The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. SaltsC Oregon. Saturday Horning. Ar'ril 18 1931
PAGE nurc
Folk of Salem and Meinitv
Evangelical Conference to
See Ceremony "for Beau
' tiful Structure . '
r " -The Oregon" Evangelical on
' ference lor 1931. In- session since
Tuesday- night a, the new First
evangelical courcn wui wui) up
Us business today and-tomorrow
will be given over entirely to
ucuivAbtvu vs. ucrw turn
for . reading; . of . appointments -at
' ' the Sunday night worship boar. .
There is considerable business
to come before the conference
that all matters will hare been
argued thoroughly 'pro . and con
before. the public lecture tonight.
The nearly .100 pastors and
lay , delegates .will . attend . the
Evangelical Sunday , school at
9:45 o'clock Sunday morning.
The 10:45 o'clock worship ad
dress will be given by Bishop O.
E. Epp of St. Paul. Minn., and
will be followed by ordination of
the junior preachers.
The beautiful new pipe organ
will be dedicated -at 2:15 o'clock
Sunday . afternoon, - with Helen
Ernst of Portland playing the sa
. cred concert. - Immediately fol
: lowing this, at 2:45 o'clock, the
I dedicatory sermon will be dellv
- ered by the bishop. -
Bishop Epp will also preach at
7:30 o'clock Sunday night and
will read the conference ap
The church edifice which will
be dedicated this afternoon sup
plants the old structure that
stood on Center and Liberty
streets, and is one of the finest
and most conveniently equipped
churches in the city. First serv
ice in the new church was held
last- Sunday, construction having
been rushed as much as possible
to Insure use of the edifice for
the conference. The new" church
home at Summer and Marion
streets employs Gothic and Old
English architecture, both on the
Interior and exterior. It is of
red brick, occupying two large
lots or almost a quarter of a
block of land. It is built with
two wings, forming a T" struc
ture, and has fire entrances. -At
the rear of the main audl-
. torium. Itself 42 by 66 feet ex
cluding the choir loft, is a bal
cony -with seating capacity of
100 persons. Besides the main
auditorium which seats 400 per
sons, there are three Sunday
school auditoriums and class
rooms which will handle 500
more. A colored glass window,
illumined from lights behind. Is
in the rear of the choir loft and
. other colored windows are in
the main auditorium.
The University.of Oregon band
will be a feature of the annual
immunity talent contest to be
ield in Salem May 22; according
:o an announcement made by Dr.
?. O. Riley, president of - the
:ounty federation of community
:lubs, who returned from Eugene
Friday evening. In addition to the
band there will also be a delega
tion of Eugene business men at
the contest.
Dr. Riley presided at the Fri
day session of the Commonwealth
conference held in the university
city and reported that there was
the largest attendance ever re
corded at one of these conferences.
An outgrowth of the Friday meet
ing was a more to organize a state
federation of community clubs. A
committee .was appointed to for
mulate' plans for the organization.'
This committee consists of Dr.
Riley, ' Mrs. F. A. McKee of Eu
gene, Ivan Anderson of Portland
and L. D. Bryant of Riverside.
All phases of community- or
ganization and - club work - were
considered at. the conference both
" ' Xol 130
SrMpsU ( Aaaaal 8u:nat l tb
Brvoktym .Fir Intarmnec Company of
BrfciB. ia tha Htata af N York, on
tk tmrty-fint 4r IMmber. 1930.
aada ta tha Iasaraaca Cootmisaianar af
th SUt of Or ron. pertuaat ta law:
Aaotit af .'capital stok paid up, 11,
000,000.04. j . ' INCOME . ...
Kat praaiaou racaivat darief tha year.
$1 881.419.SS. - -- -.
Iatarait, ivi4ead ,ni ranta raeeirad
dnr-inr tha Taar, S20S.620.S2. '
locoaa from other aoorras rreciTed.
dariar tha year. S31S.S8S.80..
Tatal tarom, 83,141. 2 17.
Nat loMaa paid dariar tha year inttud
iBf adjattmcnt aspaaaea, $896,650.41). .
IiTidBi paid ea capital atock dttriag
tha yar. $240,000.00. '
- CammiMioDs aad aalarlea paid during
th yvar. e.o50.8.
' Taxaa. lieaaaas aad faaa paid dariar
tha yaar. 0. ...
- awont of .all . atheT. exptnditnrt,
Total, azpeaditaras, $2,238,265.34.
" . ASSETS -
Valaa . af " raal oatata awaad markt
valea), a. A
Valaa of itocki aad bonds ovacd (mar
ket valael. $3,223,299.25.
tjoaaa oa mortrafaa and coUataral. t
Cath la bmaka aad oa kaad.' $292,182.-
85. -
- rreaiiaiai ta eoovsa af colled ion writ
ten aiaca September SO, 1930, $231,
latcreat aad ranta daa aad. accraad.
$15,744.05. . . .-
- All other aiaett, '(stinaf) -6.801.54.
' Total admitted vti. $4,082,252.48.
: Groat claims for loaaaa a a paid. $192,
604.11. A meant of unearned preminma oa all
outstanding rika,.$ 1,803.730. 75.
Duo - for eommiaaioa aad brokerage,
: All ether liabilitiea. $70,024.6$.
" Total liabilitiea, excluiive of capital
atock of 81.000.000.O0, $2,066,359.52.
; Net prcmiuma raccivad darinr tha fear,
Losaes paid darisc. the year. $3,1T.
53. -
L lnearred dariar tha year. $2,
990.65. .
Kama at Coaapaay. - Brooklyn Flra la
Si ranee Company.
. Name af Preudant. William If. Tom
Una. Jr. ': . " - -
Name of Secretary, Chartee Wnsman.
titatutory reaideat attorney for aerrice,
laxarane CammiafiaBer. .. ..:.,.... v
by speakers and in round table dis
cussions. Another group at the
conference considered the prob
lems of conservation of Oregon's
scenic and recreational resources-
Parent Day to
Be Established
At Willamette
"Parents Day" -as a new tra
dition is the aim of President Carl
G. Doney of Willamette university
for the coming years. Mother's
day was the inspiration of Dr.
Doney's idea. .
He believes that since all stu
dents like to show their parents
the campus and college, there
should be an occasion when par
ents may officially visit Willam
ette and feel that it is truly their
day.; f
The first of these events will be
Sunday, May 14 . A vesper, ser
vice In the chap! will probably
be arranged. -. . ; ?
Gymkhana Much
Appreciated by
First Audience
Boy entertainers of the T. M.
C. A. exhibited their gymnasium
skill in the association gymna
sium, Friday night, in the first
annual "Gymkuana." The 150
boys will prodce their acts again
Saturday night at 7:30- o'clock.
Jlu jltsu wrestling, roller
skating, and music and exhibition
dancing axe featured. Several
acts are given on gymnasium ap
paratus and with wands, dam
bells, and other equipment.
Money gained from the affair
will be used in fixing the grounds
of the boys' summer camp at
LYONS, April lj. Mrs. Nelle
Thomas and small daughter, who
have spent the past week with
the J. H. Johnston family,, left
Wednesday afternoon' for Sclo,
where Mrs. Thomas will stay at
Mrs. Vilas Philippics home, with
the youngsters while their moth
er is in a hospital at Portland.
Mrs. Philippi and Mrs. Thomas
are cousins.
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Beauty -Tcryishere even in church. This has been proven by the
selection of Joan Jerome (right) who has been selected as the most
beautiful church girl, and Francis Hill (left) chosen as the best dressed
will regularly attending church.- The selections mark the first beauty
eontest held under the auspices of a reUtfouorganization. which was
conducted at the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church in New York City,
Channis-g PeMock, noted author, and
Abore, the tuadsomo new strvc
: , tare erected aa the home for
members of the congregation of
the First Evangelical church.
: Dedication serrices will be held
; today. At the aide. Rev. A. P.
, Ljayt on, ptor ; nnder ' whose
- ministry the new chnrch waa
. . boilt and who ha worked diU
, yontly to that end. .
Rev. R. L.Payne ;
Goes to Arizona :.
j To Regain Health
Rev. Robert L. Payne, Baptist
minister of this city for several
years and since last fall pastor of
the; Baptist Temple, left Friday
night for Arizona, where he will
remain until there Is considerable
improvement in his health.
Rev. Payne suffered a nervous
breakdown recently, and because
of this is takfTTg time out from his
work here to effect recovery. His
temple here will be handled by
supplies ,until he returns. He
said last night he hopes to be able
to return here in comparatively
short time.
Monthly Silver
Tea Will be Held
At New gent Home
The Ladies' Aid society of -the
Ford Memorial M. E. Community
church will hold Its monthly silver
tea Wednesday afternoon, April
22. at the home of Mrs. Guy New
gent, corner Klngwood and Third
Mrs. Frank Forrester has
charge of the entertainment and
members of the refreshment com
mittee include Mrs. J. R. Bedford,
Mrs. Dale Leom and Mrs. C. E.
To Preach Sunday
At North Santiam
There will be an all day meeting
at the North Santiam church
Sunday, April 19, with a basket
dinner at noon.
The regular church service will
be held at 11 o'clock, with the
pastor, Rev. J. G. MInton speak
ing. In the afternoon at 2:30
o'clock Dr. W H. Robins of the
First Baotlst church of Salem,
will speak.
Church Invites
Rainbow Members
The Rainbow Girls will be spe
cial guests at the First Presby
terian church Sunday. They plan
to attend the services at that
church Sunday morning in a body.
ReT. A. L. Lonsberry of Eugene
will give the - Sunday night ad
dress at' the Knight Memorial
Congregational church, it was
said yesterday. '
Rev. Jacob Stacker of Dallas
will preach in the Free Methodist
church here Sunday.
ene of the judges (cexuexj.
Parents Plan
Boy Scouts'
Dinner Event
Troop 12. Salem Boy Scouts,
sponsored by Jason '"Lee church,
will be guesu -at a dinner and
rally to be held at the ohurch par
lors Monday night at C:30 o'clock:
Parents of.- the troop members
will provide the . dinner and will
be In attendance. , The-event Is
arranged especially- to honor Oon
Dourls, leader of the troop which
Is one of the oldest and most live
ly In - tha county. -. ' 'z -. --.
Troop.. 12 . won 'Hrst. Jionors 1 In
the" spring- rally -held last MayH
and is working - for a too Place
again this year. . . : .
-' Following the dinner Monday
night, the scouts will put on a
demonstration of their work, to
which the public Is invited. This
will begin at. 7: 30 o'clock.
Woman Dry
Leader Will
The second of the series of Fly
1? Squadron gatherings . will be
held at the First Methodist
church Sunday
night at 7:30
o'clock, w II n,
Miss Norma C.
Brown, vice
president o f
Squadron foun
dation, to be
the speaker.
The last meet
ing will be
held Monday
Miss Brown's Mu BroWB '
address will gire interesting In
formation on the prohibition leg
islation and its present status,
and efforts along that line over
the past years and down to today.
Her subject will be "The New Era
in Law Enforcement."
. Miss Brown is associate editor
of the National Enquirer. Al
though young she haa had cam
paign experience In every state
in the union.
Oliver W. Stewart, long time
leader in the prohibition move
ment, will be the speaker at the
Monday night . meeting which
closes the series.
Monmouth Helps
Youth's Program
On Local Rally
MONMOUTH, April 17 Miss
Frances Snyder is lay delegate
of the Monmouth Evangelical
church to the conference being
held this week In Salem for that
denomination. Friday" evening
the young people , of the Mon
mouth church attended the youth
meeting ana contributed a story
in song, entitled "Mr Task", to
the program. . This feature was
directed by Rev. L. H. Willard.
Sunday services at the Mon
mouth church will be dispensed
with, and a large majority of
the congregation will attend the
Salem conference derotlons.
Eugene Minister
Will Preach Here
Sunday Evening
"The Enemv of Youth" la th
title of an address on the evils of
tne cigarette habit to be given at
the First Congregational cfiureb
at 7:30 Sunday morning by Rev.
E. F. Atchley of Eugene. This
aaaress win be illustrated with
slides showlnr aome of tha ban.
f ul effects of cigarette smoking
on tne heart and lungs of grow
ing children.
Following this lecture the first
two reels of the biblical moving
picture "Noah's Ark" will b
shown, the balance of the pic
ture to be given the following
Sunday evening.
Ko. 181
Sjnopaie of the Annual Statement ef
the Conatitntioa Indemnity Conpair of
Philadelphia of Philadelphia, ia tha tata
of PennayWania. wa the thirty-f irat Say
ef December, 1930, made te tha Inter
anee Commiaaioner ef the State ef Ore
too, pursuant to law:
Aanonnt af capital atoek paid np, St.
250.000.0P. -
Sea preminma received darinr the year,
$2,035,845.78. V - ,'
Interest, dividenda and rents nnir
dariar the year, $140,075.67. -
Income from ether eoareee reeeired
dorinr the year, $1,507,477.50.
Total laeoane, S,T4S.39H SO.
Ket loaoet Daid darinr the rear inelnd.
inf adjuatment eipenaca. $1,915,270 $9.
' tiridenda paid an capital stock darinr
the year. $48,881.53. -
- Vmmiaaione and aalanea paid darinr
the year. $901,387.41.
Taxes, licenaea and fees paid darinr
the year, $105,003.79.
Amonot of all . other asMnditnnta-
Total axpeaditnrea.
Value of real, eatate owned market
Taloe), 0. - - -
Valaa af atackar and bond a awneA. 'mar.
ket valae).- $3.5SS,S13.00.
Loana oa .martirarca aad eollateral. ate-
$i.aoo.oo. .
Caah in banki and oa hand. $186,338.-
30. .
Preminma la eoarae af collection writ-
te naiaea September SO, 1930. $402,963.-
Sl. - - - . ,
Interest aad feats daa and aceraed.
Other asaete, $132,611.06.
3U1 admitted assets. $4,502,994.89.
Grosa claims for loaaea nnoaid. 91.-
meant of unearned preminms ea all
outstanding rlska. $69.95S.91.
Dae for com mission and broterare,
All other liabilitiea. $86,024.12.
Total liabilitiea. eaclaeive ef canital
atock of tI.25O.O0 OO, 2. 161. 584-14. is "Kfuya
Ket premium received darinr tha-veer.
$33,692.40. "
Loasea paid daring the year. $10.945..
85. - .... - .... .t
r xv. sea i scarred darinr the year, $12,
404.41. .
Kama of Company,. ConatitnOon In
demnity Company ef Philadelphia,
fame ot m-aKient, it. K. lane.
Name of Secretary. R. K. Remiaf toa.
Statntorr resident attarner fnr aerrice.
Walter K. rrtra, Portland, Oregon. '
Talk Sunday
Usui in the Churches kWf
"Corner. Capitol aad Marlon streets. VT.
6. Liaakaamper. paator. Sam day aeaool
lO a.aa. (itmu worship 10 , 'alack;
raaject; "Tha Sick Jdaa and. Itwu.'1
Eariiaa woraaipH o'clock; sabjeet:
"Peel's Urea heater Samoa.' V Special
maaie,-Aataea . by' eaair. - ,
rrasT sTtaxTTAUSY ' - :i
Serviea at 7:30 at the Xalsaa
Kail located ea Chameketa atreel between
Commercial and Liberty ttreeta. Mra.
Mary gckwadel af Portland will apeak.
Topic, .-"The Kingdom ef Wladoat aad
Happiaeea.", A'eirela will be held at the
chazeh from 5 :0 p.aa.-aatil T Itmm
aasea wil Ibe glvea - by ateeradited. saa-
B. Earle Parker, patter. Sunday
ehool 9:45' a-aa. ' Moraina; worahip ' 11
e'eleek; cabjeet: "Steward a ef the Mya
teries of Ood." Ereninc worahip 7:30
o'clock ; Speaker Kiaa Norma O. Browa,
vice president of the Flyinw Sqaavdroa
Poaadatioa. Topic: "Can Prohibition be
Saved ?". Three Tooar People's meet
ingt s 6:30 o'clock. Jonior church, 11
a.m. Theme: "The Syrian Chriat" Mrs.
B. hf. Lockeaoor, paator. .
- - t
CLEAR LAKK-Choreh aahool 9:30
a.m. W, P. Collard, Sapt. t
LABISH CEXTKB Chares acheel
9:30 a.m. W. a. SUrker, Sapt.
MIDDLE GROVE Chareh achooi 9:30
a.m. T. P. Walker,. Sunt. ATV points will
anita with tha Pint Evaaa-eUcal eharch
af Salem for the pro cram aad " worahip
of the day. :
H. &. Scheaermaa, patter. 1161 Union
street, Salem. .
S55 Kerry street. Loaiae Pianell. paa
tor. Phone 4875. Morning aervieea
Sunday achooi 9 :45, M. V. Litwiller, Sapt.
Serrice 11:00. Ermine services
Tounr People's service 6:30. Den Prie
aen, leader. Service 7:30. Tuesday ev
enina; prayer meeting 7:30. Thursday
evening Young People'a cottage prayer
meeting at 66S No. Summer atreet, 7 :30.
BT". JOEK'S LOT HE RAH (Ma. Synod)
North 16th and "A" atreeta. Bev. II.
W. Cross, pastor.'. Sunday school 9 a.m.
English aerrice 9:45. German at 11 a.m.
Korth Cottage and D atreeta. ?. W.
Rutach, minister. Sanday school 9:45
a.m. Sam Schirman, Supt. Service 11
a.m. Bev. U- Schuake bringing the mea
aage. Women 'a Miaaionary aociety at
the chareh at 2:30 p.m. Evening aerrice
at S o'clock. Sermon topic: "What it
the Tjnperdenabla Bint" Ckoir nnm
bera at both servicea. Yonng People's
meeting at 8 p.m. Tueaday. Regular mid
week prayer aerrice at 8 Wednes
Corner of North Liberty aad Marion
ttreeta. 'William H. Robina, paator. Bible
achooi at 9 :45. Fred Broer, Supt. Morn
ing worahip at 11. Organ by
Miss Minnie Miller. The first of a aer
ies of aermoaa oa "The Jahora Title of
Jeans in tha Old Testament." Subject:
' Jehovah-Jireh. or the Lord Will Pro
vide." Voang People'a societies at 6:30.
Evening; erangeliatie - tervieet at 7:80.
The second aermoa oa the Prodigal Sob.
8nbject: "The Prodigal Boa Hit Pint
Trip Abroad." Duet by Mr. and Mra. T.
Klingtporn, and sole by Mr. Olson. Wed
nesday evening prayer and praise aerrice.
Friday evening Salem Union Bible a tody
Corner Highland and Chareh, Edgar P.
Sims, paator. Bible achooi 10 a.m., E.
M. Beckett, Snpt. Morning worship 11
a.m. Evening service! 7:30 p.m. Spe
cial tinging at each service. Junior C. E.
5:80 p.m. Intermediate and Senior C. E.
6:30 p.m. Kid-week prayer meeting
an Thursday evening at 7:30.
Eighteenth and State atreeta. Rev.
Ames . Minneman, A. M. Pastor, phone
8726. German servicea 9:45 a.m. Sub
ject: "The Shepherd and Bishop of Oar
Seals." English eervieea 11 a.m. Sub
ject: "A Pharisee, The Son of a Phari
aee." Sunday achooi 9:40 a-m. Mra.
E. Minneman, Sapt. Congregational
meeting 3 p.m. This it the regular quar
terly meeting. German services S p.m.
Subject: "Simon, Son of Jonas." La
ther league meeting 7 p.m. Thank offer
ing aerviee. Laura Minneman, leader.
Church and Chemeketa ttreeta. Phone
5164. Rev. Geo. H. Swift, rector. Holy
Communion 7:3U a.m. Morning prayer
and aermoa at 11 a.m. Chareh achooi
9:45 a.m.
' Thirteenth aad Perry atreeta. C. O.
Weston, paator. Sunday achooi, 1 :45 Church aerrice at S. Subject.
''God'e Purpoee ia the Human Race.
Evangeliatie . aerviee at 7:45.' Subject,
"Christ's Compaaaioa." 1 Lwctnret oa the
Book of. Revelation Tueaday, Thursday
and Saturday evening! at 7:45. .Wom
an's prayer meeting at 3 :30 Wedneaday.
. ratsT . trjriTAxiAjr
Korth Cottage and Chemeketa atreeta.
Rev. Fred Albaa Weil, minister. Chareh
Father J.R.BucVs Newest Book
Offers Interest to Both Church
Member and Non-Believer f Reviewer
The Reverend J. R- Buck, pas
tor of St. Joseph's church here,
has packed a considerable
amount of theology and homilet
ics into his newest book. "Why
Do Catholics" but the reader. Is
not distressed by. obtuse phrase
and dry . paragraphs. Father
Buck chooses a pleasing Informal
-dialog style of exposition which
makes his chapters fully as in
teresting as those In his first
publication, A Convert Pastor
"Why Do Cathpllcs'- carries
the reader through the questions
most often asked by non-Catholics
of neophytes In the faith and
an$wers them with the erudition
of a priest versed both in church
history and practice and In the
nature of Mr. Ordinary Man. ... .
. Controversial - questions such
as' "The Unmarried Priesthood';
"Masonry and. the Catholic
Church", "The Divinity , of
Christ". "Miracles". "Angels and
Devils" are dealt with fully and
frankly. Each of the 18 chapters
centers about some inquiry.
Father Buck -has shown original
ity in ' choosing ' some Incident
adapted from his experience to
set tne stage for his exposition
of Catholic belief on these 18
Issues. ; ,.
Whether or not the reader is
ifc i
vtsal il in i a Ull.i IT si--.
Chareh service at 11 a.m. . Rev. Meivia
L. , Welke, Portland, will preach. Sub
ject: ."The Ufa aad Work, of Francis le-
vieL - Opening aarvaea eondactadV by the
uaitter. . Soloiat. . Mra. Truma Hastoau
- 353 Coart street. C 8. Johaacnv paa-tor."-
Baaday achooi at S Her rices
at S sad t :P.aa. .Meetiaga -Tuesday,
Thursday sad Satorday evenings.
- - - ; . -1 ""
i Corner of Maael aad Academy ttreeta.
Sunday acheel at 10. a.m. Lesson : Daut.
14. At 11 o'clock Mr., D. 8. Taraer
win preach sa "The Ascended Chriat."
At 7 :4S Mr.- CD. "Saner will preach.
Mid-week prayer, and-testimony .meeting
Thursdsy evening .at 7 :45.
H. C Stover,- minister. Morning wor
ahip at 11. Sermon oa "The Wealthy."
. Solo"Grataly O Lord Am I" (Care
Roma) by Rath Palmer. - Evening aerviee
at 7:30. , The apeakar will he e miniater
from the Evangelical Conference. ' Mnaie
by the veater choir. Sunday school at
10 a.m. . C. O. Harris, Sapt. Christian
Endeavor eoeietiea at 6:45 p.m. -
Center and Liberty streets. Charles
E. Ward, pastor. . Sunday achooi 9:45
a. as. Morning worahip 11 o'clock: sub
ject: "The Dynamic ef the Religion of
Jeans. Special mnaie by a mixed quartet.
Eveniag worahip 7:30 o'clock ; aabject :
"Tha fiaemy of Tenth" an illustrated
aermoa ea the evil effect of cigarette
smoking est growing ehildren. Yoang
People's meeting 6 o'clock Thursday ev
North 17th and Nebraska atreeta. L.
W. Biddla, paator. Sunday achooi 9:45
a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; aab
ject: "A Mountain Pall of Horses."
Evening worship 7:30 o'clock. Union
Prohibition meeting at first M. E.' church.
Junior and Intermediate C. E. meeting
6:30; subject: "Mast I Alwaya Forgive."
Lite Gteeae, leader.
South Commercial at Washington street.
Chae. C. Ha worth, paator. Sunday eer
vieea 10 a.m. Sunday achooi. Nathan
Cook, Supt. 11 Morning worship. Ser
mon by the paator. Solo by Mias Doria
Clark. 6 p.m. Vesper service. The
Sunday school committee will conduct an
Open Forum on. How Can We Improve
Our Sunday School. Thursday 7:30 p.m.
prayer meeting.
Church atreet between Chemeketa and
Center. Rev. P. W, Erik sea, pastor. 11
a.m. "A Responsibility Which la Person
al." Special mnsie: Anthem, "Ancient
of Days," Aahford. Song: Mala quar
tet. 7:30 p.m. preliminary musio by
the Sunday achooi and addreaa by tha
Supt." Max Gehlhar. Sermon, "A Chria
tiaa's Walk." Sunday school st 9:45.
Complete graded system classes for
yoang men and young ladies. Leaguea
at 6:80.
Services in Fraternal Temple. Bible
achooi 9:45 a.m. Hale T. Cade. S. S.
Supt. Song and prayer service 11 a.m.
led by Herbert Babb. Young People's
meeting 6:80. Service 7:80 p.m. B. Y.
P. U. in charge.
Market and North Winter atreeta. J.
R. Stewart, paator. Sunday achooi 9:45
a.m. Morning worahip 1 1 o'clock : aab
ject: "What ia That Holiness Without
Which No Man Shall Sea tha Lord!" Ev
ening worahip 7:30 o'eloek. Speaker
to be supplied by Evangelical conference.
Young People's meeting 6:80 o'clock.
Court and 17th atreet. B. F. Shoema
ker, minister, 775 Ferry street- Phone
4704. Bible school 5:45 a.m. Mrs.
Frank Marahall, Supt. Some special
features of intereat. Morning worahip
11 a.m. Sermon by Dr. Jcste R. Kel
lemt of the Kellemi Evangeliatie party.
Mra. Jesae Kellema will play the violin.
Union C. E. and evening aerviee at
First chareh. Aid aociety meetings oa
Wedneaday aad Friday.
High and Ferry atreeta. Church school
at 9:40 a.m. Preaching 10:50 a.m. and
7:30 p.m. Junior church 10:50 a.m.
Chareh achooi of missions 6:30 p.m.
Morning service. Sermon: "The Law"
by pastor. Anthem: "Ring Out tha
Sweet Message" (Adams). Evening ser
vice 7:30 o'clock. Gospel song service.
Sermon: "Csn we be Sure of Godf"
"by pastor. Sole: "I Shall Not Pass
Again This Way" (Effinger) aung by
Kenneth Abbott. Anthem: "Sing Alle
luia Forth" (Buck). Wedneaday even
ing' 7:30 o'eloek Fellowahip and Prayer
meeting. Thursday evening 7:30 o'clock
choir rehearsal. '
Gerth avenue and Third atreeta Mere
dith A. Grovel, pastor. Sunday achooi
9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock;
subject: Rev. W. J. Morrow, Field Secre
tary of Wesley Hospital will speak.
Special musie by Miss Trnla Grant and
Junior Choir. Evening worship 8 o'clock;
subject: Rev. W. J. Morrow, old time re-
Catholic or In sympathy with the
views of that church, he can
readily praise the obvious sincer
ity, gentility, and frankness of
the author's approach.' As Fath
er Buck writes: "I am not as
smooth tempered as I should be,
but if one is asking in good faith.
I do not think I am apt to grow
angry. Fire away. What do you
want to ask?" . -
. It Is this spirit which prevails
throughout - the book. Father
Buck indicates he has attributes
of the debater; he anticipates the
questions oft . put by the other
side, gets them out in the open,
and answers them in full. Wheth
er the answers are complete and
satisfactory, will depend upon the
bias of the reader. Just the same
as - the answers themselves de
pend on" Father Buck's experi
ence and thinking. --
From either Yiewpoint taken
by the reader, the book proves
informative, convinces one of the
worthy purpose of the author,
and could be read with equal In
terest by church member or non
believer. It ts printed by the
Bruce Publishing company of
MUwankle and contains a fore
word by Rt. Rev. Bernard Mur
phy, O. 8.. B. abbot of St. Bene
dict abbey. St. Benedict. Oregon.
The book Is on sale locally in
down town book stores.
Over Baa Bans ' High a Terry Sta.
Graded Church School 9:40 a. m. W. T.
Jenks,- Supt Junior Church 10:50 a. m.
Preaching 10:60 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.
Church School of Missions :30 p. m.
A. M. Sermon: 'The Law" Pastor
Anthem: "Ring Out The Sweet Message"
-. -u '(Adams)
P. M. Senium: "Can We Be Sore of God?
. Patator. ..
' Anthem: "Sing Alleluia Forth" (Buck)
Popular Song Serrice WELCOME -W.
EARL. COCHRAy,; Pastor
aidant af West Salem will preach. Spe
cial musie: Vocal trio: Nellie Badley,
Hoberta Peyeraoa, P. Foetid. Vocal,
dues. Mra. Ray Ferraeea. Mtea Maxiae
FetTBBoaw Other aambera. Yeanr Fea
tie's meetinr 7 p.m. Erwla Simmons,
eader. Topic: "YeatVf Plaee ia the
Cherea. - Older people will be (nests.
Bible ayidy Wednesday at pa. -
, . Meeting. Monday Bis ht at T:0 o'clock
at the home of Mra. M. M. Lewia, 815
South 18th. . Btartias; atudy ef "Lesson
ia ' Truth '- ; class in metaphysical laws
will be formed shortly.
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sua
day services at 11 a.m. aad S a.m. Sub
ject, "Doctrine . ef Atonement." Sunday
school at :5 - and 11. ' Teatimonial
meetinr every Wedneaday evening at 8.
Mead inf room at 40S Masonic Temple
open from 11 t 6:0 except Sundays
aad holidays. -
Corner ef Winter aad Chemeketa
streets. Graver C. Birtchet, D. P.. pas
tor. Chareh acheel at 8:80 a.m. L, M.
Ramafe, Supt. Morning worahip 11
o'clock. Sermoa, "Fully Ea nipped"
Dr. Birtchet. Special ma sic. Chriatiaa
Endeavor societies meet at 8:30 p.m.
Evening worship 7:80 p.m. Ir. Birtchet
will preach - on . "Wrestiag" Scripture."
Mid-week prayer meeting; at '7:30 o'clock
oa Thursday. - . .
Winter, and Jeffersoa streets. Both
B. Fouke Jr.. minister. Morning service
at 11 a.m. Sermoa by the paator, "Tar
rying For. Power." Duet by Mrs. Mark
Wilbur and Mrs. A. F. Tslmsdge, "Holy
Father Thou Hast Taught Cs" Jones).
Evening worahip, the Jason Lee church
jointe with First church - in the aerviee
of the Flying Squadron at First church,
at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Miss Norma C.
Brown, associate editor of the National
Enquirer will speak on "The New Era
ef Law Enforcement." Sunday school
at 8:45 H. B. Carpenter, Supt.
Three leagues meet at 6:30 p.m. with
programs led by the yonng people in
discussing the relation of tne Christian
life to youth's problems,
South Commercial and Myers atreeta.
S. Darlow Johnaon, pastor. 848 E. My
ers street. Phone 0687. Services 11
a.m.' and 7:30 p.m. Sermoa topics: "A
Word . From Africa" a.m. "Whst Did
Demas Lose!" p.m. Sunday achooi
8:45 a.m. Stearna Cuahinr, Supt. Yoang
People'a meetinga at 8:30. The older
group will continue their discuaaion, be
gun laat week oa "Youth . and the
Chareh." Mid-week meeting Thursday
evening at 7:30. At the morning ser
vice the pastor will bring items of in
terest from recent correspondence with
Bishop Ebea 8. Johnaon and members
of hia family, including the story of the
serious illness ef the Bishop.
rntsT chttbxh of the TfAZxxzn
One block sooth of Center on 19th
atreet. Bev. Fletcher Galloway, paator.
Residence 47S N. 34th atreet. Phone
9630. 11 a.m. "The Holy Spirit aad
Soul Awakening." This is No. 2 of a
series on "The Works of the Spirit."
Special music, the John Friesea family.
7:45 p.m. "The Devil's Mirage." This
is No. S ef a aeries based upon quota
tion from the devil. Sunday school 9:45
a.m. Frsnk M. Litwiller. Snpt. N. Y.
P. S. aad Junior society 8:45 p.m.
High and Center streets. D. J. TTowe,
pastor. Morning aerrice 11 o'clock;
anbjeet: "Chriatiaa Living," Homer
Kellema, preaching. Special mnaie both
morning and evening. Evening service
7:80 o'clock: subject: "The Plea and
Program ef the Christian Church." Dr.
Jesse R. Kellema preaching. Sunday
achooi 9:45 a.m. Orville J. Hull. Snpt.
Yoang People's meetings 6:30 p.m. C.
E. Groups meet la their respective rooms.
Baptismal service at, 7 p.m.; The reviv
al meeting continues every sight st 7:30
Special Service
Sunday For Scio
Christian Church
SCIO, April 17. Conferring of
holy orders will be a feature of
the afternoon services at the Sclo
Christian church Sundar, begin
ning at 8 o'clock. Ordination of
Rev. Ernest W. Ralston, local
pastor, will take place at that
time and members of the Albany
Christian church will participate
in the service.
At the morning hour Rev. Ral
ston will preach on the subject.
"The Apparent Slipping Away of
Believers, and the Slipping Away
of Apparent Believers." or "The
Assurance and Security of Chris
tian Believers." A basket dinner
at the church will be had st the
noon hour.
In the evening Rev. A.
Slejfle. missionary from Siam who
Is In the states on furlough, will
occupy the pulpit.
Visitor Take ;
Unitarian Pulpit
- Sunday morning at the. First
Unitarian church the sermon will
be preached by Rev. Melvln L.
Welke; associate minister of the
Church of Our Father, Unitarian.
Portland.. Mr. Welke will speak
upon 'The Life and Work of
Francis David". -The opening
service will Je conducted by t" e
minister. Rev. Fred Alban Well.
Speakers of National Prominence
Maintaining Prohibition
Sanday7:30 P. M.
Monday 7:30 P. M.
Union Service
Turner Society Studies Con-
ditions In Poland at
Recent Session
TURNER. April 17.- The Mis
sionary society of the Christian
church met Thursday' afternoon
with Mrs.. H. S. Bond. After the
opening song Mrs. J. C. Delsell :
led devotions, and Mrs. E. J. Gil
strap presided. An egg shower,
given by the ladles (or the Turner '
boys' home at Easter time, was
reported upon.
The women decided to be re
sponsible for the Sunday evening
service, and secure Mrs. Louisa
Kellems of Eugene for the speak
er. Mrs. Delsell had charge of the
program, and Mrs. S. GIrardin
of. the devotions, followed by
readings by Mrs. M. O. Pearson
and Mrs. Gilstrap.
Poland was the country studied
for the day's lesson. Mrs. Bond
gave an outline of the living con
ditions of the country, which in
many places are very inferior.
Much Improvement is found after
the missionaries begin their
work. Roll call was responded to
by the mention of some mission
ary and her work and location.
The subject of communism was
given in a reading. followed by
discussion of the subject, includ
ing the debasing j Influence on
women caused iy false doctrines.
The leader gave a talk on the
Christian Jews in Poland. "God"s
Promise" was the title of a poem
given by Fernal Gilstrap.
A special solo. "What God Hath
Promised." . was .given by Joseph
ine Gilstrap. Mrs. Anna Farrls,
assisted by Mrs. S. GIrardin, will
entertain the missionary meeting
in May. j
Women present were Mrs. F. C.
Delsell; Mrs. Susan GIrardin. Mrs.
Walter Harris. Mrs. E.yJ. Gll
stran. Mrs. Alice Asquith.' Mrs.
Chrlna Bones, Mrs. J. L. Webb.
Mrs. G. A. McKay, Miss Mary Da
vie, Mrs. M. O. Pearson. Mrs. Roy
Hatfield, Mrs. R. O. Wlttell. Mrs.
Frances Whitehead Fernal Gil
strap. Mrs. O. P. Given, Mrs. J. i
Denlhem, Mrs. E. S. Prather, Mrs.
Anna Farrls and Josephine Gil
Strap. . y
County Church
To Hear Mother
Of Kellems Boys
TURNER, April 17. The wo
men of Turner Christian church ,
will have charge of next Sunday
evening's services. They will pres
ent Mrs. Louise Kellems as the -main
speaker. Mrs. Kellems is
nationally known as a speaker.
She Is teAcher of oratory in Eu
gene Bible college. .
The women have arranged for
special music and orchestra num
bers. Mrs. Kellems Is the mother
of Homer and Jesse who are con
vlval In Salem at this time.
St. Joseph's Has
Summer Schedule
Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor of St. 1
Joseph's church, announces that
the summer schedule for masses
will ro Into effect Sunday. April
19. The masses on that day will
start at 7 and 9 o'clock in the
Watch the Papers
Tomorrow for
of ,
Dr. Kenyon
The Cobb Sisters
. ' Revival Campaign ;
beginning: Sunday 19th
in the Armory
American Laerar Church ; ;
Church, ' Br. CThemekcta . . Center, A
Downtown Church.
11 A. M. A Responsibility Which ;
Is Personal.
Anthem: Ancient of Days. Ashford.
7:3Q P. M.A Christians Walk.
.Music and preliminary service by the -Sunday
School Address, Max Gehlhar,
Supt. Wm. McGllchrist, Director.
Rev. P. W. Eriksen, Pastor.
Everyone Invited