The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATES31AN. Saleny Oregon, Saturday Morning, April 18, 1931
Auxiliary P I a n
The fifteenth anniversary of
the organisation of the Auz'Hary
to the United Spanish War Veter
ans will be observed by the Salem
trm.. n vfAndar ulrht in thft arm-
ory according to plans made Frl-
- day afternoon . at tne comomw
A social meeting-, at
t. vm nf xtrm Carle Abrams.
Charter members 1 will be honor
eruests. and members 01 omn n
Hibbard camp- and Jthe auxiliary
HI V a nrAopn t
Will u V -
A program will be given and
i special decoration ior iue.:-
sionwUl be done by Mrs . For.
ence! Buckles, Mrs. Grace Mickel
a m R-saie Baker. -
. Mrs. Anna Alley was assistant
if . un Abrams Friday
-afternoon. At the tea hour the
hostesses were assisted In serving
by Miss Betty Abrams ana miss
Abrams of Eugene, a guest at
the Abrams home.
Mrs. Bates and Miss Abrams
' of Eugene were special guests for
the afternoon. Members present
were Ellen Thompson, Ada Hull,
Ruckles Elizabeth
Reoreia Davis. Grace
Mickelson, Bessie Baker. Lulu
Humphrey, Lucy Newcomb. Lil
lian McKinley, Esther Welch.
Edith Woolpert. Margaret Weiser,
Ruth Brant. Mrs. H. S. Carter.
Anna Alley and Mrs. Abrams.
- Alliance Luncheon
Pleasing Affair
The luncheon meeting of the
Unitarian Alliance Friday after
noon in the Emerson room of the
"church was a delightful - event.
Covers were placed for-28 and
following this Mrs. Fred Alban
Well spoke concerning travel in
Europe and her personal experi
ence in such travel. Maps and
pictures added much of interest to
the talk.
The committee In charge of ar
rangements for the afternoon
ere Mrs. Tram a Huston. Mrs. L.
Ci Marshall. Mrs. W. E. Feldman,
and Mrs. E. Hurst.
. ... .
Dances Planned by
Younger Sets
Now that school is drawing to
a close social functions to close
the season' are beginning to be
planned. Among these are sev
eral dancing parties of Interest.
Miss Edna Savage and Mis?
Margaret Savage will be among
the first hostesses for a large so
cial affair. Invitations have been
nent out by them for a dance April
24 in Castillian hall. A second
I'ance with invitations to about
150 couples Is being planned for
some time in May. by a group of
h!gh school neople.
Mrs. W. II. Dancy entertained
Wednesday with an attractive
luncheon followed by a bridge
afternoon at her homel on Lib-
- erty street. '
Draped necklines continue I
popularity, and iustlv so. - inre
they are becoming' to every type
of figure. In today's sketch we
present a delightful sheer print
wnn sienaer draped vestee and
graceful side skirt flares. Sleeve
ruffles add to the general soft
effect. Pattern 2022 is charm
ing developed in georgette or
Elizabeth crepe, ehlffon, voile or
flat ereoe. Both Hht ni
grounds printed with pastel and
VlVlU, designs are faahlftnahla
and the choice of the shades and
prints Is unlimited.
May be obtained only In sizes
16. 15. ZU. 34. 38. 28. 40 and
42. Size 16 requires 4? yards
or 39 men material.
-v SreetiBaklnr experience it necee
ary U male (bis model with ear
patters. Xerdaj-e for tt sit, sod
aimpl. exact ioatraetiona ere (Wea.
Sea fifteen ecata for each pattern.
Write plainly yoornama. addrees and
tyle auuber. B ear to tUU six
wanted. , , ...
The saw spring and sanaier pat
tern catalor featare aa excelled) e-'
aortmeoa of afternoon, a porta, sad .
booao dreaeee, lingerie, pajamas aad
kiddiee' clothes, also delightful ees
aory pattern a. Price of catalog-fifteen
cent. Cats! cwitk pattern, twenty
fire cents. Adilresa all mail and or
der to Stateamaa Pattern Depart
ment. 243 Watt 17th atreet, Saw York
ews and Club
Olive M. Doak,
Woman's Relief Corps, regular meeting In Miller'a
hall, 2 o'clock; this followed by memorial service at 3
o'clock by G. A. R. and W. R. C. to which public is In
Regular meeting of the Chadwick chapter, order of
Rainbow for Girls. In .Masonic temple,
vlted. ! - " . '
Rebekah Tea is
Attractive Event
.... j
'A pretty affair for members of
the Rebekah: lodge was the after
noon tea at the home of Mrs. Lu
ella Engstroai Monday afternoon
at which time Mrs. Engstrom was
boaters aslssted by Mrs. Adelphino
Harris. Mrs. j Florence Shields of
Gervals, Mra. Ida Traglio. Miss
Eugenia Slegmund and Mrs. Elsl
Townsend. " ,
Mrs. Ora Cosper, Mrs. Mildred
McMahon, Mrs. Alma Henderson
and Mrs. Lenora Kriesel presided
at the tea tables during the after
noon. Apple blossoms and fern made
a delightful background for the
social afternoon. About 50 guests
called during the receiving hours.
Monday night a regular busi
ness meeting of the lodge was
held In the Odd Fellows hall. A
large number of guests were pres
ent from many nearby towns,
among them being Silverton,
Woodburn. Gervais. Scotts Mills.
Aurora. Hubbard, Turner, Browns
ville, Monitor and. Portland.
Distinguished officers present
were Mrs. Lerfield, Miss Eugenia
Siegmund. Mrs. Alice Taylor, Mrs.
Ora ; Cosper, ; Mrs. Leona Thiel,
Mrs. Mildred McMahon and Mrs.
Ethel Fletcher.
Artie Fellows, Ellen Stewart
and Gertrude Cummings had
charge of the degree work.
Refreshments were served late
in the evening and Jessie Moored,
Clara Roberts, Idona Pratt, Hat
tie Cameron and Sadie McClay had
charge of the dining room.
The Dance and Dine Huh clon
ed Its season Wednesday evening.
Mr. ana Mrs. Lutner Jenson and
Mr. and . Mrs. Oral Lena mon were
in charge of the attractive dinner
dance given 1 in the SHrer ni-ni
room of the Gray Belle for which
seventeen couples were present.
No. 132
Bynooaia of la. i.ik.i c. . .
the London GnarantM A lii..
, ----- 3 . - . m j i urfrm-
York AH tha fbirta.f M J . . rx
mlasloner of tho State of Oregon, pnr
anant to law:
A mon nt firan.. r-v -x
et nreminma M..ii J .. i.
$8,761,381.93. 1 '
Interest diiliHil. . j i . ,
during the year. S728.870.48.
jnrome irom other aonree received
daring the year. 12.76.9.
'' income. 9.Z3. 1 19.37.
Net . . . n. : J ji : .v. .
- - nuriac me year m
rluding adjoatmrnt expenaea. f3.573.037.-
Remitted to Home Office. S600.000.00.
. . . . HitriH vaia auriDF
the year. $2.Q8T.79.77.
Tax a. Iinu...ui - . : j a ,
the year. $245.a7.n5.
430 243r ther xP'nt".
Total expenditures. $10,538,879 51.
Villi m f mI ...... a , . .
, - rmw vw tmaraet
alne). $189,083.43.
valoo of atoeha and bonda owned (mar
ket alue). $13,342,744.24.
LiOalBA mAato...a . J l J. v . .
t. sun co,ierii, CVCo,
CSh ill hstBlrs in A am k..J tni m
39. .
Prminvnai tn Mm.. -a n....
- ' "-"- w wi cui.ffdon wnf-
333.76. ' 1UD
Intere anA j a
.Mia nuS inn aeeraea ana
"dry Aeeoiinta. $333,742.61.
u mil tea aset. M S.808.205 43.
6SS.222.60. , : npat, ST..
Amount f n rv-A i ... .
tandin rUka.i $3,511,133.47
$417.783fie 0n,mi"i,B orokerase.
AH other liabilitiee. $251.300 00
Total . 1 i K: i . . ...i . .
of ooeoaor hlTiT W,t
$9,115.03 ourtnK tDe year.
4oLo" p,,.a ka year. $3,179.-
IMiLea !iiMw.t J i .... .
644.4a; "" yr. 92.
Kama f r .
J" D. S. M.narer. J. v nalnoa.
Nam. of Comptroller. H. Ll7d JonllT
- ! SJo. 1S4
Old' Lin. rir . i"" S-'"" " rB
comf "."''
Mnu.t to low: wrexroo.
Amoant m,t . t i .. . " "p-
, , i 1XCOME
Total nramin I
. -. wt.iuvHun mmn rente rocoivaA
taring too year. 784.1.49.
iron o trier aonreea
d"'"5 the year. $48,353.84.
"i" income, $3.611,929 01.
Paid f-"C"
and ,.j -noownienia. annni
hiV.j. ' !:'.ura- .I.MB.5S4.80.
tho ,e. KiCT P"'Tb"r dorinit
Dividend! paid on capital atoek nne.
In the ear.,$lJ8.O0o;00 " -
h.T,,I.7r..,icA-0?s,"3o4 .-. -
$279B4?;.Mf, aU ethe .-itnrM.
ToUl ex pea ditn
t A8SETS '
r"' ata owned
ealne). fl.070.89O.C3.
aklnoa m t 4..l o a
fmaFket oi' .Z-LTl!,-.?-V" ..?.
g0 fl,iv,),.
$9V72S6?87,r,, " -"'. -
saMste 7" M,i ,oa, a--
172.67. ,B b,,k, "4 0a ,B0
$292"502letto,, "d deferr
MiIqmV?" aeeraad,
?f (t). $25,221.52.
Life Dept,, $1.09,672.12. .
-A ft H Dept. $201,046.46. V i
ToUI admitted oseets. $16,270,718 58
Wet reaerrea. $18,841,235.65.
035.54 eUI. 0 V0,.
AM other Kabili tie. $1.2G6 584 11
A ft H Dept $92,859:28.
ToUI liabilitiee. exelnsira of eaoital
tock of $1,000,000.00. $15,270.718 58
the rrio
"t preminmi reeeiTed. dorinc
Premiama and diTidenda ratoraed d
i.o j ear
" . k . " i year.
Nam A fMi.t.. Tk. Aij
l4iaea patd duriae the year. Sl.OOO
J . a viu I
IllttniM . n . . .
: Liae
------ 7 " mra.
Name f President. R. f. Pry.
Ramo of Secretary. Jbo. E. Beiley.
Sutatory restdeat attorao for aerviea.
Jniuraacv Commisiioaer ,
Society Editor
April 18
Sacred Hekrt Students
Elntertained ; '
The juniors of, Sacred Heart
academy ware entertained by the
seniors in a very clever American
Izatlon party . Wednesday after
noon, from two until four b clock.
The naturalisation of the ''Im
migrants" f rom the various
countries wan of snecial . Interest
and games and contests added to
the pleasure of the afternoon. -
At the tea hour refreshments
were served. The tables were at
tractively decorated in- patriotic
flowers formed an effectively
beautiful background In the guest
In the guest group were Eliza
beth Fltrpatrick. Barbara Schott-
hoefer, Josepha Moorman, Dora
Davis. Vivian Koehler. Catherine
Plllette Mary Slick, Helen Taylor,
and Elaino Voltfn.
Parties Will be
Continued This Week
The intersting series of parties
beina: given by Mrs. W. H. Yytle
and Mrs. David Bennett Hill will
be continued this week with the
second of the series a bridge
luncheon Wednesday afternoon.
Covers will be placed for 25
guests and cards will be. In play
at five tables during the after
noon following the luncheon.
Mrs. Ralph Hamilton
To be Hostess
Spring days bring an urge to
entertain and make ready for the
long season or summer and travel
and beach life. As a result there
are numerous party series being
given and planned.
Among the smart parties In
cluded In this entertaining is the
series of three bridge teas for
which Mrs.' Ralph Hamilton will
be hostess at her home on Fair
mount hill Tuesday. Wednesday
and Sunday. April 26.
Mrs. Hamilton plans to have
six tables of bridge for each of
the three afternoons.
Jefferson M 1 a a Eleanor
Loonev was hostess to member
of the Ep worth league society of
the Methodist church? at her
country home north of Jefferson.
recently. Games and contests
were enjoyed, and an old fashion
ed spelling bee was en joyed, which
created lots nLanerriment. Prizes
were won by Noel Davis. Dr. J.
O. Van Winkle, and Lorene Hart.
At a late hour refreshments were
served by the" hostess, assisted by
her mother. Mrs. M. D. Looney
and sister. Marguerite Looney.
Comrade Thomas g. Harris.
Mrs. Leon W. DuBoise. Mrs. V.
A. straw, Mrs. S. A. Straw, Mrs.
w. is. Arnold, and Mrs. Ada
Price were snecial vnta fn t ho
social afternoon enjoyed by mem-
ners or tne G. A. ,R. at the home
Of Mrs. Klrbv Arnold Thnrsdav
afternoon. Musical numbers and
an Informal urnmm wpro fea
tures of the afternoon. Mrs. A.
B. Straw assisted Mrs. Arnold at
the tea hour.
Mrs. E. E. Ross and Miss Grosv
Miller, both of Quebec. Canada.
who are the guests of Mrs. E. E.
Gilbert, were romplimented Wed
nesday afternoon with an In
formal tea. About 25 guests call
ed during the afternoon M!
Betty-Mae Hartung and Miss
Miller assisted Mrs. Gilbert in
serving daring the afternoon.
Rev. and Mrs. Lovell. naronts
of Mrs. Karl Becke, have been
nouse guests at the Becke home
during the past week and until
over Sunday.
No 133
' - " m u w t Dwirracni vt
Tha Hartford Steam Boiler Iapectioa
mna inanranee i;oBiry of Hartford, in
wraeenc on tna tuirrr
firat da of Dmahn. 1ao. mads to the
Oregon, porauant to law!
Amount of inii.1 v .:a -
Net tr$ifi$nmsi . ....
$3,423.75.98. : " " ' ' '
intereat. dividends and rente received
darinit the ear. $835.74.1.29.
Ioroaia from ntli .... .a
ariir. the year. $138,o04.51
ti ineome. s,457.23.78. -
i , ' " ,n jr.r mcina
aajoetment eipoaaee. $1,185,851.80.
Dividend paid on capital stock, d Brine
the rear. $540,000.00. . : "
v-omoiiaaioet and aalarle paid iarinit
the year. $1,943,101.79. : .
Tasea. ' lieonaM mA j
the rear $426,953.62. !
124 4?" S tb'r xPnditre.i t2.-
Total eapenditorea. $,220,124.69. f
. , . ... ASSETS
Valoo of real eatate owned (market
ralne). 32fl.532.0U. ' " '
Va!o of ttocjia and bonda owned (mar
ket ealae). $17,830,488.36.
$1.4B502,72!P,' "4 ""Urml
85Ck haaka aad on hand. $501,765.
Prenluma In ....... . n . .
- -. . w CDliecnon writ-
" ' September 0. W30. $1,213.-
$i5s!oiV5"J "" '
Other asseta. $14,445.96.
ToUI admitted aiaeta. $20,588,392.60
,, elaima for loaaoa anpald, $418,-
Amoant of anearned Tremioma on all
ntatanding rflke. $8,936,850.39.
$2.72982e,iMi0a( Dd brolt,r'
Ali other fiebinUea. $667,275.6$.' .
Total liabilitiee. exelnaive of eapital
.ir?oT-540?: Burv,r f7-308-
$61 S82 S8miUm re"4 a Tear.
f . mid J . . t. . .
j ' . J mf 7ar. f J.tfv J
MdV -,"'rr4 d"riBr
Name of Company. The Hartford Steam
Boiler Ingpertion and Insurance Company.
Name of Preaideat, Wm. 8. O. Ooraoa.
Name of Secretary. U F. Middlobrook.
Statutory reaident attorney for rvicfc
Karl v. Lively. . i , , ..
"April Frolic" Draws
Salem Maids
' With the spring ttoe Cornea the
in teres i or college people in the
high school seniors who will he-
come couege rreshman next year.
Each spring: merry weekends are
vuwnea m oraer that the col-
ana niga school people may
"uamiea. .-'April Frolic In
the University of Oregon and for-
17 JL Z?a ronnl weekends l Un
uuwi uregon and Oregon State
couege are the, result, . -
ziVL1 wkenJ Is."Aprll rVofle
t S - "nlr"Ity. A busy week-
IW? ? da,Jc,n. tea, and dinner
nas been Planned a mstn m v.
lem maids to attend will be Rath
S?m1P CM '"orttT house";
wl ,Mmp nd ;Alt Johnson
no will he enwto v
80ror!tr' bouse; and
Katherino Corev. an invito ...a
at the Kappa Kappa Gamma sor-
vriir II U use. . - . - . -
Miss Mildred 2ehni.r- w'fti W
gnest of the Karma
sorority of jDregon State college
this weekend.- .
Roberta Varlev ar. tr.ti..
Frolic at the Kappa Delta or
orlty house.
1 ea is S
About 50 f DMl olllaX at tv.
home of, -Mrs. Ivan Martin Tues
day afternoon at which time she
opened her home between the
hours of 2 and 5:30 o'clock for a
silver tea sponsored, by members
of the Willing Workers class of
the First Christian church.
A program given during - the
afternoon proved , a pleasing part
of th tea. Dr. Jessie Kellem gave
a brief talk; Mrs. Jessie Kellem
Rave a violin solo; and Mrs.
Frank Brown talked In l trAit.
Ing fashion concerning her recent
trin to Honolulu.
Women in chart of tha
plans were Mrs. J. c, pm vro
J. D. Sears, Mrs. K. Smith.' Mrs!
a. a. seeiy. Mrs. Arthur Flint.
uJL A!.,ce nek. Mrs. V. R.
Hlckethler, and Mrs. C. C. Cole
Salem RebelcaKs
Attend Convention
A large number" of lnni no.
bekahs will attend the district
number four convention In Ger
vais today. A bus has been char
tered which will leave the stage
terminal this morninr at 11
Among the ones to ro from Sa
lem will be the degree team
which has been invited to seat the
convention officers. The staff will
be dressed In white and will carrr
arm bouquets. .
The convention will convene at
30 o'clock and at 8 o'clock in
the evening.
Mrs. Ross Miles was compli
mented with a delightfully In
formal afternoon at. the home of
Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert Wednesday
afternoon. At th tea hour Mrs.
Gilbert was assisted by Mrs. M.
Panek. , The afternoon was one
of the farewell events honoring
Mrs. Miles before her departure
for Portland Friday, where she
will make her home.
Formal Installation of the. elec
tive and appointive officers of the
White Shrine of Jerusalem will be
held Monday night In the Masonic
temple lodge rooms.. Miss Grace
Babcock, installing officer will, be
assisted by Mrs. - Lana , Beechjer,
Mrs. Belle NHes Brown, Mrs.
Josephine Vass and Mrs. Minnie
Moeller. . . . . '
Mrs. Clifford Farmer will be
hostess for Mrs. R. M. Gatke's
drama Iass at her home on Fair
mount street Tuesday afternoon.
w. e
Friends of Mrs. Ted Gordon will
be sorry to learn that she has
been seriously ill ' the past week.
Henry Deakins,
Oregon Native .. .
Dies at Age 65
Henry Deakins. former resi
dent of Auburn district, died at
Lebanon Thursday night, accord-
, ROSS th CooUwot on a fas Canadian Pacific train
' V through the world-famous Canadian Rockies : .. then
board Empress, Duchess or Cabin Class liner for
defighlfal passage across the Atlantic Leader of
the fleet the new Empress of Britain ... 2,300
tonsfive days to Europe. Enjoy Canadian
"Y PedfkhospiUlHy, service and cuisine direct
fron the Pacific Northwest to Europe.
' V L i Several, trams daily
IP v is, tJtfire to
rwwww s vm niviiaieii
Quebec Your local scent :
will rurnwi literature end . SI
W.U be glad to help you
pian jour
Canadian Pacific
Utilities Commissioner's
Engineer. Recommends
Reduction in Fares
( By the 'Associated Press)
Recommendations for streetcar
fare reductions to be required of
tne racinc fubuo service com
pany in Portland,- based on a sev
en-cent cash fare In place of the
present 10-cent fare, were made
by. Claude R., Lester, rhlef eagln
eer for th Orgon public utilities
commission at a hearing .Friday
before Commissioner C M. Thom
as. .. . . , . '
Frank S. ' Grant.i Portland city
attorney, declared - himself in
hearty accord with the Lester, rec
ommendations. Officials of the
traction company- declared that
rather than bringing the company
increased revenues through great
er patronage they would cause a
loas of 80.000 a month, or more
than the company is netting In an
entire year under present condi
tions. .-
Want Seven Cents
As Basic Fare
The Lester , recommendations
Single cash fares, seven cents.
Unlimited , tickets in strips of
ten, 0 cents. -
Weekly pass with five tickets
attached, 35 cents.
After tickets were used the pass
to entitle the holder for that week
to each ride at five cents.
Limited school children tickets.
four cents.
That the company spend $812,'
000 on modernization of Its
Relative to expenditures for
more modern equipment the ree
ommendatlons stated that ' the
company, has accrued a deprecia
tion reserve- for equipment, and
that had the reserve been aecrued
lnia h rpar 1911 thft balance as
of December SI. 1930, would have
been 1812,000 against which
should be charged the original
cost of equipment, plus cost of
dismantling lees salvage, and
that that amount should be avail
able for modernization of equip
Most of the clinics to be held
by the county health department
next week will be at tne raiem
health center, according to the
schedule drawn up yesterday. In
the following schedule, those not
t the health center will be
Monday class at -high school
at 8:30, Dr. Purvlne; morning,
dental corrective; and afternoon,
G. u. elinic.
Tuesday morning, dental;
afternoon, chest elinic; after
noon. - preschool at Silverton. -
.Wednesday all day, milk-
I handlers : afternoon, dental cor-
ftectlve and staff Conference
Thursday morning, preschool
and dental corrective clinics; all
day. .school and preschool at
Frultland. . - 1
Friday morning, mllkband-
lers and dental corrective clin
les; afternoon, preschool.
Saturday,' April .25 morning,
regular toxin-antitoxin clinic,
ing to word received here. Fu
neral will be held Sunday at 11
a. m. from the Lowe parlors at
Lebanon. .. . 1 -
Mrs. Deakins survives her has
band. They were both born In
Oregon about -45 years ago and
have lived in the state contin
ually. ' "
V a a av aawa . . . a av a. aa at aaa.
from Yencowver,
live saiurras eecn
vnpw .
h A
M-A tROA0WAT,Aiari(a Bd B 1 PORTtANO. W 4-,
L ?; ,i "
I j : .'' y. to
Disrupts Prepared Greeting
With Jolly "Hello"
To old Friends
. BOMBAY, India, April 17.
(AP) Lord Willlngdon, new
viceroy to India," arrived today
to assume his duties and pledged
himself to labor for a tree India
with full dominion status in the
British empire.
"I shall endeavor to carry on
the great work initiated by Lord
Irwin - whose sympathy, patience,
courage and earnestness of pur
pose secured htm the abiding af
fection, regard and admiration of
all classes," he said In reply to
Bombay's greetings.
India - welcomed Lord Willlng
don with cordiality, remembering
that he bad been governor of
Bombay and Madras for 11 years
until he left six years ago to be
governor-general of Canada.
The Bombay fortress crashed
out a salute of 31 guns.
Formalities of .
Occasion Ignored
The viceroy, as he entered the
towering "gateway of India,"
wiLinoii M
I JOB IN ill
-itrk' s -a , . - - v -x. f f - -
A SALE OF h r-. - f v j
Holeproof Subs I j !J
Now! a sale of Holeproof subs ... at 98c : ; ' f l
pair. Fine sheer chiffons of exquisite qual- 't - v
ity. AH silk to top. Full fashioned, too. , I . '--;L"
at 98c"pair ' MM;
of Regular $1.95 , . ' 7
You've never before purchased - v- T ' - -
these at less than $1.95 pair. I . ' '
We have hundreds of pairs in 71 ' '-' ' 'O
this sale beginning this morn- ' ' " '
Ing and lasting until 8:30 to- s "
night. ' I
EVERY SIZE -'' ' "
-yy'V'i USTES TO THIS I . . . These
VsVV;tki57'''7 tre a Grenadine dull-silks.
S'Js-?" ":J t' " U Picot tops' with non-run herns.
- ?v'VsVrsNl?V Cradle foot cut low for slip-
i Per Wear ' ' !'
" wwuaw MeiacAtmia comnv aec
V w i. . mis
L ' ....'
- . A
Tfaeae twelve girls picke4 Me modele by Mme. CabHelle Ch&aet,
will have opportunity to model ia the moat exclnaive mown shops ia mmy
-re, waea aaey wui accompany tae tamoea style expert to France.
From left to right the girls aret (first) Christine Maple, Francos S.
Crosby, Margaret L. Boneton, Peggy Rooaoy, Cecolo Clancy and Har.
riot Hagman. (Second row.) Carol Laalio, Claire Coulter. Gladys
Renick, Leone Sonaa. Batty May and Rawe Walker.
recognized scores of princes, gov
ernment officials and others
whose friendship he made during
his previous service here. Ig
noring , whispered Instructions
from aides who were eager to
observe all the pomp, and dig
nity of, the occasion. Lord .Will
lngdon boomed out a hearty:
"Hello, i how are you my old
friends?" j . . ,j
Then he chatted with mahara
jahs, nawabs, baronets, knights,
sardars, ministers, of state and
ordinary mortals, delaying the
program far beyond the time set
by officialdom. , !
Later in the day Lord Willlng
don conferred with retiring Vice
roy Irwin in regard to the recent
renewal of racial antipathy, be
tween the Hindus and Moslems
and Mahatma Gandhi's Inability
to settle the cbmmunal problem.
Oleo Petitions
Are Forwarded
Petition on referendum of the
oleomargarine bill, which have
been undergoing checking at the
county clerk's office the past
week, were sent on to Portland
yesterday. The check revealed
1,077 signatures that the clerk
approved, j Thirteen . petitions
were in circulation here, each
containing about a hundred
names. In the check a small per
centage of the signatures were
ruled out.
"Every Boy and Girl In Salem
a Swimmer" is the slogan of the
Willamette chapter, American
Red' Cross, which la cooperating
with the Y. M. C. A.. Y. W. C. A.,
and public schools.' An Intensive
campaign Is expected to result in
some 700 person's learning to
swim between May 12 and 19 and.
May 25 and June C.
Polk and Marlon counties are
the area of the work. Ralph
Carlson,' Pacific northwest repre
sentative of the Red Cross of
Portland has been instituting the
work for several days.
No cost will be to young and old
- tai-e courses In beginning.
advanced swimming, and life sar-
idk work. A competent corps of
Instructors will be in charge.
. The Y. M. C. A. pool which
contain filtered and treated wa
ter will be used for the move
ment. Chairman of the life sav
ing corps and president are Bob
Boardman, physical director of
the T. M. C A. and Judge George
Rossman, respectively.
' -More than 1,350.000,000 tele
phone calls' were made In Great
Britain last year, an Increase of
34,000,000 over 1929.