship
lasx year.
championship last year in the
league. :
Mt. Angel is not stopping with
just having the mayor pitch the
first ball, but will have one of
the councilmen catch and a par
ade will be staged in town to
wind up at the baseball game.
The fire trucks and the Mt. An
gel boy's band will head the
parade and in case the players
are not too modest, they will also
take part In the parade. The
team will blossom forth In new
suits today.
Hill's Candy Factory team and
Tucker's Realtors, the two Salem
entries in the league, have both
been practicing hard all week and
will be in good condition for the
opening games. Hill's team will
play Lebanon and after scoring
on the Salem Senators in a prac
tice scrimmage during the week,
feels confident of going strong.
Tucker's team has concentrat
ed on hitting practice this week
and is intending to knock the
cover off the ball at Aumsville
today. As is the case with Hill's
team, the players are young and
full of life, though on the whole
eld in baseball experience. ,
BETHEL. April 18. W. L.
Creech, president of the Bethel
local of the Farmers' union, urg
es a full attendance, from Bethel
at the Farmers' union meeting to
be held at Macleay. April 21, at
8 p. m. Jimmy O Shea, national
secretary, is to speak..
TURNER, April 18. Turner
school has receired a score of
92 and is rated with the five
schools of the county which are
marked "Super Standard
School". Prof. J. R. Cox will re
main at the head of the school
next year which will be bis third
year at Turner.
Georgia Coleman ef Los Angeles,
world's eremier riri diver, uan
the form with which she prepares
for her dives. , Georgia is unques
tionably the greatest female diver
ever developed, and includes
among- her specialties many of the
dives included in the repertories
of male champions. - She demon
strates her means of defending
her title in the meet at New Yorkv
I I i
Seven Years' Perseverance
Is Rewarded; From one
Of Smallest Towns
For the first time in , history
the Salem T. H. C. A. rolleyball
team won the northwest cham
pionship at a tournament In New
Westminister, which ended Satur
day night.
For a number ot years the Sa
lem volleyball team had sought
the northwest championship and
for a number of years .back has
fought Its way to second place.
The trophy for rolleyball cham
pionship is one of the mat covet
ed of all Y. M. C. A. awards.
, Portland has won the cham
pionship .lor seven years, being
Just strong enough to nose Salem
out each time, - This year the
river mouth team had to admit
that It . was outclassed by the
cherry city net sharks. Rivalry
has always been strong between
Salem and Portland in rolleyball
which makes this year's win a
double victory. With Seattle,
Portland, Vancouver B. C "Wen
atche, Everett, Tacoma and Spo
kane sending teams, Salem was
one of the smallest towns repre
sented. The members of the team are
Dr. L. E. Barrick, Lloyd Gregg,
Keith Brown. E. Hill. C. Paste.
Paul Acton, Raymond Boise, Nile
Hllborn, Bob Elfstrom, C.
Schnelle and Floyd Mason.
Y. Successful
This Season
Winning the championship in
volleybal climaxes a long, string
of victories for Sallem Y. teams.
In addition to volleyball, Salem
has won the northwest champion
ship In wrestling, stood second In
the northwest swimming meet
and won the state championship
in basketball. In wrestling Sa
lem had winners in three weights
and two of these winners are
candidates for Olympic tryouts
next year. Don Hendrie and
Glenn Gregg are the two star
wrestlers for the Salem "Y In
the swimming meet. C. Reed set
a new national Y. M. C. A. record
for the 50 yard breast stroke.
The Salem "T" track team
shows promise ef adding to the
laurels which now bedeck the
physical activities - under the di
rection' of Bob Boardman, physi
cal director. T
" w,
L. Pet. W. lu Pet.
1 ,750'iPhiI.d. 1 8 .250
K. T. S
St. L. .8
1 .7501 Cfaicaro I
1 .750 Detroit -1 '
X ,750 Boston 1
CleTeL S
.2. SO
With. 8
(AP) Boh Grove held Washing
ton to five hits today but the Sen
ators beat the Athletics 2-1. to
make it three out of four In the
series so far. Hits by Cronin and
Bluege drove in two runs in the
fourth. Sam Jones was the win
ning piteher.
Phil. ......001 000 000-1 8 0
Wash. ....000 200 000-2 5 1
Grove and Cochrane; Jones,
Marberry and Spencer.
Rookie Pounds 'Em
CLEVELAND. O.. April 18.
(AP) Joe Vosmik, recruit In
dian outfielder made three two
base hits, one triple and one bln-
gle In fire times at bat today ana
led the tribe to a 11 to 2 win over
the Chicago White Sox in the con
cluding game of the series, which
went to Cleveland, 3 to 1.
Chicago 000 001 010- 2 9 0
Cleve. ....001 233 302-11 14 ;0
Frazier and Tate; Harden and
Sox Finally . Win
NEW YORK, April 18 (AP)
The Boston Red Sox won their
first game of the season today,
going IS Innings to defeat the
Yankees. 5 to 4. Rothrock's dou
ble and Webb's single brought in
the-winning run after Berry's
home tied . the eount ' in the
ninth, -,
R. H E
Boston 001 000 021 000 001
New York 000 004 000 000 .000
Boston " : .5 11 0
New York ,.4 10 1
Gaston, Moore and Connelly,
Berry; Sherld and Dickey.
Homer Starts-Fun
ST. LOUIS; April 18- .(AP)-
Levy's home run in the fourth
Inning With one on base gave the
Browns a substantial lead over
Detroit : and helped enable St.
Louis to defeat the Tigers. 7 to
3. i today and win three of the
four-game opening' series.
Detroit 000 000 030-3 g 0
St, Louis 100 301 020-7 11 1
Bridges, Sullivan, TJhle and
Grabowskl; Stewart and FerrelL
Freshmen Beat
Grade Tossers
: WOODBURN. April 18 Wood
burn, April 18. Woodbum high
school's freshman baseball team
won its first-game of the season
Wednesday afternoon when it beat
the team from the- Woodbum
Washington grade school. . The
score was 21 to 7. - . ? '.
Mocey and Struhbar were" the
battery for the grade school and
George Koch and Halter made np
the high school battery. -. . .
Though certain things have
been happening which make us
less friendly toward Portland,
we still think the' opening day
down there next week will be
worth attending.
Not that, we give a whoop
who runs the state, but we do -
hate to see. a taaghing stock
made of Its entire population.
It even appeari that we'll hare
pleasant weather In the grand
stand at Ollnger field today, so
don't be afraid to come out.
Won't that old "Play Ball'
sound good? Of course no
' body ever says It any more ex
, ceptlng some . grandstanding
. umpire, and be has no busi
ness saying It. But why wor
ry over little trifle like that?
. Kind of hard on fans of both
baseball and fishing, the seasons
coinciding this way. There'll be
more anglers out today than last
Wednesday when the . season
opened, and the streams were
lined with them then.
. A lot of limit catches were
exhibited in Salem shortly aft
er the season opened, all hu
morists to the contrary not-
withstanding'. To mention
couple, Ray McCauly and El
mer Savage brought back the
limit from Valsetz.
Fishing conditions will be bet
ter today than they were Wed
nesday, aside from the conges
tion along the stream banks.
VT. L. Pet. V. lu Pet.
.4 O l.OOOlPittsb. 3 8 .400
St. U .4 0 1.000 Pfcilad. .1 S .250
N.-Y. 8 1 .750! Brookl. 0 4 .000
Chicr 8 2 .SOOICioeip. -O 4 .000
BOSTON. April 18 (AP)
The Braves made it four straight
over the Brooklyn Robins by win
ning the final game of their ser
ies today, 8 to 3. Old Tom Za-
chary who was batted out on op
ening day, obtained revenge to
day. R H E
Brookl. ..000 000 300 3 9 0
Boston ..0111 400 020 8 13.1
Phelos. Mattlngly. Moore and
Lopez, Plcinich; Zachary and
Giants Find r el lot
(AP) The New York Giants
again found the Phillies' pitchers
easv today and won the final
game of their series 7 to 1. The
Giants got 13 hits while Bin
Walker held the Phillies to five.
N. Y. 000 102 022 7 13 0
Philad. ..100 000 000 1 5 2
Walter and OFarrell; Benge,
Schesler, Bolen, Watt and Rensa.
Pirates Win Opener
CINCINNATI, April kl 8 (AP)
Pittsburgh defeated the Cincin
nati Reds today in the opening
game of their series 9 to 6. It
was the Reds fourth straight loss.
Pittsb. ...020 022 0219 15 0
Cincin. ....000021 030 11 1
French an Hemsley; Wysong,
Carrolla and Sukeforth.
Walks Win Game
CHICAGO,- April 18 AP)
Ttacoa nn hails hv Lon Warneke
an Bud Teachout in the tenth in
ning today gave the St, Louis
Cardinals a 7 to S victory over the
Cubs in the opening game of the
series today.
R ii a
St. L. ..010 003 010 2 7 8 2
Chicago 102 000 002 0 5 11 3
Hallahan, Derringer, Lradsey
and Wilson; Malone, May, Warne
ke, Teachout and Hartnett.
Harold Schumacher (above), 20,
can boast of being- one of the few
? layers in major leagues to step
rom college to diamond in fast
company. Last year he ' was a
member of the varsity team ef
Milliran College: now he Is the
pitching- hope of the New York
"iints. (Lower) The palm ball as
.umac her demonstrates how he
holds the .sill fox a chaae-ol-pace.
- sMn-ww
Bowman Goes Well and Fred
Ortman Loses Again to
Old Team Mates
W. I i Pet. W. !. Pet.
Portl'ad 8 4 .687
Holly. 5
OskU 5
7 .417
IjOI A. .8 4 .607
8U . T i S .583
7 .417
8aa F. 7 .417
MisaioM S .500l Brattla 4 8 .888
OAKLAND, Cal., April 18.
(AP) - The Portland Ducks
cinched their . series with the
Oaks by winning this afternoon's
game 6 to 0. Joe Bowman held
the Oaks to 9 hits of which 3
were bunts, in the fifth Inning
and made sure ot victory by pok
ing out a double and single,
driving in two runs.- Fred Ort
man suffered his second defeat
at the hands of his former team
mates. . -
N Streak is Halted
, SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 18.
(AP) Seattle snapped . the
winning streak of the Sacramen
to Senators here today by taking
the first game of the series 10
to 4. Paul Zahniser hurled the
victory but failed to finish the
game due to wlldness, he was
jerked la the ninth after filling
the bags with free passes. The
tribe hit Bryan and Flynn freely,
Seattle 10 15 2
Sacramento 4 9 1
Zahniser. McQuillan and Cox;
Bryan, Flynn and Koehler.
Errors Beat Stars
LOS ANGELES, April 18.
(AP) After being blanked for
8 Innings by Emil Yde, Los An
geles took advantage of three er
rors in the ninth to score seven
runs and cinch the series with
Hollywood today, defeating the
Stars by a 7 to 2 score.
. R H E
Los Angeles 7 13 0
Hollywood 2 6 5
Ballou, Petters and Hannah;
Yde, Turner and Severeid.
Protest Lodged
(AP) The Missions won a ball
game from 'the Seals 12 to 7 to
day, but Manager Nick Williams
of the defeated contingent has
lodged a formal protest with the
league. :
Williams protested the legality
of a triple play, initiated by Ed
die Mulligan in the sixth which
put -the Seals out and as it
proved out of the ball game. Hal
Turpin of . the Seals zoomed a
line drive to Mulligan, who drop
ped the ball before starting the
triple slaughter.
Dropping the ball and then
completing the play, Williams
claims, was illegal under league
. R H E
San Francisco ..... 7 8 0
Missions ......... -.12 15 0
McDougal, Turpin, Douglas
and Baldwin and Wilson; Caster,
T. Pillette and Brenzel.
Portland Box Score
o o
I'ortiand B R H PO A E
Berger, m . . . 5 1 2 4 0 0
Williams, 1 .. 3 0 1 2 0 0
Robertson, 2. 4 0 0 2 3 0
Hale, 3.... .311 2 0 0
Fenton, 1 ...4 0 0 7 0 0
Coleman, r .. 3 0 1 4 0 0
Wuestling, s. 2 1 0 15 0
Woodall. c . . 4 1 2 5 0 0
Bowman, p.. 4 1 2 0 3 0
Flagstead, 1 . 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totals ....34 5 9 27 10 0
Oakland n It II PO A E
Dean, 2 3 0 1 2 2 0
Uhalt, m... 4 0 2 3,1. 0
Moore, s .... 2 0 0 0 4 0
Dondero, 3 .. 3 0 0 2 3 0
Reese, r . ... 4 0 0 1 0 0
Powers, 1 ... 4 0 2 4 0 0
Stevenson, 1. 3 0 0 12 0 0
Read, c ... . , 4 0 2 2 0 0
Ortman, p . . 2 0 1 0,20
Tnbbs, p . .; ."0 0.0 0 0 0
Brubaker, 2 2 0 0 1 1 0
Martin f( 1 0 .0-000
Mays, p .. . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pool x : .T. . . 1 0 1 0 0 0
Totals ,. . .33 0 ; 9 27 "13 0
" ';. v- . i " i
Batted for Tubbs In 8th.
Batted, for Dean in 8th.
. xBatted for Stevenson in 9th.
Portland ....020 010 20 05
HIU ..... 0 2 1 0 2 1 2 0 1 9
Oakland .0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0
Hits 0 110 3 1 0 1 29
1 Innings pitched by Ortman t
plus, Tubbs 2. At bat off Ortman
25; Tubbs Hits batted off Ort
man 8. Tubbs 9. Reins scored off
Ortman 5. Runs responsible for,.
Ortman 6. Struck oat by Ortman
2. Bowman 3. Bases on balls off
Tubbs 2, Ortman 2. Bowman 2.
Three-base hits. Berger. Bowman.
Two-base hits, Williams, Coleman.
Woodall. Uhalt, Pool. Runs bat
ted In, Woodall, Bowman 2, Wil
liams, Berger. Double plays, Rob
ertson to Wuestling to Fen ton,
Dondero to Brubaker to Steven
son.' Time, 1:45. Umpires, Casey
and Cady. -
Spring Tourney
On, Salem Club
- Qualifying round In the spring
handicap tournament of the Sa
lem Golf club was started Satur
day and play will continue today,
after which flights will be made
up and match play started. Al
most the entire membership is ex
pected, to participate. .,. ; .
Ballard Robs Zeke of Home
Run and 0. S. C. Beats
Bearcats 10 to 7
Pete Gretsch of Willamette and
Woodard t of Oregon State en
gaged In a bitterly fought mound
duel for six and a half Innings of
the second ball game for - both
college teams at Corvallis Satur
day, and then It was turned Into
a track meet with Oregon State
winning most of the events and
the game. 10 to 7.
- Though held to one hit until
the ninth, Willamette scored
three runs In the first two Inn
ings .- through ' Woodard's , wlld
ness. Gretsch held the Staters to
one hit . or .less an Inning' until
the seventh, but they scored sin
gle runs. In the first, third and
fifth to tie the score at that
point. I
In the seventh ! Gretsch, was
nicked for a walk and three hits
counting for three runs and In
the eighth Williams who took his
place was victimized for four hits
and 'four runs. -j
Willamette came back for a
four run rally in the ninth, in
which both Girods and Peterson
singled. Erlckson hit a two bag
xer and Grlbble homed. Zeke Gi
rod poled one with the bases load
ed that should have been a homer
but Ballard made a circus catch
to end the game.
Grayson of O. S. C. again had
a big day, hitting four for four,
one a home run. -
The score: !
Willamette Jl
Scales, cf 5
L. Girod, 2b 5
P. Girod. j SS ..2
Messenger, c 2
Peterson, j ff 2
Erlckson, i If ..4
Adams, lb 2
Grlbble, lb 1
Gibson, 3b 4
Gretsch, p ..4
Williams, p 1
.. Salem Oolf Cotirs 2 miles south Mattresnes from factory to horn?. Ante
on River Drive. 18 liole watered fair- about our wool mattremeii. Ronovat-
way. large greens. Fees 75c. Sundays ers anl fumlgatorit. Capital City Bcd-
Jld hOlldaj-S.. $1.00.. . vi(-:i ding Co. Ti'l. 409.-03 N'nrth Tap.
P.. iTffrnr GEO.' .G WILL rianos, Pliono-
. N. WOUllKY rrapha. sewing machines, sheet music.
' , , r ,. , ... . andpIano studies. Repairing pbono-
1S Tears Ra'em' Leading Auctioneer graphs and sewing tuacldnea iit
and Furniture Dealer fn Street. Snl..m
Residence and Store ;
1410 North Summer Street "
Telephone 5110 . OFFICE SUPPLIES
I BATHS ' Everrthtns; In office supplies. " Com.
r rr merclal Book Store. 163 St. Coin'L
Turkish baths and masaoge. S. it Tel. 5S4.
Ixgan. Telephone 3011. New Rink.
; PLUMBING and general repair
R. D. Barton-National Batteries- rXT' Brofc- "
Starter and generator work. Texaco
wtfitlon. eorrter Cotirt )nnd Chnreh. .
----- vipapep "cleaned like now work
LLOYD E. RA3JSDEN - Columbia -ranteed. Call 7M. J. R. Johnn.
Bicycles and repairing. 8S7 Court Paper ruinclnie and palntlnir. Neu-
, mm man'" p-lD Store. 155 N. Com
Tlie best In bicycles and repalrlns;. -
H. W. Srtt. 147 S. Coml. Tel. 451. PHONE GLENN ADAM9 for house
decta ratlnK. paper liansiuff, tin vine.
Telephone 4 4 SO. Tt. R. Northnei ,
. - 1 FOR STATION ERT, cards. pnipli-
. r,rnrrnn ,e," Programs, ttooks or any kind of
' CHIROPRACTORS . printing-, call The Statesman PrJnt-
Ins; Department, 21a S. Commercial.
Telephone 0101.
Dr. Gilbert. Orev Bldg. TeL 352. ,.
Dr. O. U SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor. RADIO
25S N. High. Tel. Res. 8572. . . ' --
tors. X-ray -and N. C. M. New Bank 175 So. JTIgh Opp. Elslnore tleater.
pldg. .. . - PU. S204. Kxpert 4-eixtlrlns; all makes
m radios at rood, prices. All work guar-
anWd. Crosley-ceenlth and Clarion
! CLEANING SERVICE Radloa The best of the good onea
t . .OR very purpose, for every ptirjte
Oener ! Vnlfterln Tel " 5n,'V,, of Radio Tuies.
Center st. vniterm. i ei. ... yx)JTF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 317
Court 9t. Tel. H 1.
tton..37. Court St TeL 4054.-- - STOVrs and stove repalrln. Stoe,
E. L. Welclr electric shop. - WlrlnR '.X,'
fixtures and suDDlles. let our price. ? ?,",n w,r enc.-fancy and
118 4 OomM Tel J P Philn, bop baskets. Iiookis loRan hooks.
1015 S. Com 1. Tel. 3331. Kalem Fence and Ktovn Works. 2(3
i : Ctiemokets.. Tel. 4774. It. . 1-nminr.
FLORISTS - .-. ,
Olson s. Court and High St Tel 7 US. D. IL MOSIIER-Tallor for men and
ALL kinds of floral work. LuU Flor- -n- 74 Court St.
ImU lth - Market TeL 47-
CUT Flowers., wedding bouquet' ; i . TRANSFER ,
funeral wreatba decorations. C - P.
Brelthaupt. florist. (12 . 8tte Street CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. ;t
Tel. S04. State St TeLf777l. ptstrlbutlng. for-
i warding and " storage our specialty.
Get our rates. , ,
- , FOR lol or distant transfer stor-
lem Breneer. Tel. 4;s or TCftS. xfU'pVrUanT"."!! J' C-
- 2 Real Estate
NEEDLEWORK. Margaret's Shop, ,
i5 court Directory
INSURANCE i brckb iiendricks .
189 N. lllgti Tet 4117 - . , 8. iL EARLB
; - INSURANCE 224 x. nigh st ' Tci. 9;s
Wm. BlUen. . Mgr. 4S3 State TeL :C71
Exclusive Butlevllle Altent . , " .. , Krw-rr ni-uL-v ,.
B'dg T ?9 4-5rTr0Nyt.YBfdg.8O?eL 7807
-- . F. L. WOOD
THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT 441 State St , i TeL 7114
1 70H but St TeL 752J
' "We Wash Everythinr In Lux" W. It " GRABENUORST -CO.
Tflecbone S1I9 - . IZti Broadway 134 fl, Liberty St . Tel. 4tl.
- 1 - .. . ' ...... -i
Y. M. Track
Team Loses
To Linfield
The Salem Yi track team lost
a meet to Linfield Saturday after
noon in McMInnville by the close
score of 68 toj 48 and lost out
only on account of not having Us
best weight men on hand to ex
tract a few more points In that
division. J
The Y. men galloped away with
the 100. 220 and 880. The 44
was not run.' Salem won th
half mile relay with Lone Eagle,
Blaco. Page and Schromp run
ning. Lloyd won the broad Jump
going 19 feet.
Linfield had more men to en
ter In themeet and took the dis
tance events and all of the field
events except the broad jump.
100 Page Y. Schomp Y, Lloyd
'220 Page Y. Stuart L.
880 Blaco Y, Tichenor L.
Mile-lBuckingham L, McFall
L, DrakelyY.
Two mile Strong L, Weeks L.
Andy Y. I ' . i
Broad Jump Lloyd Y, Eagle
Y. Sargent L. t '
High Jump Sargent L, Eaglo
Y, Page Y.
Pole vault Chrlstenson L,
Darby L. Blaco Y. . , .
Javelin Dodaon L, Eagle I V,
Blaco Y.
Discus throw Chrlatenson L,
Llttleswallow Y, Dodson L.
Shot put- Darby L. Stewart L,
Dodson Ls l
880 yard relay Lone Eagle,
Blaco: Schomp and Page, Y.
Rv H O A K O. 8. C. B It II O A 13
0 0 2 1 1 Pennell, ss 1...4 2 1 2 4 0
2 2 4 0 1 McKennon 2b 3 2 0 5 3 0
0 1 2 2 3 Grayson, lb 4 4 4 10 0 0
10 5 , 10 Ballard, cf .2 112 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 Emigh. 3b ....2 0 o' 3 1- 2
1 110 0 Blancone. 3b 3 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 ; 8 0 0 Hammer, rf ..5 0 3 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 Hentel, If ...5 0 1 2 0 0
1 0 2 2 0 Mack, c 3 0 0 3 2 0
0 0 0 5 0 Brown; c 1 0 1 0 .0 0
0 0 0 0 0 Woodard. p -.1 0 0 0 3 1
7 24 11 4 Totals ....1.33 10 10 27 13 3