The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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. , ........ -
'ovemor's Gkdrges
Those Called First day are
Mnsiiv Discharaed
Prison Workers
y (Continued from page 1)
- jvnlaiif tn nrefSST BlanS
and specitleaiions tor a. number
of flax puller, which he under
- ttood were to he sold to the Rus
sian covernment.' He slso tola 01
being oraerea ny w" .
struct two copper shell boxes and
a sinking box for the duck pond
Walker declared that, these boxes
later were loaded on a state truck
nod taken to the pond.
An alleged conversation in
which Bartram was quoted as
giving the details of the $100.
000 loan to take care or the lSzs
flax crop also was related br the
.--- nr.ivar calif h was dis-
hrr4 from the prison under
the pretense of reducing expen
ses. , - , - -
On cross examination, Walker
was asked if there was anything
wrong- with manufacturing flax
pullers for the Russian govern
ment. tv iintit it wrone." re
ft iuvus " ---- -
plied Walker, "because of the
stress of times in the Jnited
States and the fact that this coun
try would be flooded with cheap
flax products from Russia."
Walker denied that he had
been discharged for loafing.
Didn't you tell Mr. Meyers
that you were glad that yon were
discharged?" queried Carson. I
did." replied Walker. "My nerves
were shattered from the strain of
- my employment"
Walker admitted that he naa
engaged in a fight with a convict
during his employment at the
It was brought out that none
of the flax pullers were, sold to
the Russian government, and if
they had been, the state of Ore
gon would have realixed a sub
stantial profit.
"I want to inject a statement
into this record," interposed Gov
ernor Meier.
"In obtaining flax pullers from
the state of Oregon there is no
doubt but that Russia would be
able to compete with the United
States and flood our country with
flax products manufactured by
cheap labor."
Governor Meier continued that
tne ume naa arriTa wueu mo
state of Oregon should employ
some men at the penitentiary
Who are familiar with the flax
Duck Pond Tale Told
A. C. Burke, guard at the pris
on from July 15, 1930. to April
or this year, testified that the
duck pond was used exclusively
by Roy Bremmer, Meyers and
Warren Edwards. Bremmer is a
game warden, while- Edwards is
employed as a guard at the pen
itentiary. Burke further testified that
ducks killed at the pond were
dressed, by convicts and delivered
to - Meyer's friends. He also
charged that feed for the ducks
was produced at the prison, and
that it was hauled out of the
yards on institution trucks. Tes
timony also was given by Burke
that gravel was hauled from the
penitentiary to Improve the road
leading into the duck pond.
Burke added that he personal
ly had delivered turkeys from
the prison to Hoss. Kay, ex-Governor
Norblad, Carle Abrams,
secretary of the state board " of
control, Irl McSherry, private sec
retary to ex-Governor Norblad,
and other officials. These deliver
ies were made on the day preced
ing Thanksgiving. Burke said.
Carson asked if it was not a
fact that James Lewis, warden of
the prison, had used the duck
pond. Governor Meier objected to
bringing Lewis' name Into the
picture for the reason that he was
considered one of the outstanding
prison ' officials on the Pacific
coast. ..''
Meyers replied that th.e records
show that Lewis and Bremmer
held the lease on the duck pond.
and that he himself had been in
vited to participate In the shoot
ing, i
Kay then presented a receipt
for i 20, signed by prison offi
cials, covering an order tor feed
for the duck pond. This receipt
was introduced In advance.
jsurxe aamutea tnat be was
Weighed Feed for Ducks
. Harry J. Brennaman. ex-guard
at the orison, eorroboratad mih
of the testimony offered by pre
vious witnesses. Brennaman tes
tified that be had charge ot the
' prison warehouse, and weighed
an iiax material leaving the in
He said that he could not recall
weighing any of the feed sent to
th duck pond. Brennaman esti
mated that the feed was worth
from f 12 to $20 per ton. He also
testified regarding the collapse of
a flax shed and the subsequent
destruction of - considerable flax
material. x;
'I was discharged for failing
. to supervise the loading of flax
' after one of the officials had told
' me ton xo home, said Rrenna
m Brennaman also testified that
the employed personnel turnover
' at the prison was rapid, and that
convicts employed in other de
partments of the institution drew
- par out of the flax funds
"Meyers is too high strung for
in position 01 superintendent, of
the prison," continued Brenna
man. At th tlma T 1at mriri
my connection wito. the peniten
tlary he jumped up and down.
tor Off the rnaf mil mvot u
used abusive language, and 'said
he would meet me down the road
for a fieht. He did go down the
Charges Made by Governor Meier in
Asking for Removal of Head
j Of State Prison, . ,
Governor Meier yesterday enumerated the specific eharg
ges, as follows - .
That th funds allocated to the prison were Juggled.
That there ma staffing of the payroll.-
That Bartram and Meyers acted arbitrarily and without
the knowledge f the board of control In reducing the prices
of flax products purchased from the state by the Mile Linen
Mill. . j '
That the loss in the stale flax industry ha aggregated
between $250,000 and l.OOO.OOO, depending upon who made
the audH and by -whom the aaditor was employed.
That s suggestion by Governor Meier that wages paid to
the convicts be eliminated and a morje flexible merit system :
be established, was wholly Ignored the .penitentiary man.
ageuient. ;
1 That subsequently an order was Issued by Meyers, with
out knowledge of the board of control, reducing tho wages of
the convict per cent.
-That Bartram and Meyers borrowed g 100,000 from the
United States bank in Portland to tide over the flax indus
try, and secured the loan with state- assets.
That the Interest paid on the loa was excessive. 5
That Meyers improved his duck pond with convict labor,
and provided feed for the dacks from the state penitentiary
plant. ".'!",:'.
That state owned turkeys were distributed by Meyers
among his friends. 1
That .Meyers and Bartram made a trip to Canada, and
came back with a lot of new tangled idea which they placed ,
In effect In the Oregon prison. '
"That Meyers has usurped virtually all of the powers of
the warden and other institution officials.
road, but I refused to halt my au
tomobile." Carson asked if the convicts
were well treated. Brennaman
admitted that they were.
"Didn't Warden Lewis once In
form you that yon were a clock
watcher?" queried Carson. Bren
naman answered in the negative.
Carson then s brought out the
information that Brennaman had
talked with Homer Foster re
garding the hearing. Foster was
assistant manager of Governor
Meier's campaign in , Marlon
county. He also later admitted
talking to George Joseph, -Jr., and
that he went to talk things over
with Joseph voluntarily.
Meyers Denies Stuffing
A- record showing that a con
vict by the name of Stoop had
been allowed 37 days compensa
tion during a single month was
then introduced in evidence. Bar
tram declared that this allowance
was a stenographic error.
Mr. Meyexs added that errors
were so numerous at one time
when a convict was employed as
timekeeper, that it was necessary
to employ a ' free man. Meyers
said this man was employed with
the consent of the state board of
control. He denied any stuffing
of thepenltentiary payrolls.
Governor Meier then asked the
witness the title under which Ed
wards was Known at tne prison.
"Little Son," replied the witness.
O. B. Chapman, also a former
guard, said he 'was in charge of
the truck that carried feed from
the penitentiary to the duck
pond. He also testified that
plows, scrapers and other road
machinery had been taken to the
"Edward has more authority
at the prison than either Lewis or
Deputy Halley," continued Chap-
man. ,
Chapman testified that Edwards
once took Mrs. Meyers to eastern
Oregon in a state car, and that
Edwards, Bremmer and a convict
later enjoyed a hunting trip in
southern .Oregon. This trip was
made in Chapman's car, the wit
ness said.
"I had to let him take my car
or walk out of the prison," con
tinued Chapman.
Governor Meier then asked
jokingly when- the convicts got
their vacations.
Carson replied:. "You were
there to prevent bloody vacations
were you not?
Chapman testified that convicts
bad told him to go to hell" and
that they were taking their or
ders from Edwards. The witness
said the receipt for $20 offered
in evidence would cover only a
small part of the feed sent to the
duck pond.
Meyers denied that state gas
oline was used by Edwards or
any other person in making a
hunting trip to southern Oregon.
Rojr Takes Stand
C. T. Roy, I formery employed
as guard and farmer at. the pris
on, testified to a conversation In
which be said he was led to be
lieve that 14 choice turkeys from
the institution farm were to be
delivered to state officials. He
also charged that feed, was taken
from the prison to the' d nek pond,
and that state machinery was
used la improving a road used in
getting into the pond area.
Roy admitted on cross examin
ation that he was Interrogated by
attache ot the executive depart
ment prior- to the hearing. The
witness refused to reply to a
question whether the peniten
tiary was conducted efficients.
"Did you ever complain to Su
perintendent i Meyers," queried .
Carson. -Not exactly," Roy re-,
plied. "1 reported a lot of things
and got nowhere."
Roy said he resigned his posi
tion, but later sought to be rein
stated. H. T. Hoare. employed at the
prison from May. until March.
1110, charged that he had been
led to believe that he would be
promoted from the flax mill to
field boss, but was discharged on
five minutes? notice. He testified
to loading three assignments of
feed for the duck pond. Hoare
also alleged that there had been
duck trapping on the prison
premises In violation ot the fed
eral laws. This trapping, he said,
was done , by a convict named
Thompson, ;
Turning to Mr. Meyers, the
governor atked:
"If we send for Thompson will
he jeopardise any of his priv
ileges If ho testifies to the
truth? " . i:L
"Not 4 la the least," replied
Meyers. i ,
A tilt followed as to whether
the governor or Meyers would
send for the convict.
Tells of "Court
Hoare also told of the. wall
ed court, which was one of the
governors cnarges against Mey
ers. He said this court was pre
sided over by Mr. Meyers who
heard the testlmonv Of officials
guards and -convicts and meted
out punishment. This court was
established, Hoare said, during
tne absence or warden Lewis.
Upon cross-examination - Hoare
said he went to the executive de
partment voluntarilv and nrm
sented his complaint against Mey
ers. -' "
"If tou saw tranolnr of durVn
in violation of , law, why didn't
you complain to Mr. Meyers,"
asked Carson. "It would have
done no good." replied Hoare. "
Hoare said there was too much
discipline at the prison, and that
many of the convicts and guards
were dissatisfied.
The witness said he rrcsumftd
the ducks tranned bv Thomson
were used as decoys.
'Ctm" ate Ducks Himself
Thompson admitted that he
trapped the ducks, but declared
that he had done so without the
knowledge of prison officials.
I cooked and ate the ducks".
continued the witness. Thompson
further testified that 15 years
ago the Oregon penitentiary was
recognized as one of the hardest
in the country, while it is not
considered one of the best. He
also said that the so-called court
complained of by Governor Meier
gave the convicts a fair break.
and is an improvement over the
old system. Thompson Is serving
a life term for murder.
Ben wells, secretary and man
ager of the Oregon Linen Mills.
said he recalled the loan of $100,-
ouu wnich was negotiated to take
care of the state flax lndnstrr
during the year 1829. The wit
ness admitted that warehouse re
ceipts were issued as collateral
for the loan, which covered flax
materials which were never in
the company's warehouse. These
receipts later were sent to the
United States National corpora
tion in Portland.
"I understood that the tran
saction was authorized bv the
late Governor Patterson and the
board of control," testified Wells,
"and there was nothing dishon
est as far as I know." -
Further questioning- brourht
out that the money had been paid
Robert Jones, assistant book
keeper of the flax industry at the
prison, testified that the loan was
paid back in amounts ranging
from $3000 to 129.000. with in
terest aggregating $2500.
Kay - interposed ; the remark
that the transaction was regular
and was based on an opinion of
the attorney general.
"What I object to," retaliated
Governor Meier, "lsl that state
employee under sue a system
"l'0 a bank and borrow
$100,009. This certainly Is not
good business."
"If you haT been a member of
the board of control at the time
you probably would have joined
in the transaction." replied Kay.
Kay then Informed th
northat the state got value re
Son. - Mon. - Toes.
in THE
last Budthliff 0 -
v ,
25c K-
Any It
Time U..
OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oreroa. Saturday Moraine.
; r , w .., r
ceived for the loan, and that the
money was repaid.
Kay Makes Protest
"It Is unfair to Inject techni
calities Into this transaction."
continued Kay, "for-the reason
that the bank and not the state
took any. chance la connection
with Its repayment."
: Attorney Veatch said he did
not doubt that the loan was used
legitimately, but that the gover
nor objected to the procedure.
-If this - transaction was Ille
gal said Attorney Carson, "the
board of control and hot Mr. Mey
ers was responsible."
Jones1 also testified regarding a.
reduction In the price of flax
products sold by the state to the
Miles linen mills, and corrobor
ated a previous witness that the
wage paid to convicts had been
reduced 60 per cent.
The witness admitted that per
sons employed in other depart
ments at the prison had been
paid out of the flax funds. He
mentioned the name of Mrs. Eu
gene Halley, matron of the pen
itentiary, in this connection.
Attorney General YanWinkle
testified that he had Informed
Bartram verbally that neither he
nor any other person had author
ity to borrow money for the state
flax Industry on warehouse re
ceipts or anything else.
In a later opinion. VanWinkle
said he held that the board of
control had authority to enter
into a contract whereby the linen
mills would pay for their flax
materials in advance.
Kay contended that the loan
transaction was based on the lat
ter opinion.
DeMytt on Stand
Leo, DeMytt, foreman of the
state flax Industry, since 192$,
told of his experience in flax pro
cessing both in Belgium and the
United States. He testified that
the Oregon state flax plant was
modern, based on finenss of
products produced.
DeMytt admitted that he had
been ordered out on a $6000 a
year offer by Bartram for five
years service in Russia, but that
these negotiations had been in
progress for sometime
"The production of the Oregon
flax industry is tar ntore efficient
now than previous to the admin
istration of Bartram and Mey
ers." the witness said.
DeMytt said the flax properties
bsd been handled properly and
that Bartram had not disrupted
operations at the state plant since
he filed his resignation sometime
Governor Meier Indicated that
he would attempt to show a con
nection between the proposal to
build flax pullers at the prison
for the Russian government, and
Bertram's plan to located in Rus
sia after he terminates his pres
ent employment.
Following request of the
school board to that end, the city
school superintendent yesterday
mailed out letters to colleges and
high schools in the state asking
for information on arrangements
for practice teaching.
The letter asks particularly
who directs the supervision of
practice teachers who are stu
dents In the colleges and who
teach in high or grade schools as
part of their work. It also seeks
to know what salary Is paid
where there is a supervisor and
to whom the salary is paid.
The questions arose when Wil
lamette university notified the
Salem school superintendent that
it would pay $500 a year toward
salary of R. W. Tavenner, secondary-supervisor
In the. Salem
schools, if Tavenner would as
sume supervision ot the Willam
ette seniors teaching in .the high
school. The school board de
sired further Information on the
practice In other places before
accepting the offer, here.
It was pointed - out at the
hoard meeting that Mr. Tavenner
is virtually dofflg this work now.
Another question, locally is
whether the sum offered by Wil
lamette should be added to the
supervisor's salary or placed in
the school board funds for the
board to do with it as it sees fit.
FALLS CITY, April 17 The
Independence high school base
ball team defeated the Falls City
nine here today 14 to 2
Hearing Will Take 2 More
T Days Indicated; on at '.
9:30 This Morning
, (Continued- from page I) ; .
other Institutions and their administrators.'-:,
-VA . .j r. ;..
' At the outset ' ot the hearing
Governor Meier said, he had been
adlsed that Mr. Meyers had re
fused to honor subpoenaes . Issued
by the executive department for
the attendance of certain peniten
tiary employes, unless such sub
poenaes had received the indorse
ment of the state board of con
trol. Neither Hoss nor Kay made
any objection io these subpoenaes.
provided that the witnesses at
tended' the hearing one at 'a time.
Allan Carson, attorney for Mr.
Meyers, then requested that the
hearing be dettyed tor one week
in order that all persons 'inter-'
ested In the proceeding might be
given an opportunity to prepare
their case. - - -
"I sought to. have the hearing
postponed tor at least a week."
Governor Meier replied, "but Mr.
Meyers objected and demanded
an Immediate investigation. As
a result of Mr. Meyers demand,
your point is not well taken at
this time." '
State Treasurer Kay then ask
ed Governor Meier if he Intended
to conduct the examination ot
witnesses and at the same time
act as a Judge.
"I reel that the time has ar
rived when I should be governor,"
replied the executive. No one
can deny that my efforts have
been. thwarted in the past. I teel
that there ahould be a showdown,
and that we should sit as business
men for future gain and In the
interest ot state business.
"I have entered this hearing
with the cards stacked against
me. By virtue ot being governor
I am chairman of the board of
control and I Intend to conduct
this Investigation In the Interest
of state rights. I Intend to be
Kay interposed the remark that
if the governor was to prosecute
the charges against Mr. Meyer,
other members ot the board of
control should have equal rights.
Kay said he accepted Governor
Meier's statement to mean- that
the governor was on the side of
the Investigation and the secretary
ot state and the 'state treasurer
on the other. Kay declared that
this was not true.
"You have charged that the
cards are stacked against you,"
interposed Hoss, in addressing
Governor Meier. "Don't you
think that I am capable ot listen
ing to this testimony fairly and
Kay then suggested that the
charges be outlined. He added
that the state flax Industry,
which apparently was under tire
In (he investigation, bad been
under direct supervision ot Col
onel W. B. Bertram, and not un
der the direction of Mr. Meyers.
"Bartram already has been re
moved," continued Mr. Kay, "and
I am one of the three members of
the board of control who voted for
his ouster." .
"We will prove incompetency
on the part of Mr. Meyers and
mismanagement of the state peni
tentiary and the state flax indus
tries," Governor Meier said in
outlining his charges against the
prison officlaL
like this...
These low coach fares, to
San Francisco and Los An
.celes aare yen many dol
lacs. We invite you to com
pare their advantages with
anr other form of travel at -a
similar price...
m aw
...700 have yoor choice of
four floe trains daily, carry- ,
lag comfortable coaches or
the new zeeiining chair cars.
No worry or strain. You
ride in complete safety.
Fifty pounds of baggage
checked free on these
. tickets. For a few dollars .
i extra, the additional com
fort of a tourist sleeper.
CUy Ticket Office
184 N. Liberty, TeL 4042
Passenger Depot, 13th and Oak
Tel. 4408
April 18. 1931
The Gall
.Today Jack Oakie la
Sea Legs." -
e . . , - ".": e
Today Chester Morris
In "The- Bat Whispers.",
Today Normal Shearer In
"Strangers 'May Kiss.
. - - i j-.
- Today Buck Jones In
"Dawn TraiL"
- -
"The Bat Whispers" is an ex
cellent show. It has ; suspense
without being maudlin, or, over
done: it has plot: It nas some ex
cellent acting; It has humor and
it has excellent photography.
Chester Morris does some char
acter acting that gives the show
an Interest which It has never had
before on the screen. He is not a
pleasing character but ' he does
rise to heights in acting.
Maude Eburne as Lizzie Allen.
the house keeper, gives the best
interpretation ot her role which
has ever been given It, In my
opinion. The audience fairly
"whooped" with laughter Friday
afternoon in some ot the
spooky" places Just because of
"Lizzie." She alone Is worth the
price ot the show.
Tou will enjoy this old mystery
story made new -and better than
ever before with a new cast and
"The Ghosts of Lollypop Bay,"
a two-act operetta, was presented
before a large number of Inter
ested onlookers Friday evening
at Parrlsh. Junior high school.
The plot concerned affairs of the
heart of three different couples;
the principals of a girls' school
and of a boys' school across the
bay, a pupil from each ot the
schools, and the negro servant
of each Institution.
The fallowing students com
prised the cast: Miss Jemima
Steel, principal , of the girls
school, Joyce Phelps; Mary, lead
er among the girls, Frances Hus
ton; her chums Midge and Molly,
Mary Jane Adams and June Di
rector; Dinah, girls' school col
ored maid, Clara Belle Burn-
side; Professor Alvin Flint, prin
cipal of the boys' school. Ward
Elliott; Dick, leader ot the boys,
Ervin Potter; his chums, Harry
and Tom.. Robert Clark and Har
old Beall; and Marcus Adam
Johnson, a negro servant at the
boys' school, Vernon Donagalla.
In addition to these there was a
girls' chorus and a boys chorus
made up of other members ot
the music department.
Miss Helen Prang, music di
rector at Parrlsh Junior high,
produced a creditable operetta
through her direction ot its per
formers. An orchestra of nine
students furnished music for the
Home e aV9l Talkies
Mickey Mouse Matinee
Today 1:30 P. M.
Sea Legs'
- . s Also, Serial- v .
Fables Comedy, News,' and ,
. Educational Comedy' ;
. ; . .Coming Sunday
fr Kuin
Governor Is Interviewed by
Member of Senior Class
Clarion Mews Staff
Feature - of the senior class
edition of. the hih school Clar
ion off the press yesterday, was
an interview with Governor Jul
lns Meier, all "questions asked the
governor having direct bearing en
high school and high sehool ' ae-
' Governor: Meier - declared he
did not think, hlch school athlet
ics, except In a - few localities.
were over-emphasized; that he
believes " eztra-currienlsr activi
ties are excellent for students
and that he didn't know whether
the . present course of study
should be changed, or altered.
.'Offering. 'at the. reporter's re
quest, advice for high school stu
dents, be said:
""First get a good fundamental
education; then follow that up
with higher education if possi
ble. If not. make the best of the
opportunities ; offered by your
high school education. Make the
best of every break you get and
work It to the best for yourself.
Work hard in every undertaking.
and never say quit. When a man
sets out to do a thing, he can us
ually do that thing, provided It
is worthwhile. -
Jean Eastridr was editor of
the senior edition. -
Americans Are
Fleeing From
Puerto Cabezas
aua. Anrll 17 fAPin. j Rni.
a sal, local manager of Standard
ran jo. nere. tonight reported
that all Americana In thf AiatrM
were evacuating their homes and
businesses In consequence of Se
cretary of State Stimson's warn
ing the American government
MEETS AT 10:30 A. M.
All Members 5 Cents
I I lift A
i C4 - ii ii mo i
v ' Bark A
r.r " With A
-w i'tn
' v Laughs
1 Z.. v
could not undertake their general
Salasst said he bad received a
telegram from Alvin T. Rowe,
American consul at Blueflelds re
laying the warning.
The consul asked that this be
given widest circulation.
successful van
Willamette - university T. if.
C. A. group s a named np Its work
since Easter, llje, and found that
the most successful year la Its
history has Just been completed,
according, to the cabinet officers
1jf fv n.. ta1t 4.t
that term..
The new. group of officers will
start active work as soon as the
budget is approved.
..Work for last year Is as fol
lows: A budget twice as big as for
merly was raised. A delegation
was seat'to Seabeck for the north
west T. M. C A. conference. In
coming frosh men were presented
with a copy of the Intercolleglan,
national Y. M. C. A. publication.
Astag mix and cooperative with
the T. W. C. A. freshman recep
tion was staged.
Equipment was added to the
clubhouse. Cor est o cottage. Dis
cussion meetings were held week
ly. A series ot meetings on social
hygiene was held. Several speak
ers were brought to the campus,
including J. Stitt Wilson and
Owen Oeer.
' A Christian service team of
men was available- to all churches
In the valley. Contributions "were
made to the northwest field coun
cil and to the national council. :
Valsetz Choker
Setter Killed
PORTLAND. Ore.. April 17.
fAP Chris Kisheff. $0. of Val
setz, Ore., was fatally injured at
Valsets today while setting a
choker for the Cobbs and Mitchell
Logging company.
Kisheff suffered a f racturea
skull. He died here tonight.
May K is:
a od x
S ai